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Ignatius J. Reilly In John Kennedy Toole`s Confederacy of Dunces : Satire Toward 1960`s Americans - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English letters



Student Number: 034214053







Presented as Partial Fulillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English letters



Student Number: 034214053















First, I would like to express my praise to Allah SWT and His holly

prophet, Muhammad SAW. I am really grateful for the bless given to me. I am

blessed with the amazing strength so that I can keep moving on to continue my

life. Allah is my only savior and guidance whenever I am sad. He really leads my


I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Modesta

Luluk Artika Windrasti S.S., my major sponsor who has spent her precious time

to read and correct my thesis. Without her sincerity, patience, guidance, and

encouragement, this thesis would never be accompolished and comprehensible. I

also would like to thank Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M. Hum. for his willingness

and patience to give suggestions and inputs as the co-advisor of my undergraduate


I also want to express my gratititude to all Sanata Dharama Lecturing staff

who had taught me and given me knowledge while I studied in Sanata Dharma. I

also want to thank all the librarians for their never ending sincerity when I came

there day by day.

My biggest gratitude goes to my parents, Agus Sumaryono and Sri

Hidayat Purwoningsih. Thank you for your unconditional love and never ending

support. I can finish this thesis because of your endless support, pray, patience and




beloved daughter, Putri Tasya Nur Ayu Bilallian. You are my life and my breath.

You are always in my heart and my prayer. My sincere gratitude is also dedicated

to my sisters, Mbak Evi and Dek Lia. Thank you for your support, patience and

love. I also thank to my brother Mas Doni and Dek Novi. Thank you for the

support you give me.

My sincer thank also goes to my dearest friends Ella, Filli, Ika, and Amie.

Thank you for your encouregement, support, kindness, and wonderful moment we

share together. For Ella and Fili, I want to thank your support when I was down

and thank you of giving your shoulders to cry on.

My specials thank also goes to my dearest friend Amie who helps me to

make this thesis comprehensible. I really appreciate your time and sincere

assistance. I also want to thank to all my 2003 English Letters friends and many

others whom I can not write one by one.














ABSTRAK……….. x


A. Background of the Study………... 1

B. Problem Formulation……….. 4

C. Objectives of the Study………... 4

D. Definition of Terms………. 4


A. Review of Related Studies……….. 6

B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theory of Character and Characterization………. 8

2. Theory on Satire...………... 11

C. Review on 1960s Amercans 15 D. Theoretical Framework... 20


A. Object of the Study………. 22

B. Approach of the Study……… 24

C. Method of the Study……… 25

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS 28 A.John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces Serves as Satirical B. The Characteristics of Ignatius J. Reilly...………... 28 32 C. The Aspects of the 1960s Americans Satirized through the characteristics of Ignatius J. Reilly... a. Ecconomics Issue... b. 1960s Americans Religious Value... c. 1960s American Social Values... 48 48 50 51 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION……… 55




DYAH AYU WIDYASARI. Ignatius J. Reilly in Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces: Satire toward 1960s Americans. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2011.

This thesis discusses satire toward Americans in 1960s that is implied in John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces. The reason of writing this thesis is that satirical works can bring many values to the reader. In addition 1960s is the turning point that changes Americans in many fields especially the standard of social life. The way Toole satirizes Americans in 1960s through his book is another consideration why this thesis is held. He artistically portrays the extraordinary character which makes the reader want to continue reading the story until the end. This novel is published eleven years after the author’s suicidal death. The main character in the novel is highly considered as satirist. In some way, the characteristics of the main character share similarity with society in 1960s especially Americans middle class.

There are two problems formulation in this study. First is to analyze the elements which make A Confederacy of Dunces is a satirical literature. Second is to find out the satired aspects of the society in 1960s based on to the previous analysis.

This study applies library research method as the main source to gain the data. The information from the internet is also used as a second source. The socio-historical approach is used in this study since it sees the relation between the work and the society in the real life. This approach is useful to analyze the society in the real condition at that time.





DYAH AYU WIDYASARI. Ignatius J. Reilly in John kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces: Satire on 1960s Americans. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra Universitas Sanata Dharma. 20111.

Skripsi in membahas sindiran atau satire pada masyarakat Amerika di tahun 1960an yang terkandung didalam novel A Confederacy of Dunces. Novel tersebut di tulis oleh John Kennedy Toole. Yang menjadi alasan mengapa penulis memilih novel in sebagai tugas akhir adalah nilai-nilai positive yang dapat kita ambil sebagai hikmah yang terkandung pada novel berisi sindiran. Disamping itu, tahun 1960an adalah dekade yang merubah kehidupan sosial masyarakat Amerika secara radikal. Alasan lainya adalah cara Toole menyindir masyarakat Amerika tahun 60an yang dianggap penulis sangat menarik dimana Toole menghadirkan karakter yang memiliki sifat yang tidak sama seperti masyarakat pada umumnya. Novel ini diterbitkan 11 tahun setelah peristiwa bunuh diri sang pengarang. Tokoh utama didalam novel diciptakan pengarang untuk menyindir kelakuan negative masyarakat Amerika di tahun 60an.

Terdapat dua topik pembahasan yang saling berkaitan. Pertama adalah membuktikan bahwa A Confederacy of Dunces adalah novel satir. Yang kedua adalah menemukan aspek aspek sindiran yang ditujukan pada masyarakat Amerika di tahun 1960an berdasarkan fakta anlisis sebelumnya.

Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka sebagai sumber utama untuk mendapatkan data. Informasi dari internet juga digunakan dalam studi ini sebagai sumber penunjang. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah sosio kultural karena pendekatan ini melihat hubungan antara karya satra dan masyarakat dalam kehidupan nyata. Pendekatan ini berguna untuk menganalisa kondisi masyarakat pada waktu itu.

Terdapat dua kesimpulan setelah menganalisa novel ini. Kesimpulan pertama adalah novel A Confederacy of Dunces merupakan novel satire yang dibuktikan melalui penjelasan “scene”, “plot”, dan juga “satiris”.Ignatius J.Reilly, yang berperan sebagai satiris, digambarkan sebagai tokoh yang tepelajar, pintar, berpegang pada kepercayaan abad pertengahan, penuh manipulasi, dan mengarah pada ketdakwarasan, rasialis dan juga sinis. Kesimpulan terakhir adalah melalui pendeskripsian sifat pad karakter utama ditemukan tiga aspek sindiran terhadap masyarakat di tahun 60an yang menjadi sasaran utama Toole, yaitu; masalah ekonomi, berubahnya nilai-nilai agama, dan nilai-nilai sosial pada masyarakat Amerika di thaun 60an. Analisis skripsi ini juga bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bahwa A confederacy of Dunces di buat untuk menyatir masyarakat Amerika dengan harapan dapat digunakan sebagai pembelajaran untuk lebih mawas diri.



