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A Study of using pictures to increase the students engagement for writing recount text in class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta.


Academic year: 2017

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Kinanti, Anastasia Widya. (2015). A Study of Using Pictures to Increase the

Students’ Engagement for Writing Recount Text in Class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Writing English for the students in class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta was difficult based on the students‟ perception. Moreover, the students were very talkative while following the writing activity. This situation made the students become less engaged in the learning and teaching process.

Based on the researcher‟s observation in the extracurricular activity, the students were more engaged when the teacher showed some pictures in the opening activity.

The research aimed to obtain the implementation of the use of picture to

improve students‟ engagement for writing recount text in class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. The formulated problems of this study are: how is

the use of pictures implemented to improve the students‟ engagement for writing

recount text in the class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta? What are the students‟ difficulties in writing recount for the students in class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta?

The research employed classroom action research to observe the

implementation of the use of picture to improve the students‟ engagement for

writing recount text in the class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. The participants of this research were thirty seven (37) students from class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. The researcher employed two cycles. The first cycle was conducted in two meetings and the second cycle was conducted into one meeting. The researcher obtained several instruments for this research: interview,

questionnaire, observation and students‟ writing test. In addition, the researcher

obtained two major data analyses: qualitative data analysis, and descriptive statistics.

The result of this research showed that the use of pictures improved students‟ engagement and also improved the students‟ writing ability. The significant

improvement could be seen from improvement in questionnaire result from cycle

1 to cycle 2, from the observation sheet, and from the students‟ writing scores. Using pictures becomes the appropriate method to improve the students‟

engagement in writing recount text.



Kinanti, Anastasia Widya. (2015). A Study of Using Pictures to Increase the

Students’ Engagement for Writing Recount Text in Class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Menulis dalam bahasa Inggris bagi siswa di kelas 8A SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogygakarta merupakan kegiatan yang sulit berdasarkan persepsi siswa - siswanya. Para siswa sangat ribut ketika mengikuti kegiatan menulis. Situasi ini membuat para siswa menjadi kurang berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Berdasarkan observasi dari peneliti di dalam kegiatan ekstra kurikuler, para siswa lebih berpartisipasi ketika guru menampilkan beberapa gambar di dalam kegiatan pembuka pembelajaran.

Penelitian in bertujuan untuk mendapat implementasi dari penggunaan gambar untuk meningkatkan partisipasi para siswa dalam menulis teks recount di kelas 8A SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Rumusan masalah di dalam penelitian ini adalah: bagaimana penggunaan gambar di implementasikan untuk mengembangkan partisipasi siswa dalam menulis teks recount di kelas 8A SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta? Apa saja kesulitan – kesulitan siswa dalam menulis teks recount bagi para siswa di kelas 8A SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta

Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas untuk mengobservasi implementasi dari penggunaan gambar untuk meningkatkan partisipasi para siswa untuk menulis teks recount di kelas 8A SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Para peserta penelitian ini adalah tiga puluh tujuh (37) siswa dari kelas 8A SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Peneliti menggunakan dua siklus. Siklus pertama dilakukan dalam dua pertemuan and siklus kedua dilakukan dalam satu pertemuan. Peneliti menggunakan beberapa instrument penelitian yaitu: interview, kuesioner, observati dan tes menulis siswa. Selanjutnya, peneliti menggunakan dua data analisis utama yaitu : analisis data kualitatif dan deskriptif statistik.

Hasl dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan gambar meningkatkan partisipasi siswa dan juga meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa. Peningkatan yang signifikan dapat dilihat dari peningkatan hasil kuesioner dari siklus 1 ke siklus kedua, dari hasil observasi, dann dari nilai menulis siswa. Penggunaan gambar menjadi medote yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan partisipasi siswa dalam menulis teks recount.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Anastasia Widya Kinanti Student Number: 111214030








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Anastasia Widya Kinanti Student Number: 111214030





Never stop


never stop





I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, July 29, 2015

The Writer

Anastasia Widya Kinanti





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma : Nama : Anastasia Widya Kinanti

Nomor Mahasiswa : 111214030

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul :



Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 29 Juli 2015

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Kinanti, Anastasia Widya. (2015). A Study of Using Pictures to Increase the

Students’ Engagement for Writing Recount Text in Class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Writing English for the students in class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta was difficult based on the students‟ perception. Moreover, the students were very talkative while following the writing activity. This situation made the students become less engaged in the learning and teaching process.

Based on the researcher‟s observation in the extracurricular activity, the students were more engaged when the teacher showed some pictures in the opening activity.

The research aimed to obtain the implementation of the use of picture to

improve students‟ engagement for writing recount text in class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. The formulated problems of this study are: how is

the use of pictures implemented to improve the students‟ engagement for writing

recount text in the class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta? What are the students‟ difficulties in writing recount for the students in class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta?

The research employed classroom action research to observe the

implementation of the use of picture to improve the students‟ engagement for

writing recount text in the class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. The participants of this research were thirty seven (37) students from class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. The researcher employed two cycles. The first cycle was conducted in two meetings and the second cycle was conducted into one meeting. The researcher obtained several instruments for this research: interview,

questionnaire, observation and students‟ writing test. In addition, the researcher

obtained two major data analyses: qualitative data analysis, and descriptive statistics.

The result of this research showed that the use of pictures improved students‟ engagement and also improved the students‟ writing ability. The significant

improvement could be seen from improvement in questionnaire result from cycle

1 to cycle 2, from the observation sheet, and from the students‟ writing scores. Using pictures becomes the appropriate method to improve the students‟

engagement in writing recount text.



