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Academic year: 2021



Teks penuh





(Perseroan / Company)



I. Pendahuluan

Pedoman ini membahas mengenai hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi di Perseroan, seperti : tugas, tanggung jawab, wewenang, nilai-nilai, waktu kerja,

kebijakan rapat, pelaporan dan


Pedoman ini disusun dengan tujuan sebagai berikut :

- Sebagai pedoman bagi Dewan Komisaris Perseroan dalam melakukan pengawasan

secara profesional, transparan, dan

bertanggung jawab serta dengan

memperhatikan kepentingan perseroan, pemegang saham dan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan lainnya.

- Sebagai pedoman bagi Direksi Perseroan dalam melakukan pengurusan secara profesional, transparan, dan bertanggung

jawab serta dengan memperhatikan

kepentingan perseroan, pemegang saham dan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan lainnya.

Dewan Komisaris adalah organ Perseroan yang bertugas dan bertanggung jawab secara majelis atau kolektif dalam mengawasi pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Direksi dan memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi serta memastikan

Perseroan melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip Good

Corporate Governance (GCG).

Dewan Komisaris merupakan majelis dan setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris tidak dapat bertindak sendiri-sendiri, melainkan berdasarkan keputusan Dewan Komisaris.

Direksi adalah organ Perseroan yang berwenang dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas pengurusan Perseroan untuk kepentingan Perseroan, sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan serta



I. Introduction

These guidelines discuss matters relating to the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors in the Company, such as: duties, responsibilities, authorities, values, working time, meeting policy, reporting and accountability. These guidelines are prepared for the following purposes :

- As guidelines for the Board of Commissioners of the Company in conducting supervision in professionally, transparently and responsibly and with due regard to the interests of the company, shareholders and other interested parties.

- As guidelines for the Board of Directors of the

Company in conducting professional,

transparent and responsible management and with due regard to the interests of the company, shareholders and other interested parties.

The Board of Commissioners is the organ of the Company which has duties and is responsible assembly or collectively in overseeing the implementation of the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and advising the Board of Directors and ensuring that the Company implements the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). The Board of Commissioners is an assembly and each member of the Board of Commissioners cannot act individually, but based on the Board of Commissioners' decision.

The Board of Directors is the organ of the Company authorized and fully responsible for the maintenance of the Company for the interest of the Company, in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the


mewakili Perseroan, baik di dalam maupun di luar pengadilan sesuai dengan ketentuan anggaran dasar.

II. Dasar Hukum

− Undang-Undang No. 8 Tahun 1995 tentang Pasar Modal;

− Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 Tentang Perseroan Terbatas;

− Undang-Undang No. 21 Tahun 2011 tentang Otoritas Jasa Keuangan;

− Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 33 /POJK.04/2014 tanggal 8 Desember 2014 tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris; − Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 34

/POJK.04/2014 tanggal 8 Desember 2014 tentang Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi − Anggaran Dasar Perseroan.

III. Visi dan Misi Kepengurusan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan.

Visi Kepengurusan Dewan Komisaris: Pelaksanaan dan penerapan prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik (Good Corporate Governance) Dewan Komisaris PT. Tri Sembilan Prima, Tbk., dalam menjalankan pengawasan Perseroan agar sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan sebagaimana diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan.

Visi Kepengurusan Direksi:

Pelaksanaan dan penerapan prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik (Good Corporate Governance) oleh Direksi PT. Tri Sembilan Prima, Tbk., dalam menjalankan pengurusan Perseroan agar sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan sebagaimana diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan.

Misi Kepengurusan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi:

- Terlaksananya kontrol internal dan

manajemen risiko yang baik.

- Tercapainya imbal hasil (return) yang optimal bagi pemegang saham.

- Terlindunginya kepentingan dari pemangku kepentingan secara wajar.

Company and to represent the Company, both inside and outside the court in accordance with the provisions of the articles of association.

II. Legal Basis

− Law Number 8 of 1995 concerning the Capital Market;

− Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Company;

− Law Number 21 of 2011 concerning Financial Services Authority;

− Regulation of the Financial Services Authority Number 33/POJK.04/2014, dated December 8, 2014 concerning the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners;

− Regulation of the Financial Services Authority Number 34/POJK.04/2014, dated December 8, 2014 concerning Nomination and Remuneration Committee

− Articles of Association of the Company. III. Vision and Mission of the Board of

Commissioners and the Board of Directors. Management Vision of the Board of Commissioners:

Performance and implementation of good corporate governance principles by the Board of Commissioners of PT. Tri Sembilan Prima, Tbk., in conducting supervision of the Company in order to conform to the purposes and objectives as stipulated in the Company's Articles of Association

Management Vision of the Board of Directors:

Performance and implementation of Good Corporate Governance principles by the Board of Directors of PT. Tri Sembilan Prima, Tbk., in conducting the management of the Company in order to conform with the purposes and objectives as stipulated in the Company's Articles of Association.

Mission of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors:

- Realization of internal control and good risk management.

- Achieving an optimal return for shareholders. - To protect the interests of the stakeholders


- Terlaksananya suksesi kepemimpinan yang wajar demi kesinambungan manajemen di semua lini organisasi.

