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Students` perception on the use of songs in listening class at SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang


Academic year: 2017

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sented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requiremen to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Paulina Hany Istyaningsih Student Number: 081214089








Presented to O






sented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requiremen to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Paulina Hany Istyaningsih Student Number: 081214089








Istyaningsih, Paulina Hany. (2013). Students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class at SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Listening is one of the English skills that have to be mastered by the students as language learners. It is because listening is the basic for the other skills. The eighth grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang have little confidence to master the listening skill and to deal with listening material. It is because listening is not only a skill to listen but it also requires the skill to concentrate and to give extra attention in order to understand the listening passage. One of the factors that influence successful English learning is perception. Perception influences students’ behavior and motivation to learn. The use of songs in listening class is expected to help students since songs can gain their attention in learning process. Therefore, the students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class can inform the teacher whether it should be continued or it should be improved in the teaching and learning process.

This research explored the students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class. It focused on two research problems: (1) What is the students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class among the eighth grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang? and (2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using songs in listening class among the eighth grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang? In order to answer the first research question, a survey with observation and questionnaire as the instrument was used. An interview was also used in order to answer the second research question. The participants of this research were the eighth grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang.

The findings showed that students had positive perception on the use of songs in listening class. The students showed their positive behavior in the learning process which indicated that they were enthusiastic to learn English using songs. They also got many advantages of using songs in listening class such as their listening skill improved, they got many new vocabularies and the students knew how to pronounce some words correctly. Furthermore, the students felt that learning through songs was fun activity so they could follow the learning process easily and enthusiastically. Another advantage from learning through songs was that the students did not feel bored or sleepy in the class because the lesson became enjoyable and the class’ atmosphere became fun.

Based on the results, it was suggested that the English teachers could apply the songs in the teaching and learning process and they should be creative in finding interesting activity. The students should be confident and should not be afraid to make mistake when they had a chance to ask or to answer questions.



Istyaningsih, Paulina Hany. (2013). Students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class at SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Listening adalah salah satu ketrampilan berbahasa Inggris yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa sebagai pembelajar bahasa karena listening adalah dasar untuk ketrampilan lainnya. Siswa kelas 8 SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang kurang percaya diri untuk menguasai kemampuan listening dan berlatih dengan materi listening. Hal itu disebabkan karena listening tidak hanya sekedar kemampuan untuk mendengarkan tetapi listening juga membutuhkan konsentrasi dan perhatian agar dapat memahami isi listening. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris adalah persepsi. Persepsi mempengaruhi tingkah laku dan motivasi siswa dalam belajar. Penggunaan lagu dalam kelas listening diharapkan dapat membantu siswa karena lagu dapat menarik perhatian siswa di dalam proses pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, persepsi siswa dapat memberikan informasi apakah penggunaan lagu tersebut dapat dilanjutkan atau ditingkatkan dalam proses belajar mengajar.

Penelitian ini meneliti persepsi siswa tentang penggunaan lagu dalam kelas listening dengan menjawab dua pertanyaan: (1) Bagaimana persepsi siswa tentang penggunaan lagu dalam kelas listening di SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang? dan (2) Apa keuntungan dan kerugian dari penggunaan lagu dalam kelas listening di SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama, digunakan survey sebagai metode penelitian. Peneliti menggunakan observasi dan kuesioner sebagai instrumen. Sedangkan, wawancara digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan kedua. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 8 di SMP Pangudi Luhur Kalibawang.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa memiliki persepsi positif terhadap penggunaan lagu dalam kelas listening. Siswa memperlihatkan tingkah laku yang positif dalam proses pembelajaran, hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa mereka bersemangat untuk belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan lagu. Siswa juga mendapatkan banyak manfaat dari menggunakan lagu di kelas listening, seperti ketrampilan listening mereka bertambah, mereka memperoleh kosakata baru dan mereka tahu cara melafalkan beberapa kata dengan benar. Selain itu, siswa merasa bahwa belajar menggunakan lagu adalah aktifitas yang menyenangkan sehingga mereka dapat mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan mudah dan penuh semangat. Manfaat lainnya adalah siswa tidak merasa bosan atau mengantuk di kelas karena suasana pembelajaran dan suasana kelas menjadi menyenangkan.

Mengacu kepada hasil penelitian tersebut, disarankan bahwa guru bahasa Inggris dapat menggunakan lagu di dalam proses belajar mengajar dan guru harus kreatif untuk menemukan aktifitas yang menarik. Sedangkan, siswa sendiri sebaiknya lebih percaya diri dan tidak takut untuk bertanya atau menjawab pertanyaan.



First of all, I would like to express my deepest and greatest gratitude to

God for everything He has given to me. He gave me strength to keep on trying

whenever I gave up. His blessings and grace always guided me to run this far so I

could overcome every difficulty in finishing this thesis.

My biggest appreciation is dedicated to my advisor, Drs. Barli Bram,

M.Ed., Ph.D., for his time and willingness to read and check my thesis. His

advices, corrections, and suggestions are very precious for me to finish this thesis.

I also thank him for the patience in guiding me during this process.

I also want to present my gratitude to Mr. Gega Ratri Kurniawan, S.Pd, as

the English teacher at SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang for his permission to

conduct this research in his classes and for his willingness to help me during the

research. I would like to thank the students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang

especially, VIII A and VIII B students for being cooperative participants for this


I would like to dedicate my deepest appreciation and gratitude to my

beloved parents, FA. Bambang Ismoyo and Agatha Endang Suryaningsih. I

thanked them for their endless love, patience, support, understanding, and prayers

in finishing my thesis. My deepest appreciation and gratitude are also presented to

my beloved brother and my sister, Robertus Hari Isnawan and Hanny Hantara for

their prayer and support to finish my study. They are the reason for me to keep



Agatha. I thank them for always giving me support, encouragement, happiness

and for helping me passed through every situation. Next, I also express my

gratitude to all of my friends in PBI 2008 for the unforgettable moments that we

have shared together. I wish I could spend more time with them all.

