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According to The Liang Gie (1994:28), interest is one of the main factors for success in the study. Studies in the United States about one of the main causes of the failure of the students study suggests that the cause is lack of interest. In more detail the importance of interest in relation to the implementation of the study is to bear interest attention immediately, interest facilitate the creation of concentration, interest in preventing interference from outside attention, interest in strengthening the adhesion of learning materials in memory, reduce boredom and interest in her studies.

Any activity conducted not in accordance with the interest will result in less favorable performance. It can be said that the fulfillment of a person's interest will get pleasure and inner satisfaction which can lead to motivation. S.C. Utami Munandar (1985:11) states that interest may also be a motivating force. Achievement someone is always influenced by variety and intensity of interest. Interests cause satisfaction. A child tends to repeat actions that are based on their interest and this interest may persist for life.

Thus, interest in learning is a very important factor in the success of student learning. Besides, interest in learning can also support and influence the teaching-learning process in schools. However, in practice no fewer teachers Arts (Art) obstacles in the classroom, due to lack of student interest in learning art in particular Arts. If this happens, then the learning process will experience obstacles in achieving the learning objectives.

Based on the author's experience, the learning takes place when students are less enthusiastic in following lessons. Only a small proportion of students who can understand and carry out the task with gusto. Most students work on assigned tasks with a feeling forced or frightened. This leads to the task given unsatisfactory results so impressed so long. If they were, why they do not have the talent in the arts or do not have the talent to draw. With conditions like this, teachers need to find ways how to foster student interest in learning, especially Arts.

B. Concept Interests Learning

Understanding interest


person to confront or deal with people, objects, activities, experiences stimulated by the activity itself.

From the various opinions that have been expressed, it can be concluded that the interest is a sense of love or attracted to something or someone activities that encourage them to do something activities. Interests can also be regarded as a desire or willingness that is an encouragement for someone to do a thing or activity without any coercion from outside himself. Interest can be defined as a relatively sedentary life trend to a person and is usually accompanied by feelings of pleasure. So the interest can be expressed through a statement indicating that the person is more like a case of the more things through participation in an activity. Interests no such innate talent, but later obtained.

Definition of Learning

There are several definitions proposed by the experts on learning, they generally emphasize the element of change and experience. According to Witherington (in Sukmadinata 2007:155) states that learning is a change in personality, which manifested as a new pattern of response in the form of skills, attitudes, habits, knowledge, and skills. Crow and Crow (in Sukmadinata 2007:155) argues that learning is acquired habits, knowledge and attitudes. Meanwhile, according to Hilgar (1962:252) explains that learning is a process in which an emergent behavior or changed because of the response to any situation.

Based on the experience element emphasis on learning the definition suggested by experts, among others, according to Di Vesta and Thompson (1970:112) states that learning is a change in behavior that is relatively settled as a result of experience. Gage and Berliner (1970:256) argues that learning is a process of change in behavior that comes from experience. Meanwhile, according to Hilgard (1983:630), suggests that learning can be formulated as brelatif permanent behavioral changes that occur because of the experience.


of learning, because students interest is the main factor that determines the degree of involvement of the student, the lessons learned when the material is not in accordance with the interests of students, then students will not learn as well as possible, because there is no appeal him. Therefore, to overcome the lack of student interest in learning, teachers should strive to create conditions for certain how the students always need and want to keep learning. Interest in learning is very supportive and influencing the implementation process of teaching and learning in schools which ultimately lead to the achievement of learning objectives.

C.Faktor factors affecting interest in learning

Interests of learners will determine its success in the learning process. There are several factors that influence it. These factors were derived from outside of himself or herself and the environment, among others, the following:

1. Factor in students, which consists of:

a. Physical aspects, including physical condition or physical health of the individual student. Physical condition and a very supportive learning success could affect interest in learning. But if there is a physical health problem, especially in the senses of sight and hearing, automatic learning may lead to a lack of interest in him.

b. Psychological aspects (psychological), according Sardiman (1994:44) psychological factors include attention, observation, feedback, fantasy, memory, thinking, talent, and motives. In the following discussion is not all psychological factors were discussed, but only part of it is highly correlated with interest in learning.

Attention is energy psychology concentration fixed on an object lesson or awareness that accompanies learning activities. Without a focus on learning activity will have an impact on the lack of mastery of the subject matter, so that the results achieved in the study are less satisfactory. Lack of attention to the material being studied also resulted in a lack of interest in learning on students.

Memory, would theoretically function to imbibe or receive impressions from the outside, save an impression, and the impression produced. Therefore, memory is the ability to receive, store, and produce impressions in the study. Students who have less memory that greatly affect the interest to learn.


the ability to understand something. One's talents will support success in learning. If someone does not have the talent, will affect his interest in learning. In the study of art, many children are less willing to learn because it is not talented. Hence talent affect the interest in learning.

