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The influence of Edward`s character towards Bella`s personality development as seen in Stephenie Meyer`s Twilight - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofSarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 054214036





ASarjana SastraUndergraduate Thesis





Student Number: 054214036

Approved by

Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum. Date: August 28, 2012 Advisor



ASarjana SastraUndergraduate Thesis





Student Number: 054214036

Defended before the Board of Examiners On August 31, 2012

And Declared Acceptable


Name Signature

Chair Person : Dr. F.X. Siswadi, M.A. _________

Secretary : Dra. A.B. Sri Mulyani, M.A., Ph.D. _________

Member : Elisa Dwi Wardani S.S, M.Hum. _________

Member : Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum. _________ Member : J. Harris Hermansyah S.S., M.Hum. _________

Yogyakarta, August 31, 2012 Faculty of Letters Sanata Dharma University





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“Optimism is the faith that leads

to achievement. Nothing can be

done without hope and




This thesis is dedicated to:

My Savior Lord Jesus Christ

My Beloved Grandma

My Beloved Parents

My Beloved Brothers and Sister





First of all, I would like to thank my Lord Jesus Christ who always gives me strength, courage, and blessings to finish my thesis. I thank Him for answering my prayers and for His everlasting and endless love. Without Him, I am hopeless and cannot do anything.

I realize that without my lecturers, I cannot finish this thesis. Therefore, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum. who has given me so many helps and courage to finish my thesis. I really thank for his kindness and patience in the consultations of my thesis. My deep gratitude is also intended to J. Harris Hermansyah S.S., M.Hum. as my reader who has given me correction and improvement in completing my thesis. My endless thanks go to some lecturers that I cannot mention one by one for the seven years of my study. May God always bless them and give them happiness along with their family.



Finally, I will also give my special gratitude to my very best friends: Anne, Dinda, Nina, Fen-fen, Stephanie, Sabrina, Ribka, Indah, Julie, Pamela, and Cindy for their love, laughter, helpfulness, moral support, ups and downs, and the everlasting friendship. They all have been colouring my life.

May God bless them all!



A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation... 5

C. Objectives of the Study ... 5

D. Definition of Terms ... 6


A. Review of Related Studies ... 8

B. Review of Related Theories ... ... 11

1. Theory of Character ... 11

2. Theory of Characterization ... 13

3. Theory of Personality Development ... 16

C. Theoretical Framework ... 18


A. Object of the Study ... 20

B. Approach of the Study ... 21

C. Method of the Study ... ... 23


A. Bella’s Characteristics... 25

1. Bella’s Characteristic before She Meets Edward ... 26

2. Bella’s Characteristic after She Meets Edward ... 32

B. Edward’s Influence Towards C. Bella’s Personality Development ... 38





Appendix 1: Summary of the Story... ... 53




AYU ASTRYANI. The Influence of Edward’s Character Towards Bella’s Personality Development As Seen in Stephenie Meyer’sTwilight. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2012.

This study discusses a novel entitled Twilight. The objective of writing this thesis is derived from the writer’s curiosity to find out how the character of Edward can influence Bella’s personality development. In this novel, Bella is characterized as a flat and gloomy girl, but after she meets Edward, her life is suddenly changed.

The aim of this study is to answer the following two problems. First, to analyze the character of Bella that is described in Meyer’s Twilight. Second, to analyze how the character of Edward influences Bella’s personality development.

This study employs library research as the method for gathering data. To analyze the problems, the psychological approach is conducted here. This study uses two kinds of data. The primary data is the novel itself, while the secondary data are compiled from some literary criticism and the internet.

Based on the analysis, the character of Bella is described as a young girl who does not enjoy her life. Her life seems so pathetic, flat, and gloomy. But it is suddenly changed when she moves to Forks and meet Edward. Here, the character Edward has influenced Bella’s personality development.




AYU ASTRYANI. The Influence of Edward’s Character Towards Bella’s Personality Development As Seen in Stephenie Meyer’sTwilight. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2012.

Studi ini membahas sebuah novel berjudul Twilight. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini berawal dari keingintahuan penulis untuk mengetahui bagaimana karakter dari Edward dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian Bella. Di dalam novel ini, Bella dicirikan sebagai perempuan yang datar dan suram, tetapi setelah bertemu Edward, hidupnya tiba-tiba berubah.

Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, untuk menganalisa karakter dari Bella yang digambarkan dalam Twilight karangan Meyer. Yang kedua, untuk menganalisa bagaimana karakter dari Edward mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian Bella. Metode studi pustaka digunakan dalam hal ini sebagai cara untuk mengumpulkan data. Untuk menganilisis masalah, digunakanlah pendekatan psikologis. Studi ini menggunakan dua jenis data. Data primer diperoleh dari novel itu sendiri, sedangkan data sekunder dikompilasikan dari kritik-kritik sastra dan internet.

Berdasarkan analisis, karakter dari Bella digambarkan sebagai perempuan muda yang tidak menikmati hidupnya. Hidupnya tampak menyedihkan, datar, dan suram. Tapi semuanya berubah ketika dia pindah ke Forks dan bertemu Edward. Disini, karakter dari Edward telah mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian Bella.





A. Background of the Study

Reading a literary work will bring people to an aesthetic experience. Besides giving an aesthetic experience, a good literary work will also give the readers knowledge or new ideas. Here, the writer wants to discuss especially novel. Novel is a part of literature that always develops every single time. Novel can not be separated from our life, because literature has a strong relationship with our society. Both of literature and society are related each other. Novel, as a part of literature, has a big influence toward the society. Sometimes a novel is written based on the real situation that happens in a time and sometimes a novel is written based on the imagination of the writer of the novel.


Stanton in his book An Introduction to Fiction described that the term “character” is commonly used in two ways: it designates the individuals who appear in the story, as in “How many characters are there?” and it refers to the mixture of interests, desires, emotions, and moral principles that makes up of these individuals, as in “How would you describe his character?” Most stories contain a central character, who is relevant to every event in the story; usually the events cause some change either in him or in our attitude toward him. (Stanton, 1965: 17)

Besides, setting is also one of the intrinsic elements of making up a novel. De Laar says that whenever a novelist makes the story happens somewhere, he must set the environment because it is as important as the characters themselves and the characters are determined and shaped by the environment (1963: 172-173). The setting of the novel is very important in affecting actions and characters as Murphy says that “setting of the novel has a great effect upon the personalities, actions, and way of thinking of the characters” (1972: 141). Thus, the setting can influence the character’s personality. Rohrberger and Woods stated that the setting never exists by itself and it helps to explain both of the characters and situations and it influences the atmosphere (1971: 22).


