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Academic year: 2017



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SITI SUHAILA SIREGAR Register Number: 082188310014

English Applied Linguistics Study Program State University of Medan

T his Thesis was Examined on January 06111,2011 by the Board Examiners

Adviser I

Approved by Adviser commission

Adviser II





~::::t9590412 198403 1 001

1 · Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd

' NIP: 19610425 198601 2 001






This Thesis was Examined on 061h January 2011 by Board of examiners

Board Exa miners

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M. Pd


NIP: 19610425 198601 2 001

Dr. Eddy Setia. M.Ed. TESP NIP: 1959041 2 198403 1 001

Prof. Dr. Busmin Guming. M.Pd NIP. 19590713 198601 1 001

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A. Ph.D NIP. 19550113 1982 03 1 002





In the name of Alloh, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. May greetings are

shaded to our prophet Muhammad Sholallohu 'alaihi wasallam, his family and his noble

friends. First of all, the writer owes a real debt of gratitude to her first adviser Prof. Dr.

Lince Sihombing, M.Pd, whose advice, encouragement, reviews, comments, suggestions

and patience have been a feature of the writing process from the very beginning of this

thesis. She is also grateful to Dr. Eddy Setia, M .Ed, her second adviser, for the advice,

criticisms, reviews, and sentence that were extremely helpful.

She also would like to thank to Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, the Head of English

Applied Linguistics Study Program and also her second examiner, and then her gratitude

for Prof. Amrin Saragih, MA. Ph.D, and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, MS., who offered many

valuable ideas and helped sharpen her observation. Besides that, she also would like to

thank to all lecturers of English Applied Linguistics Study Program for the treasure of

knowledge they have transferred to her during the course of her studies.

Thanks are also due to her beloved mother Inayat Hanum Saragih, her sister

-Mawaddah Siregar, and her brother Ma'arif Siregar, who provided love, care, and support

and gave her spirit to finish this thesis. She is also grateful to her dearest friends, Mb '

Yuli, Bela, K' Si, Anke, K' Emi, Amin, B' Erik, K' Ema, and P' Kristoffor the one and a

half year full of sense of humor and fellowship.

Medan, February 2011 The Writer,



Siregar, Siti Suhaila. Register Number: 082188310014. mixing and

Code-swjt~bbtg jp Tecmnt Novels,


fbesis; Englisb A.pplie~ Lbtggjsti~s Srn~y

Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan. 2011.

This research deals with code-mixing and code-switching used in Teenlit Novels. It



types of code-mixing ~W.d code-switching Md the dominant type used in

three Teenlit Novels (Fairish, Dealova and Me versus High Heels). It also intends to find

out why the dominant type used and what factors influence the use of code-mixing and

code-switching. The data collected by reading the novel completely and underlining the sentences contain English word, phrase, or clauses. Then the data were classified based on the type and the percentage formula was used to fmd out the dominant type of

code-mixing and code-switching. The findings indicate that; novel 1 (Fairish) used all types of

code-mixing and code-switching, novel 2 (Dealova) used four types of code-mixing and

two types of code-switching, and novel 3 (Me versus High Heels) used all types of

code-mixing and two types of code-switching. The dominant type of code-code-mixing used is unit

insertion (70.35%) and the dominant type of code-switching used is intersentential

(76.93%). Noun is the dominant words inserted. It is because 'noun' is easily mixed from

one language to another. Intersentential code-switching dominantly used because the biggest number of code-switching used in this novel are written outside the sentence

boundary and the tendency of the teenagers to express their feelings in English. The

factors influence the use of code-mixing and code-switching are, partner speaking that influence the characters to speak in a relax situation, the place (at school, at home, on the

street, in public places, etc), media of speaking (face to face, telephone call, SMS), topic

(non scientific topic), function and purpose, and variant (informal variant).



Siregar, Siti Suhaila. NIM: 082188310014. Campur Kode dan Alih Kode dalam



Te~b ;


Studi Lingg~tik Ten~p~n P.~b~~a


Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan. 2011.

