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1. Menu Utama - Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Pada Sistem Informasi Absensi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Di Ppk 4 Wilayah-I Banda Aceh Dengan Menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0


Academic year: 2019

Membagikan "1. Menu Utama - Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Pada Sistem Informasi Absensi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Di Ppk 4 Wilayah-I Banda Aceh Dengan Menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0"


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1. Menu Utama

Private Sub abt_Click() frmAbout.Show

End Sub

Private Sub dafAbsenHar_Click() frmDafAbsensiHar.Show

End Sub

Private Sub dafPeg_Click() frmDafPegawai.Show

End Sub

Private Sub dafUser_Click() frmDaftarUser.Show

End Sub

Private Sub FA_Click() frmAbsensi.Show

End Sub

Private Sub FP_Click() frmPegawai1.Show End Sub

Private Sub FU_Click() frmUser.Show

End Sub

Private Sub K_Click() End

End Sub

Private Sub LapAbsensiBul_Click() frmLapAbsensiBul.Show

End Sub

Private Sub LapAbsensiHar_Click() frmLapAbsensiHar.Show

End Sub

Private Sub login_Click() frmLogin.Show

End Sub

Private Sub logout_Click() mnuFile.Enabled = False mnuAbsen.Enabled = False mnuLap.Enabled = False bolLogon = False

End Sub

Private Sub MDIForm_Activate() If bolLogon = True Then


mnuFile.Enabled = False mnuAbsen.Enabled = False mnuLap.Enabled = False End If

End Sub

Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button) Select Case Button.Index

Case 1

If bolLogon = True Then frmPegawai1.Show End If

Case 2

If bolLogon = True Then frmAbsensi.Show End If

Case 3 End End Select End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If bolLogon = True Then

StatusBar1.Panels(1).Text = "Jam : " & Format(Now, "HH:MM:SS") StatusBar1.Panels(2).Text = "Tanggal :" & Format(Date, _

"d MMMM yyyy")

StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "USER ID: " & UserID Else

UserID = ""

StatusBar1.Panels(1).Text = "Jam : " StatusBar1.Panels(2).Text = "Tanggal :" StatusBar1.Panels(3).Text = "USER ID: " End If

End Sub

2. Login

Option Explicit

Dim rsUser As Recordset

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() Me.Hide

Unload Me End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click() On Error Resume Next UserID = txtUser.Text

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from [uUser] where UserId='" & _ txtUser.Text & "' and Passwd='" & txtPass.Text & "'", _ CN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rsCari.EOF = True Then MsgBox "Password salah" txtPass = ""

txtUser = "" bolLogon = False txtUser.SetFocus Else



MenuUtama.Show End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() txtPass = ""

txtUser = "" txtUser.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Koneksi

End Sub

Private Sub txtPass_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

cmdOk.Enabled = True cmdOk.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtUser_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

txtPass.Locked = False txtPass.SetFocus

End If End Sub

3. Logout

mnuFile.Enabled = False mnuAbsen.Enabled = False mnuLap.Enabled = False bolLogon = False

4. Data Pegawai

Option Explicit Dim J As ListItem

Dim IDPegawai As Integer Dim bolOk As Boolean

Dim rsPegawai As Recordset Sub CariID()

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from Pegawai order by IDPegawai desc", CN, 1, 2 If Not rsCari.EOF Then

IDPegawai = rsCari!IDPegawai + 1 Else

IDPegawai = 1 End If

Set rsCari = Nothing

Set rsSimpan = New ADODB.Recordset rsSimpan.Open "Pegawai", CN, 1, 2 rsSimpan.AddNew

rsSimpan!IDPegawai = IDPegawai rsSimpan!StatusRec = "1"

rsSimpan.Update Set rsSimpan = Nothing End Sub


End Sub

Private Sub cboGol_Click() cboJabatan.Enabled = True cboJabatan.SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub cboJabatan_Click() If Tambah = True Then

cmdSimpan.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Private Sub cboJK_Click()

If cboJK.Text = "Laki-Laki" Then Label19.Caption = "Nama Istri" Else

Label19.Caption = "Nama Suami" End If

cboStatusKawin.Enabled = True cboStatusKawin.SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub cboStatusKawin_Click() If cboStatusKawin.Text = "Kawin" Then txtNmPasangan.Enabled = True txtNmPasangan.SetFocus


txtNmPasangan.Text = "-" txtTempLahir.Enabled = True txtTempLahir.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdBatal_Click() Call Bersih

Call Mati

cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdBatal.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cmdCari_Click() Cari = True

End Sub

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click() cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False

If Ubah = True Then


If X = vbYes Then

Timer1.Enabled = True

Set rsUbah = New ADODB.Recordset

Set rsUbah = New ADODB.Recordset

rsUbah.Open "Update Pegawai SET Nama ='" & txtNama.Text _ & "', Alamat='" & txtAlamat.Text & "'," & _

"TglMasuk='" & Format(txtTglMasuk.Value, "dd-mm-yyyy") _ & "',TglLahir='" & Format(txtTglLahir.Value, _

