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D PLS 1302383 Bibliography


Academic year: 2018

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Bandura, A.(1999). Social Cognitive Theory of Personality. New York: Academic Press

Baron a. R. Byrne D, (2007). Psikologi sosial. Jakarta: Erlangga

Baumrind, D. (1991). Effect of Authoritative Parental Control on Child Behavior. University of California. Berkeley

Baumrind, D. (2001). Dimensions of Parenting. Article. University of California. Berkeley

Bourne. E.J. 1995.The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. 2nd edition. New Harbinger Publications, Inc. 1995.

Brooks, J B. (2011). Parenting. third edition. New York. McGraw-Hill Humanities Social.

Creswell J.W,( 2010), Research Design. Edisi Ketiga, Pustaka Pelajar Yogyakarta

Hanlon, T.E., Carswell, S.B., &Rose, M. (2007). Research on the caretaking of children of incarcerated parents: Findings and their service delivery implications. Children and Youth Services Review

Helms, D.B. and Turner, J.S. 2003, Exploring Child Behavior. New York: Holt Rinehartand Winston

Hergenhahn B.R., Oslon H., Matthew. (2008). Theories of Learning. Pearson Education

Hurlock E. B. (2003). Psikologi Perkembangan. Jakarta: Erlangga

Ibrahim, R. (2001). Pembinaan Perilaku Sosial melalui Pendidikan Jasmani: Prinsip-prinsip dan Metode. Jakarta, Direktorat Jenderal Olahraga Depdiknas

Ihsan, H.F.(2010).Dasar – Dasar Kependidikan. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta

Jarvis.P. (2010). Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice. Routledge

Jeffries, J., Menghraj, S., & Hairston, C. F. (2001). Serving incarcerated and ex-offender fathers and their families. New York: Vera Institute of Justice


John F., Ronald J.B & Cary L.C. (2013). The SAGE Handbook of Aging, Work and Society. Handbooks. Sage Publications.


Kagan, J. (2009). The Three Culture: Natural Science, Social Science and the Humanities in the 21’s Country. Cambridge University Press. New York Kohn, A. (2005). Unconditional Parenting: Moving From Rewards and Punishments

to Love and Reason. New York, NY: Atria Books

Judith A.lewis, Michael D. Lewis, Judy A. Daniels. (2003). Community counseling: empowerment strategies for a diverse society, Thomson, brook/cole.

Karin G. W. (2015). Communication Theory. University of Texas at Austin

Kementrian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak, 2012. Profil Perempuan Indonesia 2012. Jakarta. PT Tri Sigma utama

Keputusan Presiden Nomor 36 Tahun 1990 tertanggal 25 Agustus 1990 tentang Pengesahan konvensi hak-hak anak.

Knud Illeris.(2009). Contemporary Theories of Learning: Learning Theorists...in their own words.Rotledge: London & New York

Kohn. A. (2005). Unconditional Parenting : Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason. New York . United States. Atria Books

Nelsen J. (2007). Positive Discipline for Parenting in Recovery. Amazone

Norman L. 2012.Lifelong Learning in Action: Transforming Education in the 21st Century. London and Starling VA

Oliver R. (2007). The Impact ofParental Imprisonment on Children. Quaker United Nations Office Avenue du Mervelet, Switzerland

Phil. Dr.(2005). Family First: Your Step-by-Step Plan for Creating a Phenomenal Family. Chapter Five

Purwanto. N. (2002). Psikologi Pendidikan. Bandung. Rosda Karya

Santrock, J, W. 2002. Life-Span Development. Perkembangan Masa Hidup. Edisi kelima. Jilid Satu Erlangga

Shapiro, L. S.1999.Mengajar Emosional Intelegensi Pada Anak. Jakarta: Gramedia

Shocib, M.1998. Pola Asuh Orangtua. Jakarta: Rineka cipta

Thompson. K. (2002). Emile Durkheim.London. Routledge

Yolanda J., & Peeterkin. (2003) Children of Incarcerated Parents. National Resource Center for Foster Care and Permanency Planning. New York



Asmawati, L. (2015). Gaya Pengasuhan Orangtua untuk Pembentukan Karakter Melalui Penerapan Permainan Tradisional pada Anak Usia Dini, 4 – 5 Tahun. Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Atikan, Minda Masagi Press and UPI Bandung, Indonesia. ISSN 2088-1290 and website: www.atikan-jurnal.com

Alston, R.J.; Harley, Debra; Lenhoff, Karen. (2007). Hirschi's Social Control Theory: A Sociological Perspective on Drug Abuse Among Persons with Disabilities. The Journal of Rehabilitation. The Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan. All inquiries regarding rights should be directed to the Gale Group.

