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Directory UMM :Journals:Journal_of_mathematics:OTHER:


Academic year: 2017

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N.M. Tri




Abstract. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for local solvability and hypoellipticity of some classes of infinitely degenerate elliptic differ-ential operators.

1. Introduction

We deal with local properties of differential operators (1) Gca,b=X2X1+i

c(x)|x|−4+(a(x)b(x))|x|−3e−|1x| ∂ ∂y,

where(x,y)R2, i=1, the functions a(x),b(x),c(x)satisfy

a(x) =

a+C if x>0

aC if x<0

=: a,

b(x) =

b+C if x>0

bC if x<0

=: b,

c(x) =

c+C if x>0

cC if x<0

=: c and

X1 =

xi b(x)sign(x)|x|

−2e|1x| ∂ ∂y, X2 =

xi a(x)sign(x)|x| −2e−1

|x| ∂ ∂y.

We will assume that Re a+·Re a·Re b+·Re b6=0. The form (1) is motivated by [1], [2] (see also [3])where the authors studied the hypoellipticity and the local solvability of finitely degenerate differential operators. Hypoellipticity and local solvability of

Gca,b were investigated in [4] when a+ = a = −1,b+ = b = 1,c+ = c, or

a+ = a = −1,b+ = b = 1,c++c = 2, and in [5] where a+ = a =

eiϕ, b+ = b =eiϕ, c+ =(1λ+)eiϕ, c = (1λ)eiϕ, whereϕ [0, π/2), λ+, λ C. For those cases in [1], [2], [4] and [5], we have given another proof


of non-hypoellipticity, recently in [6], [7], [8], by constructing explicit non-smooth solutions of homogeneous equations. In [9], by the same method we give the values of

a+,a,b+,b,c+,cwhere Gca,bis not hypoelliptic. Here we shall use the method of constructing parametrixes. Since Gca,b is elliptic away from the line x = 0, we will consider only the case when|x| ≤ 1. Throughout the paper we denote by C a general positive constant which may vary from place to place. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we consider the case Re a+ < 0, Re a < 0, Re b+ > 0,

Re b>0, which directly generalizes the results of Hoshiro-Yagdjian. In section 3 we investigate the case Re a+>0, Re a>0, Re b+>0, Re b >0. In section 4 we deal with the case Re a+ >0, Re a<0, Re b+>0, Re b<0. Finally, in section 5 we consider the case Re a+<0, Re a>0, Re b+>0, Re b>0. The results in sections 3-5 have completely new characteristics comparing with those considered in [4] and [5].

2. The case Re a+<0, Re a<0, Re b+>0, Re b>0

THEOREM1. Assume that Re a+<0, Re a<0, Re b+>0, Re b>0. Then

Gca,bis not hypoelliptic (nor local solvable) if and only if c+

a+b+ =k,

c ab =l

or c


a+b+ = −k−1,


ab = −l−1 where k and l are non-negative integers.

Proof. I) In this part we prove the hypoellipticity and the local solvability by

construct-ing right and left parametrices. Let us consider the Fouruer transform of u with respect to y


u(x, η)=

Z +∞


eiyηu(x,y)d y.

By this transform Gca,bbecome



x, d

d x, η



d x +ax

−2sign(x)e−|1x|η d

d x +bx


− (c|x|−4+(ab)|x|−3)e−|1x|η=

= d


d x2+(a+b)x

2sign(x)e−|1x|η d

d x

+ abx−4e−|2x|η2+(bc)|x|−4e−|1x|η(a+b)|x|−3e−|1x|η. We would like to study solutions of the equation

(2) Gˆca,b

x, d

d x, η



Putuˆ(x, η) = x ebe


|xf(z), where z = (ba)e|1x|η. Then we will have the following confluent hypergeometric equation for f(z)


The equation has two linearly independent solutions


where9(α, γ ,z)is the Tricomi function (see [10], p. 255). Therefore we have the following pair of solutions of the equation (2)


Note that D+(0, η)· D−(0, η) 6= 0 when η 6= 0. Thereforuˆ+1(x, η),uˆ+2(x, η)are linearly independent solutions of (2) when x 0, η6=0, anduˆ1(x, η),uˆ2(x, η)are linearly independent solutions of (2) when x 0, η6= 0. Next forη > 0 we define the following pair of solutions of (2)

(5) u+(x, η)= continously differentiable at x=0


Forη <0 we define the following pair of solutions of (2) are continously differentiable at x=0


By noting that |cv2,++(η)/W+(0, η)| < C and using the asymptotic behaviors of

9(α, γ ,z)at zero and at infinity we can show that (in the similar way as in [4])

