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A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the egree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam(S.Pd.I) EnglishEducation Departmentof Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies


Academic year: 2019

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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the egree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam(S.Pd.I)

EnglishEducation Departmentof Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

By :


113 08 152








Has been brought to the board of examiners of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga on April , 2015, and hereby considered to complete the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Education.

Board of Examiners, Head : Dr. H. Sa‟adi, M.Ag.

Secretary : Ari Setiawan, S.Pd, M.M

Examiner : Faizal Risdianto, M. Hum.

Examiner : Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd

Salatiga, April , 2015 Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Suwardi, M.Pd.

NIP. 19670121 199903 1 002





We will never know the real answer, before you

try.(Daniel higo, actor)

Tranquility can be found when we are with

God.(Gabriel, actor)

If you want the respect of others, you must respect



This graduating paper is dedicated to:

1. Allah Subhanahu Wata‟ala who was gives me everything.

2. My beloved father (Priadi) and my beloved mother (Rupiyati), thanks for your attention, support, trust, finance, encouragement and everlasting prayer. 3. My beloved grandmother (Sarijem), thanks for your attention and prayer. 4. My beloved sisters and brother: Mbak Lilis, Annisa and Mas Eko and my

niece “Riko Tirta Mahendra, Nabila and Ananda ”.

5. My beloved uncles and aunts: Le‟ Tar, Le‟ Tu, bu le‟ Umi, bu le‟ Siti and bu dhe Mismah, thanks your support and prayer.

6. My husband Suseno, thanks for your support, motivation and prayer to make this graduating paper be perfect.



Alhamdulillah the writer would like to express my sincere thanks to Allah SWT, who has given health, blessing, inspiration, and protection so that this final project could be finished.

This final project is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Department of Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.The writer realizes that actually cannot complete this final project without the advice, encouragement, guidance, suggestions, and support from many people during the writing of the final project. The writer would like to express her sincere thanks to:

1. Dr.Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., as the Rector of IAIN Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd, as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of IAIN Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D., as the Head of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga.

4. Ari Setiawan, S.Pd, M.M, as the advisor who has given suggest, corrections, and support in the process of writing this final project.

5. Samsidi, S.Pd. Kim, as the headmaster and Sri Widyaningsih, S.Pd.I., as the English teacher of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga for following me to carry out observation in their institution and giving me contribution while I was conducting the research there. And all of students in X class, thanks for your participant in the classroom.

6. All the lecturers who have given much knowledge. 7. The big family SMK Al-Falah Salatiga.


9. All of my friends who cant‟t the writer mention one by one that has helped me to finish this graduating paper.

Finally, the writer realizes that this graduating paper is imperfect, the writer gladly accepts constructive critics and evaluation to make this graduating paper better.

Salatiga, March 2015

The Writer,



Iswanti. Eni. 2015 . THE USE OF QUIZ TEAM TECHNIQUE ON STUDENTS ACTIVENESS OF THE GRADE STUDENTS OF SMK AL-FALAH SALATIGA 2012/2013. A Graduating Paper.Educational Faculty.English Department.State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN).

Consultant; Ari Setiawan, S.Pd, M.M

The SMK Al-Falah is one of vocation high school in Salatiga, and under supervisor of Yayasan Al-Falah Salatiga. There the student also study English because English is one of major subject in educational aspect. As a major subject, English is very important for the student in other to master English well, the student have to feel enjoy, happy, and no bored so the student during the lesson can focus totaly in the subject.

The graduating paper aimed in investigating the influence of using Quiz Team method toward student activeness, which focused on two main problem. ( 1 ) How is the implementation Quiz Team method in English Teaching learning proces in SMK Al- Falah Salatiga 2012/2013 ? ( 2 ) How far is the sighnificant influence of Quiz Team method toward student activeness in English Learning process of the first year in SMK Al-Falah Salatiga 2012/2013 ? The research uses t-observation to collect the data. Sample was all the first years student of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga in academic year of 2012/2013. The data were analized and calculated by using titest formula. The finaly of this research showed that there is a sighnivicant influence of Quiz Team method toward student activeness of the firs years student SMK Al-Falah Salatiga 2012/2013.

