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Modeling electricity consumption patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic across six socioeconomic sectors in the State of Qatar


Academic year: 2023

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1. ACV (Acronym)

 Sentence: "This is the antivax argument that never makes sense to me. They will hold up some wildly overpriced mix of gelatin & freeze dried bird shit as being the be all end all of health but turn down vaccines. Have your ACV gummies & a vaccine & move on."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 06/08/2021

 Root: AstraZeneca, covid, vaccine. Base: Covid, vaccine.

Stem: -

 Word formation: ACV (AstaZeneca Covid Vaccine)

 Types of word formation: Acronym 2. AIR BRIDGE (Collocation)

 Sentence: "Estonia's had 1,794 cases of Covid-19 and just 64 deaths. It hasn't had more than 10 new cases a day for the past three weeks, and its live music industry is about to reopen. But its' not on UK Gov's air bridge list of safe countries. Why the heck not?"

 Source: https://twitter.com on 03/07/2020

 Root: Air, bridge. Base: Air, bridge. Stem: -

 Word formation: Air + bridge

 Types of word formation: Compounding 3. AIRGASM (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " New word for 2020: Airgasm - the intense pleasure of leaving a public place and taking off your mask."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 09/09/2020

 Root: Air, orgasm. Base: Air, orgasm. Stem: -

 Word formation: Air + (or)gasm

 Types of word formation: Blending 4. ALPHA (Old Words with New Senses)

 Sentence: " At the present time, this expert group convened by WHO has recommended using letters of the Greek Alphabet, i.e., Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta which will be easier and more practical to be discussed by non-scientific audiences. "

 Source: https://www.who.int

 Root: Alpha. Base: Alpha. Stem:-

 Word formation: Alpha

 Types of word formation: Coinage 5. ANTHROPAUSE (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "During the coronavirus pandemic, the relative cessation of human activities has allowed animals to venture


89 into areas where they are rarely seen. Scientists have termed this time the "Anthropause"."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 26/07/2020

 Root: Anthropo, pause. Base: Anthropo, pause. Stem:


 Word formation: Anthro(po) + pause

 Types of word formation: Blending 6. ANTI-HONGI (Transferred Words)

 Sentence: "…Despite this, anti-hongi guidelines have seen minimal pushback, Matamua said. This is likely because local groups followed similar guidelines during the 1918 influenza pandemic that left a fatal imprint on New Zealand, tragically underscoring a seminal Maori belief."

 Source: https://www.bbc.com on 13/05/2020

 Root: Hongi (A greeting. Borrowed from Maori language, New Zealand.). Base: Hongi. Stem: Anti-hongi

 Word formation: (Anti-)hongi

 Types of word formation: Borrowing 7. ANTI-MASKERS (Derived Words)

 Sentence: "Student's silent protest against anti-maskers caught in now viral photo"

 Source: https://www.youtube.com on 08/09/2021

 Root: Mask. Base: Mask. Stem: Anti-mask, masker, maskers, anti-masker, anti-maskers

 Word formation: (Anti-)mask(-er)(-s)

 Types of word formation: Derivation 8. ANTI-SLIP MASK (Derived Words)

 Sentence: "2020 Update 6 PCS Adjustable Anti-Slip Mask Ear Grips Extension Hook,Masks Buckle Strap Extender Silicone Comfortable,6 Color for Adult Kids."

 Source: https://www.amazon.com

 Root: Slip, mask. Base: Slip, mask. Stem: Anti-slip

 Word formation: (Anti-)slip + mask

 Types of word formation: Derivation 9. APOCABAE (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " Instead of 1000 bucks can I get a government issued Apocabae? (Its apocalypse and bae combined) Our bank accounts will be empty, but we get a cuddle buddy for a few weeks, and I think I can live with that."

 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 23/03/2020

 Root: Apocalypse, bae. Base: Apocalypse, bae. Stem: -

 Word formation: Apoca(lypse) + bae

 Types of word formation: Blending


90 10. APOCALYPSE BEARD (Collocation)

 Sentence: " Seems the old apocalypse beard is getting too long for this mask..."

 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 06/08/2020

 Root: Apocalypse, beard. Base: Apocalypse, beard. Stem: -

 Word formation: Apocalypse + beard

 Types of word formation: Compounding 11. ARMCHAIR VIROLOGIST (Collocation)

 Sentence: "An "armchair virologist" is a person who has suddenly become an expert in virology. Their deluded self- proclaimed knowledge of the complexities of virology stems not from laboratory research or scientific research papers but from observing TV news clips and chat shows from their armchair."

 Source: https://www.cyberdefinitions.com

 Root: Arm, chair, virology. Base: Arm, chair, virology.

Stem: Virologist

 Word formation: Armchair + virology(-ist)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 12. ASIAN PARASITE (Collocation)

 Sentence: "In the first episode of his four-part special Schulz Saves America, YouTuber Andrew Schulz calls the novel coronavirus ―the Asian parasite‖ and the ―Wuhanic Plague.‖"

 Source: https://www.pastemagazine.com on 30/12/2020

 Root: Asia, parasite. Base: Asia, parasite. Stem: -

 Word formation: Asia(n) + parasite

 Types of word formation: Compounding 13. ASTRAZENECA (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "AstraZeneca is a global, science-led

biopharmaceutical business and our innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide."