My gratefulness also goes to my high school mates, Nurul Enggar, Niken,

Irma, Bayu and Fuji for their support in completing this final task. I would also

like to thank my cousins for the challenge to finish this thesis as soon as possible.

Finally, my gratitude also belongs to those whose names I cannot mention

here one by one. God bless them all.




TITLE PAGE ………... i




ABSTRACT ………. vi

ABSTRAK………. vii



LIST OF TABLES ………... xiii



A. Research Background ………... 1

B. Research Problems ………... 3

C. Problem Limitation ………... 3

D. Research Objectives ………. 4

E. Research Benefits ………... 4



A. Theoretical Description ……… 8

1. Theory of Perception ……….. 8

2. Theory of Motivation ……….. 10

3. Theory of Listening ……….... 11

4. Theory of Learning through Songs ………. 15

5. Previous Research on Related Field ……… 17

B. Theoretical Framework ……… 18


A. Research Method ………. 21

B. Research Setting ………... 22

C. Research Participants ……… 22

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ………. 23

1. Observation Form ……… 23

2. Questionnaire ……….. 24

3. Interview ………. 26

E. Data Analysis Technique ……….. 28

F. Research Procedure ……….. 29




1. Data Presentation of the Observation …………. 31

2. Data Presentation of the Questionnaire ……….. 35

a. The Result of Closed-Ended Questions …… 36

b. The Result of Open-Ended Questions …….. 43

3. Data Presentation of the Interview……… 44

B. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Songs

in Listening Class……….. 51


A. Conclusions ……….. 55

1. Students’ Perception on the Use of Songs in

Listening Class ……... 55

2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using

Songs in Listening Class………... 56

B. Recommendations ……… 57

1. Recommendations for English Teachers ………. 57

2. Recommendations for Students ……….. 59

3. Recommendations for Future Researchers ……. 59




Table Page

3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint ……… 25

3.1 Interview Blueprint ……….. 27

4.1 Questionnaire Distribution …….………. 36

4.2 Percentage Result of Part A ………. 37

4.3 Percentage Result of Part B ………. 38



Appendix 1 The Permission Letter ………... 63

Appendix 2 The Observation Form ……..………..……….. 64

Appendix 3 The Questionnaire Sheet……… 66

Appendix 4 The Interview Guide ………... 68

Appendix 5 The Raw Data of Questionnaire ………... 70

Appendix 6 The Frequency and Percentage of Students’ Response to Each Statement of the Questionnaire ………. 74

Appendix 7 The Research Data of the Open-Ended Questions of the Questionnaire ……… 76




This chapter presents a brief description of the study conducted by the

researcher. In this chapter there are six sections. They are: (1) research

background, (2) research problems, (3) problem limitation, (4) research

objectives, (5) research benefits and (6) definition of terms.

A. Research Background

English has four skills namely, reading, speaking, writing and listening.

Listening is one of these skills that have to be mastered by the students in school.

Nunan (2003: 23) states that listening is not only about the skill to listen but also

to concentrate and to give extra attention in order to understand the listening

passage. This makes the students have a lack of enthusiasm to master their

listening skills. In addition, they also have little confidence to deal with listening


Students’ perception on the learning activity also plays an important role

in mastering listening skill. Bootzin states that perception is very important

because students’ motivation and attitudes in learning are influenced by their own

perception (1983: 120). If they have good or positive perception, they are highly

motivated in learning. As a result, the students with positive perception will

follow the learning process and achieve the goals easily. On the other hand, if


in designing appropriate teaching and learning material.

There are many ways in the teaching and learning process. One of the

examples is using songs. Songs have been a part of language teaching and

learning for a long time. Many teachers use it as media in their learning activity.

With song, they are able to catch the students’ interest. The teachers realize that

almost everyone loves music and loves to listen to songs. Furthermore, songs are

familiar in our daily life so learning a language with something familiar such as

songs is helpful. Thus, in some situations they also use songs as listening material.

Using songs to teach listening can raise students’ interest in learning. When they

are already interested in learning activity especially listening, it will be easier for

the students to learn and reach the goal with the consideration that listening is also

an important skill to be mastered by the language learners.

The research is conducted at SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang. The

school is chosen because the researcher teaches the English Club in this school so

the researcher is already familiar with the students. In this thesis, the researcher

focuses on the eighth grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang. The

As observed by the researcher, the teachers in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang

rarely give listening lessons to students. They only focus on writing, reading and

speaking skill. As a result, the students are not familiar with listening activity and

they get difficulties in improving their listening comprehension. They also have


to the fact that listening is also an important part in the National Examination.

The use of songs in the teaching-learning process is expected to help

students master listening more easily since through songs students are required to

listen without being bored. Moreover, songs can be one of the appropriate

techniques to teach listening for the eighth grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur

1 Kalibawang. Teachers can use songs because through it, the activities can be

more varied. Therefore, this research is conducted to find out students’ perception

on the use of songs in listening class and to discover the advantages and

disadvantages of it.

B. Research Problems

This research would like to address two questions.

1. What is the students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class among

the eighth grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using songs in listening class

for the eighth grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang?

C. Problem Limitation

Songs are examples of media that can be useful to teach and to learn

English. However, the use of songs and the benefits of it in the context of teaching

and learning are still unexplored. Moreover, the use of songs especially in


using songs in listening class can be viewed through it.

The research focuses on finding students’ perception on the use of songs in

a listening class and finding the advantages and disadvantages of it. The research

is conducted at SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang. The participants of this

research are limited to the students of class VIII A and VIII B. The classes are

chosen because it is open for conducting any educational researches and the

students already had higher level of language proficiency than the lower grade.

D. Research Objectives

The objectives of this research are related to the problem formulation.

They are:

1. To know the students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class among

the eighth grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang?