Penelitian ini membahas tentang campur kode dan alih kode yang digunakan dalam Novel




mengkaji tentang jenis-jenis


kode dan

~ i h

kode dan jenis

yang paling banyak digunakan dalam 3 novel Novel Teenlit (Fairish, Dealove, Me versus

High Heels). Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengkaji mengapa satu jenis campur kode dan alih kode digunakan dan faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi penggunaan campur kode dan alih kode. Data dikumpulkan dengan membaca novel secara keseluruhan dan menggaris-bawahi kalimat yang terdapat unsur-unsur bahasa lnggris di dalamnya. Kemudian data tersebut dikelompokkan berdasarkan jenis dan rurnus persentase digunakan untuk mencari jenis campur kode dan alih kode yang palin banyak digunakan.

Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa; novel 1 (Fairish) menggunakan semua jenis campur

kode dan alih kode, novel 2 (Dealova) menggunakan empat jenis campur kode dan dua

jenis dan novel 3 (Me versus High Heels) menggunakan semua jenis campur kode dan dua

jenis alih kode. Campur kode yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Unit Insertion (70.35%) dan jenis alih kode yang paling banyak digunakan adalah intersentential (76.93%). Kata benda paling banyak disisipkan ke dalam kalimat-kalimatnya. Hal ini disebabkan kata benda dapat dengan mudah disisipkan ke dalam kalimat bahasa lain. Alih kode jenis intersentential paling banyak digunakan di ketiga novel tersebut karena kebanyakan kalimat bahasa lnggris yang ditandai sebagai alih kode ditulis di luar batasan kalimat. Selain itu juga karena kecenderungan para remaja yang senang mengekspresikan perasaan mereka dalam bahasa Inggris. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan campur kode dan alih kode di sini adalah: ternan bicara, tempat ( di tempat umum, di rumah, atau di jalan), media berbicara (tatap muka, percakapan telepon, SMS), topik

(topik non ilmiah), fungsi dan tujuan, dan ragam (ragam informal).




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1.1 The Background of Study



A study about language is a never ended story because language is a part of human

life. It has a role as a medium of communication in a social life. Human beings interact

one to each other by using language in their society. In reality, languages used in a society

have variation, including verbal, non-verbal (body language) spoken and written

language. Whatever language form is being used, it is due to the cooperation and

understanding between the encoder and the decoder.

Language users create language, so its information relates their society, and

environment. The way people talk depends on the place they come from and which

society or environment they belong to. When people are in a conversation, they tend to

use the language they have. In teenagers' world, most of them prefer to use non-standard

language which is sometimes switched or mixed with/to English than using standard

language. It can be accepted if the use of the language only when they speak to their

friends, but they are supposed to be able to speak in standard language well when they are

requested to convey their opinion both in the teaching learning process and in the answer

sheet for their examination.

Here is an example taken from http://akmal.multiply.com/journal/item/216:

"Iya, gua demen banget sama J-Lo. Dia tuh udah seksi, jago nyanyi, udah gitu

jago nge-dance lagi! Wah, tipe gua banget, tuh!"

The example above is a comment said by a teenager when he was asked about a

famous international singer. In the example, the use of non standard language can be

found here and there. The non standard words such as, demen, banget, tuh, udah, gitu,



tendency of using non standard language, they also tend to have limited vocabulary in

standard Indonesian language, as the result, they use English words. The fact can be seen

from their language in operating internet or computer. They will understand if we say

'download' , 'upload', or 'scan', but most of them will be confused with the meaning of

the words in bahasa Indonesia.

In the example above, the words nge-dance is an example of mix words which is also

usually used by the teenagers in the daily conversation. Actually the words can be

translated easily but they prefer to use the English to make them seem cool.