Kinanti, Anastasia Widya. (2015). A Study of Using Pictures to Increase the

Students’ Engagement for Writing Recount Text in Class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Menulis dalam bahasa Inggris bagi siswa di kelas 8A SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogygakarta merupakan kegiatan yang sulit berdasarkan persepsi siswa - siswanya. Para siswa sangat ribut ketika mengikuti kegiatan menulis. Situasi ini membuat para siswa menjadi kurang berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Berdasarkan observasi dari peneliti di dalam kegiatan ekstra kurikuler, para siswa lebih berpartisipasi ketika guru menampilkan beberapa gambar di dalam kegiatan pembuka pembelajaran.

Penelitian in bertujuan untuk mendapat implementasi dari penggunaan gambar untuk meningkatkan partisipasi para siswa dalam menulis teks recount di kelas 8A SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Rumusan masalah di dalam penelitian ini adalah: bagaimana penggunaan gambar di implementasikan untuk mengembangkan partisipasi siswa dalam menulis teks recount di kelas 8A SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta? Apa saja kesulitan – kesulitan siswa dalam menulis teks recount bagi para siswa di kelas 8A SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta

Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas untuk mengobservasi implementasi dari penggunaan gambar untuk meningkatkan partisipasi para siswa untuk menulis teks recount di kelas 8A SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Para peserta penelitian ini adalah tiga puluh tujuh (37) siswa dari kelas 8A SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. Peneliti menggunakan dua siklus. Siklus pertama dilakukan dalam dua pertemuan and siklus kedua dilakukan dalam satu pertemuan. Peneliti menggunakan beberapa instrument penelitian yaitu: interview, kuesioner, observati dan tes menulis siswa. Selanjutnya, peneliti menggunakan dua data analisis utama yaitu : analisis data kualitatif dan deskriptif statistik.

Hasl dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan gambar meningkatkan partisipasi siswa dan juga meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa. Peningkatan yang signifikan dapat dilihat dari peningkatan hasil kuesioner dari siklus 1 ke siklus kedua, dari hasil observasi, dann dari nilai menulis siswa. Penggunaan gambar menjadi medote yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan partisipasi siswa dalam menulis teks recount.




I would like to devote my deepest gratitude to the Almighty God Jesus Christ, and Mother Mary for giving me the chance to enjoy every tear and joy in making this thesis and never let me down when I face several hardships in my life.

My greatest gratitude is addressed to my advisor, Drs. Pius Nurwidasa Prihatin, M.Ed., Ed.D. for guiding me in the long process of making this thesis. I thank him for his endless patience and his sophisticated solution in any condition from the research method class until the proposal seminar class. I thank him for his guidance in conducting this research. I learned many precious life lessons from him.

My next gratitude is addressed to Br. Yosep Anton Utmiyadi FIC, S.S. for giving me the permission to conduct the research in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. I would like to address my gratitude to Bapak Isidorus, S.Pd. for his sincere help and support during my research, and Ibu Cornelia Anindyasari, S.Pd. for letting me conduct my research in their class. I also want to send my ton of thanks to the student of class 8A for their genuine characters in being the major participant in the research.



Christophorus Alpha Widyatmoko for his sarcastic yet wise words to support me. I thank them for being my everlasting supporter and motivator in my life.

I also send my sincere gratitude to Simon Arsa Manggala, S.S. for his willingness to be my thesis proofreader. I thank him for his patience and kindness in helping me finding the perfection. I also send a bunch of thank to Daniel Ari Widhiatama, S.Pd. as my discussion partner when I found the difficulties while conducting the research. I also send my genuine gratitude to Aloisius Wisnu Mahendra as the brother from the same advisor. I thank him for his courage and support in the precious last minutes.

Thereafter, I would also send my sincere gratitude to my best friends in PBI; Veronica Vania as my roommate along the college life, Yosephine Wastu Prajna Putri, Gisella Dirtya, Josephine Fanny, and Veronika Erlina, Br.Titus, OFM, Irene, Maya, Anggi, Anita, Yose, Regin, Dhanny, Kris, Sita, and my friends in PBI 2011 Class A. I thank them for being the greatest partners in making meaningful friendships.

At last, I would like to deliver my sincere appreciation to those whose names cannot be mentioned one by one in helping me finish this thesis.










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii








1.1Research Background ... 1

1.2Research Problems ... 4

1.3Problem Limitation ... 5

1.4Research Objectives ... 5

1.5Research Benefits ... 6

1.6Definition of Terms ... 7

1.6.1. The Use of Pictures ... 7

1.6.2. The Students‟ Engagement ... 8

1.6.3. Writing Skill ... 9

1.6.4. Recount Text ... 9




2.1. Theoretical Descriptions ... 11

2.1.1 The Importance of Writing Skill for Junior High School Students ... 11

2.1.2. The Benefits of the Use of Pictures to Increase the Students‟ Engagement for Writing Recount ... 13

2.1.3. The Students‟ Engagement in the Learning and Teaching Process ... 16

2.2. Theoretical Framework ... 18


3.1. Research Method ... 21

3.2. Research Setting ... 24

3.3. Research Participants / Subjects ... 25

3.4. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ... 26

3.4.1. Observation ... 26

3.4.2. Interview ... 27

3.4.3. Questionnaire ... 28

3.4.4. Tests ... 30

3.5. Data Analysis Technique ... 30

3.5.1. Qualitative Data Analysis ... 31

3.5.2. Descriptive Statistics ... 32

3.6. Research Procedure ... 33


4.1. The Implementation of the Use of Pictures to Increase the Students‟ Engagement for Writing Recount in the Class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta ... 34



