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Handling A Six-Year-Old Student Who Distracted The Class At Aces.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, saya membahas mengenai masalah yang saya hadapi ketika saya magang di ACES. Saya mengalami kesulitan dalam menangani salah satu anak yang selalu menganggu jalannya kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas. Anak tersebut selalu mengganggu jalannya kelas yang sedang berlangsung dengan melemparkan alat tulisnya ke lantai dan juga melamun, dia selalu menangis jika kalah bermain atau kalau gurunya tidak memperbolehkan dia bermain.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terdapat beberapa penyebab dan juga akibat dari masalah ini. Penyebab yang pertama Alfi egois. Penyebab yang kedua adalah mamanya memanjakannya. Dari masalah tersebut terdapat 3 akibat. Akibat pertama adalah seluruh kelas menjadi gaduh. Akibat kedua adalah guru sulit untuk memberikan perhatian yang sama terhadap semua murid. Akibat ketiga adalah murid yang lain menjadi marah kepada dia.

Terdapat tiga solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah yang saya hadapi. Solusi pertama adalah saya akan menanyakan

informasi tentang anak tersebut dari orang tuanya. Solusi yang kedua adalah saya akan memisahkan anak tersebut dari murid yang lainnya. Solusi yang ketiga adalah saya membuat pelajaran menjadi



Maranatha Christian University


ABSTRACT ………...… i





A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study G. Organization of the Term Paper CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ………. 6

B. LIST OF INTERVIEW QUESTION B.1 List of interview question 1 B.2 List of interview question 2 B.3 List of interview question 3


Maranatha Christian University


Causes of the Problem: 1. Alfi was self centered,

and always wanted to get the attention from others by thinking and acting egoistic.

2. His mother spoils the child.


I had a difficulty in handling 6-year- old

student that always distracted class.

Effects of the Problem: 1. The class became noisy. 2. It was difficult for the

teacher to pay equal attention to every student in the class

3. Other students were angry with him

Potential POSITIVE Effects: 1. I can know the child’s

background and also the personality, so I can find the best way to handle the child

Potential Solution I: I will ask for information about the child from his parents

Potential NEGATIVE Effects: 1. Parents will doubt the

teacher’ compentence in

handling their children.

Potential POSITIVE Effects: 1. The teacher can give

equal attention to the students

2. The class will not be noisy

Potential Solution II:

I will separate him from the other 1. The potential solution

might not be effective if it was done again and again everytime Alfi attends the class

Potential POSITIVE Effects:

1. He will be enthusiastic in doing his task and he will finish his work quickly

Potential Solution III:


Maranatha Christian University


1. Ms Lani, does Alfi always distract the class? What does he

always do? What do you do?

2. Have you told his parents about his behaviour in class?

What was their reaction about that?

3. You say that he cried when he came to ACES for the first

time. What are the reasons? What did you do?

4. What are the disadvantages when Alfi distracts the class?

5. What are the other students’ reaction when he cried

because he lost the games or he distracted the class?


Maranatha Christian University


1. Ms Lani sorry may I ask some questions?

2. Ms Lani, does Alfi do as he did when I did the internship here?

3. What are the solutions when Alfi distract the class?

4. What are the disavantages of asking for help from his parents?

5. You said that you separated him from other students. What are

the disavantages and the advantages of separating him from

the other students?

6. What are the adventages of having games after the class? And


Maranatha Christian University


1. Ms.Rhimel, sorry for disturbing you. When was the aces kids


2. Why is Aces Kids changed to ACES?

3. What are the aims and the missions of ACES?

4. What are the requirements that someone needs to work full time at Aces Kids?


Maranatha Christian University

C. 1 Transcription of the Interview 1

Name of the interviewer: Ivana Widyastuti Name of the respondent: Lani Fitriani Date of Interview: 2 July 2012

Place of Interview: Aces’ classroom

I: Ms. Saya ingin menanyakan tentang Alfi L: Boleh apa yang ingin kamu tanya?