A. Backgroung of the Study

People consider literature as a media of work-study since literature is the

imitation of reality.

Literature represents life and life is, in large measure, a social reality, even though, the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary imitation (Wellek, 1965:94).

By reading literature, readers are able to enrich their knowledge because literature

contains information about life which is useful to learn.

Wellek and Warren state in The Theory of Literature; literary works can play the role as historical document that recorded social realities, which are

artistically portrayed by the authors (1956:102). By reading literature, one can

broaden his or her awareness toward surrounding. Some authors also criticize in

their work about prominent issues surrounding them. In order to avoid

controversial responding and being banned, they hide their critics in humor and

wit in their literary work.

The kind of work that blends a critical attitude with humor and wit is

called satire. The purpose of this kind of literature is to improve human institution

or humanity (Holman and Harmon 1988:447). The object of satire is various; it

depends on the author’s awareness and sensitivity toward surroundings.

There are many authors who use critical satire, for examples; Bret Easton

Ellis who satirized life style of 1980s Young Urban Professional (YUP-pie) in

Manhattan, New York through the characterization of Peter Bateman in his



novel entitled American Psycho or Voltaire who satirized Leibniz’ optimism in his novel Candide..

As critical satire refers to improve human institution or humanity in actual

society in certain frame of time, the characters or the events happened in the novel

represent real people in the certain society and era. Therefore the satirical work

must have some relation to the actual circles of society in certain place and time.

John Kennedy Toole was one of the authors whose work gained

popularity as all of his works touched social issue. One of his interesting novels

which gained popularity is Confederacy of Dunces. It can be said that this novel is his most popular work because of its hilarious satirical attitude and its

controversial publication. This novel was published 11 years after his suicidal

death and won Literature Pulitzer Award, the highest appreciation an author can

achieve, just four months after the first publication.

Confederacy of Dunces is a satirical novel which attacks 1960s American

in many aspects. 1960s is unforgettable era where many revolutionary ways of

thinking were introduced and offered. It brought new cultural identity and

political trend to Americans. 1960s is also referred by most people as a decade of

change. All conservative values in 1950s were totally shifted.

In http://kclibrary.lonestar.edu/decade60.html, there is a journal that reviews about Americans in 1960s. It points out that as the society was dominated

by youth, it changed many aspects, such as belief, social life, economic, laws and

entertainment. Their movement was away from the conservative fifties. Some

youths sought alternative experiences through drugs and music, others tried to

construct alternative way of life.


Further more, Toole attacked society in 1960s by presenting the

extraordinary character of Ignatius J. Reilly. Everything about him is unique and

grotesque. He is described as a combination of intelligent, very eccentric,

idealistic, and slothful man who still living with his mother at the age of 30.

Walker Percy, an author and instructor on University of Loyola, states in the

forewords of the novel that this character is a slob extraordinary, a mad Oliver

Hardy, a fat Don Quixote, a preserve Thomas Aquinas rolled into one who is in

violent revolt against the entire Modern age. Through Ignatius’ grotesque

characteristics we will be aware that actually Toole have a purpose to touch many

aspects of American issue in his novel and criticizes them indirectly. The

interesting matter from this novel is the way Toole presents Ignatius. Everything

about Ignatius is outrageous and bizarre, even, beyond imagination. Therefore, the

writer is interested to use this novel as the review.

In addition, satirical works bring many values to the reader. Satirical work

gives the readers knowledge about historical document that recorded social

realities. The purpose of satirical work is to give moral judgment and corrective

purposes to certain person, mankind, or an institution. Satirical works never

criticize the follies, foibles, or vice directlyy. Without acting like a sermon,

satirical work will bring moral awakening to the reader during their amusement

toward the story. In essence, satirical work is worth to study because of its

positive values to the reader.

In the novel, Ignatius have to deal with his economics problem, his tense

relationship with the society around him, and his internal belief that results tense



problem. Furthermore, economics, social life and religious values were also the

highlight issues that Americans had to deal at that time. It seems that Toole wants

to criticize these three points through the characteristics of Ignatius J. Reilly.

Therefore, in order to guide and limit the points of discussion, the satirical aspects

of 1960s Americans that will be analyzed in this thesis are economics issues,

religious value and social value.

B. Problem Formulations

Based on the background of the study, there are two problem formulations

that are formulated as follow:

1. What elements make A Confederacy of Dunces a satirical literature? 2. What are the satirized aspects of Americans in 1960s?

C. Objective of the Study

The purpose of the study is to answer the three problem formulations

stated above. There are three objects of the study. It is necessary to prove that A Confederacy of Dunces is a satirical literature. First objective is to describe A confederacy of Dunces as a satirical Literature. Second, Ignatius’ characteristics as satirist are figured out. And third is to analyze the values of 1960s Americans

that are satirized through Ignatius J. Relly’s characteristics.

D. Definition of Term 1. Satire

According to C. Hugh Holman and William Harmon in their book


entitled A Handbook to Literature, satire is a literary manner, which blends a critical attitude with humor or wit for the purpose of improving human institution

or humanity. Therefore satirical work must be written in the sense of humor in

order to criticize something or someone indirectly in order to change or improve

people’s quality of life (1986: 447).

Moreover, according to M.H Abrams in his book entitled Glossary of literary Term, satire is the literary art of diminishing or derogating a subject by making it ridiculous and evoking toward the attitude of amusement, contempt

scorn or indignation which uses laughter as a weapon against the thing exist in the

society it wishes to criticize (1993:187).

In The New Oxford American Dictionary, Satire is a literature work that use humor, irony, exaggerated or ridicule to expose and criticizes people’s

stupidity and particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical

issues (2005: 788).





A. Review on Related Study

John Kennedy, in his life, only produced two novels as he died when he was

still 31. A Confederacy of Dunces is his second and his master piece work. In fact, people consider this novel as hilarious and meaningful work. There are many

reviews toward this novel for various purposes.

One of those reviews is from Daniel G. Dolgicer’s article entitled Ignatius and Irene: Partnership and Polarization. He mentions in his article that the relationship between Ignatius and Irene is very unique. The story sets out the

combination of tense polarization and dynamism in their relationship as a mother

and a son.