Z 1


G+(x,x′, η)|d xC; Z 1


G+(x,x′, η)|d xC,

Z 1


G−(x,x′, η)|d xC; Z 1


G−(x,x′, η)|d xC,

Z 1


G+(x,x′, η)

x |d xC; Z 1


G+(x,x′, η) ∂x |d x


Z 1


G−(x,x′, η)

x |d xC; Z 1


G−(x,x′, η) ∂x |d x


More general, for an arbitrary natural number n we will have

Z 1


DηnG+(x,x′, η)|d xCη−n;

Z 1


DnηG+(x,x′, η)|d xCη−n,

Z 1


DηnG−(x,x′, η)|d xC|η|n;

Z 1


DηnG−(x,x′, η)|d xC|η|n.

Finally if we define the operator Q


Z 1

−1 Z 1


Z ∞


eiη(yy′)φ(η)G(x,x′, η)u(x′,y′)d yd xdη,

whereφ(η) is a cut-off functionφ(η) C∞(R), φ(η) = 0 if|η| ≤ C, φ(η) = 1 if|η| ≥ 2C, then Q will serve a right parametrix for Gca,b, and Q∗will serve a left parametrix for Gca,b= −Gc¯¯

b,a¯. Hence the hypoellipticity and local solvability follow. II) In this part we will prove the theorem in the non-hypoellipticity and non-local solv-able cases. We argue only the cases when c+

a+−b+ = k, c

a−−b− = l,where k,l are non-negative numbers. The other case can be treated similarly. By the theorem of H¨ormander if Gca,bis local solvable at the origin for some its neighborhoodω, there exist constants C,m such that

(9) |


fvd x d y| ≤C sup X α+βm

|DαxDβy f| X α+βm


for all f, vC0∞(ω). Functions which violate this inequality will be constructed. For largeλlet fλ=F(λ2x, λ2y)λ5, where function F(x,y)∈C0∞(R)and


Z ∞


Z ∞



Next it is easy to see that the function

U(x, η)=


x e− ¯be−1/|x|L0

k (b¯+− ¯a+)ηe−1/|x|

if x0,

x e− ¯b−ηe−1/|x|L0

l (b¯−− ¯a−)ηe−1/|x|

if x0,

where L0k(z)= n!1ezDzn(ezzn)are the Laguerre polynomials, solve the equation (2). Put

vλ=χ (x)χ (y)

Z ∞


g(λρ)eiλ2yρU(x, λ2ρ)dρ, where g C0∞(0,), χ C0∞(−∞,),R

g(ρ)dρ=1, χ (x)=1, when|x| ≤ǫ, with a fixed small enough positive numberǫ. Now we will show that the inequality (9) does not hold for f =xfλandv =vλwith the parameterλlarge positive enough.

Indeed, forλlarge enough, fλ∈C0∞(ω)and


Z Z f λ

xvλ(x,y)d x d y=

Z Z ∂v


x fλ(x,y)d x d y=A+B,




fλ(x,y)χ (yx(x)g(λρ)U(x, λ2ρ)eiλ


dρd x d y,

B =


fλ(x,y)χ (y)χ (x)g(λρ)Ux(x, λ2ρ)eiλ


dρd x d y.

It is not difficult to show that limλ→∞B =1 and for every positive number N , there exists a number CN such that|A| ≤ CN(1+λ)−N. Next it is easy to check that the function


Z ∞


g(λρ)eiλ2yρU(x, λ2ρ)dρ solves the equation Gc¯¯

b,a¯wλ(x,y)=0. Hence

Gca,bχ (x)χ (y)wλ(x,y)=Q(x,y,Dx,Dy)wλ(x,y)

where Q(x,y,Dx,Dy)is a first order differential operator with coefficients vanishing in Sǫ =[−ǫ, ǫ]×[−ǫ, ǫ]. Next by similar argument in [2], [5] it is shown that

|DαxDβywλ(x,y)| ≤CN,m(1+λ)−N for any(x,y) /Sǫ. Therefore we deduce that

(12) sup X


|DαxDβyGca,bvλ| ≤Cn(1+λ)−N.

Finally we see that (10), (11), (12) contradict (9).

REMARK1. The following cases Re a+>0, Re a<0, Re b+<0, Re b>0;

Re a+>0, Re a>0, Re b+ <0, Re b <0; Re a+<0, Re a >0, Re b+ >0,


3. The case Re a+>0, Re a>0, Re b+>0, Re b>0

THEOREM2. Assume that Re a+>0, Re a>0, Re b+>0, Re b>0. Then

Gca,bis not hypoelliptic nor local solvable at the origin.

Proof. We separate the proof into some cases

I) The non-resonance case a+6=b+, a6=b. We retain all notations used previously.