"dd-mm-yyyy") & "'," & _

"noKTP='" & txtNoKTP.Text & "', JK='" & Left(cboJK.Text,_ & "',StatusKawin='" & Left(cboStatusKawin.Text, 1) _ & "'," & _"Nama_Pasangan='" & txtNmPasangan.Text _ & "',Jabatan='" & Left(cboJabatan.Text, 1) & "', _ Gol='" & Left(cboGol.Text, 1) & "', NoTelp='" _

& txtNoTelp.Text & "',NoHP='" & txtNoHP.Text & "'," & _ "TempLahir='" & txtTempLahir.Text & "' where _

IDPegawai =" & IDPegawai & "", CN, 1, 2 Set rsUbah = Nothing

Call Mati Call Bersih Call Segar

cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdBatal.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus


Call Mati Call Bersih Call Segar

cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdBatal.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus End If

End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdHapus_Click() cmdHapus.Enabled = False

Set rsHapus = New ADODB.Recordset

rsHapus.Open "Delete from Pegawai where IDPegawai=" & IDPegawai _ & "", CN, 1, 2

Set rsHapus = Nothing Call Segar

Call Mati Call Bersih


cmdBatal.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub cmdKeluar_Click() Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSimpan_Click() cmdSimpan.Enabled = False

X = MsgBox("Data anggota mau disimpan ?", vbYesNo) If X = vbYes Then

If txtNama.Text <> "" Then If IDPegawai <> 0 Then

If txtAlamat.Text <> "" Then If cboJK.Text <> "" Then

If txtTempLahir.Text <> "" Then

If cboStatusKawin.Text <> "" Then If txtNoKTP.Text <> "" Then

If txtNmPasangan.Text <> "" Then If cboJabatan.Text <> "" Then bolOk = True


bolOk = False End If


bolOk = False End If


bolOk = False End If


bolOk = False End If


bolOk = False End If


bolOk = False End If


bolOk = False End If


bolOk = False End If


bolOk = False End If

If bolOk = True Then

Set rsUbah = New ADODB.Recordset

rsUbah.Open "Update Pegawai SET Nama ='" & txtNama.Text & _ "', Alamat='" & txtAlamat.Text & "',NIP='" & txtNIP.Text _

& "'," & _"TglMasuk='" & Format(txtTglMasuk.Value, _ "dd-mm-yyyy")& "',TglLahir='" & Format(txtTglLahir.Value, "dd-mm-yyyy") & "'," & _


& "'," & "Nama_Pasangan='" & txtNmPasangan.Text _ & "',Jabatan='" & Left(cboJabatan.Text, 1) & "',Gol='" _ & Left(cboGol.Text, 1) & "', noTelp='" & txtNoTelp.Text _ & "',NoHP='" & txtNoHP.Text & "'," & "TempLahir='" _ & txtTempLahir.Text & "',StatusRec='*' where IDPegawai _ =" & IDPegawai & "", CN, 1, 2

Set rsUbah = Nothing Call Segar

Call Mati Call Bersih

cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdBatal.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus Else

MsgBox "Data belum lengkap ..." End If

End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdTambah_Click() Tambah = True

Cari = False

cmdTambah.Enabled = False Call CariID

txtTglMasuk.Value = Format(Now, "dd-mm-yyyy") cmdSimpan.Enabled = True

txtNIP.Enabled = True txtNIP.SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() Call Mati

Call Bersih Call Segar

cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdBatal.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Call Koneksi

cboStatusKawin.AddItem "Kawin" cboStatusKawin.AddItem "Belum" cboJK.AddItem "Laki-Laki" cboJK.AddItem "Perempuan"

cboJabatan.AddItem "1.Kepala Dinas" cboJabatan.AddItem "2.Kepala Seksi" cboJabatan.AddItem "3.Staff"


cboGol.AddItem "3.III" cboGol.AddItem "4.IV"

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Call Bersih

End Sub

Private Sub lv1_Click() If Cari = True Then

IDPegawai = lv1.ListItems.Item(lv1.SelectedItem.Index).Text Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from Pegawai where IDPegawai=" & _ IDPegawai & "", CN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If Not rsCari.EOF = True Then

txtNama = rsCari!Nama txtNIP = rsCari!NIP

txtAlamat = rsCari!alamat

If rsCari!JK = "L" Then cboJK = "Laki-Laki"

Label19.Caption = "Nama Istri" Else

cboJK = "Perempuan"

Label19.Caption = "Nama Suami" End If

txtTempLahir = rsCari!TempLahir

If rsCari!statuskawin = "K" Then cboStatusKawin = "Kawin" Else

cboStatusKawin = "Belum" End If

txtNoKTP = rsCari!NoKTP

txtNmPasangan = rsCari!Nama_Pasangan txtNoTelp.Text = rsCari!NoTelp

txtNoHP.Text = rsCari!NoHP

If rsCari!jabatan = "1" Then cboJabatan = "1.Kepala Dinas" ElseIf rsCari!jabatan = "2" Then cboJabatan = "2.Kepala Seksi" ElseIf rsCari!jabatan = "3" Then cboJabatan = "3.Staff"