- Realization of a reasonable leadership

succession for the sustainability of management across all lines of the organization.




I. Tugas, Wewenang dan Tanggung Jawab Dewan


1. Tugas Dewan Komisaris

a. melakukan pengawasan dan bertanggung jawab atas pengawasan terhadap kebijakan pengurusan, jalannya pengurusan pada umumnya dan memberi nasihat kepada Direksi.

b. dalam kondisi tertentu, wajib

menyelenggarakan RUPS tahunan dan RUPS

lainnya sesuai dengan kewenangannya

sebagaimana diatur dalam peraturan

perundang-undangan dan anggaran dasar. c. melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab

dengan itikad baik, penuh tanggung jawab, dan kehati-hatian.

d. dalam rangka mendukung efektivitas

pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris wajib membentuk Komite Audit dan dapat membentuk komite lainnya.

e. melakukan evaluasi terhadap kinerja komite yang membantu pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sebagaimana dimaksud pada huruf (d), setiap akhir tahun buku. 2. Wewenang Dewan Komisaris

Dewan Komisaris berwenang untuk melakukan antara lain hal-hal sebagai berikut :

a. memberhentikan sementara anggota Direksi dengan menyebutkan alasannya.

b. dapat melakukan tindakan pengurusan

Perseroan dalam keadaan tertentu untuk jangka waktu tertentu sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam anggaran dasar atau keputusan RUPS. c. setiap waktu dalam jam kerja kantor Perseroan

berhak memasuki bangunan dan halaman atau tempat lain yang dipergunakan atau yang dikuasai oleh Perseroan dan berhak memeriksa semua pembukuan, surat dan alat bukti lainnya. 3. Tanggungjawab Dewan Komisaris

a. Bertanggung jawab penuh secara tanggung renteng atas kerugian Perseroan yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan atau kelalaian anggota Dewan Komisaris dalam menjalankan tugasnya.




I. Duties, Powers and Responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners

1. Duties of the Board of Commissioners a. Supervising and be responsible for oversight of

the management policy, the course of general management and give advice to the Board of Directors.

b. Under certain conditions, shall convene an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and other General Meeting of Shareholders in accordance with their respective powers as provided in the laws and articles of association. c. Carrying out duties and responsibilities in good

faith, full of responsibility, and prudence. d. In order to support the effectiveness of its

duties and responsibilities, the Board of Commissioners is obliged to establish an Audit

Committee and may establish other


e. Evaluating the performance of the committees that assist the implementation of its duties and responsibilities as referred to in letter (d), at the end of each financial year.

2. The authority of the Board of Commissioners The Board of Commissioners is authorized to undertake the following matters:

a. Temporarily suspend members of the Board of Directors by stating the reasons thereof. b. May perform the Company's management

actions in certain circumstances for a certain period of time as stipulated in the articles of association or resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

c. Every time during office hours of the Company, is entitled to enter the building and the premises or other location used or controlled by the Company and is entitled to inspect all books, letters and other evidence

3. Responsibility of the Board of Commissioners a. To be fully liable for the loss of the Company

due to the error or omission of members of the Board of Commissioners in performing their duties.


b. Anggota Dewan Komisaris tidak dapat

dipertanggungjawabkan atas kerugian

Perseroan, apabila dapat membuktikan: − kerugian tersebut bukan karena kesalahan

atau kelalaiannya;

− telah melakukan pengawasan dengan itikad baik, penuh tanggung jawab, dan kehati-hatian untuk kepentingan dan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan;

− tidak mempunyai benturan kepentingan baik langsung maupun tidak langsung atas tindakan pengurusan yang mengakibatkan kerugian; dan

− telah memberi nasihat kepada Direksi untuk mencegah timbul atau berlanjutnya kerugian tersebut.

c. Memberikan laporan tentang tugas

pengawasan yang telah dilakukan selama tahun buku yang baru lampau.

II. Komposisi Dewan Komisaris

1. Dewan Komisaris terdiri dari paling sedikit 2 (dua) orang, yang terdiri dari :

− 1 (satu) orang Komisaris Utama;

− paling sedikit 1 (satu) orang anggota Komisaris atau lebih; dengan memperhatikan peraturan yang berlaku di bidang Pasar Modal.

2. Dalam hal Dewan Komisaris terdiri dari 2 (dua) orang anggota Dewan Komisaris, 1 (satu) di antaranya adalah Komisaris Independen.

3. Dalam hal Dewan Komisaris terdiri lebih dari 2 (dua) orang anggota Dewan Komisaris, jumlah Komisaris Independen wajib paling kurang 30% (tiga puluh persen) dari jumlah seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris.

4. Yang dapat diangkat sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris adalah orang perseorangan yang memenuhi persyaratan pada saat diangkat dan selama menjabat:

a. mempunyai akhlak, moral, dan integritas yang baik;

b. cakap melakukan perbuatan hukum;

c. dalam 5 (lima) tahun sebelum

pengangkatan dan selama menjabat: 1. tidak pernah dinyatakan pailit;

b. The members of the Board of Commissioners cannot be held liable for the loss of the Company, if it can be proven that:

− the loss is not due to errors or omissions of the members of the Board of Commissioners;

− members of the Board of

Commissioners has conducted good faith supervision, full responsibility and prudence for the interest of and in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the Company;

− members of the Board of

Commissioners has no direct or indirect conflicts of interest on the act of disposal resulting in a loss; and

− members of the Board of

Commissioners have advised the Board of Directors to prevent the occurrence or extent of such losses.

c. Provides a report on the supervisory duties that have been carried out during the past financial year.

