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Academic year: 2017



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By: Enny Fiana ID. Number 40931205

Bilingual Mathematics Education Program


Submitted to Fulfill Requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree






Give thanks to God should give me more spirit to finish my thesis. The title of this thesis is “Implementation of Learning Model Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Using the Students Activity Sheet to Improve the Ability of Students at Junior High Schools in Problem Solving “ . This thesis was arranged to satisfy the requirement to get the Sarjana Pendidikan of Mathematics and

Science Faculty in State University of Medan.

For this chance I want to say thank you for the Rector of State University of Medan, Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si , thank you for the Dean of State University of Medan, Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc, Ph.D and his staff, Drs. Syafari, M.Pd for a

Leader of Mathematics Department, Drs. Zul Amry, M.Si for a Leader of mathematics education study program and then Drs. Yasifati Hia, M. Si to a secretary of Mathematics Department.

Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Bornok Sinaga, M.Pd. because he always guide me in preparing, doing, and finishing this thesis, and then thanks a lot for Dr. E. Elvis Napitupulu, Ms, Drs. Syafari, M.Pd, and Dr. W. Rajagukguk, M.Pd as well as academic supervisor, who’s the personsible for my thesis.

Special thanks to my lovely father Kliwon and my lovely mother Kartika Nikma, who give me some motivation, pray and my needs until I can finish this thesis. And then, thank you so much also to my lovely sisters, Diana Yufianti and Ria Indriani, my lovely brother, Bagus Kurniawan and Rizky Ramadhan .

Writer say thank to Asbin Pasaribu, S. Ag MA as the headmaster of MTs.N kualuh Hulu and Mrs. Beby Fauziah Pasaribu S.Pd for Mathematics teacher who help the writer in the research activities.

Writer also say thank you so much for all my lovely friends in Bilingual Class Mathematics Education 2009 (Evi, Kiki, Rini, Epril, Iwan, Noya, Qory, Dila Siti, iin, Nurhabibah, Siska, Joy, Widia, Dini, and Retni). Thank you so much, I



Considering that this thesis has so many weaknesses, the writer needs some suggestions to make it this thesis be better. The writer wishes that this thesis can improve our knowledge.

Medan, January , 2014 Writer



Implementation of Learning Model Team Games Tournament (TGT) Using the Students Activity Sheet to Improve the Ability of Students at Junior High Schools

in Problem Solving

Enny Fiana (409312005)


This study aims to determine the type of cooperative learning model Teams Games Tournament can improve mathematical problem solving ability of students in social arithmetic class VII MTs. N Kualuh Hulu.

This research is an action research conducted in two cycles that each implemented in 2 meetings. The subjects were students of class VII-D MTs. N Kualuh Hulu Academic Year 2013/2014 consisting of 32 people. Object of this research is to improve students' problem solving abilities on the material social arithmetic in class VII MTs. N Kualuh Hulu Academic Year 2013/2014.

Data collection was performed by initial tests, problem solving ability test at the end of the cycle and observation sheets for each sessions. From the initial test obtained the students who achieve a mastery learning is 3 of 32 students (9.38 %) . After giving the action, implementation the problem solving ability test I. From the results of problem solving ability test I obtained 11 of 32 students (34.38 %) have not reached mastery learning. In problem solving ability test II, total of students who achieve mastery learning are 28 of 32 students (87.5 %). It turns out that an increase in mathematical problem solving ability of students in arithmetic social using the model of cooperative learning teams Tournament games. This can happen it is caused to 87.5 % of the total number of students (28 of 32 students) have mastered the problem solving ability. While 4 students (12.5 %) is still not finished because the student is still difficult to understand the problem-solving abilities by applying measures problem-solving ability in solving the given problem . Based on the criteria of mastery learning classical learning has reached the target of mastery learning and research can be concluded successfully.

Advantages of application of this learning model is able to improve the problem solving skills of students in solving problems through discussion and student activities be brave in expression as well as performing in front of the class wrote his work.



1.1.1. Study and Learning Mathematics 8



1.2Place and Time of Research 36

1.3Subject Research 36

1.4Object of Research 36

1.5Research Procedures 37

1.6Operational Definition 41

1.7Tool of Data Collectors 42

1.8Data Analysis 47

CHAPTER IV: RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1.1Description of Research Results 51

1.1.1 Description of Cycle I Research Result 51

1.1.2 Description of Cycle II Research Result 64

1.2Discussion and Result 73

1.2.1 Mathematics problem Solving Ability of Students 73

1.2.2 Activity of Students 77


1.2Suggestion 79

References 81



Appendix 10. Guidelines for Scoring Student Answer in Problem Solving 138

Appendix 11. Blueprint of pre test 139

Appendix 24. Tabulation of problem solving ability pre test scores based on step completion 174

