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Nothing About Us Without Us. Agenda Setting Workshop and Consultation Forum on Cross-Sectoral Disability Inclusion Jakarta, 3-5 June 2013


Academic year: 2021

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“Nothing About Us Without Us”

Agenda Setting Workshop and Consultation Forum on Cross-Sectoral Disability Inclusion Jakarta, 3-5 June 2013

Facilitated and reported by Galuh Wandita (AJAR) and Herizal Arifin BACKGROUND

As a concrete step after the Government of Indonesia ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities in November 2011, the Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare (Kemenko Kesra) and the PNPM Support Facility sponsored a consultative forum to discuss cross-sectoral disability inclusion strategies within community empowerment programs.

The two and one-half day consultative gathering aimed to:

1. Provide an opportunity for organizations and persons with disabilities in Indonesia to share their aspirations, experiences, and challenges in advocating for the rights of persons with disabilities at both grassroots and higher policy levels

2. Obtain inputs on a Multi Stakeholder Forum component in the PNPM Disability Program (PNPM DPO Window), including building a shared vision about goals, priorities, forum membership and organizational structure

3. Develop an agenda and follow up plans for the Multi Stakeholder Forum

To ensure full participation of persons with disabilities, the Disabled People Organizations (DPOs) were given one and one-half day from June 3rd to 4th to identify, discuss and prioritize issues for the agenda during the preparatory forum on June 5th.

Disability activists, organizations of persons with disabilities, disability-specific organizations,

nongovernmental organizations, relevant government representatives and donor agencies attended this preparatory session. [See List of Participants under APPENDIX 1]


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A. DPO-Oriented Workshop, June 3rd and 4th 2013

1. Intorduction and Expectations

Day One (June 3) session included introductions, participants’ expectations on workshop, workshop orientation (such as agreement on schedule and guidelines for participation).

On Day Two (June 4th), the workshop continued with brainstorming ideas about the Multi Stakeholder Forum. The discussion revolved around structure, agenda, and membership of the forum. The forum is envisioned as a means for persons with disabilities push and monitor for rights based disability inclusion as mandated by the 1945 Constitution and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

2. Mapping: obstacles, achievements, and strengths of DPOs

This session started with paired discussion to answer question What are our challenges, achievements and strengths and map the experiences of DPOs.


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Identified Obstacles Achievements

Discrimination and Access

 Unequal treatment and exclusion of persons with disabilities from decision-making processes and other social development programs

 Lack of ICT access, for example, access to sign language interpreter and assistive devices for blinds in various events, workshops, seminars, etc

 Lack of access to public facilities and infrastructure  Lack of health insurance for adults with disabilities

 Rejection in business sector, minimum wage inappropriate for persons with disabilities  Limited job opportunities and trainings for persons with disabilities

 Not allowed to participate in television auditions

 Increased government attention on rights of persons with disabilities  Improved access to health services for persons with disabilities and access to

transportation and other public services

 Availability of social security for persons with disabilities (in some regions)  Participation in religious events

Funding, Regulatory Framework, Policies and Programs

 Limited access to budget information from regional and national government level  Inconsistent funding support for disability

 Corruption of funds earmarked for disabilities

 Discrimination by the government, for example, persons with disabilities have difficulty in accessing funding and community block grants

 Inadequate government attention and support to livelihood, education and health sectors targeting people with disabilities Limited access to budget information from regional and national government level

 Lack of coordination between central and regional governments

 Inadequate law enforcement regarding disabilities and discriminatory law enforcement apparatus  Unsustainable Regional Government Working Units (SKPD)

 Limited awareness among government on Disability Bylaw (PERDA) 14/2009

 Legalization of UU No.19/ 2011 that support UNCRPD

 More regional bylaws on disabilities (PERDA) in various provinces although the substance and implementation of PERDA remained to be seen

 Increased budget earmarked for disability inclusion in some provinces

 Increased coordination between Regional Governments and Social Services at district level

 More persons with disabilities employed as civil servants

 Laws on rights of persons with disabilities to vote and to be elected

Education and language rights

 National curriculum does not include education or skills training for persons with disabilities  Lack of resources to support Inclusive Education (IE), e.g., lack of awareness on inclusive teaching

practices among teaching assistants and teachers, inclusive schools often seek assistance from SLB teachers, etc

