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COOPERATIVE LEARNING IN SUBJECT ENGLISH READING SKILL: A Quasi Experimental Study on the First Grade in Private Senior High School.


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COOPERATIVE LEARNING IN SUBJECT ENGLISH READING SKILL (A Quasi Experimental Study on the First Grade in Private Senior High School)

A Research Paper

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree






COOPERATVE LEARNING IN SUBJECT ENGLISH READING SKILL (A Quasi Experimental Study on the First Grade in Private Senior High Scholl)

A Research Paper

Written By: Tania Surya Syawalia

0603350 Approved by:

Main Supervisor Co-Supervisor

Prof. Dr. H. Didi Suherdi, M.Ed Lulu Laela Amalia, M.Pd. NIP. 196211011987121001 NIP.197504092007102001

Head of English Education Department Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education





Tania Surya Syawalia

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Tania Surya Syawalia 2013

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



The research entitled “Cooperative Learning in Subject English Reading Skill (A Quasi Experimental Research in One of Private Senior High school)” is to investigate whether the implementation cooperative learning numbered head together method is effective in improving students reading comprehension on narrative texts. It aims to find out the advantages and the disadvantages of using cooperative learning numbered head together method in reading narrative texts. This research employ quasi experimental with pre-test, post-test and questionnaire design. Data collected through pre-test and post-test are analyzed by using SPSS. The data analysis of independent t-test shows that there is a difference between post-test means for both of control and experimental group. The result shows that the method could improve students reading comprehension on narrative texts. Students give positive responses in the use of cooperative learning numbered head together method in teaching reading narrative texts. The use of cooperative learning numbered helps the students comprehend the story, increasing their motivation, make them more active, make it easier for them to remember the story create fun learning and save the time. The researcher is expected to give a contribution to the teaching of English. Finally, it is recommended for future research to investigate the effectiveness of using cooperative learning numbered head together method in improving the other skills such as listening, speaking or writing.



Penelitian in berjudul Cooperative Learning in Subject English Reading Skill (A Quasi Experimental Research in One of Private Senior High school) penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi penerapan efektivitas dari metode cooperative learning numbered head together. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa dalam teks narrative. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan kelebihan dan kekurangan dalam penggunaan metode cooperative learning numbered head together dalam teks narrative. Penelitian menggunakan quasi experiment dengan pre-test, post-test dan questionnaire. Dalam pengempulan data pre-test dan post-test dianalisis dengan menggunakan program SPSS. Analisis data dari independent t-test menunjukan bahwa adanya perbedaan post-test mean antara kelas control dan kelas eksperimen. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa metode ini bisa meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa dalam jenis teks narrative. Siswa memberikan respon yang positif dan pengunaan metode cooperative learning numbered head together dalam pengajaran membaca teks narrative. Pengunaan cooperative learning numbered head together membantu siswa dalam memahami cerita, meningkatkan motivasi siswa, membuat siswa lebih aktif, memudahkan siswa mengingat cerita dengan metode yang menyenangkan dan menghemat waktu pembelajaran. Peneliti berharap peneletian ini bisa memberikn kontribusi terhadap pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Akhirnya penelitian direkomendasikan untuk penelitian selanjutnya yang menginvestigasi keefektifisan dalam penggunaan metode cooperative learning numbered head together dalam meningkatkan kemampuan lainnya seperti: Berbicara, Mendengarkan dan Menulis.

Kata kunci: Membaca, Kemampuan Membaca, Cooperative Learning, Numbered Head



1.4 Scope of the Research………... 4

1.5 Hypothesis………... 2.1.1 The Nature of Reading……… 7

2.1.2 Reading Comprehension……… 8

2.2 Cooperative Learning………. 2.2.1 Definition of Cooperative Learning……… 9

2.2.2 Element of Cooperative Learning……… 10

2.2.3 The Benefits of Cooperative Learning………... 11

2.2.4 Cooperative Learning and Traditional Method……… 11

2.3 Numbered Head Together……….. 13

2.3.1 Teaching Reading Through Numbered Head Together Method……... 14

2.3.2 The Effect of Using Numbered Head Together in Students Achievement in Learning Reading

3.6.1 Research Instrument………. 21

a. Pre-Test………. 21

b. Post-Test……… 22

c.Questionnaire………. 22


c. Conducting Try Out………... 23 Reliability Test………... 30

3.8.2 Data Analysis on Pre-Test and Post-Test………... 31 Testing the Normal Distribution………... 31 The Variance Homogeneity……….. 32 The Independent t-Test………. 32 The Dependent t-Test……… 32 The Calculation of Effect Size……….. 33

