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to English Applied Linguistucs Study





for the Degree

of Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 809111024






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· .







to English Applied Linguistucs Study





for the Degree

of Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 809111024




A TilE I




Regis tration Number: 809111024

English Applied Un::uistics Study l'rogram Postgraduate School S tate Unive..,iry of Medan

This thesis " as •"•mined on 1\hlrch 8", 2012

Appro•·ed b}:

;\dvilier Commi,~iun

SccmHI Adviser

Prof. Amrin Sara ih i\1. A Ph.D. Nil'. 19550113 198203 I 002









This rhesi> wos examined on March s••· 20 12 by rhe llourd of Examiners

Board of Exa miners:

I. Dr. S ri Minda lllurni. M.S.

' II'. 19630525198803 2 016

2. l'ror. A onrin Sarugih. 1\l.A., Ph.D. N IP. 19550113 198203 J 002

3. l'o·of. Tinu Ma ria ny Arifin. M.A., Ph .D. N IP. 19440302 196902 2 001

~ . Prof. llr. Berlin Sibarani.IIJ.I'd.

' II'. 195706 15 198203 I 005

5. Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan. M.Hum.



Gust iaoy, 2012.

Geuder's Laaguage Style irr Facebook Status.

A Thesis, English Applied Linguistics Study Program, The Postgraduate Program of State University ofMedan. Adviwrs: ( 1) Dr. Sri Minda Mumi, M.S., (II) Prof. Amrin Sarngih, M.A., Ph. D .

This study addresses language sty le. different ways of communicating, and the purposes of commwlication of male and female in Facebook status. The objectives of the study are: a) tO find out the dominant type of language style used by male and female; b) to describe the way of communicating between male and female; and c) to describe the purposes ofconununication of male and female in Facebook status. The data were obtained from 33 m ales' s tatuses and 33 females' s tatuses in December 20 11. The data \vere analyzed based on three theory, first is three language style according to Joos (1967), they are formal style, consultative style and casual style; second is the difference ways of commwlicati ng between male and female according to Tannen (1992), they are advice versus understanding, information versus feeling, and conflict versus compromise; th ird is the purposes of FB communication according to Patrick (2010), they arc entertainment, integration into communiry, relationship maintenance, and identity construction. The findings show that: a) the dominant style used by both male and female in Facebook status are consultative style; b) Males use advice (39.4 %) more than females (24.2 %) and females use feeling (51.5 %) more than males (36.5 %); c) The reasons of communication of male a nd female in Foccbook starus ore: identity construction, giving information, prayi ng, feeling, and giving advice.




Gustiany, 2012.

Geuder's Lauguage Style iu Facebook Status.

A Thesis, Program Studi 1-inguistik Terapan Bahasa lnggris, Sekolah Pascasarjuna Uni versitas Negcri Mcdan. Pembim bi ng: (1) O r. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., (11) Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph. D.

Penelitian ini menunjukkan gaya bahasa, perbcdaan cara bcrkomunikasi, dan tujuan komw1ikasi laki-laki dan perempoon di status Facebook. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: a) menemukan gaya bahasa dominan yang digunakan laki-laki dan percmpuan; b) menjelaskan earn bcrkomooikasi antara laki-laki-laki-laki dan percmpuan; dan c) menjelaskan tujuan-tujuan komunikasi laki-laki dan perempuan da lam status f'acebook. Data didapatkan dari 33 stan.s laid laki dan 33 status perempuan pada Desember 2011. Data yang d ia nalisis berdasarkan tiga teori. l'c rtama adala h tiga gaya bahasa mcnurut Joos (1 967), yai tu gaya formal, gaya konsultotif, dan gaya santai; kedua adalah perbcdaan cara berkomunikasi antara laki-laki dan percmpuan menurut Tannen ( 1992), yaitu saran la\.\'lln pengertian, informasi lawan perasaan, dan konflik lawan kompromi; kctiga adalah tujuan-tujuan komunikasi Facebook menurut Patrick (20 1 0), yain. hiburan. integrasi kedalam komunitas. pemertahanan hubungan, dan pembcntukan jati diri. llasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: a) gaya bahasa dominan yang digunakan oleh laki-laki dan perempuao di status Focebook adalah gaya konsultatif; b) laki- laki menggunakan saran (39.4 %) lebih banyak daripada perempuan (24.2 %) dan percrnpuan me nggunakan perasaan (5 1.5 %) lebih banyak daripada laki - laki (36.5 %); c) Alasan·alasan komunikas i laki-laki dan pcrempua n di s tatus Faceboook adalah: pembangunan jmi diri,



First of all, the writer would like to express he r f.>reatest gratitude to

Allah SWT, the Almighty that has given her the ability, health, and safety until

at last this thesis can be completed.

