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D PLS 1009570 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Abdulhak, I. (2000a). Metodologi Pembelajaran Orang Dewasa.Bandung L Andira.

Agnaou, F (2003) Gender, Literacy,And Empowerment In Morocco. NY.Routledge

Bandura, A. (1997). Self efficacy in changing societies. UK: Cambridge University Press

Basleman, M, S (2011) Teori Belajar orang Dewasa. Bandung: Rosda

Beutler.L.E dan Marmat.,G.,G (2006) Integrative Assessmentof Adult Personality. NY. THE GUILFORD PRESS

Boeree, G (2006) Personality Theories, Introduction. Shippensburg University: Psychology Department

Borg and Gall. (1989). Educational Research, New York :Pinancing. Washington: The Word Bank.

Christodoulou, I (2014) Philosophy’s Humanistic Dynamism.European Scientific Journal .Special edition 2.hlm 73-79

Coklar.,A.N (2014) Primary School Preservice Teachers’ Technolgical Pedagogical Content Knowledge Competency in terms of Gender and ICT Use Phase. Education and Science Journal.39 (175) hlm 319-330

English.,L.MdanMayo.,P (2012) Learning with Adults A Critical Pedagogical Introduction. Rotterdam. Sense Publishers

Eysenk.H.J (1997) Dimensions of Personality. New Jersey. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd.

Findsen.,B dan Formosa.,M (2011) Lifelong Learning in Later LifeA Handbook on Older Adult Learning. Rotterdam. Sensei Publishers

Frankel. Jack. (1990), How to Design and Evaluate Research Instrumen Education.Mc.Graw Hill Publising.Coy.

Freire, P (2009). Politik pendidikan kebudayaan, kekuasaan dan Pembebasan. Yogyakarta. Pustaka Pelajar


Mervielde, I. Deary, F. DeFruyt, & F. Ostendorf (Eds.), Personality Psychology in Europe (Vol. 7). The Netherlands: Tilberg University Press Hase.S, dan Kenyon.,CSelf-Determined Learning. Heutagogy in Action.London .


Harodecka, A (2013) Humanistic Vision Of Man: Hope For Success, Emotional Intelligence And Pro-Social Engagement. International Journal of Arts & Sciences 6 (2) hlm 162-166

Hidayat, A (2010). Pengaruh Peran Pemimpin Dan Learning Organization Terhadap Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran di PKBM Se-Kota Cimahi. UPI

Hufad, A., Pramudia Jhoni R, Supariatna Sardien (2010), Studi Tentang Implementasi Program Belajar Sepanjang Hayat di Indonesia. Bandung: PPs UPI.

Intel Education. 2007. Program Pengajaran Intel: Getting Started. Intel Foundation, US.

Jarvis, P et al (2004).The theory & practice of learning.London.Taylor& Francis e-Library.

Jarvis, P. (2005) Adult Education And Lifelong Learning. 3rd Edition.NY:Routledge Falmer

Johnson, DW(1991). Positive aspects of individual learning & criticisms against individual learning. Cooperative Learning.

Jorgensen.,D (2016) Philosophy At A Crossroads. Philosophy Today, 59 (4) hlm 611-622

Kamil, M. (2010).Model Pendidikandan Pembelajaran (Konsep dan Aplikasi). Bandung: Alfabeta.

Kasschau,R (1995) Understanding Psychology. Ohio. Mc Graww Hill

Knapper, C.K. & Cropley, A.J.(2000). Lifelong Learning in Higher Education. London: Kogan Page.

Knowless.,Holton,E.,Fdan Swanson, R., A (2005) The adult learner. UK: Elsevier Inc.


Kominfo. (2010). Buku Putih Komunikasi dan Informatika Indonesia. Jakarta: Pusat Data Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika.

Kozlowski S.W.J dan Salas E (2010) Learning, Training, and Development in Organizations. NY. Routledge

Marzuki, Saleh( 2010). Pendidikan Non Formal. Bandung :Rosda. Nazir, M (2003) Metode Penelitian. Bogor. Ghalia

Noe.R.A, Raymond, Gerhatdan Wright (2008). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Alih bahasaWijaya. Jakarta: Salemba Raya

ONeil., W (2008) Ideologi-ideologi Pendidikan. Alih bahasa Naomi. Yogyakarta. Pustala Pelajar

Robert. B.W dan Hogan.,R (2001) Personality psychology in the workplace. Washington DC. American Psychological Association, xv, 337 pp. 275-282 Saaduloh, (2010) Pengantar Filsafat Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta

Schunk, D,H., (2012) Learning Theories. NY: Pearson Education

Sudjana, D.a(2010a). Manajemen Program Pendidikan. Bandung: Falah

______,b (2010b). Evaluasi ProgramPendidikan Luar Sekolah. Bandung : Rosda ______,c( 2010c). Pendidikan NonFormal. Bandung: Falah.