3.8.3 Data Analysis of Questionnaire……… 33

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Research Findings………... 35

4.2 The Pre-Test Score Analysis……….. 35

4.2.1 Normality of Distribution………. 36

4.2.2 The Homogeneity of Variance Test………. 37

4.2.3 The Independent t-Test……… 37

4.3 The Post Test Score Analysis………... 38

4.3.1 The Normal Distribution Test……….. 39

4.3.2 The Homogeneity of Variance Test………. 40

4.3.3 The Independent t-Test……… 40

4.3.4 The Calculation of Effect Size………. 41

4.3.5 The Dependent Test………. 41

4.4 The Findings from the Questionnaire………. 42

4.4.1 The Advantages of the Implementation Numbered Head Together ………… 42

4.4.2 The Disadvantages of the Implementation Numbered Head Together ….. 43




This chapter presents an introduction of the research, which describes the background of the research, research questions, aims of the study, scope of the research, hypothesis, clarifications of terms and organization of paper.


In this global era, to be a good world citizen, one is recommended to master English. Therefore, every country in the world sets strategies to keep improving its citizen‟s ability in communicating in English, especially in the countries where

English has a role as second or foreign language.

Indonesians students meet some difficulties in learning English. The problem can be seen in formal academic setting, those are in teaching-learning of the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Each of the language skill has its own role in communication, thus every skill is important to be taught, including „reading‟.

„Reading‟, according Anderson (1999 ) is the an active process that involves

the reader and the reading material in building meaning. Through the symbols, a language user interprets the writer‟s message. The more complex the symbols are, the

higher reading ability.


teaching and learning process. Those differences can make discrepancy among students. To face this reality, teachers should know the best way to make the variances to be a precious thing in the classroom. They can use their differences to learn together and support each other.

That phenomenon pushes the English teachers, also facilitators, to use the appropriate methods and media in order to increase students reading skill without decreasing student‟s motivation. In other words, the teachers‟ job is to try to increase

students reading skill by giving students chances to get more reading practice, and the teachers should give those methods and media effectively. One of the most common methods used to solve the problem is „Cooperative Learning‟

According to Johnson and Holubec (1994) "Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups through which students work together to maximize their own and each other‟s learning." The argument is in line with Slavin‟s, which

states that cooperative learning “is a variety of teaching method in which students work in small groups to help each other learn academic content.”

Based on those two arguments, it can be concluded that „Cooperative

Learning‟ is the efficient method of teaching which optimizes the vary of students‟

potencies to improve the students‟ skill. It reveals that cooperative learning helps students in improving both social and academic skills.

There are some popular techniques of cooperative learning, those are „Think Pair

Share‟, „Jigsaw‟, „Round-Robin Brainstorming‟,„Three Minutes Review‟, „Numbered Heads Together‟, „Team Pair Solo‟, „Circle the Sage‟ and „Partners‟. Each of the


Among those methods, in teaching English Numbered Head Together is considered has some advantages compare to the other methods. One of them is that it is useful for quickly reviewing objective material in a fun way and also can stretch students‟ mind.

Related to the case above, the researcher is interested to conduct an evaluation on the implementation of Numbered Head Together in teaching narrative text to students.

Although English has been taught to students in primary school or even in some kindergartens, students still have difficulties in improving the reading skill. As it was found from the result of the observation in the classroom, the most common problem in teaching and learning reading was when students feel difficult to read an English text because they did not understand the meaning of the words in the text.