Her first s incerest gratitude goes to her parents; A. Darwin Siregar, S.E

and Prof. Or. Sri M.ilfaycuy, S.Psi., M.S., Kons. and her brother Faisbal Amri ,

who never stopped s uppOrting her. Their love always gu ide her through her life,

a nd may


Allah SWT protect them always.

She would like 10 record her gratefully ackno wledge to her advisors

Dr. Sri Mi nda Mumi, M.S and Prof. Atnrin Sarogin, M.A ., Ph .D. fo r the ir

supervision, advice, and guidance from the very early s tage of this research as



giving her extraordinary experiences throughout the work .

Her sincere thankfulness is also extended to

Prof. Tina Mariany, M.A., Ph.D., Prof. Or. Be rlin Sibarani, M.l'd., and

Or. Anni £1olila Pul ungan, M.Hum., members of the Exan1ination Committee

for helping her improves the quality of the thesis and broadens her horizon.

Prof. Dr. Busmin Guming. M.Pd. and

Or. Anni l~ o lila Pulungan, M.llum., both as Head and Secre tary to the English Applied Linguistics Program, their administrative he lp a lways kindly grant her

their tinlc even for answering some of her uninte lligent questions about the


· Her special thanks are also directed to all lecturers in Appl ied

Linguistics Program UN!MED, for all their constructive comments on this

thesis. She would a lso acknowledge a ll of bis kind classmates for their advice

and their wi llingness to share their bright thoughts with her, which was very

fruitful for shaping up his ideas and research and also her special friend

M. Anggie Daulay, M. Hum, thanks fo,· the prayer and joys.

Last but least. the writer is greatly thankful to all her friends and

col leagu es who never fell bored of reminding her to complete this thesis.

Finally, the wri ter has not lost her wise words to pray to God, Al lah SWT, to

give them proper reward.

Medan, March


The Writer,

AI tina G ustiany





TABLE O F CONT ENTS ... ... ... ... .... iii

LIST OFT ABL ES... ... ... ... v

ABSTRAcr ... ... vi

C II APTER I : I TROOUCflON .... .. .... ... ... .... ... ... 1

I. I The Backgro und of the Study ... , .. , . . . I 1.2 TI1e Problems of the Study . . . ... 7

1.3 The Objectives of the Study ... ... ... ... 7

1.4 The Scope of the Study .. ... ... ... .. .... 7

1.5 The Significance of the Study ... ~. ... . .. ... 8





2.1 Language Styles . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . ... I 0 2. 1. I FrO'l..Cn Style ... ... ... ... ... , . .. .. I 0 2 .1.2 Pormal Style... .... ... ... ... II 2.1.3 Consulwtive Style .. . . .. . . . .. . . . ... .. 12

2. 1.4 Casual Style ... .. ... ,... 12

2. 1.5lntirnntc Style ... ... ... ... ... 13

2.2 Gender ... .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . ... . . 14

2.3 Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) ... 21

2.3.1 Synchronous CMC ... ... ... 23

2.3.2 Asynchronous CMC .... ... ... ... 23

2 .3.2. 1 Facebook .... .. . . .. .. . . ... . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. 24

(10) The Reasons of Communication

in Face book ... ... .... ... .. ... ... ... 26

2.4 Previous Researc h o n Gender's language style ... ... 28

2.5 Conceptual Framework .. . . 3 I CH APT ER ill: RESEAllC H METHOD ... .... .. . ... 33

3. 1 The Research Design . . . 33

3.2 The Data Resources . ... .. .. .. ... ... 33

3.3 The Technique of Data Collection ... ... ... ... 34

3.4 The Technique of Data Analysis . .. . . . ... . .. . . ... 34


4. 1 T he Find ings . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . .. . . ... 36

4.1. I Language Style used by Male and Fema le... 37

4 . I .2 The Difference ways of Commuwcating Between Male and Female . . . .. . . .. . 4 1 4. 1.3


Reasons of CornmlUlication of Male and Fema le .. ... .... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... . ... 50

4.2 Discussion ... ... ... , .... , .... , . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . 58


5. I Conc lus ions ... ... ... ... ... .... ... 60

5.2 Suggestions . . . .. 61

REFER ENCES ... ... . ... ...



