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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd) in Teaching English









Ergitasari, Fouria. F. D75209064 “English Teacher’ Understanding And

Perception The Use Of Mind Mapping Technique At SMAN 2 And SMA Islam Sidoarjo”. Pembimbing: Akh. Muzakki, Grad DIP SEA, M.Ag, M.Phil, Ph.D and Hilda Izzati Madjid, M.A

Key words: Konsep Pemetaan Pikiran, Persepsi Guru



Ergitasari, Fouria. F. D75209064 “English Teacher’ Understanding And

Perception The Use Of Mind Mapping Technique At SMAN 2 And SMA Islam Sidoarjo”. Advisor: Akh. Muzakki, Grad DIP SEA, M.Ag, M.Phil, Ph.D and Hilda Izzati Madjid, M.A

Key words: Mind Mapping Concept, Teachers’ Perception


B. Statements of The Problem ... 4

C. Objective of The Study ... 4

D. Significance of The Study ... 4

E. Scope and Limit of The Study ... 5

F. Definition of Key Terms ... 6


1. Definition of Mind Mapping ... 7

2. Testing and Teaching ... 11

3. The Purpose of Mind Mapping ... 15

4. The Kind of Mind Mapping ... 15

5. Advantages of Mind Mapping ... 19

6. Criteria of Good Mind Mapping Technique... 21


1. Definition of Perception...22



3. Teacher Understanding... 25

C. Review of The Previous Studies ... 25


B. Object of The Study ... 34

C. Setting of the Study ... 34

D. Data and Source of Data ... 35

E. Data Collection Technique ... 35

F. Research Instrument ... 36

G. Data analysis ... 37


B. Discussion ... 45


B. Conclusion ... 55

C. Suggestion ... 57





A. Background of Study

The mind mapping technique which aims to activate both hemispheres of the brain was developed by Tony Buzan toward the end of 1960. Buzan

introduced mind mapping method to the world with his books and developed a system which would pave the way for many people. Basically, what he did was to give up insisting on using the traditional methods for creative minds, but instead he aimed to reflect the brain functioning of the human.

These maps allow us to reach the incredible potential of our brains easily. Mind maps allow us to group the concepts, re-group again and compare the concepts. The movement of the concepts and synthesizing them together in new clusters often reveal new ideas. The mind mapping is an organized brainstorming

method. Mind map is a powerful graphic technique

Mind mapping is used to capture graphically thoughts around a central concept being discussed and/or explored. Their dynamic and fluid nature makes them particularly useful during brainstorming sessions, allowing contributions to



thinking”. By using single words on curvilinear lines, color, and images, learners can map their learning.

In this research, a deep concern is to analyze the perception of English teachers’ on mind mapping technique. The researcher wants to know how English teachers’ technique using mind mapping, because surely every teacher has a different technique in the use of mind mapping. The teacher only explains

what and how the application of the four skills of writing is, without further explanation about using specific techniques that can help students to be more stimulated in choosing their words or forming the correct structure of their writing. Generally there are many types of writing that can be used such as

narrative, descriptive, explanation, recount, report, information, exposition, and argumentation.1

The researcher tries to focus on perception of English teachers on mind mapping technique and to what extent the teachers’ understanding about the use of mind mapping. In this observation, the researcher chooses two senior high

schools as sample of the study. Those schools are SMAN 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Islam Sidoarjo. The researcher chooses those schools because the English teachers at both of those schools use mind mapping technique in teaching writing. The English teachers on SMAN 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Islam Sidoarjo use mind mapping technique in some teaching learning processes not only once or



twice. It can be assumed that mind mapping technique is often used by teachers on those schools. The researcher only looks teachers’ technique in teaching mind

mapping. In learning process, the teachers teach students about narrative text through mind mapping. The reasearcher choose of narrative text in particular because the text belongs to the basic competence of senior high curriculum. In this research, the researcher only observes the teaching learning process in the

class. The English teacher will ask the students about something related with narrative text. Then, the teacher lets the students to write their ideas into mind mapping in the whiteboard. Those ideas are used to ease them in understanding the text. After that, the students are instructed to do exercises. Yet, the teachers

firstly ask them to look up for any difficult vocabularies. Afterwards, the teacher ordered the students to rewrite the narrative text at home, overseeing the urgency of providing further explanation regarding the text. This is worsened by the students’ passive manner to ask question, therefore it is quite hard for them to

understand the text.

Therefore, the writer conducts research entitled “English Teachers’ Understanding and Perception the Use of Mind Mapping Technique At SMAN 2

and SMA Islam Sidoarjo” in order to know the teachers’ understanding and



B. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the study, the problems of the study can be

formulated as follows:

1. What is the teachers’ understanding about the concept of mind mapping? 2. What are teachers’ perceptions about the use of mind mapping in teaching

learning process?

C. Objective of the Study

Related to the problem of the study, the objectives of this study are: 1. To describe teachers’ understanding about the concept of mind mapping. 2. To describe the teachers’ perceptions about the use of mind mapping in

teaching learning process.

D. Significance of the Study

The results of the analysis are expected to be beneficial both theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically

The results of the analysis are expected to enrich the study of mind mapping.

2. Practically



b. For other researchers, the results of this analysis are expected to provide significant contribution in terms of using mind mapping, so this thesis can

use as reference for another analysis.

E. Scope and Limit of the Study

The scopes and limitation of the study were limited to the subject and object investigated. In this study, researcher only focused on teachers’

understanding about concept of mind map and teachers’ perception about mind mapping. In this research, the researcher applied Tony Buzan classification about mind mapping as the base of analysis. The resesearcher’s reason to choose this classification because it is enabled the researcher to obtain a practical way of

understanding and evaluating the use of mind map.

In this research, researcher will focus on the teachers’ perception on mind mapping. It will be conducted at two schools. Those are SMAN 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Islam Sidoarjo.

F. Definition of Key terms

To avoid multiple inappropriate interpretations, accordingly the definitions of key terms are:

Mind map: Mind mapping refers to a diagram used to represent words, ideas,

tasks, or other items related to the topic and arranged radically around a central key word.2 In the classroom activities, the researcher teaches the students with



mind mapping technique to make them easily put word from central word, which related to the learning materials.