End If

If rsCari!Gol = "1" Then cboGol = "1.I"

ElseIf rsCari!Gol = "2" Then cboGol = "2.II"

ElseIf rsCari!Gol = "3" Then cboGol = "3.III"


cboGol = "4.IV" End If


cmdEdit.Enabled = True cmdHapus.Enabled = True Else

MsgBox "User tidak ada ..." Call Bersih

End If End If

End Sub Sub Segar()


Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from Pegawai Order by IDPegawai asc", _ CN, 1, 3

If Not rsCari.EOF = True Then Do While Not rsCari.EOF

Set J = lv1.ListItems.Add(, , rsCari!IDPegawai) J.SubItems(1) = rsCari!NIP

J.SubItems(2) = rsCari!TglMasuk J.SubItems(3) = rsCari!Nama J.SubItems(4) = rsCari!alamat J.SubItems(5) = rsCari!NoTelp J.SubItems(6) = rsCari!NoHP J.SubItems(7) = rsCari!NoKTP rsCari.MoveNext

If rsCari.EOF Then Exit Do

End If Loop End If

Set rsCari = Nothing End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Frame3.Visible = True

Bar1.Value = Bar1.Value + 10 lblSaving.Caption = Bar1.Value If Bar1.Value = 100 Then

Timer1.Enabled = False Frame3.Visible = False Bar1.Value = 0

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtAlamat_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

txtNoKTP.Enabled = True txtNoKTP.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtNama_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

txtAlamat.Enabled = True txtAlamat.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Sub Mati()


txtNama.Enabled = False txtAlamat.Enabled = False cboJK.Enabled = False

txtTempLahir.Enabled = False txtTglLahir.Enabled = False cboStatusKawin.Enabled = False txtNoKTP.Enabled = False

txtNoTelp.Enabled = False txtNoHP.Enabled = False

txtNmPasangan.Enabled = False cboJabatan.Enabled = False cboGol.Enabled = False txtTglMasuk.Enabled = False End Sub

Sub Hidup()

txtNIP.Enabled = True txtNama.Enabled = True txtAlamat.Enabled = True cboJK.Enabled = True

txtTempLahir.Enabled = True txtTglLahir.Enabled = True cboStatusKawin.Enabled = True txtNoKTP.Enabled = True

txtNoTelp.Enabled = True txtNoHP.Enabled = True

txtNmPasangan.Enabled = True cboJabatan.Enabled = True cboGol.Enabled = True txtTglMasuk.Enabled = True

End Sub

Sub Bersih() txtNama = "" IDPegawai = 0 txtNIP = "" txtAlamat = "" cboJK = ""

txtTempLahir = "" cboStatusKawin = "" txtNoKTP = ""

txtNmPasangan = "" txtNoTelp = "" txtNoHP = ""

cboJabatan.Text = "" cboGol.Text = ""

txtTglMasuk.Value = Format(Now, "dd-mm-yyyy") txtTglLahir.Value = Format(Now, "dd-mm-yyyy") Cari = False

Tambah = False

Set rsHapus = New ADODB.Recordset

rsHapus.Open "Delete from Pegawai where StatusRec='1'", CN, 1, 2 Set rsHapus = Nothing

End Sub


txtTglMasuk.Enabled = True txtTglMasuk.SetFocus

End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtNmPasangan_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

txtTempLahir.Enabled = True txtTempLahir.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtNoHP_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

cboJK.Enabled = True cboJK.SetFocus

End If

If Not (KeyAscii >= Asc("0") And KeyAscii <= Asc("9") Or KeyAscii _ = vbKeyBack Or KeyAscii = Asc(".") Or KeyAscii = 13) Then Beep

MsgBox "Isi dengan angka 0-9" KeyAscii = 0

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtnoKTP_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

txtNoTelp.Enabled = True txtNoTelp.SetFocus

End If

If Not (KeyAscii >= Asc("0") And KeyAscii <= Asc("9") Or KeyAscii _ = vbKeyBack Or KeyAscii = Asc(".") Or KeyAscii = 13) Then Beep

MsgBox "Isi dengan angka 0-9" KeyAscii = 0

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtNoTelp_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

txtNoHP.Enabled = True txtNoHP.SetFocus

End If

If Not (KeyAscii >= Asc("0") And KeyAscii <= Asc("9") Or KeyAscii _ = vbKeyBack Or KeyAscii = Asc(".") Or KeyAscii = 13) Then Beep

MsgBox "Isi dengan angka 0-9" KeyAscii = 0

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtTempLahir_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

txtTglLahir.Enabled = True txtTglLahir.SetFocus

End If End Sub


cboGol.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub txtTglMasuk_Click() txtNama.Enabled = True

txtNama.SetFocus End Sub

5. Daftar Pegawai

Private Sub Form_Activate() Me.WindowState = 2

cr.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\Laporan\RepDafPegawai.rpt" cr.RetrieveDataFiles

cr.Connect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" _ & App.Path & "\dbPegawai.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" cr.WindowShowRefreshBtn = True


cr.WindowState = crptMaximized cr.Action = 1

End Sub

6. Data User

Option Explicit Dim J As ListItem

Dim rsUser As Recordset Dim UserID As String

Private Sub cmdBatal_Click() Mati


Ubah = False Tambah = False Cari = False

cmdUpdate.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCari_Click() Cari = True