4.3. Lesson Learned of A Study of Using Pictures to Increase

the Students‟ Engagement for Writing Recount Text in

the Class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta ... 69


5.1. Conclusions ... 72

5.2 Recommendations ... 76





Table Page

3.1. Teaching schedule ... 25

3.2. Research timeline ... 33

4.1. Change percentage from the total mean scores in cycle 1 and cycle 2 ... 61




Figure Page




Chart Page




Appendix Page

A. Covering Letter for the Headmaster of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1

Yogyakarta ... 81

B. Research Letter from SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta ... 83

C. Research Instruments ... 85

1. Observation Sheet Cycle 1 Meeting 1 ... 86

2. Observation Sheet Cycle 1 Meeting 2 ... 89

3. Observation Sheet Cycle 2 Meeting 1 ... 92

4. Questionnaire Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 ... 94

5. Interview Guide ... 96

6. Writing Score Rubric ... 98

D. Lesson Plan and Teaching Material ... 100

1. Lesson Plan and Teaching Material Cycle 1 ... 101

2. Lesson Plan and Teaching Material Cycle 2 ... 115

E. Observation Sheet Result ... 129

1. Observation Sheet from Observer A in Cycle 1 Meeting 1 ... 130

2. Observation Sheet from Observer B in Cycle 1 Meeting 1 ... 133

3. Observation Sheet from Observer C in Cycle 1 Meeting 1 ... 136

4. Observation Sheet from Observer A in Cycle 1 Meeting 2 ... 139

5. Observation Sheet from Observer B in Cycle 1 Meeting 2 ... 142

6. Observation Sheet from Observer C in Cycle 1 Meeting 2 ... 145

7. Observation Sheet from Observer A in Cycle 2 Meeting 1 ... 148

8. Observation Sheet from Observer B in Cycle 2 Meeting 1 ... 151

9. Observation Sheet from Observer C in Cycle 2 Meeting 1 ... 154

F. Samples of Students‟ Writing ... 157

1. Samples of Students‟ Writing in Cycle 1 ... 158

2. Samples of Students‟ Writing in Cycle 2 ... 160

G. Questionnaire Result ... 162

1. Questionnaire Result in Cycle 1 ... 163

2. Questionnaire Result in Cycle 2 ... 165

H. Students‟ Writing Score ... 167

1. Students‟ Writing Score in Cycle 1 ... 168



I. Pictures in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 ... 172

1. Pictures in Cycle 1 Meeting 1 ... 173

2. Pictures in Cycle 1 Meeting 2 ... 175

3. Pictures in Cycle 2 Meeting 1 ... 176



This chapter consists of the research background, the research problems, the problem limitation, the research objectives, and the research benefits. The research background discusses the brief explanation about the practical and the theoretical background related to the thesis. The research problems discuss two research problems based on the background on this thesis. Next, the problem limitation shows the limitation of the research focus. The research objectives discuss the expected outcomes from the research conducted. The research benefit identifies the contribution of the study for particular students, the English teacher, the future researchers, and also the student of the English Language Education Study Program.

1.1. Research Background


Most of the Indonesian students should learn English as a foreign language in the school. This language learning is dealing with the Second Language Acquisition (SLA). According to Gass and Selinker (2001), Second Language Acquisition refers to the process of learning another language after learning the native language. However, the activities in a language course could be classified into the four strands of meaning – focused input, meaning – focused output, language – focused learning and fluency development (Nation, 2007). In addition English is an important subject to be learned by Indonesian students. Therefore, the Indonesian children could start learning English as a second language from their very early age.

There are plenty of ways to teach English for young learners such as using flashcards, songs, rhymes, chants, games, and storybooks as teaching media (Brewster, Ellis, & Girard, 2004). Picture is also one of the teaching media for English language learning. It is consistent with Boggs (1956) states that pictures have long been used as an aid in language teaching. In connection with the language teaching aid, pictures supports one aspect of meaningful learning. The aspect is related to the students‟ engagement

Students‟ engagement is needed to create a meaningful learning for both


students‟ engagement is also related to the students‟ characteristics, the aims of

the subject, classroom and school environment, learning methods, and also the interaction between the teacher and the students. Students and the teacher should be able to adjust themselves in particular compulsory subject such as English language subject.

In this thesis, the researcher found the disengagement from the students of class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta based on the preliminary observation conducted in the English language extracurricular program from February 2015 until March 2015. In the extracurricular activity, the students were very noisy. They also had difficulty in paying their attention to the teacher when the teacher explained the material by using the conventional way. Technology

also distracted the students‟ concentration in the learning and teaching process.

In addition, in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta, one class consists of thirty seven (37) students. This situation made the teacher optimize the use of several suitable teaching methods in creating the meaningful learning. Based on

the problems of students‟ disengagement, the researcher as the tutor tried to

engage the students by showing several motion pictures in the form of music

video from Coldplay entitled “Miracle” in the beginning of second meeting. As a result, the students could be more controlled and they could pay their attention in the learning and teaching process.


listening section. Moreover, most of the students are from the middle to high economic level status. Most of them have their own sophisticated gadget as one of the media of learning English. However, the researcher observed that the students had difficulty in writing English. It was proved when the researcher gave a writing assignment to the students in the extracurricular program.

The researcher found that the students need a creative way to enhance their writing skills. In connection with writing skill, the researcher had the opportunity to conduct the research in writing class. Based on the school policy, the researcher had to teach the students to write the recount text. Next, the researcher found that the students need a creative way to seize their attention with the use of pictures to increase their engagement in writing recount.

The researcher conducted this research by using the classroom action

research to see the change of the students‟ engagement improvement. This research method focuses on specific local situations and emphasizes the active involvement of the research participant in the study and who are affected by it (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2012). Therefore, this type of research method is the best method related to the research background.

1.2. Research Problems

In this research, the researcher intents to find out the answer of the problems below:

1. How is the use of pictures implemented to improve the students‟ engagement


2. What are the students‟ difficulties in writing recount for the students in class

8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta?

1.3. Problem Limitation

This research is limited only to the use of pictures to improve the students‟ engagement of class 8A in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta in writing recount. The researcher conducts a classroom action research (CAR) by using cycle-based activity from planning, action, observation and reflection. This research is conducted in two cycles of classroom action research with the participant from all students of class 8A in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta, the English teacher of class 8A, three peer observers from the eighth semester of English Language Education Study Program, the head master of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta and also the researcher who conduct the research as a teacher in each cycle.