Teachers’ understanding: in this research, teachers’ understanding means that teachers’ ability in applying concept of mind map (both principle and procedure of teaching using mind map) during teaching and learning process.

Teachers’ perception: Is the meaning a teacher attaches to the environmental

inputs he or she receives through experience. In other words, it is the process of a teacher becoming aware (of something) through the senses.3 It is also the process through which a teacher gets information about the world around him or her using the senses.




This chapter discusses the theories related to the use of mind mapping technique in

improving students’ English writing and some previous studies. It covers the concept of writing, the meaning of mind mapping, how to make mind mapping and the advantages of using mind mapping technique.

A. Mind Mapping

1. Definition of Mind Mapping

A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea.1 Mind

maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid to studying and organizing information, solving problems, making decisions, and writing. The elements of given mind map are arranged naturally according to the importance of the concepts, and are classified into

groupings, branches, or areas, with the goal of representing semantic or other connections between portions of information. Mind maps may also aid recall of existing memories.

Mind Maps were popularized by author and consultant, Tony Buzan.

He used a two-dimensional structure, instead of the list format conventionally used to take notes. As Tony Buzan stated mind mapping is a graphic



representation of ideas (usually generated via a brainstorming session). It shows the ideas which are generated around a central theme and how they are interlinked. It is a tool primarily used for stimulating thought. He realized that the education system primarily focused on the left and brain strength, which

include the use of “language, logic, numbers, sequence, looks at detail, linier, symbolic representation and judgmental characteristics. Mind Mapping is a useful technique that helps you learn more effectively, improves the way that you record information, and supports and enhances creative problem solving.

Mind mapping involves writing down a central idea and thinking up new and related ideas which radiate out from the centre. By focusing on key ideas written down in your own words, and then looking for branches out and connections between the ideas, you are mapping knowledge in a manner

which will help you understand and remember new information. To use Mind Maps effectively, make sure you print your words, use different colors to add visual impact, and incorporate symbols and images to further spur creative thinking. Having an organized display of information from the outset of the

writing process may help some students, as it is more easily converted into a draft, whereas in brainstorming, the random recording of ideas might lead to problems with the structure of students' texts. As Alamsyah explained that



together as they proceed.2 Mind maps work especially well when created in groups, since the discussion this engenders aids the production of ideas, and makes the task livelier and more enjoyable.

Mind maps work well as visual design and enable students to see the

relationship between ideas, and encourage them to group certain ideas together as they proceed. Buzan claims that a mind map is a powerful graphic technique which provides a universal key to unlock the potential of the brain. It harnesses the full range of cortical skills – word, image, number, logic,

rhythm, color and spatial awareness – in a single, uniquely powerful manner.3 In so doing, it gives you the freedom to roam the infinite expanses of your brain. The Mind Map can be applied to every aspect of life where improved

learning and clearer thinking will enhance human performance. The brain of human works to process information through observation, reading or hearing about something organized as functional relationship between concept and keyword. It is not partially separated from each other and is not in narrative

form complete sentences.

The mind mapping strategy can be used to explore almost any topics in writing and also used in every kind of writing such as: narrative, descriptive, recount, persuasive, argumentative, essay etc. Students can improve their

ideas and lend themselves to discussing ideas in groups.


 Alamsyah, Maurizal. (2009). KiatJituMeningkatkanPrestasiDengan Mind Mapping.Yogyakarta




When you use Mind Maps on a daily basis, you will find that your life becomes more productive, fulfilled, and successful on every level. There are no limits to the number of thoughts, ideas and connections that your brain can make, which means that there are no limits to the different ways you can use

Mind Maps to help you.

Buzan explains that, there are some steps to make min map as follow:4 a) Start in the center of a blank page turned sideways.

Because starting in the center gives your Brain freedom to spread out

in all directions and to express it more freely and naturally. b) Use an image or picture for your central idea.

Because an image is worth a thousand words and helps you use your Imagination. A central image is more interesting, keeps you focused,

helps you concentrate, and gives your Brain more of a idea. c) Use colors throughout.

Because colors are as exciting to your Brain as are images. Color adds extra vibrancy and life to your Mind Map, adds tremendous energy to

your Creative Thinking, and is fun!

d) Connect your main branches to the central image and connect your second- and third-level branches to the first and second levels, etc.

Because your Brain works by association. It likes to link two (or three,

4 Buzan, Tony. 2006. Mind Map Untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama



or four) things together. If you connect the branches, you will understand and remember a lot more easily.

e) Make your branches curved rather than straight-lined.

Because having nothing but straight lines are boring to your Brain.

f) Use one key word per line.

Single key words give your Mind Map more power and flexibility. g) Use images throughout.

Each image, like the central image, is also worth a thousand words. 


2. Concept of Mind Mapping

The mind mapping strategy is one of the teachers’ strategies in teaching. Not only Mind Maps show facts, but also show the overall structure of a subject and the relative importance of individual parts of it. It helps students to associate ideas, think creatively, and make connections that might not

otherwise make.5 The mind map strategy can be used to explore almost any topic, though discursive essays and narrative work particularly well as they front students' ideas and lend them to discussing ideas in groups.

Mind map is one of technique in note taking method. The mind map uses the full range of left and right human cortical skills, balances the brain, taps into the alleged “99% of your unused mental potential”, as well as intuition



(which he calls “superlogic”).6 It means that mind mapping balances creativity and logic of human brain.

Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that a mind-map is a creative way to represent idea or information through diagram. Mind mapping

is a method to optimize learning capacities and understanding of how the elements of complex structures are connected. There are four essential characteristics of mind mapping:7

a) The subject of attention is crystallized on a central image.

b) The main theme of the subject radiate from the central image as branches.

c) Branches comprise a key image or key word printed on an

associated line. Topic of lesser are also represented as branches attached to higher level branches.

d) The branches form is a connected modal structure.

Mind map may be enhanced and enriched through color, pictures, codes, and dimension to add interest, beauty, and individuality. This is used to

help in increasing creativity, memory and specifically the recall of information. There are several principles in making mind mapping, as states below:8

a) Use emphasis

6 Buzan, Tony and Buzan, Barry. (1994). The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to

Maximize Your Brain’s Untapped Potential. USA: Penguin Book. 