Barbieri, C. (2012). Seven Important Aspects of Mindful Parenting. http://www. waldorflibrary.org/journals/15-gateways/125-fallwinter

Barry A., Krisberg. (2001) The Plight of Children Whose Parents Are in Prison. Views from the National Council on Crime and Delinquency. ARTICLES\Children of Incarcerated Parents Newsletter.wpd

Beena I. (2004). Importance of Value Education in Modern time. Education India Journal: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education, ISSN 2278-2435, Vol. 1, Issue- 3, August 2012

Berns R.M. (1997). Child, Family, School, Community Social and Support. Harcourt Brace Collage Publihers (Bab Ecology Parenting)

Cheryl S., Marsiglia, et.al.2007. Impact of Parenting Styles and Locus of Control on Emerging Adults. Journal of Education and human Development. Volume 1 issue 1 issn.1934-7200

Christopher S .(2005). A Review of the Relationship Among Parenting Practices, Parenting Styles, and Adolescent School Achievement.Journal Educational Psychology. University at Albany, State University of New York Albany New York

Frechtling.A. J. (2007). Logic Modeling Methods in Program Evaluation. Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation


Daniel J.H. (2006). The Influence of Verbal Respons to Common Greeting on Complicance Behavior: the Foot- and -the -Moouth Effect. Journal of Applied Social psychology, Volume 20 Issue 14.July 2006.

Diane E., Mc Clellan & Susan J. K. 1999. Children’s Social Behavior in Relation to Participation in Mixed-Age or Same-Age Classrooms. Ealry Chilhood Research and Practice. Issue 1 Volume 1.

Elizabeth N. Marie A.. Halpenny (2010). Children’s Perspectives on Parenting Styles and Discipline: A Developmental Approach. The National Children’s Strategy Research Series

Fahimeh R. N, Rahimi H. (2013). The Impact of Authoritative, Permissive and Authoritarian Behavior of Parents on Self-Concept, Psychological Helath and Life Quality. European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences; Vol. 2. No. 1

Farzana B., A. Ghafoor. C., Erum A Awan,Bushra T. (2013). FarContribution of Parenting Style in life domain of Children. IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 12, Issue 2

Gadeyne, Ghesquiere, &Onghena (2004). Longitudinal Relations Between Parenting and Child Adjustment in Young Children. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent PsychologyVolume 33, Issue 2

Hagen, K.A., &Myers, B.J. (2003). The effect of secrecy and social support on behavioral problems in children of incarcerated women. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 12(2), 229-242.

Hogughi, M., Nicholas L. (2003) Parenting: Theory and research for practice. Sage Publication. London

Hoekstra & D.Twisk(2010).The Role of Parents in the informal learning process of children in the age group 4 tol 2 years-old; A first investigation. Article.www.swof.nl/…/201103-informal-Education.

Indang M, Asrori, dan Donatianus. (2008). Pola asuh orang tua terhadap perilaku sosial remaja di desa Arang Limbung Kecaamatan sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Universitas Tanjung Pura. Pontianak. Jurnal. untan.ac.id/index.php/jpmis/article/ download/962/pdf

Johnston, D. (2001). Incarceration of women and effects on parenting. Paper presented at the Conference on the Effects of Incarceration on Children and Families, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL


Krech. D; Crutchfield. (1991). The Individual in Society: A Textbook of Social Psychology. Vol. 41 .Oxford University Press, http://www.jstor.org/ stable/2573292

Kristin Z, M.A. & Nicholas L, (2006) Parent and Child Communication, Journal: Department of Pediatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Artwork by Scott Snider

Lawrence E.., Mahwah, N.J. Maccoby, E.E. (2002). Gender & Social Exchange: a developmental perspective. In Laursen and Graziano(Eds.) Social Exchange and Development, Vol. 95 of New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Landesman andM. Bristol-Power (Eds.) Parenting and the Child’s World: Influences on Academic, Intellectual andSocial-Emotional Development, pp. 35-46.