Times: Editor’s Choice, Publishers Weekly “Best Children’s Books of 2005”, Publishers Weekly“Best Book of the Year”,American Library Association “Top Ten Best Book for Young Adults” and “Top Ten Books for Reluctant Readers”, School Library Journal “Best Books of 2005”, and Amazon.com “Best Book of the Decade….So Far”.


After reading the novel, the writer is interested in both the main character and the narrator of the story, Isabella “Bella” Swan. It is interesting because there is a development in Bella’s personality. Therefore, the writer wants to know deeper about Bella, what kind of person she is. The character of Bella, as Meyer created in the novel, is a person who is very introverted and quiet at first (it is because the effect of her parents’ divorce) then changes into a very cheerful girl after she falls in love with Edward.

To reveal the topic of this thesis, the writer needs to explore the two main characters, Edward and Bella, and also the setting of the novel. As the writer has said before, the topic of this thesis is related to Edward’s character and Bella’s personality, and also related to the setting of the novel. As the writer has said above, the setting also has a big influence toward the characters in the novel. It reveals how Edward’s character influences Bella’s personality development and how the setting has influenced Bella. The writer has to figure out the detail character of Edward and the detail personality of Bella, and also the important role of the setting toward the characters. Because Bella’s personality before and after she knows Edward is very different, it is also influenced by the setting of the novel. Here, Edward’s character and the setting of the literary work have changed Bella so much.


relationship between the two main characters, and it makes the writer want to dig deeper about the whole story. The story is also simple, so that it can be easily understood by the readers. What makes this literary work become very interesting is the unsual love story between the two main characters. It is the story between human and vampire who fall for each other. And of course, the personality development of Bella makes the writer want to reveal more about it.

B. Problem Formulation

To analyze about the topic, the writer has to answer these two problems: 1. How is the character of Bella described in Meyer’sTwilight?

2. How does the character of Edward influence Bella’s personality developmentin Meyer’s Twilight?

C. Objectives of the study

To understand more about the literary work, the writer has to describe the two main characters in the novel, Edward and Bella. The description of their character has an important role in the analysis of this thesis because the description of their character will help the writer to dig deeper about the topic.


Then, to answer the final problem, the writer needs to answer the question about how Edward’s character influences Bella’s personality development. Here, the writer will show how Bella’s personality develops because of the existence of Edward and her moving to the new place.

D. Definition of Terms

In this study, some of definitions will be used to clarify some terms.


Hornby in Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary of the English Language defines the term “influence” as follows, “power to affect somebody’s character, beliefs or actions through example, fear, admiration, etc” (1987: 437).

The term “influence” also means “the effect of one thing (or person) on another; a power to affect persons or events especially power based on prestige etc.”




dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say – the dialogue – and by what they do – the action (1981: 20).


Personality is somebody’s set of characteristics, the totality of somebody’s attitudes, interests, behavioral patterns, emotional responses, social roles, and other individual traits that endure over long period of time (Webster, 2005: 1083)





A. Review of Related Studies

Twilight is the debut, young-adult vampire-romance novel by author Stephenie Meyer. Twilight was initially rejected by 14 agents, but became an instant bestseller when published originally in hardback in 2005. Debuting at number five on the New York TimesBest Seller list within a month of its release and later peaking at number one position. That same year, Twilight was named one of Publishers Weekly's Best Children's Books of 2005. The novel was also the biggest selling book of 2008 and, to date, has sold seventeen million copies worldwide, spent over ninety-one weeks on the New York TimesBest Seller list, and been translated into thirty-seven different languages.

Twilight attracts many people’s attention; it is because of its incredible and extra-ordinary plot. Karen Rosenthal, Children's Department Manager for R.J. Julia Booksellers (printed in Publisher's Weekly's "Galley Talk") says "I'm not usually a vampire book reader, but I haven't read a book in a long time that had as much sexual tension and creepy terror throughout as Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. The main character is extremely compelling. The protagonist is so consumed with her crush on him that she blocks everything else, and the fact that he's a vampire adds a whole other level. It really is the perfect crossover


book. It will appeal to kids, who read fantasy and darker books, but also kids who like more realistic fiction like Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and all those kids who read Gossip Girl... It's a riveting action book but thoughtful as well. Sometimes teen books can be plot-driven and the quality of the writing

goes out the window, but this one has both."


Here, Rosenthal shows her interest on Twilight, she thinks that it is an extra-ordinary story which mixes the two different character, human and vampire. She thinks that the plot is so interesting because it contains a lot of tension and creepy terror. She is interesting in the way Bella is so consumed with her crush on Edward that she blocks everything else. Rosenthal also thinks that this book is worthy to be read, not only by adult but also children.

Another comment is stated by Becky Anderson, of Anderson's Bookshops: "What a totally amazing debut! Twilight is that rare story that combines suspense, desire, love and friendship with an awesome twist on the vampire genre! Both young adults and adults will be "sucked" into Edward's and Bella's world and beg for more, especially after they turn the last page. I can't

wait for the next book!"


Anderson finds out that Twilight is totally an amazing debut. She thinks that Twilight combines everything, every emotion, that makes it becomes an incredible story. Anderson stated that Bella and Edward have their own world that can pull in everyone who reads this book. Briefly, the two main characters have a strong influence toward the readers, they can make the readers fall into the deep plot.

Comment also comes from Publisher's Weekly's:

"The main draw here is Bella's infatuation with outsider Edward, the sense of danger inherent in their love, and Edward's inner struggle—a perfect metaphor for the sexual tension that accompanies adolescence. These will be familiar to nearly every teen, and will keep readers madly flipping the pages of Meyer's tantalizing debut."