Based on the explanation above, the title of this study is Cooperative Learning in subject English Reading Skill (A Quasi-Experimental Study in a Private School)

1.2Research Questions

In relations with the phenomenon above, there are two questions to be answered in this research, those are:

1. Are there any improvements in the student‟s outcomes after conducting cooperative learning method in English reading skill?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cooperative learning in teaching English reading skill?


The aims of this research are as follows:

1. To find whether method of cooperative learning is improving students learning outcomes in learning English reading skill.

2. To find out the advantages and disadvantages in the implementation of cooperative learning.

1.4Scope of The Research

In general, the research focuses in analyzing the effectiveness of using Cooperative Learning method in improving students‟ reading skill and describing the

advantage and the disadvantages related to implementation of cooperative learning method in classroom activities.


In this study, the researcher proposed a hypothesis according to Frankel and Wallen (1990) they state that hypothesis is a prediction of some sort regarding the possible outcomes of a study.” The Null hypothesis employed in this study states that

the implementation of cooperative learning Numbered Head Together does not able to improve students reading comprehension.

1.6Clarification of Terms

 Reading is an active process that involves the reader and the reading material in

building meaning. (Anderson, 1999).

 Cooperative learning is a variety of teaching method in which students work in small

groups to help each other learn academic content. (Slavin, 1994)

 Numbered Heads Together is one of components in cooperative learning that is use


1.7Organization of the Paper

This paper is organized into five chapters. Chapter I

This chapter contains introduction which discusses background of the study, statement of problems, scope of the study, aims of the study, significance of the study, hypothesis and organization of the paper and clarification of terms.

Chapter II

This chapter includes theoretical foundation from the experts and previous researchers as the foundation of research investigation regarding the use of cooperative learning numbered head together to improve the student‟s ability.

Chapter III

This chapter is about methodology of research employed in investigating the implementation of cooperative learning numbered head together usage in improving student‟s reading ability. The chapter focuses on research designs, subject of the study,

data collection, and the procedure of data analysis and clarification of terms. Chapter IV

This chapter presents the finding and discussion of the study regarding the implementation of cooperative learning numbered head together to improve students‟


Chapter V

This chapter includes the interpretation of the study‟s result in a form of




This chapter discusses the key issues related to the teaching English reading skill using cooperative learning (Numbered Head Together) technique. The reviews of the nature of reading, the process of reading comprehension, definition of cooperative learning, elements of cooperative learning, numbered head together technique and several related studies will be elaborated as follows:

2.1 Reading Theory

2.1.1 The Nature of Reading

Reading in general can be defined into several definitions. Anderson (1999) states that reading is an active process that involves the reader and the reading material in building meaning.

As one of the language skills, reading has principles to comprehend. Grabe and Stoller (2002) state that there are seven principles of reading, those are „reading to

research for simple information‟, „to skim quickly‟, „to learn from text‟, „to get an

integrate information‟, „to research information needed for writing‟, and „to critique

text and to achieve general comprehension‟.


Nevertheless, many people have problems in reading. The common problems are found in reading when the readers read textbook as readers, they cannot understand the general content.

Based on the arguments above, it can be concluded that reading is the ability of understanding written or printed (language) symbols to get the messages or information which are contained. In order to be a good reader, one should comprehend the principles of reading.

2.1.2 Reading Comprehension

Different from reading in general, reading comprehension has a deeper meaning to elaborate. Furthermore, reading comprehension also deals with the words extracting and words constructing to emphasize both the importance and the insufficiencies of the text as a determination of reading comprehension. Reading comprehension has three elements, those are:

1. The students who are doing the comprehending. 2. The text that is to be comprehended

3. The activity in which comprehension is a part.

In addition, according to Mikulecky and Jeffries (1990), there are some skills required to improve reading comprehension, among others are:

1. Increasing vocabulary knowledge for effective reading is one way to increase students‟ ability in reading text, those are: guessing unknown vocabulary, guessing


2. Comprehending the main idea is the author‟s idea about the topic. It is always a complete sentence that includes both the topic and the idea that the author wishes to express about the topic.