 Lack of recognition of Bisindo [Indonesian Sign Language] use in Special Schools (SLB)

 Gap in participation of deaf and hard of hearing persons and persons with visual disability in events, workshops, seminars and other activities

 More persons with disabilities attending public schools and inclusive schools  Better recognition and acceptance of Bisindo [Indonesian Sign Language] through

advocacy in SLB

 Improved access to sign language interpreters  Many deaf and hard of hearing persons have talents

Stigma and Paradigm

 Negative stigma on self and from the society. Often persons with disabilities are seen as ‘invalid’  Dominant charity-based mindset toward disabilities instead of rights based

 Unsatisfactory handling of disabilities issues, especially with charity-based programs  Persons with disabilities are exploited for panhandling

 Draft report regarding human rights violations by PDIS has been submitted to the UN (after CRPD, disability became sexy issue)

 Exposure to International community about disability issues in Indonesia

 Increased positive media exposure on issues and persons with disabilities to reduce prevailing stigma

 More successful persons with disabilities to serve as role models DPOs Capacity

and Networks

 Limited capacity and resources among DPOs

 Differing visions and missions among DPOs that limit cooperation among DPOs  Lack of cooperation between District Social Services and DPOs

 Proliferation of branch DPOs in other regions

 Solid cooperation among umbrella DPOs at the national level and improved cooperation among DPOs at the central and regional levels


Page 4 of 21 According to the DPOs participants, the achievements are connected to existing strengths:

 People with disabilities are now considered experts on disability issues

 Common vision and mission among DPOs, especially on principles of UN Convention on Rights for Persons with disabilities (CRPD)

 Ratification of UNCRPD by the government and formalization of Regulation No. 19/2011 (rights based disability regulations)

 DPOs’ understanding of disability issues, especially increased awareness of disability rights and approaches in handling disability issues

 Support for Indonesian DPOs from international DPOs and networks

 Increased government budget for rights-based disability inclusion programs and activities in some provinces

 DPOs as frontliners to push for ratification of CRPD and actively involved in policy making and legalization of Regional Bylaws on Disability (PERDA)

 Resilience in the struggle for disability inclusion

3. Presentation of Results from the DPOW Scoping prior to Multi Stakeholder Forum

This session explained the MSF component within PNPM DPO Window and allowed DPOs to ask questions and understand where DPO Window stands within umbrella PNPM Mandiri.

Summary on Initiative for Establishment of Multi Stakeholder Forums (MSF)

The consultations and preliminary DPO Window field findings confirmed the need for a more unified disability inclusion strategy and work plan across the government, key ministries, international and local donors, civil society and academic sectors in Indonesia. It also highlighted the importance of involving DPOs in the initiative and led to formation of a multi stakeholder forum. The forum is envisioned as one of crucial strategies to ensure substantive collaboration and coordination of resources among many disability programs in Indonesia. The MSF will enable DPOs to increasingly play key roles in shaping and improving disability inclusion programs and connect the DPOs to the highest levels of government through the strategic oversight and management of Menko Kesra under technical assistance of PNPM- DPOW (Disabled People Organizations Window).


The consultations identified a number of key issues that affect existing disability-related programs:  Non-existent information on (grassroots) DPOs outside Jakarta and Java island

 Lack of access to funding information and resource for DPOs

 Lack of communication and clear roles on who should be doing disability among key ministries

 Lack of effective and integrated national policies to address disability inclusion among various government’s social development programs

 Lack of donors’ coordination as evidenced by parallel programs in some areas

 Limited and weak networks among DPOs, which hampers more intensive and meaningful participation of DPOs at both grassroot and policy level advocacy


Page 5 of 21  The need for coordination between central and regional governments to promote

organizational capacity of DPOs

 Although the CRPD has been ratified, many programs still see persons with disabilities as beneficiaries, rather than key players

 The need for affirmative action for persons with disabilities

 Lack of consensus on definition of persons with disabilities – the government and DPOs need to meet and agree on this issue

4. Critical Discussion – What is the Multi Stakeholder Forum for?

The DPOs participants critically questioned the purpose of establishing a “multi stakeholder forum”. Although some participants from the national umbrella DPOs based in Jakarta felt the importance of this initiative under the Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare, they are concerned as to how the forum may overlap with existing consultative forums. What relationship exists between this forum and the National Action Plan (Rencana Aksi Nasional) coordinated by the Ministry of Social Affairs (Mensos). Deep discussion ensued on whether DPOs role will be as participants in this forum or as working partners.