 Source: https://www.astrazaneca.com

 Root: AstraZeneca. Base: - Stem: -

 Word formation: AstraZeneca

 Types of word formation: Coinage 14. AUNT RONA (Collocation)

 Sentence: " That‘s Aunt Rona‟s niece, Uncle Omarion‘s baby.

She takes after her daddy and nem"

 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 31/12/2021

 Root: Aunt, corona. Base: Aunt, corona. Stem: -

 Word formation: Aunt + (co)rona

 Types of word formation: Blending 15. BALCONY CONCERT (New Coinage)



 Sentence: "Balcony concert in Cuba signals solidarity amid COVID-19."

 Source: https://globaltimes,cn on 04/06/2020

 Root: Balcony, concert. Base: Balcony, concert. Stem: -

 Word formation: Balcony + concert

 Types of word formation: Compounding 16. BARNARD CASTLE (Collocation)

 Sentence: "Cameron has to go for a Barnard Castle later today as he might need glasses."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 27/05/2020

 Root: Barnard, castle. Base: - Stem: -

 Word formation: Barnard + castle

 Types of word formation: Compounding 17. BCV (Acronym)

 Sentence: " Recently discovered rare short footage of Dr.

Liliana N. Fargo. Circa 2018 BCV "

 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 17/08/2021

 Root: Before, covid. Base: Covid. Stem: -

 Word formation: Before + c(o)v(id)

 Types of word formation: Acronym 18. BEFORETIME (Old Words with New Senses)

 Sentence: "In the Beforetime, when you could just go drink a beer at a bar with your friends."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 19/03/2020

 Root: Before, time. Base: Time. Stem: -

 Word formation: Before + time

 Types of word formation: Compounding 19. BELPER MOO (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " Known as the Belper Moo, it's a true display of the weird and wonderful and is guaranteed to make people smile."

 Source: https://www.countryliving.com on 10/11/2020

 Root: Belper, moo. Base: - Stem: -

 Word formation: Belper + Moo

 Types of word formation: Compounding 20. BETA (Old Words with New Senses)

 Sentence: "Beta, also known as 501.V2 or B.1.351, has some significant genetic changes that experts are studying. It was first identified in South Africa."

 Source: https://www.bbc.com on 29/07/2021

 Root: Beta. Base: - Stem: -

 Word formation: Beta

 Types of word formation: Coinage


92 21. BLITZ SPIRIT (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " Only showing our blitz spirit & all that.We can die better than anyone else in Europe put that in your pipe your unelected eurocrats etc & smoke it! Oh yeah we're hard and like to catch covid and teach it lesson or two and send it packing in 12 weeks."

 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 16/10/2021

 Root: Blitz, spirit. Base: Spirit. Stem: -

 Word formation: Blitz + spirit

 Types of word formation: Compounding 22. BLOODY MAGPIE (Old Words with New Senses)

 Sentence: "Me boss tested pozzi for the rona so now I‘m in iso.

Popped down to Woolies for some sanny but it‘s been bloody magpie‘d"

 Source: https://persuasivepage.com on 20/03/2020

 Root: Blood, magpie. Base: Blood, magpie. Stem: Bloody

 Word formation: Blood(y) + magpie

 Types of word formation: Compounding 23. BOOMER REMOVER (Collocation)

 Sentence: ""Boomer Remover," a mean nickname for the novel coronavirus COVID-19, began trending on Twitter early Friday."

 Source: https://www.newsweek.com on 13/03/2020

 Root: Boom, move, remove. Base: Boom, move, remove.

Stem: Boomer, remove, remover.

 Word formation: Boom(-er) + remove(-er)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 24. BRANCH COVIDIANS (Collocation)

 Sentence: "Look at those crazy Branch Covidians trying to cancel Thanksgiving!"

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 13/11/2020

 Root: Branch, covid. Base: Branch, covid. Stem: Covidian, covidians

 Word formation: Branch + covid(-ian)(-s)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 25. BRAVE FIGHTERS (Old Words with New Senses)

 Sentence: " COVID-19 pandemic and the story of brave fighters"

 Source: https://opinion.bdnews24.com on 31/05/2020

 Root: Brave, fight. Base: Brave, fight. Stem: Fighter, fighters

 Word formation: Brave + fight(-er)(-s)

 Types of word formation: Compounding



 Sentence: "can you still get a booster vaccine even if you had a breakthrough infection? YUP "

 Source: https://twitter.com on 06/12/2021

 Root: Break, through, infect. Base: Break, infect. Stem:


 Word formation: Break + through + infect(-ion)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 27. BUBBLE BUDDY (Old Words with New Senses)

 Sentence: "How 'bubble buddy' systems are effective in lockdowns"

 Source: https://lens.monash.edu on 29/07/2021

 Root: Bubble, buddy. Base: Bubble, buddy. Stem: -

 Word formation: Bubble + buddy

 Types of word formation: Compounding 28. CABIN FEVER (Collocation)

 Sentence: " Editorial Perspective: Cabin fever - the impact of lockdown on children and young people"

 Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov on 22/03/2021

 Root: Cabin, fever. Base: Cabin, fever. Stem: -

 Word formation: Cabin + fever

 Types of word formation: Compounding 29. CALAMITOUS COVID (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " John speaking to @SkyNewsAust tonight about the split in the NSW government and about the calamitous covid policy in Queensland and Victoria. #auspol"

 Source: https://twitter.com 10/09/2020

 Root: Calamity, covid. Base: Calamity, covid. Stem:


 Word formation: Calamity(-ous) + covid

 Types of word formation: Compounding 30. CANSINO (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "China announced the approval of the CanSino vaccine for general use."