II. Composition of the Board of Commissioners 1. The Board of Commissioners shall consist of at

least 2 (two) persons, consisting of: − 1 (one) President Commissioner;

− at least 1 (one) member of the Board of Commissioners or more; with due regard to the provision of the prevailing regulations applicable in the field of Capital Market

2. If the Board of Commissioners consists of 2 (two) members of the Board of Commissioners, 1 (one) of whom are Independent Commissioners.

3. If the Board of Commissioners consists of more than 2 (two) members of the Board of Commissioners, the number of Independent Commissioners shall be at least 30% (thirty percent) of the total members of the Board of Commissioners.

4. Those who may be appointed as a member of the Board of Commissioners is an individual who meets the requirements at the time of appointment and during his tenure:

a. Have good character, morals, and integrity;

b. Are Is able to carry out legal action; c. Within 5 (five) years prior to the

appointment and during the term of office: 1. Have never been declared bankrupt;


2. tidak pernah menjadi anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris

yang dinyatakan bersalah

menyebabkan suatu perusahaan dinyatakan pailit;

3. tidak pernah dihukum karena melakukan tindak pidana yang

merugikan keuangan negara

dan/atau yang berkaitan dengan sektor keuangan; dan

4. tidak pernah menjadi anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris yang selama menjabat:

i. pernah tidak menyelenggarakan RUPS tahunan;

ii. pertanggungjawabannya sebagai

anggota Direksi dan/atau

anggota Dewan Komisaris

pernah tidak diterima oleh RUPS atau pernah tidak memberikan

pertanggungjawaban sebagai

anggota Direksi dan/atau

anggota Dewan Komisaris

kepada RUPS; dan

iii. pernah menyebabkan

perusahaan yang memperoleh

izin, persetujuan, atau

pendaftaran dari OJK tidak

memenuhi kewajiban

menyampaikan laporan tahunan

dan/atau laporan keuangan

kepada OJK.

d. memiliki komitmen untuk mematuhi peraturan perundangundangan; dan e. memiliki pengetahuan dan/atau keahlian

di bidang yang dibutuhkan Perseroan.

III. Komisaris Independen

a. Komisaris Independen yang telah menjabat selama 2 (dua) periode masa jabatan dapat diangkat kembali pada periode selanjutnya sepanjang Komisaris Independen tersebut menyatakan dirinya tetap independen kepada RUPS.

b. Pernyataan independensi Komisaris Independen sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) wajib diungkapkan dalam laporan tahunan.

c. Dalam hal Komisaris Independen menjabat pada Komite Audit, Komisaris Independen yang bersangkutan hanya dapat diangkat kembali pada

2. Have never being a member of the Board of Directors and/or a member of the Board of Commissioners found guilty of causing a company to be declared bankrupt;

3. Have never been punished for committing a crime that is detrimental to state finances and/or relating to the financial sector; and

4. Have been a member of the Board of Directors and/or any member of the Board of Commissioners that during his/her tenure:

i. Has ever been not convened an

annual General Meeting of


ii. His / her responsibilities as a

member of the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of Commissioners has ever been not accepted by the General Meeting of Shareholders or has not given any responsibility as a member of the Board of Directors and / or members of the Board of Commissioners to the General Meeting of Shareholders; and

iii. Has ever caused a company that

holds license, approval or

registration from the Financial Services Authority does not fulfill the obligation to submit annual report and / or financial report to the Financial Services Authority. d. Have a commitment to comply with laws and

regulations; and

e. Have knowledge and/or expertise in the relevant field as required by the Company.

III. Komisaris Independen

a. Independent Commissioners who have served for 2 (two) terms of tenure may be reappointed in the subsequent period as long as the Independent Commissioner declares him/herself independent to the General Meeting of Shareholders.

b. The independence statement of the Independent Commissioner as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be disclosed in the annual report.

c. In the event that an Independent Commissioner is served on the Audit Committee, the Independent Commissioner may only be re-appointed in the


Komite Audit untuk 1 (satu) periode masa jabatan Komite Audit berikutnya.

IV. Rapat Dewan Komisaris

a. Dewan Komisaris wajib mengadakan rapat bersama Direksi secara berkala paling kurang 1 (satu) kali dalam 4 (empat) bulan.

b. Kehadiran anggota Dewan Komisaris dalam rapat wajib diungkapkan dalam laporan tahunan Perseroan.

c. Rapat Dewan Komisaris dipimpin oleh Komisaris Utama, apabila Komisaris Utama tidak hadir atau berhalangan untuk menghadiri Rapat, hal mana tidak perlu dibuktikan kepada pihak ketiga, maka Rapat dipimpin oleh salah seorang anggota Dewan Komisaris yang dipilih oleh dan dari anggota Dewan Komisaris yang hadir dalam Rapat tersebut.

d. Hasil rapat wajib dituangkan dalam risalah rapat, ditandatangani oleh seluruh anggota Rapat yang hadir, dan disampaikan kepada seluruh anggota Rapat.