It can be concluded that reading comprehension is determined by reader‟s

access to language, prior knowledge and reading ability. Reading comprehension is defined as the reader‟s ability to decode the text, understand the meaning and relate

the basic experience with the new information. 2.2COOPERATIVE LEARNING

2.2.1 Definition of Cooperative Learning

Teaching reading requires proper method to apply. There are methods that are proven effective in teaching reading; one of them is namely Cooperative Learning. Slavin (1994) state that cooperative learning is a variety of teaching method, in which students work in small groups to help each other learn academic contents. He further elaborate that in cooperative learning, students are expected to help each other, discuss and argue with one another, asses each other‟s current knowledge and feel in gaps in

each other‟s understanding.

Slavin (1994) state that Cooperative Learning is a teaching approach for any subjects designed to improve academic performance to group work.

Based on the arguments above, it can be concluded that „Cooperative

Learning‟ is the efficient method of teaching which optimizes the vary of students‟


2.2.2. Elements of Cooperative Learning

Applying cooperative learning to classroom activity is not a hard thing to do. The teacher is only requires to implement seven basic elements of it. Those elements, which are noted by Slavin (1994), are: „Group Heterogenity‟, „Positive

Interdependence‟, „Promotive Interaction‟, „Individual Accountability‟, „Interpersonal

Skill‟, „Equal Opportunities‟, and „Team Competition‟.

From the element above, a Numbered Head Together belongs to the „Group

Heterogenity‟ because the size of cooperative-learning groups is relatively small and

as heterogeneous as circumstances allow. The recommended size is usually four to five students. At the very least, groups should contain both males and females and students of different ability levels.

2.2.3 The Benefits of Cooperative Learning

Many advantages that could be found while developing cooperative learning method. According to Hamm and Adams (1990), cooperative learning method enables the teachers and the students to have some positive values as follows:

1. For the student

a. Improves academic performance among high and low achieving students. b. Makes constantly favorable achievement for minority students

c. Gives positive effects on students‟ self-esteem, social relations, attitudes toward mainstream students and race relations, and


2. For the Teachers

a. Teachers become more cooperative in their own professional interactions and more willing to collaborate with their peers;

b. Teachers time is spent more effectively;

c. Teachers can adopt a fresh, new attitude toward their job; and d. Teachers have greater time to validating their own, values and ideas

2.2.4 Cooperative Learning and Traditional Method

The traditional method is different from cooperative learning in each way and structure. Theroux (2004) describes that the traditional teaching method is a merely teacher centered approach, thus the responsibility and the power handling class and making decision is held by the teacher. However, the cooperative learning is factually a student-centered approach, where the students have their own responsibility as well as act as decision makers. The traditional teaching method is normally a competitive learning style, where each student tries to compete among each other, and work individually, while the teacher works as an instructor. On the other side, the cooperative learning encourages collaborative learning where the students work together to solve the problem.


teacher is very important because in this method the teacher as a center and decision maker. There are principles of grammar-translation method according to Richards and Rodgers (1986), as follows;

 Reading and writing are the major factors.

 The sentence is the basic unit of teaching and language practice.  Accuracy is emphasize.

 Grammar is taught deductively, and

 The student‟s native language is medium of instruction.

Furthermore the difference between traditional teaching method and cooperative learning method is presented below:

Table 2.1

Cooperative Learning and Traditional Teaching Method (Theroux, 2004)

Cooperative Learning Traditional Teaching A students centered environment A teacher centered environment Students are in control of their own


The teacher is in control Power and responsibility are primarily

students centered

Power and responsibility are primarily teacher centered

The teacher is facilitator and guide. The students are decision makers.

The teacher is the instructor and decision maker

Learning may be cooperative, collaborative or independent. Students work together to reach a common goal. Students willingly help each other sharing/exchanging skill and ideas.

The learning experience is often competitive in nature. The competition is usually between students. Students resent other using their ideas.

Authentic, interdisciplinary projects and problem.


Learning extends beyond the classroom.

Learning takes place in the classroom The way information is processed and

used is more important.

The content is more important Students evaluate, make decision and

are responsible for their own learning

Students master knowledge through drill and practice

Content is learned in a relevant context. Content is not necessarily learned in context.