Key words : Influence, Quiz Team, Student Activeness



TITLE PAGE ………...……… i

DECLARATION ………...……….. ii



MOTTO ………...……… v

DEDICATION ………...………. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………...……….. vii


ABSTRACT ………...……… ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………...………..x

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study.... ……… 1


C. Purpose of The Problem...………... 4

D. Limitation of The Problem ……….. 5

E. Hypothesis...……….. 5

F. Significant of The Study...………... 6

G. Research Methodology...…....………7

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL REVIEW A. Quiz Team Technique………... 9

1. Definition of Quiz Team...……….. 9

2. Several Reasons for Using Quiz Team………... 11

3. Procedure of Using Quiz Team... 12

B. Students Activeness.………...……….. .13

1. Definition of Students Activeness...………14

2. Characteristic of Students Activeness..………... 15

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. General Information of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga.………. 19

1. Situation of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga………. 19

2. The Teacher of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga……… 20 3. The Students of SMK Al-Falah.………... 23


5. The Students Activities... ……… 24

B. Population and Sample...……….. 24

1. Population...24

2. Sample...25

3. Variables of Investigation...27

4. Method of Collecting Data...28

5. Procedure of Collecting Data...28

6. Data Presentation...29

CHAPTER IV Data Analysis A. Discussion...……… 32 CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion ……….. 41

B. Suggestion ………... 42 REFERENCES



(Table 3.1) Table Main Subject of SMK Al-Falah……… 20

(Table 3.2) Table of Teacher SMK Al-Falah Salatiga………. 22 (Table 3.3) Table of Facilities...……… 23 (Table 3.4) Name of Sample...………... 26

(Table 3.5) The Table Criteria...………….. 28

(Table 3.6) The Table Score of Activeness Pre-observation………...29

(Table 3.7) The Table Score of Activeness Post-observation .……… 30

(Table 4.1) Score of Activeness Pre-Observatio... ………. 33

(Table 4.2) Score of Activeness Pre-Observatio ... ………... 34




A. Background of the Study

English is the first foreign language that is taught in Indonesia, because English is an international language. As a foreign and international language, English in Indonesia becomes the major subject in educational aspect. Therefore, in Indonesia English has been introduced since elementary school and as a major subject in junior and senior high school. Although English becomes subject in educational but the students still get difficulties to understand the subject. To become master English well so the students are able to express their ideas like is this statment. “ What I hear, see, discuss and do. I acquire knowledge and skill “ (Silberman; 2009:1-2). It was a taught of Confucius for about 2400 years ago. Afterwards Silberman modifies and expands the statement become an understanding active learning and he thinks an active teaching learning process is an illustration of ideal class. Where the ideal class is the active ones, It is not only the teacher but also the students that are active in teaching learning process. They can avoid miscommunication and create good relationship.


material. The poor performance of the students is caused by their lack of knowladge, feeling bored and being afraid to meet the teacher.

According to Maslow in Silberman (2004; 9) before the people hope the good relation, the confidence and the goal, certainly they feel themselves safe of threat. Therefore, the students need to feel safe of threat during the English teaching learning process. It is caused one point to support the students to be active in classroom.

Based on monitoring the reseacher in the first year students majoring on

automotive class during teaching learning process seen the students didn‟t have much enthusiasm, feeling to know the subject still low, they can‟t stand alone, less participation and miscomunication between both. There are several students ask the question to the teacher but another students keep silent and take note the subject. It needs the teacher effort to explain the subject totally. When the teacher

gave the question to the students, they didn‟t gave respon and the gave wrong answer who given wrong. They have less confidance afraid creating wrong answer.

This problem appears every teaching learning process and XI and XII class too. Therefore this problem have to overcome early on X class in order that it will not appear when move on to the next. The effort by the teacher to now


technique in order that the student more intersest and be confidance in felling themselves. Therefore the reseacher do extion research and tries to use Quiz Team as a variation technique. She hopes the students enjoy and be happy during teaching learning process.

The election Quiz Team technique in this reseach based on several reason such us; limitedness of the teacher on choose the technique so they use easy technique. Which Quiz Team technique, the students get support from ather so they more confidance totally. This technique also invite the students to

coorporation, train to good compotition and respect one another.

Based on problems above quiz team metode positioning the students as a subject to improve the seriousness and less felling bored and being afraid. The metode also improve the students responsibility toward themselves and team to become a winner in teaching learning procces. Afterwards the writer offers quiz team technique to improve the students activeness in English teaching learning process and the writer thinks that be better do the task in a conference manner (team). Working together support the students to lose feeling bored, being afraid meet the teacher. As on the holy Qur‟an verse Asy Syura (42) : 38

َ و... َْمُهُرْم أ َ َ ي ر ْىُش َ ...ْمُه نْي ب

...…while their problem (finished) with conference among their fellow…


can help the students are able to solve the problem together and happy following the lesson because the students fell enjoy in solve is the problem.