T able




Distinctive Communication between Male and Female .. .. ... .. . . .. 20

Table 2. Language Style in Male Statuses ... 37

Table 3. Language Style in Male and female Sta tuses... ... .... ... 40

Table 4. The Ways of Communicatio n


Ma le Stat uses ... .... ... 43

TableS. The Ways ofCommwucation in Male Statuses in Percentage .. .... 45

Table 6. The Ways of Communication in Female Statuses ... 47

Table 7. The Ways of Communication in Female Statuses


Percentage .... 49

Table 8. The Reasons o f Communication in Ma le Statuses ... . . . ... . . .. 52

Table 9. The Reasons ofComnumication in Male a nd Female Statuses ... 57








1.1 The Background of t he S tudy

Communication is one of those human activities that everyone

recognizes but few can define satisfactorily (Fiske in Thompson, 2003). The

purpose o r communication is socia l in teraction through messages.

Communicatjon very irnport.ant to internet with other people, one of its

purposes is giving information. According to Shannon in Thompson (2003)

there are three models of interaction: first is transmitter (the person initiating

the communication, second is rcceh er (the person being communicated

with), and the third is noise (the set of factors which can interfere the

communica,ion bel"'een another two c lements). The transmitter

communicates with the recei ver by using noise or sound.

In past, people use body lungungc to cornm unicate, then use sound.

w ith the development of ern, peOJ>Ie use language to comm unicate.

Language functions are to share ideas, feelings, desires, and most of

human's knowledge and culture stored and transmitted through language.

Every group of people has certain language, but because of the civilization

of England, English become world language. Many people over the world

use English to communicate.



there is one area in the internet that the users can communicate w ith many

people all over the world. named social media. Soc io l med ia or also known

as Instant Social Ne£\vorking (ISN) i s online vinual worlds and simulations,

for example World of Worcraft (Koriman, 20 11). F irst known social

net\vork is J:"l'iendster, then Facebook. 1'\vitter, Bo lgs, Myspace, Skype,

Google +, etc. Most of pcol>le use Facebook rather than the other social

n e twork because Faccbook has many appl ication s and usage.

Facebook is o n e of social n e1works w ith all over t he world users. In

Facebook~ people can communicate with others all over the world who use

f'ac1:book too. find an o ld f riend, make new friend. seek and share

infonnation, share idea, piny g.an1es, even make an advertisement or sell

product. If one wants to find an old friend, for example. can ""'rile her name

on the search box, and rhe Face b ookers will a p pear t hen cl ick (ldd friend,

request wil l be sent ro the Facebookc.rs. One can be friend wi th the

Faeebookers if the she nccepts one's friend's request. One can also share

in formation o r song u sing Fncebook by putting rh~ link in onc •s status and

o ther Facebookcrs w ill be able to see info rmation. songs. photos. or videos.

Facebookers can write public messages to Friends by po~ling on their TYall.

Pri vat e messages can be sent Ulr'ough nn inbox system s.:Cnilar to emai l , and

Faccbookers can have real-time conversat ions wi th another using Chat.

F'acebookers can assoc;iate themselves with other prolilcs through Groups

und Fan Pases. O n Faccbookers individual profi l e, t hey can post photos ..



Basic Jnformaiion. like one,s binhdny and political references, to Personal

Infornu:.tlon, l ike Abo ut Me section and Ravorite Quotation section.

Besides l h nc, l here i s a box on the l Op with t he sentence " \VhtU's i n

your n1ind?'• where the facebookers can share their fee lings, thoughts and

infonnation. It is called faccbook stmus. for instance:

Faccbooker's status: ""Tcrpujilah engknu waha i ibu Oopak guru. E ng.knu

pah la\van tan pa tanda jasa. nam un bagiku pei,g.nbd ian, pcngorbanan, dan kesctiann wajib kami berikan setulusnya. Selnmat Hari Guru buat guruku, doscnku. g uru besarku. dan seluruh guru yang t elah mcngorbanknn bnnyak waktu untuk mcncerdaskan kehidupan bangso. Semoga scla l u diber'ikan keschatan dun kemuda hon dalam m e loksanakan tugns mulia. Am in. @u

Another Facebookers can g ive their thumbs (Like) if they like the

Status and also g ive comment to the status. for instance:

YP (nu ale s tatus) Con'l m c ntator:

Vony S trg (fema le) j<d

Eny Slyvia (female) N inie Nak Gigi (fem ale) Winda S iregar (fcmo le) bru

Jurnriah Rhya (female) Ycngheng Ndut Nnbaban (fernnlc)

: uAku ttm nku sa lah. m aa fkan aku synk ... . "

: ··va sayank,, t.ak npc2 ko .• huhahhahhahaha,

kddg ..