V. Fungsi Nominasi Dan Remunerasi

a. Dalam hal tidak dibentuk Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi maka prosedur, rapat dan pedoman pelaksanaan fungsi Nominasi dan Remunerasi wajib dijalankan oleh Dewan Komisaris.

b. Tugas dan Tanggung jawab serta prosedur terkait dengan fungsi Nominasi:

1. menyusun komposisi jabatan dan proses Nominasi anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris;

2. menyusun kebijakan dan kriteria yang dibutuhkan dalam proses Nominasi calon anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris;

3. melakukan evaluasi kinerja bagi anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris;

4. menyusun program pembangunan

kemampuan anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris;

5. menelaah dan mengusulkan calon yang memenuhi syarat sebagai anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris untuk disampaikan kepada RUPS.

c. Tugas dan Tanggung jawab serta prosedur terkait dengan fungsi Remunerasi:

Audit Committee for 1 (one) term of the subsequent Audit Committee period.

IV. Meeting of the Board of Commissioners

a. The Board of Commissioners shall convene a meeting with the Board of Directors on a periodical basis of at least 1 (one) time in 4 (four) months. b. The attendance of members of the Board of

Commissioners in the meeting shall be disclosed in the annual report of the Company.

c. The Meeting of the Board of Commissioners shall be chaired by the President Commissioner, if the President Commissioner is absent or unable to attend the Meeting, which impediment is not required to be proven to the third party, the Meeting shall be chaired by one member of the Board of Commissioners elected by and from the members of the Board of Commissioners present at the Meeting.

d. Resolution of the meeting shall be set forth in the minutes of the meeting, signed by all members of the Meeting present, and submitted to all members of the Meeting

V. Nomination and Remuneration Functions a. In the absence of a Nomination and Remuneration

Committee, the procedures, meetings and guidelines for the implementation of the Nomination and Remuneration functions shall be exercised by the Board of Commissioners

b. Duties and Responsibilities and procedures related to the Nomination function shall be as follows:

1. to prepare the composition of positions and processes of nomination of the members of the Board of Directors and / or members of the Board of Commissioners;

2. to formulate the policies and criteria required in the nomination process of the candidates for members of the Board of Directors and / or members of the Board of Commissioners; 3. to carry out performance evaluation for

members of the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of Commissioners; 4. to develop a capacity development program

for members of the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of Commissioners; 5. to review and propose candidates who qualify

as members of the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of Commissioners to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders.

c. Duties and Responsibilities and Procedures related to the Remuneration function shall be as follows:


1. menyusun struktur Remunerasi bagi anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris; 2. menyusun kebijakan atas Remunerasi bagi

anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris;

3. menyusun besaran atas Remunerasi bagi anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris.

4. melakukan penilaian kinerja dengan

kesesuaian Remunerasi yang diterima masing-masing anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris.

5. struktur Remunerasi dapat berupa: a) gaji;

b) honorarium; c) insentif; dan/atau

d) tunjangan yang bersifat tetap dan/atau variabel.

6. Penyusunan struktur, kebijakan dan besaran Remunerasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) harus memperhatikan:

a) Remunerasi yang berlaku pada industri

sesuai dengan kegiatan usaha

perusahaan dan skala usaha perusahaan dalam industrinya;

b) tugas, tanggung jawab dan wewenang anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris dikaitkan dengan

pencapaian tujuan dan kinerja


c) target kinerja masing-masing anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris; dan

d) keseimbangan tunjangan antara yang bersifat tetap dan bersifat variabel. e) Struktur, kebijakan dan besaran

Remunerasi harus dievaluasi sekali dalam setahun.

d. Rapat dengan agenda Nominasi dan Remunerasi wajib diselenggarakan paling kurang satu kali dalam 4 bulan. Dalam hal mana rapat dapat diselenggarakan apabila dihadiri oleh mayoritas jumlah anggota Dewan Komisaris dan dihadiri oleh Komisaris Independen.

e. Pelaksanaan fungsi terkait Nominasi dan Remunerasi wajib diungkapkan dalam laporan tahunan dan dalam situs web perusahaan.

1. to prepare a Remuneration structure for members of the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of Commissioners; 2. to formulate a policy on Remuneration for

members of the Board of Directors and / or members of the Board of Commissioners; 3. To prepare the amount of Remuneration for

members of the Board of Directors and / or members of the Board of Commissioners. 4. To conduct a performance appraisal with the

suitability of Remuneration received by each member of the Board of Directors and / or members of the Board of Commissioners. 5. Remuneration structure can be in the form of:

a) salary b) honorarium; c) incentives; and/or

d) fixed and/or variable allowances. 6. The preparation of the structure, policies and

amount of the Remuneration as referred to in paragraph (1) shall take into account the followings:

a) Remuneration applicable to the industry that is in accordance with the business activities of the company and the scale of its business in the industry;

b) the duties, responsibilities and

authorities of members of the Board of Directors and / or members of the Board of Commissioners are attributed to the

achievement of the company's

objectives and performance;

c) performance targets of each member of the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of Commissioners; and d) the balance between the fixed and

variable allowance.

e) The structure, policies and magnitudes of Remuneration should be evaluated once a year

d. Meetings with the Nomination and Remuneration agenda shall be held at least once in 4 months. The meeting can be held when it is attended by a majority of the members of the Board of Commissioners and attended by an Independent Commissioner.

e. Implementation of Nomination and Remuneration related functions shall be disclosed in the annual report and on the company's website.




