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Linguistic features in football magazine : a stylistic analysis on the club focus column in "World Soccer" Magazine.


Academic year: 2017

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WIBOWO, YOSHUA SETYO NUGROHO. Linguistic Features in Football Magazine: a Stylistic Analysis on the Club Focus Column in “World Soccer”

magazine. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2013

People depend a lot on mass media to know what happen around them. Therefore, it is fair to say that mass media has become a very important aspect in society. Some magazines, as a form of mass media, deliver news for people with its own linguistic features. These magazines are called special interest magazines. They have different language which reflects their specialist nature (McLoughlin, 2000:2)

Based on the background above, there are two problems that were formulated. The first problem is to find the linguistic features in the Club Focus column from “World Soccer” magazines, and the second is to find out the possible effects of these linguistic features.

In the analysis, the approach that was used was a stylistic approach which is the most appropriate approach as it studies the linguistic features. The writer did several steps in analyzing the data. First, the data were collected from Club Focus column of “World Soccer” magazine November 2011, December 2011, and March 2012 issue. Second, the writer found the linguistic features that the articles have based on their graphological features and lexical features. After finding the features above, the writer then found out the possible effects of those linguistic features when they are applied in the article.



WIBOWO, YOSHUA SETYO NUGROHO. Linguistic Features in Football Magazine: a Stylistic Analysis on the Club Focus Column in “World Soccer”

magazine. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2013.

Masyarakat sangat bergantung dengan media massa untuk mengetahui apa yang terjadi di sekitar mereka. Oleh karena itu, bisa dikatakan bahwa media masa telah menjadi aspek yang sangat penting di masyarakat. Beberapa majalah, sebagai salah satu bentuk dari media massa, membawakan berita kepada masyarakat dengan fitur linguistik masing-masing. Majalah ini disebut special interest magazine. Majalah kategori ini mempunyai bahasa yang berbeda yang mencerminkan spesialisasi mereka (McLoughlin, 2000:2) (diterjemahkan oleh penulis).

Berdasarkan pada latar belakang tersebut, ada dua permasalahan yang dirumuskan. Masalah pertama adalah menemukan fitur linguistik di kolom Club Focus dari majalah “World Soccer” dan yang kedua adalah menemukan efek yang mungkin terjadi dari fitur linguistik tersebut.

Dalam analisa ini, metode yang digunakan adalah metode stilistik yang merupakan metode paling tepat dikarenakan Stilistika mempelajari fitur linguistik. Penulis melakukan beberapa langkah dalam menganalisa data. Pertama, data diambil dari majalah “World Soccer” yang diterbitkan bulan November 2011, Desember 2011, dan Maret 2012. Data yang diambil adalah artikel dari kolom Club Focus. Kedua, penulis menemukan fitur linguistik yang terdapat di artikel berdasarkan fitur grafologi, dan leksis. Setelah menemukan fitur-fitur tersebut, penulis kemudian menemukan efek yang mungkin dimiliki dari fitur tersebut saat diaplikasikan di artikel.








Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

For the Degree of

Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters


YOSHUA SETYO NUGROHO WIBOWO Student Number: 094214026










Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

For the Degree of

Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters


YOSHUA SETYO NUGROHO WIBOWO Student Number: 094214026





I honestly declared that the thesis which I wrote does not contain the works of other people, except those cited in the quotations and bibliography as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 30 September 2013 The Writer





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Yoshua Setyo Nugroho Wibowo

Nomor Mahasiswa : 094214026

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dhatma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:







beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal : 30 September 2013

Yang menyatakan


The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Anna Mazer



For my Father:




First, I would like to show my deepest gratitude toJesus Christ, ho always with me and supporting me, accompanying me finishing not only this thesis, but also my study. He is always by my side, giving me strength, bless and gift in my life.

I have to thank my advisor,Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M. Pd., M.A. for his time in guiding me and his advice in not only finishing this thesis, but also motivating me as well. This thesis will not be researchable if not because of him. I also have to thank my co-advisor, Harris H. Setiajid, SS., M. Hum, for his help in checking and revising this thesis.

Thank you for my beloved family. Thanks to my father, M.Y. Hari Harjanto Wibowo for being a guardian and always being an example for me. I have to thank my mother, M.I. Citra Kumalasari, for her love and her care. Also, to my naughty but beloved brother,Yohanes Dwi Pangestufor not always, but mostly, making me feels at home.

I also would like to thank my girlfriend and partner,Theodora Ervina boru Rajagukguk for her supports, prayers, motivation, and help so I can finish this thesis in time.

Special thanks and good luck forDaniel “Suk Jin”Niko Chandra. Thank you for being my best friend in Yogyakarta, especially during my hard time.

Thank you, Reinaldo Pradipta, Jane Ellise, Putri Ayu Rezkiyana, Yani Purwaningsih, Silvia Mega, andYennifor the togetherness in starting this thesis together in Writing VI class.









MOTTO PAGE ………. vi




ABSTRACT ……….. xi

ABSTRAK ………. xii


A.Background of the Study ……… 1

B.Problem Formulation ………. 3

C.Objectives of the Study ………. 3

D.Definition of Terms ……… 4


A.Review of Related Studies ………..5

1. Study of Stylistic ………‘5

2. Study of Sport News ……….. 6

3. Study of Magazine ……… 7

B.Review of Related Theories ………... 9

1. Theories of Stylistics ………. 9

2. Theories of Magazine ……… 16

C.Theoretical Framework ……….. 18


A.Object of the Study ………. 20

B. Approach of the Study ……… 22

C.Method of the Study ………... 23


A.The Linguistic Features in the Magazine ……….25

1. Graphological Features ……….. 25

a. Capitalization ……… 26

b. Punctuation ………... 28

2. Lexical Features ………. 30

a. Football terms ………31

b. Metaphors ………. 35

B.Possible Effects of the Linguistic Features ………. 40

1. Effects of Graphological Features ………..40





1. ArticleLifting the Turin cloud………. 49

2. ArticleBlue Moon rising………..55




WIBOWO, YOSHUA SETYO NUGROHO. Linguistic Features in Football Magazine: a Stylistic Analysis on the Club Focus Column in “World Soccer”

magazine. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2013

People depend a lot on mass media to know what happen around them. Therefore, it is fair to say that mass media has become a very important aspect in society. Some magazines, as a form of mass media, deliver news for people with its own linguistic features. These magazines are called special interest magazines. They have different language which reflects their specialist nature (McLoughlin, 2000:2)

Based on the background above, there are two problems that were formulated. The first problem is to find the linguistic features in the Club Focus column from “World Soccer” magazines, and the second is to find out the possible effects of these linguistic features.