: uTiada maafbagi rnu .• hchcheee ·~

: •• lye z mfknjki, wkkk"

: ··n gomong l gsung k org tau fbnya bang tu

ta nggungjwb

: " (yao.c._aq dah rna 'afk.an khieem.u : .. Sekarang lg bnyak tu cow bmi·y em

n gomo ng dibelakang ..



user·s extended social network. TI1us~ a socia l net'\\'Orking site is an online

cxt c,p s ion of a user's everyday social circle .

S imila r 10 Boyd and E llison (2008), Lampe, E llison, and Steinlield (2006) find out that the m ajority of s tudencs usc Facebook to maintain

exi s1 ing rc latio nsh i.ps. In a fol low up study conduc ted in 2008. they fi nd out

that this trend has no t chan ged. T h is study revea ls that the tre nd o f

connec ting \.Vith friends is continuing ond people do not typically use the

medium to seek new friend ships.

Shen and Khalife (2009) conducted a research titled ·'Facebook

Usage among Arabic College Students: Preliminary Findings on Gender

Oifrerencesn. They say Arabian female students have limitation in

intcn.\c lion with their male fri e nd becuu sc o f the n o m1, conservative, and

traditio nal c ulture, but in Faccbook, they ore free to s peak and comm uni cate

w ith male Sl-udents. It i s suppo rted b y t he rcscm·chcrs' statement uFacebook

seems m ore important fo r female stude nts in UAB to extend the ir soc i~1l

network, get infonnation, and experiment diffC:rcnt identities". In this study,

the researchers identify a wide range of activities with Facebook and also

found the female students were reported to be significan1ly more active than

mu lc studentS.

Tile researchers found tha t (I) fcmole s tudents were repOrted t o be

m o re ucti vc in info nnation seeking and con1ribu1in g activities; (2) both male

a nd fc rnulc st udents cons ider Facebook os a socia l venue for nehYOr.k in,g and



female st udents; (3) Fa cebook was found


be a n imponant venue for the

female srude nts in experimenting different roles; while such role n o t salien1

amo n g the ma le students; (4) the us.ugc o f Facebook fo r fCmalc stude n ts is

cons istent with its bas ic fu nction, social networking; while ro.. fema le

s tudents, Facebook seems fulfill various ro les and cons ~itu tcs as an

imp<>rtnnl complemeru for limitatio ns in the ir physical social l ife. This study

sh ows that male and femal e communication diffc::rc:ntly in face book.

Traditionally. male and fcmnle arc believed to communicate in

different ways. Theoretically. rnale ond female use different way of

oom~n uni ca ri on (Tannen: 1992). She says traditionally, a male usually uses

his l ogic to tell something a nd f ema le usual ly use feeli rlg. She: a l so finds six

d iiTcrcnccs between male and fe ma le, su c h as: Status versus suppo rt ..

ind e p endence versus i ntimacy. advice versus u nderstanding. information

versus feel ing, orders versus proposH IS. and connie! versu s comprom i se.

T3nnc n in Bress (2000) say a male's world focuses o n competition, status.

and independence (th e guiding principle being


separa te and

difft:rent "). Meanwhile. a female's ,.,orld focuses on intimacy, con sensus.

and interdependence (the guiding principle bt:ing: --\ve·re close and the




1.2 The Pr·oblcrn of t h e Study

Based on the background of the rcsc:.wch hos deca iled a bove. lhc

problems arc fon·nu latcd as the following.

I. What type of language styles is dominantly used by male and female

in Facebook Status?

2. How are different ways of communicating between male and female

realized in F'accbook status?

3. What are t he rcu~o n s of communication of m a le and femo le in

Facebook status?

1.3 T be O bjectives o f Stud y

In line with the problems of the study. the objectives of the research


I. to lind out the dom inant type of language style used by ma le und

fema le in focebook status.

2. to describe the way of communicnting bct\\een male and femo1e is

realised in fitccbook status.