______,a (2007a).Sistem danManajemen Pelatihan. Bandung: Falah.

______,b(2007b). Metode & teknik pembelajaran partisipatif . Bandung: Falah. Sugiyono (2012). Memhami Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Alfabeta

Suseno, F.M (2005) fijar-fijar Filsafat.Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Suryadi, A. Dan Budimansyah (2009) Paradigma Kebijakan Pendidikan. Bandung. Rosdakarya



Ayodele. O.B dan Adedokun., M.,O (2010) Towards Achieving Functional Adult Literacy European Scientific Journal March edition 8 (5) hlm 209-235 Ashton.,J dan Elliott.,R (2007) Juggling the balls—study, work, family and

play: student perspectives on flexible and blended heutagogy. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 15 (2) hlm 167-181

Beqiri , E (2010) ICT And E-Learning Literacy as an Important Component for The New Competency-Based CurriculumFramework in Kosovo. Journal of Research in Educational Sciences.1(1).hlm 7-21

Bhoyrub, J et al (2010) Heutagogy: An alternative practice based learning approach. Nurse Education in Practice 10 hlm 322e -326

Blaschke.,L.,M (2014) Using social media to engage and develop the online learner in self-determined learning. Research in Learning Technology. 22.hlm 1-23

Bryan V.C Self-Directed Learning and Technology.www eddigest.com.diakses 23 Februari 2016

Canipe .,J.B dan Brocket.,R.G (2003)New Perspectives on Self-Directed Learning. Adult Learning.14 (4) hlm 1-5

Cohrane.,T dan Narayan.,V (2013) Redesigning professional development: reconceptualising teaching usingsocial learning technologies. Research in Learning Technology 21 hlm 1-19

Conradie.,P.W (2011) Supporting Self-Directed Learning by Connectivism andPersonal Learning Environments.International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3. hlm 254-259

Clapper. T.,C (2010) Beyond Knowles: What Those Conducting Simulation Need to Know About Adult Learning Theory. Clinical Simulation in Nursing 6, hlm e7-e14

Chen. M danFang.,X (2012) leisure motivation: an integrative review.Social behavior and personality, 40(7)hlm1075-1082

Cutts.,Q.M (2012) A Critical Pedagogy of Place. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing.28 (3) hlm 142-150

Fees et al (2014) C h i n e s e K i n d e r g a r t e n


Galdiolo, S. dan Roskam,I (2012) The transition to parenthood and development

of parents’ personality and emotional competencies. International Review of Sociology Revue Internationale de Sociologis 22 (1) hlm 53-70

Garnett, F dan Ecclesfield (2015). The emergent le arning model; using the informal processes Of learning to address the digital agenda for europe. The 11th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education Bucharest hlm 116-121

Gibson.S.dan Skaalid.B (2004) Teacher Professional Development to Promote Constructivist Uses of the Internet: A Study of One Graduate-Level Course. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 12 (4) hlm 577-592 Gojkov,G (2011) Education as a Factor of Intercultural Communication. e p s J

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Hiemstra, D. and W. Kraaij (1998).Twenty-One at TREC-7: Ad-hoc and cross-language track. In Proceedings of the seventh Text Retrieval Confer-ence TREC-7, pp. 227{238.NIST Special Publication 500-242.

Jackson.,L (2008), Dialogic Pedagogy for Social Justice: A Critical Examination. Stud PhilosEduc 27hlm137–148

Jones, C et al (2014) Claiming the future of enterprise education. Educational and Trainig 56 (8/9) hlm 764-775

Jou, M.J dan Wu.,S (2012)Development of a Web-based System to Support Self-Directed Learning of Microfabrication Technologies. Educational Technology & Society, 15(4), 205–213.

Judge,T et al (199) The big five personality traits, general mental ability, and career success across the life span. Personnel Psychology. 52(3)621-652

Kang,D (2007). Rhizoactivity:Toward A Post Modern Theory of Life long Learning. Adult Educational Quartely..57 (3) hlm205-220.

Karakas.,F dan Manisaligil.A (2012) Reorienting self-directed learning for the creative digital era. European Journal of Training and Development 36 No. 7, hlm 712-731

Kiridis .A et al (2006)Teachers Facing Information and Communication Technology (ICT): The Case of Greece Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 14(1) 75-96


Lai.J H (2011) The Influence of Adult Learners’ Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Network Literacy on Online Learning Effectiveness: A Study of Civil Servantsin Taiwan. Educational Technology & Society, 14 (2), 98–106.