In the analysis, the approach that was used was a stylistic approach which is the most appropriate approach as it studies the linguistic features. The writer did several steps in analyzing the data. First, the data were collected from Club Focus column of “World Soccer” magazine November 2011, December 2011, and March 2012 issue. Second, the writer found the linguistic features that the articles have based on their graphological features and lexical features. After finding the features above, the writer then found out the possible effects of those linguistic features when they are applied in the article.



WIBOWO, YOSHUA SETYO NUGROHO. Linguistic Features in Football Magazine: a Stylistic Analysis on the Club Focus Column in “World Soccer”

magazine. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2013.

Masyarakat sangat bergantung dengan media massa untuk mengetahui apa yang terjadi di sekitar mereka. Oleh karena itu, bisa dikatakan bahwa media masa telah menjadi aspek yang sangat penting di masyarakat. Beberapa majalah, sebagai salah satu bentuk dari media massa, membawakan berita kepada masyarakat dengan fitur linguistik masing-masing. Majalah ini disebut special interest magazine. Majalah kategori ini mempunyai bahasa yang berbeda yang mencerminkan spesialisasi mereka (McLoughlin, 2000:2) (diterjemahkan oleh penulis).

Berdasarkan pada latar belakang tersebut, ada dua permasalahan yang dirumuskan. Masalah pertama adalah menemukan fitur linguistik di kolom Club Focus dari majalah “World Soccer” dan yang kedua adalah menemukan efek yang mungkin terjadi dari fitur linguistik tersebut.

Dalam analisa ini, metode yang digunakan adalah metode stilistik yang merupakan metode paling tepat dikarenakan Stilistika mempelajari fitur linguistik. Penulis melakukan beberapa langkah dalam menganalisa data. Pertama, data diambil dari majalah “World Soccer” yang diterbitkan bulan November 2011, Desember 2011, dan Maret 2012. Data yang diambil adalah artikel dari kolom Club Focus. Kedua, penulis menemukan fitur linguistik yang terdapat di artikel berdasarkan fitur grafologi, dan leksis. Setelah menemukan fitur-fitur tersebut, penulis kemudian menemukan efek yang mungkin dimiliki dari fitur tersebut saat diaplikasikan di artikel.




A. Background of the Study

Nowadays people depend on mass media to know what happens around them. Therefore, it is fair to say that mass media has become a very important aspect to society. There are a lot of mass media published in the world in various forms. They are fulfilling the hunger of society of news and what happens around them. However, people are selective of things that they want to know. Some people are only interested in politics; others maybe only interested in sports. This causes the heterogeneity in the mass media. As the result, there are many forms of mass media according to the topic or the kind of news they make. Those different mass media have their own linguistic features which differentiate one mass media from another. Magazine is one form of mass media that delivers news with its own linguistic features.

Magazine is a very popular type of mass media and is commonly found in the society. According to McLoughlin, magazine is a relatively long shelf-life (2000: xi). It means that magazine can last longer than newspaper that only lasts a day. Since it can last longer than a newspaper, it is also issued at more seldom interval. The interval depends on the publisher of magazines. It may be weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly. Magazine focuses on bringing news or article to entertain its reader since it has to be able last more than one day.


‘center of interest’ magazines (McLoughlin, 2000:2). This type of magazine brings a more general topic to attract a lot of reader. However, mostly magazines nowadays tend to focus themselves on a certain topic. These magazines are called special interest magazines. Special interest magazines deal with certain topic like computing, household crafts, music, sport, and automotive. These different magazines have different language which will reflect their specialist nature (McLoughlin, 2000: 2). Therefore, it can be said that different nature or specialization will result different linguistic feature of a magazine.

One of the examples of a special interest magazine is a football magazine. Football magazine, like its name, give article about football to its reader. They give the reader various information about football like the history of a certain football club, preview of a competition, and a biography of a player. It also has certain linguistic features that differentiate it from other special interest magazine.

This thesis focuses on the linguistic feature on a special interest magazine. For the analysis, this thesis will study a type of a special interest magazine, which is a football magazine to find out its linguistic features. This study will analyze linguistic features in an article of football magazine, taken from English football magazine “World Soccer”.“World Soccer”is an English football magazine that is published in all around the world and has become one of the most favorite football magazines in the world, especially in Indonesia.



Based on the above background, the problems of this study are formulated as follows:

1. What are the linguistic features in theClub Focuscolumn from“World Soccer”magazines?

2. What are the possible effects of the linguistic features?

C. Objectives of the Study

From the problem formulated above, this study has the following objectives. First, this thesis is written to find and identify linguistic features in an English football magazine, World Soccer. Second, the linguistic features found then are analyzed further to check how the linguistic features of English football magazine contribute to the possible effect of the magazine.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to focus the research, the following terms will be defined as follows:

1. Stylistics

Peter Barry in his book An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory says that stylistic is “a critical approach which uses the methods and findings of

the science of linguistic in the analysis of the literary texts” (Barry, 2002:203)


2. Language Feature / Linguistic Feature

Linguistic feature is the distinctive expression in the language and the explanation of its purpose and effect (Verdonk, 2002: 4) This means linguistic features gives the characteristic of a certain text and differentiate one text with another text. The examples of the linguistic features are: graphological features, phonological features, grammatical features, and lexical features.

3. Magazine




This chapter consists of three sections: review on related studies, review on related theories, and theoretical framework. The first part contains study which has already been conducted by other people. The second part contains some theories which will be used in analyzing the data. The last part contains the theoretical framework, discussing the contribution of the related studies and the theories in answering the problem of the study and how they are applied in order to answer the problem.

A. Review on Related Studies

In order to support the analysis, some related studies which more or less have the same topic or theme with this study are used. Those related studies are taken from other undergraduate theses and will be helpful for additional understanding of the researcher.

