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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English and Literature Department Faculty of Languages and Arts UNIMED as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number. 2101420001






First of all, the writer would like to say thank to Allah SWT for the blessing, guarding, guidance, and everything that have been given along his life until the writer accomplish this thesis.

This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the S1 degree of Sarjana Sastra at English Department in Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In completing this thesis, the writer has received a lot of assistance and academic support from some people. Therefore, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude, love and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of Medan,

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts,

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Rika S.Pd, M.Hum., Secretary of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Head of English Literature Department, and Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Department,

Drs. Lidiman Sahat Martua Sinaga M.Hum., her Thesis Advisor,

Drs. Willem Saragih, Dipl.Appl.,M.Pd., her Academic Consultant,

 All the Lecturers throughout her academic years at State University of Medan that could not be mentioned one by one.

Maam Euis and Mr. Hendra for helping the writer in preparing the files for the purposes of this thesis.



 All her beloved classmates of Applied Linguistics Regular B 2010

especially Sri Devi Arista, Donna Manalu , Bintang Nopita Sitorus, Hisarmauli Desi Natalina Situmorang, Zahrina Putri, Nurhafiza, Siti Nurhayati, Agatha Christi Purba, Irwan Saputra, Ali Muis and Adi Putra Wijaya, and others that cannot be mentioned all. Thank you for the support, information, encouragement, and beautiful day spent together.

Suzanna Collins, for her awesome trilogy; The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay.

Without their deep and sympathetic understanding, this thesis could not complete. Over all, the writer hopes this thesis can give a bit contribution to the Applied Linguistics. Therefore, comments, critics, suggestions, and advices are expected from the readers.

Medan, September 2014 The writer,



Rizki Meiyani. 2014. Analysis of Direct Speech Translation in Suzanna Collins’s Novel ‘Mockingjay’ Translated by Hetih Rusli . A Thesis. Faculty

of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.

This research focused on techniques of adjustment used in Suzanna Collins’s Novel ‘Mockingjay’. The writer took the data in the forms of direct speech sentence. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data was collected from Suzanna Collins’s novel ‘Mockingjay’ in English and Indonesian. The research findings of the study show that there are 97 direct speech sentence which consist of three techniques of adjustment which is Addition (67), Subtraction (13), and Alteration (17). The most dominant type is Addition, which means the translator tried to make those lexical words are aimed at making something implicit in the source text became explicit one in the target text, to avoid ambiguity in the target language and to clarify the intended meaning of the author. Besides the additional information occurs because of the different culture between source and target text.



4. Function of Translation ... 15

5. Problems in Translation ... 16

C. The Adjustment of Translation ... 17



H. The Biography of Suzanna Collins ... 26

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design… ... 29

B. The Source of Data ... 29

C. The Technique of Collecting Data ... 29

D. The Technique of Analyzing Data ... 30


B. Data Analysis ... 31

1. The Types of Technique Adjustment Used in Mockingjay ... 32

a. The Use of Addition Technique ... 32

b. The Use of Subtraction Function ... 34

c. The Use of Alteration Function ... 35

2. The Dominant Kind of Technique of Adjustment Used in Mockingjay ... 36

C. Research Findings… ... 37


B. Suggestion ... 40







English as an international language is used to disseminate any

information dealing with modern science and technology. For our country,

English gives many advantages that helps Indonesian people to keep up with the

development of the world, especially in broadening their knowledge, not only in

scientific and technological fields but also in art, literature, and entertainment.

With respect to the use of English in producing and communicating many

kinds of information, the effort to get this information can be done easily by

translating the source text into the target text. Through translation, it will be easier

for readers to understand the content of the information given in English,

especially for those who do not master English well.

Considering the function of translation in conveying certain information to

the readers, it can be seen that translating is not an easy task because it deals with

transferring thoughts and ideas from one language to another. These thought and

ideas have to be conveyed accurately so that the contents of the message or the

information are understandable for the target readers. That is why the important

thing for a translator is to find the best way to make his translation accurate,

acceptable, and readable

Another thing which makes translation becomes a complex task is because

translation or translating always involves two languages, the source and the target



in two different languages is the difference of system. The different linguistic

system can cause some problems for a translator. The problems faced by the

translator in translating process can eventually cause the inaccurate, unacceptable

or unreadable translation.

