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View of Growth Response of Purple Corn (Zea mays var. Ceratina kulesh) to Endophytic Bacterial Biofertilizer Treatment


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BIOTROPIKA Journal of Tropical Biology


Vol. 10 | No. 2 | 2022 | DOI: 10.21776/ub.biotropika.2022.010.02.02 GROWTH RESPONSE OF PURPLE CORN (Zea mays var. Ceratina Kulesh) TO



Kiki Riska Novelia1), Retno Mastuti1)*, Saptini Mukti Rahajeng2)


Purple corn is one of the food commodities in Indonesia which contains high anthocyanins, so it is good for health. Efforts to increase the yield of this commodity are carried out by using endophytic bacteria biofertilizer (EBB), which positively affects the growth and content of secondary metabolites in plants. Endophytic fertilizer is proven to increase the growth and yield of yellow corn until 111%. Therefore, this study aims to determine the growth response of purple corn plants to EBB. This study used a completely randomized design with two factors, namely EBB dose of 0 ml/l (control, P0), 80 ml/l (P1), and 90 ml/l (P2) and plant age of 21, 35, 49, and 63 days after planting (DAP). The effect of these two factors was observed on vegetative growth, while on generative and post-harvest growth, only the effect of EBB dose was observed. The vegetative growth parameters observed included plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, and width. The generative and post- harvest growth parameters observed were flowering age, number of cobs per plant, cob length, fresh and dry weight of cobs and weight of 100 seeds of purple corn. The results showed that the EBB dose and plant age had a significant effect on plant height, as well as the number, length, and width of leaves. The EBB dose significantly affected on flowering time, cob length, fresh weight, and dry weight of purple corn cobs, but did not significantly affect the weight of 100 corn kernels.

Keywords: endophytic, growth factors, purple corn, biological fertilizer


Jagung ungu merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan di Indonesia dengan kandungan antosianin yang tinggi sehingga baik bagi kesehatan. Upaya peningkatan hasil komoditas ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pupuk hayati bakteri endofit yang berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan serta kandungan metabolit sekunder pada tanaman. Penggunaan pupuk endofit terbukti mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil panen jagung kuning hingga 111%. Oleh karena itu respon pertumbuhan tanaman jagung ungu terhadap pemberian pupuk hayati bakteri endofit perlu diteliti. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan dua faktor perlakuan yaitu pupuk hayati bakteri endofit dengan dosis 0 ml/l (kontrol, P0), 80 ml/l (P1), dan 90 ml/l (P2) dan umur tanaman yaitu 21, 35, 49, dan 63 hari setelah tanam (HST). Pengaruh kedua faktor diamati pada pertumbuhan vegetatif sedangkan pada pertumbuhan generatif dan pasca panen hanya diamati pengaruh dosis pupuk. Tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang dan lebar daun merupakan parameter pertumbuhan vegetatif yang diamati. Sedangkan umur berbunga, jumlah tongkol per tanaman, pajang tongkol, bobot basah dan kering tongkol serta bobot 100 biji jagung ungu ditetapkan sebagai Parameter pertumbuhan generatif dan pasca panen yang diamati. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa dosis pupuk dan umur tanaman berpengaruh nyata pada tinggi tanaman, serta jumlah, panjang dan lebar daun. Dosis pupuk juga berpengaruh nyata terhadap waktu berbunga, panjang tongkol, bobot basah dan kering tongkol jagung ungu, namun belum memberikan pengaruh terhadap bobot 100 biji jagung.

Kata kunci: endofit, faktor pertumbuhan, jagung ungu, pupuk hayati


Indonesia is located on the equator, which is one of the strategic reasons for developing agricultural activities-based businesses. This is one of the advantages for the people of Indonesia because the equator is fertile land and is suitable for use as landscaping agricultural fields. Most of Indonesia's population has a livelihood as farmers, with one of

the most widely cultivated food crop commodities is corn [1]. All types of corn have significant amounts of dietary fiber, minerals (magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus), phenolic acids and flavonoids, vitamins (A, B, E, and K), plant sterols, and many phytochemicals (lignin and bound phytochemicals). Like blue and red corn, purple corn also has high anthocyanidin concentrations Received : March, 16 2022

Accepted : July, 4 2022

Authors affiliation:

1)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

2)Agricultural Training Center (BBPP), Jl Ketindan Lawang, Malang, East Java 65214

Correspondence email:


How to cite:

Novelia KR, R Mastuti, SM Rahajeng. 2021. Growth response of purple corn (Zea mays var.