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCetak_Click() frmDaftarUser.Show

End Sub

Private Sub cmdHapus_Click() rsCari.Delete

Set rsCari = Nothing Mati

Bersih Segar


cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.Enabled = False cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub cmdKeluar_Click() Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSimpan_Click() If Tambah = True Then

Call Save End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdTambah_Click() Tambah = True

cmdTambah.Enabled = False cmdSimpan.Visible = True cmdCari.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = False txtUserID.Enabled = True txtUserID.SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click() If Ubah = True Then

Set rsUbah = New ADODB.Recordset

rsUbah.Open "Update [UUser] Set Passwd ='" & txtPasswd.Text _ & "'where UserID ='" & txtUserID.Text & "'", CN, _

adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic MsgBox "Data sudah Ubah" Ubah = False

Mati Bersih Segar

Set rsUbah = Nothing

cmdUpdate.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.Enabled = False cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() Cari = False

Call Segar Mati



cmdTambah.SetFocus End Sub

Sub Mati()

txtUserID.Enabled = False txtPasswd.Enabled = False End Sub

Sub Bersih()

txtUserID.Text = "" txtPasswd.Text = "" Ubah = False

Tambah = False UserID = "" End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Koneksi

End Sub

Private Sub lv_Click() On Error Resume Next If Cari = True Then

UserID = lv.ListItems.Item(lv.SelectedItem.Index).Text Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from [uUser] where UserID='" & UserID _ & "'", CN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Not rsCari.EOF = True Then txtUserID.Text = UserID

txtPasswd.Text = rsCari!Passwd Ubah = True

cmdUpdate.Enabled = True cmdHapus.Enabled = True txtPasswd.Enabled = True txtPasswd.SetFocus


MsgBox "User tidak ada ..." txtUserID.Text = ""

txtPasswd.Text = "" End If

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtPasswd_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

If Tambah = True Then

cmdSimpan.Enabled = True cmdTambah.Enabled = False cmdSimpan.SetFocus

ElseIf Ubah = True Then cmdUpdate.Enabled = True cmdUpdate.SetFocus

End If End If End Sub

Sub Save()


rsUser.Open "Select * from [uUser] where UserID='" _

& txtUserID.Text & "' and Passwd='" & txtPasswd.Text & "'", _ CN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Tambah = True Then

If rsUser.EOF = True Then

Set rsSimpan = New ADODB.Recordset

rsSimpan.Open "select * from [uUser]", _ CN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic rsSimpan.AddNew

rsSimpan.Fields("UserID") = txtUserID.Text rsSimpan.Fields("Passwd") = txtPasswd.Text rsSimpan.Update

Mati Bersih Segar

MsgBox "Data sudah tersimpan" Tambah = False

cmdUpdate.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.Enabled = False cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus


MsgBox "User sudah ada ..." txtPasswd.Text = ""

txtUserID.Text = "" txtUserID.SetFocus End If

End If

End Sub Sub Segar()


Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from uUser Order by UserID asc", CN, 1, 3 If Not rsCari.EOF = True Then

Do While Not rsCari.EOF

Set J = lv.ListItems.Add(, , rsCari!UserID) J.SubItems(1) = rsCari!Passwd

rsCari.MoveNext If rsCari.EOF Then Exit Do

End If Loop End If

Set rsCari = Nothing End Sub

Private Sub txtUserId_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

If Tambah = True Then

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from [uUser] where UserID='" _ & txtUserID.Text & "'", CN, 1,2

If rsCari.EOF = True Then txtPasswd.Enabled = True txtPasswd.SetFocus



txtPasswd.Text = "" txtUserID.SetFocus End If

ElseIf Cari = True Then

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from [uUser] where UserID='" &_ txtUserID.Text & "'", CN, 1, 2

If rsCari.EOF = True Then

MsgBox "User belum ada ..." txtUserID.Text = ""

txtUserID.SetFocus Else

txtPasswd.Text = rsCari.Fields("Passwd") cmdUpdate.Enabled = True

cmdHapus.Enabled = True cmdUpdate.SetFocus End If

End If End If End Sub

7. Daftar User

Private Sub Form_Activate() Me.WindowState = 2

cr.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\Laporan\RepDafUser.rpt" cr.RetrieveDataFiles

cr.Connect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _ App.Path & "\dbPegawai.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" cr.WindowShowRefreshBtn = True


cr.WindowState = crptMaximized cr.Action = 1

End Sub

8. Data Absensi

Option Explicit Dim J As ListItem

Dim IDAbsensi As Integer Dim IDDAbsensi As Integer Dim rsAbsensi As Recordset Dim rsDAbsensi As Recordset Dim IDPegawai As Integer Dim Lama As Integer Dim bolHadir As Boolean Dim Ket As String