2. To discover the advantages and disadvantages of using song in listening class

for the eighth grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang?

E. Research Benefits

The findings of this research are expected to give positive contributions to

the English language teaching, especially to English teachers, students and future


This research will help the teachers to recognize and to understand the

students’ perception on the learning process. By knowing the perception, it is

easier for the teachers to design the appropriate material. In addition, this research

also provides alternative media and material for listening class. They will also get

information about the benefit of using songs in listening class from this research.

Therefore, the teachers can improve and vary the learning activity.

2. Students

This research provides information about students’ perception on the use

of song to improve listening skill. These might become a reflection for them in

developing their learning process. This research will help the students to know

about the advantages and disadvantages of using song in listening class.

Therefore, they will understand their own needs and try to motivate themselves in

order to achieve the goals in learning process.

3. Future researchers

This research is expected to help other researchers who are interested in

conducting research on using songs in listening class. They can also develop the

research on the other issues or aspects of the use of songs in listening activity.

Moreover, this research can be base for the further exploration on the use of other


This section presents several key terms which need to be defined in order

to avoid any misunderstanding about the research.

1. Perception

According to Leontive (1981: 31), perception can be formed if someone is

aware of experiencing an event. After the perception is formed, the information

are then organized and interpreted as behavioral response to the stimuli. In this

research, perception deals with students’ opinion, thoughts and feelings on the use

of songs in listening class. The students’ perception can be seen through their

behavior. The students’ behavior is positive because their perception is also

positive. On the other hand, the negative perception will lead the students to have

negative behavior.

2. Song

Hornby (1989: 219) defines song as “poem set to music and intended to be

sung, music for the voice.” Moreover, Futonge (2005) also states that song is “a

great language package” because it contains culture, vocabulary, listening,

grammar and other language skills in just a few rhymes. Song is also making the

basis for many lessons. In this research, songs are related to a piece of art that can

be used as the media to teach and to learn English, especially listening.

3. Listening

According to Buck (2001), “Listening is a complex process in which the

listener takes the incoming data, an acoustic signal, and interprets it based on a


opportunity to hear voices from native speakers, and it also enables students to

improve their own pronunciation as a result of the spoken English they absorb

from the listening material (p.228). In this research, listening is an ability to

perceive the spoken words and transcript them to the written form.

4. SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang

SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang is a school where the students learn

English using songs. The teacher use songs in order to make the students more

enthusiastic in learning English. In this research, the eighth grade students were

chosen as the participants. The total number of eighth grade students in SMP

Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawag was 54 students involved with 27 persons from class




This chapter presents theoretical description and theoretical framework.

Theoretical description deals with the theories related to this research. Meanwhile,

theoretical framework discusses major relevant theories which help the researcher

to answer the research questions.

A. Theoretical Description

This section reviews the theories related to this research; they are theory

of perception, theory of motivation, theory of listening, and theory of learning

through song.

1. Theory of Perception

Robbins (2001) states that perception “is a process by which someone

responds, understands, and gives meaning on the stimulus from surrounding

environment” (p. 122). He also describes that first impression is important in

forming the perception. Having good impression will lead to the positive

perception, in which the person feels happy and like the thing. On the other hand,

having bad impression will lead to the negative perception. In other words, it

could be seen that someone’s behavior can be influenced by his or her own

perception. Based on Robbins’ statement, the researcher used instruments that can

support the research to get the opinion from the participants’ point of view about

the use of songs in listening class and it can also help the researcher to know their


students have good impression toward the use of songs listening class, it is

expected that they will have good perception on it.

According to Kreitner and Kinicky (1992), “perception is a mental and

cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings”

(p.26). Huffman and Vernoy (1997: 79) state “the perception is the process of

selecting, organizing and interpreting sensory data into usable mental

representations of the world.” From their statements, it can be concluded that

perception is a process to give opinion about surrounding situation. In other

words, individuals’ perception can be different from one to another because the

process of forming perception occurred individually.

Moreover, perception can be seen from the behavioral response on the

situation. Leontive (1981: 31) states that perception can be formed if someone is

aware of experiencing an event. After the perception is formed, the information

are then organized and interpreted as behavioral response to the stimuli.

According to Warga (1983: 210) perceptions are influenced by numbers of factors

such as, stereotyping, self-concept, situation, individual needs and values, emotion

and past experiences. It means that people cannot immediately give opinions on

something, they have to experience or to see it by themselves so they will be able

to give their own opinion based on that. Every person will have different

perceptions since the forming factors are also different in every individual.

However, the perception is really strong if they experience it by themselves so


2. Theory of Motivation

As defined by Harmer (1991), “motivation is some kind of internal drive

that encourages somebody to pursue a course of action” (p. 3). In other words,

motivation can be a desire that influences someone to do things in order to

achieve something. Furthermore, Harmer stated that there are two kinds of

motivation which the students should have, namely extrinsic and intrinsic

motivation. Extrinsic motivation is involved with factors which come from

outside of the classroom, for instance, learning English to pass the exam or to

travel in a foreign country. Meanwhile, intrinsic motivation is concerned with

factors inside of the classroom. This motivation is driven by an interest or

enjoyment of the learning process itself.

Gardner and Lambert (1972) also identify that there two main motivations

among learners; namely integrative motivation and instrumental motivation.

Integrative motivation is motivation that comes from the inside of the learners to

learn target language. The learners are having interest on the target language in

order to get closer to the language itself. On the other hand, instrumental

motivation is motivation that arises because there are factors from the outside that

force the learners to learn the target language. The learners who have instrumental

motivation will learn the language because it is a requirement or they need to

obtain some goals, for example learning English to get a job or to pass the exam.

From their statements, it can be concluded that extrinsic and intrinsic motivation


In addition, Gardner and Lambert also state that motivation is very

important because it can influence learners’ attitude toward the learning process.