The writer hopes by conference (team) the students are able to solve the problems together to activate the class activities. Therefore, the writer thinks that quiz team technique is able to improve the students activeness of SMK Al Falah.

Based on the explanation, the writer is interested to make a research under the


B. Statement of the problems

The writer formulates the statement of the problems are as follow;

1. How is the implementation of quiz team technique in English teaching learning process?

2. How is the significant influence of quiz team technique toward students activeness in English teaching learning process of the first year in SMK Al-Falah Salatiga 2012-2013?

C. Purposes of the problems

The purposes of this problems are as subsequent;


2. To find out the significant influence of quiz team technique toward students activeness in English teaching learning process of the first year in SMK Al-Falah Salatiga 2012-2013.

D. Limitation of the problems

In order to avoid misinterpretation of the problems, the writer would like to limit the scope of the study to the following problems

1. This research especially foccuses on the influence of applying quiz team toward students activeness in English teaching learning process.

2. This research foccuses in English subject of the first year in SMK Al- Falah Salatiga 2012-2013.

3. This research foccuses on the first year student majoring on automotive in SMK Al Falah Salatiga 2012-2013.

E. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a theory conclusion which must proofed correctness through analysis toward the true evidences (Danim, 2000: 115). Hypothesis is a estimate which possible true or not (Sutrisno, 2002:63). Hypothesis is interim answer about the problem of the research which the theory was regarded will happen or the highest of the truth (Margono, 2004: 67).

For this problem, the working hypothesis can be formulated as follows: there is a significant influence of using quiz team toward students activeness of the first year of the students of SMK AL falah Salatiga in academic year 2012-2013.


The writer hopes that the result of this research can give information about students activeness in classroom using quiz team technique. The writer also hopes that it will be useful for the teachers, the students and the school of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga.

1. For the Teachers

The result of this research can support the English teacher to apply new technique especially quiz team to improve students activeness.

2. For the Students

The result of this research can support the student become active, relax and happy in the classroom.

3. For the School

The research will support the school to apply new technique. The school recommends to English teachers apply the new technique that makes students to be active in the classroom.

G. Research techniqueology

1. Approach

In this research the writer applies a quantitative data. Quantitative is a process of getting knowledge by using a number of instruments to explain the subject (Margono, 2005; 105)


The research will be conducted at SMK Al-Falah, located on Jl. Bima No. 2 Salatiga. SMK Al-Falah has been established since 2006 and has two major; there are automotive and fashion.

3. The Object of the Research a. Population

Population is all members of the research subject (Arikunto, 2006: 130). The population in this research is the first year students of SMK Al Falah Salatiga in academic year of 2012-2013. There are three classes and the total of the first year students are 70 students.

b. Sample

Sample is a part of the population which investigated (Arikunto, 2006: 131). When the research subject less than 100 is better to take all of it (Arikunto, 2006; 134). Because the population of this research are less than 100, so the writer takes all of the population to represent total of 21 students.

4. Technique of Collecting data a. Observation


1. Pre-observation is observation done before using treatment namely using quiz team.

2. Post-observation is observation done after using treatment for the students activeness to measure how significant of the influence of using quiz team.

5. Technique of Data Analysis

In order to conduct a good arrangement, The writer uses a statistic formula. This formula is used to find the influence of applying quiz team technique toward their activeness. The formula is:


The explanation:

Md : mean of the different between activeness Pre-observation and post-observation

x2d : The sum of square of deviasi

d : The differences between activeness pre-observation and post-observation

N : The total number of respondents



1. Definition of Quis Team

In the context of the learning process in class when it is necessary the development of critical thinking ability, creative thinking and the ability of students to solve problems. Because, in the world of competition-oriented work, and speed in decision-making becomes a demand that can‟t be ignored. Because, the students must be trained for active classroom teachers. With the critical and creative thinking as well as having the ability to solve problems. Besides that, if understood philosophically, education is essentially a life. Because in learning activities must be able to equip learners with life skills that suit the environment and the needs of the learner's life.

Many techniques of teaching learning process has been recognized and applied by teachers, however, how to use a technique with the skills approach in order to support active learning is still a problem.