1. Study of Stylistics

In her thesis entitled A Stylistic Analysis on Linguistic Features of News Title in The Jakarta Post on August 19, 2007 Issues, Nani Tato Kamba discussed about using stylistic analysis on linguistic features of news title in The Jakarta Post which was published on August 19, 2007 and the effects of those news title to the reader.


linguistic features. The data then were classified based on the linguistic features they had to see the most common features. After seeing the most common linguistic features, she analyzed the effect of those features to show the effect of linguistic features to the text.

In her conclusion she said that,

The linguistic features affect the news titles. The graphological features affect the ease of reading, the phonological features give a certain rhythm to the news titles that makes them memorable, the grammatical features make the news titles can be understood clearly, and the lexical features help in economizing space-use and beautify the news titles. (2007:73)

The study which was conducted this time is different than the study above. The study by Nani Tato Kamba used news title of a newspaper as the object of its study. This study used the article of a football magazine of a certain issue as the object of the study.

2. Study of Sport News

Another study that is going to be reviewed is a study by Johanes Trihartanto. In his thesis Linguistic Features Used in the News Titles of Sport News in the Jakarta Post Newspaper of 2-6 March 2009 Editions, Johanes Trihartanto discussed linguistic features of news title in sport column of The Jakarta Post of 2-6 March 2009 editions.



theories of linguistic features and used those theories to identify and analyze the linguistic features of the news title.

In the end, he concluded his research part by part. In the first part, graphological feature, there were various font size and font family used in the news title. Second part, phonological features, he said that it is common to find combination of phonological features in one news title. Third part, grammatical features, there were certain tenses to be used to change a word and some word categories were omitted. The last part, lexical feature, he stated that various lexical features were stated in news title. (2010:67)

The similarity of the study above and the study conducted this time is that it discusses about sport news in a mass media. However, even though they discuss about sport, the object of the study between these two studies are different. The study above discusses news title in a newspaper while the study conducted this time discusses columns in sport magazine.

3. Study of Magazine

The last study that is going to be reviewed in this study is a research by Felix Suparno. His research that is going to be discussed is entitled A Study

Language and Sign in Time Magazine’s Front Covers Issued in January to


and semiotically the headlines and visual objects found in Time magazine’s front covers.” (2007:ix)

In conducting his study, Felix Suparno tried to analyze the cover of Time Magazine by collectingTimemagazine issued from January until December 2006. He stated in his problem formulation that he tried to determine the language styles used in the magazine’s headline. After that, he tried to find the semiotic interpretations of the written texts and visual objects found in the magazine’s

covers. He found a lot of theories on stylistic and semiotic, and then used those theories in answering his problem formulation.

In the conclusion, Felix Suparno said that,

From the analysis, the researcher can conclude that there are certain stylistics devices applied in Time magazine’s headlines. In terms of grammar, Time uses three largest tank scales of grammatical units it involves sentence, clause, and phrase. These forms take two syntactic classes; statement and question. This investigation has confirmed that statement is used to give a sense of information and question is used to arouse the readers curiousity about the issue presented in the magazine. (2007: 70)

The similarity of both studies is they discuss about the magazines and using stylistics as the theory in conducting the study. The difference of those studies is: Felix Suparno’s study uses headline cover of a magazine as the object of research


9 B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theories of Stylistics

Language in magazines is very unique compared to other mass media. The language must not only bring or deliver the content of the magazine, but it also has to be able to entertain the reader by reading the article. This language style is not owned by other mass media. Therefore, it can be said that the language of magazines has their own distinctive features. Stylistic analysis is needed in order to analyze these features.

Stylistics is the study or the analysis of distinctive, or unique, expression in language and the explanations of its purpose and effect (Verdonk, 2002: 4). Based on this theory, stylistics can be used to analyze or study expression in language. Stylistics can also be applied to determine the purpose and effect of certain expression in language.

Paul Simpson, in his bookStylistics: a Resource Book for Students, says that the purpose of stylistics is “to explore language, and, more specifically, to explore

creativity in language use” (2004:3). This emphasizes that stylistics is applied to

analyze certain language and the creativity in that language. Moreover, he also adds that doing stylistic enriches people thinking about language and adds our understanding of literary texts (2004:3).


feature in analyzing the magazine. Therefore, only graphological features and lexical features will be discussed.

a. Graphological Features

Graphology, according to Katie Wales in her book A Dictionary of Stylistic, Second Edition, is the writing system of a language as it is seen in the typography and related features. It concerns in graphological features such as size of print, capitalization, punctuation (Wales, 2001:183). This makes the system of writing of a magazine affect the reader in a way.

i. Capitalization

Capitalization means to write the letter in capital letter. Capitalization is used in various ways by the writer.

a. Sentences

According to Eugene Ehrlich in his book Punctuation, Capitalization and Spelling, the first word of any sentences must be capitalized. He says “the rule governs the capitalization of the first word of any grammatical unit punctuated as a sentence.” (1977:112). This means all sentences, including incomplete sentences or fragments, must be capitalized. For example, the first word of the sentences such as “Are you okay?” or “Now!”must be capitalized.

b. Quotation



capitalized…” Further on, he said that “When the quotation is a complete

sentence , the first word is capitalized.” (1977:113)

Sometime the quotation of a complete sentence is broken into 2 parts as if in: “You will,” he went on, “do exactly as I say.” In that case, the second part is not

capitalized if it is treated as a sentence. c. Proper Nouns

Proper Noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing (Cambridge Advance Learner Dictionary, Third Edition, Software version). In mentioning the name of a particular person, place or thing, the first letter of the word must be capitalized. Ehrlich says “in dealing with proper noun and adjectives, the first letter is capitalized.” (1977:115)

ii. Punctuation

Punctuation, according to Hornby, is “the mark used in writing that divide

sentences and phrases” (2004:1027) It means that punctuation has the role to cut the sentences. G.V. Carey said that “punctuation should serve the eye before the

tongue and ear.” (1957:vi) Punctuation then, should prioritize the dividing if

sentences before the need of reading the sentence aloud.

There are a lot of punctuations used nowadays such as period (.), question mark (?), comma (,), and quotation mark (“ ”). The usage of those punctuations


a. Period (.)

A period is used to end a declarative sentence, an imperative sentence and a certain sentence as in:

i. Juventus are one of those clubs who generates bitter division among football fans.

ii. Over the past decade, Shakhtar Donetsk have emerged as the most powerful club in Ukraine and are living proof that the dreams of an owner can alter a team’s destiny forever.

b. Question mark (?).