I.Tugas, Wewenang dan Tanggung Jawab Direksi 1. Tugas Direksi

Tugas Direksi adalah dengan itikad baik dan bertanggung jawab penuh memimpin dan mengurus Perseroan untuk mencapai maksud dan tujuan Perseroan, yang meliputi antara lain:

a. menjalankan dan bertanggung jawab atas pengurusan Perseroan untuk kepentingan Perseroan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan yang ditetapkan dalam anggaran dasar.

b. menyelenggarakan RUPS tahunan dan RUPS lainnya sebagaimana diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan dan anggaran dasar.

c. melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab dengan itikad baik, penuh tanggung jawab, dan kehati-hatian.

d. dalam rangka mendukung efektivitas

pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Direksi dapat membentuk komite. Dalam hal dibentuk komite, Direksi wajib melakukan evaluasi terhadap kinerja komite setiap akhir tahun buku.

e. Direksi bersama dengan Dewan Komisaris wajib menyusun:

− pedoman yang mengikat setiap anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris, sesuai

dengan ketentuan peraturan

perundangan yang berlaku.

− kode etik yang berlaku bagi seluruh Direksi yang berlaku bagi seluruh anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Komisaris, karyawan/pegawai, serta

pendukung organ yang dimiliki

Perseroan, sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. 2. Wewenang Direksi

Direksi berwenang untuk melakukan antara lain hal-hal sebagai berikut :

a. mewakili Perseroan secara sah dan secara langsung baik di dalam maupun di luar pengadilan tentang segala hal dan dalam segala kejadian, mengikat Perseroan dengan pihak lain dan pihak lain dengan Perseroan




I. Duties, Powers and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

1. Duties of the Board of Directors

The duties of the Board of Directors are in good faith and fully responsible to lead and manage the Company to achieve the aims and objectives of the Company, covering among others:

a. Undertakes and is responsible for the maintenance of the Company for the interest of the Company in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the Company stipulated in the articles of association. b. Organizing the Annual General Meeting of

Shareholders and other General Meeting of Shareholders as stipulated in the laws and the articles of association.

c. Carrying out duties and responsibilities in good faith, full of responsibility, and prudence.

d. In order to support the effectiveness of execution of duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors may establish a committee. In the case of committees established, the Board of Directors shall evaluate the performance of the Committee at the end of each financial year

e. The Board of Directors together with the Board of Commissioners shall prepare:

− guidelines that shall bind each member of the Board of Directors and

Board of Commissioners, in

accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

− code of conduct applicable to all members of Board of Directors and all

members of the Board of

Commissioners, employees / staffs, and supporting organs owned by the Company, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 2. Authority of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is authorized to undertake the following matters :

a. to represent the Company legally and directly in or outside the court on any matter and in any event, binding the Company with other parties and other parties with the Company and carrying out all acts, either those


serta menjalankan segala tindakan, baik yang

mengenai kepengurusan maupun

kepemilikan, dengan pembatasan

sebagaimana diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan.

b. mengangkat seorang atau lebih sebagai wakil atau kuasanya dengan memberikan surat kuasa untuk tindakan-tindakan tertentu. c. mengatur sumber daya manusia Perseroan

termasuk pengangkatan dan pemberhentian karyawan, penetapan gaji, pensiun atau jaminan hari tua dan penghasilan lain bagi karyawan Perseroan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan/atau keputusan RUPS.

3. Tanggung jawab Direksi

a. Direksi bertanggung jawab penuh atas pengurusan Perseroan.

b. Anggota Direksi tidak dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan atas kerugian Perseroan, apabila dapat membuktikan:

− kerugian tersebut bukan karena kesalahan atau kelalaiannya;

− telah melakukan pengurusan dengan itikad baik dan kehati-hatian untuk kepentingan dan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan;

− tidak mempunyai benturan

kepentingan baik langsung maupun

tidak langsung atas tindakan

pengurusan yang mengakibatkan

kerugian; dan

− telah mengambil tindakan untuk mencegah timbul atau berlanjutnya kerugian tersebut.

c. Menyusun pertanggungjawaban pengelolaan Perseroan dalam bentuk laporan tahunan yang memuat antara lain:

1. laporan keuangan yang telah diaudit oleh Akuntan Publik yang terdaftar di OJK;

2. laporan mengenai kegiatan


3. laporan pelaksanaan Tanggung

Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan; 4. rincian masalah yang timbul selama

tahun buku yang mempengaruhi kegiatan usaha Perseroan;

pertaining to the management or those pertaining to the ownership, with restrictions as stipulated in the Articles of Association of the Company.

b. to appoint one or more as its representative or proxy by giving a power of attorney for certain actions.

c. to manage the human resources of the Company including the hiring and dismissal of employees, the determination of salaries, pensions or old-age benefits and other income for the Company's employees under applicable laws and / or resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