Ignatius and his mother, Mrs. Reilly, are often bound in quarrel. However,

they also are the combination of dynamism in the same time. From the beginning

until the end of the story, they never get along as they have very different


“In particular, the attitudes and the activities of Irene Reilly and her son Ignatius determine the tone of the novel and guide its course of events. While Irene and Ignatius Reilly are both inherently insecure and unassertive, they attempt to remedy debilitating traits in contrasting fashion. Irene betters herself, while Ignatius pursues negativity; Irene attempts high fashion, socialization, and dominance, while her son pursues pompousness, malignity, and gluttony” http://kitain.org/JAP/partnership.pdf .

Dolgicer states the psyches of the mother and son relationship show failure

parallels. Therefore, the mother and son are surrounded by tense polarization.

Even though the domination story of the novel is the scuffles and



suppression as proved on the quotation above, Dolgicer also emphasizes in his

article that Ignatius and Irene actually have parallel genetics and deceptively

parallel personalities.

“Both halves of this familial relationship are subdued by fundamental weakness and disabling self-consciousness. Both characters realize these flaws, and pursue behavior aimed at improving their abilities function amongst the emotional stable masses” http://kitain.org/JAP/partnership.pdf. Further more, the review, entitled Expository and Critical Analysis of A

confederacy of Dunces, which is retrieved from

http://kitain.org/JAP/Expository.pdf explores the intrinsic aspects within Ignatius J. Reilly. This article is written by Hairu. He emphasizes one issue correlated to

the main character in A confederacy of Dunces; Ignatius’ maturity. He shows that Ignatius maturity is affected by the mother’s poor parenting. As a single mother

Irene, Ignatius’ mother, has to raise the son alone.

According to Hairu, Irene has responsibility to serve as a father role model

and also as a mother role model in the same time. Instead of trying to be the father

and mother role model, she attempts to rid herself of her son. When Ignatius

shows his embarrassing behavior continually, Irene decides to send her son to

college for eight year. After he finished the education, Ignatius did not show

improvement. He always humiliates his mother in public. Then, she tries to send

Ignatius to psychiatric ward to avoid public humiliation. From those facts, Hairu

believes that Ignatius’ maturity is caused by Irene’s poor parenting or Irene’s

irresponsibility to raise her son. These situations led Ignatius to mature slowly and

never fully acclimate to society.



formal language and even sophisticated one. Ignatius speaks with an educated

tongue, using word not often used in modern language, especially in poor districts

in New Orleans. According to Hairu, Ignatius has a tendency to alienate himself

from adult society. Ignatius aims to seal himself off from the society he hates by

using such language. Hairu suggests that Ignatius’ disconnection from society

results his immaturity.

Even though this novel results many reviews, none of them revise the

hidden message that the author, John Kennedy Toole, wants to reveal. The author

must have certain purpose by presenting the extraordinary main character,

Ignatius J. Reilly. Therefore, the writer is challenged to analyze what critics that

the author wants to show through Ignatius’ characteristics. Hence, the applying of

Theories on Characters and Characterization is necessary to search the

characteristics of Ignatius J. Reilly.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theories on Characters and Characterization

According to Abrams in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms, characters are the person presented in dramatic or narrative work, which are interpreted by

the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional and emotional qualities that

are expressed in what they say and do in the literary works (1985:23).

While according to Holman and Harmon, character is a personage who

typifies some definite quality. In addition, they also state that the person is

described not as individualized personality but as an example of some vice or

virtue or type (1986:81).


Characterization, according to Abrams, is the way the author characterizing

the person in narrative by “showing” and “telling”. Showing means the author

presents the characters talking and acting and leaves the reader to infer the

motives behind what they say and do. Telling means the author intervenes

authoritatively in order to describe the qualities of the characters (1985:24).

According to An Introduction to Fiction, written by Robert Stanton, character is divided into two terms; central character and minor character. The

central character is relevant in every event in the story, while the minor character

is not really relevant to the story. The characterization of the character in the story

can be analyzed in four methods. The first is the character’s name. The second is

personal description. The author gives the description and comment explicitly

upon the character. The personal description provided by the author through

narration will help the reader to understand more about the character. The third

method is provided by the other characters’ comment in the story, even if they are

minor character. The last is from the major character’s own statement and attitude


Meanwhile, M.J. Murphy in his book entitled Understanding Unseen states that there are nine fundamental methods in order to make the reader able to

understand the character existed in the novel. Not all of the nine methods should

be used but at least some of them must be fulfilled.

a. Personal Description

The author can describe a person’s appearance and clothes. By describing the

details of the character’s appearances the reader will have the idea of the person’s



b. Character as Seen by Another

Instead of describing a character directly the author can describe the character

through the eyes of and opinions of another.

c. Speech

The author can give us an insight into the character of one of the persons in the

book through what that person says.

d. Past Life

By letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life the author can

give the reader a clue to events that have helped to shape a person character. This

can be done by direct comment by the author, through the person’s thought,

through his conversation or through the medium of another person.

e. Conversation of Others.

The author can also gives the reader clues to a person’s character through the

conversation of other people and the things they say about him.

f. Reaction

The author can give the reader a clue to a person’s character by letting the

reader know how that person reacts to many situations and events.

g. Direct Comment

The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly.

h. Thoughts

The author can give the reader direct knowledge of what a person is thinking

about where he is able to do what we cannot do in real life. Therefore the reader

has privileged position.

i. Mannerism


The author can describe a person’s mannerism, habits, or idiosyncrasies which

may also tell us something about his character.

2. Theory on Satire

Satire, according to Encyclopedia Americana International Vol. 24, is a literary manner in which follies and foible or vices of a person, mankind, or an

institution are held up to ridicule or scorn, with the intention of correcting them

(1995:294). In addition, the nature of satire is often comic and the objects are not

merely to produce laughter but always has target for corrective purpose. The

nature of satire does not speak openly or doesn’t intend to do so; the writer

chooses to hide the critics that allow him to utter the unspeakable with immunity.

There are two types of satire; direct satire and indirect satire. The simplest

direct form of satire is invective-forthright and abusive language direct against a

person and making a sudden, harsh revelation of damaging truth. Another form of

direct satire is exaggeration, in which the good characteristics are passed over and

the evil or ridiculous ones are emphasized. While indirect satire usually employs a

plot through which the characters render themselves ridiculous by their action and

speech (1995:294).

In other word, in the direct satire, the writer directly addresses the reader

with satiric comment, for example is caricature. The indirect satire allows the

reader to draw his own conclusion from the actions or behavior of the characters.

This form is usually found in plays and novel.



the purpose of improving human institutions or humanity (1986:447).

Holman and Harmon divide satire into two major types. Similar to the

types of satire stated in the Encyclopedia Americana international Vol. 24,

Holman and Harmon divide satire as direct or formal satire and indirect satire, but

they clarify the types of direct satire based on the history (1995: 294).