A question mark is used after a direct question such as in

i. Could this be the season when “La Vecchia Signora” (the old lady) emerges from the post-Calciopoli wilderness to reclaim her rightful place at the top of the tree?

ii. Why should somebody be penalized for wanting to be successful? c. Comma (,)

Commas are used to separate items in a series. The items in a series may be words, phrases, or clauses as in:



ii. They have big football people like Leonardo and Carlo Ancelotti, a great stadium, but could be in a really difficult place because of the rules people are trying to impose.

d. Quotation mark (“ ”)

Quotation marks are used to indicate directly quoted speech as in i. “Yes, I think we should be given more time to adjust to the demands of

Financial Fairplay,” says Marwood.

ii. “The trust of the president was the most vital factor in our European triumph,” says Lucescu.

e. Dash (—)

Dashes are used to set off nonrestrictive appositives worthy of greater emphasis than is achieved with commas and to set off appositives that contain commas.

i. Juventus is not only Italy’s most successful club with 27 leagues title to their name–although they argue that the real figure is 29–but they are also the sides that, for better or worse, have set the winning agenda in terms of style both on and off pitch for much of the last 90 years.

ii. Of all the challenges from new money to the old order of European football –by Paris Saint-Germain, Shakhtar Donetsk, Malaga, and even Chelsea– the most powerful is being lodged by Manchester City.

f. Hyphen ( - )


single word. These modifiers are hyphenated when they appear before a noun they modify.

i. 37-year-old club legend Alessandro Del Piero ii. The side’s joint-leading scorer after nine games.

b. Lexical Features

Bloomfield, cited inLinguistics written by Jean Aitchison, defines lexis as “a minimum free form, that is, the smallest form that can occur by itself”

(1978:65) It means lexis is the minimum or the smallest form of a language which can stand by itself. By analysing the word we can find the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

Lexis according to Wales in his book A Dictionary of Stylistics stated that lexis is the most important means that people have in order to express the idea and experience (2001:234). According to Wales’ theory, lexis is the most important part in the linguistic feature that is used to express an idea or argument. Therefore, it can be said that the lexical feature is the most important in writing in order to show the reader the idea or the argument of the news or article.

Wales also added that “words having similar collocational ranges and

recurring in similar contexts are said to belong to the same lexical set.”



From this, it can be said that the words in a text can reflex the majortheme of the text.

Lexical features that are commonly found in sports magazines, especially football magazines are metaphor and football terms.

i. Metaphor

A metaphor is a figurative comparison that dropped out the words “like”

and “as” and the primary and secondary terms are joined together. (Damon, Espey,

and Mulhauser, 1967: 78). They also said that a metaphor is the implied resemblance of things which are different at all. A metaphor is said to imply since it does not use comparison words such as like or as. In other words, metaphor does not state a comparison, but suggest a comparison.

According to Carlshamre, there are 3 criteria to recognize metaphors in a text. They are: when taken literally (1) meaningless, (2) obviously false, or (3) trivial. (1988: 8) From the criteria by Carlshamre, it can be concluded that to recognize a metaphor, the word’s meaning cannot be taken literally. If it is taken

literally, it will either have no meaning, completely false or trivial and has no importance.

Therefore, it can be concluded that metaphor is a figurative comparison that compares to things together without comparison word like “as” or “like”. Also, a


experience) into the more concrete concepts and are directly accessible with the body (Stefanowitsch, 2005:163). By making the concept accessible with the body, people can then understand the meaning as they experience it themselves. From that theory then it can be said that metaphors can be used to make the meaning of certain phrases is clearer and more understandable.

ii. Football terms

The word ‘term’ according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2009:1819) is a word ‘used to show that you are describing or considering a subject in a particular way or from a particular point of view.’

Football terms means words that have association with football and are only understood by readers who understand about football and its rule.

2. Theory of Magazines



Magazines can be divided to many different types. There are magazines which aim a much wider audience referred as ‘center of interest’ magazines

(McLoughlin, 2000:2). This kind of magazine tends to have a general topic to catch general readers. However, magazines nowadays tend to focus themselves on a certain topic and catch a group of reader. These magazines are called special interest magazines.

Special interest magazines deal with certain topic like computing, household crafts, music. The content of special interest magazine is mostly around the topic that it has. Special interest magazine is seen as the expert of certain topic as the reader read a magazine not only to get entertainment but also to get new knowledge or information about the topic they like.

These different special interest magazines have different language forms which will reflect their specialist nature (McLoughlin, 2000: 2). The different language forms mean the difference of the linguistic feature that the article in the magazine has. Therefore, it can be said that different nature or specialization will result a different linguistic feature of a magazine.


2000: 68). All of the items above show how magazines have unique and distinctive features compared to another media.

The example of a special interest magazine is football magazines. Football magazine is similar sport news. they tell their readers about football in its news or article; although in football magazine, the content of the news only discuss about one kind of sport, that is football.

These theories will be the base of the analysis of the thesis. The stylistic analysis theory is used to analyze the linguistic features of the magazine. The linguistic features that are going to be analyzed is, graphology, grammar, and lexis of the magazine. The definition of the magazine and its purpose is used to show the effect of those linguistic features to the reader of magazines.

C. Theoretical Framework

This part explains the contribution of the theories and related studies in solving the problems mentioned in Chapter I. It is important to include the related theories and related studies as the foundation to analyze the object of the study.

In order to answer the first problem, there are some theories that will be used. Theories of capitalizations and punctuation by Ehrlich (1977) are used to find the capitalization and punctuation used in the articles. Theories of metaphor proposed by Phillip, Espey, and Mulhauser also by Carlshamre are used to recognize metaphors in the articles. To determine terms in the article, definition of ‘term’



theories will be used to answer the first problem formulation, which is to find the linguistic features from the articles of Club Focus ofWorld Soccermagazines.




This section consists of four parts: object of the study, approach of the study, and research method.

A. Object of the study

The English football magazineWorld Soccerwill be the source of the study. The object of the study is a regular column inWorld Soccer magazine calledClub Focuscolumn. It usually consists of 6 pages. Its content focuses on discussing one football club that is rising or having a boost of performance and doing well in its respective league.



season. The Club Focuscolumn is taken because it is one of the regular columns in the magazine and it discusses not only English football club, but also another country’s club as the magazine intends to bring information about global football.

