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Ways To Handle Nervousness of New Teachers At Logic Learning Centre in Order To Perform Well When Teaching.


Academic year: 2017

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Dalam tugas akhir ini saya memilih topik “Langkah-langkah yang harus diambil oleh guru baru untuk mengatasi kegugupan saat mengajar di Logic Learning Centre agar dapat mengajar dengan baik”. Topik ini saya pilih berdasarkan pengalaman saya selama magang sebagai guru di LLC selama 30 hari. Selain itu saya juga akan membahas permasalahan yang dihadapi guru baru yang belum memiliki pengalaman dalam mengajar di kelas, dampak yang diterima oleh murid-murid LLC, hingga solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk menangani masalah tersebut.

Umumnya, guru baru tidak memiliki pengalaman dalam mengajar serta kemampuan dalam mengatur sebuah kelas. Masalah ini tentunya

berdampak bagi guru serta LLC. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut saya mengajukan tiga buah solusi: yaitu membentuk tim yang terdiri dari guru baru serta berpengalaman dalam mempersiapkan bahan serta proses belajar mengajar, mengharuskan guru baru untuk mengadakan penelitian untuk menemukan teori-teori yang berguna untuk membantu mereka, dan guru baru tersebut harus menjadi asisten dari guru yang sudah

berpengalaman sebelum ia mengajar sebuah kelas.

Setelah mempertimbangkan sisi positif maupun negatif dari solusi-solusi di atas, saya mengajukan sebuah solusi-solusi yang dapat dijadikan masukan bagi guru baru yang mengajar di LLC. Solusi yang saya ajukan ialah guru baru tersebut dijadikan asisten dari guru yang lebih



Abstract ……… i

Declaration of Originality ……… ii

Acknowledgements ……… iii

Table of Contents ……… iv

Chapter I: INTRODUCTION ………. 1

A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution E. Method of the Study F. Limitations of the Study G. Organization of the Term Paper Chapter II: PROBLEM ANALYSIS ………. 6


Chapter IV: CONCLUSION ……….. 12




A. Background of the Study

A teacher can be defined as “a person who gives instruction or lesson in school or institution, etc” (Hornby 866). The role of teachers these days is even broader. “Today, society holds teachers accountable for using best practice and for the academic learning of their students” (Arends 8). The

increasing teachers’ responsibility results in more weight put on the preparations that need to be made before teaching.

There are many things that teachers should prepare before teaching,

such as:

 Preparing the lesson plan

 Attending teachers’ weekly briefing

 Preparing activities for students in the classroom

 Preparing materials and visual aids

After preparing all the things mentioned above, the teachers must also


new one, must face is nervousness when teaching in a classroom. Based

on my apprenticeship experience, there are some things that cause a new

teacher to feel nervous when teaching:

 No experience in teaching in a classroom

 Cannot interact well with the students

I experienced all of those things when I was teaching kindergarten

students in my apprenticeship from August 2007 until September 2007.

The same things also happened to other new teachers who are in the

same apprenticeship programme with me. Therefore I would like to

analyze the preparations that new teachers should have so they could

have better performance in teaching.

B. Identification of the Problem

There are some points that I am going to analyze in this term paper.

These points are:

1. What kind of preparations to handle nervousness should the

teacher do before teaching?

2. Which factors will improve the quality of performance of new

teachers at LLC in overcoming their nervousness?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

This term paper is written to provide a helpful suggestion for LLC to

help improve the performance of the new teachers who teach there. The


new teachers so that they can have better preparation and performance as

a teacher.

This term paper also provides an opportunity for me to analyze a

problem that I experience myself at the apprenticeship place and find the

best possible solution which will be useful for me in my future career.

Last but not least, it is also expected that this term paper will be useful

for other students who will do their apprenticeship programme, especially

at LLC.

D. Description of the Institution

Logic Learning Center (LLC) is one of the most well known children’s courses in Kopo Permai, Bandung. LLC was established on July 2002 by

four teachers: Mr. Herry Gunawan, Mr. Kuncoro Hadinata Samadikun, Mr.

Santoso Tjahjadidjaja, dan Mrs. Elizabeth Purawidjaja. The school is

located inKopo Permai F8/7. At first, LLC only provides English courses

and a super brain programme for children, a program which is meant for

students so they will be able to memorize things effectively. Since there

were many requests and suggestions, mostly from parents, in 2003 LLC

provided Chinese classes for children. In 2005, LLC also opened up basic

skills or Chinese class for children’s classes (e.g. reading, writing), and courses for Junior High students in 2006.


E. Method of the Study

The case in this term-paper will be analyzed by using theories about

classroom management and educational psychology. The theories for this

term paper are taken from various textbooks.

F. Limitations of the Study

The problem stated in this term paper is taken from the real teaching

experience at LLC. Observation had been made since my first day of

apprenticeship until the end of my programme there. I decided to choose

one important point for my analysis, which covers the issue about

preparation in teaching and also handling nervousness, which new

teachers commonly experience. It is very important for new teachers to

prepare themselves well before teaching because “today’s teachers are

held accountable for their teaching practices and for what their students

learn” (Arends 14). It is expected that upon the completion of this term

paper, improvements will be made so that new teachers can be

well-prepared in teaching at LLC.

G. Organization of the Term Paper

The first part of this term paper is the Abstract, which will give an

insight into the problem discussed in the next chapters. The Table of

Contents consists of the details of the term paper. Chapter I, the

Introduction, provides information about the problem. Chapter II, Problem


results from the problem. Chapter III, the Potential Solutions, provides

comparison and contrast of the three potential solutions that might solve

the problem. Chapter IV, the Conclusion, provides us with one chosen

potential solution to overcome the problem. This solution is proposed

based on the analysis of the previous chapters. The final part of this term

paper is the Bibliography, that contains all of the printed sources that I use



Printed Sources

Arends, Richard. Learning to Teach. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2001.

Hornby, A S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English.

25th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1998.

Scott, Wendy A. and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg. Teaching English to Children.

19th ed. New York: Longman Keys. 2004.

Internet / Electronic source

http://www.education.com/reference/article/Ref_Top_10_Signs_Good/ .


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