Formal satire is fundamentally of two types, named for its distinguished

classical practitioners: Horatian satire. Horatian satire is gentle, urbane, smiling; it

aims to correct by gentle and broadly sympathetic laughter; Juvanelian satire is

biting, bitter, angry, it points with contempt and indignation to the corruption and

evil of human beings and institutions.

Meanwhile, they believe that much of great literary satire is indirect satire.

One of the principle forms of indirect satire is the Menippean. This kind of satire

according to Abrams is sometimes called Varromian satire. The most common

form of Varromian satire is a fictional narrative where the characters make

themselves ridiculous or obnoxious by what they think, say or do.

Alvin B. Kernan’s Modern Satire says satirical work is made to criticize the follies and foibles through literary work as a corrective purpose. Satire is a

synonymous with attack, but in definite attack. From time to time the way satirical

presented is developing in many phases.

There are some qualifications for satirical works. Kernan uses three terms,

borrowed from drama’s terminologies, which should be fulfilled in satirical work.

The first is the “hero or satirist’. The second is “scene” and the last is “plot”.

Kernan identifies the picture society as “scene”. The voice we “hear” in the novel

becomes the “satiric hero” but Kernan prefers to associate the hero as a “satirist”.


And the last, the movement or the attempted movement of the satirist in the

literary works is called “plot” (1960: 167). The three requirements will be

explained more in the following paragraphs.

According to Kernan, the “scene” is the existed society in the novel. The

satirical scene is always crowded and disorderly. It means that the place in the

story is filled with moral corruption, stupidity, greediness, ignorance, and evil

society. Everywhere the satirist turns he finds stupidity, moral corruption, and

obscenity. The characters that portray the vice are described grotesquely and often

exaggerated by the author. The most of satirical work is set in the city, particularly

in the metropolitan. Most of the places in the scene are filled with negative things

The interaction between the characters is also full of tension (1960: 169).

As stated before, the term “plot” serves as the movements or attempted

monvements of the satirist. In satirical works, the interaction between the satirist

and the society he attacks is static. The most striking quality of Modern Satire is

the absence of plot (1960: 176)

From the beginning until the end, there is no significance change between

the two opposing characters eventhough through out the story there are many

conflicts between them. There are always two opposite sides. They will never

compromize each other. The satirist is with his on belief and so the society is.

Whennever satire does have a plot which eventuates in a shift from the original condition, it is not a true change but simply intensification of the original condition. The normal “plot” of satire would then appears to be static in which the two opposing forces, the satirist on one hand and the fools on the other, are locked in their respective attitudes without any possibility of either dialectical movement or the simple triuph of good or evil (1960: 177).



works. Satirist serves as a tool to attack the actual world. Therefore, the way the

satirist is presented in the satirical works is an important matter to analyze in order

to comprehend the issues that the author wants to criticize (1960: 169).

The satirist appearing in the novel is ussually identified as ‘I’ (first person

narrator) or a given name (third person narrator). Satirist appearing in the satirical

work is more unpleasant than the other characters are. According to Kernan, if an

author wants to create true satirist, the describing of the mildness, simplicity, and

honest character is not enough. The satirist must not only shake his head toward

the corruption he sees, but must attack it bravely and directly (1960: 174).

The satirist has to be the most cunning person and has skill to persuade and

to trick other characters. The satirist must explore and involved the nastiest

activities of human being. He even seems to enjoy and seek the kind of filth

thoroughly. In the same time, he is also presented as a straightforward person. He

declares a war against the vice. He gives comment and criticizes the vice in public

out loud. It can be said that satirist is presented biased in looking and presenting

the vice. The satirist’s characteristic is often exaggerated. He has no compromise

when he attack the follies society. He shows his own righteous and completely has

no doubt about his moral status. Satirist is also acting himself as a hero. He acts as

if he stands alone in the lunatic world which lead to progressive degeneration and

his nature is to change it into a better world. The world depends solely on him.

Kerna believes the radical character is important to be presented (1960: 172-177).

The way the author describe the “scene”, the “plot” , and the “satirist”

depend on the author crativity althoug the nature of satire is always wit. In order

to soften the unpleasant traits and not losing the main purpose, some authors use


humor, easy laughter and urbanity in the story. His mean characteristics are

described in outrageous exaggerated in order to produce smile. Meanwhile, some

authors prefer to show the bitter satirical works where the satirist ends up in

tragedy because of his extreme vision and attitude. In the end of the story he

should face tragedy of his life. There are also some authors who employ irony to

build satirists in the satirical work. (1960: 177).

The theory of satire composed by Alvin B. Kernan will be used to analyze

the novel so that this thesis will be comprehensible. The writer considers that

Ignatius J. Reilly’s characteristics, the society in the novel, and Ignatius

intentionally movements are suitable to Kernan’s theory of satire.

C. Review on 1960s Americans

1960s is well known as the decade of change. It was revolutionary change

that appeared in 1960s. The effect of the revolutionary change can be felt until

nowadays in America.

The first elected president in this decade was John F. Kennedy. He was

also the first elected president that came from Democratic Party. Kennedy was

referred as a stylish and charismatic president. He was young and charming

president. Kennedy’s government was liberal. Kennedy’s programs were fighting

poverty, providing equal education for all Americans and giving attention to

medical care. It was Kennedy who settled a secular government.



emphasized the absolute separation. It led the sifted religious values in Americans

culture (1982: 930).

The government had to deal with the civil right pursued by

Afro-Americans. On his previous campaign he promised to sign the policy about racial

equality so that the Afro-American would be treated equally with the whites.

Meanwhile he did not sign the policy until two years his leadership.

Many Afro-American felt betrayed by the president. Then they set

“sit-ins” movements to show their disappointment. The “sit-“sit-ins” were held in the

white-only restaurant, bus station, libraries and public buildings. They did not care

if their movements ended on arresting. They sought for equal rights. Many of the

movements led to the violence attacks from the white and many Afro-Americans

became the victims. The violence took lives not only the adults’ but also the

children’s. These cases did not made the Afro-Americans stopped their

movements. (1982: 932).

After the murders happened frequently, the president finally requested to

make a legislation of public accommodation for Afro-Americans. Four months

later, Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

According to the book, The Ending Vision, A history of the Americans People Vol. II, The Vice-President, Lyndon B. Johnson, replaced Kennedy’s position. Most of Johnson’s programs were from the previous programs that

Kennedy proposed in the senate. His government was also liberalism. He had a

vision to settle “Great Society’ for Americans.