The data used for this study were taken from Club Focus column of an English football magazine World Soccer. Club Focuscolumn is one of the routine columns of the magazine. The column discusses one football club in the world that has a special performance or features during that time. The basic layout of the column is always the same in different editions. The column contain: title, heading, main article, boxes, and pictures.

The title of the column is the title of the article. The heading of the article gives a brief explanation about the article and tell the reader who is the author of the article. The main article is the content of the article.

There are 4 boxes in the article, they are: “Club’s League Position”, “The

Power Curve”, “Profit and Loss”, and “The Squad”. “Club’s League Position”

explains the achievement of club from the past until present time. It is made of a graphic and list of cup the club has ever won.

“The Power Curve” explains about hierarchy position in the club and gives

short background about people there. “Profit and Loss” explains about the financial condition of the club. The explanation is given in a bar graphic accompanied with some explanations.

“The Squad” gives information about the player in the club. Not only that, it


stadium of the club. Below the picture of the player, coach, and stadium, an explanation or short background are given to inform the reader about them.

There are always seven pictures in the article, not including the pictures in the boxes. There is always one big picture that takes about one and a half page of the magazine. There are also captions in every picture that explains the picture.

There are 3 articles that are used for this research. They are “Lifting the Turin cloud”, “Making dreams come true”, and “Blue moon rising”. “Lifting the

Turin cloud” is taken from World Soccer December 2011 issue. “Making dreams

come true” is taken from World Soccer magazine issued in November 2011. “Blue moon rising” is taken from March 2012 issue.

“Lifting the Turin cloud” contains 23 paragraphs and 46 sentences not

including the sentences from the boxes. “Making dreams come true” contains 24

paragraphs and 67 sentences. “Blue moon rising”, meanwhile, contains 32 paragraphs with 82 sentences.

B. Approach of the Study

In analysing the articles in the column, stylistic approach will be used. Stylistics, in Peter Barry’s book Beginning Theory, is “a critical approach which uses the methods and findings of the sciences of linguistics in the analysis of literary texts.” (2002:203). This statement means that a text can be analysed using



(2002:207). It means that a non-literary text like magazine can also be analysed using stylistics.

The purpose of stylistic approach is to provide ‘hard data’ in analysing the text (Barry, 2002:204). The hard data that is needed to do stylistic approach can be found by analysing the linguistic features found on the texts. The results can support the idea that article in magazines has function to entertain and give news to the reader.

C. Method of the Study

There were some steps in this analysis. The first step was collecting the data. The data were collected from an English football magazine World Soccer November 2011, December 2011, and March 2012. The data analysed were not from the entire content of the magazine, but only from Club Focuscolumn. Other content of magazine would not be included in the analysis.

To ease the analysis of the study, the data are taken per article. Therefore, there are 3 articles that were analysed in this study. They were “Shakhtar Donetsk,

Making Dreams Come True”, “Juventus, Lifting the Turin Cloud”, and “Manchester City, Blue Moon Rising”.


sentences, words or other features that were applied in the data. For example, to find the graphology applied in the feature, the article is read to find the type of the font in the article.




Articles in magazines always have their own style in writing. They are written in such a way so that they not only deliver the content of the article, but also entertain and please the reader as they read them. The linguistic features of the article then become the magazines’ characteristic and style in writing.

This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part is linguistic feature in the article. It answers the first question in the problem formulation. The second part is the possible effect of linguistic features to the reader. It answers the second problem in the problem formulation.

A. The Linguistic Features in the magazine

The linguistic features found in the magazines are divided into 2 main parts. They are graphological feature and lexical feature.

1. Graphological Features in the article

Graphological feature is one of the elements in the written language. It explains how the article is written by giving capitalization, punctuation, or type of font. In the graphological features, the linguistic features that were analyzed in this thesis are the use of capitalization and the use of punctuation.


However, the capitalization and punctuation in the article’s title, graphic, chart, or

list of the player will not be discussed because the punctuation and capitalization there have different and special usage with the main article. In the graphic or the chart, the information there mostly uses fragments and not the entire texts are complete sentences. Therefore the rules of capitalization and punctuation can not be applied there.

The data were analyzed based on each article. a) Capitalization

a. “Lifting the Turin cloud”

No Use of Capitalization Amount

1 At the beginning of a sentence 46


2 Proper nouns 127

Table 1:The number of capitalized words in the article “Lifting the Turin cloud”

According to the table above, there are 127 proper nouns in 46 sentences. On average, there are 2,78 proper nouns in each sentences. This indicates that in the sport article, there are a lot of proper nouns used in order to mention name of football clubs, players, or competitions. A sentence may contain more than 1 proper noun. The table also shows that there are 46 sentences in the article.

From 127 proper nouns, in the article, there are only 51 different proper nouns. There are a lot of repetitions in the use of proper nouns. Juventus, as the main topic of the article, is used the most in the article. The word “Juventus” is



mentioned once or twice. They are usually name of players (“Pirlo” and “Buffon”)

or football clubs, such as “Torino”, “Siena”, and “Bari”.

b. “Making dreams come true”

No Use of Capitalization Amount

1 At the beginning of a sentence 74

2 Proper nouns 156

Table 2: The number of capitalized words in the article “Making dreams come true”

According to the table above, there are 156 proper nouns in 74 sentences. On average, there are 2,08 proper nouns in each sentences. The number indicates that more than one proper noun is a common in the article. The table also shows that there are 74 sentences in the article, indicated by capitalization at the beginning of the sentence.

From 156 proper nouns or adjectives used in the article. There are 92 different proper nouns that are used in the article. The most used in the article is the word “Shakhtar” with 12 times, and “Donetsk” with 10 times. Most of other


c. “Blue moon rising”

No Use of Capitalization Amount

1 At the beginning of a sentence 82


2 Proper nouns 146

Table 3: The number of capitalized words in the article “Blue moon rising”

According to the table above, there are 146 proper nouns in 82 sentences. On average, there are 1,77 proper nouns in each sentences. The number indicates that more than one proper noun is a common in the article. The table also shows that there are 82 sentences in the article, indicated by capitalization at the beginning of the sentence.