The group agreed that it is important to:

 determine main goals to be realized through the PNPM-DPOW initiative

 define how this program differs from other disability targeted programs. Some participants suggested that the goal and focus of this program should pertain to areas and issues that have not been addressed by other existing programs


Page 6 of 21  if possible, align the works of PNPM DPOW with other existing disabilities programs under

other Ministries/Agencies, for instance, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, TNP2K and others to avoid reduplication and stagnation of program activities  align MSF with the framework of National Action Plan, including processes and


A working group was tasked to formulate agenda and mechanisms for discussion at the Preparatory Workshop on June 5th 2013. The group envisioned the scope of process, issues to be addressed, stakeholders and potential participants and the constraints of the forum and its processes. 5. Outcomes of DPOs Workshop

 Priority Issues

 Stigmatization and discrimination toward persons with disabilities  Weak legal instruments and access to justice for victims with disabilities  Lack of DPO mainstreaming and funding for capacity building

 Inadequate attention to persons with disabilities in conflict areas, women and children with disabilities

 Limited access to information (e.g., to sign language interpreters) and access to persons with disabilities as resource persons

 Lack of Assistive (Device) Technology to support persons with disabilities

 Lack of access to education, livelihood opportunities and job and skills training, along with coordination support from relevant agencies

 Lack of quality research on disability issues in academia

 Gaps and lack of coordination and communication among DPOs inside Java and outside of Java  Limited DPOs existence in Eastern Indonesia

 Lack of dedicated funding allocation for programs targeting persons with disabilities and budgeting process not transparent and disability inclusive

 Recommendations on MSF Establishment

The MSF is seen as necessary to bring together stakeholders from various sectors and diverse actors, particularly DPOs and persons with disabilities to address the above mentioned issues.

The main functions and scope of MSF need to encompass: 1. Coordination that include clear and informed work plans;

2. Mechanisms to address the capacity gap between DPOs in Java and Eastern Indonesia. The forum is expected to serve to bridge the gap by forming a special cluster to promote the capacity of DPOs in the eastern regions; and,

3. Mechanisms to enable DPOs to implement monitoring and evaluation of disability inclusiveness of programs for people with disabilities and other poverty reduction programs

All DPO representatives in this consultative session were highly enthusiastic about being involved in the MSF. Although those attending this meeting maybe identified by those involved in official planning, others with interests at stake that have yet to be identified or experience high level forum might be overlooked. In order to mitigate the risk of exclusion and balancing different views, the outreach should be directed well beyond national umbrella organisations and outside Java as much as possible. There should be ample opportunity for CSOs, businesses, and other interested parties to “self-identify”.


Page 7 of 21 The selection of MSF members, like the program design and planning, ideally should happen prior to the actual MSF. Some of the suggestions regarding the selection process for MSF membership include:

1. Selection Committee – it will be neutral and members will not participate in the MSF

2. Open and transparent process, where each DPO submits organization’s CV for review by the Selection Committee.

3. Special mechanism to enable each DPO to participate and contribute to the MSF 4. Periodic evaluation on MSF members’ performance every six months

 Remarks Matters to be immediately addressed:

(1) Agreement on definitions of Disabled People Organizations, and (2) creation of a mailing list for the forum

B. Agenda Setting Multi Stakeholder Forum June 5th, 2013

Stakeholders of disability inclusion and issues comprised of relevant government agencies, DPOs, NGOs, media, academia, and donor agencies gathered for the workshop on day three. In his opening speech, Sujana Royat, the Deputy Coordinating Ministry of People’s Welfare and National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM Mandiri) shared his perspective as well as some of the government efforts on disability inclusion and key reasons why the MSF is crucial in order to build and strengthen disability inclusion in coordinated and strategic way.