In the sociolinguistics, the phenomenon of mixing a language with

another language is called as code mixing. There are two kinds of code-mixing, they are

(a) Inner code-mixing that means as a mixing from the original language with all the

variants (standard-nonstandard or formal-informal) or it can be a mixing of traditional

language with bahasa Indonesia, and (b) Outer code-mixing that means as a mixing

occurs from another language (foreign language). In Indonesia, the two kinds of mixing

occur. People sometimes insert the grammatical units in traditional language into bahasa

Indonesia. Besides that, they also inserted the grammatical unit of foreign language into

bahasa Indonesia. In some cases, the mixing between standard and nonstandard or formal

and informal also occurs.

Some linguists have given their definitions of code-mixing.

According to Sridhar and Sridhar, as quoted by http:/.en.wikipedia.orglwiki/code-mixing,

code-mixing is the transition from using linguistics units (words, phrases, clauses, etc.) of

one language to using those of another within a single sentence. Thus, words, phrases or

clauses of one language are inserted into another language. Then, Wardhaugh (1986: 104)



extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance.

A single utterance here can be a word or phrase.

In Indonesia, code-mixing is called as Gado-gado language (Ohoiwutun, 1997: 70).

Kachru (1982: 39) stated that there are some types that are involved in code-mixing. They

are: Unit insertion, Unit hybridization, Sentence insertion, Idiom and collocation

insertion, and Reduplication.

Here is an example of code mixing (Ohoiwutun, 1997: 70):

A: Ngapain pagi-pagi sudah di sini?

B: Pesawatnya p erlu di run-up, diinspeksi, dicek busi. Landing gear dibuka.

The example above is a dialogue of two airmen in a plane hangar. The speaker B

mixes some English words with bahasa Indonesia Speaker B uses the English words

because there is no equivalent translation of the words in bahasa Indonesia.

Besides code-mixing, there is also another phenomenon occurs in the teenagers' daily

conversation. It is a switching from one language to another which is commonly known

as switching. There are two kinds of switching, they are (a) external

code-switching that means as the code-switching from one language into another language, for

example, the switching from Bahasa Indonesia into English, and (b) internal

code-switching that means as the code-switching from one variant or dialect into another variant or

dialect in one language, for example, switching from Mandailing dialect into Angkola

dialect. In Indonesia, the two kinds of code-switching also occur.

There are several definitions of code sv.i.tching. Taken from http:/.en.wikipedia.org/wi

ki/code switching, code switching is a term in linguistics referring to using more than one

language or dialect in conversation. According to Pop lack (1 980) there are three types of



Here is an example of code switching cited from http://www.apfippsi.com/alihkode.ht


A: Yanis, tu veux du "gado-gado "?

(Y anis, would you like "gado-gado")

B: Mais oui, je veux aussi du "es dawet ". Quand on travai/le dur, on a toujours [aim.

(Yes, I'd like es dawet too. When we work hard, we are always hungry.)

A: Pak Mar, tolong pesen gado-gado kalih, es dawet kalih.

(Pak Mar, please bring us two gado-gado andes dawet.)

C: Inggih, inggih.


In the dialogue above, the speaker A speaks French with her friend B who can speak

French too. And then when she speaks to the speaker C (who can speak French) she

switches from French to Javanese as C doesn't speak French but Javanese.

The phenomena of code-mixing and code-switching can be found in the bilingual or

multilingual society. Weinrich, as quoted by Beardsmore, (1982; 2) stated that

bilingualism is the practice of using two languages alternatively and if three or more

languages used, it is called multilingualism.

Nowadays, the phenomena is getting wider and wider (Ohoiwutun, 1997:69). The

using of code-mixing and code switching can also be found in a teenager novel


a novel

that reflect the life of teenagers, the novel also use the language the teenagers usually

used. This can be happen because, however, the way people commwlicate one to each

other is not only by speaking but also writing. In this case, the writers should use

attractive and understandable language, especially by the target readers.