7 Tony Buzan and Bary Buzan, The Mind Map Book, (London: BBC Worldwide Limited, 2000), p.59. 



In making mind map emphasis is important, students may use picture or certain color to make idea easier to remember, emphasis will allow mind map maker to identify which idea is should come first and which should come later. Emphasis can be done by using different color for each word,

image or appropriate spacing between circles. There are no strict rules for emphasis in mind map. Mind map maker may use any method to show emphasis in their mind map.

b) Use association

The association between ideas is important in mind map. Connectivity (association) between ideas will make students easier when apply mind map in writing, reading or other skills. In mind map connectivity is usually indicated by arrows that connect circles that contain idea in it.

The direction of arrows also indicated the flow of idea, so the students will know where to start to writing and where to end it.

c) Be clear

A mind map should be clear; it is to avoid confusion when mind map is

done. It is important for teacher to make sure that each idea is on its place and arranged based on its position. The arrangement of word (idea) is important, miss placing word will ruin the concept of idea that has been



d) Develop a personal style

In summary, mind mapping can be maximized in using through colors, pictures, and connections. These terms will be more useful when the students also use their creativity in the process. It is undeniable that

creativity lets the students to think free in mapping their minds about the materials. Hence, the students can comprehend the materials much easier.

Use mind map also need some procedure in order to make it more effective and understandable. Complete procedure of the employment of mind

mapping in the classroom by Buzan is as follow9:

a) Describe or demonstrate the process to the students;

b) Divide the students into groups which consist of four students;

c) Present the central concept/material that the students must graph;

d) Ask the groups to brainstorm, writing a list of terms and phrases that express core concepts and supporting details;

e) Ask the students to start sketching out the diagram;

f) Deliver any necessary suggestions to the groups while they are working;

g) Ask them to developed the main concept by adding some new

ideas and relationships as they construct the map



3. The Purposes of Mind Mapping

Generally, the purpose of mind mapping is to associate between ideas, topics or things.10 Besides, there are several specific purposes of mind mapping below:11

a)Mind mapping activates whole brain. b)Mind mapping fixes the mental tangled.

c)Mind mapping lets the students focus on main explanation. d)Mind mapping helps to show the relationship between the

separated information parts.

e)Mind mapping gives clear description wholly and specifically. f) Mind mapping lets the students to group the concept and

compare it.

Based on the explanation above, mind mapping is hoped to help the students in getting better learning process. By activating the whole brain activities, it can be concluded that mind mapping is expected to make the students easier in comprehending the text or written information.

4. The kind of Mind Mapping

To apply mind mapping in writing, there are some steps. Firstly, the students have to write a key word in the center circle on paper. Then, they have

to make a word or phrase which has connection with a key word in the circle

10 Martin Davies, Concept Mapping, Mind Mapping and Argument Mapping: What are The

Differences and Do They Matter?(Springer Science+Business Media B.V, 2010), p.11. 

11 Tony Buzan, Buku Pintar Mind Map, terj. Susi Purwoko (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2013),



and puts it in the smaller circle. There are two kinds of mind mapping. They are spider word mapping and hierarchy.

a) Spider Word Mapping

Spider maps are used to illustrate concepts that are in some way all

related to one central idea. The layout follows diagonal lines, giving the overall appearance of a spider with some legs sticking out. It is useful for dissecting the elements of a major topic and listing the main details in an easy to understand format.

Picture 2.1 Spider Min Map

b) Hierarchy

A hierarchy mind map is generally used to help people deconstruct the elements of an idea. The apex of the hierarchy mind map contains the most basic idea and each subsequent level may be filled in with information about sub-concepts and other aspects. Hierarchy mind map are usually most popularly used

to help students analyze a story, its characters, sub-plots and symbolism. Step mother and

step sisters Fair

Prince and

Glass choes




Although this method can be a bit basic, it is useful in initiating discussions and hierarchy mind map comparisons among groups of students.

Picture 2.2 Hierarchy Mind Map

a. How to Make Mind Mapping With The Students

1) Choosing a topic, traditionally, the students are given a topic by teacher. However, with certain classes, students may prefer to nominate the topic themselves. This can lead to greater interest in the task on the part of the student, as well as, perhaps, greater knowledge of the topic under study. The mind map strategy can be used to explore

almost any topic, through discursive essay and narrative work. It gives chances for students to share their ideas and let themselves to discuss ideas in groups.

2) Note making, Once the topic has been introduced, encourage the

students to close their eyes and think about it for a minute or two, in Cinderella

Step mother Fairy

Glass Dancing



silence. They then have two minutes in which to note down their ideas. If they do not know a word in English, they can write it in native language at this stage, as dictionaries or too much teacher intervention tend to halt and inhibit the creative flow. Then, working in groups,

they can compare and discuss their ideas, perhaps adding to their mind maps as they go. This stage also provides the opportunity for peer teaching, as other students may be available to provide the English word for the idea that was noted down in native language.

3) Feedback, the next stage, in which the teacher makes a collective mind map on the board, is optional, but is useful for students who are new to the idea of mind maps, or of weak classes. It is also in this feedback stage that any outstanding language problems can be

reduced. As the teacher elicits students’ ideas, and reformulates expressions or corrects, students will learn how to express their ideas in English. Such personalization is said to aid vocabulary learning. The map is fluid and changeable, and new connections or subgroups can be

made, or branches added, as the students make suggestions. The end result should be an organized display of information, showing the central topic, and a number of subtopics and further points that stem

from it.



i.e. the order in which to convey the information, and then focus on the precise function each paragraph will have in their final text, as this helps to clarify their writing. This can be done in groups or as a class with the teacher leading the discussion. However it is carried out, it is

important to provide a context and audience.

5) Writing, students should then begin to write their compositions, working in pairs if they wish. After two paragraphs, they should exchange their compositions, so they become readers of each other’s

work. This allows for feedback, and possible re writing. Once they have finished, they should again exchange their texts. This gives their texts a communicative purpose, as well as developing an awareness of the fact that a writer is always producing something to be read by

someone else, rather than for display of writing alone.

6) Continuation, Once students are familiar with the idea of making mind maps, they can be encouraged to use this for further writing

activities. It is a useful technique and often improves the clarity and organization of student texts.  

