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Forward Grade X Unit 5 Teacher ppt Agan Gupta Ilham


Academic year: 2017

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After this chapter, students are

expected to be able to:

Congratulate other people properly,

Distinguish the occasion of the


Differentiate between various

congratulatory message,

Express congratulatory message

appropriately according to the


- Is it important?

When a person has reached an achievement or become successful in their life, it is customary for us to congratulate them. The congratulatory is used as an expression of “shared feelings”, which means “we are as happy as you are”.


There are many types of congratulatory expressions we can give to others depending on the occasion and context. While it is nice to give someone a congratulation, we must also bear in mind to give them the most appropriate one. It is totally wrong to give someone an out-of-context congratulation; such as a congratulation for a graduation in a wedding.


You wouldn’t

want this to

happen, would


Some types of


Congratulation of a newborn baby,Congratulation of a graduation,

• Congratulation of a wedding,

• Congratulation for a job promotion, • Congratulation of a birthday,



A pregnancy or a newborn baby:

- “Thank you, it’s my first. I can’t wait!” - “Thank you, I hope it’s a boy!”

- etc.


- “Thanks! I finally graduated!” - etc.


- “Hey, thank you for coming, I appreciate it” - etc.









congratulate them for the occasion

showed in the previous slide,

You may choose to be the giver of

congratulation or the receiver,

When finish, switch role with your friend.


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