If learners have positive attitudes, it means that they have high motivation in

learning. In the contrary, if learners have negative attitudes in learning, it means

that they have low motivation. Low motivation in learning will lead the learners

into failure.

Perception and motivation are two important things in the learning

process because perception will affect motivation. How the people perceive the

situations around them will influence their desire to do something. Furthermore, it

can also affect their behavior. In this research, it means that if the students have

positive perception, their motivation will be higher and they will also behave

positively towards the learning process so it can lead them into success.

3. Theory of Listening

a. Definition of Listening

“Listening is a complex process in which the listener takes the incoming

data, an acoustic signal, and interprets it based on a wide variety of linguistic and

non linguistic knowledge” (Buck, 2001, p. 247). These complexities create the

perception that listening is difficult. As the result, the students have a low

motivation to learn listening. However, in learning foreign language, listening is


Harmer (2001) states that listening is an important skill because it

provides the great opportunity to hear voices from native speakers, and it also

enables students to improve their own pronunciation as a result of the spoken

English they absorb from the listening material (p.228). It means that other skills

will be improved through mastering listening skills.

Moreover, Nunan (2003: 23) describes that listening is not only receptive

skill. That is, it requires a person to receive and understand incoming information

(input). Because of this reason, listening is always categorized as passive skill. In

fact, listening is an active one because when people listen, they will combine what

they hear with their own ideas or experiences. In other words, the listeners are

“creating meaning” in their minds. In conclusions, listening requires an active

process to comprehend what is being said by the speaker.

b. Successful Listening

Listening requires the learners’ ability to play in the process, by listening

and then responding what they have heard. The listeners also activate the various

types of knowledge and apply what they know in order to understand what the

speaker means (Anderson and Lynch, 1988: 6). Besides, the effective listening is

one of the factors that give contribution in making listening successfully.

According to Anderson and Lynch (1988), effective listeners are active.

They do not passively receive and record. The listeners are engaged in the process

of comprehension: they apply the relevant internal information available to them


From their statements, it can be seen that to achieve listening

successfully, the listeners should activated their various knowledge such as

vocabulary in order to understand what the speaker means. Moreover, listening

also requires concentration because once the students do not concentrate when

they listen to the material, it will be hard for them to understand what they have


c. Listening Difficulty

Listening may seem to be a difficult skill to be mastered by the students.

According to Brown and Yule (1983), there are four major factors which can

affect the difficulties in listening activity. They are:

1) The speaker. It is related to the number of speakers, how quickly they speak

and what types of accent they have.

2) The listener. The listener response and the interest in the topic will affect the

difficulties in listening. It also includes the listener’s role whether they

become participant or they just eavesdropper.

3) The content. It is related to the grammar, vocabulary and information


4) The support. It means that whether there are pictures, diagrams, or other

visual aids to support materials in listening task (p. 24).

Moreover, Anderson and Lynch (1991: 25) conclude that the difficulty of


1) The organization of information. When the information is well organized and

in the right sequence, it will be easier for the listener.

2) The familiarity of the topic. The listener will understand the listening passage

easily if its topic is familiar for them.

3) The explicitness and sufficiency of the information. It means that the

information in listening passage should be clear and unambiguous.

4) The type of referring expressions used. For example, use of pronouns rather

than complete noun phrase.

5) Whether the text described ‘static’ relationships (e.g. geometric figures) or

‘dynamic’ relationships (e.g. a road accident).

In conclusion, listening difficulty may arise from the task that is set so it

is important for the teacher to analyze the listening task before it is given to the


Nunan (1991: 24) also gives four principles of teaching listening skill,


1) Maximize the use of material that is relevant to the learners’ real life.

2) Maximize the use of authentic language.

3) Vary the materials in terms of speakers’ gender, age, dialect, accent, topic,

speed, noise, level, and genre.

4) Always ask the learners to listen with a purpose and allow them to show their


Through those principles, Nunan advises that in order to overcome the

listening difficulties, teacher should give the appropriate material based on the

level of the students. The teacher can reduce the listening difficulties by

considering the type of language used in the material, purpose of the listening and

the context in which listening takes place.

4. Theory of Learning through Song

a. Definition of Song

In the theory of Multiple Intelligences, song is a part of musical

intelligence which is included as one of the seven intelligences. In that theory,

song is a part of music which is defined as “One of the oldest art forms, utilizing

the human voice and body as natural instruments and means of self-expression”

(Gardner, 1983: 133). Futonge (2005) also describes song as “a great language

package that bundles culture, vocabulary, listening, grammar and a host of other

language skills in just a few rhymes. It can also form the basis for many lessons.”

From their statements, it can be concluded that songs are the form of art that also

bring a lot of language skills. It means that songs can be used as the media to learn


There are a lot of benefits in using songs in a listening class. Orlova

(2009) states, “Songs can motivate a positive emotional approach to language

learning.” Songs also draw students’ interest to the target language. Further,


words and notice the pronunciation of native speakers. English songs also give

relaxing atmosphere and motivating effect.

Orlova’s statement strengthens and completes Harmer’s (2001) statement

which also concludes that, “A piece of song can change the atmosphere in a

classroom or prepare students for a new activity. It can amuse and entertain, and it

can make a satisfactory connection between the world of leisure and the world of

learning” (p. 242). Furthermore, according to Panse (2009), using songs or music,

the learners can improve their listening skill. In their statements, it can be

considered that songs are important in language learning because songs bring

positive effects not only for the students’ skill but also for the class condition.

b. Songs Selection

Songs are commonly used in the teaching and learning process, however,

choosing the most suitable songs to be applied in class is quite difficult. In order

to overcome this problem, Lynch (2008) provides criteria of song selection. They


1) Use songs that are popular with the students. The students usually prefer to

listen to songs which are popular because it can catch their interest.

2) Songs must have clear and understandable lyrics. The clear lyrics will help


3) Each word must be pronounced clearly and the vocabularies must be varied

and rich. The clear pronunciation will avoid the students from the confusion.