3 . to descri be the purposes of communicmion of male and fcm111c in

Facebook s totus.

1.4 Tbc Seopc o f the St udy

Faccbook ofTen. various funclions. such as: to communicate wi1h all



friend .. sec.:k and share infonnation. s hare idea. playing games, and even

make an advcrtisen"'ent and also components such as: home, profile. frlends.

lnbo.x messages. s tatu<; (what 's in your mind?), comme nt and like . .,· r at u ~·.

wnll (public l'nessagcs). g roups. events, pltiC<M', post photo ~ video or s htlf'e

link. Th is stu dy is fOcused o n Faccbook s tatus because Facebookcrs s hare

what they arc thinking a nd feel ing in s tatus.

Language u se consists of speech net, grammatical construction.

language s tyle, etc. Thus. the study is focused on language style according

tO Joos (1967) that exists in Faccbook status. The language styles are frozen

sty le, fonnal style, consu luuivc style, casual style, and intimate style. On

o ther words, the SlUdy is concen1ed with s ty list ics.

Accord ing to Tannen ( 1992). there are 6 diffe rences of

com municating between man and w o man . suc h as: Stat.us versus suppo •·t,

independence versus imi macy. advice versus unde rstand ing, infornullion

versu s fee ling. o rders versus proposals. and conflic t vers us comprom ise.

The wri ter wi ll find out whether the diffc:rc:nces also happen in social

network., like F'acebook or no t.


I. S The S ig n ifica nce o f S tudy


th a t, the tind ings urc ::llso e xpec ted to be bcncfic iul for learners who arc

depicted of socio lingu i stics in social nc lwork. especially in Faccbook

communication .

Practically. the findings are expected to be the guides for dtose who

arc interested in social ncovork communication. especially language and

gender in Facebook communication.


C fla(ttcr V

---- -~

ui LIK





5 •. 1 Concl u sions

After analyzing the data, some co n cl u~ions arc drawn us the fo llowing;

(I) The dominant languuge s ty le used in male and female status is

consultative style which means using semi-fonnal language and

provides background o f informatio n. There are 16 statuses (48.S %)

fo r male Statuses and 21 Statuses (63.6 %) for female statuses. TI1e

second higher is casual style whic h means using infom1al lan,guagc

and absence of background informa1ion. It i s conducted 9 statuses

(27.3 %) fo r male statuses nnd 13 statuses (39.3 %) lor femal e

s tatuses. Last, fonna l Slylc (us ing fonna l language and less of

background information) which only ~O un d in male status with 8 s tatuses (24.2 %).

(2) The ways of male comn1unic.nting are giving advice. in£ormatio n.

and raise conflict, while the woys o f female communicating are

understanding ~ fec:lin8. and compromise. for male. the highly way of communicating is giving advice with 13 s tatuses or equals with 39.4




b) Females use feeling (5 I .5 o/o) more than males (36.5 o/o)

(3) 1lle Qlain p urpose of communica tio n of male and femaJe i s showing

fee ling. It s h ows that 19 Staluses (57.6 o/o) m a le statuses and 15

s tatuses (45.4 %) !Cm u lc stat uses are showing feeling . The othCI'

purposes w hi ch exist in Faccbook statuses arc Giving ad v i ce with 7

s lntuscs (21.2 %) of ma le s tmuscs. wh ile I 2 slatu scs (36.4 %) o f

female statuses; Identity con struc tio n with 4 statuses (12.1 o/o) of

male ~ \ Vhile 2 statuses (6. 1 o/o); Giving informatio n with 1 statuses

(3 o/o) of male statuses, while 3 s 1n1uscs (9. 1 o/o); Praying with 2

statuses (6. 1 o/o) of male, while 1 StiiiUS (3 o/o) of female.

5.2 S u ggestions

In re la tio n to the conc lusions. s uggestions are st.age;:d as the

follow ing.

( I) The lecturers who play an i mpOrtan t role in teac hing

socio linguistics, techno logies. language and communicatio n can add

this research to be the a.dditionul resources in reach ing since social

media as one of the famous nnd interesling subjects to discuss.

(2) The leciUrcrs can use Fnccbook as a media to have social

imeraclions and share knowledge wi1h sruderns.

(3) To t he other researcher, it is expecled to do more rese-arch about




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TABLE OF CONT ENTS ............................ ....................... .... iii
Table I. Distinctive Communication between Male and Female .. .. ... .. . . .. 20


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