5. Advantages of Mind Mapping

Mind mapping helps students and teachers in the learning process,



a) Helps students to concentrate in memorizing information. b) Improve students’ visual intelligence and observation ability.

c) Accustoms students to get critical review and good communication ability.

d) Improve students’ creativity. e) Summarizes the lesson briefly.

f) Limits the time in making note appropriately.

g) Guides the students to arrange their thought, hobbies and


h) Makes students enjoy in learning process.

i)Guides the rights and left brain work synergistically.

The benefits of mind mapping are flexible, it means that brain be able to

move fluently to all of direction.12 The students can focus on learning. They also can understand the material and min mapping attract to learn. There are more advantages of mind map:

a) Generate more ideas: mind mapping allows you to start quickly and generate more ideas in less time. You don’t have to edit order your thoughts; just start a creative sketch in the center of your page and begin and begin printing words on lines emanating from

the center as you think of them. The free-ranging format- adding words to one branch one moment, then skipping over to another branch the next-increases your chances of generating new ideas.



b) Make new connections: Mind mapping allows you to represent a wonderful amount of information in a relatively small space. You can have all your notes for a topic on one piece of paper, with your ideas arranged in way that encourages you to see relations

between them. Mind mapping helps you see connections among things that may be separate.

c) Improve your memory: Remembering your material becomes

much easier, colors, images and key words – three central

ingredients of mind maps – are much more engaging to the brain than sentences. A well-made mind map is almost impossible to forget.

d) Use your whole brain: half a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Mind mapping helps you strengthen your analytical left brain by training you to look for the most essential key words. At the same time, it stimulates the right brain by encouraging you to use colors

and images.13

6. Criteria of Good Mind Mapping Technique

Practically, teachers should understand the concept of mind map to make their mind mapping easly understood by their students. Good criteria of

mind mapping technique can be seen from Buzan’s principle and procedure of mind mapping technique. As mentioned in the previous part of this chapter,

13 Buzan, Tony and Buzan, Barry. (1994). The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to



there are some principles and procedures that must be followed by the teachers in order to make their mind mapping technique become successful. The principles are, teachers should use emphasize and use assosiation, teachers also should be clear in ordering idea and teachers also need to developing personal

style. Meanwhile, there are some procedure that must be followed by the teachers to make their mind mapping technique become good, the procedure are, teacher should describe or demonstrate the process of making mind map to the students, teacher also need to divide the students into groups which consist

of three or more students, teacher must resent the central concept/material that the students must graph, to start makeing mind map teacher may ask the groups to brainstorm, writing a list of terms and phrases that express core concepts and supporting details, then teacher ask the students to start sketching out the

diagram, as feedback and reinforcement teacher have to deliver any necessary suggestions to the groups while they are working and the last teacher can ask students to developed the main concept by adding some new ideas and relationships as they construct the map.

B. Perception and Understanding

1. Definition of Perception

Perception has very various definitions since there are many ideas

come from experts. Perception is the interpretation of focusing on particular objects.14 Perception is the interpretation of stimulus accepted by organisms or individuals’ sensory devices, so it becomes a meaning that creates some



integrated activity among them. The respondent as the impact from perception can be taken by individual in various ways and it depends on the individual itself.

There are three elements which give the important role in perception,

and the elements itself are divided into 3 elements.15 a) Object that is perceived

An object will cause stimulus and it will be received by human’s sensory device.

b) Receptor/Human sense/Sensory Device Receptor is tool to receive the stimulus. c) Attention

To do every kinds of perception, it must be needed an attention.

Because of the first step to do perception, an individual has to focus or concentrate on that particular object which may be different with other individual’s concentration.

Those three things are the elements which take important role in


The coming of perception does not happen directly without any process, but it has very unique process. The first process called physical

process where the stimuli are received by receptors. The second process physiology process where the receptors continue the stimulus to brain. And




the last one is psychological process where the brain as the core of consciousness interprets what the individual sees, hears, feel, etc.16

2. Teachers’ Perception

Teachers’ perception is defined by Fisbein and Ajzen as a learned

predisposition to respond to an object or class of objects in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way.17 Teachers’ perception is influenced by culture, personal beliefs and experience.18 Numerous researchers point out that teachers’ attitudes or beliefs is one of the several important human factors

which have significant contribution for choosing certain teaching media.19 Teachers’ perception is considered important variables in this research and it forms part of teachers’ presage variables. Klazky’s opinion on teachers’

perception, as cited in Woolfolk, he defined teachers’ perception as the processes of determining the meaning of what are sensed.20 Perception occurs when teachers interpret a given meaning to stimuli in their classroom environment or in the students’ classroom behavior. Perception is important in

a teaching and learning situation as it reinforces teachers’ decision- making on how to handle classroom situations. Several past research have shown that thinking (perception) plays an important part in teaching.


Walgito, B. 2010. Pengantar Psikologi Umum, Jakarta: Penerbit Andi. P 102 

17 Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1975). A Bayesian analysis of attribution processes. Psychological

Bulletin, 82(2), 261. 

18 Miller, E. (2009). The effect of training in gifted education on elementary classroom teachers’

theory-based reasoning about the concept of giftedness. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 33(1),


19 Arkin, E.E. (2003). Teachers' attitudes towards computer technology use in vocabulary instruction.

Retrieved from http://www.thesis.bilkent.edu.tr/0002298.pdf 




Teachers’ undertsanding

Understanding (also called intellection) is a psychological process related to an abstract or physical object, such as a person, situation, or message whereby one is able to think about it and use concepts to deal adequately with that object. Understanding is a relation between the knower and an object of

understanding. Understanding implies abilities and dispositions with respect to an object of knowledge sufficient to support intelligent behavior.21 Teachers’ undertsanding in concept of mind map means that teachers’ ability in applying concept of mind map (both principle and procedure of teaching by

using mind map) during teaching and learning process. Teachers’ understanding of mind mapping can be measured by the extend of their ability to utilize the principke and procedure of teaching by using mind map.

F. Review of the Previous Studies

The first thesis belongs to Muzdalifah, entitled The Use of Mind Mapping to Improve the Abilities in Writing Descriptive Texts of the 10th Grade Students.22 The research problem is “Does the use of mind mapping improve the students’

ability to write a descriptive text?”. She used experimental research and used mind mapping as an alternative technique to write descriptive text. In her study, she explained how to use mind mapping to teach writing.