One of the famous novels for teenagers in Indonesia is called Teenlit Novels. The



Indonesian novel, written by Indonesian writers and published in Indonesia. However, in

the novel the writers express their written work by switching and mixing English in their

novels. For instance:

1. Taza mendadakjadi nervous.

2. Tapi, ya sudahlah. Better late than never.

In the example 1, the word 'nervous' is inserted in the middle of the sentence and in

the example 2 there is a switching from bahasa Indonesia into English instead of saying

"Lebih baik terlambat dari pada tidak sama sekali " that actually can be expressed in

Bahasa Indonesia but here the novelist prefer to say it in English. Here the researcher interested in fmding out what factors influence the use of mixing and

code-switching in Teenlit novels. Besides that, the researcher also investigated the types of

code-mixing and code-switching and the dominant type used. After that, the reasons why

the dominnat type used were also explained.

There have been several investigations about code-mixing and code-switching in the

previous study, still there is no such topic to investigate code-mixing and code-switching

in the Teenlit Novels. So, in this study, the investigation about mixing and



1.% The Problem of the Study

Based on the explanation provided above, the problem of study are formulated as the


1. What are the types of Indonesian-English code-mixing and code-switching used in

the Teenlit Novels and what is the dominant type used?

2. Why is the dominant type of code-mixing and code-switching used in the Teenlit


3. What factors influence the use of Indonesian-English mixing and

code-switching in the Teenlit Novels?

1.3 The O bjective of Study

Based on the formulation of the research problems above, the research objectives can

be stated as follows:

1. To fmd out the types and the dominant type of Indonesian-English code-mixing

and code-switching used in the Teenlit Novels.

To elaborate why the dominant types of Indonesian-English code-mixing and

code-switching used in the Teenlit novels.

To find out the factors influence the use of Indonesian-English code-mixing and

code-switching used in the Teenlit Novels.

1.4 The Scope of Study

The term code refers to speech varieties or dialects in a language or even languages,

so the term code-mixing and code-switching can be said as the mixing and switching

form one speech variety, dialect, or even the language with or to the other.






I. External code-switching

External code-switching is the switching from one language into another

language, for example, the switching from Bahasa Indonesia into English.

2. Internal code-switching

Internal code-switching is the switching from one variant or dialect into another

variant or dialect in one language, for example, switching from Mandailing dialect

into Angkola dialect.

And then, there are two kinds of code-mixing, they are;

1. Inner code-mixing

Inner code-mixing is a mixing from the original language with all the variants

(standard, nonstandard or formal-informal).

2. Outer code-mixing

Outer code-mixing is a mixing occurs from another language (foreign language).

Here, this study analyzed only the Indonesian-English mixing (outer

code-mixing) and code-switching (external code-switching) used in the sentence in Teenlit

Noyels. Furthermore, the writer analyzed the types of Indonesian-English code-mixing

and code-switching in the sentences found in the Teenlit novels.

M IU t ~ pr:.;t~· USTAKAAN



1.5 The Signfflcancc of Study

The researcher assumes that this research will be useful both theoretically and


1. An inspiration for the other researchers to conduct further research related to

code-mixing and code-switching.

2. Guiding infonnation for the university students who are interested in studying

code-mixing and code-switching.

3. Provides for students a better way for code-mixing and code-switching study.

4. Provides the writers and the readers with some more knowledge about learning the

subject which have to do with language variations represented by the

Indonesian-English code-mixing and code-switching found in the sentences used in the








CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of the Study ... . 1.2 The Problem of the Study ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .... 6

1.3 The Objective of the Study ... 6

1.4 The Scope of the Study ... 6

1.5 The Significance of the Study... 8

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2. 1 Sociolinguistics ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .. .... ... ... .... . 9

