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Handling My Difficulty in Opening Conversation as a Salesperson with Foreign Customers in Succoth Store the Tent of Appreciation.


Academic year: 2017

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Tugas Akhir ini membahas masalah yang saya hadapi saat melakukan magang di toko Succoth The Tent of Appreciation (STA). Masalah yang saya hadapi adalah kesulitan dalam membuka percakapan dengan orang asing ketika saya bertugas menjadi penjaga toko di STA.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis, saya menemukan penyebab dan akibat dari masalah yang saya hadapi. Penyebab pertama adalah terbatasnya kosakata yang saya miliki dan yang kedua adalah rasa gugup yang saya rasakan ketika harus berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dengan orang asing. Sedangkan akibat dari masalah saya adalah saya merasa tidak nyaman selama melakukan percakapan dan tamu asing yang berkunjung ke toko tidak mendengarkan apa yang saya katakan.



A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study G. Organization of the Term Paper CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS………...………...6









A. Background of the Study

Communication has been a key element to interact with people in

every society since the beginning of time. Not only for everyday

interactions, communication is also important in doing business especially

in sales. As stated in a book entitled How to Talk to Absolutely Anyone

that “Communication is absolutely crucial for business and personal

succes” (5). In relation with that statement, good communication is needed

in doing bussines especially in dealing with prospective customers when a

sales person is trying to approach a potential customer. The article

“Opening Statement” states that “Nothing is more important to prospecting

(other than actually doing it) than the quality of your opening statement”

(par. 1). It means that how a sales person open conversations is important

in sales.

Good communication in doing sales is initiated by appropriate

conversation openings.The article “Improving Your Conversation” states


and invest in the conversation”(par. 7). During my internship since 25

December 2013 until 10 January 2014 in Succoth The Tent of Apreciation

(henceforth: STA) , I realized that the ability to open conversations well is

important regarding my position as a shopkeeper there.

A shopkeeper must have an ability to communicate well with the

customers because he or she is the first person that customers will interact

with at the store. It is the duty of the shopkeeper to persuade the

customers to buy the product for examples shoes, shirt, T-shirt, jeans and

accessories. In doing so, a good approach in the begining of the

conversations with customers is crucial to make the persuasion smooth

and not intimidating for the customers.

During my internship, when foreign customers came to STA, I

actually had to approach them and started making conversation with them.

However, I prefered to wait until they came and asked me first for

information concerning STA because I found it difficult to open a

conversation. As a student of an English Program, I should have become

accustomed to communicating in English. Yet, I felt nervous when I have

to deal with foreigners. The difficulty made me not able to perform well on

my internship.

Realizing the importance of making a good conversation openings, I

decide to take this topic for my term paper. In my opinion, it is important to

find the solution to my problem because the solution will help me to


critically and systematically, based on the principles of scientific research,

so that I can find the best solution to solve my problem.

B. Identification of the Problem

The problem that I am going to discuss in this paper is formulated

as follows:

1. Why did I get difficulty in opening conversations with foreign

customers as a salesperson at STA?

2. How did the problem affect my performance as a shopkeeper in


3. How should I overcome the difficulty in opening conversations with

foreign customers?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

The objective of this term paper is to find out the causes and

effects of the problem, and to provide the best solution for the problem.

There are some benefits for the institution, the readers, and also for me as

the writer of this term paper. The benefit for STA is that the other

employees, especially the shopkeepers who work for this institution will

know what to do to solve a similar problem. The benefit for the readers is

they can apply the best solution to open conversation with others,

especially with foreign people. Last but not least, the benefit for me as the


D. Description of the Institution

Based on the interview with Mr. Ishzkia as the owner of STA. The

store was opened 21 August 2013. It is located on Jalan Mertasari 143

Kerobokan - Bali. The store is strategically located, because it is near

Seminyak beach and Petitenget beach, so the customers can find STA

easily and there are quite alot of foreign tourists espicially from Australia

living there. The present location makes it the perfect choice to stay to chill

and shop.The shop had a vintage concept. What makes the shop unique

is that there is a coffee shop in STA. The owner wants to make the

customers to also enjoy the environment there, not just for shopping. STA

had 3 employees. 1 as a cashier, 1 as a cleaning service and 1 as a

barista. The shop offers various kinds of body wear such as shirts,

trousers, accessories, and shoes, with its specialty in handmade shoes.

Some photos of the products sold in the shop are put in appendix D.

E. Method of the Study

In doing this study, I applied two methods that are field research

and library research. For the field research, I did an observation during my

internship in STA Bali. The data from the observation were recorded in my

internship journal. For the library research, I gathered data from both

printed and electronic resources.