According to Hisyam zaini, quiz team technique is one technique of learning for students a stimulating and critical mindset. By definition quiz team technique is a technique that is intended to throw the question of group to one another.


understanding the subject and answer the questions. In this type of quiz team, it begins with the teacher explaining the subject in the classical style, then the students were divided to three major groups. All members of group together to learn the subject matter, giving each direction, each providing questions and answers to understand the subject. Once completed the material so the teacher makes academic game. With the academic game is it creates competition between groups, the students always try to learn with high motivation to be high value in the game. This technique increases the ability of learners responsibility. They learn are fun and not scary.

The principles of use this technique, as follows; Growing The motivation to make competence between other group. To make students actively working together in the teaching learning process. Train memory skills or critical thinking of students and make learning more interesting. Strengths and weaknesses quiz team

a. The Strengths

1. Improving the seriousness and less bored in the teaching learning process 2. Inviting the students to focus in the teacing learning process.

3. Improving the learning process, build self creativity, reaching significance of learning through experience.

4. Focusing students as a subject of study


Need extra control in conditioning class because smart students automatic be a center in competence to answer questions. Because the game required faster and give a brief discussion opportunities. The time given is very limited if the quiz conducted by a team the whole team in a meeting. To overcome these problems that are not dominated by smart students, so each student is required to answers the quiz and the teacher records the name of each student who answered with reason value addition so that all students are motivated to help answer.

2. Several Reasons for Using Quiz Team

In the writer observation, English learning activities in schools generally are still using techniques learned conversional that once mix lecture technique with other techniques such as discussions. This technique of positioning students as learning object and teachers as learning centers, so students only passively receive the subject from the teacher, like a empty bottle ready to be filled. So that students are not passive, the writer use the quiz team to increase activity in the classroom, as for the reason, why the writer chose and then use the quiz teams are as follows;


lesson. but in this technique the participants very importance to be winner. Besides increasing responsibilities, students also follow the teaching and learning process with feelings happy and avoid feelings of fear.

3. The Procedure of Using Quiz Team

Using the quiz team technique can turn the class and enable the students to ask or answer questions. So in this technique the students don‟t feel being the object of learning by teachers and the students given freedom by the teacher to convey the subject to the other groups and given time to ask questions about the subject that not yet clear.

In this technique the students are divided to small groups with each group has member the same responsibility for the success of the group in understanding the subject and answer the questions. With this team quiz technique, begins with the teacher explaining the material in the classical style, then the students were divided into three groups all the members together to learn the subject, giving each direction, each ask and answer to dominate subjects. Once completed, the subject the teacher makes competition academic among groups, so the students try to learn with high motivation in order to obtain a high score in the game.

The quiz team technique of procedure is as follows;

a. Teachers choose a topic that can be presented in three segments. b. Students were divided into three groups.


e. The teacher asks A team to prepare the material to delivered and set up a quiz answer

f. A team gave a quiz to the B team . If B team can not answer the question , so C team try to answer.

g. A Team gave a quiz to C team, and repeat the process.

h. When the quiz is finished, the second segment of the lesson and ask B team as a guide quiz

i. After completing the quiz B team , continue with the third segment of the lesson and C team as a guide quiz.(Silberman, 1996; 163)

B. The Student Activeness

1. The Definition of Student Activeness

Activeness comes from the word active, active is energetic, persevere or powerful (Anwar, 2001; 24) as for Suharso and retnoningsih (2005), the activeness is from the word which means active, dynamic and powerful. Meanwhile, according to the dictionary of Indonesian activeness is activity or business (the editorial team of a KKBI 2001: 23. The activeness mean a behavior that can be seen from the regularity and order a person to be active in the activities.


Activeness of learning will happen to the students if there was an interaction between stimulus situation with the contents of memory, so students behavior change from before and after the stimulus. The role of the teacher in learning is as a facilitator and mentor students in learning and able to support and encourage students to be active as much as possible.

According to Sriyono 1992 , student activeness is at the time the teacher is teaching, he must see that students active physical and spiritual including the following:

a. Activeness of the senses of hearing, sight, touch and others. Students should be stimulated in order to use the tool senses as possible. Dictate or having students write continuously round the clock so the lessons will be boring. Similarly continues to explain without writing.

b. Activeness of sense that reason children should be active or activated to solve problems, develop opinions and make decisions.

c. Activeness of memory is the time to teach children to be active receive instructional materials submitted by the teacher and store it in their memory. when he is ready and able to say again.

d. Activeness of emotion, in this case students try like the lesson , real like the lesson add the results study of students (Sriyono; 1992; 75).