2.Faktor from outside the student, including:

a. Families, including family relationships, the atmosphere of the home environment, and the economic circumstances of the family.

b. School, including teaching methods, curriculum, facilities and infrastructure, learning resources, instructional media, his relationship with the students, teachers and staff sekolahserta kokurikuler activities.

c. The community, including relationships with friends socializing, activities in the community, and the neighborhood.

From the above it is understood that the factors of self-esteem and outer dar interrelated foster student interest in learning. If these factors do not support the resulting lack or loss of student interest. Lack or loss of student interest due to the many things that can indirectly affect the achievement of learning outcomes. According to JT. Loekmono (1985:97), the factors that cause a lack or loss of interest in learning sisbwa are as follows:

Physical abnormalities in the eyes, ears, glands, highly embarrass the child attend classes or run errands in the classroom.

Less stimulating classes in children. Child's ability level well above that required to follow the lessons in the classroom, resulting in the child feeling bored.

Psychiatric problems or difficulties that caused him to retreat or escape from reality. In this case the child will exhibit symptoms similar everywhere, which showed no interest or pay attention to anything outside of the classroom.

The main concern of the children poured out to activities outside the classroom, such as: sports, activities in the classroom, work that requires mechanical skill, or doing activities that

can make money.

His attitude seemed to have no concern or interest is really just an attitude of pretending. The real situation is that he wants to give the impression of such, so people can accept the fact that he did not compete / or unable to compete with others, he considered far more

capable than he himself.


D. Factor-factors that can foster interest in learning

Some education experts found the most effective way to generate interest in a new subject is to use students' interests that already exist. According to Tanner and Tanner (1975) suggested that teachers be trying to create new interests in students. This can be accomplished through the giving of information to the students about the material to be by connecting the last lesson materials, and described its use in the future. Roijakters (1980) argued that this unusual achieved by connecting learning materials with the sensational news, which was already

known to the students.

Harry Kitson (in the pits gie 1995:130) argues that there are two rules of interest (the laws of interest), which reads:

To foster interest in a subject, try to obtain information about it To foster interest in a subject, do activities related to it.

Interest in learning will grow if we try to find as many details as possible about the various subjects, eg significance or charm, and other aspects that may be of interest. The information can be obtained from the handbook. encyclopedias, teachers and senior students who are interested in or are interested in the subject. Besides, it is necessary for activities related subjects, for example through the arts subjects try to follow what to do whether to draw or paint. With the measures students' interest towards the subjects that will grow.

JT. Loekmono (1985:98), suggests that the ways to foster student interest in learning are as follows:

Check the physical condition of the child, to find out if this aspect is the cause. Use methods that are varied and interesting learning media that can stimulate children to learn Helping children receive mental health conditions better. Checks on people or other teachers, whether attitudes and behavior is only found in your study or also shown in another class when it was taught by other teachers. Maybe the neighborhood kids are less concerned with school and learning. In this case the people in the house need to be convinced of the importance of

learning for children.

Try to find something that can attract the attention of children, or moved his interest. When his interest moved, then the interest can be transferred to other activities in the school.


interest in learning, needs to be built by certain motives in mind of the student. There are five important motives that can encourage students to do their best studies, namely:

A desire hard to get those numbers better in school.

An inner urge to satisfy curiosity in one or another field of study The desire to enhance personal growth and development.

The desire to receive praise from parents, teachers, or friends. Aspires to be successful in the future in a specific discipline.

Besides, the use of instructional media in the teaching-learning process can also foster student interest. It is a saying which Hamalik (in Arsyad Azhar 2007:15) who argued that the use of instructional media in teaching and learning can generate new desires and interests, motivational and learning stimulation, and even carry psychological effects on students . From some of the opinions that have been raised can be understood that many factors that can foster or generate interest in learning for students. Just how the effort we have to do as a teacher in solving this problem, so that students find it helpful to follow his interest in learning. Students who have different characters require different handling, including the growing interest in learning. With the efforts of teachers and others in the growing interest in learning for students, is expected to achieve the learning goals which ultimately focused on

student success.

E. Closing

Interest in learning is one of the components that influence learning success. To foster interest in learning on students, we must first consider what is the background that causes reduced or even lost interest in learning. Then we take what steps we need to do to foster student interest in learning. Thus, efforts to cultivate interest in learning according to the target.



Arsyad, Azhar. 2007. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.

Munandar,S.C. Utami. 1985. Mengembangkan Bakat dan Kreativitas Anak Sekolah: Petunjuk bagi Para Guru dan Orang Tua. Jakarta: Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia. Sardiman, AM.1992. Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar: Pedoman bagi Guru dan Calon Guru. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.

Sukmadinata, Nana Syaodih. 2007. Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.

Djaali, H. 2006. Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.


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