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THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE FOR TEACHING WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT (An Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade of Senior High School) - repository perpustakaan


Academic year: 2019

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A. Writing

1. The Definition of Writing

Communication can be done in two ways: in oral and written form. When someone cannot share the ideas by speaking, he or she can use a written form to communicate with others. Gaith (2002: 1) states that writing is a complex process that allows writers to explore thoughts and ideas, and make them visible and concrete. Writing encourages thinking and learning. It motivates communication and makes thought available for reflection when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.

Writing is a way of thinking and learning. It gives a unique opportunity to explore ideas and acquire information. Writing is one of four skills of English that have to be mastered by the English learners. There are several ideas about definition of writing in general. Nurgiyantoro (2001) defined a writing activity is the latest skills mastered by the students after listening, speaking, and reading skills.

Writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to the reader (Nunan, 2000: 88).

Based on experts‟ opinion mentioned previously, the writer concludes



reader by producing a sequence of sentences arranged in particular order and linked together in certain ways.

2. The Purpose of Writing

The purposes of writing have to do with goal or aims of writing. There are so many students who never care of the purpose of writing. Therefore, they have to be aware of this purposes of writing is to fulfill the assignment of class, but the concept of writing purposes means more, one of them is what the writing seeks to achieve.

There are many purposes of writing. Tarigan (1994: 24) cited in Hartig explains the purposes of writing as follows:

a. Assignment purpose

Actually this assignment purpose has not purpose at all. The writer write something because she/he is ordered, it is not according the writer herself. (e.g. the student who is ordered to summarize the book, the secretary who is ordered to make a report).

b. Altruistic purpose

The writer‟s purpose is to entertain the readers to remove the reader‟s sadness, to make the readers life easier and enjoy with the writer‟s work.

c. Persuasive purpose

To convince the readers about the true opinion presented. d. Informational purpose



e. Self-expressive purpose

To introduce or explain the writer‟s herself to the readers.

f. Creative purpose

The writing has to achieve artistic value, value of art. g. Problem-solving purpose

In this writing, the writer wants to solve the problem faced.

In short, the meaning of purpose in writing is the respond or answer hoped by the writer from the readers. This clearance depends on the thought, organization, diction, and sentence structure used. Make a good concept of one the purpose their writing will be understand easily to the reader.

3. The Importance of Writing

Writing is clearly a complex process. It means that in writing students have to consider many things to build a good writing result. Harmer (2004: 31-33) states that there are many importance of learning writing, by writing students can:

a. Avoid the limitation of time.

It means that students have longer time to think than in speaking activities. They can consult the diction will be used to express their thought. They can check their grammar patterns.

b. Practice the use of language.



c. Summarize the materials that are explained by teacher.

They use writing skill to make a note about what they have learnt while learning process happens.

d. Help in making a note as the preparation before the activity. e. Write a dialogue in speaking activities.

4. The Component of Writing

The stock of vocabulary, grammar and comprehend how to make a correct sentence must be considered to make a good writing. The students‟ writing score will be evaluated by the scoring system. The aspects of scoring are organization, content, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanic (Nurgiyantoro, 2001: 48). To make it clear, the researcher will explain each aspect.

a. Organization

It means how the students organize their idea. Whether each paragraph is organize well or not. The organization of the text is fluent in expressing, reveal clearly ideas, good organization, logic sequence, and cohesive.

b. Content



c. Language

The students use effective complex sentence construction and make only few faults in the using of grammar.

d. Vocabulary

If the students could choose the correct words as it is function and master informing words.

e. Mechanic

Paragraph is a combination of some sentences which needs good spelling and punctuation. If the use of punctuation is not appropriate, the paragraph will be unreadable. So the students should be mastery in writing good paragraph.

5. The Process of Writing

Writing has a procedure. Harmer (2004: 4-5) declares that process of writing has four main elements. Those are planning, drafting, editing, and final revision.

a. Planning

Experienced writers plan what they are going to write. Before starting to write or type, they try to decide what is they are going to say. When planning, the writers have to think about three main issues. First writer have to consider about:



procedure, but also the language they use and the information they choose to include.

2. The audience they are writing for, since this will influence not only the shape of writing (how it is laid out, how the paragraph are structured, etc), but also the choice of language, for example it is formal or informal in tone.