1.4. Research Objectives

This research aims to find out the answers from two research questions. The first answer is about the implementation of the use of picture to improve


1.5 Research Benefits

The researcher convinced several benefits of the research related to the

implementation of the use of pictures to improve the students‟ engagement for

writing recount text in class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta for:

1. The students of class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta

This research is beneficial for improving the students‟ engagement

by using pictures in learning writing. The engaged students would create the meaningful learning which affects their cognitive, affective and kinesthetic aspects. Therefore, this research would create the better output from the students.

2. The English teacher of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta

This research is beneficial for the English teacher of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta to inspire the teacher to use the picture as a media for teaching writing. Thereafter, from this research, the English teacher could

develop the use of pictures to increase students‟ engagement in the other English skills learning. From this research, the English teacher could find

another ways to overcome the students‟ difficulties in learning writing. 3. Future Researchers


English language learning. In addition, from this research, the future researcher could also develop similar research related to the topic, the method and also the participants from this thesis.

4. The English Language Education Study Program Students

This thesis is also advantageous to the students of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) as the references for their teaching. Furthermore, this thesis could be the stimulation for the ELESP

students to create the creative ways to use pictures to improve students‟

engagement as the teaching media.

1.6 Definition of Terms

This research is conducted under several terms to limit the discussion of the research. Therefore the researcher would define the following terms :

1.6.1. The Use of Pictures


sceneries in mount Rinjani, the beach in Gili Trawangan, a paddy field in Bali and a Pura in Bali. Next in cycle 1 of meeting 2, the researcher showed two animated pictures of the children activity in the beach. At last, in cycle 2 of meeting 1 the researcher showed several realistic pictures of the tea plantation, the apple garden, and the Cimori cow farm. The researcher chose the pictures based on the recount topic about holiday. Moreover, based on the preliminary observation, the researcher found that the students were coming from the middle to high economic level who could afford their holiday.

1.6.2. The Students‟ Engagement

According to Schreck (2011), engagement is an important part of the complexity of learning. Moreover, there are plenty of the concrete actions a teacher can take to successfully engage his or her students. Schreck (2011) also states that the students‟ engagement is also the creation of motivation and the active learning. In addition, the engaged student does the task required with enthusiasm and diligence (Schlechty, 2001). Furthermore, Brophy (2004) defines

motivation in the classroom as “the level of enthusiasm and the degree to which


1.6.3. Writing Skill

MacArthur, Graham and Fitzgerald (2013) illustrate that writing is a complex activity involving the cognitive, the metacognitive processes and the affective components. Writing also involves the environment interaction (Schunk, 2008). In this research the researcher is going to improve the students writing skill by using pictures as the particular stimuli to build the students‟ engagement. So, the researcher could make the meaningful writing learning related to the school environment, classroom atmosphere and the way teacher teach the students.

1.6.4. Recount Text

According to Hyland (2008), a recount is a text that tells about past

experiences or events. It can be based on the author‟s personal experience or

historical events. Thus, the language features used in the recount text are the use of past tense, time conjunction and also the use of first person as the subject. In this research, the researcher will ask the students to write the recount text based on

the suitable tenses, the suitable diction and also based on the students‟ holiday


1.6.5. The Students of Class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta Academic Year 2014/2015


the teaching and learning process. This fact proves an evidence of students‟

disengagement in the teaching and learning activity. There are thirty seven (37) students consisting of sixteen (16) female students and twenty one (21) male students. Moreover, based on the extracurricular program, the students have better speaking, listening and reading skill than the writing skill. The students should learn more to develop their writing skill. Moreover, the students come from the middle to high economic level. Therefore most of the students have already been in many vacations to spend their school holiday. This situation could build the




In this chapter, the researcher synthetizes several theories related to the issue of this thesis. This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part is the theoretical description and the second one is the theoretical framework. The first part discusses the theories related to limited scope of the research in this thesis. Thereafter, the second part illustrates the several theories as the framework to answer the research questions.

2.1. Theoretical Descriptions

In this part, the researcher discusses several theories related to the thesis issue. The researcher limits the theories from three specific theoretical descriptions. They are the importance of writing skill for junior high school

students, the benefits of pictures to improve students‟ engagement for writing

recount, and the students‟ engagement in learning and teaching process.


Writing is closely related to increase the development of education and culture. Therefore writing is a compulsory subject in the education curriculum.

People could produce many kinds of text by writing. As what Kress (1994) states that only writing which requires the production of new texts. In connection

with Kress‟ opinion, Raimes (1983) states that writing supports the students learn the grammatical structures, idiom and vocabulary. Besides, they could explore the language with their effort to express their ideas. Students could explore their writing skill in many ways. Kress (1994) notes that there are several considerations for learning how to write well: based on the learning of the forms, the demands and the potentialities of different genres. Students could learn how to write from their early age after they learn new language. In addition, Kress (1994) also states that the kind of writing most widely taught and most highly prized in schools – such as essays, narratives, poetry – is engaged by several members in the society. Yet, the students should have suitable writing strategy. MacArthur, Graham, and Fitzgerald (2013) state that better writing strategy stimuli could be the significant aid for everyone who writes.

Writing is a complicated skill for the learners. MacArthur, Graham and Fitzgerald (2013) illustrate that writing is a complex activity involving the cognitive processes, the metacognitive processes and also the affective components. Moreover, MacArthur, Graham and Fitzgerald (2013) state that writing is a complex activity that requires a long probation from preschool

children‟s scribbles to high school compositions in which students are expected to


components, Bruning and Horn (2000) in MacArthur, Graham and Fitzgerald (2013) argue that creating a positive emotional classroom environment is one of

the situations that determine the students‟ motivation to write. Writing also

involves the interaction with the environment (Schunk, 2008). In this way, the school environment, the classroom atmosphere and the way the teachers teach the students are really matter in achieving the goal and context of writing.