The comment above shows us that Twilight is really Meyer’s amazing debut. The sense of danger inherent in their love and Edward’s inner struggle become the most interesting part of this novel. This novel has made the readers go mad for the story.


and human being. It makes the writer feels so interesting to dig more about the story, especially about what actually happens between the two main characters. From the writer’s point of view, there is a significant change in Bella’s personality after she met Edward. This makes the writer wants to analyze more about it. The writer thinks that Twilight is a great novel that is very worth to be read. This study is different from others because it contains a topic about personality development of a major character that is influenced by another main character. The interesting thing is that the two main characters is “different” and the way of the author represented their love story makes it more interesting.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this part, the writer will discuss about the theories that are used to analyze deeper about this literary work. The writer uses theory of character, theory of characterization, and theory of personality development.

1. Theory of Character


stories contain a central character, who is relevant to every event in the story; usually the events cause some change either in him or in our attitude toward him (1965: 17).

Furthermore, according to Mary Rohrberger and Samuel H. Wood in their book, Reading and Writing about Literature, “a character is a person who acts out in particular time and place in a pattern of events”. Moreover, character must be credible; that is, readers must accept them as believable people (1971: 20).

The characters in the story are the persons who are endowed with moral and dispositional qualities as what is being expressed in what they say and what they do (Abrams, 1981: 20).

While E.M. Forster in Aspect of the Novel divides the characters into flat and round characters (1974: 46). A flat character is built around “a single idea or quality” and is presented without much individualizing detail, and so can be fairly and adequately described in a single phrase or sentence. It is called flat because we see only one side of the character. A flat character is easily recognized and is represented only or mainly in one aspect.


changed all the time. Usually round character is the major figure in the story. The readers are able to mention the personality of the character in many words.

Moreover, De Laar said that a novelist often builds his characters out of elements he has taken from various persons and it is his problem to make these characters real, i.e. in some way like actual human beings. Yet, however much characters in a novel may be like actual human beings, they are not actual human beings. They only exist in the novel in which they have a function (1963: 166).

Holman and Harmon (1986: 81) define character as a term applied to a literary form that embrace the idea of human’s moral foundation, the occurrence of moral uprightness, and the simpler concept of the creature’s presentation in art the seem to be human of another. Character is also a brief descriptive drawing of an important person, described not as an individualized personality but as an example of some qualities, such as garrulous man or a happy milkmaid.

2. Theory of Characterization


Perrine suggests two ways in presenting the characters, namely direct and indirect presentations (1974:68). In a direct presentation, the author simply tells the readers about the characters in the story. He tells the characters in exposition or analysis, or has someone else in the story who tells us what they are like. In an indirect presentation, the author shows us the characters in action so that we can infer what they are like from what they think, they say or they do.

Furthermore, M.J. Murphy inUnderstanding Unseensprovides nine ways on how the author presents the characters, as follows:

1. Personal Description

What the author means by personal description is that the author can describe a person’s appearance and clothes in the story (1972: 161).

2. Character as seen by another

Instead of describing character directly, the author can describe him through the eyes and opinions of another (1972: 162).

3. Speech

The author gives an insight into the character of one of the persons in the book through what the person says. Whenever a person speaks, whenever he is in conversation with another, whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is giving the reader some clues to his character (1972: 164).

4. Past life


author, through the person’s thoughts, through his conversation or through the medium of another person (1972: 166).

5. Conversation of others

Through the conversation of other people and the things the say about someone, the author can also give us clues of person’s character. People do talk about other and the things they say usually can give us a clue to the character of the person spoken about (1972: 167).

6. Reaction

The author can give the reader a clue to a person’s character by letting the reader know how that person reacts to various situation and events (1972: 168).

7. Direct comment

The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly (1972: 170).

8. Thoughts

The readers can know one’s character through the direct knowledge of what a person has in mind presented by the author (1972: 171).

9. Mannerism


Abrams presents two methods of character portrayal. The methods are Telling and Showing methods (1981: 21). In the former method, the author himself can intervene authoritatively in order to describe and even to evaluate the motives and dispositional qualities of his character. In the latter method, the author merely presents his characters talking and acting and leaves the reader to infer what motives and dispositions lie behind what they say or do.

3. Theory of Personality Development

In Hurlock’s Personality Development, it is mentioned that personality development is a stage in growth of a constantly changing and evoking process within an individual. The process becomes more complex, in the patterning of one’s self concept, habits, attitudes, emotional states, sentiments, and motives. It determines the person’s uniqueness in speech, in reactions to people and things, in mannerism, in fantasy, and in other ways directed toward the specific goal to adjust to the environment (1974: 7). Hurlock also states that human life consists of two aspects, which are individual and social aspects. Individual aspects concern with physical changes and human’s personality development. Human’s personality development itself is influenced by two factors; human’s early experience within family and the important events happening outside the home (1974: 19-20).


sex determinant, educational determinant, and family determinant (1974: 137-354). From those eight factors, the writer wants to discuss the three factors that related to the topic of this thesis, they are:

a. Emotional Determinant

Emotions give color to the individual’s perception of himself and his environment and affect the behavior. Emotion can add pleasure to a person’s life and motivate action that improves the social and personal adjustments. On the other hand, emotion can make life painful and cause failure to adjustment. Emotions have both direct and indirect effects. The direct effects come from physical and mental disturbances, while indirect effects come from the reaction of members of the social groups toward the person who experiences the emotion. b. Social Determinant

The social group expects its members to conform to its standards. The social group sets developmental tasks, or learning experiences which the person is expected to master at an age when most people of that age are capable of mastering them.

c. Family Determinant


C. Theoretical Framework

The writer uses three theories in this study to help answering the problem formulation stated in the first chapter. The theories are theory of character, theory of characterization, and theory of personality development.

Firstly, the main character is an important feature in the novel so that it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of Bella and Edward as the main characters. To analyze Bella’s and Edward’s character, the writer mainly applies Stanton’s and Abram’s theory in presenting the two main characters. The theory may help the writer to understand more about what kind of character Bella and Edward are. The writer also uses other theories, such as Holman and Harmon’s and Forster’s theories to dig deeper about Bella and Edward’s character.