Dim bolOk As Boolean Sub Bersih()

bolOk = False Ket = "Ada" IDAbsensi = 0 IDDAbsensi = 0 lblIDD.Caption = "" lblID = ""


txtJamMasuk = "__:__" txtJamPulang = "__:__" lblLama = ""

Cari = False Tambah = False bolHadir = False

Set rsHapus = New ADODB.Recordset

rsHapus.Open "Delete from Absensi where StatusRec='1'", CN, 1, 2 Set rsHapus = Nothing

Set rsHapus = New ADODB.Recordset

rsHapus.Open "Delete from DAbsensi where StatusRec='1'", CN, 1, 2 Set rsHapus = Nothing

End Sub Sub Mati()

cboKode.Enabled = False cboKet.Enabled = False txtJamMasuk.Enabled = False txtJamPulang.Enabled = False txtTgl.Enabled = False

End Sub Sub CariID()

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from Absensi order by IDAbsensi desc", CN, 1, 2 If Not rsCari.EOF Then

IDAbsensi = rsCari!IDAbsensi + 1 Else

IDAbsensi = 1 End If

Set rsCari = Nothing lblID.Caption = IDAbsensi

Set rsSimpan = New ADODB.Recordset rsSimpan.Open "Absensi", CN, 1, 2 rsSimpan.AddNew

rsSimpan!IDAbsensi = IDAbsensi

rsSimpan!TglAbsen = Format(txtTgl.Value, "dd-mm-yyyy") rsSimpan!StatusRec = "1"

rsSimpan.Update Set rsSimpan = Nothing

End Sub

Sub CariIDD()

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from DAbsensi order by IDDAbsensi desc", _ CN,1, 2

If Not rsCari.EOF Then

IDDAbsensi = rsCari!IDAbsensi + 1 Else

IDDAbsensi = 1 End If

Set rsCari = Nothing

lblIDD.Caption = IDDAbsensi



rsSimpan!IDDAbsensi = IDDAbsensi rsSimpan!IDAbsensi = IDAbsensi rsSimpan!StatusRec = "1"

rsSimpan.Update Set rsSimpan = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub cboKet_Click() If bolHadir = False Then cmdSimpan.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Private Sub cboKode_Click() If cboKode.Text = "Hadir" Then bolHadir = True

Call CariIDD

cboKet.Text = "Masuk" txtJamMasuk.Enabled = True txtJamMasuk.SetFocus


bolHadir = False cboKet.Enabled = True cboKet.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Private Sub cmdBatal_Click() Call Bersih

Call Mati

cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdBatal.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cmdCari_Click() Cari = True

End Sub

Private Sub cmdHapus_Click() cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdEdit.Enabled = False

Set rsHapus = New ADODB.Recordset

rsHapus.Open "Delete from DAbsensi where IDAbsensi=" & _ IDAbsensi & "", CN, 1, 2

Set rsHapus = Nothing

Set rsHapus = New ADODB.Recordset

rsHapus.Open "Delete from Absensi where IDAbsensi=" & IDAbsensi _ & "", CN, 1, 2


Call Bersih Call SegarPeg Call SegarAbsen

cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdBatal.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub cmdKeluar_Click() Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSimpan_Click() cmdSimpan.Enabled = False

X = MsgBox("Data absensi mau disimpan ?", vbYesNo) If X = vbYes Then

If lblNip.Caption <> "" Then If IDPegawai <> 0 Then If IDAbsensi <> 0 Then bolOk = True


bolOk = False End If


bolOk = False End If


bolOk = False End If

If bolOk = True And bolHadir = True Then Set rsUbah = New ADODB.Recordset

rsUbah.Open "Update Absensi SET IDPegawai=" & IDPegawai _ & ",Kode ='" & Left(cboKode.Text, 1) & "', Keterangan='" _

& Left(cboKet.Text, 1) & "',StatusRec='*' " & _ "where IDAbsensi =" & IDAbsensi & "", CN, 1, 2 Set rsUbah = Nothing

Set rsUbah = New ADODB.Recordset

rsUbah.Open "Update DAbsensi SET JamMasuk ='" _

& txtJamMasuk.Text & "', JamPulang='" & txtJamPulang.Text _ & "',Lama=" & Lama & ",StatusRec='*' " & _

"where IDdAbsensi =" & IDDAbsensi & "", CN, 1, 2 Set rsUbah = Nothing

ElseIf bolOk = True And bolHadir = False Then Set rsUbah = New ADODB.Recordset

rsUbah.Open "Update Absensi SET IDPegawai=" & IDPegawai _ & ",Kode ='" & Left(cboKode.Text, 1) & "', Keterangan='" _ & Left(cboKet.Text, 1) & "',StatusRec='*' " & _

"where IDAbsensi =" & IDAbsensi & "", CN, 1, 2 Set rsUbah = Nothing

End If


Call Bersih

cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdBatal.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus Else