3. Responsibility of the Board of Directors a. The Board of Directors is fully responsible for

the management of the Company.

b. The members of the Board of Directors shall not be liable for any loss of the Company, if it is proven that:

− the loss is not due to errors or omissions of the members of the Board of Directors;

− the members of the Board of Directors have conducted good faith and prudent care for the interest and in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the Company;

− the members of the Board of Directors has no direct or indirect conflicts of interest on the act of disposal resulting in a loss; and

− the members of the Board of Directors have taken action to prevent the occurrence or extent of such losses. c. To prepare the management account of the

Company in the form of annual report which contains among others:

1. financial statements audited by Public Accountant registered with Financial Services Authority;

2. a report on the Company's activities; 3. reports on the implementation of

Social and Environmental


4. details of issues arising during the fiscal year affecting the business of the Company;


5. gaji dan tunjangan bagi anggota Direksi dan gaji atau honorarium dan tunjangan bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris Perseroan untuk tahun yang baru lampau.

d. Laporan tahunan harus memperoleh

persetujuan dan pengesahan RUPS Tahunan; e. Pertanggungjawaban Direksi kepada RUPS

merupakan perwujudan akuntabilitas

pengelolaan Perseroan dalam rangka

pelaksanaan prinsip Good Corporate


II. Komposisi Direksi

1. Perseroan diurus dan dipimpin oleh Direksi. 2. Direksi terdiri dari paling sedikit 2 (dua) orang,

yang terdiri dari :

− (satu) orang Direktur Utama;

− (satu) orang Direktur atau lebih; dengan memperhatikan peraturan yang berlaku di bidang Pasar Modal.

3. Yang dapat diangkat sebagai anggota Direksi adalah orang perseorangan yang memenuhi persyaratan pada saat diangkat dan selama menjabat:

a. mempunyai akhlak, moral, dan integritas yang baik;

b. cakap melakukan perbuatan hukum;

c. dalam 5 (lima) tahun sebelum pengangkatan dan selama menjabat:

1) tidak pernah dinyatakan pailit;

2) tidak pernah menjadi anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris yang dinyatakan bersalah menyebabkan suatu perusahaan dinyatakan pailit; 3) tidak pernah dihukum karena melakukan

tindak pidana yang merugikan keuangan negara dan/atau yang berkaitan dengan sektor keuangan; dan

4) tidak pernah menjadi anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris yang selama menjabat:

i. pernah tidak menyelenggarakan

RUPS tahunan;

ii. pertanggungjawabannya sebagai

anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota

5. salaries and allowances for members of the Board of Directors and salaries or honoraria and allowances for

members of the Board of

Commissioners of the Company for the previous year.

d. Annual reports must obtain approval and approval of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders;

e. The responsibility of the Board of Directors to the General Meeting of Shareholders is the realization of the accountability of the management of the Company in the

implementation of Good Corporate

Governance principles.

II. Composition of the Board of Directors

1. The Company is managed and chaired by the Board of Directors

2. The Board of Directors shall consist of at least 2 (two) persons, consisting of:

− 1 (one) President Director;

− 1 (one) Director or more; With due regard to the regulations applicable in the field of Capital Market field.

3. Those who may be appointed as members of the Board of Directors are individuals who meet the requirements when appointed and during their term of office:

a. Have good character, morals, and integrity

b. are able to do legal action

c. Within 5 (five) years prior to the appointment and during the term of office:

1) have never been declared bankrupt; 2) have never been a member of the Board

of Directors and / or a member of the Board of Commissioners found guilty of causing a company to be declared bankrupt;

3) have never been punished for committing a crime that is detrimental to state finances and / or relating to the financial sector; and

4) have never been a member of the Board of Directors and / or any member of the Board of Commissioners during his/her tenure:

i. Has ever been not convened an

annual General Meeting of Shareholders;

ii. His / her responsibilities as a member of the Board of Directors


Dewan Komisaris pernah tidak diterima oleh RUPS atau pernah

tidak memberikan

pertanggungjawaban sebagai

anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris kepada RUPS; dan

iii. pernah menyebabkan perusahaan

yang memperoleh izin,

persetujuan, atau pendaftaran

dari OJK tidak memenuhi

kewajiban menyampaikan laporan

tahunan dan/atau laporan

keuangan kepada OJK.

d. memiliki komitmen untuk mematuhi

peraturan perundang-undangan;

e. memiliki pengetahuan dan/atau keahlian di bidang yang dibutuhkan Perseroan;

f. selain memenuhi persyaratan tersebut diatas, anggota Direksi wajib mengikuti ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya.

III. Waktu Kerja Anggota Direksi

Setiap anggota Direksi wajib menyediakan waktu yang cukup untuk melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya secara optimal.

IV. Rapat Direksi

a. Rapat Direksi secara berkala paling kurang 1 (satu) kali dalam 1 (satu) bulan.

b. Kehadiran anggota Direksi dalam rapat wajib diungkapkan dalam laporan tahunan Perseroan. c. Rapat Direksi dipimpin oleh Direktur Utama.