Moreover, the students’ vocabulary will be enriched through songs.

4) Songs should have an appropriate theme. Songs with any type of negative

theme should be avoided.

5) Use cheerful or humorous songs. It will bring fun atmosphere to the class and

it also makes the students more enthusiastic to learn.

6) The songs must carry some message or interesting story. If it is interesting,

the students will pay more attention to it.

Through songs, the students can learn something from the lyrics or the

words appear in the songs. Therefore, in order to make songs more meaningful in

the teaching and learning activity, the teachers should pay attention on the songs

criteria above so they can select the songs carefully and appropriately.

5. Previous Research on Related Fields

There are many examples of successful research about the use of music or

songs in language learning. For example, McAdams from College of Saint Mary

in Nebraska conducted a research in 2009 to know the perceptions of pre-nursing

and beginning level nursing students of using music as learning enhancement. The

findings of this research show that the nurse students’ perception on the use of


their study. Music could enhance their mood and concentration. In addition, they

had more pleasant study session

Another finding, Pat Abicare from Commission’s Los Angeles forum

reports that the use of music and other arts enables students to build

self-confidence through their ability to develop creativity and to find their freedom of

expression. Furthermore, there was a study that was sponsored by Yamaha in the

Downey, California Unified School District. This study was about the effect of

music instruction programs associated with remarkable achievement in reading. It

showed that the reading level of first-grade students with a single year of music

was nearly one grade higher than their peers (Schlitz, 1991).

Based on the researches above, it can be summarized that the use of music

or songs in learning process brings positive effects for the students. The skills of

listening, reading, speaking and writing can be improved through songs. It means

that songs influence learning achievement. Besides, songs also give relaxed

atmosphere in class so the students become enthusiastic to learn.

B. Theoretical Framework

Perception is important because it influences someone’s motivation and

behavior. The successful learning is also affected by perception. Students’

perception plays an important role in learning process. Through their perception,

they will have motivation to learn and to encourage themselves in order to achieve


This research focuses on students’ perception on the use of songs in

listening class. Besides, it attempts to discover the advantages and disadvantages

of using songs in listening activity. Therefore, in this research the researcher uses

four major theories, namely theory of perception, theory of motivation, theory of

listening, and theory of learning through song. Those theories are employed in

order to dig out students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class.

The researcher uses the theory of perception in order to know the exact

perception of the students toward the use of songs in listening class. Based on

Robbins’ theory, the result of students’ perception can be positive or negative.

Moreover, perception can influence students’ motivation in learning, so the theory

of motivation is also used in this research. The theory of motivation is useful to

find the importance of motivation in learning and the relation between perception

and motivation.

The theory of listening and theory of learning through songs are also

employed in this research. The theory of listening is used to find students’

listening difficulties, whereas the theory of learning through songs can be a guide

to select the appropriate songs to be used in listening class. These theories also

help the researcher to find out whether the use of songs in listening class can

fulfill the students’ needs or not. Moreover, the researcher can recognize the

advantages and disadvantages of using songs through the theories.

This research tries to figure out what students’ feeling, attitudes, and


about the appropriateness of songs to be applied in listening class. Researching

students’ perception is important. By knowing the perception, it is easier for the

teachers to design the appropriate material. The result of the research can be used

to enrich the alternative media and material for listening class. Therefore, teachers




This chapter presents the methodology used to conduct the research. It

consists of six sections, namely the research method, the research setting, the

research participants, the instruments and data gathering technique, the data

analysis technique, and the research procedure.

A. Research Method

In order to answer the questions stated in the problem formulation, the

researcher conducted survey research. As Ary et al. (2002) write, “Survey is a

study that permits the researcher to summarize the characteristics of different

groups or to measure their attitudes and opinions toward some issues” (p.25).

Trochim (2006) suggests that in a survey research, the data is collected through

observing and interviewing the target people and recording their answer.

Moreover, the researcher also can distribute questionnaire to gather the data.

Survey research is appropriate for this research since the research was

aimed to find out the students’ perception on the use of songs listening class and

to obtain the findings for the advantages and disadvantages of using songs in

listening class. In this research, a survey, with observation and questionnaire as

the instruments, was conducted to answer the first research question. After the

researcher got the result of the previous instruments, the survey was still

employed through the interview. Interview was used to obtain students’ deeper


research questions.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in class VIII A and VIII B SMP Pangudi

Luhur 1 Kalibawang starting from October 2012 until November 2012. The

researcher conducted the observation on November 5th, 2012 in both classes

during the listening class. The observation started from 8.30 a.m. to 9.45 a.m. at

class VIII A and it is continued to class VIII B from 10.00 a.m. to 10.45 a.m. The

distribution of the questionnaires was done after the end of the listening class.

Moreover, on November 12th, 2012, the researcher conducted the personal

interview to 9 students.

C. Research Participants

The participants in this research were the eighth grade of Junior High

School students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang. The total number of eighth

grade students in SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang was 54 students involved

with 27 persons from class VIII A and 27 persons from class VIII B.

The eighth grade students were chosen since the researcher considered that

they have learned listening using songs in the previous grade. It means that they

already had experienced about it so they perception on the use of songs in


and the researcher.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

This research used three instruments to gather data. The instruments were

observation forms, questionnaire and interview. Observation forms and

questionnaire used to obtain data which could answer the first research questions

about students’ perception. Furthermore, the researcher used interview as the

instruments to get deeper information and to strengthen the result data from the

previous instruments.