The Great society is a place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and to enlarge his talents. It is a place where leisure is a welcome chance to build and reflect, not in a feared cause of boredom and


restlessness. It is a place where city of men serve not only the needs of the body and the demands of commerce but the desire of beauty and the hunger for community. It is a place which honors creation for its own shake and for what adds to the understanding of the race. It is a place where men are more concerned with the quality of their goals than the quantity of their goods (1990: 1057).

Meanwhile, in 1963, Michael Harrington released a shocking book,

entitled The Other American, which stated that one-fifth to one-fourth of the nation lived in poverty. It was really opposite to the condition appeared on the

surface where the nation was described of standing on the prosperity two decades

after the post world war II. The society was described as a consumer society

because of its prosperity that Americans got after the post world war II. However,

the finding was shown by reliable data that Harrington conducted. The poverty

was invisible because the poor were spreading in all cities not lied in one

restrictive state. Harrington criticized the government’s lack to provide

employment. The rising number of unemployment led to the bigger poverty

(1990: 1057-1058).

Eventually, Johnson declared war on poverty. In order to settle his ‘Great

Society’, Johnson released two main programs. The programs were targeting on

economics opportunity for all and war on poverty (1990: 1059).

However, Johnson faced a problem to succeed his program because of the

USA’s involvement in Vietnam War. His government had to spend the budget for

Vietnam War equally to the budget to fight the poverty. The United States’

involvement on Vietnam War was the prominent issue that the government had to

deal at that time. Almost Six hundred Americans lost their lives there. The



There were many movements to oppose the United States’ involvement on

Vietnam War. Most of the protests were led by the college students. They

protested the government’s failure to attack poverty. They ask to fight poverty

not to fight Vietnam people. The young people began to act in order to oppose the

Vietnam War. The population of the young people was enormous at that decade. It

is as the result of post World War II “baby boomers”. Therefore, the number of

American students was rising higher than the previous decade. It can be felt that

atmosphere at that time was so tense, as the spirit of the protest had spread to

other campuses (1990: 1079-1080).

The youth embraced not only on political change but also on cultural

change. In political side, the youth not only criticized on Vietnam War but also on

racial discrimination. The protests came to the peak when government settled

campus recruitment for the military. This time, the demonstration not only settled

by the students but also by the other citizen. The demonstrations took months. The

youth movements actually never came to the goal (1990: 1083).

The failure movements led people to search new meaning for their lives. It

brought the revolutionary cultural change. It can be seen from their new attitudes

toward fashion, sex, drugs, and entertainment. They opposed the 1950s

conservative values.

Young men and women wore torn jeans, shirt with Indian ornaments, and

sandals. The long hair and beard became the young men’s style. For them, it

represented freedom so they could do whatever they pleased. Then, the counter

culture was born. They are well known as the counter culture society. They were

so pride to show their new identity and new way of living. They really broke the


1950s social norm. They lived in group and out from the house. Meanwhile, for

parents it represented disrespects. (1990: 1087).

New trend in music genre was also born. The folk song spread to college

campuses. The lyrics protested war and racism. They committed to the non violent

and peaceful song. Their slogan is “Make love, Not War”. The content of the

lyrics step by step shifted to the drugs, sex and radicalism lyrics (1990: 1088).

As the religious values were shifted from the Americans’ hearth, then, the

attitude toward sex was explicitly and shamelessly exposed. Sexual taboos were

no longer held by most Americans. The governments also took part to this

revolutionary change. The contraception pills were released on market freely. The

young women could avoid the unwanted pregnancy. Many States even legalized

abortion. The government claimed that the policy about the pills and abortion

were legalized in order to avoid the second “baby-boomers” so that the poverty

could be defeated. When the sexuality was more open, the needs of sexual

entertainment were also raising. The most disturbing matter for parents is their

sexual lifestyle that their son and daughter adopted. For many young people,

living together was became common and even became their life style as the pills

help them to avoid pregnancy (1990: 1088).

Playboy and similar male magazines were more explicit. Hollywood film

makers also filled the scene with explicit sex. The rating of those films was box

office. The success of such films led the Broadway producers presented plays that

featuring nudity and sex acts. Television even presented jokes about sex that were



outside on demonstration bravely. The wanted their existence to be legalized

(1990: 1088-1089).

The addiction of drugs also identifies the rebellion culture of 1960s. Many

young men and women were addicted to drugs. They were affected by the many

musicians that did drugs. In San Francisco the policy about drugs was not

legalized until 1966. There were many shops and cafes that provided opium,

marijuana and other hallucinated drugs (1990: 1089a-1089b).

In essence, the revolutionary changes happened to all aspect of American.

The changed was so radical. Many historians believed that 1960s was the turning

point of American history that gives big impact to Americans’ values until this

day. From the review above, the youth was the main reason behind these

revolutionary changes. More or less the government policies also took part to

these changes.

C. Theoretical Framework

In analyzing the values that are satirized, first for all, it is essential to

prove that A Confederacy of Dunces is a satirical literature. Theory of Satire from Alvin B. Kernan will be applied to analyze the novel as a satirical literature. After

that the characteristics of the main character, Ignatius J. Reilly will be determined

along with the using of theories on character and characterization and also

referring to the theory of satire. After they are found, it will be restudied in order

to discover the values that are used to satirize American 1960s.


Once those things are found, the whole puzzle can be placed by using

theory on satire as presented on previous page to determine whether or not certain




A. Object of the Study

The novel A Confederacy of Dunces which is the object of the study on this undergraduate thesis was written by John Kennedy Toole. It was very famous

for its extra-ordinary main character; Ignatius J, Reilly. This novel was written in

the third person narrative and consists of 428 pages. A Confederacy of Dunces’ first publishing was in 1980 by Louisiana State University. As it gained

popularity the novel was republished for three times and reprinted in Penguin

Classic Books.

As outlined in the introduction in the novel, the novel almost failed to be

published. If Toole’s mother had not found a smeared carbon copy of the

manuscript, left in the house following Toole’s 1969 suicide at age 31, the book

would never have been published. Toole’s mother insisted and persuaded Walker

Percy, an author and instructor on University of Loyola, to read a manuscript that

she said was great. Reluctantly, Percy read the manuscript and at last amazed with

the story that made him laugh out loud, grins, gape and shake his head in

wonderment, but also felt sad. A year after the first publication, it won Pulitzer

Prize for fiction (2006: 1).

The book is also famous for its rich description of New Orleans and the

city's dialects. Many locals and writers think that it is the best and most accurate

depiction of the city in a work of fiction. The society in New Orleans even built a

statue of Ignatius J. Reilly in precise feature to commemorate the author with its

plaque in one of the pillar.