3. The content structure of the writing that is, how best the sequence the fact, ideas, or arguments which they have decided to include.

b. Drafting

We can refer to the first version of a piece of writing as a draft. In the writing process drafting is necessary for helping the writer to write ideas and decide what should come first, second, third, and so on, until the last.

c. Editing (reflecting and revising)

Once writers have produces a draft, and then they usually read what they have written to see where it works and does not. Reflecting and revising are often helped by other readers (or editor) who comment and make suggestion. Another reader‟s reaction to a

piece of writing will help the author to make appropriate revision. d. Final revision



which they consider to be necessary. However, in the final version, the writer in now ready to send the written text to intended audience.

6. The Task of Teacher in Writing

Learning process needs a guide in order to attain the goal. In education activity, the guide is the teacher. As a guide, every teacher‟s aim is to improve students‟ learning. When guiding students to become better in

writing, a teacher has a number of tasks to be performed. According to Harmer (2004: 41-42), there are some teacher‟s tasks in writing process as follows:

a. Demonstrating

Teacher must be able to make the students aware of the language used of others to perform certain writing functions by using whatever the ways.

b. Motivating

Teacher must be able to motivate students to start writing. Some students often lose their ideas, spirit, and confidence. When they lose it, it is the teacher‟s turn to help them back.

c. Supporting



d. Responding

Responding is giving reaction or suggestion to the students‟ writing draft. Here, teacher should have not to judge the students‟

writing to get the marks. e. Evaluating

Teachers need to evaluate the students‟ tasks to know the students‟ achievement. The evaluation can be done through test.

The result of the test will show how well the learning process has been run.

7. The Students’ Problem in Writing

There are some problems faced by the students when they learn writing. They are:

a. Organizing Idea

The problem usually faced by students in writing composition is about how to organize the idea into sentences. In writing composition, students will put their ideas and thoughts to be developed become a good written. It will be better if we start the writing process by choosing theme first before we write the composition. After that we can make an outline to help us in arranging the sentences or paragraphs.

b. Lacking Vocabulary



c. Grammar Accuracy

Grammar becomes very important aspect in writing. A draft will be said a good draft if grammar which is used is correct.

8. The Paragraph Writing

There are some definitions about paragraph based on the some experts. Sanggam (2007: 11) states that paragraph is a product of written language skill to express the topic in a piece of writing. Tarigan (2008: 4) states that paragraph is a unit of language forms which is as the result of sentences merging.

Lunsford and Collins (2003: 116) defines that paragraph is a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit. It also defined by Syamsuri, (2009: 61), paragraph is a unity of mind, a unity which is more extensive than the sentence.

From the explanation above it can be concluded that paragraph is a written form which is contain several sentences and related to one main topic.

B. Narrative Text

1. Social Function of Narrative Text



2010: 30). According to Wardimanet. al., (2008: 133), social functions of

narrative text are to amuse or entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experiences in different ways.

From those definitions above, the researcher concludes that social function of narrative text is to educate the reader about moral values by telling a story and bringing him to be entertained of the story.

2. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Generic structure in a text means the format how to arrange a paragraph. According to Mulyono and Ari (2010: 30), the generic structure of narrative text is as follows:

a. Orientation which tells about who the characters involved in the story is, where and when the events happen.

b. Complication or crisis which is a series of problems that arise and are experienced by the characters.

c. Resolution which tells about how the characters solve the problems. d. Coda or moral value which tells about the changes of the characters‟

deed/ feeling and the moral value that can be taken.

3. Language Features of Narrative Text



a. the use of noun phrase, b. the use of connectives,

c. the use of adverbial phrases time and place, d. the use of simple past tense,

e. the use of action verbs, f. the use of saying verbs,

g. the use of thinking verbs, feeling verbs of senses.

4. Narrative Text Types

Narrative text types are in the form of: fable, fairy tales, history stories, folktales, legends, mysteries, etc. according to Yusak (2010: 7) there are some common forms of narrative text as follows:

a. Legend

A legend is narrative of human action that is perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within human history. Typically, a legend is a short, traditional and historicized. Some define legend as folktale.

b. Fable

A fable is a short allegorical narrative making a moral point, traditionally by means of animal characters that speak and act like human beings.

c. Fairy Tale



In this research, the researcher uses one of the narrative types. The type used is legend.

C. Clustering Technique

1. The Definition of Clustering Technique

Clustering is the way to classify the ideas and share into a piece of paper by making the connection with the core of the idea (DePorter and Hernacki, 1999: 181).

Clustering is an activity that helps the writer to generate, develop, and arrange their ideas. It can be said that clustering helps the learners in developing their idea (Reid, 1993: 6). Nordquist (2010: 1) also states that clustering is a strategy in which the writer groups ideas using lines and circles to indicate relationships.