The second thesis belongs to Novi, entitled Using Mind Mapping in Teaching Speaking Skills at RSBI Class SMA Negeri 1 Sidoarjo. In her thesis to

21 Bereiter, Carl. (2002). Education and mind in the Knowledge Age. Erlbaum

22 Muzdalifah. The Use of Mind Mapping to Improve The Abilities in Writing Descriptive Texts of The



gain an effective teaching speaking using mind mapping, student may get certain references or handout from the teacher related to the material, try to more pro active in getting chances to have a consultation with the teacher related to material discussed, more frequent in grammar acquisition, may suggest to more pro active

in taking notes to the thing which is necessary considered and also may have each of way to implement mind mapping in teaching speaking in turn; using whole class – whiteboard as the media and using group work presentation – power point as the media; in order to avoid boredom in learning. Those are intended to enrich

their knowledge and linguistic view.

The third thesis belongs to Gabriskha, entitled The use of Mind Mapping as A Pre-writing Technique in Teaching English Recount Text at the First Year

Students of SMA Negeri 1 Gedangan, Sidoarjo. She formulated the research

problems; whether the group taught writing English recount text using mind mapping as a pre-writing technique will gain better score than the group taught using traditional technique and students’ motivation towards the implementation of mind mapping as a pre-writing technique. The result of this research is the

group taught writing English recount text using mind mapping as a pre-writing technique gained better score than the group taught using traditional technique. Whereas, the result of the questionnaire showed that students in experimental

group motivate (based on Sardiman’s theory) learning english by using mind mapping as a pre-writing technique.

The fourth thesis belongs to Sumartini, State University of Surabaya entitled



problems are: (1) how does clustering technique use as prewriting technique in teaching writing descriptive text? (2) how is the result of writing descriptive text after using clustering? This study was conducted using descriptive qualitative method at the seventh grade of Junior High School. The data was taken from

observing and describing the classroom. The findings of the study revealed that in the 2nd and 3rd observation, students had high improvement of using clustering technique in content, language use, vocabulary, and mechanic. In a short, after using clustering as pre-writing technique, most of the students was motivated and

interested to learn writing especially in English. Therefore, the use of clustering can minimize students’ difficulties, faced in English writing

The fifth thesis belongs to Sari, State University of Surabaya entitled

Clustering Technique in Teaching Writing at Junior High School. There are two

research questions, (1) how is clustering technique used as prewriting activity to teach narrative text? (2) What is the result of students’ composition by using clustering technique? The research focused on clustering used in narrative text to the second grade of junior high school. This research is also descriptive qualitative

research. The data was taken from observing and describing the classroom that include teachers’ activity, students’ composition, and students’ activities during the observation. On the 2nd observation it was found out that most students got



composition especially in contents and vocabulary, it shows that the clustering could help them to gather the ideas for writing their composition. Besides, based on results of students’ composition in organization, it shows that clustering technique could help students organize their thoughts to write an English narrative

composition. The study concluded that the use of clustering could help the students to gather and organize ideas in composing English narrative text.

The sixth thesis belongs to Marliasari, State University of Malang. The title of the study is Using Clustering Technique to Improve the Senior High School

Students’ Abilities in Generating Ideas for Writing Analytical Exposition. This study was aimed at determining the senior high school students’ difficulties at SMA Negeri 8 Malang especially on confusion on how to start writing. The research problems were (1) “how can clustering technique improve the students’

ability in generating ideas for writing analytical exposition (2) how are the students’ responses to the implementation ofclustering technique? This study was a classroom action research. The findings of this study show that students’ participation was increased, and it was followed by the improvement of the

students’ performance in English writing. The improvement can be seen in the mean scores of content and organization. In the implementation of the action, the students’ mean score on content was 2.27 andincreased into 2.62. Meanwhile, the

students’ mean score on organization alsoincreased from 2.20 to 2.63.

The seventh thesis belongs to Pratiwi, State University of Malang, entitled

The Implementation of Webbing Concept to Improve Seventh Graders’



problem was how do the students generate and develop their ideas. This research used collaborative action research (CAR) which was conducted into 18 cycles consisting of two meetings in each cycle. The findings of the research show that webbing concept successfully improved the seventh grades’ performance in

English writing descriptive text especially in terms of content, organization, and language use.

The eighth thesis belongs to Aquariza, entitled Using Mind Mapping In Teaching Speaking Skills at RSBI Class SMA Negeri I Sidoarjo.The subject of the

study was the first grade students of RSBI class at SMA Negeri 1 Sidoarjo in 2009. There were three research problems of this study: (1)What are the materials used in the teaching speaking skills using mind mapping at RSBI class, SMA Negeri 1 Sidoarjo? (2) How did the teacher implement mind mapping in teaching

speaking skills at RSBI class, SMA Negeri 1 Sidoarjo? And (3) what are the problems of using mind mapping in teaching speaking skills at RSBI class, SMA Negeri 1 Sidoarjo? The research used descriptive qualitative design. The result of the research shows that using mind mapping in teaching speaking was so helpful

to regulate students’ ideas and stimulates the group presenter to extend the statement using their own words, while praise and congratulation as their materials. It was interesting for the students, because of its simple form and it is



class-whiteboard as the media and using group 19work presentation-power point as media. Those are intended to enrich theirknowledge and linguistic view.

The ninth thesis belongs to Khoiriyah, entitled The Effect of Semantic

Mapping On students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement at MTs KH. M.