 Source: https://www.nytimes.com

 Root: Cansino. Base: - Stem: -

 Word formation: Cansino

 Types of word formation: Coinage 31. CAREMONGERING (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "How beautiful is this? Victoria, from #HamOnt is in Cancer treatment (Stage 4). Today is her 40th birthday so her


94 friends created a little parade drive-by to surprise her while she stays in isolation. #Caremongering"

 Source: https://twitter.com on 26/03/2020

 Root: Care, monger. Base: Care, monger. Stem: Mongering

 Word formation: Care + monger(-ing)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 32. CASEDEMIC (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "They can cancel Patrick‘s account but not his voice or the truth, esp. on the topic of #PCRTests. He‘s been

reporting on this from the very beginning of the .#Casedemic.

This segment earlier this year on UKC News was pure"

 Source: https://twitter.com on 16/10/2021

 Root: Case, pandemic. Base: Case, pandemic. Stem: -

 Word formation: Case + (pan)demic

 Types of word formation: Blending 33. CATACLYSMIC COVID (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "―Cataclysmic” COVID-19 crisis demands human- centred recovery policies, says ILO Director-General."

 Source: https://www.ilo.org on 07/06/2021

 Root: Cataclysm, covid. Base: Cataclysm, covid. Stem:


 Word formation: Cataclysm(-ic) + covid

 Types of word formation: Compounding 34. CHARIOTS OF PFIZER (Collocation)

 Sentence: " What's it to be: "Shot Bro" or "Chariots of Pfizer"?

The unscientific polls to determine the best name for the mobile Covid vaccination buses being trialled in Auckland and Northland have produced some classic Kiwi humour."

 Source: https://www.nzherald.co.nz on 17/09/2021

 Root: Chariot, of, Pfizer. Base: Chariot. Stem: Chariots

 Word formation: Chariot(-s) + of + pfizer

 Types of word formation: Compounding 35. CHINESE VIRUS (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Heck, they unleashed a virus that potentially killed millions of people, covered it up, lied about the numbers, and people got more mad about the term 'Chinese virus' than at what actually happened."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 18/01/2022

 Root: Chinese, virus. Base: Chinese, virus. Stem: -

 Word formation: Chinese + virus

 Types of word formation: Compounding

36. CIRCUIT-BREAKERS (Old Words with New Senses)



 Sentence: "WATCH: New Brunswick logs 100th COVID death, extends circuit breakers and more at heavy provincial briefing Thursday."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 21/10/2021

 Root: Circuit, break. Base: Circuit, break. Stem: Breakers

 Word formation: Circuit + breaker(-s)

 Types of word formation: Compounding

37. CLANDESTINE BARBER (Old Words with New Senses)

 Sentence: " A tip about a clandestine barber in Bethnal Green, east London, slides into my inbox. ―He goes from flat to flat,‖ my informant tells me."

 Source: https://www.theguardian.com on 17/06/2020

 Root: Clandestine, barber. Base: Clandestine, barber. Stem:

 Word formation: Clandestine + barber -

 Types of word formation: Compounding

38. CLANDESTINE HAIRCUTS (Old Words with New Senses)

 Sentence: "Clandestine haircuts and manicures:

underground economy a pandemic problem"

 Source: https://www.thestar.com on 19/02/2021

 Root: Clandestine, hair, cut. Base: Clandestine, hair, cut.

Stem: Cuts, haircuts

 Word formation: Clandestine + hair + cut(-s)

 Types of word formation: Compounding

39. CLANDESTINE MANICURES (Old Words with New Senses)

 Sentence: " You can never tell what people will be into in their 'True,' Lydia thought about Mrs Lee and her clandestine manicure visits and the many other odd little ..."

 Source: https://books.google.co.id

 Root: Clandestine, manicure. Base: Clandestine, manicure.

Stem: Manicures

 Word formation: Clandestine + manicure(-s)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 40. CLEANLINESS THEATRE (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "hoteliers became cognizant not only of the imperative for enhanced sanitization procedures to prevent COVID-19 spread but also the need to give guests peace of mind. The latter of which we dubbed ‗cleanliness theater‟"

 Source: https://insights.ehotelier.com on 17/03/2021

 Root: Clean, theatre. Base: Clean, theatre. Stem: Cleanly, cleanliness

 Word formation: Clean(-ly)(-ness) + theatre

 Types of word formation: Compounding


96 41. COHORTING (Old Words with New Senses)

 Sentence: "Cohorting means grouping residents based on their risk of infection or whether they have tested positive for COVID-19 during an outbreak. Cohorting may also mean assigning staff to work with only ill or well residents."

 Source: https://www.publichealthontario.ca on 04/11/2020

 Root: Cohort. Base: Cohort. Stem: Cohorting

 Word formation: Cohort(-ing)

 Types of word formation: Coinage 42. COMIRNATY (New coinage)

 Sentence: "On August 23, 2021, FDA announced the first approval of a COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty, for the prevention of COVID-19 in individuals 16 years of age and older."