2.1. 1 Problems in Sociolinguistics... l 0 2.1 .2 Bilingualism... 11

2.2 Code Mixing ... 13

2.2.1 The Process of Code-Mixing ... ... ... ... ... .... .. . ... ... .... .... 15

2.2.2 Types of Code-mixing ... , ... 17

2.2.3 Written Code-Switching ... ... ... ... ... ... 18

2.3 Code-switching ... ... .. ... ... 19

2.3.1 Types of Code-switching ... 20

2.3 .2 Written Code-Mixing... 21

2.4 The Factors Influence Mixing Code and Switching Code ... 22

2.5 The Differences between Code-mixing and Code-Switching ... 24

2.6 Novels ... ... 27

2.6.1 Types ofNovel Seen from the Age ofthe Readers ... 27

2.6.1 .1 Teenlit Novels ... ... 28

2. 7 The Approaches in Studying Literature ... .. .... ... ... ... ... 29



3.1 Research Design ... 32

3.2 The Subject of Study ... 32

3.3. The Instrument of Data Collection ... 33

3.5 The Technique of Analyzing Data ... 33

3.6 Trustworthiness ... 34

CHAPTER IV: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 4.1 Data and Data Analysis ... 35

4.1.1 The Types of Code-mixing and Code-switching used in Teenlit Novels ... 35

4.1. 1.1 Frequency Distribution of Code-mixing in Novel l (Fairish) ... 35 Frequency Distribution of Code-mixing in Novel2 (Dealova) ... 37

4.1. 1.3 Frequency Distribution of Code-mixing in Novel 3 (Me versus High heels) ... 39

4.1. 1.4 Frequency Distribution of Code-switching in Novel I (Fairish) ... 42

4. 1.1.5 Frequency Distribution of Code-switching in Novel 2 (Deal ova) ... 44

4. 1.1.6 Frequency Distribution of Code-Switching in Novel 3 (Me versus High Heels)... ... 45 The Percentage ofFrequency Distribution ofCode-mixing in the Three Novels .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 46

4. 1.1.8 The Percentage of Frequency Distribution of Code-switching in the Three Novels ... 47

4.1.2 The Factors Influence the Use of Code-mixing and Code-switching in Teenlit Novels ... 48 Speaker's Partner ... ... 49 Setting (time and place) ... 50

4. 1.2.3 Media of Speaking ... ... . 51 Topic ... 52 Function and Purpose ... ... 52 Variant and Speech Level ... ... 53

4.2 Findings ... ... 54

4.3 Discussion... ... 54



4.3.1 The Types of Code-mixing and Code-switching Used in Teenlit Novels

(Fairish, Dealova, and Me versus High Heels) ... 54

4.3.2 The Dominant Type and the Reason Why the Dominant Type of Code-mixing and Code-switching used in Teenlit Novels ... 59

4.3.3 The Factors Influence the Use of Code-mixing and Code-switching in Teenlit Novels (Fairish, Dealova, and Me versus High Heels) ... 60


5.2 Suggestion ... 65









Table Page

Table 4.1 Frequency Distribution of code-mixing (Novel 1) ... ... 36

Table 4.2 Frequency Distribution of code-mixing (Novel 2) ... ... ,., .. ... , .... ,... . 3 7 Table 4.3 Frequency Distribution of code-mixing (Novel 3) ... ... ... 39

Table 4.4 Frequency Distribution of code~switching (Novell) ... 42

Table 4.5 Frequency Distribution of code-switching (Novel 2) ... 44

Table 4.6 Frequency Distribution of code-switching (Novel 3) ... ... 45

Table 4. 7 The Percentage of Frequency Distribution of code-mixing .. ... 46

Table 4.8 The Percentage of Frequency Distribution of code-switching ... ... 48


















Appendix A (Novel 1: Fairish) ... ... .. ... ... ... 69

Appendix B (Novel2: Dealova) ... ... 72

Appendix C (Novel 3: Me versus High heels) ... ... 80

Appendix D (Novel 1: Fairish) ... ... 87

Appendix E (Novel 2: Deal ova) ... ... 92

Appendix F (Novel 3 : Me versus High heels) ... ... .. ... .... ... 1 06






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