According to Sujana Royat, existing strategy for poverty alleviation has yet to consider and place persons with disabilities and DPOs as development actors hence Kemenko Kesra took the initiative to address inclusion of persons with disabilities within the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM) DPO Window. The DPO Window is not a charity-based program but rights-based and social justice platform for people with disabilities and DPOs to advocate for their inclusion within social development and poverty reduction programs.

During the Question & Answer session, several participants raised similar suggestion on strategies that foster community and society’s understanding and acceptance toward people with disabilities through upward spiral and sustained advocacy, inclusion of disabilities awareness in school curricula and increasing implementation and safeguarding of national and local regulations that protect and guarantee the rights of people with disabilities.


Page 8 of 21 3. Presentation of DPO Formulation

Antoni Tsaputra, West Sumatera Indonesian Disabled People’s Association (PPCI) representative, delivered a map of issues to be prioritized, rationale and recommendations that the DPO

participants had brainstormed. The identified problems are categorized into three spheres, namely policy (regulation, program, handling or response of the government case-by-case); structural (behavior and practices in the administration of state services by state agents), and cultural (behavior and worldview of the society).

The presentation was followed by a series of panel presentation on Services for Children with Disabilities in Remote Regions by Subasno from Bhakti Luhur Foundation in Malang, Cases of

Violence Against Women with Disabilities in 3 Provinces by Nurul Andriani from SAPDA, The Difabled Youths by Serafina Bete from Persani, Kupang and Livelihoods Opportunities for persons with disabilities by Nurlaili Ramdani drom LP3C Sumbawa. (Delivered presentation notes available in Appendix 2)


Page 9 of 21 4. Group Discussion on Formulating the Agenda for Multi Stakeholder Forum.

The workshop participants were divided into four groups: Social Protection and Assistance, Employment and Skills Training Issues, Accessible Infrastructure and Education. Each group was comprised of representatives from DPOs, government agencies, NGOs, and donors.

The facilitators provided the groups with guiding questions: 1) What is the long-term goal of MSF?

2) What agenda or program to be prioritized in MSF?

3) What are expected outcomes from ongoing 2-year MSF?

4) What are the mechanisms for participation, accountability, and communication in the MSF? 5) What other issues to bring into the table?

Detailed discussion results from each group can be found in Appendix 3. 9. Reflections from Facilitators

In this section, we attempted to summarize the ideas for the Multi Stakeholder Forum design based from discussions above.

A. Long term goal

 Need to be in line the national legal frameworks (National Action Plan, Laws, Ministerial Decrees) and international law UNCRPD, for instance increase 1% quota and accessibility to employment for persons with disabilities

 Include monitoring and evaluation on public facilities and infrastructure to achieve a 30% accessibility rate in 10 years

 Geographical scope of program implementation need to reach regional level government (PEMDA) and involve branch and grassroot DPOs, not only central level and umbrella DPOs


Page 10 of 21  Coordination and collaboration on social protection and assistance programs. Key actors

should include persons with disabilities from various districts and municipalities to ensure mainstreaming, monitoring and to provide recommendations for improvement

 MSF to bridge to solve issues related to disability inclusion B. Main agenda

 Identifying needs, monitoring and evaluation and provide good practice guidelines (success stories and awards to various government agencies, companies, universities and private sectors that meet 1% quota of employing people with disabilities)

 Promote legalization and implementation of regional disabilities regulations and laws (UU PERDA)

 Campaign for full access and participation of DPOs in planning and budgeting processes through Musrenbang, including monitoring the implementation mechanisms

 Increase the organizational capacity of DPOs


The recommendations below are based on the facilitators’ observation during discussion process and dynamics of interactions among DPOs themselves and with others.

1. DPO Window should promptly implement a number of follow up commitments agreed at the end of the workshop to maintain the trust, interest and enthusiasm of participants post-workshop and speed up the establishment of the MSF. The post-workshop results and reports should be distributed when ready and create mailing list so participants can come up with ideas how to further develop the capacity of DPOs through MSF.

2. After the establishment of the MSF, it is important to consider placing DPOs group as the forefront of disability inclusion programs at both national and regional level because they understand disability inclusion better. Kemenko Kesra as MSF leading oversight states in his opening speech:

“ … A strong organization is defined by the strength of its stakeholders at the lower levels. The government will provide all types of necessary support necessary, but will restrain itself and will not be involved too deeply because the realization of aims of this program entirely depends on the aspirations and decisions of persons with disabilities and DPOs themselves.”