 Source: https://www.fda.gov on 09/12/2021

 Root: Comirnaty, mRNA. Base: Comirnaty. Stem: -

 Word formation: Comi(rnaty) + (m)RNA

 Types of word formation: Blending 43. CONTACTLESS DELIVERY (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "By limiting physical contact between customer and delivery person, contactless delivery reduces the chances of COVID-19 transmission."

 Source: https://xtalks.com on 19/10/2020

 Root: Contact, less, deliver. Base: Contact, less, deliver.

Stem: Delivery

 Word formation: Contact + less + deliver(-y)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 44. CONTAGION CHIVALRY (Collocation)

 Sentence: " Incurable cancer and chemo have devastated my immune system. My husband‘s strict isolation is an act of Covid-19 contagion chivalry."

 Source: https://www.nytimes.com on 13/04/2020

 Root: contagion, chival. Base: Chival. Stem: Chivalry

 Word formation: Contagion + chival(-ry)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 45. COOF (Old Words with New Senses)

 Sentence: " I feel so sick -- I hope I don't coof."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 01/03/2020

 Root: Coof. Base: Coof. Stem: -

 Word formation: Coof

 Types of word formation: Coinage 46. COOLDOWN (Collocation)



 Sentence: "Amber Ruffin gifts us her one-year COVID lockdown guided cooldown"

 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 06/03/2021

 Root: Cool, down. Base: Cool, down. Stem: -

 Word formation: Cool + down

 Types of word formation: Compounding 47. COPIUM (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " the Hasan stan copium is off the charts. Hasan WAS THE ONE spreading covid misinformation NOT twomad.

But cope more for daddy Hasan"

 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 30/12/2021

 Root: Covid, pandemic, opium. Base: Pandemic, opium.

Stem: -

 Word formation: Covid + pandemic + opium

 Types of word formation: Blending 48. CORONAANGST (Transferred Words)

 Sentence: " New #mentalhealth #anxiety video on our YouTube channel, with Neil Long from Radio Jackie. Talking all about #postlock down anxiety - whether you are feeling anxious or not, your feelings are valid. watch here:

https://youtu.be/t0OpO-3hhuI #covid19UK #AnxietyRelief


 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 27/07/2020

 Root: Corona, angst (Borrowed from German). Base:

Corona, angst. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + angst

 Types of word formation: Borrowing 49. CORONABABIES (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Will pandemic ‗coronababies‘ live with long-term trauma? Some researchers say the extreme stress pregnant women are facing may spread to their fetuses. But not all experts think that today‘s newborns are destined for difficulty"

 Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com on 03/09/2020

 Root: Corona, baby. Base: Corona, baby. Stem: Babies

 Word formation: Corona + baby(-es)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 50. CORONABAE (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " This is Lord Nutkins. My secret bae. Normally I sit below and he just surveys his domain unaware I'm meditating below. #sayhellotomylittlefriend #squirrels #coronabae"

 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 04/05/2020

 Root: Corona, bae. Base: Corona, bae. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + bae

 Types of word formation: Compounding


98 51. CORONA BEER (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " Well played @coronauk The MOST relaxing beer tap on the planet. #CoronaBeer #ChilledVibes #Therapeutic "

 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 03/09/2021

 Root: Corona, beer. Base: Corona, beer. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + beer

 Types of word formation: Compounding 52. CORONA BOI (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Corona boi is a useless prick who won't stay at home during the rona outbreak"

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 24/03/2020

 Root: Corona, boi (Boi is an alternate spelling of boy). Base:

Corona, boy. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + boi

 Types of word formation: Compounding 53. CORONA BONA (Transferred Words)

 Sentence: "Corona-bona noun a version of the morning glory ( erect penis in the morning with no stimulation) but where ones partner is also in lockdown and thus can‘t help"

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 17/04/2020

 Root: Corona, bona (borrowed from Roman which means something good). Base: Corona. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + bona

 Types of word formation: Borrowing 54. CORONABONER (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Wow, I wish John would shut the fuck up about Covid - 19! It gives him such a Corona Boner!"

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 19/03/2020

 Root: Corona, boner. Base: Corona. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + boner

 Types of word formation: Compounding 55. CORONA BRANCH (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Corona branch is a bro or homie that is close.

Someone you relied on during the covid19 pandemic."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 15/01/2021

 Root: Corona, branch. Base: Corona, branch. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + branch

 Types of word formation: Compounding 56. CORONABREAK (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "So, this is what the Coronabreak has done to my competitive, creative, and ridiculous kids...."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 07/04/2020



 Root: Corona, break. Base: Corona, break. Stem:-

 Word formation: Corona + break

 Types of word formation: Compounding 57. CORONA BREATHING (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Corona breathing : When you cough near someone you fucking hate, hoping they will catch the corona virus or at least a life threatening illness because you hate them so much that you'd rather jump of a cliff instead of being around them."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 24/04/2020

 Root: Corona, breath. Base: Corona, breath. Stem:


 Word formation: Corona + breath(-ing)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 58. CORONABUZZ (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "As we are all quarantined during this difficult time, let‘s raise money to help with coronavirus (COVID-19) relief efforts. We are starting the CoronaBuzz Challenge. "

 Source: https://it-it.facebook.com on 01/04/2020

 Root: Corona, buzz. Base: Corona, buzz. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + buzz

 Types of word formation: Compounding 59. CORONACAM (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "#CoronaCam captures cave creature."

