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T1 312012075 Daftar Pustaka


Academic year: 2017

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United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), From Conflict to Peace Building: The Role of Natural Resources and the Environment, Februari 2009.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Protection the Environment During Armed Conflict: An Inventory and Analysis of International Law, November 2009.


Aksar, Yusuf, Implementing International Humanitarian Law: From the Ad Hoc Tribunals to a Permanent International Criminal Court, Routledge, London & New York, 2004.

Al-Duaji, Nada, Environmental Law of Armed Conflict, Pace University School of Law, New York, 2002.

Arie, Afriansyah, State Responsibility For Environmental Protection During International Armed Conflict, University of Otago, Otago, 1996.

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Damagaard, Ciara, Individual Criminal Responsibility for Core International Crime, Springer – Verlag, Berlin, 2008.

Dinstein, Yoram, The Conduct of Hostilities under the Law of International Armed Conflict, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1976.

Eifan, Meshari K., Head of State Criminal Responsibility for Environmental War Crime: Case Study: The Arabian Gulf Armed Conflict 1990-1991. Pace University School of Law, New York, 2007.

Engeland, Anicee van., Combatant or Civilian: A Challenge for the Twenty-First Century, Oxford University Press, New York, 2011.



Henderson, Ian, The Contemporary Law of Targeting: Military Objective, Proportionality and Precaution in Attack under Additional Protocol I, Martinus Nijhoff Publisher, Leiden/Boston, 2009.

Hulme, Karen, “Natural Environment,” dalam Elizabeth Wilmshurst dan Susan Breau, ed., Prespective on the ICRC Study on Customary International Humanitarian Law, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2008.

Human Right Watch, Case Law Digest of the ICTY, New York, 2006.

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International Committe of the Red Cross (ICRC), How Does Law Protect in War, Jenewa.

International Committe of the Red Cross (ICRC), Commentary on the Additional Protocol of 8 June 1997 to the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949, Jenewa.

Koppe, Erik, The Use of Nuclear Weapons and The Protection of the Environment During International Armed Conflict, Hart Publishing, Oregon, 2008.

Malanczuk, Peter, Akehurt’s Modern Introduction to International Law, Routledge, London & New York, 1997.

Marzuki, Peter Mahmud, Penelitian Hukum, Kencana Prenada Media Group, Jakarta, 2013.

Rogers, A.V.P., Law on the Battlefield, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2004.

Sands, Philippe, Principles of Interntional of Environmental Law, Edisi Kedua, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2003.

Shaw, N. Malcolm (terjemahan oleh Derta Sri Widowatie et.al), Hukum Internasional (International Law), Nusa Media, Bandung, 2013.

Shaw, N. Malcolm, International Law Edisi Ke-6, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2008.

Schmitt, Michael N. Green, War: Assessment of the Environmental Law of International Armed Conflict, Naval War College, Newport, 1992.

Slamet, Titon Kurnia, Reparasi (Reparation) Terhadap Korban Pelanggaran HAM di Indonesia, PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung, 2005.



Solis, Gary D., The Law of Armed Conflict (International Humanitarian Law in War), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.

Wallace, M.M. Rebecca, International Law: Student Introduction, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1986.

Wehmeir, Sally, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 6th Ed. Oxford University Press, New York, 2000.

Wilmshurst, Elizabeth, dan Susan Breau, ed., Perspective on the ICRC Study on Customary International Humanitarian Law, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007.


Wunsch, C.R., “The Environmental Modification Treaty”, International Law Jurnal, Vol. 4, 1980, h. 126.


Putusan Mahkamah ICTY, Kasus Procesutor v. Brdanin, Nomor ICTY


Putusan Mahkamah Pidana Internasional (ICC), Kasus Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo (Pre-Trial), Nomor ICC-01/05-01/08.

Putusan Mahkamah Pidana Internasional, Kasus Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga

Dyilo (Trial Chamber I), Nomor ICC-01/04-01/06-2842.

Putusan Mahkamah Banding ICTY (the ICTY Appeal Chamber), Kasus

Prosecutor v. DU [KO TADI], Nomor IT-94-1-A.


 en.m.wikipedia.org, dikunjungi pada tanggal 16 Februari 2015 Pukul


 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_impact_of_Gulf_wars, dikunjungi


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