According to the article retrieved from en.wikipedia.org, there have been attempts to release the novel into screen adaptation. In 1982, Harold Ramis had

intention to write and direct the adaptation by starring John Belushi, but later

Belushi’s death would prevent this. Later, John Candy and Chris Farley were

touted for the lead, but both of them died at an early age where lead rumor to

ascribe a curse to the role. British performer and writer Stephen Fry was at one

point commissioned to adopt Toole’s book for the screen. He was sent to New

Orleans by Paramount Studios in 1997 to get background for screenplay

adaptation. Due to the death of the head of the organization it was canceled. The

last attempts were in 2005. A version adapted by Steven Soderbergh was

scheduled to release with Will Farrell as its star but it still yet to be filmed. It was

due to the Katrina disaster that also stroked New Orleans. When Will was

interviewed by media why the attempts to release the novel into movie adaptation

never been made, he said “well it’s mystery”.

As Percy said “I hesitate to use word comedy-though comedy it is-

because that implies simply a funny book, and this novel is a great deal more than

that since it is the tragic-comedy of the main character in his adventure”. The

tragedy of the book is the tragedy of the author, and another tragedy to the film

adaptation work (2006: 1).

The novel was told about a young man with his master degree, Ignatius J.

Reilly, who still lived with his mother in age 30. Ignatius was a very

extra-ordinary character where Percy said in the introduction of the book that Ignatius

was a slob extraordinary, a mad Oliver Hardy, a fat Don Quito, a preserve

Thomas Aquinas rolled into one-who is in violent revolt against the entire modern



age. Ignatius was forced by his mother to seek a job due to the family’s

circumstantial. He did in succession jobs ,where in each job resulted in a full

blown- disaster, at Levy Pants (file clerk) and for Paradise Vendors

(hotdog-pushcart man) brought Ignatius to lead a workers' revolt and become

soft-core-porn distribution stooge and also tried to change the military group of men into

homosexual in order to avoid Vietnam war.

B.Approach of the Study

Since the study is about satire, it is appropriate to use the

Sociocultural-Historical as the approach. According to Mary Rohberger and James Wood.

Junior in Reading and Writing About Literature, literature has “an aesthetic value...The readers make an aesthetic value through their respond toward the

literary work” (1972: 3). It means that the reader can give their reasonable

judgment toward the literary work. That is why the reader must know what a

literary work is, how to read it, and know to judge it. It is a requirement when a

critical approach is employed in order to analyze the positive value in a literary


The most suitable approach for this study is the Sosiocultural-Historical

approach. It is because the approach concerns with the social, cultural, and

historical environment in the literary work. The only way to locate the real work

is in reference to the civilization that produces it. This is to emphasize that the

creation of the literary work must be related to the society in which it is produced.

According to Rohberger:

Critic whose major interest is the sociocultural-historical approach insists that the only way to locate the real work in reference to the civilization that



produces it. They define civilization as the attitude and action of a specific group of people and point out that literature takes this attitudes and actions as its subject matter. They feel, therefore, that it is necessary that the critics investigate the social milieu in which a work created and in which it necessarily reflects (1971: 9).

According to Wellek and Warren, the author presents his experience and

view of life through his work whether he intends it or not. However, literature

does not present the whole fact about certain era. Therefore knowledge about the

condition of the society during a literature work create was important to

understand the real work. Study of social milieu is the object for critics of

Sociocultural-Historical approach. Rohrberger and Woods said that the critics

define civilization as the attitude and action of specific group of people and point

out that literature takes these attitude and action as its subject matter.’ (1971: 9)

Since literature expresses part of the society, it also becomes documents of

history. Thomas Warton, said Wellek and Warren, believes that literature has the

ability to record its period characteristics. The historian critics will examine

literature from the same period to identify the feature. To see the feature, they

analyze the writers’ attitude and social opinion in order to know about politic,

economy and social problems at that period.

This approach is used so that the valid data on historical events and culture

relevant to the time set of the novel can be obtained. Furthermore, it is used in

order to know the relation between the satirist’ characteristics to the historical

events and culture happening in 1960s.

C. Method of the Study

The study of the novel is conducted through library research using related

books, articles and also internet resources. The library research is used to get



knowledge on the events happened in 1960s which is the time setting of the novel

and to collect theories used to analyze the novel.

In the analyzing process, first, the writer would analyze how this novel can

be categorized as a satirical literature. It is essential to prove that the novel meet

the requirements as a satirical work. As the main character serves as a tool that is

used to satirize the society in actual world, the characteristics of the main

character would be analyzed using the theory on character and characterization

along with the theory Modern Satire proposed by Kernan. The first step to be

done was taking note what Reilly said, thought, done and also his manner toward

surroundings in the novel. What people, appeared inside the novel, thinks about

him is also listed. All of them were listed in order to get the characteristics of the

main character, Ignatius J. Reilly, along with the application of the supporting

evidences. As Ignatius serves as the satirist, It is also necessary to analyze

whether the satirist’s characteristics are within Ignatius J. Reilly or not.

After that, the characteristics of the main character along with the theory

on character and characterization which was used to find them were analyzed with

the applying theory of Modern Satire to find out whether or not the characteristics

listed satirized the society, or the novel is merely a funny and witty novel without

attempting to correct human’s follies.

Without examining the social-historical background it is impossible to

analyze the satirical aspects since a joke or the exaggerated character is used as

the tool to attack human follies. Therefore without knowing the background of the

work the joke or the exaggerated character will appear merely something funny

and create laugh. It is essential to find the history background of 1960s.




After the historical background was known, the characteristics are

examined further to see whether or not they attack the corrupt features of the time

and used exaggerated to raise the reader awareness toward important issues dealt

at that time.

If the characteristics did not criticize any form of follies or corruption of

the society, even though they meet the requirements of the satirist’s

characteristics, they are unable to be classified as a satire toward 1960s. Also,

even if there are exaggerated parts of Reilly’s manner or characteristics but

without any intended to point out the so-called evil side of the society then they

are merely part of the author’s creativity and can not be classified as a satirical

work whatsoever.

Then, the final step is to answer the values of 1960s Americans that are

satirized through the characteristics of the main character, Ignatius J. Reilly,

supported by records of the actual events or phenomenon happening in the 1960s




A.The Elements Make John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces a Satirical Literature.

For most of us satire is regarded as attack and critic, but there are attack

that are not satire. Therefore, satire must be a definite attack. According to

Modern Satire, written by Alvin B. Kernan, there must be specific grouping, roles, tones, patterns, which we implicitly recognize as the characteristics of

satirical literature and Kernan proposes to describe in terms of scene, plot and

satirist. Kernan identifies the picture society drawn in the literary works as

“scene”. The movement or the attempted movement of the characters in the

literary works is called “plot. The voice we “hear” in the novel becomes the

“satiric hero” but Kernan prefer to associate the hero as a “satirist”. According to

Kernan, before the reader comes to the deeper analysis, it is essential to prove that

the work analyzed is a satire. A literary work can be considered as a satirical work

if it meets those three requirements.(1991: 167).