Based on the definition previously, the writer concludes that clustering technique is a strategy to help learner to organize their idea using lines and circles to indicate relationships. By using clustering technique, the students can find and generate their ideas. Clustering technique is an activity to enhance our creativity in generating and organizing the ideas.

2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Clustering Technique

There are some advantages of clustering technique. According to Lindbergh (2010: 68) those advantages are:

a. Clustering is suited to people who think spatially and find it easier to



b. Clustering is a good method to explore topics for comparison and

classification papers.

c. Clustering can help place ideas in context. The students can group ideas in columns to contrast advantages and disadvantages.

Beside the advantages previously, Lindbergh (2010: 69) states that there are some disadvantages of clustering technique in teaching writing. The disadvantages is the students can become so absorbed in the artistic elements of clustering that they spend more time toying with geometrical designs than with the ideas they are supposed to organize.

3. The Procedure of using Clustering

Clustering is like visual representation of a thinking process that let the students quickly generate a large number of ideas, and the same time organize them placing each idea next to what it is related to. Based on Rico (2010: 1), there are some steps in making clustering. Those are:

a. Writing a word in the middle of the sheet of paper and circle it.

b. Writing down the first thing that comes to mind next to it, circle it, and connect the two circles with a line.

c. Writing down the next thing that you associate either with the word in the middle on your first association. Draw a line to the circle it is connected to.

d. Keeping repeating this process. As you add more words you might find



e. Writing down anything that comes up.

f. Adding words and linking them to other circles, you will create a web of connected ideas.

g. Filling the page or when you feel you have put down enough associations, review your cluster.

h. Marking ideas that belong together in the same color, cross out ideas

that do not seem to be related to anything else and identify the order in which you want to present the ideas.

Furthermore, the steps of clustering in teaching begin with a topic placed in the center and others are key words. The key words should be related to the topic. Make key words as many as possible. Then, choose which key words should be written to make a good text.



4. The implementation of Clustering in Teaching Narrative Text

In teaching writing, the teacher should be clear in explaining the materials. One of the techniques in teaching writing is by using clustering technique. In teaching writing by using clustering technique, the students can develop their writing ability.

There are five steps in teaching writing using clustering technique according to Steel (2010: 1). The steps are:

a. Choosing the topic.

Traditionally, students are given a topic to write by their teacher. However, the students may prefer to nominate the topic by themselves. For example, the students choose narrative text with the title “The Legend of Banyuwangi”.

b. Note making

Once the topic has been introduced, the teacher may encourage the student to think it for a minute. Then, they have few minutes to note down their ideas. After that, they have to work in group so that they can compare and discuss the ideas.

c. Feedback

The next stage, the teacher makes a collective clustering in the board. The students can add new idea in clustering. The teacher elicits students‟ ideas, reformulates expressions or corrects students‟ ideas. The teacher



d. Making cluster

The essential role in teaching learning process is making clustering. The students can start this activity by putting one topic and generate it. For example, the topic is “The Legend of Banyuwangi” as a main topic. The

main topic is written in center of paper and the students make subtopic which is related with the topic such the characters that involve in the story, when and where it happen, or any other subtopic. It can be interesting time to encourage their creativity and their motivation to express their ideas. e. Writing

It is time for the students to begin writing the paragraph. The teacher can correct their mistake and if the students make the mistake in their paragraph.

D. The Previous Relevant Study

There are some previous studies regarding to the use of clustering technique in teaching learning process. Those researches are usually used in writing skill. One of the previous studies, it was proved by Aniza (2014) with the title “The Effect of Clustering Technique on Students‟ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Kubung”, it is

explained that clustering technique was effective in teaching learning process particularly in teaching writing narrative text.



E. Basic Assumption

There are four language skills that should be taught to the senior high school students are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing is one of the important skills to mastery English language. Writing skill is one of the important competences that must be mastered by people because we know that language is not only in spoken form, but also it can be used in writing form. This skill does not merely focus on words, phrase, sentence pattern and grammar, but also focus on the idea of each paragraph in the text contextually. To make students interested and more enthusiastic in learning writing narrative text, the teacher can apply clustering technique as a technique that can encourage and motivate the students to write and also they will get meaningful interpretation easily. By applying clustering in writing narrative, students will get the great and interested experience in following the learning process.

From the explanation above, it is assumed that clustering is an effective to teach writing narrative text.

F. Hypothesis


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