 Source: https://mobile.twitter.com on 29/03/2020

 Root: Corona, cam. Base: Corona, cam. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + cam

 Types of word formation: Compounding 60. CORONA CAMPUS (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "I‘m headed off to the coronacampus to meet with my college buds!"

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com 17/05/2020

 Root: Corona, campus. Base: Corona, campus. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + campus

 Types of word formation: Compounding 61. CORONA CATFISH (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "The bartender and I were talking all night, but I realized she was just another Corona Catfish after I saw the rest of her face on Instagram."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 04/08/2020

 Root: Corona, cat, fish, catfish. Base: Corona, cat, fish, catfish. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + catfish



 Types of word formation: Compounding 62. CORONACATION (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "We‘re home for coronacation ya‘ll "

 Source: https://www.tiktok.com on 03/04/2020

 Root: Corona, vacate. Base: Corona, vacate. Stem:


 Word formation: Corona + (va)cation

 Types of word formation: Blending 63. CORONA-CHAN (Transferred Words)

 Sentence: "Corona-chan, also known as Wuhan-chan, is an anime-style anthropomorphic representation of the Novel Coronavirus the outbreak of which occurred in the Wuhan province of China in late 2019 and early 2020. The character is usually depicted as a young woman in a red qipao dress holding a bottle of Corona beer."

 Source: https://knowyourmeme.com

 Root: Corona, chan (borrowed from Japanese). Base:

Corona. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + Chan

 Types of word formation: Borrowing 64. CORONA CHARLIE (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "The kid who was not straight at all, named Casey Hudson, was into Corona Charlie."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 22/09/2020

 Root: Corona, Charlie. Base: Corona, charlie. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + charlie

 Types of word formation: Compounding 65. CORONA CLASSIC (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Ugh, I had corona classic and it dredged on forever. Even when I thought I was better I would get worse again. Fucking terrible. Sorry you‘re going through it. Hoping you have a speedier recovery "

 Source: https://twitter.com on 08/01/2022

 Root: Corona, class. Base: Corona, class. Stem: Classic

 Word formation: Corona + classic

 Types of word formation: Compounding 66. CORONA CLICKBAIT (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "UNICEF young reporters hunt for coronavirus clickbait"

 Source: https://www.unicef.org on 30/04/2020

 Root: Corona, click, bait. Base: Corona, click, bait. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + click + bait

 Types of word formation: Compounding


101 67. CORONA CLUBBING (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "During this pandemic, I have been corona

clubbing for the past year and I am sick of it (pun intended). I can't wait for this thing to be over so I can go back to my regular clubbing ways!"

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 20/03/2021

 Root: Corona, club. Base: Corona, club. Stem: Clubbing

 Word formation: Corona + club(-ing)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 68. CORONACLUSTER (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "I saw a Corona cluster coming right at me. Was able to sit down and duck it."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 31/12/2021

 Root: Corona, cluster. Base: Corona, cluster. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + cluster

 Types of word formation: Compounding 69. CORONACOASTER (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " I wake up and I'm in a good mood, then I watch the news and I start crying. / Wow, you're on a


 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com 08/04/2020

 Root: Corona, roll, coast. Base: Corona, roll, coast. Stem:

Roller, coaster.

 Word formation: Corona + (roller) + coast(-er)

 Types of word formation: Blending 70. CORONA COCK (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " Steve: I have Corona Cock, I can't get sex for 12 weeks! / John: I have Corona Cock too mate, I'm ripping the head off it! / Steve: You & me both!"

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 29/03/2020

 Root: Corona, cock. Base: Corona, cock. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + cock

 Types of word formation: Compounding 71. CORONA COCK BLOCK (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Bro, I would have gotten laid tonight but the Corona Virus wigged her out and I got a case of the Corona Cock Block."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 18/03/2020

 Root: Corona, cock, block. Base: Corona, cock, block.

Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + cock + block

 Types of word formation: Compounding


102 72. CORONACOINAGES (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Corona coinages! #woty2020 I hadn't heard

"coronials" before, BUT I LOVE IT."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 17/12/2020

 Root: Corona, coin. Base: Corona, coin. Stem: Corona, coinage, coinages

 Word formation: Corona + coin(-age)(-s)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 73. CORONA COMFORTS (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " My Corona comforts consist of a new ritual when I get home from work; I snuggle into my fake fur blankie while devouring a pint of vanilla bean ice cream smothered in melted chocolate, without watching the news, and then I climb into a hot bath prior to some torrid and delicious comfort sex with my sweetheart!"

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 05/06/2020

 Root: Corona, comfort. Base: Corona, comfort. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + comfort(-s)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 74. CORONA CORK (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Corona Cork : That constipated turd that‘s got you straight up backed up from an absolutely abhorrent diet during your Covid lockdown."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 23/04/2020

 Root: Corona, cork. Base: Corona, cork. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + cork

 Types of word formation: Compounding 75. CORONA COUGHER (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Peter is coughing on the police while knowing that he has the corona virus, he is being scentenced to jail as a corona cougher."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 11/04/2020

 Root: Corona, cough. Base: Corona, cough. Stem: Cougher

 Word formation: Corona + cough(-er)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 76. CORONA COUNT DOWN (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "So, do you think anyone at the beach was COVID positive? Oh, hell yes! Right now I'm on a Corona Count Down... heading over to visit grandma next."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 12/07/2020