The satirist in the novel, A Confederacy of Dunces, is Ignatius J. Reilly. Later the characteristics of Ignatius will be explored deeper in next analysis as his

characteristics are used by Toole to satire the vice of 1960s Americans. His

characteristics will be explore deeper in the next section in order to find out what

issues about 1960s Americans that are satirized through Ignatius J. Reilly.

Meanwhile, it is essential to describe the society where Ignatius belongs to (the



scene) and his movements in novel (the plot) to prove that A Confederacy Of Dunces is a satirical literature.

Ignatius lives in the district of New Orleans. There are some descriptions

of the places which are identical to the actual New Orleans at that time, but the

describing atmosphere of the city is quite tense within its colorful French Quarter


Kernan says in his book that the society in the satirical work is filled by

greediness, stupidity, idiocy, ignorance and vice. The character in A Confederacy of Dunces whoshows these kind of vice is Lana Lee, the owner of Night Joy bar. She is the mastermind behind the largest high school pornography cards in the

city. She also cunningly pours water in the bottle of liquor she sells. She also

blackmails Jonas, an Afro-American janitor, to fire him if he does not accept the

bellow minimal wage she gives.

The folly character in the novel is Darlene. She is the waitress of Night

Joy bar who has a dream to be an exotics striptease. Patrolman Mancuso also

represents the folly character in the novel. His sergeant, frustrated with his

incompetence, punishes him by forcing him to wear a gross costume each day

since he makes mistakes of arresting a grandfather and trying to apprehend

Ignatius (a boy simply waiting for his mother). The rest of the characters are also

similar to those mentioned characters; the drunken mother Irene Reilly, Miss

Trixie, the senile stenographer, irresponsible director Mr. Levy, and Dorian

Greene of the flamboyant homosexual.

Another characteristic of the “scene” in satirical literature is that the



novel are described disorder and crowded. Ignatius’ house which is old and

neglected represents full of tension between the mother and the son. The home is

far from warmth, affection and sincerity relationship between mother and son.

They are always bound in quarrel. The condition even makes Miss Annie, The

Reilly’s neighbor, suffers a severe headache due to the Reillys' constantly noisy


Meanwhile, the Night of Joy not only represents full of tension between

Lana Lee and her employees; Darlene and Jonas but also represents obscene. The

bar is the place where Lana runs her pornography business. She collects and

manages the distributor nudity card in that place. She even makes Darlene to be

one of the nudity models.

Kernan says that the faces of satiric scene seldom have normal features.

The scene is to be at the extreme description. It can be seen within the Levy Pants

Company. Levy Pants is a trousers producer. The building, the manager, the senile

stenographer, and the producing workers are described beyond normal.

The term “Plot” proposed By Kernan in satirical works means that the

story is described to be static. From the beginning until the end, there is no

significance change between the two opposing characters eventhough through out

the story there are many conflicts between them.

Ignatius tricks all the characters in the novel that lead them into serious

problem, but it is also Ignatius who brings changes to the lives of the other

characters. In the final chapters, Ignatius enters the Night of Joy bar in order to

see the women in his pornography picture. He is so obsessed to see the women in

the picture directly. The chaos happens when Ignatius notices that the woman is


Darlene, the waitress in Night Joy bar. The chaotic situation results the arresting

Lana Lee and George, her assistant in distributing the porn card, by Patrolman

Mancuso who has followed Ignatius previously. Ignatius also indirectly solves

Mr. Levy problem of being sued for the offensive letter which he never writes.

Actually Ignatius is the person who writes the offensive letters but he blames it on

Miss Trixie. When Miss Trixie is confronted by Mr. Levy surprisingly she admits

it. The lawsuit is canceled as it is impossible to sue a senile woman. Mr. Levy is

safe from the trouble.

Even though all the problems are solved, the ending situation does not

show positive result. All the characters have to face the similar problems that they

face on the beginning of the story, particularly Ignatius. Irene Reilly is success to

send her son away in order to marry Robbicaux, but in the end the story he finds

out that Irene Reilly is an alcoholic. Mr. Levy has gained control his life and

business, but he still owns the pathetic company and has to deal with the new

problems as Miss Trixie is still in the company. Jones gets award because he help

the policemen finding the place where Lana Lee hides her porn cards. Jonas still

has to struggle to find a new job. Petrol Man Mancuso is able to keep his job and

he is even awarded of arresting Lana lee, but he is still weak-willed. Ignatius

himself is able to escape from mental hospital and run out the city, but he has to

deal with the new society.

From the explanation about scene and plot in A Confederacy of Dunces, the novel can be categorized as a satirical literature due to the consideration of the vice society described above and the static story described



In order to trace the characteristics of Ignatius J. Reilly, MJ.Murphy’s

theory of Characteristics and Characterization will be applied side by side with

Kernan’s satirist’s characteristics in order to prove that Ignatius serves as satirist

in the story. The theory of Character and Characteristics is personal description,

character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation, conversation by

others, reaction, direct comment, thought, and mannerism.

The full name of the main character is Ignatius J. Reilly. It is mentioned

by his former employee Mr. Gonzales when he was asked by Mr. Levy, the owner

of Levi Pants Industry.”Ignatius. Ignatius J Reilly, “said Mr. Gonzales.” (2006:

305). The other characters in the novel call him Ignatius and sometime just Ig.

1. Unussualy Strange Appearance

Physically, Ignatius is a fat man who always uses bizarre cloth at any

occasion. This description is mentioned several times in the novel by other

characters’ comment. One of those is from Patrolman Mancuso, a policeman, who

thinks Ignatius is suspicious character because of his size and appearance. It is

mentioned when he was interrogated by the sergeant because he had thought

mistakenly that Ignatius was suspicious character who had to be brought to the

police station. The quotation of the conversation is presented below.

“He wasn’t a boy”, Patrolman Mancuso said. “He was a very big fat man dressed funny. He looked like a suspicious character. I was just trying to make a routine check and he started to resist. To tell you the truth, he looked like a big pervert”.

“A pervert?”the Sergeant asked greedily. “A great big pervert”

“How big?”


“The biggest I have ever saw in my whole life”, Manucoso said (p.16).

From the quotation above, it can be seen that Ignatius is not just a fat

man but also commentated for wearing funny dress. Ignatius’ personal description

is also described on the initial page where Ignatius is characterized wearing a

green hunting cap, large work boots, several layers of clothes, and a very

monstrous scarf (2006: 1). Furthermore, his outfit is also commentated by other

character as presented below.