In translating process, the translator has to deal with two different

languages expressed in the forms of words, phrases, clauses or sentences. The

translator must concern himself with finding the target language translation

equivalents. That is why in every stage of translating process, a translator often

finds some difficulties which can be classified into: (1) difficulties in the analysis

and understanding of the source language, (2) difficulties in the process of

transferring and in finding target language equivalents, and (3) difficulties in

restructuring the transferred material to get the best result of translation

(Soemarno, 1991: 1). Dealing with these difficulties, to make a good translation, a

translator sometimes has to make several adaptations or adjustments.

Nowadays, most best-seller novels written in English are translated into

Indonesian. Such as: The Tokyo Zodiac Murders by Soji Shimada, Eragon 4:

Inheritance by Christopher Paolini, Pelayaran Terselubung (Burn) by Linda

Howard and one of them is Suzanne Collins‟s novel entitled Mockingjay, which is

translated into Mockingjay

http://www.lintasberita.web.id/buku-dan-novel-terlaris-best-seller-gramedia/. An interesting thing in novels or stories is the use



novel and its translation, direct speech is mostly translated in the same form or

arrangement, but the researcher finds several changes occur. For example:

1. ST: "Octavia? It's going to be all right. I'll get you out of here, okay?"

"This seems extreme" says Plutarch. (p. 48).

The above passage is translated into:

TT: “Octavia? Semuanya akan baik-baik saja. Aku akan mengeluarkanmu dari sini, oke?”

“Hukuman ini sepertinya ekstrem” (p. 59).

In a conversation between Katniss and Octavia (the main characters in the novel)

on page 48 and 59 as shown in the above example, it can be seen that the translator translates the part of the sentence ‘this seems extreme’ into ‘Hukuman

ini sepertinya ekstrem’. The translator seems to give additional information

clearly to the readers that Octavia was in a big problem and she must get an

extreme punishment. Undoubtedly, this adjustment can be said as one of the

translator‟s strategies to make a good translation.

2. ST : “No," he says. "Don't. They help hold me together.” (p.303)

TT : “Jangan,” katanya. “Borgol ini menahanku untuk tetap waras.” (p.342)

In this second example, the translator alters the meaning of the direct sentence “They help hold me together” into “Borgol ini menahanku untuk tetap waras”, It

can be seen how the translator conveys the message in the source text to the target


3. ST: “I wouldn‟t walk too fast.” (p. 52).



In the above example, the translator does not only shift the sentence from negative

into positive, but he also omits the subject „I‟ in his translation. The translator

changes the direct speech in the form of declarative sentence (statement) into an

imperative sentence. Considering the content of the message in the source text, the

meaning of the message conveyed in the target language does not deviate from the

source meaning. But still, the translator actually can translate more accurately if

he chooses more appropriate diction.

This studies on direct speech translation have been done previously.

Muhammad Rifai (2009 –Malang) looks at “Analysis of direct speech translation

in Absen Natal translated from John Grisham‟s Novel Skipping Christmas”. He

analyze every direct speech sentences in novel to find out the accuracy of those

direct speech.

Based on such phenomena shown in the three examples above, the

researcher is interested in studying the translation of the direct-speech sentences

and technique of adjustment on those direct speech sentences that translator used

while translating the novel in Suzanne Collins‟s novel Mockingjay. Therefore, the

researcher conducts a research entitled “Analysis of Direct Speech Translation in



B. TheProblem of the Research

Based on the research background described previously, the proposed

problems are:

1. What are the techniques of adjustment used in translating direct

speech sentences in Mockingjay into Indonesian?

2. Which technique of adjustment is dominantly used?

C. The Scope of the Research

The Scope of the Study is needed to give a focus to this research. In this

research, the researcher took the sentences in the forms of direct speech sentences

in the novel Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins and the Indonesian version

Mockingjay as the data.