 Root: Corona, count, down. Base: Corona, count. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + count + down

 Types of word formation: Compounding


103 77. CORONACRANKY (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "I‘m way too corona cranky for notifications like this. Alexa, self destruct my phone."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 03/04/2020

 Root: Corona, crank. Base: Corona, crank. Stem: Cranky

 Word formation: Corona + crank(-y)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 78. CORONA CRAWLER (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "During quarantine my girlfriend got pregnant, now we‘re expecting a corona crawler."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 15/04/2021

 Root: Corona, crawl. Base: Corona, crawl. Stem: Crawler

 Word formation: Corona + crawl(-er)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 79. CORONA CREATIVITY (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "I‘m so happy football is back on TV! / Johnny, you‘ve just balanced a football on top of your TV. / Sorry, I think I just had a spark of corona creativity."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 06/04/2020

 Root: Corona, create. Base: Corona, create. Stem: Creative, creativity

 Word formation: Corona + create(-ive)(-ity)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 80. CORONA CREW (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Ballymun Youth Action Project - Corona Crew Documentary"

 Source: https://web.facebook.com on 23/09/2020

 Root: Corona, crew. Base: Corona, crew. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + crew

 Types of word formation: Compounding 81. CORONA CRISIS (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Just a whisper going around... #CoronaCrisis."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 20/03/2020

 Root: Corona, crisis. Base: Corona. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + crisis

 Types of word formation: Compounding 82. CORONACRONYM (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Coronacronyms have also entered our lives. PPE is perhaps the one most universally recognized as the

shorthand for ―personal protective equipment "

 Source: https://www.heidi.news on 12/05/2020

 Root: Corona, acronym. Base: Corona, Acronym. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + (a)cronym



 Types of word formation: Blending 83. CORONA CROTCH (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Corona crotch : particularly smelly genitalia caused by not showering for several days. A phenomena resulting from quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 07/04/2020

 Root: Corona, crotch. Base: Corona, crotch. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + crotch

 Types of word formation: Compounding 84. CORONA CRUNCH (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "corona-crunch, where we all finish our costumes months before the con because we're all locked in our homes and all the cons are getting cancelled."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 12/03/2020

 Root: Corona, crunch. Base: Corona, crunch. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + crunch

 Types of word formation: Compounding 85. CORONA CRUNKED (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Chi and Mavis are corona crunked by 11 am again after waking up to a pot brownie and bottle of wine."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 20/03/2020

 Root: Corona, crunk. Base: Corona, crunk. Stem: Crunked

 Word formation: Corona + crunk(-ed)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 86. CORONA CRUSH (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Rohan is so cute, he's definitely my corona crush."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 17/03/2020

 Root: Corona, crush. Base: Corona, crush. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + crush

 Types of word formation: Compounding 87. CORONA CRY (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "When I found out that I wouldn‘t be able to see my friends for a month, I had a good corona cry."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 15/03/2020

 Root: Corona, cry. Base: Corona, cry. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + cry

 Types of word formation: Compounding 88. CORONA CUCK (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Hey, did you hear about how Joe Biden made it illegal to link COVID-19 to China, even though it indisputably originated in China?‖ / ―Man, Biden is such a Corona cuck"



 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 29/01/2021

 Root: Corona, cuck. Base: Corona, cuck. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + cuck

 Types of word formation: Compounding 89. CORONA CUDDLING (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Corona cuddling : cuddling without touching.

preferably with a long stick."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 23/10/2020

 Root: Corona, cuddle. Base: Corona, cuddle. Stem:


 Word formation: Corona + cuddle(-ing)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 90. CORONACULTURE (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "… includes works by over 100 artists from around the world in a mix of video, photography, 3D design, sound works, performance, sculptures and site-specific installations brought together at the Alte Münze in Berlin-Mitte. Within the framework of "Corona Culture", vaults and production halls are brought together for the exhibition."

 Source: https://www.berlin.de on 01/12/2021

 Root: Corona, culture. Base: Corona, culture. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + culture

 Types of word formation: Compounding 91. CORONA CUMSTAIN (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Corona Cumstain is a large puddle of cum that you develop over the time you are in quarantine by watching an unhealthy amount of porn."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 23/09/2020

 Root: Corona, cum, stain, cumstain. Base: Corona, cum, stain, cumstain. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + cumstain

 Types of word formation: Compounding 92. CORONA CUNTS (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "I'm so sick of these Corona Cunts buying all the fucking toilet paper."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 24/03/2020

 Root: Corona, cunt. Base: Corona, cunt. Stem: Cunts

 Word formation: Corona + cunt(-s)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 93. CORONA CUSHION (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "My jeans have gotten a little tighter with this corona cushion."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com ON 20/03/2020



 Root: Corona, cushion. Base: Corona, cushion. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + cushion

 Types of word formation: Compounding 94. CORONACUT (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Hubby needed a trim and we figured, why not?

How bad a job could I possibly do? #coronacut #thehorror"

 Source: https://twitter.com on 06/04/2020

 Root: Corona, cut. Base: Corona, cut. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + cut

 Types of word formation: Compounding 95. CORONA CUTE (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Barack: "Woah dude! She's Corona Cute!. Jack:

"Yeah bro, you should see her teeth!"