Dalam hal Direktur Utama tidak ada atau berhalangan untuk menghadiri Rapat Direksi oleh sebab apapun, hal mana tidak perlu dibuktikan kepada pihak ketiga, maka salah seorang anggota Direksi yang hadir dan dipilih dalam Rapat Direksi tersebut dapat memimpin Rapat Direksi.

d. Hasil rapat wajib dituangkan dalam risalah rapat, ditandatangani oleh seluruh anggota Rapat yang hadir, dan disampaikan kepada seluruh anggota Rapat.

and/ or members of the Board of Commissioners has ever been not accepted by the General Meeting of Shareholders or has not given any responsibility as a member of the Board of Directors and / or members of the Board of Commissioners to the General Meeting of Shareholders; and

iii. Has ever caused a company that

holds license, approval or

registration from Financial

Services Authority does not fulfill the obligation to submit annual report and / or financial report to the Financial Services Authority. d. Has a commitment to comply with laws and


e. Has knowledge and / or expertise in the relevant field as required by the Company; f. In addition of fulfilling the above

requirements, members of the Board of Directors shall comply with the provisions of other laws and regulations.

III. Working Time of Members of the Board of Directors

Each member of the Board of Directors shall provide sufficient time to carry out its duties and responsibilities optimally.

IV. Meetings of the Board of Directors

a. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be convened periodically at least 1 (one) time in 1 (one) month

b. The presence of members of the Board of Directors in the meeting shall be disclosed in the annual report of the Company

c. Meeting of the Board of Directors is chaired by the President Director. In the event that the President Director is absent or is prevented from attending the meeting of the Board of Directors Meeting due to any reason, which impediment is not required to be proven to any third party, one of the members of the Board of Directors present and elected to the Meeting of the Board of Directors may chair the Meeting of the Board of Directors d. Resolution of the meeting shall be set forth in the

minutes of the meeting, signed by all members of the Meeting present, and submitted to all members of the Meeting.


V. Pengangkatan, Penilaian Kinerja dan Sistem Remunerasi Direksi

a. Direksi diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh RUPS. b. Satu periode masa jabatan anggota Direksi adalah

5 (lima) tahun dan setelah masa jabatannya berakhir dapat diangkat kembali oleh RUPS.

c. Penilaian kinerja anggota Direksi dilakukan oleh

Dewan Komisaris berdasarkan Key Performance

Indicator (KPI) & tolok ukur yang telah disusun sebagai bahan evaluasi.

d. Keputusan tentang besarnya gaji dan tunjangan

anggota Direksi ditetapkan berdasarkan

keputusan RUPS atau kewenangan RUPS ini dapat dilimpahkan kepada Dewan Komisaris.

V. Appointment, Performance Assessment and Remuneration System of the Board of Directors a. The Board of Directors shall be appointed and dismissed by the General Meeting of Shareholders. b. One period term of office of the member of the Board of Directors shall be 5 (five) years and after the expiration of its term of office, such member of the Board of Directors may be reappointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

c. Assessment of the performance of members of the Board of Directors is conducted by the Board of Commissioners based on the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) & benchmarks that have been prepared as an evaluation material.

d. Decisions concerning the amount of salaries and allowances of members of the Board of Directors are determined based on the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders or the authority of the General Meeting of Shareholders may be delegated to the Board of Commissioners.






a. Rapat Koordinasi Direksi bersama Dewan Komisaris secara berkala yaitu 1 (satu) kali dalam 3 (tiga) bulan atau sekurang-kurangnya 1 (satu) kali dalam 4 (empat) bulan.

b. Rapat Koordinasi tersebut, antara lain membahas hal-hal sebagai berikut :

- Evaluasi pencapaian Rencana Kerja Tahunan. - Rencana Kerja Triwulan berikutnya.

- Laporan Triwulan kepada institusi sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku di pasar modal. c. Kehadiran anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris

dalam rapat wajib diungkapkan dalam laporan tahunan Perseroan.

d. Hasil rapat wajib dituangkan dalam risalah rapat, ditandatangani oleh seluruh anggota Rapat yang hadir, dan disampaikan kepada seluruh anggota Rapat.

II. Rapat Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP)

a. RKAP akan dibahas sebelum tahun anggaran baru yaitu pada minggu ke-1 Desember.

b. Rapat RKAP dihadiri oleh Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan.

c. Rapat RKAP dipimpin oleh Direktur Utama.

d. Pimpinan Rapat akan menunjuk salah satu dari anggota rapat sebagai Notulen, yang akan mencatat hal-hal yang terjadi dan diputuskan dalam Rapat tersebut, dan notulen tersebut ditandatangani oleh setiap peserta Rapat.

III. Persetujuan Dewan Komisaris

1. Perbuatan-perbuatan Direksi yang memerlukan Persetujuan Dewan Komisaris, yaitu sebagai berikut :

a. meminjam atau meminjamkan uang atas nama Perseroan (tidak termasuk mengambil






a. Coordination Meeting of the Board of Directors with the Board of Commissioners shall be convened periodically 1 (one) time in 3 (three) months or at least 1 (one) time in 4 (four) months.

b. The Coordination Meeting, among others, shall discuss the following matters:

- Evaluate the achievement of the Annual Work Plan.

- The next Quarterly Work Plan.