There are 146 proper nouns in the article, and there are 65 different proper nouns in the article. The most often used proper noun in the article is the focus of the article, that is “Manchester City”. It is repeated for 16 times. The second most

often used proper nouns in the article is Manchester City’s rival, that is

Manchester United which is repeated for 11 times. Most of the proper nouns are names of a person or a club, and they are only used once in the article.

b) Punctuation

a. “Lifting the Turin cloud”

No. Punctuation Number of Punctuation

1 Period (.) 44

2 Comma (,) 84

3 Question mark (?) 2

4 Quotation mark (“…”) 7

5 Dash (–) 4

6 Hyphen (-) 20



There are 44 periods used in the article. This means there are at least 44 sentences in the article. Hyphens are used not only to separate the compound modifier and the noun they modify. Hyphen also appears to indicate the score of football match (When Juventus beat Internazionale 2-1…) or to indicate the length of season in football (…coach in disastrous 2010-11 season…).

b. “Making dreams come true”

No. Punctuation Number of Punctuation

1 Period (.) 67

2 Comma (,) 76

3 Question mark (?) 0

4 Quotation mark (“…”) 15

5 Dash (–) 4

6 Hyphen (-) 26

Table 5: The number of punctuations in the article “Making dreams come true”

There are 67 periods used in the article. This means there are at least 67 sentences in the article. Hyphens are used again, not only to separate the compound modifier and the noun they modify in this article. Hyphen also appears to indicate the score of football match (Two 1-0 defeats, home and…). Quotation marks here are not only used to indicate direct quote from someone. Quotation marks are used once to indicate a nickname for a football club. (…the “Miners”


c. “Blue Moon rising”

No. Punctuation Number of Punctuation

1 Period (.) 81

2 Comma (,) 65

3 Question mark (?) 4

4 Quotation mark (“…”) 18

5 Dash (–) 7


6 Hyphen (-) 20

Table 6:The number of punctuations in the article “Blue moon rising”

There are 81 periods used in the article. This means there are at least 81 sentences in the article. Hyphens are used again, not only to separate the compound modifier and the noun they modify in this article. Hyphen also appears to indicate the score of football match (… Premier League this season with 6-1 win away…). Another usage of hyphen in this article is in the name of football club, which is Paris Saint-Germain.

2. Lexical Features in the article

Lexical feature, linguistic feature with the form of lexical item, is the main element in the special interest magazine. It creates a particular style of a special interest magazine. Verdonk states that “style is indeed a distinctive way of using

language for some purpose and to some effect.”(2002:5). It differentiates one



The use of football term is to show to the reader that the subject described here is about football and the article will be based on football point of view. Metaphor or comparison of things with similarities are used to ease the reader in reading the article. In this discussion, the metaphor and football terms in the article’s title, graphic, chart, or list of the player will also be discussed because the

chart, graphic, list of players also use football terms and metaphors, and the use of them is the same with the main article.

a. Football Terms

The football terms found in the article is listed below. They are categorized from which article they are found.

i. “Lifting the Turin Cloud”

No Football

Terms Meaning

1 Calciopoli widespread corruption in Italian football (Distaso, 2012:1)

2 Season

the period of year when particular sports event is held

(Cambridge Advanced Learner Dictionary, Third Edition, Software edition)

3 Substitute a player used for changing the main player, or as a back-up (ibid)

4 Field / Pitch

The area that a match is played in.

(Coggins,worldsoccer.about.com/od/glossary/g/field.htm, 4thJuly 2013)

5 goals

A goal is scored when the entire ball crosses the whole of the goal line.


6 Goalkeeper The only member of a team who is allowed to touch the ball with the hands. (ibid.,goalkeeper.htm)

7 Midfielder The player whose job is to link defence and offense. (ibid.,midfielder.htm)


9 Winger Wide attacking players whose primary play in the side of field. (ibid.,winger.htm)

10 Shoot out

Also known as penalty shoot-out. A method of deciding a match in a knockout tournament that has ended level.


11 Right back Often called right full back. His role is to stop the opposition and operate only from the right side of the pitch (ibid.,fullback.htm) 12 Left back Often called left full back. His role is to stop the opposition and operate only from the left side of the pitch. (ibid.,fullback.htm) 13 Central


Player who helps form the central part of his team’s defence.


14 Cap A recognition earned by a player whenever he plays an international match for his country. (ibid.,cap.htm)

15 Attacking Midfielder

Player who plays on the midfield and support the striker. (ibid.,gl_attackingmidfielder.htm)

16 Free transfer

The term used when a player moves to another club without any money. (http://www.sportsdefinitions.com/soccer/Free-transfer.html, 4thJuly 2013)

17 Loaned out Condition where a player is lended by a club to another club for a certain time.

18 Transfer

Window a phase where club may sell or buy players

Table 7: List of football terms and their meaning in the article “Lifting the Turin cloud”

Most football terms used by the article are the position of a player in football. Words such as striker, winger, and defender are described and explained as position of player in a formation. The word transfer is described not as an act of transferring money, but as an act of transferring player from one club into another club.

ii. “Making dreams come true”

No Football

Terms Meaning

1 Coach



2 captain the leader of a sports team (ibid.)

3 Substitute a player used for changing the main player, or as a back-up (ibid.)

4 appearances

Recognition for players after playing in a match.

(Coggins,worldsoccer.about.com/od/glossary/g/appearances.htm, 4thJuly 2013)

5 cap Recognition earned by a player whenever he plays an international match for his country. (ibid.,cap.htm)

6 Centre-back Player who helps form the central part of his team’s defence. (ibid.,gl_central_defender.htm)

7 Defender Player who forms part of his team’s defence. (ibid.,gl_defender.htm)

8 defensive-midfielder

Player whose role is to break up the opposition’s attacks from the

midfield. (ibid.,gl_defensive_midfielder.htm)

9 finisher Another term for striker. Player whose role is to score a goal. (ibid.,finisher.htm)

10 kick off The start or restart of a game at the beginning of each half or after each goal. (ibid.,kickoff.htm)

11 left-back Often called left full back. His role is to stop the opposition and operate only from the left side of the pitch. (ibid.,fullback.htm) 12 midfield

The middle area of the field occupied primarily by a team’s



13 midfielder The player whose job is to link defence and offense. (ibid.,midfielder.htm)

14 Stopper

Other terms for defender.Player who forms part of his team’s



15 target-man A striker who is the target of passes from his teammates. (ibid.,target-man.htm)

16 winger Wide attacking players whose primary play in the side of field. (ibid.,winger.htm)

17 playmaker

Player whose role is to create scoring opportunities for his or her team-mates

(Playmaker,http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/playmaker, 4th July 2013)

Table 8: List of football terms and their meaning in the article “Making dreams come true”


winger, right back, and striker. The words playmaker and target man are a special word that shows football tactics.

iii. “Blue Moon rising”

No Football

Terms Meaning

1 Captain

The leader of a sports team

(Cambridge Advanced Learner Dictionary, Third Edition, Software edition)

2 scout A person employed to look for people with particular skills, especially in sport or entertainment (ibid.)