Ceratina Kulesh) to endophytic bacterial biofertilizer treatment.

Journal of Tropical Biology 10 (2): 97-104.


reaching 325 mg/100 g DW corn seeds [2].

However, flavonoid and carotenoid profiles were significantly different in different maize varieties [2].

Purple corn is one of the corn varieties that is currently being a concern, especially in the food industry, because it is potential as an alternative source of synthetic dyes [3]. Phenols found in purple corn contain antioxidant properties that inhibit lipid peroxidation by breaking down peroxyl radical chains [2]. In addition, the high content of anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds makes purple corn a potential source of healthy food [3, 4]. In general, purple corn has almost the same composition and nutrients as yellow corn, namely: high starch content of 61 - 78%, non-starch polysaccharides of about 10%, protein 6 - 12%, lipids 3-6%, minerals, and vitamins.

Plant cultivation must be supported by using fertilizers containing various nutrients required for good plant growth. Appropriate fertilizer application will provide maximum results and high quality at optimal costs. There are two types of plant fertilizers, namely organic or synthetic fertilizers [5]. Currently, most farmers still refer to use synthetic fertilizers [6]. Unfortunately, synthetic fertilizers have many disadvantages, including causing environmental damage, reducing soil fertility and biodiversity, increasing pest and disease attacks, and causing resistant pests [6]. Due to the negative impact of using inorganic fertilizers, it is recommended to use organic fertilizers, which are more beneficial for plants and the environment. Organic fertilizers are not only a source of nutrients for plants but also improve soil structure and add nutrients to the soil [7].

Liquid organic fertilizers (LOF) that have many benefits is endophytic bacterial biofertilizer (EBB).

Endophytic bacterial biofertilizer was developed as an alternative to LOF, which acts as a probiotic for plants [8]. Endophytic bacterial biofertilizer is composed of a consortium of endophytic bacteria.

Endophytic bacteria were also included in the Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) group, which produced auxin to stimulate plant growth [9].

Soaking long bean seeds in biofertilizers of endophytic bacteria before planting can increase the number and leaf area of plants, photosynthetic pigments, shoot and root dry weight, yields, nutrient content, and protein in the test plants [10].

Sterile corn seeds inoculated with 0.01 mL Azospirilium endophytic bacteria with a density of 9 x 105 and 75 kg/ha synthetic N fertilizer in field conditions were able to increase yields up to 5,694 kg/ha when compared to the control, which was only 2,700 kg/ha [11].

The provision of a mixture of endophytic microorganisms with organic fertilizers can improve soil quality and facilitate plant growth [12]. Using endophytic microorganisms as biological fertilizers increased potato crop yields between 20-100%. Using biological fertilizers can also reduce synthetic fertilizers and increase the efficiency of the fertilizers used [13]. However, the role of endophytic microorganisms for plants has not been widely socialized so that farmers often apply inappropriate fertilization in the agricultural process. Consequently, microorganisms in the soil around the growing plants will decrease in diversity and number [14]. Until now, the fertilization of purple corn with LOF has not been reported. Therefore, the goal of this research was to observe the effectiveness of EBB on growth and the yield of the purple corn plant.


Time and place. This research was conducted from September 2020-December 2021 at the Ketindan Agricultural Training Center, Lawang, located on Jl. Ketindan no. 1 Lawang District, Malang Regency, East Java.

Research design. In the vegetative phase of this study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors: (1) three levels of dose of EBB: 0 (control/P0), 80 (P1), and 90 mL/L (P2), and (2) four levels of plant age: 21, 35, 49, and 63 DAP.