Secondly, to analyze more about Bella’s and Edward’s characteristics, the writer uses Murphy’s theory of characterization. By using theory of characterization, the writer hopes that the reader will understand about how the author presents the characters in a literary work. By using this theory, the writer can differentiate the characteristics of Bella before and after she meets Edward. And at the end of the analysis, the writer can answer the two problems that are formulated.


development. It is because in the middle until the end of the story, Bella’s personality changes.




A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a modern novel entitled Twilight written by American novelist Stephenie Meyer. It was first published by Little, Brown and Company on October 5, 2005. Twilight consists of 498 pages that are divided into 24 chapters. It is set in Phoenix and Forks and the setting of time is in the present time.

Twilight is Meyer’s first debut; Twilight was initially rejected by 14 agents, but became an instant bestseller when published originally in hardback in 2005. It is the first book of theTwilightseries, and introduces seventeen-year-old Isabella "Bella" Swan, who moves from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington and finds her life in danger when she falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen. It was filmed in 2008, starred by Kristen Stewart as Isabella “Bella” Swan and Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen. It was a commercial success, grossing more than three hundred and eighty-two million dollars worldwide and an additional a hundred and fifty-seven million dollars from North American DVD sales, as of July 2009.

Twilight is a romance novel which tells about the unusual love life between a vampire named Edward and human being named Bella. Bella moves from Phoenix to Forks to live with her father, Charlie Swan. Bella who is very


introvert and quiet (because of her parents’ divorce) attracts much attention in Forks, especially in her new school. There, she meets Edward who is very mysterious. It makes Bella curious about him and makes her wants to know more about him. As time goes by, they are falling in love and become lovers. Edward’s attention and affection make Bella feels comfort and always happy, it also changes Bella’s personality. She was very introvert and quiet at first, but when she falls in love with Edward, everything is changing. She becomes more cheerful and she is able to socialize with others, especially with her father whom she rarely talked to. Since she has known Edward, her life is totally changing. It can be said that Edward’s existence has a very important role in Bella’s personality development case.

B. Approach of the Study

In this thesis, the writer wants to discuss about the influence of Edward’s character towards Bella’s personality development. The writer wants to reveal more about the two main character and also the personality development of Bella that caused by another character.


analyze this study because the development that occurs in Bella’s character is caused by influence of another character and her society. What the writer means is that the influence of another character and her society directly affect her personality.

Rohrbereger and Woods stated that psychology and literature are related. Both literature and psychology discuss about people and human lives, although they are different in some ways. Literature discusses man and his life that is expressed by the writer through the language in the works. Psychology is study of a man’s life together with his mind and behavior. This approach will bring both the writer and readers to the analysis of the work psychological point of view of human being (1971: 6-15).


C. Method of the Study

In doing this thesis, library research has the main role to find the supporting theories and ideas. The writer referred to some books and articles that were related to the literary work and the topic of this thesis. Besides doing the library research, to get more accurate data to analyze the problems, sources were also taken from the internet, mostly about the comments of the literary work.

The writer divided the data sources into two parts, the primary data and the secondary data. The primary data were taken from the literary work itself, Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight. The second data were taken from some books and articles and also from the internet that can be used to support and analyze this study.

There were some steps done in doing this study in order to get the conclusion. The first step was reading the literary work, Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight. Therefore, the writer could obtain a deep understanding about the story and its detail. After reading the novel, the writer found an interesting thing in the main character, Isabella “Bella” Swan, and decided to analyze her character deeper.


Learner’s Dictionary of the English Language, A Glossary of Literary Terms, Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English language, Development in Adulthood, Aspect of the Novel and Related Writings, A Handbook to Literature, Reading and Writing about Literature, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, How to Read and Write about Fiction, Better Reading II: Literature, New Worlds of Literature, Character and The Novel, Society in the Novel,andPersonality Development. All those books really help the writer to analyze the problem of this study. The writer also uses the internet source to help doing this thesis.




This chapter will discuss further more about the two problems formulated in the problem formulation in chapter I. They are about discussion of Bella’s characterization and the discussion of how Edward’s character influences Bella’s personality development.

A. Bella’s Characteristics

Characters have particular personalities and physical attributes that distinguish them from other characters. The process by which an author creates the character is called characterization (Rohrberger and Woods, 1971: 20).

In Hurlock’s Personality Development, it is mentioned that personality development is a stage in growth of a constantly changing and evoking process within an individual. The process becomes more complex, in the patterning of one’s self concept, habits, attitudes, emotional states, sentiments, and motives. It determines the person’s uniqueness in speech, in reactions to people and things, in mannerism, in fantasy, and in other ways directed toward the specific goal to adjust to the environment (1974: 7). Hurlock also states that human life consists of two aspects, which are individual and social aspects. Individual aspects concern with physical changes and human’s personality development. Human’s


personality development itself is influenced by two factors; human’s early experience within family and the important events happening outside the home (1974: 19-20).

In the novel, Bella is the main character and the protagonist. It is told that the characteristic of Bella has changed after she meets Edward. So the writer concludes that Bella characterization is related to her personality development. In order to understand more about Bella’s personality development, the writer will divide the analysis on her characterization into two parts. The first part is about Bella’s characterization before she meets Edward, and the second part is about Bella’s characterization after she meets Edward.

1. Bella’s Characteristic before She Meets Edward

In the beginning of the novel, it is told that Bella is a flat person. It seems that she does not have the spirit to live a life. The main problem is because her parents’ divorce. It affects her personality so much; Bella becomes a very introverted girl and her life seems so gloomy. She feels that there is nothing special inside her; she is just ordinary girl, very ordinary. Almost in her entire life she lives with her mother, Renée; that is why she loves her mother so much. And suddenly the thing becomes worse when she has to live in Forks with her father, Charlie. She thinks that Forks is horrible town, as horrible and gloomy as her life. She never enjoys living in Forks so far.


wearing my favorite shirt – sleeveless, white eyelet lace; I was wearing it as a farewell gesture. My carry-on item was a parka.

In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this inconsequential town more than any other place in the United States of America. It was from this town and its gloomy, omnipresent shade that my mother escaped with me when I was only a few months old. It was in this town that I’d been compelled to spend a month every summer until I was fourteen (p. 3).

