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INTRODUCTION The Management Of Vocational School (A Site Study at SMK Pelita Bangsa Sumberlawang Sragen).


Academic year: 2017

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A. Background

Superiorit y of a nat ion no longer rely on t he nat ural w ealt h, but on t he primacy of human resources (HR). Overall, t he qualit y of human resources in Indonesia is current ly st ill lag behind t he hum an resources of t he developed count ries and neighboring count ries, like M alaysia and Thailand

(Sod ikin, 2011: 1). The problems of educat ion in developing count ries by Philip H. Coombs include t he rapid increase of children so t hat not all children are accom m odat ed at t he school, t he qualit y of educat ion, t he discrepancy bet w een t he result s of schools w it h communit y needs, lack of resources and efficiency .

As one of t he developing count ries, Indonesia also faces t he problems raised by Coombs w it h t he reform agenda t hat must be implement ed in t he

field of educat ion. Furt her described by Bast ian cit ed by Trimant o Jono (2003: 21), t hat in line w it h t eaching in Indonesia, among t he fundament al problems faced is t he educat ion bureaucracy reform, mapping of decent ralizat ion syst em of educat ion, reorganizing t he m anagem ent of t he nat ional educat ion syst em, realizing t he equalit y of nat ional educat ion and

im proving t he qualit y and relevance of educat ion in t he curriculum .

Based on t he result s of research conduct ed by t he Human

Development Index (HDI), t he qualit y of educat ion in Indonesia is ranked 102 of 106 cou nt ries surveyed, and even a count ry ranked below Viet nam. M eanw hile, according t o research of World Compet it iveness Yearbook (W YC), Indonesia w as ranked 46 of t he 47 count ries surveyed in 1999.

Various at t empt s have been done by t he governm ent to improve t he qualit y of nat ional educat ion, among ot hers, t hrough t raining and upgrading t hrough t raining and upgrading of t eachers t hrough inservice t raining


curriculum improvement s, provision of t ext books and learning t ools, improved educat ional facilit ies and t he qualit y of school management (Purw adi Suhadini, 2002 : 5). Based on t hese st at em ent s, one of t he

import ant fact ors relat ed t o t he qualit y of educat ion is relat ed t o educat ional m anagem ent . If t his unit is associat ed w it h educat ion, t he qualit y of educat ion of a school is dependent on m anagem ent educat ion in t he school .

M anagem ent educat ion for all levels of educat ion m ust be addressed including for vocat ional educat ion. The exist ence of educat ional inst it ut ions

t hat prepare t his w orkforce, in line w it h t he demands of societ y w ill w ork. Vocat ional educat ion is educat ion t hat prepares st udent s t o w ork in a part icular field. (Educat ion Law No: 20. 2003). Wit h it s main t ask is t o prepare graduat es ent ering t he w orkforce, t he need t o fill m id -level skilled manpow er. PP 29 w as confirmed t hrough t he 1990 Art icle 1, paragraph 3 of t hat , t he Vocat ional Educat ion at t he level of secondary educat ion w hich priorit izes t he development of st udent s' abilit y t o perform cert ain t ypes of

w ork.

The success of an educational inst it ut ion is not only backed by t he full facilit ies and infrast ruct ure, qualified t eachers or st udent s' input is good, but t he school's cult ure plays an import ant role t o increase t he effect iveness of t he school.

SM K (Vocat ional High School) Pelita Sum berlaw ang Sragen is one of schools t hat can be said t o be effect ive, because t he school has a good

management st andard, t ransparent , responsible and account able, and be able t o em pow er every im port ant school com ponent , bot h int ernally and ext ernally, in order t o achieve t he vision, mission, and school goals effect ively and efficient ly. (Laely, 2010: 7).


Sumberlaw ang Sragen include t eaching and learning process w it h a curriculum t hat follow s t he science and t echnology, school leadership, school m anagem ent , infrast ruct ure and school cult ure.

Based on t he previous descript ions, t he researcher conduct ed research in SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen ent it led " The M anagement of vocat ional school, a sit e st udy at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen.”

B. Research Focus

Based on t he research background, t he focus of t his research is " How is t he m anagem ent of vocat ional school in SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen " . The focus is t ranslat ed int o four subfocuses as follow s.

1. How are charact erist ics of The Vocat ional Schoo l Curriculum at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen?

2. How are charact erist ics of Hum an Resources of Vocat ional School at SM K

Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen?

3. How are charact erist ics of The Vocat ional School Facilit y at SM K Pelit a

Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen?

4. How are charact erist ics of Vocat ional School Funds at SM K Pelit a Bangsa

Sum berlaw ang Sragen?

C. Research Objectives

Four research object ives w ere as follow s.

1. To describe t he charact erist ics of The Vocat ional School Curriculum at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen

2. To describe t he charact erist ics of Human Resources of Vocat ional School


3. To describe t he charact erist ics of The Vocat ional School Facilit y at SM K

Pelit a Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen

4. To describe t he charact erist ics of Vocat ional School Funds at SM K Pelit a

Bangsa Sumberlaw ang Sragen

D. Research Benefit s

1. Theoretical benefit

a. Concept ually can enrich t he t heory of school m anagem ent .

b . Cont ribut e t o science educat ion especially in t he management of

vocat ional school at SM K Pelit a Bangsa Sum berlaw ang Sragen 2. Practical benefits

a. Can cont ribut e suggest ions and t hought s for educat ional inst it ut ions in t he policy relat ing t o t he m anagem ent of vocat ional schools. b . As input in t he search for alt ernat ive answ ers t o t he problem s

associat ed w it h developing t he school management for providing

educat ion.

E. Glossary

1. Vocat ional school

Vocat ional school is a school t hat is built or est ablished t o creat e

e mployable graduat es t o suit t heir int erest s and t alent s. 2. Curriculum

The curriculum is all t he educat ional experience provided by t he principal t o all t heir st udent s, bot h conduct ed in t he school and out side school.

3. Hum an Resources


heredit y and environm ent , w hile his/ her perform ance is m ot ivat ed by a desire t o m eet his/ her sat isfact ion.

4. Facilit ies

Educat ional facilit ies are all facilit ies t hat direct ly support t he educat ional process and, in part icular t he learning process, w het her moving or not m oving t o t he achievem ent of educat ional goals can be run sm oot hly, orderly, effect ive and efficient .

5. Infrast ruct ure

Educat ional infrast ruct ure is a facilit y t hat does not direct ly support t he educat ional process or course of inst ruct ion.

6. Cost of Educat ion


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