Appendix 25. Tabulation of problem solving ability test I scores 175



based on step completion 177

Appendix 27. Tabulation of problem solving ability test II scores 178

Appendix 28. Tabulation of problem solving ability test II cores

based on step completion 180

Appendix 29. Observation sheet of student’s activity cycle I (Meeting I) 181

Appendix 30. Observation sheet of student’s activity cycle I (Meeting II) 182

Appendix 31. Observation sheet of student’s activity cycle II (Meeting I) 183




1.1Problem Background

One of the objectives of national development in the field of education is the

intellectual life of the nation and improves the quality of the Indonesian people. Through improving the quality of education at all levels of education, which allows citizens to develop themselves as whole Indonesian people. To realize the national development in the field of education needed improvement and improvement of education in accordance with the development of science and technology.

Mathematics is universal science that underlies the development of modern technology, has an important role in various disciplines and develops the power of human thought. Therefore, mathematics courses should be given to all students start from primary education to higher education to equip learners with the ability to think logically, analytical, systematic, critical, and creative as well as the ability to work together to survive in a state of ever-changing, uncertain, and

competitively. And in this case the government through the Department of Education continues to develop the learning of mathematics in the school system through the development and reform the learning of mathematics curriculum.

As stated Cornelius (in Abdurrahman 2009: 253) that the reason for the need to learn math is as follows:

Five reasons for studying mathematics because mathematics is (1) a means clear and logical thinking (2) a means to solve the problems of everyday life, (3) a means to know the patterns of relationships and generalization of experience, (4) a means to develop creativity and (5) a means to increase awareness of cultural development.

This is supported by the statement Cocrof (in Abdurrahman, 2009: 253) argues that mathematics should be taught to students because:

1. Math is always used in terms of life.



4. Can be used to present information in a variety of ways.

5. Improve logical thinking, accuracy and awareness of the room. 6. Give satisfaction to attempt to solve a challenging problem.

Quality of Indonesian mathematics education has not achieved the expected results. So it is not surprising that mathematics achievement needs to get the attention of various parties. Besides the student learning outcomes in mathematics are less exciting as stated by Suharyanto ( 2006 ) (http://www.smu-net.com), “Mathematics is still the main cause of students not graduating UAN. Of the participants who did not pass, as much as 24.44% fall in the subjects of

mathematics ".

One cause of low mathematics learning outcomes this is because many students who consider mathematics as a difficult subject to learn. As put forward by Abdurrahman (2009:) that:

"From the various fields of study that are taught in school, mathematics is a field of study that is considered the most difficult by the students".

Other factors that influence the low math achievement is have not interest in learning. With have not interest, students will not be motivated to study hard arithmetic. Students are always difficulties in applying the existing formulas, other than the students' ability to solve problems is still lacking, students can’t understand the problem contained in the items, resulting the students outcomes low on the subject of arithmetic.

Given problem as below:

Number of students of class VII there were 42 people. A total of 4/7 part of



The results obtained from these tests are beyond expectations. Of the 32 students, 12.5% are getting the right answer and the rest getting wrong answer. Among them 35% problem-solving ability to plan lower and 65% the ability to solve problems of planning that had been set low

Correspondingly, the low mathematics achievement of students can also be caused by mistake the teachers in the delivery of material do not involve the students and tend to make students confused because the materials studied in terms of mathematics with everyday life there. Based on the interviews with the mathematics teacher in MTsN Kualuh Hulu Mrs. Beby fauziah pasaribu S.pd is

said that:

Students have difficulty in solving problems that require solving a problem, if the given problem is different from the example and in arithmetic the students is difficult to determine the mathematical concepts that will be used in solving a problem, students can’t understand the problem of the questions and it is hard to change the sentence problems into mathematical models.

We often find students who are not interested in learning mathematics. This happens because the fact that the implementation of learning mathematics, learning methods is conventionally defined is still centered on the teacher. As stated by Trianto (2009: 5).

One of the main problems in learning in formal education (school) today is the low absorptive capacity of learners. It seems mean the students learning outcomes that are always still very concerned. This achievement is certainly the result of learning conditions that are conventional and do not touch the sphere dimensions learners themselves, which is how real learning. In this learning tends to be teacher centered, so students become passive.

The low learning achievement of mathematics in school has become a national



curriculum is to increase students' problem-solving abilities. Problem solving is part of the math curriculum which is very important because in the learning process and completion, students gain experience using the knowledge and skills that have been owned to apply to solving problems that are not routine.