3. PNPM DPO Window should consider the MSF as a strategic forum or “mechanism” not as program delivery. It is important to build “understanding and acceptance among the society and the state toward persons with disabilities” through: (1) upward spiral and sustained advocacy, (2) inclusion of disabilities awareness in school curricula, and (3) increased implementation and safeguarding of national and local regulations that protect and guarantee the rights of people with disabilities.

4. Building on the ideas suggested by the DPOs, PNPM DPO Window needs to consider an opportunity to synergize with other disability programs conducted by other government ministries, such as the Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, TNP2K, etc. This effort needs to be carefully considered in order to avoid duplication and delay in program activities. DPOs expect to play crucial role in MSF, both in process and implementation stages to ensure that existing disability inclusion programs can be aligned with national and international rights-based laws and National Action Plan (RAN).


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Disabled People Organizations (DPOs)

NO Organizations Representative Region Contact Details

1 LP3C Al Mujadalah Nurlaili Ramdhani Sumbawa, NTB

nellylave@gmail.com 085 239 985 6321 081917636228


Yayasan Penca Garuda Rinjani & PPCI NTB

Budi Cahyono Lombok, NTB

Budicahyono_bc@yahoo.co.id; yysnpemberdayaan

paca@ymail.com 085692183897 082174873921

3 Persani Serafina Bete Kupang, NTT

persanintt@yahoo.co.id serafinabete@ymail.com 08563998090


4 KPPC Kita Juga Anselmus Gabies

Kartono Labuan Bajo, NTT



5 HWDI Ambon Mince Agisty

Rumlaklak Ambon, Maluku


hwdimaluku@yahoo.com 6 PPDI Papua Nyong Roby Jayapura, Papua 081310151801

nyongroby@yahoo.com 7 HWDI Gorontalo Risna Karim Gorontalo 081219611965



Persatuan Tuna Netra Indonesia (Pertuni) Kalimantan Selatan Agus Hidayat Martapura Kota, Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan 082153257753; 0511-6223529 arfintolis@gmail.com 9 Bandung Independent Living Center (BILIC)

Yuyun Yuningsih Bandung

085322787080 infobilic@yahoo.com; uyunk_uber@yahoo.com; roda_hade@yahoo.com

10 PPDI Padang Antoni Tsaputra Padang, Sumatera Barat 085692183897; 082174873921 antonthetranslator@yahoo.co m; ppcikotapadang@gmail.com antoni.tsaputra@padang.ppdi. co http://padang.ppdi.co 11 Pertuni Sumatera

Utara Hairul Batubara

Medan, Sumatera Utara


Dpd.pertunisumaterautara@g mail.com

12 Konas Difabel Risnawati Utami Yogyakarta 0812542315; 081227289686 risnautami@gmail.com 13

Sasana Integrasi dan Advokasi Difabel (SIGAB) Muhammad Joni Yulianto Yogyakarta 085878469692 Joni.yulianto@aseanidpp.org 14 SAPDA (Sentra Advokasi Perempuan Difabel dan Anak

Nurul Saadah

Andriani Yogyakarta

0274-384066; 081917636228 Info_sapda@yahoo.com; nurul_sa54@yahoo.com


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Disabled People Organizations (DPOs)

NO Organizations Representative Region Contact Details


Pusat Pengembangan dan Rehabilitasi Berbasis Masyarakat Solo (PPRBM)

Sunarman Sukamto Solo

0271-781743; 780829; 780976 081329203898


16 YAKKUM Bali I Nengah Latra Bali

0361-7444620/94333; 08123990701 Yakkum_bali@yahoo.com 17 Perhimpunan Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia (PPDI) Pusat