1. Observation Form

The first instrument was an observation form. Nunan (1992) states

“Observation is commonly used in education as a tool to support understanding

and development” (p.17). It means that observation was type of research

instrument that was often used in researches. In addition, according to Morrison

(2000), by using observation, the researcher was helped to gather data in every

setting such as, physical setting, human setting, interactional setting and program


The researcher used observation to find additional information to answer

the first research question. The observation helped the researcher to observe

students’ behavior in the learning process through songs. The observation forms

in this research consisted of three parts and there were 15 points in the observation

form. The first part was about students’ attitude before learning through songs.


about students’ attitude after learning through songs. This part consists of 5


In this research, the researcher used nonparticipant observation. It means

that the observer did not participate in the activities and observed the students in

the classroom. Through the nonparticipant observation, the teaching and learning

process would not be disturbed so the teacher and the students could act naturally.

Moreover, this observation was very helpful to get the truthful data because the

researcher could purely observe the process and could really concentrate on it.

2. Questionnaire

The second instrument employed in this research was questionnaire. Ary et

al. (2002) describe, “Questionnaire is an instrument in which respondents

provided written responses to questions or mark items that indicated their

responses” (p.566).

There are two types of questions in questionnaire: close-ended questions

and open-ended questions. Fraenkel and Wallen (2008) state that close-ended

questions are easy to use and to score because all subjects respond to the same

options and standardized data are provided (p.396). However, the open-ended

questions could gather more information and allowed the students to give their

opinion. This research used both types of close-ended questions and open-ended


There were fifteen close-ended questions and five open-ended questions to


The first part was about the students’ perception on the use of songs in listening

activity. There were four questions in the first part. The second part consisted of

six questions and it was about the students’ perception on their motivation in

learning English using songs. The third part consisted of five questions. This

questions gathered information about the students’ perception on the effect of

using songs in listening class.

The five open-ended questions were used to obtain further information on

the students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class. Furthermore, they

were also used to find the advantages and disadvantages of using songs in

listening class. The questionnaire was in Indonesian to make it easier for the

partipants to answer it.

The questionnaire used Likert Scale that is a scale with a number of points

which provides ordinal scale measurement. The rank was one to four and the

responses values from “strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree.” In this

research, the Likert Scale was used to analyze the questionnaire.

Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint

Questions Number Description

A. Closed-ended Questions

1 to 4

These four questions gathered information about the students’ perception on the use of songs in listening activity.

5 to 10


11 to 15 students’ perception on the effect of using songs in listening class.

B. Open-ended Questions

1 to 3

These three questions gathered further information about the students’ perception on the effect of using songs in listening class.

4 to 5

These two questions gathered information about the advantages and disadvantages of using songs in listening class.

3. Interview

The third instrument was interview. Mc Donough (1997: 434) writes, “An

interview has the advantage of supplying large volumes of in-depth data and

provide insight on participants’ perspectives.” It can be seen that interview

enabled the participants to express or to give interpretation of the surrounding

situation from their point of view.

The interview was conducted to the participants in order to strengthen the

data and to obtain some information about their answer in questionnaire part.

Through interview, the researcher could gain deeper information from the

students. Furthermore, it collected information about both; the students’

perception and advantages and disadvantages of using songs in listening class.

This research used personal interview. In other words, the researcher conducted a

face-to-face interview with the participant. The questions for the interview were

already prepared before the interview and the questions were in Indonesian in


Questions Number Description

1 to 5

These five questions gathered information about the students’ perception on their motivation in learning English using songs.

6 to 9

These four questions gathered information about the students’ perception on the use of songs in listening activity.

10 to 13

These four questions gathered information about the students’ perception on the implication of songs in listening class and the advantages and disadvantages they get from it.

As mentioned before, this research used three instruments to gather the data.

This part explained how the instruments worked and also how the data were

gathered. There were three steps in gathering the data.

The first step, the researcher gathered the data from the students through

observation form. The researcher observed the students’ attitude before listening,

during listening and after listening activity. In observing the students, the

researcher did not interact with them so they could behave naturally and it helped

the researcher to get the actual data.

In the second step, after the listening class ended, the researcher distributed

questionnaires to two classes; class VIII A and class VIII B. The questionnaire

was used to obtain information about the students’ perception and motivation on

the use of songs in listening class. It was also used to determine the nine students

who would be interviewed. In distributing questionnaire, the researcher also


in the questionnaire.

The last step was interview. The researcher chose and interviewed nine

students after got the questionnaire result. The researcher chose three students

who had high scores, three students who had average scores, and three students

who had low scores. Through the score difference, the researcher wanted to know

the exact perception from them. The interview gathered information about both;

the students’ perception and advantages or disadvantages on the use of songs in

listening class. The researcher interviewed the students individually in Indonesian

and in informal situation, like when they had a conversation with their friends so

they felt comfortable in answering the questions. Each of the interviews took

about 8-15 minutes.

E. Data Analysis Technique

First, the researcher analyzed the observation result. The observation was

related to students’ behavior before listening, during listening, and after listening.

If they had good or positive perception, they were highly motivated in learning.

As a result, the students with positive perception will follow the learning process

enthusiastically. On the other hand, if their perception was negative, they will fail

in learning process. The observation helped the researcher to analyze students’

behavior toward the use of songs in listening class

In the second step, the researcher analyzed the questionnaire. The


indicates their degree of agreement and it can be classified as follows: 1 means

strongly disagree, 2 means disagree, 3 means agree, and 4 means strongly agree.

The researcher counted the scores of the questionnaire. The score could reflect the

students’ perception (Faisal, 1981:48).

a. The scores 46-60 were categorized as ‘very positive’ perception.

b. The scores 31-45 were categorized as ‘positive’ perception.

c. The scores 16-30 were categorized as ‘negative’ perception.

d. The scores 15 were categorized as ‘very negative’ perception.

This categorization was only used to score the questionnaire. Based on the

scoring result, the researcher chose nine students who had high scores, average

scores and low scores to be interviewed.

Third, the researcher analyzed the interview results. The result added the

answer of the questionnaire. The information could support the data from the

previous instruments. The researcher made summary and drew conclusion based

on the data from the all of the instruments. The result was expected to give clear

image of how students draw perception towards the use of songs in listening class.

Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of using songs could be revealed.