Nevertheless, the students could also find many difficulties in writing. MacArthur, Graham and Fitzgerald (2013) state that the people might have several problems in writing if they do not have sufficient content knowledge. The students should have the sufficient knowledge before they work on their writing. Hyland (2002) also states that the process of writing is rich combination of

cognition elements include the writer‟s experiences and background.

2.1.2. The Benefits of the Use of Pictures to Increase the Students’ Engagement for Writing Recount


Moreover, the pictures could also be the bridge of bringing the world into the class. Kreidler (1968) also declares that the pictures of the scenes which support to demonstrate the cultural setting of the new language. The use of pictures could stimulate the interest of the students, as well as make the classroom to be more cheerful place for their work. The teacher could also tell plenty of stories as the stimulus from the pictures that they brought to the class. They could teach descriptive, narrative, recount, or merely tell about their experiences through pictures. Hyland (2002) claims that visuals could represent the world (ideational meaning), attitudes and relationships (interpersonal meanings), and combine these into coherent texts (textual meaning).

In addition, Raimes (1983) states that pictures contribute a shared experience for students in the class that links to a variety of language activities. With a picture, all students will immediately need the appropriate vocabulary, idiom, and sentence structure to discuss. After the students receive the sufficient knowledge from the pictures, they can create their own creation by their creativity. Raimes (1983) also notes that a picture could be the basis of many aspects in writing, starting from fairly mechanical controlled compositions, sentence-combining exercises, or sequencing of sentence to the writing of original dialogs, letters, reports, or essays.


task and makes the students focus on their interest. There are two kinds of pictures. There are pictures and picture charts. Both kinds of picture have definite uses in the language classroom. Kreidler (1968) states that the first type (pictures) portrays a situation or a topic and includes several people and actions.

The examples of the actions or activities are a birthday party, a beach scene, a picnic, or a sport event. The first kind of picture is very beneficial in introducing dialogues, practicing structural patterns, or stimulating oral and written composition (Kreidler, 1968). On the other hand, the other kind of picture fits into the drill of a particular grammatical point. In this case the grammatical point is first determined. This type of picture usually depicts one action, one person, or one object. The students would have a good description of the world by seeing the pictures. Pictures bring the outside world into the classroom in a realistic and concrete way (Raimes, 1983). In connection with this idea, the picture could be used as an aid to teach oral and written composition. The ultimate aim of the composition is to give the students‟ opportunity to express their independent ideas using the language patterns they have learned (Kreidler, 1968).


In addition, students should engage in the learning process. Research findings demonstrate that when students are engaging in an activity with interest, they tend to be focused effortful, persistent, and to experience positive emotions (MacArthur, Graham, & Fitzgerald, 2006). Furthermore, Schlechty (2001) states that engagement is active which requires the student to be committed to the task then find several basic values in what he or she is being asked to do. Therefore, the students could be more active in a learning process by the use of pictures as a good stimulus.

Finally, the students prefer to look at several pictures in order to increase their engagement in learning. The use of picture in the classroom provides the stimuli to build the students‟ attention. Therefore the pictures could be a sufficient media to make the students see the world and they can create their imagination and creativity in writing certain genres of writing.

2.1.3. The Students’ Engagement in the Learning and Teaching Process


Barkley (2010) notes that an unmotivated student has checked out emotionally and mentally from the learning process. In contrast, students who are motivated to learn would actively pursue the information and understanding that represent the engaged learning. Schreck (2011) also states that the students‟ engagement is the product of motivation and the active learning. It is not a product rather than a sum because it will not occur if either element is missing. Brophy (2004) proposes that motivation to learn is an acquired competence developed

through an individual‟s climax experience with learning situations.

Learning without engagement would direct both teachers and students to the unsuccessful learning. According to Barkley (2010), motivation and active learning work together synergistically. Both teachers and students should have good engagement along the class hours. The teachers should build a good relationship with the students in the teaching and learning process. The engagement does not occur if two elements are missing: a student does not engaged if she is motivated but not learning, or if he or she is learning but doing so reluctantly (Barkley 2010). Moreover, Schreck (2011) states that engagement is highly performed when a positive student – teacher relationship is raised and visible in the classroom.


the students to make a successful learning and teaching process. The teachers and the students should work together and support each other. The synergy between the teacher and the students is highly needed. Then, the synergy could be realized by helping students feel as though they are part of a learning community, ensuring as much as possible that students are appropriately challenged, and establishing classroom conditions (Barkley, 2010).

There are several concrete actions a teacher could take to successfully engage his or her students. Barkley (2010) states that the students become more engaged when they feel that they value the members in a learning community. Then the students could work at their optimal level of challenge, neither bored or

overwhelmed. The situation of making the individual‟s climax experience would

produce a weave of connected insights, skills, values, and dispositions that is developed over time (Brophy, 2004). In addition, the engaged student does the task assigned with enthusiasm and diligence (Schlechty, 2001). Moreover, Brophy (2004) defines motivation in the classroom as “the level of enthusiasm and the degree to which students invest attention and effort in learning”. Barkley (2010) notes that when students want to learn, they do several habits such as pay attention in class, take notes during a lecture, study when they get home, and

monitor their own progress and ask questions when they don‟t understand.

2.2. Theoretical Framework


students‟ engagement for writing recount in the class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1

Yogyakarta. Additionally, in answering this research question, the researcher

synthetizes the theory of pictures, the theory of students‟ engagement, and the

theory of writing recount.

First, the researcher employs the theory of pictures from Boggs (1956) who states that pictures have long been used as an aid in language teaching. Thereafter, Kreidler (1968) also states that the pictures as the visual aids could help the teacher add variety, clarity, and, especially, reality to the classroom situation. Raimes (1983) states that pictures bring the outside world into the classroom in a vividly concrete way. Kreidler (1968) also declares that the pictures of several scenes which help to explain the cultural setting of the new language can stimulate the interest of the students, as well as the help to make the classroom be a more cheerful place for their work.