It shows when Bella has to leave Phoenix and move to Forks. Bella tells that she had a bad history with Forks. When her parents divorced, Bella and her mother had to leave Forks, whereas her age was only a few months old. She thinks that Forks is very gloomy, just like a nightmare. Actually, she does not want to move there, there is always a shadow of her horrible past in Forks, her parents divorce. It makes Bella becomes a girl who always thinks that her life is so flat, she is also lack of self-confidence and very introverted. She can not easily socialize with others.

It was to Forks that I now exiled myself – an action that I took with great horror. I detested Forks.

I loved Phoenix. I loved the sun and the blistering heat. I loved the vigorous, sprawling city.

“Bella,” my mom said to me – the last of a thousand times – before I got on the plane. “You don’t have to do this.”

My mom looks like me, except with short hair and laugh lines. I felt a spasm of panic as I stared at her wide, childlike eyes. How could I leave my loving, erratic, hare-brained mother to fend for herself? Of course she had Phil now, so the bills would probably get paid, there would be food in the refrigerator, gas in her car, and someone to call when she got lost, but still…


Those paragraphs shows that actually Bella really does not want to go to Forks. It is her necessity. She does it because she wants her mother to be happy. Renée has to follow her new husband, Phil, to travel around some places. And Bella thinks that her existence will bother them. So she decides to stay in Forks with her father, Charlie. She lied to her mother so many times that she really wants to go to Forks, but in fact, she does not. It seems that Forks really gives her very bad memories of her family.

Since her parents’ divorce, Bella rarely meets Charlie. She only spent a month every summer in Forks until she was fourteen. This situation makes Bella has a relationship which is not really good with Charlie. Both Bella and Charlie are quiet persons; they cannot express what they feel easily. It is very awkward for Bella to start her brand new days with Charlie. She thinks that she needs more adaptation with Charlie because she is never used to be with him. But as a father, Charlie loves Bella so much, he tries to be responsible. He always tries the best only for Bella.

Charlie had really been fairly nice about the whole thing. He seemed genuinely pleased that I was coming to live with him for the first time in any degree of permanence. He’d already gotten me registered for high school and was going to help me get a car.


Charlie gave me an awkward, one-armed hug when I stumbled my way off the plane.

“It’s good to see you, Bells,” he said, smiling as he automatically caught and steadied me. “You haven’t changed much. How’s Renée?”

“Mom’s fine. It’s good to see you, too, Dad.” I wasn’t allowed to call him Charlie to his face (p. 5-6).

It shows that actually Bella admits that Charlie is a good dad. She knows that he was pleased to see her coming to Forks. Charlie had prepared everything for Bella; he had registered Bella in Forks High School and bought her a car. Charlie did it all in order to make her happy and he hoped that Bella enjoys living in Forks. But Bella thinks that it is an awkward situation to live with Charlie for a long time because they rarely meet each other. However, she has to get used to live with him. From the paragraphs above, it is shown that Bella is not used to call Charlie with “Dad”, but now, she has to get used with it. However, Charlie is her father and Bella has to respect him although they had an awkward relationship.

On the other hand, Bella is a person that cannot easily socialize with others. It is because of her introverted side. She is the typical person who loves to be alone and always keeps her sadness and burden by herself.


The text above shows that Bella really enjoys her lonesome. She loves to be alone with no one disturbs her. She thinks that in her loneliness she can do anything she wants. When she is alone, there is no need to pretend that she is happy and she does not have to put a smile on her face. By being alone, she can express what she feels at the moment.

Furthermore, Bella always feels unconfident because of her physical appearance, she is a half albino. She never feels confident about it. It makes her exile herself from the others. She thinks that she does not belong to anywhere. Bella’s relationship with others is also not good; she always thinks that she never gets along well with anybody. Just like what the writer has said above that Bella is introvert person who cannot easily socialize with others.

Bella is also describes as a girl who is lack of self-confidence. She always compares herself to other girls at her age.

Maybe, if I looked like a girl from Phoenix should, I could work this to my advantage. But physically, I’d never fit in anywhere. Ishould be tan, sporty, blond – a volley-ball player, or a cheerleader, perhaps – all the things that go with living in the valley of the sun.

Instead, I was ivory-skinned, without even the excuse of blue eyes or red hair, despite the constant sunshine. I had always been slender, but soft somehow, obviously not an athlete; I didn’t have the necessary hand-eye coordination to play sports without humiliating myself – and harming both myself and anyone else who stood too close.


almost translucent-looking – but it all depended n color. I had no color here.

Facing my pallid reflection in the mirror, I was forced to admit that I was lying to myself. It wasn’t just physically that I’d never fit in. And if I couldn’t find a niche in school with three thousand people, what were my chances here?

I didn’t relate well to people my age. Maybe the truth was that I didn’t relate well to people, period. Even my mother, who I was closer to than anyone else on the planet, was never in harmony with me, never on exactly the same page. Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain (p. 10-11).

The text above shows that Bella does not have any self-confidence towards herself. She always thinks that she is different with the others. It also shows that Bella never gets along well with people at her age. She always finds the difficulty to get along with people. She is very introvert and cannot express what is inside her mind to the others; she just keeps it for herself. She thinks that people always consider her as a freak, whereas they do not.


2. Bella’s Characteristic after She Meets Edward

Finally, all things change. After meets Edward for the first time at cafeteria, Bella feels that there is something interesting inside Edward, but she does not know what it is.

I glanced sideways at the beautiful boy, who was looking at his tray now, picking a bagel to pieces with long, pale fingers. His mouth was moving very quickly, his perfect lips barely opening. The other three still looked away, and yet I felt he was speaking quietly to them (p. 20).

The text above shows when Bella meets Edward for the first time. Bella sees the Cullens at the cafeteria for the first time. And she is interested at the guy who is bronze-haired and looks mysterious. He is Edward Cullen. After their first meeting, they are accidentally at the same Biology class. They are sitting together, but at their first class, Edward looks very strange. He seems like he is avoiding Bella for no reason and he is not friendly at all. And his behavior makes Bella curious.

And it was worse because Edward Cullen wasn’t in school at all.