D. The Objective of the Research

The objectives of this research are:

1. To find out the techniques of adjustment used in translating direct

speech sentences in Mockingjay into Indonesian?

2. To determine the techniques of adjustment dominantly used.

E.The Significance of the Research

1. The students of English Department who are interested in studying the

techniques of adjustment in translation. it is purposes to help them in



2. The readers who want to know the types of technique of adjustment,

and how they are used in translating a novel. After the readers

knowing about the types of technique of adjustment, hopefully, the

readers can be more concerned about the importance of techniques of

adjustment in translation. Due to expressing the meaning in one

language to another language required adjustments and equivalents. It

is caused by the difference in culture and habits of each language.

3. Hopefully it will contribute useful information for the readers and





A. Conclusions

After analyzing the using of translation techniques of adjustment in Suzanna Collin’s Novel Mockingjay in English and Indonesia version, the writer

has drawn some conclusions as the following:

1. There are three kinds of techniques adjustment which are found in the

Mockingjay novel of English and Indonesia versions from 97 direct

speech sentences as the total number of data. They are : addition with

the total number and percentage is 67 (69,07%) followed by alteration

is 17 (17,52%), and the last technique is subtraction with the total

number 13 (13,40%).

2. The most dominant technique used by the translator is addition

technique with 67 occurrences (69,07%)

3. The translator uses the addition technique as the most dominant type

because the addition of those lexical words are aimed at making

something implicit in the source language became explicit one in the

target language. To avoid ambiguity in the target language and to

clarify the intended meaning of the author. Besides the additional

information occurs because of the different culture between source and



B. Suggestions

In relation to the conclusive above, the writer would like to offer suggestions

as following:

1. It is suggested that the students of English Department should be able to

understand the translation techniques and techniques of adjustment to

produce the idiomatic translation as the translator goal.

2. It is suggested that the translator could solve the problems in the

translation process by studying and applying the translation technique of

adjustment to produce an accurate, acceptable and readable translation so

that the reader is unaware that they are reading a translation.

3. It is also suggested to other writers to make a research of the related topic




Baker, Mona. (ed.) (1998). The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London and New York: Routledge.

Beekman, John. and J. Callow. (1989). Translating the Word of God. Zondervan: Publishing House.

Bathgate, Ronald H. 1981. A Survey of Translation Theory. London and New York: Routledge

Collins, Suzanna. 2013. Mockingjay. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Utama

Darma, Yoce Aliah. 2007. Metode Pembelajaran Penerjemahan. No 067. Tahun Ke-13. Juli 2007. (http://accurapid.com/journal/translationDirectory.htm), (Accessed on January 13 2014)

Hatim, B & I Mason. 2004. Discourse and The Translator. London: Longman

Jabak, Omar. 2008. Why is Translation into the mother tongue more successful than into a second language?. April 2001. (http://translationjournal.net/journal/50culture.htm). (Accessed on January 11 2014)

Larson, L. Midred. 1984. Meaning based Translation. Lanhan: University Press of America

Machali, R. 2000. Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah. Jakarta: PT Grasindo

Manafi Anari, Salar. (2004). A Functional-Based Approach to Translation Quality Assessment. Translation Studies, Vol 1 (No. 4), Page 31-52.

Newmark, P.1988. Textbook of Translation. London: Prentice Hall

Nida, E. A. 1974. Theory and Practice of Translation. Den Haag: Brill

Sinaga, Lidiman. 2004. Diktat Translation. Unpublished: State University of Medan



http://www.suzannecollinsbooks.com/bio.htm retrieved on January, 20 2013 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzanne_Collins retrieved on January, 20 2013 www.translationsforprogress.org/.../gender-and-translation-accuracy.doc retrieved

on January, 20 2013

http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=MOCKINGJAY+SYNOPSIS&title= Special%3ASearch&fulltext=1 retrieved on January, 17 2013

www.studyandexam.com/direct-indirect-speech.html retrieved on January, 17 2013


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