NOER Kedung Mangu. The research was conducted to investigate the effect of semantic mapping on students’ reading comprehension achievement. The writer used experimental method in this study. The result of this study showed that the semantic mapping has a significant effect on the students’ reading comprehension

achievement. In this study, the experimental group (a group that is given the treatment by using semantic mapping) has a better ability in comprehending the text than the control group (a group that is not given the treatment by using

semantic mapping). It can be seen from the mean score and the result of t-test. The result showed that the mean score of experimental group was higher than control group (58.6250 > 42.1250) and their difference was 16.5000. It means that the students in experimental group or students who were taught by using semantic mapping have better score on reading comprehension test than the students in

control group or students who were not taught using semantic mapping. So It can be concluded that semantic mapping is effective to be used as a means of increasing reading comprehension for junior high school. In this research, the



Ability of Thai EFL University Students”.23 He conducted the research by using one group pre-post test experimental research design to 35 first year students at Songkhla Rajabhat University, Muang Songkhla who were learning “English for communication and reading skills” as a compulsory subject. He found that mind

mapping improved students English reading comprehension as in the post test mean score of students was higher than the pretest mean score at the 0.05 level of significance. Moreover, most students were satisfied with their own reading comprehension ability, and the last, they enjoyed working in group and agreed that

mind mapping technique was a useful technique and can be applied to non-English subjects. Findings and implications for further research are discussion. To support his research, there are fifteen students (5 highly successful, 5 who did not show any improvement, and 5 unsuccessful) were selected for retrospective interviews

after getting the score in post test.

The same topic about mind map also held by Ika Yuli Astuti entitled ‘’The second related study is The Effectiveness of Mind Map Technique in Learning Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study at The

Second Year Students of SMPN 13 Kota Tangerang Selatan)’’.24 The objective of this study is to find out the effectiveness of using mind mapping in improving students reading comprehension achievement. It is a pre-experimental study

23 Panatda Siriphanich, Using Mind Mapping Technique to Improve Reading Comprehension Ability

of Thai EFL University Students (The 2nd International Conference on Humanities and Social

Sciences April 10th, 2010 Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University). 

24 Ika Yuli Astuti, The Effectiveness in Learning Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text (A

Quasi-Experimental Study at The Second Year of SMPN 13 Kota Tangerang Selatan), (Skripsi, Faculty of



which uses random sampling in getting the sample. The collecting data is only through the test. The result indicates that using mind mapping in teaching reading comprehension is effective to improve student’s reading comprehension achievement. It can be seen from the result of pre-test and post-test; the average

score of pre-test = 12,6 and the standard deviation = 8,88. Meanwhile, the average score of post-test = 21,7 and the standard deviation = 9.

Another research that has been done by Ozgul Keles, Turkey “Elementary Teachers’ Views on Mind mapping”25 and Brett D. Jones, Georgia “the effects of

Mind Mapping Activities on Student’s Motivation”26 was showed significant result of the students’ achievement through using Mind Mapping Technique. Because this technique is useful, interest, easier to understand and success full to

increase scores of the students.

The study above has both the similarities and differences with the writer’s study. Mind mapping as the technique studied and test as the instrument are the similarities in this case, while the differences are on the place, sampling technique,

and the research design.

25 Keles, O. 2012. Elementary Teachers’ Views on Mind Mapping. Journal of Education. Vol 4, No. 1 

26 Brett, D. 2012. The effects of Mind Mapping Activities on Student’s Motivation. Journal of




Talking about research method, it is an important thing in scientific research. In this chapter, the researcher discusses and reviews research methodologies that are used in this study. First, it discusses about research design and continues to setting

and subject of the study. Then, it discusses about data of the study, source of data, data collection technique, instruments of the study, and data analysis technique.

A. Research Design

To answer the question which has been stated in the problem statement, the

researcher uses descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive research is research which is directed to give symptoms, facts or evens in systematic and accurate, about the nature of a particular population or region1. Sugiyono also stated that qualitative methodology is research methodology that uses the researcher in

natural object condition2. It was concerned with the process and meaning which was important part of the qualitative approach.

Therefore, descriptive qualitative was considered as most suitable design to

use during teaching learning process. This research used non participant observation because the researcher did not take a part while the teaching learning process was arising. The researcher observed the teacher’s perception and teachers’ understanding about mind mapping in teaching learning process.

1 Yatim Riyanto, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif, p.170 



This research has been purposed to know the situation and characteristic of the subject. It is based on the problem of the study. So, the writer does not add and reduce anything for the process. The writer observes the teaching-learning process in the class then describes the data based on observation by using observation

checklist, interview guidelines, and questionnaire.

B. Object of the study

Object of the study is each person or participant in the study that is observed.3 The object of this study was the English teacher. There were two

schools, SMAN 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Islam Sidoarjo. There are five teachers in SMAN 2 Sidoarjo and there are four teachers in SMA Islam Sidoarjo. In this research, the researcher only took one teacher as sample in each school. It was

conducted on 8th august until 22nd august 2014.

C. Setting of the study

The writer focused at some schools, they were SMAN 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Islam Sidoarjo. The schools use mind mapping technique for teaching English.

The teachers of the schools assume that students will gain the lesson well.

The distance between SMAN 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Islam Sidoarjo is not close. So, they were unrelated to teach the same materials of the lesson to the students.

3 Suharsimi Arikunto. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. (Jakarta: PT. Asdi Mahasatya)



D. Data and Source of Data

Based on the problem of study, this research used a qualitative data. Qualitative data was taken from observation and interview with the English teachers of SMAN 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Islam Sidoarjo. Furthermore, data of the

study is focused on the teachers’ understanding about the concepts of mind map and teachers’ perception on mind mapping strategies.

E. Data collection technique

The data of the research was qualitative data. “It assumes that human

behavior is context bound-that human experiences take it’s meaning from and, therefore, is inseparable from social, historical, political, and cultural influences”.4 It means that qualitative data takes data trough human behavior and human

experiences. The data was taken during teaching –learning process at SMAN 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Islam which was focused on the teacher’s perception on mind mapping strategies with different learning styles. There were two steps applied by researcher in collecting the data. They are:

1. Observation

The researcher observed teaching–learning process in SMAN 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Islam Sidoarjo to provide information and description of mind map use in the class. The researcher observed to know teachers’ understanding of

mind map concept. In the observasion checklist, researcher include Buzans’ classification about procedur and principle of teaching by using mind map

4 Donald Ary, Introduction to Research in Education (USA: WADSWORTH CENGAGE Learning,



technique as indicator to know teachers understanding about the concept of mind map. The researcher has observed teachers from SMAN 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Islam Sidoarjo 4 times, twice for each teacher. Observation was conducted on 8th august until 22nd august 2014.