MsgBox "Data belum lengkap ..." End If

Call SegarAbsen End Sub

Private Sub cmdTambah_Click() Tambah = True

Cari = False

cmdTambah.Enabled = False Call CariID

txtTgl.Value = Format(Now, "dd-mm-yyyy") cmdSimpan.Enabled = True

txtTgl.Enabled = True txtTgl.SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() Call Mati

Call Bersih Call SegarPeg Call SegarAbsen

cmdTambah.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.Enabled = False cmdCari.Enabled = True cmdEdit.Enabled = False cmdHapus.Enabled = False cmdBatal.Enabled = True cmdTambah.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Call Koneksi

cboKode.AddItem "Hadir"

cboKode.AddItem "Tidak Hadir" cboKet.AddItem "Masuk"

cboKet.AddItem "Sakit" cboKet.AddItem "Izin"

cboKet.AddItem "Tidak Ada Pemberitahuan" End Sub

Private Sub lv1_Click() If Cari = True Then

IDAbsensi = lv1.ListItems.Item(lv1.SelectedItem.Index).Text lblID.Caption = IDAbsensi

Set rsAbsensi = New ADODB.Recordset

rsAbsensi.Open "Select * from Absensi where IDAbsensi=" _ & IDAbsensi & "", CN, 1, 2


Ket = "Ada" IDAbsensi = 0 IDDAbsensi = 0 lblID = "" lblNip = "" lblNama = "" cboKode = "" cboKet = ""

txtJamMasuk = "__:__" txtJamPulang = "__:__" lblLama = ""

MsgBox "Absensi tidak ada" Else

txtTgl.Value = Format(rsAbsensi!TglAbsen, "dd-mm-yyyy") IDPegawai = rsAbsensi!IDPegawai

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from Pegawai where IDPegawai="_ & IDPegawai & "", CN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If Not rsCari.EOF = True Then

lblNama = rsCari!Nama lblNip = rsCari!NIP cboKode.Enabled = True cboKode.SetFocus


lblNama = "" lblNip = "" End If

Set rsCari = Nothing

If rsAbsensi!Kode = "H" Then bolHadir = True

cboKode.Text = "Hadir" Else

bolHadir = False

cboKode.Text = "Tidak Hadir" End If

If rsAbsensi!Keterangan = "M" Then cboKet.Text = "Masuk"

ElseIf rsAbsensi!Keterangan = "S" Then cboKet.Text = "Sakit"

ElseIf rsAbsensi!Keterangan = "I" Then cboKet.Text = "Izin"


cboKet.Text = "Tidak Ada Pemberitahuan" End If

If bolHadir = True Then

Set rsDAbsensi = New ADODB.Recordset

rsDAbsensi.Open "Select * from DAbsensi _

where IDAbsensi=" & IDAbsensi & "", CN, 1, 2 If Not rsDAbsensi.EOF = True Then

IDDAbsensi = rsDAbsensi!IDDAbsensi lblIDD.Caption = IDDAbsensi

txtJamMasuk.Text = rsDAbsensi!JamMasuk _ txtJamPulang.Text = rsDAbsensi!JamPulang lblLama.Caption = rsDAbsensi!Lama



lblIDD.Caption = ""

txtJamMasuk.Text = "__:__" txtJamPulang.Text = "__:__" lblLama.Caption = ""

End If

Set rsDAbsensi = Nothing Else

IDDAbsensi = 0 lblIDD.Caption = ""

txtJamMasuk.Text = "__:__" txtJamPulang.Text = "__:__" lblLama.Caption = ""

End If

cmdEdit.Enabled = True cmdHapus.Enabled = True End If

Set rsAbsensi = Nothing End If

End Sub

Private Sub lvPegawai_Click() If Tambah = True Then

IDPegawai = _

lvPegawai.ListItems.Item(lvPegawai.SelectedItem.Index).Text Set rsAbsensi = New ADODB.Recordset

rsAbsensi.Open "Select * from Absensi where IDPegawai=" _ & IDPegawai & " and TglAbsen=#" & _

Format(txtTgl.Value, "yyyy,mm,dd") & "#", CN, 1, 2 If Not rsAbsensi.EOF = True Then

MsgBox "Pegawai ini sudah melakukan absensi" Else

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from Pegawai where IDPegawai=" _ & IDPegawai & "", CN, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic If Not rsCari.EOF = True Then

lblNama = rsCari!Nama lblNip = rsCari!NIP cboKode.Enabled = True cboKode.SetFocus


lblNama = "" lblNip = "" End If

Set rsCari = Nothing End If

Set rsAbsensi = Nothing End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtJamMasuk_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

txtJamPulang.Enabled = True txtJamPulang.SetFocus

End If End Sub

Sub SegarPeg()


Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from Pegawai Order by IDPegawai asc", _ CN, 1, 3