(Sardiman, 2001; 100) that will result optimal learning activities. The various the student activeness in teaching learning process, among others; a. Visual activities: reading, drawing attention, pay attention to demonstrations


b. Moral activities: say, formulating, asking, suggestions, opinions, interviews, discussion,

c. Listening activities: listening, descriptions, conversations, discussions, speeches.

d. Writing activities: writing stories, essay, maps diagrams. e. Drawing activities: making graphs, charts map.

f. . Mental activities: responding, remembering, problem solving, happy, nervous, excited.

g. . Emotional activities: an interest, boredom, happy, excited, passionate, courageous, calm, nervous.

2. The Characteristic of Students Activeness

Students in the following learning activities will be successful if can be followed with active learning, to supports active learning activities the teachers in delivering course subject using learning techniques such us;

a. Dare to express their opinions. b. Have a high curiosity


Based on the characteristics above to determine the activity of students, it is necessary to understand of students or meeting the needs of students. Besides aiming to provide activity materials as precisely as possible, the material also will help with the learning process, such as the needs of students namely: a. Physical needs, physical needs is related to the demands of students

b. social needs

c. Intellectual needs (Sardiman, 1992; 113)

In the process of learning a teacher should be able to understand the condition of the student.

3. The Factors that can Support the Growth of Active Student

Factors that can support the growth of active student learning including the stimulus, attention and motivation.

a. Learning Stimulus

learning stimulus is the received massage from the teachers through information usually in the form of stimulus. The stimulus can take the form of verbal or language, visual etc. Stimulus should really communicate information or messages to be delivered to students. With stimulus can facilitate students in receiving information.

b. Attention and motivation


stimulated to learn when the learning situation tends to satisfy theirself in accordance with its needs and will need to learn to encourage student motivation from the outside.

c. Learned response

Engagement or student response to the stimulus teacher can include various forms of attention, the internal processes of the learning activities such as problem solving, task (Sriyono, 1992;15)

The things that can encourage the growth of active students;

1. Situation stimulates students' classroom learning activities are free, but controlled.

2. The teachers give more stimulation to student thinking to solve problems. 3. Teachers provide and seek learning resources for students, can be sourced in

writing, human resources, for example, one student explained to the other students, a variety of media required, lesson aids, including teachers themselves as a source of learning.

4. The students learning activities is variative, there are learning activities are carried out in groups in the form of discussion, and some learning activities that must be done by each student independently, determination to learn are arranged in a systematic and planned.


situation and condition classes are not rigidly bound dengansuasana dead but can be changed at any time according to the needs of students.

6. Learning is not only seen and measured dengansusunan the dead, but also seen and measured in terms of the learning process undertaken by the students.

7. The existence of courage students submit their views through their own idea of questions and statements, both filed with the teacher and other students in problem solving.

8. Teachers always appreciate the opinions of students, regardless of right or wrong and not justified to kill, reduce, dropping the opinion of students in front of other students (Dr. Oemar Hamalik, 1990; 22)




A. The General Information of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga

1. The Situation of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga

SMK Al-Falah is under supervisor of the institution of yayasan AL-FALAH SALATIGA, established in 2004 and operates teaching learning process in 2006, with notarical document number 420/214/2004. It is an accredited professional school located in Jl. Bima no. 02 Salatiga.


SMK Al-Falah Salatiga serves fourten lesson in a semester. It is available for second grade.

Table 3.1

The Main Subject of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga No The Subject Matter

1 Chemistry 2 English

3 Islamic Religion 4 Sociology 5 Biology 6 Sport 7 Indonesian 8 Conseling 9 Civic Education 10 Quran Hadis 11 Productive 12 Mathematics 13 Antropology


2. The Teachers of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga

Teacher is very important in teaching learning process, because teacher who teach the subjects for the students.

There are sixten teachers at SMK Al-Falah Salatiga about the teachers and administrators. For more detail about them, are listed below;

Table 3.2



3. The Students of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga


48 of A and B class and the third grade students consist of 26 . Most of them (90%) come fom Salatiga and the rest come from other regency.