I: Ms. Apakah Alfi selalu mengganggu kelas. Apa yang Ms lakukan? L: Yes , he always distract the class by throwing his pencil or his eraser to the floor, and he always cries if he loses the games like he did before. I always tell him not to throw his pencil to the floor, or when he cried, I just ignore him. Even when the first time he came, he cried. Ya, dia selalu mengganggu kelas dengan membuang alat tulisnya ke lantai, dan dia menangis kalau kalah bermain seperti tadi. Bahkan dia pertama kali datang ke ACES, dia menangis. Dan saya abaikan saja.

I: Ms, sudah bilang ke orangtuanya tentang Alfi belum? Dan bagaimana reaksi mereka?

L: Yes, I have. I have told his mom about Alfi always distract the class, but she told me to ignore him. In addition, when I told her Alfi always cries if he loses the games, she told me to ignore him too because he was seeking the attention. Sudah. Saya bilang ke mamanya tentang kelakuan Alfi, tapi dia bilang untuk mengabaikannya. bilang untuk mengabaikannya karena dia mencari perhatian.

I: Ms bilang dia menangis ketika dia datang pertama kali ke Aces. Apa alasannya dan apa yang Ms lakukan?

Ari perhat

I: apakah kerugian ketika Alfi mengganggu kelas?

L: Saya tidak dapat memberikan perhatian yang sama ke murid yang lain , karena dia mengganggu kelas?

I: bagaimana reaksi murid yang lain ketika Alfi mengganggu kelas?

L: Murid yang lain selalu marah kepada dia, dan Vania selalu mengatakan bahwa alfi selalu menangis kalau kalah bermain.


Maranatha Christian University

C.2. The Transcription of the Interview 2

Name of interviewer: Ivana Widyastuti Name of interviewee: Lani Fitriani Date of interview: 16 Agustus Place of interview: Aces classroom

I: Ms. Lani boleh saya tanya ? L: boleh apa yang mau ditanya?

I: Ms saya mau tanya tentang Alfi . Apakah Alfi tetap seperti ketika saya magang?

L: ya dia tetap menganggu kelas dengan melemparkan alat tulisnya dan juga dia tetap menangis ketika dia kalah bermain.

I: what are the solutions when he distract the class?

L: Saya selalu meminta bantuan dari mamanya untuk mengetahui

kepribadiannya dan juga apakah dia selalu mengganggu kelas di sekolah. Dan juga saya akan memisahkan dia dari yang lain ketika dia

mengganggu kelas, dan juga saya akan memperbolehjan dia bermain ketika dia telah selesai latihannya.

I: apa kerugian meminta bantuan dari orang tua anak tersebut?

L: orangtua anak tersebut merasa saya tidak cakap dalam mengajar anak mereka jika guru terus meminta bantuan dari mereka.

I: Apa keuntungan dan kerugian dari memisahkan Alfi dari murid yang lainnya.

L:. Dengan memisahkan dia dari murid yang lain, itu sangat membantu saya untuk memberikan perhatian ke semua murid di kelas dan juga kelas menjadi tenang. Dan kerugiannya adalah awalnya dia tidak menggangu kelas tapi untuk pertemuan yang selanjutnya dia tetap mengganggu kelas.

I: apa keuntungan dan juga kerugian bermain setelah kelas?


Maranatha Christian University


Name of Interviewer: Ivana Widyastuti

Name of interviewee: Ms. Rhimelda Marcella Yulita

Date and time of the interview: Thursday, 16th August 2012, 5 P.M. Place of interview: Ms. Rhimelda’s living room , Aces Kids second floor

I: Ms Rhimel, sorry for disturbing you. When did the aces kids establish? R: oh, it’s okay va, Ace Kids was established in 1998 by Dra. Leonny who wanted to improve their English skill.

I: What are the aim and the mission of ACES ?

R: first, the aim of Aces Kids is making the better development in the education in Indonesia especially, English course. Moreover, the mission of Aces Kids is making the kids even the parents can speak English fluently.

I: What are the requirements that someone need to work full time at Aces Kids?