2. Interview

The researcher interviewed the teachers to know their perception about mind map. Interview was done once for each teacher, interview was done at at the same date with second observation for each teacher. The researcher took

note for every information from teachers’ answers. Their answer then analyzed to get result of the research.

F. Research instrument

Instrument can be defined as a tool that researcher used in collecting the

data. There were four instruments used in this study. Those instruments were described as follow:

1. Observation checklist

Observation checklist was used to gain the information in the classroom

during teaching-learning activities especially focused on the teacher’s understanding on mind mapping concept.

The researcher used checklist when observing the teaching-learning



2. Interview guidelines

The researcher used interview guidelines to answer the statements of problem in this study. The researcher interviewed the English teachers to complete the data about teachers’ perception on mind mapping.

G. Data analysis

In analyzing data, the researcher presented the result of the observation, questionnaire, and interview during four meetings. The researcher analyzed everything what she saw and experienced during teaching-learning process then

described them into descriptive manner. The steps of data analysis are: the result of the observation is analyzed according to the real situations and class condition during teaching-learning process, and also to know what strategies used for various

learning styles in teaching.

For the result of interview, it was analyzed according to the teacher answer. The researcher interviewed teachers with some questions to gain information about the problems that he/she finds during teaching-learning process, what perception he/she uses in teaching English especially mind mapping, and the reason why




This chapter dealt with the result and discussion of data that had been

compiled which the method has been described in chapter III. The researcher would like to describe and to answer the research questions which have been maintained in the first chapter. It was focused on the result of the data that could classified into three categories, those are; (1) the result of teachers’ understanding about the concept

of mind mapping, (2) the result of teachers’ perception about the use of mind mapping in teaching learning process, (3) Discussion

A. Research Finding

1. The Result of Teachers’ Understanding about the Concept of Mind


The researcher conducted the observation in two meetings. The researcher did the observation in SMAN 2 Sidoarjo on August 14th and 21th 2014. While in

SMA Islam Sidoarjo from 15th and 22th 2014. The allocated time for each meeting was 2 x 45 minutes or set up 90 minutes. The topic was different in each meeting. The teacher prepared the materials which were used in learning process. The researcher used the observation sheet and took a note the activities happened



a. The Observation on Teacher A

The observation on teacher A in SMAN 2 Sidoarjo was accomplished on Friday, August 14th and 21th 2014. The class began at 06.45 am to 08.15 am.

On that day, teacher A use mind map for teaching writing narrative. In the first step, the teacher checked the student’s knowledge about narrative text by asking some question. The teacher then asked the students to brain storm the topic to write narrative text based on the topic that had introduced by the

teacher, the teacher gave very clear instruction to the students so they know what to do. Teacher A then drew one big circle on the blackboard and she explained what she will do with those big circles and explained the function of it. After explained the mind map she wrote “tangkuban perahu” in the big

circle. Teacher A asked students what they know about this topic. One by one students said their idea, they looked very active. Each student’s idea was written by teacher A in the blackboard around the big circle and connected with arrows. While writing, teacher A explain what are the function of each

part of mind map. That interactive mind mapping brain storm allowed the teacher control the class easily. After the picture of mind map finished, then teacher A asked the students to confirm students’ understanding, teacher A



on their own topic. The students should develop their idea by using mind mapping. During the process of student activity teacher gift some suggestion to help student get easier to apply mind mapping.

From the observation, the understanding about concept mind mapping

can be seen from teacher A. From the explanation of mind map, she explain clearly and follow procedure of making mind map that proposed by Buzan,1 teacher A describe and demonstrate the process of making mind map to the students, teacher A also present the central concept/material that the students

must graph, for confirmation about students’ understanding teacher A ask the students to brainstorm, writing a list of terms and phrases that express core concepts and supporting details, and teacher A also ask the students to start sketching out the mind map, and the last for reinforcement, teacher A gift

necessary suggestions to the students while they are working. But teacher A is missing one procedure that should be done which is creating group. In making mind map, teacher A also gift attention to principle that proposed by Tony Buzan and Bary Buzan. She emphasize the main idea by write it in capital letter

and underline it, to show association (connectivity) between ideas in the mind map, she used arrow. So the students can now the connectivity between idea and it will help them to arrange the idea into paragraphs easily. By asking to

students to share their idea about the topic, teacher A wanted to arrange each idea into sequence or suitable position to make the mind map clear, clear means




that each idea is placed in the right position, so which idea act as main idea, which idea act as supporting detail will be known. But teacher A did not ask the students to develop their own style in making mind map. So, all students use the same style with teacher A in making mind map.

b. The Observation on Teacher B

The observation on teacher B in SMA Islam Sidoarjo was accomplished on August 15th and 22th 2014. The class began at 06.45 am to 08.15 am.

Same as teacher A, teacher B also use mind map for teaching writing narrative text. After gift brief explanation about the material that will be learned. Teacher B drew big circle on the blackboard without explaining the

function of those circles. The teacher did not give clear instruction to the students so they did not know what to do, because the teacher did not explain the function of mind map and only asked the students shared their idea (brain storm) about the topic that was presented by the teacher. Only view students shared their idea, they looked very confuse and most of the students were so

noisy because they asked their friends what should they do instead of asked the teacher. That crowded situation made the teacher difficult to control the class. It took more time to finish the whole picture of mind map. After the



students to create paragraphs based on their own topic. The students should develop their idea by using mind mapping. In this process, teacher B moves around the students and gifts some suggestions to the students and answers some students’ questions about mind mapping.

From the observation, researcher has insight about the understanding of teacher B in concept of mind mapping. From the explanation during make mind map, teacher B do not explain clearly and she missed some procedure of making mind map, teacher B only demonstrate the process of making mind

map to the students but not describe and explain it. Teacher B present the central concept/material that the students must graph, for confirmation about students’ understanding teacher B ask the students to brainstorm, writing a list of terms and phrases that express core concepts and supporting details, even

though during that process there are students who do not understand what to do because lack of explanation from teacher B. Teacher B also ask the students to start make the mind map as she has made in the blackboard, and for reinforcement, teacher B gift necessary suggestions to the students while

they are making mind map. Teacher B missed another procedure that should be done which is create group, crate group is needed to facilitate students share idea with more friends. In making mind map, teacher B apply principle



map will be easier to be understood. Teacher B did not ask the students to develop their own style in making mind map but she ordered the students to copy mind map like what she has made. So, in the end all students use the same style with teacher A in making mind map.