Gufroni Sakaril Jakarta 0811949592



Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia (HWDI) Pusat

Maulani Rotinsulu Jakarta 021-49041858; 08128253598 Rotinsulu.maulani@gmail.com

19 Yayasan Tuna Rungu

Sehjira Rachmita Harahap Jakarta

021-36086952/5840813 Sehjira_vdf@yahoo.com


Gerakan Kesejahteran Tuna Rungu Indonesia Pusat

Juniati Effendi Jakarta 081807900275 Iawd1981@yahoo.com

21 Yayasan Mitra Netra Aria Indrawati Jakarta

021-7651386; 081511478478 Aria.indrawati@gmail.com aria@mitranetra.or.id

22 Bhakti Luhur Yohanes Subasno Malang


pprbm@bhaktiluhur.com subasno@yahoo.com

Academics and Media

NO Organizations Representative Region Contact Details

23 Majalah Diffa Jonna Damanik Jakarta

021-44278887; 087888457889



Pusat Studi dan Layanan Disabiltas UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Ro'fah Mudzakir Yogyakarta 081281614842 Rofah72@yahoo.com


Pusat Studi dan Layanan Disabiltas Universitas Brawijaya

Slamet Thohari Malang 082122222686 amexsip@gmail.com


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Sejak 2007, dengan anggota 200 orang dari seluruh kecamatan di Sumbawa


No Ministry/Institution Section/Position Representative Contact Details


Kementerian Koordinator

Kesejahteraan Rakyat

Kepala Bidang Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Deputi 7

Asisten Deputi VII untuk Urusan Pengawasan Kebijakan dan Anggaran

Wijanarko Setiawan

Hadi Santoso



2 Kementerian Sosial Direktorat Rehabilitasi Sosial

Orang dengan Kecacatan Drs. Kiki Ritol, MSi 08170946105

3 Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi

Kepala Seksi Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Muda dan Wanita Staff Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Rentan Dewi Anggraini Atiek Widiawati 08121360678 081213605077 aksus@ymail.com

4 Kementerian Kesehatan Staf Subdi RS. Privat Direktorat Bina Rujukan

dr. M. Riki

dr. Eldy Akhirul Akbar

081315293096 081318600573

5 Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum

Direktur Penataan Bangunan dan Lingkungan (PBL) Kasubdit Turbin Dit. PBL Staff

Staff Staff

Kepala Seksi Pemantauan & Evaluasi, Dit. Pengembangan Permukiman

Ir. Guratno Hartono, MBC

Dian Irawaty Agustine E Putri Esthi Dwityanti (staff) Duty R (staff) Kusumawardhani 0816874388 021-72799246 Turbintaga_pbl@gmail.com 085312307967 021-72799246 021-72797427 6 Kementerian Pendidikan

Kasubdit Program Dir. PKLK Pendidikan Menengah

Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama Jk Kannaha Putri, SPd, MA Ninik Purwaning 081283219877 Putri_rakaja@yahoo.co.id 08151600932 7 Kementerian Dalam Negeri Direktur DKM dan PDN

Staff Biro Hukum Kasubdit Pemetaan Heri Kusuanto Siti Avianti Farid Chandra 081316171819 / hery_kusuanto@yahoo.com 085697097818 08129498001

8 TNP2K Social Assistance Policy Advisor

Fiona Fowell

Jan Priebe


081316542802 9 Sekretaris PokJa


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Tuna netra, rungu, daksa, grahita dan disabilitas ganda

Sebagian memiliki pekerjaan (produktif), sebagian masih bergantung pada keluarga

Yang produktif bergerak di perdagangan (kios), perikanan, peternakan dan pertanian

Program LP3C: pembinaan dan pembangunan karakter, ketrampilan dan

menyalurkan program pemerintah

Mitra pemerintah adalah Kementeriaan sosial, dalam bentuk bantuan kebutuhan

dasar, bantuan langsung tunai


Bantuan pemerintah:

o Ada yang tidak tepat sasaran

o Ada yang hanya bisa dinikmati sementara (tidak memandirikan)

o Bantuan makanan perlu, tapi tidak cukup hanya program itu

Kurangnya pendidikan dan pelatihan yang bermutu

Kurangnya akses permodalan

Rendahnya ketrampilan manajemen usaha

Data yang kurang akurat dan kurang lengkap.