The effect of the two factors was analyzed on the vegetative growth parameters, while the generative growth and yields only analyzed the dose of EBB.

Land preparation. The day before planting, the land was hoseed first with a depth of 10-15 cm.

Then, corn plants in each dose of EBB were planted in four rows. Between treatments, the EBB doses were separated by four rows of soybeans as intercropping plants.

Preparation of endophytic bacterial biofertilizer (EBB) and liquid organic fertilizer (LOF). Endophytic bacterial biofertilizer was made from basic ingredients in the form of 0.5 kg of instant tiwul, 11 g of instant yeast, 0.5 L of molasses, 50 g of endophytic bacterial inoculum (Biocon np), and 80 L of clean water. All ingredients were mixed and put in a fermenter for one week. Liquid organic fertilizer was made from a mixture of almost rotten bananas, paitan (Tithonia diversifolia) plants, rice bran, coconut water, and molasses which was left for approximately two weeks.

Dosage of 80 mL/L (P1) was made by dissolving 80 mL of EBB in 920 mL of water. The dose of 90 mL/L (P2) was made by dissolving 90 ml of EBB in 910 ml of water.


Planting seeds and fertilizing with endophytic bacterial biofertilizers (EBB). Two purple corn seeds were planted in each hole 3-5 cm deep with 70 cm x 15 cm between the holes. Seeds that grow well are selected for EBB treatment. For each dose of fertilizer treatment was used 240 corn plants. Endophytic bacteria biofertilizer was given once a week starting from one-week-old plants until the plants were harvested, which was about 86-96 DAP. A total of 100 ml of EBB was given for each concentration. Control plants were only given LOF as a source of nutrients without EBB.

Maintenance of purple corn plants.

Maintenance of plants included fertilization, irrigation, weeding, and hoarding. Fertilization was carried out using LOF with an initial dose of 5 mL/L. Furthermore, the LOF dose was increased every week by 5 mL/L, i.e., 10, 15, 20, 25 mL/L, until harvest. Irrigation of the plants was carried out by flowing water through the edge of the land, and then a path was made to the middle of the land using a hoe so that water could enter the land evenly. Irrigation was carried out on 14, 21, 28, 49, and 63 DAP. Irrigation was carried out according to weather conditions. If the rain kept the soil wet, then irrigation was not carried out. Weeding was done every two weeks using techniques that were safe for plants, such as pulling by hand or using a small sickle. For young plants, weeding was done by hand, with a small sickle, or cutting the top of the weed plant just above the soil surface. Initial weeding was done when the corn was 7 DAP. Then hoarding was done when the plant was 24 DAP.

Hoarding was done by hoeing the right and left parts of the test plant, then piling them on the test plant to strengthen it.

Harvest and post-harvest. Harvesting was done when the cobs or husks started to turn yellow/dry, the corn silk was blackish brown, the seeds were dry, shiny, and when pressed, they left no marks, and the age of the plant reached 86-96 DAP. Post-harvest activities were taking corn cobs that were still covered with husks. After that, the husks were peeled, and the corn cobs were oven- dried for 48 hours at 40 ºC.

Observation parameters. The observation used the single plant method which the observations were made on each purple corn plant.

The vegetative growth parameters which were observed every two weeks from 21 – 63 DAP included the height of plant and the number of leaves. Leaves were also measured in length and width. Measurement of leaf length and width was undertaken on the second leaf from the top leaf that had fully opened. The generative growth parameters were observed in plants aged ± 30 DAP until harvest, which included male and female flowering age, number of cobs per plant, cob

length, harvest age, fresh and dry weight (FW and DW), and the weight of 100 seeds of purple corn.

Data analysis. Quantitative data were analyzed using the ANOVA test with a 95% confidence level in MS Excel 2019. If there was a significant difference, a further test was carried out with the Least Significant Different (LSD) test.