R: he/ she must pass the toefl that Aces Kids give and they must pass the interview.

I: How is the organization hierarchy at Aces Kids?

R: All teachers report all of the activity that they did to me, moreover we always have a meeting every weekend to report all things, even plan the activity to do on the lesson.

I : okay that’ s all thank you for all your information R: you’re welcome.


Maranatha Christian University

D. Layout of the Classroom

Classroom 1

White board

Classroom 2

White board

TV and DVD Player

Teacher desk Window

Window Chairs



Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

At present, English has become an international language. The

development in the use of English also has an impact in English learning.

Nowadays, children have been taught English starting from preschool. Some

schools use English as the medium of instruction of their lessons .Even

English courses now provide classes for preschool and kindergarten children.

One of the English courses that provide the classes for children is

ACES. ACES is the English course where I did my internship. It is on Jalan

Astina 68 D. I did my internship from July to August 2012. I did my internship

as a teacher assistant of Ms. Lani Fitriani. I assisted her in teaching Basic 1

students to Basic 3 students. When I did my internship there, I had a problem

with one student who always distracted the class. His name is Alfi. He always

distracted the class by throwing his pencil or his eraser during lessons. He

also cried when he lost the game or his teacher did not allow him to play the



Maranatha Christian University interested in taking the topic about difficulty in handling a 6- year- old student

who distracted the class because this situation is new for me. Thus, I believe

the knowledge I get from writing this term paper will be very useful for me in

the future.

The title of this term paper is “Handling a 6- year- old student who

distracted the class at ACES”. The reason why I choose that topic for my term

paper is because such problem is frequently found. In addition, the topic is

the same with the problem I faced when I did my internship at ACES. In

Dealing with Troublesome Behaviour in Classroom, Sorcinelli says that

there is an increase about the concern, “among individual school members

about student behaviour that is, at least troublesome, and at the most

disruptive.” (1). Therefore, knowing how to handle such students will be

beneficial for the teachers who teach the students who distract the class.

B. Identification of the Problem

The problem that are going to be analyzed in the paper are formulated in

the questions below:

1. Why did I find difficulty to handle the student who always distracted

the class?

2. How does the problem affect the class situation?

3. How should I handle the student?



Maranatha Christian University C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

The objectives of the study are to find the causes and effects of the

problem and also to find the potential solutions of the problem. Besides, it is

to find the positive and the negative effect of the potential solutions and the

best potential solutions to overcome the problem.

The benefit of the study for the writer is I can use all the solutions for my

reference when I find a similar problem in the future. In addition, it can

improve my knowledge about class management, especially in handling

students who distract the class. The benefit for the readers and the institution

is to know the best solution on how to handle students who distract the class.

D. Description of the Institution

To gain information about the institution, I did an interview with Ms.

Rhimelda as the owner of ACES. Before it changed to ACES, the institution

was named Ace Kids. Ace Kids was established in1998 by Dra. Leony

Siswanti Tanama in Jakarta. Then, in 2002, Ace Kids opened their branch in

Bandung, located at Jalan Padjajaran on the third floor of Bank Mandiri. Since

1 January 2006, ACES has moved to the new place on Jalan Astina 68 D.

ACES is short for Active Communicative English Study. The reason why the

name Ace Kids was changed into ACES is because nowadays, not only kids

study English, but also parents even college students study English. The

classes in ACES are Joey, Kiddy, pre-Basic, Basic 1, Basic 2, Basic 3, Low



Maranatha Christian University and conversation classes. The aims and the visions of ACES are to provide

better English education in Indonesia and to make children and adults want

to study English.

E. Method of the study

The process of taking data for this term paper is first through observation

when I did my internship at ACES from July to August 2012. The observation

data is recorded in my internship journal. The other data are acquired from

the interviews with my supervisor, Ms. Lani Fitriani and the owner of ACES,

Ms. Rhimelda. I also do the library research to find theories to support my


F. Limitation of the Study

My observation focuses on one child who distracted the class during his

English lessons. His name is Alfi. He is 6 years old, and a first grade student

at St. Angela Elementary School. In addition, he is a Basic 1 student at



Maranatha Christian University G. Organization of the Term Paper

The term paper starts with the Abstract, which is a summary of the

paper in Indonesian. After the Abstract is Declaration of Originality,

Acknowledgement, and Table of Content.