This study focuses on the problem I found when opening

conversations with foreign customers. I had the problem when I did my

internship from 25 December 2013 until 10 January 2014 as a shopkeeper

in STA.

G. Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper starts with Abstract, Declaration of Originality,

Acknowledgements, Table Of Contents and divided into four chapters. The

first chapter consists of Background of the Study, Identification of the

Problem, Objective and Benefits of the Study, History of the Institution,

Method of the Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. The second

chapter discusses the causes and also the effects of my problem. The

third chapter discusses potential solutions, with their positive effects and

also negative effects. Then, the last chapter discusses the conclusion of




In the previous chapters, I have discussed my difficulty in opening

conversations with foreign customers during my internship from 25

December 2013 until 10 January 2014 in STA. The causes of the problem

are I did not have enough vocabulary and I was lacking in confidence

when I had to talk in English. This problem also produces some effects.

Those effects are I did not feel comfortable when I had to open

conversations, and the customer did not listen to what I said. To solve the

problem, I propose three potential solutions. The first potential solution is I will practise using my body language. The second potential solution is I will learn the vocabulary for selling. Then, the third potential solution is I

should practice my conversation by talking in front of the mirror (doing self


In my opinion, the best potential solution to solve my problem is if I


will learn the vocabulary for selling in English so when I have to talk in

English I can express what I want to say aprropriately, and the foreigners

can understand what I say. The two potential solutions above will not be

perfect without the third potential solution which is practising my

conversation by talking in front of mirror. Because in my opinion practice in

front of the mirror can make me feel more confident, so I can be more

comfortable when talking in English with foreign customers.

In conclusion, the combination of all these potential solutions is

the best choice. However, there is one thing that must be considered,

which is that I only focus on facial expressions and gesture when

practising. Although I have already known the vocabulary for selling and the appropiate body language, it is still possible that I make a mistake in a

real conversation because I only focus on my facial expressions. Thus, I

suggest that shopkeepers with the same problem as mine should be

aware of this possibility and prepared to keep their focus when applying



Printed Sources

Clayton, Peter. Body Language At Work London: Duncan Petersen

Publishing Ltd, 2003.

Rhodes, Mark. How To Talk To Absolutely Anyone. London: Tj International

Ltd, 2013.

Electronic Sources

Bonander, Ross. “4 Steps: Start The Conversation” Askmen.com. 2013. 28

January 2014



Edberg, Hendrik. “Do You Make These Mistake in Conversation.”


<http://www.positivity.com/index.php/2006/11/05/do-you-make-these-10-mistakes-in-a-conversation/> “5 Ways to Shake Shyness.” Teenshealth.org.

June 2013. 21 February 2014


Five Secret Tips to Speak English Fluently and Confidently.” Hubpages.com.

2013. 20 February 2014


“Gesture and Positioning.” Rpi.edu. 2013. 24 January 2014



Hoge, A.J . “Speaking English Fluently.” Effortenglishclub.com 2013. 20

January 2014

< http://effortlessenglishclub.com/speaking-english-fluently>

“How Communication Goes Wrong.” helpguide.org. 2014. 15 June 2014


“Improving Your Conversation Speaking.” Improveyourskills.com 2014. 24

January 2014

< http://www.improveyoursocialskills.com/basic-social-skills-guide>


January 2014


Larsson,Theresa. “Vocabulary Learning.” Diva-portal.org. 2010. 15 April 2014


Lidiya. “Building Self-Confidence with The Mirror Technique.”

Letsreachsucces.com. 2013. 19 February 2014


“Opening Statement.” Justsellcom. 2014. 15 April 2014


“Overcome Your Shyness and Nervousness in Conversation.”

Englishforpleasure.com. 2013. 15 January 2014


english/Overcome your shyness and nervousness in conversation>

Philip, Brad. “Should You Really Practice in Front of a Mirror.”

Mrmediatraining.com. 2013. 20 February 2014


Real, Royane. “Overcome Your Fear of Speaking English.”



english/Overcome your fear of speaking English>

Real, Roayane. “Why Should You Add New Words to Your Vocabulary.”

Selfgrowth.com. 2009. 20 February 2014



Rubin, Gretcher. “How to Avoid Awkward Conversations When Meeting

Someone New” Lifehacker.com. 2012. 10 January 2014.


Seyfi, Philiph.“Sharpen of Your Communication.” Lingualift.com 2012. 24 Feb



“Tips for non-verbal communication” Smallbigchange.com. 2013. 5 March



“What Is The Importance of Vocabulary.” Wisegeek.com. 2010. 13 Feb 2014


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