F. Research Procedure

There were some steps used in the research. First, the researcher selected

the problems to be solved. After the problems found, the participants of the


University to do the research. Then, the permission letter was given to the

secretariat of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang to conduct a research in the

school. Afterwards, the researcher met the English teacher to arrange the

appropriate schedule to conduct the research.

Then, the researcher conducted the observation. After the observation, the

questionnaires were distributed to the students. Next, the questionnaires were

analyzed in order to choose the students who would be interviewed. The

researcher then interviewed the chosen students to obtain more information.

After the data from the observation, questionnaire, and interview were

gathered, the researcher analyzed them all. The next step was interpreting the data

and making conclusion based on the interpretation. The last step was reporting the




This chapter presents and discusses the findings of the research. There are

two discussions presented in this chapter. The first is related to the students’

perception on the use of songs in a listening class. The second discussion is about

the advantages and the disadvantages of using songs in a listening class.

A. Students’ Perception on the Use of Songs in Listening Class

The data were obtained through three instruments, namely an observation,

a questionnaire, and an interview. These three instruments were used to answer

the students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class. The observation

was conducted in two classes when the students had listening class using songs. In

addition, the questionnaires were also distributed to the eighth grade students of

SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang. To obtain the further data, the writer

conducted an interview for nine students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang.

1. Data Presentation of the Observation

To answer the first question related to the students’ perception on the use

of songs in listening class, the researcher conducted an observation. The

observation was focused on students’ behavior before listening, during listening

and after listening. Leontive (1981: 31) states that perception can be formed if

someone is aware of experiencing an event. After the perception is formed, the


response toward the use of songs in listening class.

The first observation was conducted on November 5th, 2012. The

participants were 27 students of class VIII A. The teaching and learning process

took place in an audio-visual room. Before the listening section started, all of the

students were ready in the audio-visual room and they prefer to sit in the front

row. While the teacher prepared the material, most of the students were talking to

their friends. When the handouts were distributed, they focused on them and tried

to guess about the topic they would learn. Almost all of the students were active in

answering teacher’s questions about the topic of the lesson. They also paid

attention to the teacher seriously.

When the listening section started, the students listened to the song

seriously. The teacher used Westlife’s songs and the title was “I Have a Dream.”

The first task was to fill in the blanks or to complete the lyrics of the song. At

first, they liked to listen to the song rather than writing the answers. After the song

was played for the first time, the students asked the teacher to play it again. At this

time, they started to write the answers and they still listened to the songs

enthusiastically. Afterwards, the teacher played the songs once more time in order

to give opportunity to the students to check their answers. Even though the song

played three times, they still concentrated to listen it.

Next, the teacher asked the students to discuss their answers with their

partners. All of the students enjoyed the discussion. Moreover, the teacher


they were enthusiastic and active in the teaching and learning process.

The second observation was conducted on November 5th, 2012. The

teaching and learning process also took place in audio-visual room but the

participants were different. The participants were the students of class VIII B. The

total number of present students was 27. There were no students who came late to

the class. Most of them preferred to sit in the front row. This class was quite noisy

because almost all of the students were talking to their friends. However, they

kept silent and paid attention to teacher’s explanation when the lesson began.

After the teacher distributed the handouts, the class became noisy again because

the students were talking about the songs. When the teacher gave them some

questions about the topic they were going to learn, all of them answered it


The students concentrated on listening to the songs. The teacher still used

the same song by Westlife. They also had a task to complete the song’s lyrics.

The teacher played the song again for the second time after that. In this section, all

of them did the listening assignment seriously. Afterwards, the students asked the

teacher to play it one more time because some of them wanted to finish and to

check their answers. Most of the students listened to the song seriously while the

rest of them were singing together.

In the next section, the students discussed their answers with the teacher.

Most of the students were active in answering questions. They also learnt about


when the words were wrongly pronounced, they would try to pronounce it for

several times until they did it correctly. Afterwards, the students were asked to

have a discussion about the content of the song with their friends. They discussed

and shared their idea about it enthusiastically. Next, the student asked the teacher

to play the song again and they were singing together happily. As a result, the

class became fun and there were no students who looked sleepy or bored.

Based on the data obtained from the observation above, there was some

information that could be analyzed. The information was related to students’

behavior when they listened to the songs.

The students’ behavior before listening was considered positive. It could

be seen from their interest in listening class. The students preferred to sit in front

row rather than sit in the back row. When the handouts were distributed by the

teacher, they became curious about what topic they were going to learn.

Moreover, the students were active in answering teacher’s question and they also

paid attention to teacher’s explanation about the topic.

The positive behavior was also confirmed from their behavior during

listening. All of the students listened to the songs seriously. Even though the song

was played three times, they still enjoyed to listen. The researcher observed that

all of the students kept silent when the song was played because they were really

concentrate to do the assignment. The students would ask directly to teacher to

repeat the songs if they have not finished completing the song’s lyric. Since they


make students enthusiastic to follow the teaching-learning process.

The students’ behavior after listening was also positive. They listened and

did the teacher’s instruction enthusiastically. All of them participated in the

discussion actively. They also learnt new vocabulary and pronunciation related to

the songs enthusiastically. When they found some difficult words, they were

willing to ask the teacher to explain it. Furthermore, the students enjoyed

practicing pronunciation. The researcher observed that there were no students who

looked sleepy or bored because they were happy and enthusiastic in every

learning activity.