Following the Table of Content is Chapter I to Chapter IV. Chapter I is the

introduction of this term paper. This chapter discusses the Background of the

Study, Identification of the Problem, the Objectives and Benefits of the Study,

Description of the Institution, Method and Limitation of the Study. Chapter II is

the problem analysis. This chapter discusses the problem I faced, with the

causes and the effects of the problem. Chapter III is the potential solutions.

This chapter discusses some solutions to the problem with the analysis of

potential positive and negative effects of the solutions. Chapter IV is the

Conclusion. This chapter contains the solution that I choose and the reasons

why I choose it. Following Chapter IV is Bibliography and the last is



Maranatha Christian University



During my internship, I had a problem of handling a student who

distracted the class. The problem has two causes. The first cause is Alfi

was self-centered. The second cause is the mother spoilt the student.

Moreover, the problem has three effects. The first effect is the class

became noisy. The second effect is it was difficult for the teacher to give

equal attention to the other students. The third effect is the other students

would be angry at him because the student always distracted the class.

The potential solutions I propose are asking the help from his parents,

separating him from the other students by telling him to sit in front of the

white board, and making the lesson interesting by having games after the


The best solution to handle the student who distracts the class is to

apply all the potential solutions. At first, I need to ask for information and

the help from the parents. It can help me to know the personality of the

student, as stated by Quinn that talking to the child’s family member is

needed because the teacher can know the child’s personality (34). In

some of the lessons I will separate Alfi from the other students, especially



Maranatha Christian University reading so that the class becomes manageable, as Martin says that by

keeping the easily- distracted student away from other students can make

the environment in the classroom conducive (15). As it is not suggested

that Alfi be separated from other students everytime during the lessons, I

will use games to make the lesson interesting. By having games after the

lesson, I can motivate the student to finish his work quickly.

Handling and teaching a student who distracts the class are not

easy. Therefore, I would like to suggest that those who want to do the

internship in the teaching field to be creative by making the lesson

interesting by giving games after the lesson and always ask the help from

the students’ parents to find the best way to handle the student and also


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources

Hurlock, B. Elisabeth. Perkembangan Anak. 8th ed. Washington:

McGraw-Hill,Inc, 2000.

Martin, Todd. How to Teach the Child to Focus. 5th ed. New York: Simon

& Schuster, 2001.

Quinn, Magee Mary.Educational Strategies for Children with Emotional

and Behavioral Problems . Washington: Center for Effective

Collaboration and Practice, 2000.

Sorcinelli, Deane Mary. Dealing with Troublesome Behaviours in the

Classroom. Amherst: University of Massachusett,. 2000.

Electronic Sources

Feller, Robert. “Avoiding Power Struggles with Students” Washington

University. 2011. NEA. 3 September 2012.


Maranatha Christian University Masi, Kelly. “ Classroom Environment and Their Effects on Behaviour”.

2010. ehow. 15 November 2012.

<http:// www. ehow. com/info_792117_classroom-environments-


Morgan, Lee. ” What are the Causes of Children Behaviour Problem at

School” . Scholatic. 6 November. 2012.

<http:// www. Scholatics.com/ resources/ article/ causes-behaviour-


Terry, Rachel. “How to Deal with Distracted Children in the Classroom”.

1998. Smartclassroommanagement . 15 November 2012.

<http:// www. Smartclassroommanagement.com/1998/10/18/ how-

Deal- with-distracted-children-in –the-classroom/>


Fitriani, Lani. Personal Interview. 2 July 2012.

Fitriani, Lani. Personal Interview. 16 August 2012.

Yulita, Marcella Rhimelda. Personal Interview. 16 August 2012.


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