Little.,B dan Knihova., L (2014) Modern trends in learning architecture. Industrial And Commercial Training. 46 ( 1 ) hlm 34-38.

MaèNtysalo, R. (2002) Dilemmas in Critical Planning Theory.TPR, 73 (4) hlm.417-436.

Mayhew, J.A (2008) Adult Learners’ Perceptions Of Their Employers’

LeadershipBehaviors And Their Own Readiness For Self-Directed Learning. Indiana Wesleyan University. Dissertation

Merriam, S , B. (2001) Andragogy and Self-Directed Learning: Pillars of Adult Learning Theory New Directions For Adult And Continuing Education, 89. hlm 3-12

Michelle Phaup, K. (2003). Striving Toward A CriticalTheory OfTechnology Pedagogy In Literacy Education, Publications of the Modern Language Association ofAmerica.

Mishra et al (2013)Creativity, Self-Directed Learning and theArchitecture of Technology Rich Environments. TechTrends. 57 (1) hlm 10 -13

Mndzebele.N (2013) Teachers Readiness in Using ICT in the Classroom: The Case of a Developing Country. /IJIET.2013.V3.309. hlm 409-412

Nanda, A dan Ramesh D.,B (2012) Assessment of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy among Teachers and Practitioners in the Field of Disability.International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology | January-March 2012 | Vol. 2 (1) hlm 54-61

Nourouzi et al (2013) Model of Learning Management System for Self-Directed LearningInternational Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology Vol. 4 (4 ) hlm 332-337

Ozyesil,Z. (2012) Five Factor Personality Traits as Predictor of Trait Anger and AngerExpression Education and ScienceVol. 37, No 163 hlm 323-332 Passila.,A et al (2012) Creating dialogue by storytelling. Journal of Workplace

Learning 25 No. 3, hlm 159-177


Quinney K.L et al (2011) Bridging the Gap: Self-DirectedStaff Technology Training.hlm 205-2013

Russo.,C.,J (2010) Reflections on Education as a Fundamental Human Right This article is an expanded version of a paper prepared for the Education Panel Session of the 2010 Beijing Forum, a multi-disciplinary international conferenceheld at Peking University, Beijing, China, 5-7

Salim.,M.U (2015) When Life Satisfaction among Adult Learners is at Odds with their Attitudes, Willingness, and Perception: Confronting the Self-Directed Learning. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies. Vol. 10 (1) hlm . 313-324

Shiveley.,J dan Misco.,T (2010) But How Do I Know About Their Attitudes and

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Sandona,L dan Aladi,U (2013) Broadening Neoclassical Human Capital Theory for the Attainment of Integral Human Development. Journal of Markets &Morality 16 (1) hlm 25–36

Sung, J dan Ryoo.,C (2011) An analysis of practical autonomy in education: The case of Korean Self-directed Learning Policy KJEP 8 (2 ) hlm. 345-363 Turner.K.C.N (2012) Rap Universal”: Using Multimodal Media Production to

Develop ICT Literacies. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 54(8).613-623

UNESCO (2005) UNESCO (2006) Education for All. Literacy for life. Paris. UNESCO Publishing

Ul-Ummi U.,Y.,F et al (2014) Impact Of Personality On Career Success. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies Vol. 9 No. 3 Nov. 2014, pp. 1064-1072

Valerio, A (2003) Estimating The Economic Benefits Of Adult Literacy programs: the case of ghana. Columbia UniversityDissertation

Vannatta. R. A.dan Fordham.,N (2004) Teacher Dispositions as Predictors of Classroom Technology Use. Journal of Research on Technology in Education.36 (3) hlm 253-271


Vrasidas.C dan Michalinos.,Z (2004) Online professional development: lessons from the field. Technology: Comprehensive Works, Education 46 (6/7) hlm 326-334

Xu, S. danXu, L.D. (2011).Management: a scientific discipline for humanity. Inf Technol Manag12.hlm51–54.

Yang, B (2003) Toward A Holistic Theory Of Knowledge And Adult Learning. Human Resources Development Review Journal . 2. hlm 106.

________ (2004) Can Adult Learning Theory Provide a Foundation for Human Resource Development.Advances in Developing Human Resources 2004 6: 129.

Walter, P (2009) Philosophies of Adult Environmental Education. Adul aducation Quarterly Vol. 60 No.1 2009. tersedia





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