Plant height. Plant height was significantly affected by the interaction between plant age and EBB dose. At the beginning of the vegetative phase (20 DAP), the height of the control and treatment plants was not significantly different. At 35 DAP, the height of P2 plants increased to 21.7  1.01 cm but was not significantly different from that of P0 plants (19.4  2.44 cm). In the generative phase, the height of both control and treatment plants increased significantly. At the end of the generative phase (63 DAP), P2 plants reached a maximum height of 105.1  5.37 cm, which was significantly different from P1 plants (92.3  6.13 cm) and control (101.6  6.11 cm) (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Plant height of purple corn in the vegetative and generative phases. P0 = 0 mL/L, P1

= 80 mL/L, P2 = 90 mL/L. The same letter shows no significant difference based on the LSD test with α = 0.05, n = 240

The EBB in this study was a bacterial consortium such as Azotobacter sp., Azospirillum sp., and Pseudomonas sp. with a concentration of 0.08 and 0.09%. The bacteria contained in the EBB could grow up to 107 CFU. Thus, in 1 liter of biofertilizer, there were 80 and 90 x 107 CFU.

Adding endophytic bacteria in the form of a suspension with a population of 1 x 106 to 1010 milliliters could increase the growth parameters of corn plants [15]. In this study, the plant height of P1 was always lower than the control and P2.

However, the P2 treatment increased plant height, although it was not significantly different.

Compared with previous studies, the population of bacteria used in the EBB in this study was much less, but it was able to give good results in the P2


treatment. It seemed that the concentration of EBB needed to be increased to grow significantly different from the control and P1.

In field conditions, the results of the beneficial activity of endophytic microorganisms were not always expressed, so the application of endophytic bacteria in the field sometimes did not give significant results [16]. Therefore, the identification and selection of effective microorganisms is necessary to obtain more significant results. The availability of nutrients in the soil is needed to support plant growth. Land with low nutrient content can cause the endophytic bacterial population to decrease [17]. The application of fertilizers, pesticides, and tillage can affect the composition of the endophytic community. The application of organic fertilizer increased the richness of endophytic species compared to that found in the soil with synthetic fertilizer treatment. Types of organic soil can hold higher moisture as well as more organic carbon, nutrients and are able to support different endophytic bacterial communities [18].

Number of leaves. The number of leaves was significantly affected by the interaction between plant age and EBB dose. In the vegetative phase, the number of leaves of P0 plants increased significantly from 3.8  0.82 pieces to 4.6  1.06 pieces (Figure 2). However, the number of leaves of P1 and P2 plants did not increase significantly.

The number of leaves still increased in the generative phase. The number of leaves of P0 and P1 plants increased significantly. At 49 DAP, P2 plants produced more leaves (7.2  0.70 pieces) and were significantly different from control plants (5.8  0.14 pieces) and P1 (5.3  0.24 pieces). At the end of the generative phase (63 DAP), the number of leaves on P0, P1, and P2 plants was not significantly different. The maximum number of leaves on P2 plants was reached at 49 DAP; on P0 and P1 plants, it was reached at 63 DAP.

Figure 2. Number of purple corn leaves in the vegetative and generative phases. P0 = 0 mL/L, P1

= 80 mL/L, P2 = 90 mL/L. The same letter shows no significant difference based on the LSD test with α = 0.05, n = 240

Nutrients in the soil are very important to maintain the endophytic population in the soil.

Nutrients in the soil affect the exudate released by the roots to meet the nutritional needs of endophytic bacteria in the soil itself [17].

Increasing the dose of fertilizer can cause endophytic microorganisms, especially Pseudomonas spp. facilitates the solubility of nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium nutrients.

These elements are responsible for increasing plants vegetative and generative growth, including the leaves number [19].

Leaf length and width. Leaf length and width were also significantly affected by the interaction between plant age and fertilizer dose. At the beginning of the vegetative phase (21 DAP), the leaf lengths of P0, P1, and P2 plants were not significantly different (Figure 3a), while P2 plants had wider leaves (3.2  0.27 cm) and were significantly different from the leaves on P0 (2.7  0.40 cm), and P1 (2.6  0.03 cm) (Figure 3b). At the end of the vegetative phase (35 DAP), the leaf length and width of P0 (control), P1, and P2 treatment plants increased significantly, but P1 plants had leaf length and width, which were significantly smaller than those of P0 and P2 plants. The leaf length of P2 (54.7  3.40 cm) was not significantly different from the leaf length of the control plant (50.4  5.80 cm) but was significantly different from P1 (42.3  5.19 cm).