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 24/09/2020

 Root: Corona, cute. Base: Corona, cute. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + cute

 Types of word formation: Compounding 96. CORONA DEMO (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Youth Welfare Office informs the police ---> Couple goes to Corona demo and leaves children in the car."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 28/12/2021

 Root: Corona, demo. Base: Corona, demo. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + demo

 Types of word formation: Compounding 97. CORONA DICK (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Corona dick : when you get an erection multiple times per day because you have way too much free time, especially when being quarantined indefinitely."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 26/04/2020

 Root: Corona, dick. Base: Corona, dick. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + dick

 Types of word formation: Compounding 98. CORONA-DICTIONARY (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "New word to add to the corona-dictionary!"

 Source: https://twitter.com on 29/05/2020

 Root: Corona, dictate. Base: Corona, dictate. Stem: Diction, dictionary

 Word formation: Corona + dict(-ion)(-ary)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 99. CORONADOSE (New Coinage)



 Sentence: "Around 14 lakh pregnant women vaccinated 1st Coronadose till Sep 20"

 Source: https://www.uniindia.com on 01/10/2021

 Root: Corona, dose. Base: Corona, dose. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + dose

 Types of word formation: Compounding 100. CORONADOUCHE (Transferred Words)

 Sentence: "This guy earned a new portmanteau:


 He Has 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and Nowhere to Sell Them"

 Source: https://twitter.com on 14/03/2020

 Root: Corona, douche (borrowed from French). Base:

Corona. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + douche

 Types of word formation: Borrowing 101. CORONAED (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Right fuck this. I‘ve bought so many lovely clothes to wear at events that have been coronaed over the last 9 months. I never got to wear any of them & now Leeds is stuck in tier 3. I‘m going to wear them all anyway."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 27/11/2020

 Root: Corona, cancel. Base: Cancel. Stem: Cancelled

 Word formation: Corona + cancell(-ed)

 Types of word formation: Blending 102. CORONA EXTRA (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Corona Extra is a pale lager produced by Cervecería Modelo in Mexico and owned by AB InBev in Belgium. It is one of the top-selling beers worldwide."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 22/03/2020

 Root: Corona, extra. Base: Corona, extra. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + extra

 Types of word formation: Compounding 103. CORONA-FI (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Corona-fi – fiction or science-fiction produced during/inspired by the pandemic."

 Source: https://language-and-innovation.com on 15/04/2020

 Root: Corona, fiction. Base: Corona, fiction. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + fi(ction)

 Types of word formation: Blending 104. CORONA FREAK (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " A: WE‘RE GONNA DIEEEEE / B: Chill ur ass out corona freak"



 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 17/03/2020

 Root: Corona, freak. Base: Corona, freak. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + freak

 Types of word formation: Compounding 105. CORONAFRISUR (Transferred Words)

 Sentence: "Discover short videos related to corona frisur on TikTok. Watch popular content from the following creators:

Berti(@dj_attwork), celineschmchr(@celineschmchr."

 Source: https://www.tiktok.com

 Root: Corona, frisur (Borrowed from German). Base: Corona.

Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + frisur

 Types of word formation: Borrowing 106. CORONAGEDDON (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Seems like more insane stuff in UK today, where the leaders claimed that UK was heading for Coronageddon "

 Source: https://twitter.com on 21/09/2020

 Root: Corona, Armageddon. Base: Corona. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + (arma)geddon

 Types of word formation: Blending 107. CORONAGRASS (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Why are you mowing the lawn like that?


 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 07/04/2020

 Root: Corona, grass. Base: Corona. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + grass

 Types of word formation: Compounding 108. CORONAJIHAD (Transferred Words)

 Sentence: "No guesses to which community was targeted when the term #coronajihad was coined."

 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 08/08/2021

 Root: Corona, jihad (Borrowed from Arabic). Base: Corona.

Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + jihad

 Types of word formation: Borrowing 109. CORONA KAREN (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "These murderous criminals are threatening my right to life, and the lives of all citizens with their disgusting walking without wearing masks, holding hands, and playing basketball by themselves!" she screeches into her iPhone.

Thanks for the report, Corona Karen."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 08/05/2020

 Root: Corona, Karen. Base: Corona. Stem: -



 Word formation: Corona + Karen

 Types of word formation: Compounding 110. CORONALLUSIONAL (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " Coronallusional describes the ‗What Day Is It?’"

 Source: https://twitter.com on 28/04/2020

 Root: Corona, illusion. Base: Corona, illusion. Stem:


 Word formation: Corona + (i)llusion(-al)

 Types of word formation: Blending 111. CORONALINGUS (Transferred Words)

 Sentence: "My fiancé and I are practicing social distancing by ordering take-out and engaging in coronalingus."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 18/03/2020

 Root: Corona, lingus (Borrowed from Latin). Base: Corona.

Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + lingus

 Types of word formation: Borrowing 112. CORONALIT (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "The coronalit pandemic is just beginning.."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 16/03/2020

 Root: Corona, lit. Base: Corona. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + lit

 Types of word formation: Compounding 113. CORONAMIGOS (Transferred Words)

 Sentence: "One girl came in the other day saying her runny nose and congestion was from a hangoverLoudly crying faceRaised back of hand like bitch what was u sippin on coronamigos?"