In addition, the use of picture as a stimulus creates the students‟

engagement. Caine in Schreck (2011) notes that engagement exists between feeling and contact. According to Schreck (2011) engagement is a necessary part of the complexity of learning, and there are many concrete actions a teacher can take to successfully engage his or her students. The engaged student does the task assigned with enthusiasm and diligence (Schlechty, 2001). Barkley (2010) also notes that when students want to learn, they do several habits such as pay attention in class, take notes during a lecture, study when they get home, and


Furthermore, Raimes (1983) states that the pictures contribute a shared experience for students in the class that links to a variety of language activities. One of the language activities in this research is writing. In addition to the writing skills, Hyland (2002) claims that visuals can represent the world (ideational meaning), attitudes and relationships (interpersonal meanings), and combine these into coherent texts (textual meaning). Walvoord (1985) notes that writing is a beneficial tool for discovering and thinking. Raimes (1983) states that writing helps the students learn the grammatical structures, idiom and vocabulary. There are several theories related to the research question number one.

Moreover, in the second research problem, the researcher is going to find the students‟ difficulties in writing recount for the students in class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta. The researcher synthetizes several specific theories

about students‟ difficulties of writing to answer the second research problem.

MacArthur, Graham and Fitzgerald (2013) state that the people might have plenty of problems in writing if they do not have adequate content knowledge. The students should have the sufficient knowledge before they write. In addition, students should prepare their knowledge from their own experience as the writing idea, then they should also have all of the four types of knowledge in writing such as topical, audience, genres, and language (Byrnes,1996). Hyland (2002) also states that the process of writing is rich combination of cognition elements include




In this chapter, the researcher explains the research method, the research setting, the research participants, and also the instruments and data gathering, the data analysis techniques and also the research procedure from the research conducted in this thesis. The first part of this chapter discusses the classroom action research (CAR) as the research method. The second part of this chapter is the research setting which discusses the specific setting of the research. Next, the third part of this chapter explains all of the research participants. The forth part of this chapter discusses several instruments and data gathering. In connection with instruments and data gathering, the next part of this chapter discusses the data analysis techniques and the last part of this chapter is the research procedures which summarize the overall process of the research.

3.1 Research Method


the teacher would conduct the classroom action research to repair the previous situation which consisted of several problems.

Action research is a simple form of the self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in the social situations in order to improve the rationality by the participants to enhance the rationality and justice of their own practices (Carr & Kemmis, 2002). In particular, the researcher intends to discuss the problem about education. Therefore, Carr & Kemmis (2002) note that in the education field, the action research has been conducted in the school-based curriculum development, professional development, the school improvement programmers, and the systems planning and the policy development. Mills (2011) notes that the action research is dealing with any systematic inquiries conducted by the teacher researchers, the principals, or the other stakeholders in the teaching and learning environment. Moreover, the action research aims to gather the information about how their particular schools operate, how they teach, and how well their students learn.

Lewin in Carr and Kemmis (2002) states three characteristics of modern action research are: its participatory character, its democratic impulse, and its simultaneous contribution to social science and social change. Wallace (2002) also states that the essential function of the action research is to facilitate the

„reflective cycle‟ and in this way support an effective method for improving the


practitioners; and thirdly, the improvement of the situation in which the practice takes place.

According to Mills (2011), one of the goals of the action research is to

generate the participants‟ opportunities in order to improve the lives of children

and to learn about the craft of teaching. Mills (2011) adds that all of the action researchers, regardless of their specific school of thought or theoretical position, are committed to a critical examination of classroom teaching principles and the

effects teachers‟ actions have on the children in their concern. In connection with

this goal, the teachers have to be the professional problem solvers, who are committed to enhance both their own practice and student outcomes, provides a powerful reason to practice the action research (Mills, 2011).

Since the action research is a simple form of the self-reflective enquiry, there are several models of the classroom action research which could be applied to achieve the changes inside the class. This research is also identically with the use of the cycle-based research. In addition, Gall, Gall, and Borg (2007) state that the action research is more likely to be ongoing and typically cyclical in nature.

As cited in McNiff & Whitehead (2009), the Kemmis‟s model of the action


3.2 Research Setting


The research is conducted into two cycles. The first cycle was conducted in two meetings. It was on Wednesday, April 8, 2015, and continued on Thursday, April 9, 2015. The research is conducted in SMP PANGUDI LUHUR 1 YOGYAKARTA. SMP PANGUDI LUHUR 1 YOGYAKARTA is located in Jl. Timoho II, Yogyakarta. After conducting the first cycle the researcher tried to see the problem arouse in the classroom related to the students‟ difficulty in writing recount and about their writing engagement. Therefore, after getting the core of the problem, the researcher conducted the second cycle which was on Wednesday, April 15, 2015. The detail schedule is presented in the table 3.1.


No Day / Date Meeting Time Materials Cycle

1 Wednesday /

April 8, 2015

1 09.30 –


- Recount text

- Purpose of recount text

- Generic structure of recount text

- Language features of recount text


2 Thursday /

April 9, 2015

2 07.50 – 9.00

- Recount text

- Writing recount text in writing guidance worksheet

- Writing Recount text 3 Wednesday /

April 15,


3 10.30 –


- Reading the example of recount text - Discussing about

simple past tense - Writing Recount text

in groups


Table 3.1: Teaching Schedule

The researcher followed several steps in conducting the classroom action research starting from the preliminary study, the first cycle, the second cycle and the processing of the data collected. As cited in McNiff and Whitehead (2009), the

Kemmis‟s model of the action research process shows a self-reflective spiral of planning, acting, observing, reflecting and re-planning as the basis for understanding how to take action to improve an educational situation. However, in each cycle of this research, the researcher followed four steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection.