“His outfit is a little bizarre. I thought he was performer of some sort, although I tried not to imagine the nature of his act.”

“I keep on telling him about his clothes, but he won’t’ listen.” Mrs. Reilly looked at the back of her son’s flannel shirt and at the hair curling down the back of the neck (p.20).

In addition, Ignatius also wears bizarre outfit when he applies a job as a clerk in

Levi Pants Industry.

Mr. Gonzales saw a green visor outside the door. Then the door opened, and one of the largest men that he had ever seen entered the office. He removed the green cap and revealed thick black hair plastered to his skull with Vaseline in the style of 1920s. When the overcoat came off. Mr. Gonzales saw rings of fat squeezed into a tight white shirt that was vertically divided by a wide flowered tie. Vaseline had also been applied to the moustache for it gleamed very brightly (p.70).

Ignatius’ style is really out of step considering that he lives in 1960s

whereas the style he wears has been left out more than 40 years. From the

quotations presented above it can be concluded that Ignatius appearance is

described not only out of step but also outrageous.

2. Educated and Smart

Ignatius is characterized as an educated and smart person. Ignatius went

to college and even already achieved his master degree. In the early chapter, the



arrested by Patrolman Mancuso. Though, he was rescued by his mother and

they fled. Their running ended in Night Joy Club. In that club Irene Reilly,

Ignatius’ mother, revealed to Darlene, the Night Joy Club’s waitress, that Ignatius

is an educated man.

“You treat me like garbage. I been good,” Mrs Reilly sobbed. She turned to Darlene. “I spent all his grammaw Reilly’s insurance money to keep him in college for eight years.”(p.22).

Mrs. Reilly also informed Darlene that after getting his bachelor degree

he continued his study for the master degree.

“Ignatius graduated from college. Then he stuck around there for four more years to get him a master degree. Ignatius graduated smart”

“You had good education,” Darlene said to him (p.23).

From the other characters’ conversations as presented on the quotations above,

Ignatius obviously is well educated. In addition, Ignatius also knows about certain

issue or prominent figure that not commonly known by most people.

“Have you read widely in Boethius?”

“Who? Oh Heaven no. I never even read newspapers,” The Youngman said.

“Then you must begin a reading a program immediately so that you may understand the crisis of our age,” Ignatius said solemnly.”Begin with the late Roman, Including Boethius, of course. Boethius, the late Roman who wrote the Consolation of Philosophy while unjustly imprisoned by the emperor, had said that a blind goddess spins us on a wheel, that our lucks come in cycle. Then you should dip rather extensively into early medieval and skip Renaissance and the Enlightenment. This is mostly dangerous propaganda”

“You are fantastic” (p.158-159).

From Ignatius’ and his mother’s statement given above, it can be concluded that

Ignatius is not only well educated but also smart.

3. Unemployed

Despite his education and his sharp mind, Ignatius remains jobless. It is


presented in the novel that Ignatius spent almost his time in his room to write

journal instead of earning money. When he was asked about his job by Patrolman

Mancuso Ignatius answered that ‘I dust a bit’ (p.3). He also added that he was

writing an indictment against their century. He considered it as a job.

“How old is he?” the policeman asked Mrs. Reilly. “I am thirty,” Ignatius said condescendingly. “You got a job?”

“I dust a bit,” Ignatius told the policeman, I am at the moment writing a lengthy indictment against our century in my ivory room. When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occasional cheese dip. (p.6).”

4. Offensive

From his own dialogue, Ignatius can be characterized as an offensive

person. He tends to attack everyone he addresses to and to whatever issue he faces

as possible as he can. His comments are always negative. It can be seen when he

sees movie. Ignatius loves movie. He always goes to cinema whenever a new

movie comes up, but actually his aim is only to offend it.

“Oh, God heavens!” Ignatius enabled to contain himself any longer. Popcorn spilled down on his shirt. “What degenerate produced this abortion?”

“Shut up!” someone said behind him.

“Just look up to those smiling morons! If only all of those wires would snap!” Ignatius rattled the view kernels of popcorn in his last bag. “They probably have halitosis. I hate to think of the obscene places that those mouths have doubtlessly been before! Oh my God, their tongues are probably all aver each other’s capped and rotting teeth.”

“You have to do something,” the candy woman told the manager laconically. “He’s worse than ever tonight.”

The manager sighed and started down the aisle to where Ignatius was mumbling (p.59-60).

Furthermore, this characteristic can be noticed from Ignatius’ conversation with

his mother. He refused to find a job when his mother asked him. He said he will



When Ignatius was in college he used his spare time to be a temporary

lecturer. At the end of his lecturing, his students formed demonstration asking for

their final grade which Ignatius refused to give. Shockingly, instead of giving

them the results, he dumped all the papers out of the window right onto the

students’ head. These papers are all ungraded. He defends himself that the

students were such ignorant; therefore he could not read the illiteracies and

misconception burbling from the dark minds of these students. He even hopes that

they were all sterile, for the sake of humanity’s future (2006: 55-56).

Ignatius is actively offensive whenever possible. Not only to other people

that he shows his evil but also to his mother who obviously he is still dependant

to. It can be observed when he had conversation with his mother. She said to him

“you are breaking your momma’s heart. What would you do if I drop dead?” and

he replied “Well I am not going to participate in this stupid idiotic conversation.

Carry on monologue out there if you wish. Quietly” (2006:198). This passage

suggests a lack of respect to his mother by speaking down to her.

5. Medievalist

Most of Ignatius’ internal beliefs are based on Boethius’ work. Ignatius

is a medieval idealist. Through the narration employed in the novel, it is stated

that as a medievalist he believes in the Rota of Fortuna or wheel of fortune. Boethius infers in his work that our luck comes in cycle. Hence, Ignatius believes

to whatever happens to him is affected by the spin of the fortune wheel (2006:

31). Ignatius represents a medieval theology practitioner that already altered past

five hundred years. In one of his journal, he describes the medieval age as a period

in which the western world had enj


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Kata hasud berasal dari berasal dari bahasa arab ‘’hasadun’’,yang berarti dengki,benci.dengki adalah suatu sikap atau perbuatan yang mencerminkan




Konselor :”Sebagai kesimpulan akhir dari pembicaraan kita dapat Bapak simpulkan bahwa Anda mempunyai kesulitan untuk berkomunikasi dalam belajar oleh karena itu mulai besok anda

Asian Institut for Teacher Education, menjelaskan kompetensi sosial guru adalah salah satu daya atau kemampuan guru untuk mempersiapkan peserta didik