Pemahaman bahwa penyandang disabilitas memiliki kebutuhan yang berbeda-beda


Memberikan pendidikan untuk masuk ke sektor formal

Memberikan pelatihan wirausaha

Memfasilitasi akses peminjaman modal

Penyandang disabilitas membentuk koperasi dari, oleh dan untuk penyandang



Tindakan nyata yang lebih dari pemerintah

Bantuan permodalan untuk yang mau berwirausaha

Kemandirian dan taraf hidup yang lebih baik


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SAPDA 2013

Ruang Lingkup Kekerasan Berbasis Gender & Disabilitas

“Adalah kekerasan yang terjadi karena dia seorang perempuan & dia adalah perempuan

dgn disabilitas”

dapat terjadi di :

dalam lingkungan keluarga

dalam lingkungan sosial

dalam panti

dalam sekolah

dalam lingkungan kerja

di jalan –jalan

Ruang Lingkup dan Pelaku Kekerasan

Jenis Kekerasan di DIY dan Jawa Tengah

sterilisasi paksa anak perempuan dengan disabilitas mental/intelektual yang telah

menstruasi di beberapa SLB

Pemasungan orang dengan disabilitas mental psikososial

Diskriminasi pendidikan dan pekerjaan

Penanganan kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan difabel yang tidak efektif

Kenapa ini terjadi & terus terjadi

Stigma Negatif keluarga dan masyarakat bahwa perempuan disabilitas tidak mandiri

Kasus tidak terungkap: keluarga/ korban malu, keluarga adalah pelaku, tidak paham

kalau perlakuan tersebut merupakan kekerasan

Perlindungan hukum belum memadai

Dukungan dari kelompok disabilitas belum kuat

Bagaimana menghentikan ?

Penguatan kepada perempuan dengan disabilitas

Mendorong daya dukung dari komunitas

Menyiapkan sistem & perangkat hukum dengan perspektif disabilitas

Mendorong kebijakan, program & anggaran yang berpihak kepada penyandang


Kampanye ……..


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Tidak dilibatkan dalam kegiatan masyarakat dan pemerintah

Kurang akses ke pendidikan yang bermutu

Kurangnya layanan kesehatan

Tidak adanya kesempatan untuk memiliki pekerjaan layak formal dan informal

Aksesibilitas fasilitas umum, transportasi, bangunan umum


Mengenyam pendidikan yang setinggi-tingginya

Dipandang, diperlakukan sama, dan dilibatkan dalam kegiatan masyarakat maupun


Kemandirian dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, misalnya melalui akses ke pekerjaan yang

layak, aksesibilitas fasilitas umum


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Lima tahun terakhir, peran pemerintah lebih baik



Muncul Perda Penyandang Disabilitas



Bidang Sosial:


Bantuan bahan makanan


Bantuan sosial PD berat


Distribusi melibatkan stakeholder lokal

Bidang pendidikan:




Banyak sekolah menjadi sekolah inklusi.


Peningkatan kapasitas guru untuk pendidikan inklusi.

Bidang kesehatan:


Jamkesmas-Jamkesda serta sistem rujukan.


Kerja sama dengan LSM untuk operasi medis dan pemberian alat



Kerja sama DPO, GO dan NGO


Permata ---> Micro finance dan KUBE


Pertuni ---> Low vision


Yakkum Bali ---> ortose-protese




ID berat-sedang tidak terwakili

Lebih-lebih di minus area

Penguatan kapasitas paguyuban keluarga PD (FKKDAC/FKKABK?)

Kebanyakan DPO besar belum sampai pelosok.

Infrastruktur (kesehatan dan pendidikan) belum mencukupi

Minat untuk bekerja di pelosok kurang.

Pandangan negatif tentang PD


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Sistem wisma (socio homes)

Bersekolah (SLB atau inklusi)

Dilengkapi dengan fasilitas penunjang

Program sekolah dan penunjang diteruskan di asrama (Master-IRP)



Pemberdayaan PD & keluarga

o Akses dan atau provide fasilitas kesehatan, pendidikan, livelihood, pemberdayaan

dan sosial.

o Banyak sekolah menolak PD

o Pelatihan pendidikan inklusif bagi guru.

o Judul sekolah inklusif, tapi masih integratif.

o Di desa, kasus ID (sedang-ringan) tidak dipersoalkan saat intake.

Tidak semua keluarga dengan PD terbuka dan mau dibantu.