3.3 Research Participants / Subjects


observers, who help the researcher to observe the classroom situation, the

students‟ engagement, the changing of both students‟ and teacher‟s behavior in

the classroom.

3.4 Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

In conducting the research, the researcher employed certain research instruments to help the researcher collecting the data. The action researchers also develop other instruments or materials developed for their practice to measure student performance in either quantitative or qualitative ways (Lodico, Spaulding, & Voegtle, 2006). Therefore, the researcher had the autonomy to develop the research intruments.

Therefore, the researcher would obtain several instruments such as the observation, the interview, the questionnaire, and also the achievement test. The first one is the observation form which has specific information in each point of the learning activities based on the lesson plan. Next, the researcher would employ the interview for the English teacher. Then, the researcher would utilize

the questionnaire to see the students‟ perception. The researcher would also use the achievement tests for checking the students‟ understanding. In using the test method, the researcher would give one assignment to write recount text on each cycle to the students.

3.4.1. Observation


settings (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2015). Therefore, the researcher prepares the

observation sheet to record the students and the teachers‟ activity in the learning

and teaching process. Moreover, the distinctive feature of the observation as a research process that offers an investigator the opportunity to gather „live‟ data from naturally occurring social situations (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2011). In addition, when conducting the observations, the main goal is to gather the data which are accurate and naturalistic and, to the greatest extent possible, that reflect the reality of the situation as the participants see it (Lodico, Spaulding, & Voegtle, 2006).

The researcher observed the interaction between all research participants in the learning and teaching process. Gall, Gall, and Borg (2007) illustrate that the observation allows the researchers to formulate their own version of what is occurring and then check it with the participants. In this thesis, the researcher created the observation sheets (see Appendix C) based on the activity planned in the lesson plan. Next, the observers would take notes about what happened in the class during the learning and teaching process. In this research, the use of the observation was to emphasize the data from the other instruments. Furthermore, Gall, Gall, and Borg (2007) state that the observations provide an additional source of data for verifying the information obtained by the other methods.

3.4.2. Interview


of oral questions asked by the interviewer and oral responses by the research participants (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2007). Moreover, interviews enable participants

– be they interviewers or interviewees – to discuss their interpretations of the world in which they live, and to express how they regard situations from their own point of view (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2011).

Therefore, in this research, the researcher interviewed the English teacher as a single participant. This interview aimed to assess the accuracy and consistency of the data from the other instruments. Furthermore, Fraenkel, Wallen, and Hyun (2015) state that in fact, administering questionnaires and interviewing the participants in a study could be a valid and productive way to assess the accuracy of observations.

3.4.3. Questionnaire

In this research, the researcher utilized the questionnaire as the main data sources. Johnson and Christensen (2012) illustrate that researchers use questionnaires to achieve information about the thoughts, the feelings, the attitudes, the beliefs, the values, the perceptions, the personality, and the behavioral intentions of the research participants. In this research, the use of the

questionnaire aimed to gather the information about the students‟ perceptions

related to the implementation of the use of picture to increase their engagement in writing recount.


A Likert scale assesses attitudes toward a topic by presenting a set of statements about the topic and asking respondents to indicate for each whether they strongly agree, agree, are undecided disagree, or strongly disagree. They various agree – disagree responses are assigned a numeric value, and the total scale score is found by summing the numeric responses

given to each item. This total score assesses the individual‟s attitude

toward the topic (p. 209).

The classic use of the Likert scale was to pose questions or items to participants and have their respond using an agreement scale by selecting a number that best represented their response (Lodico, Spaulding, & Voegtle, 2006). Additionally, Likert scale indicates the positive and negative attitude by using score (1) – (5), (1) means strongly disagree, (2) means disagree, (3) means undecided, (4) means agree, and (5) means strongly agree (Fraenkel, Wallen, and Hyun, 2015). However, in this observation, the score started from (1), (2), (3) and

(4). The researcher reduced the “undecided” option to avoid the students‟


The researcher developed the questionnaire to find the students‟ perception

on three major topics of the research: the writing ability, the use of pictures and the students‟ engagement. Therefore, the researcher developed the questionnaire based on several theories of writing, the theories of pictures and the theories of students‟ engagement (see Appendix J). The questionnaire consists of fifteen (15) items of questions. Question one (1) until question seven (7) are related to the writing ability. Next, question eight (8) until question ten (10) are related to the use of pictures. At last, question eleven (11) until question fifteen (15) are related


3.4.5. Tests

The tests are commonly used in the quantitative research to measure the attitudes, the personality, the self – perceptions, the aptitude, and the performance of the research participants (Johnson & Christensen, 2012). The researcher employed the test to measure the students‟ writing ability. Moreover, the test in this research is the achievement test. The achievement, or the ability tests measure an individual‟s knowledge or skill in a given area or subject (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2015). Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen (2010) state that the achievement tests measure the mastery and the proficiency in different areas of knowledge. The achievement tests present the subject with a standard series of questions involving the cognitive completion tasks. Therefore, in this research, the test aimed to

measure the students‟ writing achievement on each cycle. The writing task was about the recount text which was related to the students‟ holiday andthe students‟ past event experiences. In this test, the researcher modified a writing scoring rubric from the analytical scale for rating composition tasks from Brown and Bailey, 1984 related to the students‟ achievement level and also related to the material presented in the lesson plan.

3.5. Data Analysis Technique

The study of this thesis is fundamentally qualitative and quantitative in its methods of data collection and analysis. The data from all instruments aim to

capture the implementation of the use of pictures to increase the students‟


major data analysis techniques. First was the qualitative data analysis for the observation, and the interview. Second was the descriptive statistics for the

questionnaire and the students‟ writing achievement test.

3.5.1. Qualitative Data Analysis

The qualitative data analysis is determined by its merging of analysis and interpretation and often by the combination of data collection with data analysis in an iterative, back-and-forth process (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2011). In addition, Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2011) also state that the qualitative data analysis makes sense of data in terms of the participants‟ definitions of the situation, the noting patterns, the themes, the categories and the regularities.