All morning I was dreading lunch, fearing his bizarre glares. Part of me wanted to confront him and demand to know what his problem was. While I was lying sleepless in my bed, I even imagined what I would say. But I knew myself too well to think I would really have the guts to do it. I made the Cowardly Lion look like the terminator (p. 30).


think that I could affect anyone that strongly. It was impossible. And yet I couldn’t stop worrying that it was true (p. 31).

On the next day, Bella feels uncomfortable. She has waited for Edward’s coming, but he does not appear. She worries why Edward does not go to school. Bella thinks that she is the reason why Edward does not appear. And she also thinks it is very ridiculous that she can affect anyone that strongly. She just can not stop worrying about Edward. The text above shows that Bella is a little bit changing. She turns from a person who never cares about everyone else becomes a person who is now worrying about someone. She never noticed anyone else before because she always thought that she never needed anyone else, there was only herself in her life. But since their first meeting the day before, Bella thinks that there is something missing because she does not see Edward all day long. Edward made Bella very curious about him.

People greeted me in the parking lot Monday morning. I didn’t know all their names, but I waved back and smiled at everyone. It was colder this morning, but happily not raining. In English, Mike took his accustomed seat by my side. We had a pop quiz on Wuthering Heights. It was straightforward, very easy.

All in all, I was feeling a lot more comfortable, than I had thought I would feel by this point. More comfortable than I had ever expected to feel here (p. 38-39).


people accept her well. She starts to enjoy living in Forks which she never expected before. She already got some kind-hearted friends and a special heartthrob, of course.

On the same day, she gets into the Biology class. She is relieved that her table is empty; it means that Edward does not go to school. But suddenly Edward comes and makes her so surprised.

“Hello,” said a quiet, musical voice.

I looked up, stunned that he was speaking to me. He was sitting as far away from me as the desk allowed, but his chair was angled toward me. His hair was dripping wet, disheveled – even so, he looked like he’d just finished shooting a commercial for hair gel. His dazzling face was friendly, open, a slight smile on his flawless lips. But his eyes were careful.

“My name is Edward Cullen,” he continued. “I didn’t have a chance to introduce myself last week. You must be Bella Swan.”

My mind was spinning with confusion. Had I made up the whole thing? He was perfectly polite now. I had to speak; he was waiting. But I couldn’t think of anything conventional to say (p. 43-44).

It shows that Edward turns friendly in front of Bella, whereas he seemed that he did not like Bella a few days ago. Bella becomes confuse; she does not know what happens to Edward, because he changes a lot. Bella still can not hide her admiration toward Edward. She still admires him a lot. And it really makes her very surprised to know that Edward greets her and behaves so friendly.

“Why did you come here, then?”


“I think I can keep up,” he pressed.

I paused for a long moment, and then made the mistake of meeting his gaze. His dark gold eyes confused me, and I answered without thinking. “My mother got remarried,” I said.

“That doesn’t sound so complex,” he disagreed, but he was suddenly sympathetic. “When did that happen?”

“Last September.” My voice sounded sad, even to me.

“And you don’t like him,” Edward surmised, his tone still kind. “No, Phil is fine. Too young, maybe, but nice enough.”

“Why didn’t you stay with them?”

I couldn’t fathom his interest, but he continued to stare at me with penetrating eyes, as if my dull life’s story was somehow vitally important (p. 48).

The text above shows that Bella who was very introvert to others is now changing. Now she can tell her life story to Edward, she tells why she moved in Forks. She feels that it is comfortable to be near him. Although at first she was in doubt to tell about her life, but finally she can tell a lot. The attention that Edward has given to her makes her feel very comfort. She feels something different when Edward is around her.

Bella is a girl who always hides her feeling of sadness. She can pretend that she is okay, whereas she is not. It can be seen when she is telling Edward about the story of her life.

“But now you’re unhappy,” he pointed out. “And?” I challenged.

“That doesn’t seem fair.” He shrugged, but his eyes were still intense. I laughed without humor. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you? Life isn’t fair.” “I believe Ihaveheard that somewhere before,” he agreed dryly.


His gaze became appraising. “You put on a good show,” he said slowly. “But I’d be willing to bet that you’re suffering more than you let anyone see.”

I grimaced at him, resisting the impulse to stick out my tongue like a five-year-old, and looked away (p. 49).

Here, Edward knows that Bella is pretending about what she feels. Bella is unhappy with her life but she pretends that she is happy. She is unhappy with her mom’s marriage. By talking to Edward, she feels a little bit better.

Mr. Banner called the class to order then, and I turned with relief to listen. I was in disbelief that I’d just explained my dreary life to this bizarre, beautiful boy who may or may not despise me. He’d seemed engrossed in our conversation, but now I could see, from the corner of my eye, that he was leaning away from me again, his hands gripping the edge of the table with unmistakable tension (p. 50).

That passage tells that Bella does not believe what is just already happened. She cannot believe that she has told Edward her life story which she thinks is very dreary. Starting from here, Bella becomes an open-minded person. She starts express her feeling slowly.

I threw down a quick bowl of cereal and some orange juice from the carton. I felt excited to go to school, and that scared me. I knew it wasn’t the stimulating learning environment I was anticipating, or seeing my new set of friends. If I was being honest with myself, I knew I was eager to get to school because I would see Edward Cullen. And that was very, very stupid.


The text above shows that Edward has made Bella falling in love with him. Bella, who never falls in love before, is now falling in love with Edward. She thinks that Edward has changed her point of view of life. Bella, who at first was never willing to go to school, now she has the spirit to go to school, Edward is her spirit. And she thinks that it is very stupid. She also knows that his league and hers are very completely cannot be united. But she still feels there is something different if she can see Edward.

I still was angry that he wouldn’t trust me with the trust, even though I was keeping my part of the bargain flawlessly. But he had in fact saved my life, no matter how he’d done it. And overnight, the heat of my anger faded into awed gratitude (p. 70).

It shows that Bella who was easily angry because Edward did not want to confess why he saved her. But Bella who at first was a person, who was difficult to appreciate people and did not really care about people around her, now is turning into a person who appreciates others’ help. She is very thankful with Edward’s help.

Despite my outright lies, the tenor of my e-mails alerted Renée to my depression, and she called a few times, worried. I tried to convince her it was just the weather that had me down (p. 70).


feeling toward Edward, but she can not pretend more. She is definitely in love with Edward.