In an effort to improve students' problem-solving abilities, teachers should endeavor to train and familiarize students perform problem solving in the form of learning activities, such as providing opportunities for students to conduct scientific conversation to gather opinions, conclusions or formulate alternative solutions to a problem. Therefore, teachers need to select the appropriate learning

approach to encourage students to learn problem solving students. As stated by Trianto (2009: 8), the teacher should be wise in determining an appropriate model to create conditions conducive for teaching and learning can take place in accordance with the expected goals.

Thus, to achieve better learning outcome in the learning process to choose appropriate teaching can help students gain information, ideas, skills, values, ways of thinking and can make students participate in the learning process. One solution is to implement cooperative learning model. There are several types of cooperative learning model that can be developed in mathematics, one of them is a cooperative learning model TGT (Team Game Tournament). Similarly, as stated by Slavin (2008) that:

Teams Games Tournament is one of type cooperative learning that puts students in a group of 5 - 6 students that have the ability, gender and syllable or a different race. Teacher presents the material, and students work in their groups.



1. Further increase the outpouring of time for the task. 2. Prioritize the acceptance of individual differences. 3. With little time to master the material in depth.

4. Learning process takes place with the activeness of the students. 5. Educating students to practice socializing with others.

6. Higher learning motivation. 7. Better learning outcomes.

8. Improve the goodness of mind, sensitivity and tolerance.

Order in accordance with the procedure of learning to be achieved then the

learning model Teams Games Tournament can using the Students Activity Sheet as a medium of written communication of what was found by the students. Students Activity Sheet contains commands that are activity sheets that specify activities that must be performed students. Therefore teachers should can arrange,

create and design a good activity sheets for students and using them in the learning process in schools.

Using the Student Activity Sheet, students can practice observation, investigation, verification, and even become a medium for discussion. Thus can increase students' mastery of the material and mathematical concepts are regularly and systematically.

Based on the background above, the researches is interested in doing research, entitled Implementation of learning model Team Games Tournament (TGT) using the Students Activity Sheet to improve the ability of students at junior

high schools in problems solving”.

1.2Problem Identification

Based on the background can be identified the problems that occurred as follows:

1. The low problem-solving ability of students.

2. Still teacher-centered learning.

3. Student interest in learning mathematics is still lack,



social arithmetic materials is still lack.

5. Learning strategies teachers who applied for is less relevant

1.3Problem Restrictions

From the above identification problem many problems that arise and require a separate research to clarify, therefore in this study the problem restricted to:

1. Efforts to improve the problem solving ability of students to use learning model Team Games Tournament (TGT).

2. Student activity with the application of the learning model Team Games

Tournament (TGT).

1.4Problem Formulation

Based on the above Problem Restrictions then the problem formulation in this

research is:

1. How the level of problem solving ability of students by learning model Teams Geams Tournament (TGT) on the social arithmetic topic in class VII MTsN Kualuh Hulu academic year 2013/2014?

2. How the activity of students with the application of learning models Team Games Tournament (TGT) on the social arithmetic topics in class VII MTsN Kualuh Hulu academic year 2013/2014?

1.5Research Objectives

According with the above problem formulation, then Research objective is:

1. To know is learning model Teams Geams Tournament using Student Activity Sheet can improve students' problem-solving ability to solve the

problem on the social arithmetic in class VII MTsN Kualuh Hulu academic year 2013/2014

2. Describe the activity level of students in the application of learning models Team Game Tournament (TGT) on the social arithmetic in class VII



1.6Benefits of Research

1. As information material for schools to know how far Teams Games Tournament learning model can improve learning outcomes of students in solving the problem of the social arithmetic.

2. As an input to teacher's MTsN and equal in implementing learning model Teams Games Tournament in solving the problem of the social arithmetic

3. As an input to researchers who wish to conduct similar research

4. Increase the knowledge of the author in making scientific research as

educators in the future




1.1 Conclusion

Based on the results obtained some conclusions as follows:

1. The level of students problem solving abilities on initial test obtained is very low, after the action in cycle I with Team Games Tournament (TGT) obtained

the level of students problem solving abilities is medium. Furthermore, after the implementation of the action in cycle II obtained level of students problem solving abilities is High.

2. Activity of students in learning mathematics using learning model Team

Games Tournament (TGT) showed a very high activeness, on cycle I known that the activity of students to learn independently is 78.9% of available time while on cycle II is 79% of available time.

1.2 Suggestion

Suggestions in this research are:

1. For teachers, using cooperative learning model Team Games Tournament (TGT) can be one alternative to improve mathematics problem solving abilities of students, especially in materials of social arithmetic and should also be tested for other materials.

2. Suggested for teachers to use teaching methods of discussion and ask, one of important consideration is the formation of groups that can help the students in the completion of problem-solving abilities and create a media that students interested in learning.






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