Meanwhile, the leaf widths control plants 4.4  0.62 cm) and P1 (3.9 ± 0.4 cm) were significantly different from P2 (4.8  0.21 cm).

Entering the generative phase (49 DAP), the leaf length of P1 increased significantly (52.5  1.22 cm) but was not significantly different from the number of leaves of P0 plants (49.5  2.53 cm) and P2 (56, 8  1.87 cm). At the end of the generative phase, the leaf length of control and all treated plants reached a maximum, all of which were not significantly different. The leaf widths of P0, P1, and P2 plants at the beginning of the generative phase (49 DAP) increased significantly and the leaf widths of all plants were also significantly different. Meanwhile, at the end of the generative phase (63 DAP), the leaf width of P0 and P2 (6.2  0.19 cm) was not significantly different, while the leaf width of P1 was significantly lower (5.6  0.64 cm) than the two (Figure 3). In both vegetative and generative phases, the leaf length and width values of P1 plants were always lower than those of P0 and P2 plants.


Figure 3. Leaf size of purple corn plants in the vegetative and generative phases. (a) leaf length, (b) leaf width. P0 = 0 mL/L, P1 = 80 mL/L, P2 = 90 mL/L. The same letter shows no significant difference based on the LSD test with α = 0.05, n = 240

The higher the leaf length and width value, the higher the leaf area because leaf area can be calculated using leaf length and width [20]. High leaf area value in plants can increase the rate of photosynthesis. Thus, the assimilate produced also increases, accompanied by an increase in dry weight [21]. Biofertilizers with endophytic bacteria successfully increased the leaf area of rice plants [21]. The dose of EBB used was 10 g for one plot of land with a size of 40 x 2 meters. In this study, the use of EBB was 4 and 4.5 g for 330 x 100 cm land. Therefore, the EBB dose needed to be increased along with variations in the dose used.

Male and female flowering age. The flowering age of the plant was significantly influenced by the dose of EBB. Based on the LSD test, the male flowering time on P1 plants (40.9  1.36 days) was faster than P0 (40.3  0.09 days) and P2. (39.1  0.22 days). Male flowering time was significantly different from that of P1 plants but not significantly different from that of P0 plants. While the female flowering time on P2 plants (39.2  0.27 days) was faster and significantly different from control plants ± 0.95 days) but not significantly different from P1 (39.9 ± 1.2 days). In this study, it was seen that the dose of P2 can accelerate the flowering time of males and females compared to P0 and P1 (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Effect of endophytic bacterial biofertilizer dose on flowering time of purple corn.

P0 = 0 mL/L, P1 = 80 mL/L, P2 = 90 mL/L. The same letter in the sex of the same flower showed no significant difference based on the LSD test with α=0.05. n=240

Endophytic application reduced the time required for maize plants to flower and increased the efficiency of photochemical photosystem II (PSII) [16]. In Arabidopsis plants, endophytic bacteria supported early flowering through photoperiod regulation and gibberellin biosynthetic pathways [22].

Number of cobs per plant. The dose of EBB significantly affected the cobs number per plant.

Based on the LSD test, the P1 dose significantly reduced the cobs number per plant (0.9  0.06 pieces) while the P2 dose resulted in the number of cobs per plant, which was not significantly different from that of the P0 plant. However, the number of cobs per plant on P1 plants was significantly different from P0 (1.2  0.14 pieces) and P2 (1.3  0.19 pieces) plants (Figure 5).

Endophytic microorganisms could provide phosphorus to the soil by converting phosphorus in the soil into a form available to plants [23].

Although in this study the number of cobs per plant was not significantly different at doses of P0 and P2, the P2 dose tended to produce a higher number of cobs per plant. Therefore, a higher variation of EBB dosage is necessary. Fertilization on the research land with higher doses is needed so that the plant's needs for these elements are fulfilled. In addition, the results showed that the number of cobs from P0 was more than P1. The low amount of phosphorus in the field can have an impact on sub-optimal production of cobs.