- Quarterly Report to the institution in accordance with the prevailing provisions in the capital market.

c. The presence of members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners in the meeting shall be disclosed in the annual report of the Company. d. Resolution of the meeting shall be set forth in the

minutes of the meeting, signed by all members of the Meeting present, and submitted to all members of the Meeting.

II. Meeting of Working Plan and Corporate Budget a. The Working Plan and Corporate Budget will be discussed before the new financial year, namely on the 1st week of December.

b. The meeting of Working Plan and Corporate Budget shall be attended by the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company. c. The meeting of Working Plan and Corporate

Budget is chaired by the President Director. d. The Chairman of the Meeting shall appoint one of

the members of the meeting to prepare the minutes of the meeting, who shall record any matter that is occurred and resolved in such Meeting, and the minutes shall be signed by each participant of the Meeting

III. Approval of the Board of Commissioners

1. Actions of the Board of Directors which require the approval of the Board of Commissioners shall be as follows:

a. Borrow or lend money on behalf of the Company (excluding taking the Company's


uang Perseroan di Bank) kecuali dalam rangka kegiatan usaha sehari-hari;

b. mendirikan suatu usaha baru atau turut serta pada perusahaan lain baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri;

c. mengikat Perseroan sebagai


d. menjual atau cara lain melepaskan hak-hak atas benda tidak bergerak milik Perseroan yang nilainya kurang dari 50% (lima puluh persen) aset Perseroan;

e. menjaminkan harta kekayaan Perseroan dengan nilai kurang dari 50% (lima puluh persen) dari total seluruh harta kekayaan Perseroan dalam 1 (satu) tahun buku. 2. Direksi harus mengelola dana cadangan agar dana

cadangan tersebut memperoleh laba, dengan cara yang dianggap baik oleh Direksi dengan

persetujuan Dewan Komisaris, dengan

memperhatikan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

3. Direksi harus mendapatkan persetujuan Rapat Dewan Komisaris untuk membagi dividen

sementara (dividen interim) dengan

memperhatikan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

4. Direksi harus mendapatkan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris atas rencana kerja tahunan Perseroan, selambat-lambatnya sebelum dimulainya tahun buku yang akan datang dengan memperhatikan peraturan perundang-undangan dan peraturan yang berlaku di bidang Pasar Modal.

money in the Bank) except in the course of day-to-day business activities;

b. Establishing a new business or participating in another company whether domestically or abroad;

c. To bind the Company as the guarantor / mortgagee;

d. Sell or otherwise dispose of the Company's immovable property rights less than 50% (fifty percent) of the Company's assets;

e. Pledge the Company's assets with the value of less than 50% (fifty percent) of the total assets of the Company within 1 (one) fiscal year

2. The Board of Directors shall manage the reserve fund in order for the reserve fund to make a profit, in a manner deemed favorable by the Board of Directors with the approval of the Board of Commissioners, taking into account the prevailing laws and regulations.

3. The Board of Directors shall obtain the approval of the Board of Commissioners Meeting to divide the interim dividend by observing the prevailing laws and regulations.

4. The Board of Directors shall obtain the approval of the Board of Commissioners on the annual work plan of the Company, at the latest prior to the commencement of the forthcoming financial year by observing the laws and regulations applicable in the Capital Market.





1. Anak Perusahaan adalah badan hukum yang sahamnya dimiliki oleh Perseroan dan dikontrol oleh Perseroan.

2. Anak Perusahaan adalah bagian dari group Perseroan yang bersinergi secara harmonis dan bersifat saling menguntungkan.

3. Rencana Kerja Perseroan dan pelaksanaannya

dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan

perkembangan Anak Perusahaan serta Perseroan sendiri.

4. Laporan Keuangan Perseroan adalah laporan keuangan konsolidasi yang menyajikan posisi keuangan dan hasil operasi untuk Perseroan dan Anak Perusahaan.

5. Hubungan Perseroan dengan Anak Perusahaan dari aspek hukum, yaitu melalui:

a. pengangkatan direktur dan komisaris Anak Perusahaan oleh Perseroan, sejauh tidak bertentangan dengan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan;

b. hubungan yang kontraktual dan sejauh tidak bertentangan dengan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan.

6. Hubungan Perseroan dengan Anak Perusahaan dilaksanakan dengan memperhatikan hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku termasuk tapi tidak terbatas pada kemandirian badan hukum dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasional dan pengambilan keputusan.

* * *




1. Subsidiary is a legal entity whose shares are owned by the Company and controlled by the Company.

2. Subsidiary is a part of a group of companies that harmoniously and mutually beneficial. 3. Company's Work Plan and its execution shall

be conducted in consideration of the development of the Subsidiary as well as the Company itself.

4. Company's Financial Statements are

consolidated financial statements that present the financial position and results of operations for the Company and its Subsidiaries.

5. Relationship between the Company and its Subsidiaries from legal aspect, that is through:

a. Appointment of directors and

commissioners of the Subsidiary by the Company, to the extent it is not inconsistent with the Articles of Association of the Company;

b. Contractual relationship and to the extent not inconsistent with the Company's Articles of Association.

6. The Company's relationship with the Subsidiaries shall be conducted with due observance of applicable laws and regulations including but not limited to the independence of legal entities in carrying out operational and decision-making activities.


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