If Not rsCari.EOF = True Then Do While Not rsCari.EOF

Set J = lvPegawai.ListItems.Add(, , rsCari!IDPegawai) J.SubItems(1) = rsCari!NIP

J.SubItems(2) = rsCari!TglMasuk J.SubItems(3) = rsCari!Nama J.SubItems(4) = rsCari!alamat J.SubItems(5) = rsCari!NoTelp J.SubItems(6) = rsCari!NoHP J.SubItems(7) = rsCari!NoKTP rsCari.MoveNext

If rsCari.EOF Then Exit Do

End If Loop End If

Set rsCari = Nothing End Sub

Sub SegarAbsen() lv1.ListItems.Clear

Set rsAbsensi = New ADODB.Recordset

rsAbsensi.Open "Select * from Absensi Order by IDAbsensi _ asc", CN, 1, 2

If Not rsAbsensi.EOF = True Then Do While Not rsAbsensi.EOF IDPegawai = rsAbsensi!IDPegawai IDAbsensi = rsAbsensi!IDAbsensi Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from Pegawai Where IDPegawai=" _ & IDPegawai & "", CN, 1, 3

If Not rsCari.EOF = True Then

Set J = lv1.ListItems.Add(, , IDAbsensi) J.SubItems(1) = rsAbsensi!TglAbsen

J.SubItems(2) = rsCari!NIP J.SubItems(3) = rsCari!Nama If rsAbsensi!Kode = "H" Then J.SubItems(4) = "Hadir" Else

J.SubItems(4) = "Tidak Hadir" End If

If rsAbsensi!Keterangan = "M" Then J.SubItems(5) = "Masuk"

ElseIf rsAbsensi!Keterangan = "S" Then J.SubItems(5) = "Sakit"

ElseIf rsAbsensi!Keterangan = "I" Then J.SubItems(5) = "Izin"


J.SubItems(5) = "Tidak Ada Pemberitahuan" End If

End If

Set rsCari = Nothing


Exit Do End If Loop End If

Set rsAbsensi = Nothing End Sub

Private Sub txtJamPulang_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

Lama = DateDiff("h", txtJamMasuk.Text, txtJamPulang.Text) lblLama.Caption = Lama

cmdSimpan.Enabled = True cmdSimpan.SetFocus

End If End Sub

9. Daftar Absensi

Private Sub cmdCetak_Click() Call cetak

End Sub

Private Sub cmdKeluar_Click() Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()

txtTgl.Value = Format(Now, "dd-mm-yyyy") txtTgl.SetFocus

End Sub Sub cetak()

Me.WindowState = 2

cr.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\Laporan\crDafAbsensiHar.rpt" cr.RetrieveDataFiles

cr.Connect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; _

Data Source=" & App.Path & "\dbPegawai.mdb;Persist _ Security Info=False"

cr.SelectionFormula = "({Absensi.TglAbsen})=date(" & _ Format(CDate(txtTgl.Value), "yyyy,mm,dd") & ")" cr.WindowShowRefreshBtn = True

cr.Formulas(0) = "Tgl='" & txtTgl.Value & "'" cr.PrintReport

cr.WindowState = crptMaximized cr.Action = 1

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Call Koneksi

End Sub

Private Sub txtTgl_Click()

txtTgl.Value = Format(txtTgl.Value, "dd-mm-yyyy") Call Cekdata

End Sub


txtTgl.Text = Format(txtTgl.Value, "dd-mm-yyyy") Call Cekdata

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtTgl_LostFocus() On Error GoTo SalahTanggal

CekTanggal = Format(CDate(txtTgl.Value), "dd-mm-yyyy") On Error GoTo 0

Exit Sub SalahTanggal:

If Len(Trim(txtTgl.Value)) = 0 Then Exit Sub

End If

X = MsgBox("Format tanggal: dd-mm-yyyy" & Chr(13) & _ "Misalnya: 12-01-2013", vbOKOnly)

txtTgl.Enabled = True txtTgl.SetFocus

End Sub

Sub Cekdata()

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from Absensi where TglAbsen =#" _ & Format(txtTgl.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#", CN, 1, 2 If Not rsCari.EOF = True Then

cmdCetak.Enabled = True cmdCetak.SetFocus


MsgBox "Data tidak ada " txtTgl.SetFocus

End If

End Sub

10. Laporan Absensi Harian

Private Sub cmdCetak_Click() Call cetak

End Sub

Private Sub cmdKeluar_Click() Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()

txtTgl.Value = Format(Now, "dd-mm-yyyy") txtTgl.SetFocus

End Sub

Sub cetak()

Me.WindowState = 2

cr.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\Laporan\crLapAbsensiHar.rpt" cr.RetrieveDataFiles

cr.Connect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; _ Data Source=" & App.Path & "\dbPegawai.mdb;Persist _