3 season The period of year when particular sports event is held (ibid.)

4 Financial Fair Play

Rules which aim to introduce more discipline within club finances and encourage responsible spending investment

(Financial Fair Play–Media Information,25 January 2012) 5 Away

A condition where a team is playing in the opponents' stadium. (Coggins,worldsoccer.about.com/od/glossary/away.htm, 4thJuly 2013)

6 central defender

Also called a center-back. Player who helps form the central part of

his team’s defence.(ibid.,gl_central_defender.htm)

7 centre-half

Another term for central defender. Player who helps form the central

part of his team’s defence.(ibid.,centrehalf.htm)

8 defensive midfield

Player whose role is to break up the opposition’s attacks from the



9 free-kick An unobstructed kick of a stationary ball awarded for an infringement by an opposing player. (ibid.,free-kick.htm)

10 left-back Often called left full back. His role is to stop the opposition and operate only from the left side of the pitch. (ibid.,fullback.htm) 11


Often called right full back. His role is to stop the opposition and operate only from the right side of the pitch (ibid.,fullback.htm) 12 Winger Wide attacking players whose primary play in the side of field.


Table 9: List of football terms and their meaning in the article “Blue Moon rising”



Fair Play, which is a regulation made so club do not spend money more than they can earn.

b. Metaphors

i. “Lifting the Turin cloud” a. Metaphor 1:

“Lifting theTurin cloud”- page 56

The title of the article is also a metaphor. The Turin mentioned above does not mean the city of Turin. It actually means a football club in Turin, which is Juventus. The word cloud is also metaphor. The word cloud does not mean the cloud that is hanging in the city of Turin, but something that blocks the glory of Juventus as in the past 5 years, Juventus never won a trophy despite they are considered as the most successful club in Italy.

b. Metaphor 2:

“Time and again, Juventus have ridden out such storms, coming back to prove themselves the strongest club in Italian football.”- page 58

From the passage above, the metaphor is in the words ‘ridden out such

storms’. Storms here is compared as a difficult situation, because whenever there is a storm, people will have a difficult situation. The difficult situation that Juventus have suffered is the Calciopoli scandal which made them relegated. c. Metaphor 3:


The word ‘boy’ in the passage above does not mean literally a male child, as the coach is already about 44 years old this year. The boy in the passage means the player in Juventus. Juventus’ player is sometime considered as boy because

Juventus is sometime referred as a lady. This is proven by its nickname La Vecchia Signoraor ‘the Old Lady’.

d. Metaphor 4:

“In truth, unlike a lot ofbigclubs, Juventus…”- page 59 “… and have never been slow to offloadbignames… “

In the passages above, the words big does not literally mean large in the size or amount, but it means to be famous and known by a lot of people.

e. Metaphor 5:

“… as abattlingmidfielder for Juventus.”- page 59

The word battling is a metaphor because in a football match, the match is sometime considered as a war where two armed forces have to compete against each other.

f. Metaphor 6:

“He was always there when theheatwas on…”- page 59

The condition heat does not literally mean the high temperature, but it expresses the intense condition or difficult situation. When someone is in difficult situation of is intense, he usually sweats as if he is feeling hot.

g. Metaphor 7:



In the passage above, the phrase “returned home” does not signify that he

finally come back to where he lives. Home in the passage above connate a place where someone belongs there and feel really comfortable in that place.

The word Turin, again, like the title, does not imply the city of Turin, but Juventus which is located in Turin.

h. Metaphor 8:

“…another newboyin Montenegro striker…”- page 60

In this passage, the same with the metaphor 4, word “boy” does not really

imply a male child. But it implies one player of Juventus. i. Metaphor 9:

“Juventus look to have thespineof a good team…”- page 60

Spine according to Cambrige Advanced Learner Dictionary, third edition is the line of bones down the center of the back that provide support for the body. However, this definition cannot be taken literally, as Juventus is not human. The word spine here, like the real spine, is something strong that support or shape a good team.

j. Metaphor 10:

“… but he remains a vitalcogin the Juventus wheel.”- page 60


k. Metaphor 11:

“A solid, dependable operator who is now well established in the centre of the Juventus defence”- page 60

In the passage above, the one that being compared is the defence of Juventus with a machine or vehicle. It is indicated by the word operator as it needs an operator to move a machine. Like a machine, an operator is needed to operate Juventus defence.

l. Metaphor 12:

“…and has established himself as a key component of the Juventus attack,…” -page 60

According to Cambridge Advanced Learner dictionary third edition, component is a part which combines with other part to form something bigger. From that definition, the word component indicates Juventus attack is like something that consists of a lot of parts.

ii. “Blue Moon Rising” a. Metaphor 1:

“Blue moonrising”- page 54

The title is a metaphor. The word “rising” means to become higher. It states the similarity of ‘Blue Moon’, an anthem for Manchester city, with something that

goes and become higher. The word ‘blue moon’ here in this case is not a metaphor,


39 b. Metaphor 2:

“Of all the challenges from newmoney to the oldorderof European football–by Paris Saint-Germain, Shakhtar Donetsk, Malaga, and even Chelsea – the most powerful is beinglodged by Manchester City.”- page 54

The metaphor in the passage above is in the owrd order. The order here symbolizes that the European football is like an old social or political system. Like a system that is stagnant and never undergoes a lot of changes, the European football has already become a stagnant condition and rarely changes.

c. Metaphor 3:

“PSG are a great club that have been in thewildernessfor a few years. They have big football people like Leonardo and Carlo Ancelloti, a great stadium, but could be in a really difficult place because of the rules people are trying to impose.” -page 56

In that passage PSG is not really in the wilderness. But it states that the conditi on in PSG now is like living in the wilderness that is difficult to live in as a result of extreme condition.

d. Metaphor 4

“When former captain and talisman Tevez alledgedly refused to warm-up…” -page 57


iii. “Making dreams come true”

In the article “Making dreams come true”, there is no metaphor found.