4. The Facilities of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga

As the accredited school SMK Al-Falah Salatiga has some facilities to support the students learning processes. The facilitis are nedded by all school organitation in general. Facilities help the students to develop their competence and support their ways to understand the subject. The facilities of the school are as follows;

Table 3.3 The List of Facilities


7. Tape Recorder 1 1 -

8. Sound System 1 1 -

9. Student‟s Computer

10. VCD 1 1 -

5. The Students Activities

Generally, there are 2 activities of the students, those are;

a. Intra curricular activities are acctivities are done by students and teachers in teaching lerning process. The intra curricular activities in SMK Al FALAH are done at school, begin 07:00 AM to 01:30 PM and the subjects schedule are determined by SMK Al Falah.

b. Extra curricular activities

Extra curriular is supporting teaching learning activities. It has Purposes to improve the students ability that appropriate with students talent and aptitude. The extra curricular activities are done by student after the intra curricular activities. The extra curricular activities includes of “Scout”

B. Population and Sample

Population is all members of the research subject (Arikunto; 2006:130).


student class A majoring on outomotive is 29 students, that is consist of 1 female and 28 male students.

Sample is a part of the population which investigated (Arikunto; 2006:131). In determining the size of sample, according to Arikunto (1989;107) if population realizes 100 respondents or less, it is better to take the whole population as the sample; if the population is more than 100 respondent, the research can take 10%-15%, are 20%-25% or more than 25% of the population based on the capability of a researcher.

In this research, there are 29 students of all the first year students SMK Al Falah. The researcher takes all of the first year student majoring automotive class A of SMK Al Falah as sample because the population is less 100 students.


20. the independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y).

1. The students using quiz team (X). This is independent variable. The students using quiz team is indicated by interesting student using quiz team.


D. Technique of Collecting Data

The implementation Quiz Team technique of teacher can knowed of the observation. To analizes the collecting data the teacher necessry change the qualitative data become quantitative data that is gives the value each option available in order to can calculate the value who knowed by each the opsion. The appraiser use likert scala so available 5 the option, such us :

No Criteria The Score

1 Poor 0 – 1

2 Fair 2 – 3

3 Weak 4 – 5

4 Good 6 – 7

5 Exellent 8 – 9

E. The Procedure of Collecting Data


F. Data Presentation

Table 3.5 The Score of activeness pre-observation



The Score of Activeness Post-observation

No Name Score


23 the first grade of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga in academic year 2012/2013 about their activeness before they are using quiz team and after they are using quiz team.


problems such as the students be passive becuse they only hear the subject explained by the teacher so the students fell bored.

From the problems above appear however make the students be active by using Quiz Team technique. At using it the students be happy during the lesson because they are can problem solving them selves and the students effort to find the conclusion about the subject. So the teacher just become a fasilitator. So that the students can save the subject in their memory.

In this technique the students are divided to small groups with each group has member the same responsibility for the success of the group in understanding the subject and answer the questions. With this quiz team technique, begins with the teacher chooses the topic that can be presented in three segment. then the students were divided into three groups, all the members together to learn the subject, giving each direction, each ask and answer to dominate subjects. Once completed, the subject the teacher makes competition academic among groups, so the students try to learn with high motivation in order to obtain a high score in the game.

The purpose of this graduating papper is to discuss the influence of using Quiz Team technique toward students activeness. After the writher got the answer of activness pre opservation and post observation by the students, the

writher make table as represents the list of the student‟s score of activness pre


Table 4.1 Distribution of the students score of activeness

pre-This distribution can also be presented by using the following figure. Histogram of the students activeness pre observation.

Chart 4.1 pre observation score of students activeness.

The chart show that highest fall on poor criteria. This means that scores of pre observation is 0-1.

1 5 25


Table 4.2 Distribution of the students activeness of post observation.

The distribution can also be presented by using the following figure. Histogram of the students activeness of post observation

Chart 4.2 Post observation score of the students activeness.

1 5 25


The figure shows that highest frequency fall on fair criteria, this means that scores of students activeness of post observation is 2-3.