2. The Result of Teachers’ Perception about the Use of Mind Mapping in

Teaching Learning Process

The researcher used interview to know the result of teachers’ perception about the concept of mind mapping. The interview was done twice

for an English teacher in each school. The first interview of English teacher in SMA Islam Sidoarjo and after that the researcher interview English teacher from SMAN 2 Sidoarjo.

a. Interview of teacher A

When asked about mind map in general, teacher A answered that mind map is creative technique that can be use in many English teaching and learning activity and very useful.

In respond to question about the most suitable application of mind

map, teacher A answer that mind map is the most suitable when applied for teaching writing, because mind map enhance students creativity in generating and structuring idea with simple technique.



When asked about the weakness of mind mapping technique, teacher A believe that sometimes it is difficult for students to develop their idea, because even though mind mapping is very useful, it cannot be completed unless students have knowledge about topic that become the main idea.

In increasing students creativity, teacher A said that mind mapping will make students look for possible idea that have connection with the main idea, this condition will encourage them to think creatively, even though sometimes view students getting difficulties in finding idea.

b. Interview of teacher B

For the first question about mind map in general, teacher B said that mind is useful and enjoyable technique. It can increase students’ ability to

summarize and classifying idea.

Teacher B said that mind mapping is the best technique for teaching writing, because in generating idea, mind map is very useful. Through mind mapping sequence of idea can be made, so when idea on the mind map are applied, the students do not need arrange the idea again, they just need to

follow what they have written in mind map.

About the benefit of mind map, teacher B said that the ability to use mind map can lead to a more relaxed and less stressful learning experience for

students. As a reason for these improvements, they pinpointed the fact that mind mapping is a great release for learners from the missing idea.



comfortable with mapping, but that these tended to be students who prefer other approaches.

In increasing students’ creativity, teacher B highlighted that mind mapping enhance students’ creative thinking, since mind mapping make

students to use his brain look for idea or information related to the topic, if mind map used continuously, it will make students get used to think creatively.

B. Discussion

Based on the findings above, there were several things that must be noted down. It will be arranged based on the findings on each problem.

1. The Discussion of Teachers’ Understanding about the Concept of Mind


Understanding concepts of mind mapping is very important for teachers. Because as a tools or media in teaching and learning process mind mapping can be very effective if the teachers understand the concepts of mind map. Based on the finding, researcher wanted to analyze the teachers’ understanding about

concepts of mind mapping. Both teachers use mind map to teach writing narrative mainly in generating idea (brain storming), both teachers believe that mind map can bridge students lack of idea in starting writing narrative. It has stated in previous chapter (chapter 2) that mind map can give assistance for



(SMAN 2 Sidoarjo and SMA Islam Sidoarjo) find writing is difficult, and most of them find getting started to write is the most difficult part of writing. Hayes stated that mind mapping can reduce difficulty in starting writing assignments by giving students an organizing strategy to get them started. He explains that ideas

are freely associated and written out without pressure, thereby reducing tension and resistance often associated with writing2. The product of the prewriting activity is an organized cluster of thoughts, which helps students stay on task when they write.

Sufficient preparation must be made before teacher asks the students to apply the mind mapping. Buzan stated that teacher must do specific preparation including try to map the material. This step is used to uncover any potential problems. The teacher’s diagram can also serve as a model against which to

assess group work. Complete procedure should be applied by teacher of the employment of mind mapping in the classroom by Buzan is as follow3: 1) Describe or demonstrate the process to the students; 2) Divide the students into

groups which consist of four students; 3) Present the central concept/material that the students must graph; 4) Ask the groups to brainstorm, writing a list of terms and phrases that express core concepts and supporting details; 5) Ask the students to start sketching out the diagram; 6) Deliver any necessary suggestions

to the groups while they are working; 7) Ask them to developed the main concept

2 Hayes, David A. 1992. A Sourcebook of interactive Methods for teaching with text. United States of




by adding some new ideas and relationships as they construct the map. Teacher also need to apply principle that stated by Buzan,4 which are: use emphasize, use assosiation, be clear and use personal stye. On this stage of using mind map, both teacher employ procedure that mentioned by Buzan, even though teacher A was

more complete than teacher B. Teacher B was missing some important procedure when use mind map. She missed the first step of the procedure when she making mind map, she forgot to explain the function of mind map and give incomplete explanation of process making mind map. It looks like teacher B drawing circle

and word on it.

The observation showed different result when the researcher observed teacher A, researcher found that teacher A can implemented mind mapping in complete procedure. When the mind mapping and writing narrative text was

implemented, the students could do well in every stage of mind mapping technique because they could understand the teacher’s instructions.

The teacher A allocated 25 minutes in the brain storming stage. From the result of observations on the implementation of brain storm, it can be stated that

the students looked enthusiastic because they could collect ideas by observing the topic given. But, in the first time, there were some students who still got difficulties in finding their ideas into mind map. Teacher A gave more

explanation, so most of the students did not get further difficulties in developing




their ideas into mind map because they had known how to generate idea and put it in mind map.

Teacher A explanations about the concept of mind map allowed the students to understood that mind maps begin with a main concept or idea, and the

rest of the map revolves around is supporting detail or supporting information, so choosing that idea or topic is the first step, it can be done by writing a word that represents that first main idea.

Teacher A emphasized that mind maps should be linked with branches (as

many as needed), that each represent a single word that relates to the main topic. Then, create sub-branches that stem from the main branches to further expand on ideas and concepts. These sub-branches will also contain words that elaborate on the topic of the branch it stems from. This helps develop and elaborate on the

overall theme of the mind map. Including images and sketches can also be helpful in brainstorming and creating the sub-branch topics. The importance of position of mind map branches also stated by Buzan, a mind map should have a definite structure: a central idea, with the relative importance of each other idea

clearly shown. The more important ideas are nearer the center and those of lesser importance are nearer the edges5. On the other hand, the relationship among ideas that explained by teacher A was in line with Buzan. Buzan states that

relationship between idea described as a hierarchy among these ideas: ‘second, third and fourth branch levels’. Links between concepts are also immediately


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