However, there are other lexical features that indicate the informality and entertainment in language, such as hyperbole and idioms.

B. Possible Effects of Linguistic Features

Each linguistic feature has effects to the article. The effects are divided to 2 parts; they are graphological feature and linguistic feature.

1. Effect of graphological features



Figure 1: 1a. Example of paragraphs in the article “Lifting the Turin cloud”page 60

1b.Example of paragraphs in the article “Blue Moon rising”page 57

By reading at the figure above, it can be seen that the articles use standard use of capitalization and punctuation. For example, capital letters are used at the beginning of a sentence (After an injury-interrupted campaign last term, not everyone was convinced that Pirlo was right for Juventus.). Capital letters are used in the beginning of proper names like Pirlo, Montenegro, Vucinic, Madrid, and Barcelona.


The punctuation is also used according to the rules. It can be seen from the paragraph in the figure above. Period is used at the last declarative sentence (“What we are trying to do is create a similar environment and we are working

Figure 1b


with UEFA to show it can be done.”). Other punctuations and their uses can be seen in this sentence:

“Given that three player in the first choice four-man defence – namely Andrea Barzagli, Leonardo Bonucci, and Giorgio Ciellini –are central defenders (Stephan Lichsteiner is the fourth man, at right-back), the rearguard has an intimidating look about it.” (Lifting the Turin cloud page 60)

In the sentence above, dash (—) is used to mark non-restrictive appositives. Noun phrase in the appositive “namely Andrea Baezagli, Leonardo Bonucci, and Giorgio Chiellini” can be omitted. Commas (,) are used to separate names in the

sentences; those are Andrea Barzagli, Leonardo Bonucci, and Giorgio Chiellini. Hyphens (-) is used before a compound modifier and noun it modifies in the word “right-back”. The word “right” modifies “back”.

From the analysis above, it can be concluded that capitalization and punctuation in the articles are used normally. Punctuations are given to cut sentences and capitalizations are used to indicate the beginning of a sentence and proper name. The standard used of graphological features above will make the reader easily understand the message in the article.

2. Effects of Lexis



article have a very important role, which is expressing the idea of the article to the reader.

The article, which is taken from football-interest magazine, has some specialized words and names that are only familiar in football. These specialized word and names to make the reader see the subject in sport point of view only.

The use of football terms such as midfielder, away, winger, and captain is to make the reader know that the content of the article is seen from football point of view. For example in the following phrase “Experienceholding midfielder with great vision and versatility who has been a Ukraine international since 2002”

(Making dreams come true, page 60), the reader will know that this article is about football by reading the word midfielder. The reader will then see the content of this article from football point of view.

There is also the use of metaphors. The metaphor usage in the article, however, is not a constant element. In article “Lifting the Turin cloud”, there are

13 metaphors found. However, in article “Blue moon rising” there are only 4 metaphors and there is not any metaphor found in the article “Making dream

come true”.




This part is about the conclusion of all problems that have been answered in the previous chapter. As the conclusion, the linguistic features that affect the reader in Club Focus column in World Soccer magazine issued on September 2012 are divided into two main parts. They are graphological feature and lexical feature.

The graphological features used in the article are punctuation and capitalization. The capitalization is used in the beginning of sentences and proper name. The punctuation in the article is also used in correct way. The period (.) is used to end declarative sentence or a statement. A comma (,) is used to separate items in a series. Question mark (?) is used to indicate direct question. Quotation mark (“…”) has two functions. It is used to indicate directly quoted speech and to

indicate nickname from a club. Dash (—) is used to indicate non-restrictive appositive. And hyphens ( -) is used between a compound modifier and the noun it modify. Not only that, hyphens also appears in a club name as part of the club name and to indicate the result of football matches.


Lexical feature that are analyzed in the article are metaphor and football terms. There are a lot of football terms used in the articles. The use of football terms, according to the function of term inLongman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishis to make the article be seen in football point of view.

Using the theory of function of metaphors, it can be concluded that metaphors are used to give aesthetic effects to the article. This is in accordance with the role of magazine that is to entertain its reader.

The other role of metaphors is to make the content of the article more understandable. However, it can be found that not only metaphors that are used to make the language of the article be more understandable and have aesthetical effects. There are also idioms and imagery such as hyperbole that can be found in the article.



Agnew, Paddy. “Lifting the Turin Cloud”. World Soccer. December 2011, pp. 56-61.

Aitchison, Jane. 1978.Linguistics.New York: Hodder and Soughton.

Barry, Peter. 2002. Beginning Theory: an Introduction to Literary and Cultural History.New York: Manchester University Press.

Cambridge Advanced Learner Dictionary Third Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Collins Concise Dictionary and Thesaurus. Glasgow: HarperCollins Publisher, 2003

Carey, G.V. 1957.Punctuation.New York: Cambridge University Press.

Carlshamre, Staffan.1988 Metaphors in Text Semantic: Problems and Prospects, STTS Report No 88-4. New York: Gateborg

Coggins, Stewart. “Soccer Glossary”. 2013. <http://worldsoccer.about.com/ od/glossary.htm> (4 July 2013)

Damon, Phillip, John Espey, and Frederick Mulhauser. 1966. Language Rhetoric and Style.New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Distaso, Walter, Leone Leonida, Dario Maimone Ansaldp Patti, Piettro Navarra. 2012 Corruption and Referee Bias in Football: the Case of Calciopoli. Dissertation. London: Imperial College London.

Ehrlich, Eugene. 1977. Punctuation, Capitalization, and Spelling, United State of America: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Financial Fair Play–Media Information,Nyon: UEFA Communication Division, 2012.

“Free Transfer”. Sportsdefinition.com. 2011. <http://www.sportsdefinitions.com/soccer/

Free-transfer.html>. (4 July 2013).

Fromkin, Victoria; Robert Rodman; and Nina Hyams. 2003. An Introduction to Language, 7thEdition.New York: Heinle.

Holden, Jim. “Blue Moon Rising”.World Soccer. March 2012, pp. 54-59.

Hornby A. S. 2004. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Di


Table 1: The number of capitalized words in the article “Lifting the Turin cloud”
Table 2: The number of capitalized words in the article “Making dreams come
Table 3: The number of capitalized words in the article “Blue moon rising”
Table 5: The number of punctuations in the article “Making dreams come


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