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LABOR GROUP Long-term goal:

 Harmonization with national and international laws

 Increasing the number of persons with disabilities, up to 1% inclusion quota in the government Main agenda:

 Identification of needs, recommendations, monitoring and evaluation ensuring the implementation of laws

 Identification of successful programs in socializing the fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities

 Identification of access to proper work, including health insurance for workers with disabilities  Promoting the achievement of 1% quota of workers with disabilities in the government  Promoting the involvement of relevant institutions, for instance Ministry of the Utilization of

State Apparatus, about the inclusion of persons with disabilities as Civil Servants, or the Directorate General of Taxation regarding regulation or provision of tax incentives, etc MSF membership:

 Representing all parties plus Ministry of the Utilization of State Apparatus, Ministry of Finance, Directorate General of Taxation, Businesses both from the government and private sector Mechanism to ensure participation, transparency and accountability:

 Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare is expected to be the leading coordinator for the sustainability of the forum in the long term

 The legality of the establishment of MSF must be bound in a legal document – Law, Ministerial Decree

 Regular meetings every 3-4 months

 Preparation of reports as well as periodic dissemination of public reports through social media Achieving real impacts:

By mobilizing all elements of society using existing structures (Lurah, Camat, religious leaders, etc)  Through a clear Work Plan


 ‘Long term’ period is 10 years

 Achieving 30% increase in access to public facilities, including information, publication, transportation, buildings, and worship facilities that are difabled-friendly [sic]

 MSF becoming a bridge between problems and solutions, between government and difabled [sic] community

Main agenda:

 Promoting the enactment and application of bylaws in all regions regarding disabilities

 Providing examples by government institutions, e.g. Ministry of Public Works providing stimulus to difabled communities, socialized through forums that would chaperone implementation to regional level.

 Promoting budgeting process.

 Active participation of persons with disabilities in Regional Development Planning Consultations (Musrenbang), etc.

 Strengthening DPOs in sharing information, developing proposals. MSF membership:


Page 20 of 21  Representatives of persons with disabilities, NGOs, government, business sector, academia.

Proportion of membership to be determined later, informed by mapping. Mechanism to ensure participation, transparency and accountability:

 Open reports that are publicly accessible  Audit and budgeting program

 Setting up mailing lists as online dialogue media

 Regular meetings on monitoring and evaluation, at least twice up to 3-4 times annually in case of a special need

Achieving real impacts:

 By applying clear legal footing

 By circulars from central government to regional governments regarding involvement of [persons with] disabilities in PNPM programs

 By selecting right targets in order that the program fits the disability [sic]  By harmonizing with National Action Plan


 Promoting cooperation, coordination and facilitation with parties supporting social assistantship  Promoting efforts to fulfil disabilities rights in regard to social assistantship

Main agenda:

 Maping of social assistantship forms from Ministries and government as well as non-government institutions

 Assessment of the social assistantship programs in order to determine whether existing services have fulfilled disabilities rights, such as the rights of women an dchildren with disabilities, Jamkesmas, etc.

 Recommendation and revision of new social assistanship programs MSF membership:

 Representatives of DPOs, NGOs, government playing the role as mandate holders to support persons with disabilities beneficiaries based on the mandate focus of respective organizations, with the addition of representatives of the academia. Media should not be involved in the membership due to its independent nature.

Mechanisms to ensure participation, transparency and accountability:  By full participation of persons with disabilities

By a process of team selection that is accessible  By an open work planning.

 By using media to publish financial reports. Achieving real impacts:



Long term goal:

 Location focus for the implementation of the program at the regional level, district/municipality.  Implementing instructions, such as circulars from the Ministry of Home Affairs that has been

socialized to regions regarding the implementation of CRPD, supporting the involvement of persons with disabilities in the planning and budgeting processes.

 Mainstreaming disability rights in the education sector as well as other sectors. Main agenda:

 Harmonizing with the implementation of the National Action Plan, especially at the regional level. MSF membership:

 Representatives from Ministries, DPOs, donors, academia. Furthermore, the forum must have regional reach to involve Regional Governments and DPOs in regions.

Mechanisms to ensure participation, transparency and acocuntability:  Initially, through mailing lists and other social media.

Achieving real impacts:

 Identifying resources dwon to regional levels.


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