Then in a similar way as in section 2 we can contradict (9) by using f, vwith large enoughλ.

II) The resonance case a+ = b+,a = b. A) When c+ 6= 0,c 6= 0 by taking the limit when a+ b+,a b in (3) it is easy to see that the following pair is solutions of (2) (see [10], p. 266)

when x0 : u˜+1(x, η):=x eae

Next forη >0 let us define the following solution of (2)


IV) The half-resonance case a+=b+,a6=b. This case can be treated by using the solutions in part II) when x0, and the solutions in part I) when x0.

REMARK2. The following case Re a+ <0, Re a <0, Re b+ <0, Re b <0 can be considered analogously.

4. The case Re a+>0, Re a<0, Re b+>0, Re b<0

THEOREM 3. Assume that Re a+ >0,Re a < 0,Re b+ > 0,Re b <0. Then

Gca,bis always hypoelliptic and local solvable at the origin.

Proof. We consider only the non-resonance case a+6=b+,a 6=b. The other cases (resonance and half-resonance) can be treated analogously. Next forη >0 we define the following pair of solutions of (2)

(13) U+(x, η)=



u+1(x, η) if x0,

c1,U+(η)uˆ1(x, η)+c2,U+(η)uˆ2(x, η) if x0,

(14) V+(x, η)=



u+2(x, η) if x0,

c1,V+(η)uˆ1(x, η)+c2,V+(η)uˆ2(x, η) if x 0,

where the coefficients cU1,+,cU2,+,c1,V+,c2,V+ are chosen as in section 2 such that

U+(x, η), V+(x, η)are continuously differentiable at x =0. Forη <0 we define the following pair of solutions of (2)

(15) U−(x, η)=


c1,U+−(η)uˆ+1(x, η)+c2,U+(η)uˆ+2(x, η) if x0,


u1(x, η) if x0,

(16) V−(x, η)=


c1,V+(η)uˆ+1(x, η)+c2,V+(η)uˆ+2(x, η) if x 0,


u2(x, η) if x0,

where the coefficients c1,U+,cU2,+,c1,V+,c2,V+are chosen such that U−(x, η),

V−(x, η) are continuously differentiable at x = 0. Since Re a+ > 0,Re a < 0,Re b+ > 0,Re b <0, then U+(1, η),V+(1, η)exponentially increase when η→ +∞, and U−(1, η),V−(1, η)exponentially increase whenη→ −∞. Therefore we construct the Green function as follows

G(x,x′, η)=


G+(x,x′, η) if ηC,


where, forηC:

G+(x,x′, η)=

  

 

V+(x, η)U+(x′, η)V+(x′, η)U+(x, η)

D+(x′, η) if xx,

0 if xx, and forη≤ −C:

G−(x,x′, η)=

  

 

V−(x, η)U−(x′, η)V−(x′, η)U−(x, η)

D−(x′, η) if xx,

0 if xx.

Now the rest of the proof goes through as in section 2. We leave the details to the readers.

REMARK3. The following case Re a+ <0,Re a > 0,Re b+ <0,Re b > 0 can be treated analogously.

5. The case Re a+<0, Re a>0, Re b+>0, Re b>0

THEOREM 4. Assume that Re a+ <0,Re a > 0,Re b+ > 0,Re b >0. Then

Gca,bis not hypoelliptic nor local solvable at the origin.

Proof. We argue only for the non-resonance case a+ 6= b+,a 6= b. The half-resonance case can be treated analogously. Put


U(x, η)=



u+1(x, η) if x0,

cU1,˜(η)u˜1(x, η)+c2,U˜(η)u˜2(x, η) if x0,

where cU1,˜(η),c2,U˜(η) are chosen as in section 2. Since Re b+ > 0,Re a > 0,Re b > 0 the solutionU˜(x, η)exponentially decreases whenη → +∞. Now the rest of the proof goes as in section 2.

REMARK 4. The seven following cases Re a+ < 0,Re a < 0,Re b+ > 0,Re b <0;Re a+ > 0,Re a <0,Re b+ > 0,Re b >0;Re a+ > 0,Re a > 0,Re b+ >0,Re b < 0;Re a+ <0,Re a < 0,Re b+ <0,Re b >0;Re a+ > 0,Re a >0,Re b+ < 0,Re b >0;Re a+ > 0,Re a <0,Re b+ < 0,Re b < 0;Re a+<0,Re a>0,Re b+<0,Re b<0;can be considered analogously.



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AMS Subject Classification: 35H05, 35D10, 35B65. Nguyen Minh TRI

Institute of Mathematics P. O. Box 631, Boho 10000 Hanoi, VIETNAM



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