Figure 5. Effect of endophytic bacterial biofertilizer dose on the number of cobs per plant.

P0 = 0 mL/L, P1 = 80 mL/L, P2 = 90 mL/L. The same letter shows no significant difference based on the LSD test with α = 0.05, n = 240

Corn cob. Length, fresh and dry weight of corn cob were significantly affected by the dose of EBB.

The results of the LSD test showed that the length of the ear in the doses of P1 (11.7  0.40 cm) and P2 (11.6  1.00 cm) increased, which was significantly different from the control P0 (10.5  1.30 cm) (Figure 6a).

The fresh weight of cobs of P1 and P2 significantly increased compared to the control.

The dose of P2 resulted in a significantly higher weight of cobs (87.0  6.72 g) than the weight of cobs produced by P0 (56.6  8.00 g) and P1 (66.5

 4.56 g) plants (Figure 6b). Meanwhile, the EBB dose of P1 produced DW of corn cobs (44.7  4.36 g), which was not significantly different from P0 (42.2  3.24 g) and P2 (48.9  2.42 g). However, the DW of corn cob of P2 plants was the highest and significantly different from those of P0 plants.

Figure 6. Corn cob response to endophytic bacterial biofertilizer dose. (a) the length of the ear;

(b) the fresh and dry weight of the cob. P0 = 0 mL/L, P1 = 80 mL/L, P2 = 90 mL/L. The same

letter shows no significant difference based on the LSD test with α = 0.05, n = 240

Endophytic bacteria inoculants were able to increase plant biomass, number of leaves, leaf area, and yields up to 42% [16]. Endophytic microorganisms are one of the PGPRs that can increase the dissolution and absorption of nutrients and or produce compounds that regulate plant growth [18]. Endophytic microbes can also dissolve phosphate and produce IAA which can stimulate plant growth [24]. An increased in plant biomass due to the addition of endophytes was also shown in ginseng [24] and cucumber [25]. This is because endophytic microorganisms can produce nutrients for plants such as nitrogen, phosphate, and other minerals and can produce ethylene, auxin, and cytokinin, which are very important for plant growth and production [19].

Weight of 100 seeds of purple corn. The result of ANOVA showed that the weight of 100 corn kernels was not significantly affected by the EBB dose. However, the weight of 100 corn kernels in P2 plants tended to be the highest (22.2  1.35 g) when compared to P1 plants (21.3  1.11 g).

Conversely, P0 plants tended to produce the lowest weight of 100 corn seeds (20.6  1.14 g) (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Weight response of 100 corn seeds to endophytic bacterial biofertilizer dosage. P0 = 0 mL/L, P1 = 80 mL/L, P2 = 90 mL/L. The same letter shows no significant difference based on the LSD test with α = 0.05, n = 240

The weight of 100 corn kernels can be affected by the assimilation produced by plants through photosynthesis. The high yield of assimilate photosynthesis will result in high plant dry weight [21]. Applying biological fertilizers can increase the number of leaves, length of the cob, weight of the cob, weight of 100 corn kernels, and weight of hybrid corn production per plot [27]. In this study, the dose of EBB was not significantly affected the weight of corn kernels. It is presumably due to the unavailability of sufficient nutrients in the soil (data not shown). Nutrients that are not available in sufficient quantities result in suboptimal plant


growth and yields [28]. Thus, it is necessary to increase the variation of fertilizers doses to significantly affect the weight of 100 plant seeds.


Plant age and dose of EBB had a significant effect on plant height as well as length and leaf width but did not significantly affect leaf number.

The dose of EBB also had a significant effect on flowering time, a number of cobs per plant, length of cob, fresh and dry weight of corn cobs, but did not significantly affect the weight of 100 seeds of purple corn. Further research related to EBB with higher doses and increasing soil nutrient levels needs to be done.


The author would like to thank the Center for Agricultural Training Ketindan Lawang for providing the topic along with all the tools, materials, and research sites.


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