 Source: https://twitter.com on 28/12/2021

 Root: Corona, amigos (Borrowed from Spanish). Base:

Corona. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + (a)migos

 Types of word formation: Borrowing 114. CORONA MOUNTAIN (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Isle Delfino is located around China? That explains Corona Mountain."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 15/03/2020

 Root: Corona, mount. Base: Corona, mount. Stem:


 Word formation: Corona + mount(-ain)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 115. CORONAMUDE (Transferred Words)



 Sentence: "Too lazy to figure out how to add the accent, because I have coronamude."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 21/04/2021

 Root: Corona, mude (Borrowed from German). Base:

Corona. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + mude

 Types of word formation: Borrowing 116. CORONANOIA (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " Are you experiencing coronanoia, when we fear every cough or sneeze signals the need for a 911 call?"

 Source: https://www.crozetgazette.com on 18/05/2020

 Root: Corona, paranoia. Base: Corona, paranoia. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + (para)noia

 Types of word formation: Blending 117. CORONA ORANGE (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "President Trump gets his Corona Orange applied before every rally to fire up the crowd."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 21/03/2020

 Root: Corona, orange. Base: Corona, orange. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + orange

 Types of word formation: Compounding 118. CORONAPHOBIA (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Can we start diagnosing coronaphobia now?

Irrational fear of death from a virus with a 99.8% survival rate."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 21/07/2021

 Root: Corona, phobia. Base: Corona, phobia. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + phobia

 Types of word formation: Compounding 119. CORONAPOCALYPSE (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Coronapocalypse! Without aggressive

containment measures, over 20 million Pakistanis could be impacted by Covid-19 by June"

 Source: https://www.dawn.com on 22/03/2020

 Root: Corona, apocalypse. Base: Corona, apocalypse.

Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + (a)pocalypse

 Types of word formation: Blending 120. CORONAPOLITAN (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Coronapolitan: made with lychee juice, instead of cranberry juice, and a splash of hydroxychloroquine."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 26/06/2020

 Root: Corona, cosmo, cosmopolitan. Base: Corona, cosmo. Stem: -



 Word formation: Corona + (cosmo)politan

 Types of word formation: Blending 121. CORONAQUAKE (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Idaho #CoronaQuake update: Up to 9 aftershocks as of 8:47 PM. #IdahoEarthquake #Earthquake"

 Source: https://twitter.com on 31/03/2020

 Root: Corona, quake. Base: Corona, quake. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + quake

 Types of word formation: Compounding 122. CORONARITA (Transferred Words)

 Sentence: " How to Make a Coronarita: Cocktail Recipe "

 Source: https://www.youtube.com on 13/03/2021

 Root: Corona, margarita (Borrowed from Spanish). Base:

Corona, margarita. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + (marga)rita

 Types of word formation: Borrowing 123. CORONARSEHOLE (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " Shame Coronarsehole never gained any traction.


 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 08/12/2020

 Root: Corona, arsehole. Base: Corona, arsehole. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + (a)rsehole

 Types of word formation: Blending 124. CORONA SCAM (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Corona Scam in Chennai Airport by Hindlabs, Flight missed - Irfan's view"

 Source: https://www.youtube.com on 15/10/2021

 Root: Corona, scam. Base: Corona, scam. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + scam

 Types of word formation: Compounding 125. CORONASHAMING (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "#coronashaming is a real thing right now. Don‘t question the norm or you‘ll be punished."

 Source: https://twitter.com on 14/04/2020

 Root: Corona, shame. Base: Corona, shame. Stem:


 Word formation: Corona + shame(-ing)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 126. CORONASNITCHING (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Is there a term yet for reporting your neighbours to the authorities for breaching emergency rules?




 Source: https://twitter.com on 30/03/2020

 Root: Corona, snitch. Base: Corona, snitch. Stem:


 Word formation: Corona + snitch(-ing)

 Types of word formation: Compounding 127. CORONASOMNIA (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " Yes, #Coronasomnia is a thing and we‘ve all experienced it one or the other way. Be it exhaustion, fatigue, untimely sleep or lethargy – it‘s affects have been noticed in most people. "

 Source: https://www.instagram.com on 05/04/2021

 Root: Corona, insomnia. Base: Corona, insomnia. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + (in)somnia

 Types of word formation: Blending 128. CORONASPEAK (New Coinage)

 Sentence: " From airgasm to vaxillating: how coronaspeak changed our language "

 Source: https://www.smh.com.au on 05/11/2021

 Root: Corona, speak. Base: Corona, speak. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + speak

 Types of word formation: Compounding 129. CORONASPECK (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Good news: infection rates are falling here and now there is no need for a test prior to going to the gym. Bad news:

I have run out of excuses not to get fit again and to do something about this Coronaspeck"

 Source: https://www.twitter.com on 01/06/2021

 Root: Corona, speck. Base: Corona, speck. Stem: -

 Word formation: Corona + speck

 Types of word formation: Compounding 130. CORONASPIRACY (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Trump, aides flirt with China lab coronavirus coronaspiracy theory."

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 20/04/2020

 Root: Corona, conspire. Base: Corona, conspire. Stem:


 Word formation: Corona + conspire(-cy)

 Types of word formation: Blending 131. CORONASSHOLE (New Coinage)

 Sentence: "Harry: "Jim went to that party even after testing positive for Coronavirus!"

Ellen: "What a coronasshole!"

 Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com on 24/03/2020


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