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Posting 20b1 SMP English


Academic year: 2017

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Penyusunan kurikulum Bahasa Inggris pada Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional mengacu pada Standar Isi dan Standar Kompetensi Lulusan yang diperkaya dengan kurikulum, pembelajaran, dan penilaian dari salah satu negara anggota OECD dan/ atau negara maju lainnya yang mempunyai keunggulan tertentu dalam bidang pendidikan dan dikembangkan dengan cara mengadaptasi atau mengadopsi.

Pendekatan kurikulum “SBI” di bidang pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dilakukan secara menyeluruh untuk mempersiapkan suatu struktur pengembangan kemampuan berpikir, tingkah laku dan individu yang dapat berdiri sendiri serta menciptakan suatu pembelajaran seumur hidup.

Bahasa Inggris merupakan alat untuk berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulis. Berkomunikasi adalah memahami dan mengungkapkan informasi, pikiran, perasaan, dan mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan budaya. Kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam pengertian yang utuh adalah kemampuan berwacana, yakni kemampuan memahami dan/atau menghasilkan teks lisan dan/atau tulis yang direalisasikan dalam empat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca dan menulis. Keempat keterampilan inilah yang digunakan untuk menanggapi atau menciptakan wacana dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Oleh karena itu, mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris diarahkan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan-keterampilan tersebut agar lulusan mampu berkomunikasi dan berwacana dalam bahasa Inggris pada tingkat literasi tertentu.

Pada akhirnya akan menciptakan sosok manusia yang mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif, memiliki percaya diri yang tinggi, kritis dalam berfikir dan mampu memecahkan masalah serta berperan aktif baik secara mandiri maupun dalam kelompok.


lancar untuk menyelesaikan masalah sehari-hari. Namun demikian, tidak hanya secara fungsional – memahami kaidah bahasa—tetapi juga secara kritis memahami bahwa bahasa terkait dengan budaya, dan masyarakat.

Pada bagian berikut akan ditemukan materi/ kalimat yang diberi tanda garis bawah (under lined), yang merupakan bagian yang memperkaya Standar Isi (SI) dengan cara adopsi atau adaptasi dari kurikulum negara yang diacu.


The objective of teaching English in International Standard Schools is to develop the abilities of students to make them able to:

a. develop listening skills through using various media.

b. communicate with others in English orally and in written correctly.

c. present information, opinions, ideas, etc. in organized manners with correct grammar and pronunciation

d. comprehend more variety of readings with the maximum of 200 pages novels by using many kinds of reading techniques.

e. write various types of writings (narratives, descriptions, argumentations, procedures, reports, formal letters, poems, drama scripts, etc).

f. appreciate simple literatures in verbal and in written. g. analyze films, poems, books, and other media. h. use English in daily life and in formal settings

i. develop the understanding of relationship between language and cultures


Learning processes that are used in teaching English are as follows: a. applying experiential learning

b. providing challenges to achieve required progress c. relating materials with students’ abilities and interests d. using language skills


f. encouraging students to appreciate different people, races, nations, and religions g. motivating students to be independent learners

h. training students how to work either in big groups or small groups

i. creating conducive physical and psychological environment to support students’ development


There are five aspects that should be taught continuously to students so they can master the language. Those aspects are:

a. Listening

b. Speaking

c. Reading

d. Writing

e. Viewing

f. Grammar

The descriptions of each aspect are as follows: a. Listening

- to comprehend more complex instruction

- to comprehend more diverse and longer narratives, procedures, reports, speeches, lectures, announcements, etc. for thirty minutes at the maximum.

- to comprehend more complex information from what they hear through audio and audio-visual media.

- to comprehend long conversation from two or more than two people. - to identify different pronunciation of speakers (Americans, Australians,

British, etc.)

b. Speaking

- to interact with other people fluently and accurately in daily conversation and/or in a formal setting directly and/or on the phone using a broad range


- to express personal opinions, agreements, disagreements, suggestions, praises, appreciation, admiration, attention, desires, etc.

- to lead discussions in small groups.

- to present fifteen-minute speeches, information, and presentations accurately and fluently.

- to make comments on films, books, or any other media in details. - to use more complex sentences in expressing ideas and opinions.

c. Reading

- to pronounce four syllables words correctly and fluently - to use intonation and punctuation accurately

- to comprehend various types of writings (simple scientific writings, newspapers, magazines, reports, business letters, etc.)

- to use various reading techniques in reading any reading materials - to comprehend 200-page novels.

- to comprehend some terminologies in reading various materials (not only school textbooks).

d. Writing

- to write short writing (book reports, procedures, journals, short stories, essays) for the maximum of 2 pages

- to use more complex grammar rules in writing

- to make compositions, poems, advertisements, comments, notes, letters, etc. with correct grammars.

- to review books, articles, films, poems, etc. in 500 words

- to master the processes of writing (collecting materials, determining the readers, explaining ideas in written, making outlines, writing, rewriting, editing, and finalizing the writing)

e. Viewing


- to comprehend various types of films, dramas, and other performances. - to analyze the maximum of one-hour news, scientific films, dramas, and

other performances with critical thinking.

f. Grammar

The level of grammar teaching in middle school is in intermediate level. Students should be able to understand more complex grammars. However, the teaching of grammar should be internalized in every aspects of English learning. Students should also apply the grammars in their speaking, responding, and writing.


The evaluation is used to develop students in learning English, to provide guidance and feedback to students’ achievements, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs.

a. Types of Evaluation

- Formative

The evaluation is done in each unit to diagnose what students have known and understood. The result can be used to plan the following programs.

- Summative

The evaluation is done at the end of teaching learning process. This evaluation is for giving opportunities to students in showing their whole comprehension.

b. Principles of Evaluation

a. Valid

b. Educative

c. Open

d. Fair

e. Comprehensive

c. Criteria

- Knowledge and Concept

- Skills


- Action

d. Techniques of Evaluation - Observation

Teacher observes and records all situations happening in class including the development of students in learning English.

- Production

Teacher evaluates students’ writings and/or “pen and pencil tests.

- Performances

Students can show their abilities in English by performing many kinds of plays (dramas, skits, monologues, etc.).

- Presentation

Teacher can evaluate how students explain their ideas, opinions, speeches, etc.

- Reflection

Students write what they have learned in English class that is useful and beneficial for their development as a person.

- Project

Students should do a task in a period of time determined by the teacher. The project includes planning, collecting data, organizing information, reporting, and presenting the results.

- Portfolio


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