3.5.2. Descriptive Statistics

The major advantage of descriptive statistics is that they allow the researcher to demonstrate the information contained in many scores with just a few indices, such as the mean and the median (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2015). In this data analysis, the researcher employed the questionnaire result and the students‟ writing achievement result with the measures of the central tendency. Measures of central tendency or averages is a convenient way of reviewing data to find a single index that can represent a whole set of measures (Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen, 2010).


Moreover, the central tendency of a series of scores is the way in which they tend to gather round the middle of a set of scores, or where the majority of scores are located (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2011). The central tendency consists of three set of scores; means, modes and medians. The researcher only applied the total mean score from the questionnaire and the students‟ writing achievement result. The mean is the sum of all the scores in a distribution divided by the number of cases, in terms of a formula, it is:

Figure 3.1: Total mean score X1 +X2+X3+ … + Xn


Which is usually written as


Figure 3.2: Simplified total mean score

3.6 Research Procedure

The research conducted in this thesis followed several procedures from the beginning of the research preparation until the end of the research. Below is the timeline of the research procedure.

No Activities Date

1 Asking for permission to the headmaster of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta by giving the permission letter from the English Language Education Study Program

April 7, 2015

2 Interview the English teacher as the preliminary study April 7, 2015

3 Cycle 1 Meeting 1 April 8, 2015

4 Cycle 1 Meeting 2 April 9, 2015

5 Cycle 2 Meeting 1 April 15, 2015

6 Analyze the data April – May, 2015

7 Writing the research report May – July, 2015

Table 3.2: Research timeline




In this chapter, the researcher presents the research result and the research discussion. The result and the discussion in this chapter is in the form of the explanation of several steps in the classroom action research. Furthermore, in this chapter, the researcher presents the answers from two research questions with the evidence from the research result.

4.1. The Implementation of the Use of Pictures to Increase the Students’ Engagement for Writing Recount in the Class 8A of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta

Below are the explanations of the implementation of the use of pictures to

improve the students‟ engagement for writing the recount text as the answer of the

first research question. The implementation itself is in the form of two cycles of the classroom action research.

4.1.1. Preliminary Study


has taught some students from class 8A in the extracurricular activity from February – May, 2015.

4.1.2. Cycle 1

The researcher conducted the first cycle in two meetings on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 and on Thursday, April 9, 2015. In this cycle, each meeting consisted of four steps: the planning, the action, the observation, and the reflection.

In this step, the researcher prepared the lesson plan (see Appendix 1) to conduct and control the material and the time allotment for two meetings in the first cycle. Therefore the researcher asked about the material from the teacher. The teacher gave recount text for the material that should be taught according to the syllabus. Next, the researcher consulted the lesson plan to the teacher before the researcher taught the lesson in the first meeting. The lesson plan had same format as the teacher‟s lesson plan. Action

The researcher did the action step by teaching for two meetings on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 and on Thursday, April 9, 2015. In this step, the researcher taught the students by using the teacher‟s teaching style. The researcher


the recount text and by giving the reading text as the recount example, the handout, the worksheet, and the writing guidance, and also some pieces of paper for writing recount.

In the first meeting of cycle 1, while the researcher entered the class with three observers, the English teacher greeted the students and introduced the researcher and the observers to the students. The researcher started the lesson by greeting the students to grab their attention. However, the students were still busy and they were not paying attention to the researcher. So, the researcher greeted the students again by raising her voice volume. Next the researcher showed several pictures about some tourism objects in Indonesia. The first picture was the mountain in Lombok. After showing the picture, the researcher asked the students whether they had already been to mountain. Then most of students raised their hands and the researcher asked several students about what mountain that they had visited before.


After showing some pictures and doing the set induction, the researcher asked the students about what they were going to learn in that meeting. The researcher gave some clues based on the tourism object pictures. After that, some students mentioned about holiday. Then, the researcher answered that they were true. Next, the teacher asked the students about what kind of text discussed related to holiday. Then, two students answered “recount text”. Thereafter, the researcher continued the lesson by giving the explanation about recount text from the purpose, the types, the generic structure, the language features and also the example of recount text entitle My Holiday.


activity. The observers gave some comments and also gave the observation sheet to the researcher.

On Thursday, April 9, 2015 the researcher continued the research by teaching writing in class 8A. At that time, the researcher only gave limited time since the school would have an Easter Mass on the next day. Therefore, the students should prepare the Mass by following the choir rehearsal. Thus, the school reduced the class hours from 40 minutes become 30 minutes per class hour. Although the class hour was reduced, the researcher could make the writing activity in the class.

First the researcher began the lesson by greeting the students. The researcher asked about their feeling and the students answered it enthusiastically compared to the students‟ answer on the previous meetings. Second, the researcher reminded the students about the recount text by asking some questions to several students. Some pointed students could not answer the question given by the researcher. Therefore, the researcher asked the students to choose one of their friends to help them. This activity made the students more active in answering the question from the researcher.


noisy. So, the English teacher warned them to pay attention to the researcher since the English teacher did not want to repeat the explanation about the recount text. Then, the class became more quite after the English teacher‟s warning. Thus, the researcher repeated the explanation about the writing instruction. The researcher asked the students to write some points about their unforgettable holiday experience in the writing handout. Then, the students could continue writing the sentences in the blank paper provided by the researcher.

In the process of writing, some students liked to ask the teacher about some vocabularies used in the recount text. They also had discussions with their friends. However, some male students were busy talking to each other. So, the researcher should remind them to do their task until the bell rang. The writing task for the second meeting should be submitted to the researcher. So in the end of the class, the students submitted their writing, and the researcher asked th


Table 3.1: Kemmis‟s model of the action research
Figure 3.1: Total mean score
Figure 3.2: Simplified total mean score
Table 4.2: Students‟ writing achievement result


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