1. T-observation analysis

The pupose of data analysis in this research is to measure the significant influence of using quiz team technique toward the students activeness of the first year students of SMK Al falah Salatiga in academic year of 2011-2012. To measure it, it is to take the prefatory measurement as follows:

Table 4.3 The prefatory table for compulsion of t-observation No Pre Observation Post Observation Gain (d) d2

1 1 4 +3 9

2 1 6 +5 25

3 - 6 +6 36

4 4 7 +3 9

5 1 6 +5 25

6 - 3 +3 9

7 - 4 +4 16

8 1 3 +2 4

9 - 3 +3 9

10 1 3 +2 4


12 1 3 +2 4

13 1 3 +2 4

14 - 5 +5 25

15 - 1 +1 1

16 2 4 +2 4

17 - 3 +3 9

18 2 7 +5 25

19 1 4 +3 9

20 - 3 +3 9

21 - 3 +3 9

22 1 3 +2 4

23 - 3 +3 9

24 2 3 +1 1

25 1 4 +3 9

26 - 3 +3 9

27 1 4 +3 9

28 1 4 +3 9

29 1 4 +3 9


To determine the significant influence of using quiz team technique toward the students activeness of the first year students of SMK Al Falah Salatiga, the writers uses formula:


The explanation:

Md : mean of the different between activeness Pre-observation and post-observation

x2d : The sum of square of deviasi

d : The differences between activeness pre-observation and post-observation

N : The total number of respondents

d : The sum of differences between activeness pre-observation and

post- observation

The calculation is: Md =










= 329 – 285,5517241 = 43.4482759







= 13,565483

From the computation above, it was abtained that t- observation 13,565483 and then the result of t -observation is consulted to the critical value for t-table to examine whether observation value is significant or not. The value of t-table with N:29 and the 5% significant level is 2,09. Therefore, it can be concluded that t-observation is greater than t -table, it is 13,565483.


The reseach finding indicate that the majority of the students activeness 0-1 score in pre-observation and the students activeness 2-3 in post-observation. Then the result of computation show that there is a significant influence betwen using quiz team technique and students activeness of the first year students of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga in academic year of 2012/2013. This means that using quiz team technique useful for the students to improve their activeness.


This research involves to answer whether there is or not significant influence of using quiz team technique toward students activeness of the first year students of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga in academic year 2012/2013.


using quiz team technique toward students activeness of the first year student of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga in academic year 2012/2013. The result is obtained from computation of t-observation formula to measure the influence of using quiz team technique toward students activeness of the first year students of SMK Al Falah Salatiga in academic year of 2012/2014 aplied to the sample is 13,565483. The critical value of the t table with N;29 and the 5% significant level is 2,09. It means that the result obtained from computationis greater than critical value. Therefore, the writer concludes that the result of this reseach is significant.

B. Suggestion

Considering the conclusion above and the analysis result, the researcher would like to offer some suggestion, which hopefully would be useful for English teacher, students, school and researcher.

1. For the Teachers

The res lt of this research can support the English teacher to apply new technique especially quiz team to improve students activeness.

2. For the Students


3. For the School

The research will support the school to apply new technique. The school recommends to English teachers apply the new technique that makes students to be active in the classroom.

4. To The Other Researcher

The researcher of the research in under title “ The Inflence Of Using Quiz Team Technique toward Student Activeness of The First Years Student of SMK

Al Falah Salatiga in Academic Years of 2012/2013 “ get the result that there is a


H. Bibliography

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Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Asfandiyar, Andi Yudho .2009.Kenapa Guru Harus Kreatif. Bandung: DAR! Mizan.

Irianto, Agus. Statistik: Konsep Dasar dan Aplikasinya.Jakarta. Fajar Interpratama offest


Margono. 2004. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan . Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Martoko.Nanang. 2011. Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif (edisi revisi). Jakarta:

Raja Grapind Persada.

Munir, Adullah. 2010. Super teacher. Yogyakarta: PT Pustaka Insan Madani. Hamalik, Oemar.1990.Strategi Belajar MengajarCBSA. Bandung: Sinar Baru. Silberman, Mel. 2009. Active learning. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Insan Madani. Siregar, Syofian. Statistika Deskriptive untuk Penelitian. Jakarta. Kharisma Putra

Utama Offest.

Sudarman, Danim. 2000. Metode penelitian untuk ilmu-ilmu prilaku. Depok: Al-Huda (kelompok gema insani).

Sudjana, Nana Ibrahim. 1989. Penelitian dan penilaian pendidikan. Bandung: Sinar Baru.



Curriculum vitae



: Eni Iswanti

Place and Date of Birth : Sausu, June


Age : 27 Years old


: Dsn. Plalar RT. 003/004

Ds.Kopeng, Kec. Getasan

Kab. Semarang 50774.



: Elementary school in



: Secondary school in



: Senior high school in




Table 3.1 The Main Subject of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga
Table 3.3
Table 3.5 The Score of activeness pre-observation
Table 3.6


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