B. Edward’s Influence towards Bella’s Personality Development

In this part, the writer tries to reveal how the character of Edward influences Bella’s personality development. Bella’s characteristic and personality development has been written on the previous part. Here, the writer wants to answer the second problem formulation.

Hornby inOxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary of the English Language defines the term “influence” as follows, “power to affect somebody’s character, beliefs or actions through example, fear, admiration, etc” (1987: 437).

The term “influence” also means “the effect of one thing (or person) on another; a power to affect persons or events especially power based on prestige etc” (http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/influence).


Furthermore, in this part, the writer wants to discuss about the existence of Edward that affects Bella’s character. Briefly, Edward seems to have a power (in this case his love and attention toward Bella) which can affects and changes Bella’s personality.

Bella has felt something different when she saw Edward for the first time. Moreover, it continues until she knows Edward deeper. She is sure that she is falling in love with Edward. Edward’s existence has changed her life and her personality. Edward has given so much influence toward Bella’s personality development.

I was consumed by the mystery Edward presented. And more than a little obsessed by Edward himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I wasn’t as eager to escape Forks as I should be, as any normal, sane person would be.

That was the first night I dreamed of Edward Cullen.

In my dream it was very dark, and what dim light there was seemed to be radiating from Edward’s skin. I couldn’t see his face, just his back as he walked away from me, leaving me in the blackness. No matter how fast I ran, I couldn’t catch up to him; no matter how loud I called, he never turned. Troubled, I woke in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep again for what seemed for a very long time. After that, he was in my dream nearly every night, but always on the periphery, never within reach (p. 67-68).


to obsess and admire him. It shows that Bella who at first is a cool girl, now she becomes a very curious girl.

Because of Edward, Bella feels very comfortable living in Forks; she does not want to leave Forks although she has already had a bad experience that endangered her life (the accident). It is so contrast with what she had felt when she came in Forks for the first time, how she hated Forks so much. Now, after Edward comes to her life, she feels that she does not need to leave Forks, it is one of Edward’s influences toward Bella’s personality.

After the accident that happened to her, Bella admires Edward more. Her admiration leads her to the first dream about Edward. And it continues almost every night Bella dreams about him.

I turned slowly, unwillingly. I didn’t want to feel what I knew I would feel when I looked at his too-perfect face (p.74).

It shows that Bella starts to realize that she has been falling in love with Edward. She realizes that more and more each day, she is more in love with him. Just by looking at his too-perfect face, Bella knows that she will feel something different towards him. Although she has tried so hard to reject it, she still can feel it and will always feel it. She cannot hide her feeling anymore and she is definitely falling for Edward.


why he is so fast, why he always looks pale, why his eyes’ color always changes when his mood is changing, and why he always avoids the sunny weather. Whereas, before she falls in love, she never had the curiosity about something, she just thought that her life was a burden and it was useless to take some care about her life. Now, after she feels love, she keeps a big attention and curiosity about Edward.

Furthermore, Bella becomes more and more curious about Edward after she heard Jacob’s story about the legend of the ancient Quileutes and their enemy, the cold ones. Jacob told the story when Bella went to La Push Beach. Jacob told Bella that The Cullens belong to the cold ones.

“They claimed that they didn’t hunt humans. They supposedly were somehow able to prey on animals instead.”

I tried to keep my voice casual. “So how does it fit in with the Cullens? Are they like the cold ones your great-grandfather met?”

“No.” He paused dramatically. “They are thesameones.”

He must have thought the expression on my face was fear inspired by his story. He smiled, pleased, and continued.

“There are more of them now, a new female and a new male, but the rest are the same. In my great-grandfather’s time they already knew of the leader, Carlisle. He’d been here and gone before your people had even arrived.” He was fighting a smile.

“And what are they?” I finally asked. “What are the cold ones?” He smiled darkly.


Those paragraphs above show that Bella has already known about what actually The Cullens is, vampire. However, she does not believe the legends easily.

After the moment that happened in La Push, Bella gets the nightmare about herself, Jacob, Mike, and absolutely Edward. After awakes from her nightmare, she turns the computer on then she gets into her favorite search engine. She is typing one word there, vampire. She gets a lot of information about vampire.

Only three entries really caught my attention: the RomanianVaracolaci, a powerful undead being who could appear as a beautiful, pale-skinned human, the SlovakNelapsi, a creature so strong and fast it could massacre an entire village in the single hour after midnight, and one other, the Stregoni benefici.

About this last three was only one brief sentence.

Stregoni benefici: An Italian vampire, said to be on the side of goodness, and a mortal enemy of all evil vampires.

It was a relief, that one small entry, the one myth among hundreds that claimed the existence of good vampires.

Overall, though, there was little that coincided with Jacob’s stories or my own observations. I’d made a little catalogue in my mind as I’d read and carefully compared it with each myth. Speed, strength, beauty, pale skin, eyes that shift color; and then Jacob’s criteria: blood drinkers, enemies of the werewolf, cold-skinned, and immortal. There were very few myths that matched even one factor (p. 134 - 135).


now she is very curious about a man who attracts her heart. Bella starts to feel curious whether Edward is a vampire or not. She compares the reality that she is faced and both the article on the internet and Jacob’s story about the cold ones.

In the writer’s opinion, Bella does not care anymore whether Edward is a vampire or not. It is covered by her curiosity and affection toward him. She thinks that no matter who Edward is, she will still love him, because Edward has changed Bella’s world. His existence changes Bella in everything.

I forced myself to focus on the two most vital questions I had to answer, but I did so unwillingly.

First, I had to decide if it was possible that what Jacob had said about the Cullens could be true.

Immediately my mind responded with a resounding negative. It was silly and morbid to entertain such ridiculous notions. But what, then? I asked myself. There was no rational explanation for how I was alive at this moment. I listed again in my head the things I’d observed myself: the impossible speed and strength, the eye color shifting from black to gold and back again, the inhuman beauty, the pale, frigid skin. And more – small things that registered slowly – how they never seemed to eat, the disturbing grace with which they moved. And the way he sometimes spoke. With unfamiliar cadences and phrases that better fit the style of a turn-of-the-century novel than that of a twenty-first-century classroom. He had skipped class the day we’d done blood typing. He hadn’t said no to the beach trip till he heard where we were going. He seemed to know what everyone around him was thinking…..except me. He had told me he was the villain, dangerous…. (p. 137 – 138).


by collecting the unusual facts about him. She is starting to feel curious about the strange and unusual facts about him.

