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ERROR ANALYSIS IN ORAL PRODUCTION MADE BY STUDENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING A CASE STUDY: IN Error Analysis In Oral Production Made By Student Of Civil Engineering A Case Study: In English Tutorial Program (Etp) At Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting the Bachelor Degree of Education

in English






Man Yazro’ yahsud

Lan Tarji’al Ayyamul Lati Madhot

Laisal Hubbu a’n nabqo Daaiman man nuhibbu,

wa Laakinna Hubbu an Nabqo fie Qolbi Man Nuhib



This research paper is dedicated to:

My beloved mother Ngaliatul Maaidah

My beloved father Mardjuki, S.Pdi.

My olderbrother Miftakhul Falaah Islami, M.Pd

My younger brother Trio Agung Wahyono & Hafidz Arif Rahman



Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful, I would like to say thank to Allah SWT the almighty for mercy and blessing for the writer in making research paper to fulfill one of requirement for the graduate degree of education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The writer finally completes her research

paper entitled “Error Analysis in Oral Production Made by Students of Civil Engineering a Case Study in English Tutorial Program (ETP) at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta”.

Sholawat and salam are also given to our great prophet Muhammad SAW who

brought the mankind from the darkness into the lightness. In finishing this research paper, the write find some problems and obstacles. So that this research paper cannot be finished without help from the other who give support, guidance, suggestion, and constructive criticism. Finally the writer would like to express her thanks for those who helped her.

1. Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, M. Hum., the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

2. Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph. D., the Head of English Education Department. 3. Prof. Endang Fauziati my consultant and the inspiring person for giving her

advice, guidance, help, and patience so that this research paper can be finished as well.

4. Titis Setyabudi, M.Pd. as the academic consultant for having guidance and help

indirectly during the research’s study in Muhammadiyah University of Surakata.


6. Her beloved dad Mardjuki and mom Ngaliatul Maidah for theirlove, inspiration, support, prayer, and advice so that the writer is motivated to finish her research paper.

7. Her beloved brother Miftakhul Falaah Islami, T. Agung .W. & Hafidz Arif Rahman and my beloved sister Hafidzah Rizky Maulidia Putri who always gives the writer spirit and love.

8. Her best friend from Senior High School of 2 Boyolali Wahyu Kuncoro Jati, S.Pd. thanks for everything that the writer can learn from their togetherness. he has been as her brother, her friend, her rival in English speech contents and family. Funny Boy!

9. Her lovely friends, Vivi vilasari, Lailia Niszar, Faizah, Anis Aska, Irin Manila, Alif Aiyu, and her Maujun one who always give support, help, and pray each other. Thank you so much for every single moment that has been made.

10. Her beloved friend in Department of English Education 2012. Thank you for the warm togetherness.

11. Her family in EDSO. Especially Fiftin Leader (Randy Listiyanto, Bekti Sunyoto, sssNisa Nurjannah, I Rhizal Umami Haffi, Neti Isnaini, Afifatun Nisa, Kurniawan Budi Santosa, Irin Manila Choiriyah, Intan Gabetta Siahaan, Rudi Tri Pambudi, Risky Pujianto, Fasih Iskartina, Hutomo Kurniawan, Dyta Kurniawati, Nanik Ayu, Wahyu Setiawan, Dian Aulia) and beloved first Division (Fahmi, Dina, Sari, Tiara) and also five Devision (Uray, Niftah, Desi, Kimbo Ridwan, Aziz, NK, Ida, Danik, Wedra, Eko, Hanifah,etc) Thanks for the meaningful experience. EDSO EDSO EDSO HUUU!!!

12. Her family in International Boarding Shool KH. Mas. Mansyur, thanks for our Ukhuwah, they always praying together, study together and sharing experiences, thanks to the opportunity to be a Tutor English morning.


14. Her family in SEGA. Especially SEGA Managerial and Tutor 2014. Thanks for a little warm togetherness which learnt a lot of knowledges. Be smart be confident! 15. Her family in Institution of Psychology ANAVA. Especially for Trainer team

outbound. Be greatest person!

16. Her family in Library of English Education 2013-2014 thanks for our special time with many books.

17. Her Family in BEM F UMS. Especially in first Division Arfan Rifky Fauzi, Ika Putri and Astrid thanks for your best for our Amanah!

18. Her Family in De Lorca. Ohh..they gave the writer something that she can’t found in other place, special moment, extraordinary performance and inspiration for her project. Shine, Shine, Shine, Bright, Syukkkseeessss!

19. Her family in LPM Figur. Her has got many experiences to be uses one.

20. Her new family in Nebula course. Especially Mr. Paimin and Mrs. Lina, I Rhizal Umami, Aulia Firdausia P, Adithia Nanda P, Idharudin Hanif and Suci Maharani,

Faabyy ayyi aalaa irobby kumma tukazibaan.” Thanks!

21. Her family in PPL SMN 3 SAWIT. Especially her colleague Sidiq Al-Fatah, Indira, and Diana, and also her other team for English Department Rida N.S, Nana S, Adhe, Elsa, and Yosi.

22. Her Family in English Tutorial Program LPID UMS 2015-2016. Especially for Plus Division Thanks a lot for our sweet moment.

All who cannot mentioned one by one in helping the writer in finishing this research paper. Thanks for every support, prayer, and motivation! The writer realizes that this research paper is still far from being perfect. The writer hopes and needs the constructive criticism and suggestion to make this research paper better. To progress the next study, she invites the readers to give comments, criticism, and suggestion. The writer expects that this research paper can be useful and give contribution to the other researcher.



This research paper is aimed to classify the type of errors, analyze the frequency and dominant, and explain the sources of error. The type of this research is descriptive research. The research collects English Tutorial Program record as the source of the data. The research uses documentation method to select the data. There are 305 data containing of errors. The researcher use Clark and Clark theory and Dulay Burt, and Krashen theory to analyze the error. They are speech error, morphological error and syntactical error. In speech errors are filled pause (81, 96%), Repeat (44, 27%), Silent Pause (19, 67%), Stutters (6, 22%), Injection (1, 96%), correction (0, 65%), Slip of the Tongue (0, 98%). Morphological error are vocabulary error (1, 96%), Pronunciation (9, 83%), Omission of Bound (1, 63%). Syntactical error are omission of Modal (will) (1, 31%), omission of preposition (1, 31%), Question Construction (1, 31%) and the last Wrong in Word Selection (0, 65%).

Key Words : error analysis, oral production.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan jenis-jenis kesalahan, menganalisis frekuensi dan yang paling dominan serta memaparkan sumber kesalahan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian descriptive. Peneliti mengumpulkan rekaman dari proses pembelajaran pada English

Tutorial Program (ETP) sebagai sumber data. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode dokumentasi

untuk memilih data. Ada 305 data yang dinyatakan memiliki kesalahan. Peneliti menggunakan teori Clark and Clark, Dulay, Burn dan Krashen untuk menganalisis data yang salah, diantaranya adalah speech error, morphological error dan syntactical error. Pada speech errors terdapat filled pause (81,



F. Research Paper Organization ... 6


C. Data and Data Source ... 42

D. Technique of Collecting of Data ... 42

E. Techniques of Analyzing Data ... 42

F. Validity of Data ... 43


A. Research Finding ... 45

1. Types of Error... 45

2. The Frequency of Each Type of Error ... 62

3. The Dominant of Error ... 65

4. The Source of Error ... 65

B. Discussion of Research Finding ... 65


A. Conclusion ... 66

B. Pedagogical Implication ... 68

C. Suggestion ... 70



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