Based on the theory from Leontive (1981: 31) that perception can be

formed if someone is aware of experiencing an event and it will be interpreted as

behavioral response, it can be concluded that the eight grade students of SMP

Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang had positive perception because they had positive

behavior toward the use of songs in listening class and they had experienced it by


2. Data Presentation of the Questionnaire

The researcher distributed questionnaires in order to find out the SMP

Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang students’ perception on the use of songs in listening

class. The participants were the students of class VIII A and VIII B. The

questionnaires were distributed on November 5th, 2012. There where fifty-four

questionnaires that were distributed. The following table is the detailed


Date Location Time Total students of the class

Total participants November 5th,


Class VIII

A 08.30-09.45 27 27

November 5th, 2012

Class VIII

B 10.00-10.45 27 27

As presented in the methodology, the questionnaire was divided into

closed-ended and open-ended questions. There were fifteen closed-ended

questions and five open-ended questions. Each part would be analyzed separately.

a. The Result of Closed-Ended Questions

There were four responses that the students could choose. They are 4 for

strongly agree (SA), 3 for agree (A), 2 for disagree (D), and 1 for strongly

disagree (SD). The students’ responses to each question are presented in the form

of data percentage. The closed-ended question consisted of three parts. Below are

the results of the questionnaire analysis that were discussed per part.

1) The Students’ Perception on the Use of Songs in Listening Activity

The purpose of this part is to find out the SMP Pangudi Luhur 1

Kalibawang students’ perception on the use of songs in listening activity. There

were four statements in this part. The following is the table that shows the


No Inggris dengan lagu.(I enjoy learning English through songs.) English through songs is fun.)

40.74 59.26


Mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris memancing otak saya untuk berpikir tentang apa yang diceritakan dalam lagu tersebut. (Listening English songs make me think about the story in it.)

48.15 50 1.85 (The activity which is used can help me to evolve my English skills, especially listening skills.)

66.67 33.33

The data that were obtained showed that the students’ perception on the

listening activity using songs was positive. In the first statement that said, “I enjoy

learning English through songs,” students who agreed were 62.96%, while the rest

of the students (37.04%) strongly agreed about that. It meant that the most

students enjoyed in learning English through songs.

Most students agreed that learn English through songs is a fun activity. It

was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, as shown in the table

4.2. Thirty two students or 59.26% did agree and twenty two or 40.74% strongly


“Listening English songs make me think about the story in it.” There were 50%

students who agreed and 48.15% students strongly agreed about that. Meanwhile

1.85% students disagreed. It meant that the listening activity using songs could

raise students’ curiosity and made them to think the story of the songs.

In the fourth statement, thirty six students or 66.67% chose strongly agree

while the rest of the students who chose agree were 33.33%. It can be concluded

that listening activity using songs could help the students to evolve their listening


2) The Students’ Perception on Motivation in Learning English Using


The second part of the questionnaire was part B. This part consists of six

statements. The purpose of part B is to find out the students’ perception on

motivation in learning English using songs. The percentage result of this part is

shown by the following table.

Table 4.3 Percentage Result of Part B

No dengan serius. (I listen the material seriously.)

18.52 75.92 5.55


Saya aktif dalam menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari guru. (I am active in answering questions from my teacher.)

14.81 70.37 14.81


Saya mengerjakan latihan yang diberikan dengan serius. (I do the assignment seriously.)



Saya bertanya pada guru atau teman setiap saya mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. (I am asking to the teacher or friend whenever I found difficulties in learning motivated to learn English using songs.)

31.48 61.11 5.55 1.85


Saya bersemangat untuk belajar dengan lagu pada pertemuan berikutnya. (I am enthusiastic to learn English using songs in the next meeting.)

33.33 61.11 5.55

The data that were obtained showed that the students’ perception on the

motivation in learning English using songs was positive. It was proved by the

result of the questionnaire where the students’ gave quite positive response to

each statement.

In the fifth statement that said, “I listen the material seriously” there were

18.52% who strongly agreed, 75.92 who agreed, and 5.55% who disagreed. It

means that most of the students listened to the material seriously.

The positive response was also shown in the result of the sixth statement.

Out of fifty four students, thirty eight students or 70.37% did agree and eight

students or 14.81% strongly agreed. It can be concluded that most of the students

were answering teacher’s questions actively while there were 14.81% students


As shown in the table 4.3, thirty five students or 64.81% and fourteen students or

25.92% responded it positively. Meanwhile, the rest of them or 9.26% students

did not do it seriously.

In the eighth statement, more than half of the students (55.55%) did agree

and 40.74% strongly agreed that they were asking to the teacher or friend

whenever they found difficulties in learning English while 3.70% students

disagreed about that.

Most of the students were motivated to learn English using songs. It was

proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, as shown in table 4.3. Thirty

three (61.11%) out of fifty four students agreed that songs could motivate them to

learn English. In addition, seventeen students (31.48%) also strongly agreed about

it. There were three students (5.55%) disagree and one students (1.85%) strongly

disagree that songs could motivate them to learn English.

More than half of the students were enthusiastic to learn English using

songs in the next meeting. It could be seen that there were 61.11% students did

agree and 33.33% students strongly agreed about that. Meanwhile, the rest of the

students or 5.55% were not enthusiastic to learn English using songs in the next


3) The Students’ Perception on the Effect of Using Songs in Listening Class

This part consists of five items. The purpose of this part is to find out the

students’ perception on the effect of using songs in listening class. The following


No melalui lagu. (I understand the vocabulary better through songs.)

27.76 55.55 14.81 1.85

12. Kosakata saya bertambah. (My

vocabulary increased.) 25.92 59.26 9.26 5.55


Saya dapat mengingat kata-kata berbahasa Inggris lebih baik melalui lagu. (I could remember the vocabulary better through melalui lagu. (I could pronounce English words correctly through

Most of the students had positive perception on the effect of using songs in

listening class. Harmer (2001: 242) concludes that songs can change the

atmosphere in classroom or prepare students for a new a new activity. Songs can

also entertain and it can make a connection between the world of leisure and the

world of learning.

Thirty students (55.55%) did agree and fifteen students (27.76%) strongly

agreed that they could understand the vocabulary better through songs.

Meanwhile, eight students (14.81%) disagreed and one student (1.85%) strongly


Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint
Table 3.2 Interview Blueprint
Table 4.1 Questionnaire Distribution
Table 4.2 Percentage Result of Part A


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