McClellan, D. E., & Kinsey, S. (1999) Children's social behavior in relation to participation in mixed-age or same-age classrooms. Early Childhood Research & Practice [Online], 1(1). Available: http://ecrp.uiuc.edu/ v1n1/v1n1.html.

Majesty Yulion. (2013). Memahami Pengalaman Komunikasi Pengasuhan Anak dalam Extended Family. E-Journal Undip Semarang

Mido Chang, Park B., & Sunha Kim.(2009). Parenting Classes, Parenting Behavior, and Child Cognitive Development in Early Head Start: A Longitudinal Model. The School Community Journal. Vol. 19 No.1

Murray, J., Farrington, D.P., Sekol, I., & Olsen, R.F. (2009). Effects of parental imprisonment on child antisocial behavior and mental health: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews,) Oslo, Norway. The Campbel collaboration

Niermann, P. (2013).Innovation,formal and informal education:can universities nurture the creativity of students?

Article:http://unicaroma2010.it/drupal6/drupal6/sites/default/files/file/Article diakses 9 April 2015


Patricia E. Kahlbaugh & Jeanette M. H. (1994). Non Verbal Communication Between Parents and Adolesence; a Study of Approach and Avodance Behaviors. Journal of Nenverbal Behavior. UCLA, Los Angeles

Poehlmann, J., Dallaire, D. H., Loper, A.B., & Shear, L. (2010). Children’s contact with their incarcerated parents: Research findings and recommendations. American Psychologist, 65, 575-598. doi:10.1037/a0020279

Redding, S. (2010).The International Academy of Education–IAE. Switzerland: Journal PCL Lausanne. www.ibe.unesco.org/.../EducationalPracticesSeries

Sanders, E. Rachel D. (2011). Children of Incarcerated Parents. Article. http://www.human.cornell.edu/pam/outreach/parenting/research/upload/Childr en-of-Incarcerated-Parents diakses tgl 28 Pebruari 2015

Swartz. (2012). The positive Deviance Approach to Behavioral and Social Change. Proceeding Whoole Grains Summit 2012. AACC International

Stephen J. B. (2000).The Nurturing Parenting Programs. The International Journal 3(3):1071–1080. Wasingthon DC



Kartini Marzuki, dilahirkan di Tonasa Kabupaten Pangkep Sulawesi Selatan

pada tanggal 22 Maret 1969. Merupakan anak kedua dari sembilan bersaudara dari

orang tua H. Marzuki dan Hj. Muhani. Penulis menikah dengan Dr. Ansar, M.Si

Penulis menyelesaikan pendidikan Sekolah Dasar di SD Negeri Tonasa pada

tahun 1981, Sekolah Menengah Pertama di SMP Swasta disamakan Tonasa pada

tahun 1984, Sekolah Pendidikan Guru di SPG Negeri Bungoro Pangkep dan

melanjutkan ke Jenjang S1 di IKIP Ujung Pandang Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah

pada tahun 1987 dan lulus pada tahun 1993. Mendapatkan kesempatan untuk lanjut

ke Jenjang S2 pada tahun 1996 pada program Studi Ilmu Sosial konsentrasi

Sosiologi dan Antropologi di UNPAD dan selesai pada tahun 1999. Pada tahun 2013

melanjutkan studi S3 pada Program Studi Pendidikan Luar Sekolah UPI.

Pada tahun 1994 Penulis mulai bekerja sebagai dosen Pendidikan Luar

Sekolah di IKIP Ujung Pandang. Pada tahun 2007 sampai sekarang homebase penulis

di PGPAUD UNM. Penulis Aktif sebagai Akademisi dan nara sumber Di SKB

Pangkep sejak tahun 2005-2007, dan Sebagai Akademisi dan Nara Sumber di

BPPAUD Dikmas sejak tahun 2008 sampai 2013.

Beberapa karya Ilmiah yang telah dihasilkan adalah: Upaya Pengembangan

Kewirausahaan pada Narapidana Delik Pencurian di Lapas Kelas I Makassar.

Analisis Program Keterampilan pada Narapidana Wanita di Lapas Kelas I Makassar.

Penyelenggaraan Program PAUD pada Masyarakat Marginal di Kota Makassar.


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