Could the Cullens be vampires?

Well, they were something. Something outside the possibility of rational justification was taking place in front of my incredulous eyes. Whether it be Jacob’s cold ones or my own superhero theory, Edward Cullen was not… human. He was something more (p.138).

Those paragraphs explain that Edward really influences Bella. Edward’s existence as something is bothering Bella’s mind. She still wonders whether Edward is a human creature or thatsomething.

And I knew in that I had my answer. I didn’t know if there ever was a choice, really. I was already in too deep. Now that I knew —ifI knew — I could do nothing about my frightening secret. Because when I thought of him, of his voice, his hypnotic eyes, the magnetic force of his personality, I wanted nothing more than to be with him right now (p. 139).

This passage shows the moment that Bella makes the decision that vampire or not, monster or not, she is not going to let the circumstances keep her from Edward. Unlike Carlisle, who can mentally overcome his strongest instincts, Bella cannot overcome her attraction to Edward, no matter how unnatural or dangerous.


irrelevant. Notably, she suggests that there never was really a choice—she has given in so completely to her desires that she cannot even see an alternative.

“Did you ever think that maybe my number was up the first time, with the van, and that you’ve been interfering with fate?” I speculated, distracting myself.

“That wasn’t the first time,” he said, and his voice was hard to hear. I stared at him in amazement, but he was looking down. “Your number was up the first time I met you.” (p. 174-175).

That conversation happens on their way going home from Port Angeles. Bella wonders why did Edward can find her in Port Angeles, then conversation about who Edward really is begins. According to the writer, it shows that Bella has felt that she and Edward are really meant to be together. Here, Bella thinks that Edward has been starting to influence her life and her thought since the moment of the van accident. On the other side, Edward denies it. According to him, destiny has chosen Bella since the first time they met.

“No,” I said softly. “It doesn’t matter to me what you are.”

A hard, mocking edge entered his voice. “You don’t care if I’m a monster? If I’m nothuman?”


He was silent, staring straight ahead again. His face was bleak and cold. “You’re angry,” I sighed. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No,” he said, but his tone was as hard as his face. “I’d rather know what you’re thinking --- even if what you’re thinking is insane.” (p. 184–185). “How old are you?”


“And how long have you been seventeen?”

His lips twitched as he stared at the road. “A while,” he admitted at last (p. 185).

In this phase, Bella has already known that Edward is a vampire. Bella does not care what is Edward; humankind, monster, or even a vampire. All Bella knows is by Edward’s existence, her life changes.

Here, Edward also admits that he is truly a vampire. Edward explains everything about the Cullens, their food, how they live, the myth about vampire, etc. Edward even call themselves (The Cullens) as “vegetarian”.

“I didn’t like it. Not seeing you. It makes me anxious, too.” I blushed to be saying this out loud (p. 190).

That paragraph above explains that Bella shows her dislike if she cannot see Edward. They argue about their anxiousness if both of them cannot see each other. On the other hand, they have influenced each other.

About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was part of him --- and I didn’t know how potent that part might be --- that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him (p. 195).


This is the biggest influence from Edward, so that Bella dares to take this decision. By loving Edward who is very “different” from Bella daringly is such a dangerous thing. It can endanger and threaten Bella’s life. However, Bella wards it off; she wards the all impossibility off that might happen in their relationship.

It was foggy and dark outside my window, absolutely perfect (p. 196).

This short and seemingly simple sentence represents a transformation in Bella. From the first chapter, Bella defines herself by her love of the sun and her hatred for the cold and the rain; Forks is presented as a prison sentence, not because of its small size but because of its gloomy weather.

Yet in this sentence, Bella describes the “foggy” and “dark” weather, usually two of her least favorite conditions, as “absolutely perfect.” Her love for Edward has changed the way she sees the world; bad weather means he will be in school, so it has become perfect weather to her. This represents Bella’s perspective on Edward generally; although he would be considered by most, and even himself, as a kind of monster, Bella’s love makes this point irrelevant. He is perfect to her.


I knew that if I’d never gone to Forks, I wouldn’t be facing death now. But, terrified as I was, I couldn’t bring myself to regret the decision. When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end (p. 1).

This passage, like many others, underscores Bella’s complete commitment to Edward. Although in this part she is sure she is going to die, she cannot regret the decision that ultimately led her here, because it is also what brought her to Edward. In fact, she seems more afraid of the prospect of her dream life with Edward coming to an end than she does of her actual death.

This passage seems to highlight a dichotomy between living normally and living passionately. Bella would rather live briefly and passionately than have a long life without the overwhelming emotions that Edward brings to her. Although her love for him is always dangerous, not just as she faces death from James, the danger seems like a necessary corollary of the intensity of their emotions.




This thesis deals with Isabella Swan’s personality development that is influenced by the character of Edward, how far Edward’s existence influences Bella. Psychological approach is applied in this study by using Hurlock’s theory of personality development, which has eight factors that can determine someone’s personality patterns. However, the writer only discusses the three of eight; there are: emotional determinant, social determinant, family determinant. This theory is used to find out what problems that happened in Bella’s past time which result in her present life. Moreover, the writer also finds out that by the existence of Edward, Bella can change into a better person.

From the discussion in the previous chapter, it turns out that Bella undergoes the personality development from an introverted and gloomy teenage girl into a cheerful and full of love teenage girl. She experienced her past personality due to her traumatic experience in her childhood. First, she experiences the divorce of her parents, it makes her becomes an introverted girl because she never gets so much attention from her parents. Then, her mother married another man, it makes her does not relate well with her father. Moreover, another cause is the society around her. She lived in Phoenix whose teenagers are so individualistic. It makes her isolating herself from others. She


seems that she makes a boundary for herself in contacting with others. These experiences make her into a gloomy, individualistic, and introvert girl.



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