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Strategi Orang Tua Tunggal Terhadap Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Keluarga (Studi Kasus Ibu Sebagai Orang Tua Tunggal di Desa Namo Bintang Kecamatan Pancur Batu Kabupaten Deli Serdang


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Strategi Orang Tua Tunggal Terhadap Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Keluarga (Studi Kasus Ibu Sebagai Orang Tua Tunggal di Desa Namo Bintang Kecamatan Pancur Batu Kabupaten Deli Serdang"


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Strategies By Single Parent To Fullfill The Family Needs

(A Case of Single Mother in the Namo Bintang Village Pancur Batu Sub-District Deli Serdang Sub-District)

Socio-economic conditions of the family with the mother as a single

parent in the village of Namo Bintang is a phenomenon in life is very hard to run.

Mother as a single parent has a heavy burden to fullfill family needs because their

income is too small when compared to the needs of her family . Nevertheless

mother as a single parent still has the ability to survive in different conditions .

They already have a reliable strategy in the face of pressure , although on the one

hand strategy built affect other things such as children who can not afford to

school . Issues addressed in this study is how the strategies undertaken by the

Mother as a single parent to meet the needs of families with low incomes .

This type of research is classified as descriptive study with qualitative

approach which aims to describe the strategy of survival by single mother. This

study was conducted at five mother who became a single parent after the death of

her husband, using the method of sampling using purposive sampling method or

technique of sampling aims. Methods of data collection are literature study,

in-depth interviews and direct observation in the field.

The result show that strategy of survival by single mother in the village of

Namo Bintang incense among active strategy is additional sources of livelihood

such as, trade, wash laborers and agricultural laborers, involve all family members

in the activity of the main activities and additional. In addition they also take



advantage of the available land to grow crops that can be consumed daily to

reduce costs and expenses. Such a passive strategy to save expenses for daily

needs such as for food are consumed each day. Frequency of eating rice a day

fixed 3 times a day but with simple dishes such as salted fish, almost never

consumption meat in a week. The whole family just bought new clothes only once

a year and only seek treatment at . Network strategy by single mother is to

establish social relations either formally, or in imformal with the social

environment, utilizing the poverty alleviation program implemented by the

government, network utilization is seen clearly when faced with economic

problems, they prefer to borrow money from neighbors and cooperative.

This study suggests that people in the village Namo Bintang must

maintain family ties are based on mutual cooperation relations and mutual help ,

mutual trust and mutual relationship that is familial in order in case of economic

pressure can utilize the network as an alternative to alleviate the financial

problems . Mother as a single parent should be able to search for trending

information regarding the price of goods efficiently in order to reduce costs both

consumption and food . Judging from the education requirement also is important

, for it is a single mother could anticipate a child to be able to stay in school for

example, by reducing the cost of transport and child allowance . Single mothers

have to be more creative in finding other alternatives to increase awareness.

Single mother to save money need to be improved in order to face the immediate


Keywords: Life Survival Strategies, Family Needs, Single Mother


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