Security Info=False"

cr.SelectionFormula = "({Absensi.TglAbsen})=date(" & _ Format(CDate(txtTgl.Value), "yyyy,mm,dd") & ")"

cr.WindowShowRefreshBtn = True



cr.WindowState = crptMaximized r.Action = 1

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Call Koneksi

End Sub

Private Sub txtTgl_Click()

txtTgl.Value = Format(txtTgl.Value, "dd-mm-yyyy") Call Cekdata

End Sub

Private Sub txtTgl_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then

txtTgl.Text = Format(txtTgl.Value, "dd-mm-yyyy") Call Cekdata

End If End Sub

Private Sub txtTgl_LostFocus() On Error GoTo SalahTanggal

CekTanggal = Format(CDate(txtTgl.Value), "dd-mm-yyyy") On Error GoTo 0

Exit Sub SalahTanggal:

If Len(Trim(txtTgl.Value)) = 0 Then Exit Sub

End If

X = MsgBox("Format tanggal: dd-mm-yyyy" & Chr(13) & _ "Misalnya: 12-01-2013", vbOKOnly)

txtTgl.Enabled = True txtTgl.SetFocus

End Sub

Sub Cekdata()

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from Absensi where TglAbsen =#" _ & Format(txtTgl.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#", CN, 1, 2 If Not rsCari.EOF = True Then

cmdCetak.Enabled = True cmdCetak.SetFocus


MsgBox "Data tidak ada " txtTgl.SetFocus

End If

End Sub

11. Laporan Absensi Bulanan

Option Explicit

Dim Bln As Integer, Thn As Integer Private Sub cboBln_Click()

If cboBln.Text = "Januari" Then Bln = 1


ElseIf cboBln.Text = "Maret" Then Bln = 3

ElseIf cboBln.Text = "April" Then Bln = 4

ElseIf cboBln.Text = "Mei" Then Bln = 5

ElseIf cboBln.Text = "Juni" Then Bln = 6

ElseIf cboBln.Text = "Juli" Then Bln = 7

ElseIf cboBln.Text = "Agustus" Then Bln = 8

ElseIf cboBln.Text = "September" Then Bln = 9

ElseIf cboBln.Text = "Oktober" Then Bln = 10

ElseIf cboBln.Text = "Nopember" Then Bln = 11

ElseIf cboBln.Text = "Desember" Then Bln = 12

End If Call Cari End Sub

Sub Cari()

Set rsCari = New ADODB.Recordset

rsCari.Open "Select * from Absensi where month(TglAbsen)=" _ & Bln & " and year(TglAbsen)=" & txtThn.Text & "", CN, 1, 2 If Not rsCari.EOF Then

cmdCetak.Enabled = True cmdCetak.SetFocus


MsgBox "Data tidak ada" End If

Set rsCari = Nothing End Sub

Sub cetak()

Me.WindowState = 2

cr.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\Laporan\crLapAbsensiBul.rpt" cr.RetrieveDataFiles

cr.Connect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _ App.Path & "\dbPegawai.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"

cr.SelectionFormula = "year({Absensi.TglAbsen})=" & _ txtThn.Text & " and month({Absensi.TglAbsen})=" & Bln & "" cr.WindowShowRefreshBtn = True

cr.Formulas(0) = "nmBln='" & cboBln.Text & "'" cr.Formulas(1) = "Thn='" & txtThn.Text & "'" cr.PrintReport

cr.WindowState = crptMaximized cr.Action = 1

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCetak_Click() Call cetak

End Sub


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate() txtThn.SetFocus

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Call Koneksi

cboBln.AddItem "Januari" cboBln.AddItem "Pebruari" cboBln.AddItem "Maret" cboBln.AddItem "April" cboBln.AddItem "Mei" cboBln.AddItem "Juni" cboBln.AddItem "Juli" cboBln.AddItem "Agustus" cboBln.AddItem "September" cboBln.AddItem "Oktober" cboBln.AddItem "Nopember" cboBln.AddItem "Desember" End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub txtThn_Change() If Len(txtThn.Text) < 4 Then Exit Sub


cboBln.Enabled = True cboBln.SetFocus


Dokumen terkait

Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan menulis mahasiswa KPI konsentrasi penerbitan, untuk mengetahuinya penulis perlu menggunakan teknik

1. Untuk meningkatkan jumlah siswa dimasa yang akan datang, SMK Negeri 1 Kota Sungai Penuh hendaknya terus meningkatkan implementasi bauran pemasaran jasa terutama

Beban kerja DLP ditentukan dari jumlah peserta JKN yang masuk dalam daftar pesertanya (komunitas binaan). Pemanfaatan DLP oleh komunitas binaan ini dipengaruhi

Qur’an di MTs Al Huda Bandung. Untuk mendeskripsikan strategi guru Al- Qur’ an hadits dalam meningkatkan kemampuan kefasihan siswa dalam membaca Al- Qur’an di MTs Al

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Dari model diatas diketahui bahwa variabel yang signifikan mempengaruhi perubahan inflasi bulan ini adalah perubahan inflasi pada bulan sebelumnya. Jika inflasi

Saat jumlah pajak terutang suatu perusahaan dalam satu tahun pajak lebih besar dari jumlah kredit pajak yang telah dipotong atau dipungut oleh pihak lain dan yang telah disetor

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendapatkan kajian tentang pengaruh service recovery, perceived value dan brand image terhadap