2.3 Number Head Together (NHT) Method

2.3.3 Characteristic of Numbered Head Together

According to kagan (1992) Numbered Heads Together is one of components in cooperative learning that is use number as media to apply this method when discussion process.

Number Head Together method is one of those nine method. Numbered Heads Together is a method of learning where each student was given a number and then made a random group of teachers and then calls the number of students. The structure of Numbered Heads Together is derived from the work of Spencer Kagan. There are a number of variations on the method, some are very simple and others with a greater degree of complexity. This structure can be used in conjunction with „Think, Pair, Share‟ early in the

development of the Co-operative Classroom learning with spellings. Number Head Together method has several advantages: (1) each students to be readies all, (2) may condact discusion seriously, and (3) student who are smart can teach the less intelegent students.


Applying Number Head Together (NHT) method requires the students to encounter a new word many times before incorporating it into their reading skills. In addition, native English speakers have had many years of experiences using English. On the contrary, second language learners and newcomers are at huge disadvantages because their English reading skills are limited.

Reading comprehension instruction involves looking up the words, copying the definition, and writing a sentence. This instruction is considered fast and easy to apply. Furthermore, the knowledge in defining words is perfect for familiar concepts. If students already know a synonym, the teacher can give a brief explanation during the lesson. This may helps students to learn the word in context without interrupting the lesson. Most teachers already use this strategy, sometimes with Number Head Together method. The step of implementing numbered head together method and it is very simple to use the teacher only needs to follow these steps:

1. Divide the students into groups of four and give each one a number from one to four 2. Pose a question or a problem to the class.

3. Have students gather to think about the question and to make sure everyone in their group understands and can give an answer.

4. Ask the question and call out a number randomly.

5. Ask the students with that number to raise their hands, and when called on, the student answers for his or her team.


member of groups. The following example describes how Number Head Together is applied:

In the classroom, the teacher groups the students into 4 groups. Group 1 is given the material about kinds of jobs. Group 2 is given the material about kinds of animal. Group 3 is given the material about kinds of instruments of school. Last, Group 4 is given the material about kinds of building. Then, students share their materials. From these different materials, students can learn the varieties of new texts directly and will increase their students‟ outcome in reading achievement. Effect of Using Number Head Together (NHT) in Students’ Achievement in Learning Reading


Furthermore Lie (2002) states that “cooperative learning have five principles

which are positive interdependence, individual responsibility, face to face, promotive interaction, and team competition”.

Number Head Together is the method of teaching which promote the students‟

activities in finding, processing, and reporting the information from many sources and finally will present in the front of class.

2.4 Previous Study

According to Japar (2011) the research finding shows that the use of Number Head Together method may increasingly motivate and help students learn for better text understanding. This can be seen from the result of students‟ reading

comprehension quizzes that was gradually improving. It means that there was a positive impact of Number Head Together method toward the increase of students‟ ability in answering the quiz based on the reading text. The students‟ average score in

pre-test was 50.58; in the first quiz the average score was 60.44; the average score in the second quiz was 74.44; and the last quiz showed that students‟ average score was


Besides, the finding also shows that Numbered Head Together was effective in enhancing the students‟ participation, especially in raising their hands competitively to

answer the questions during the answer-checking session.

Furthermore another researcher Hatiningsih (2012) shows that the results in teaching reading by numbered heads together in junior high school can improve students‟ reading comprehension. From the observation, she found that during the


comprehend the text well. Besides, the students‟ motivation and the students‟ participation also improve. It can be seen from the students‟ behavior. Before the research, the students were passive in the lesson. After the research, they can share their knowledge and help each other in understanding the lesson material. Therefore, it can be concluded that teaching reading by using numbered-heads-together can improve the students‟ reading comprehension.




This chapter discusses two main parts, namely conclusion and suggestion for the further study. This part of chapter is related to the effectiveness of Numbered Head Together in improving student’s outcomes in subject English reading skill.

5.1 Conclusions

Referring to the findings in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that Numbered Head Together used in the experimental group is more effective than the conventional method used in the control group. The effectiveness was found out by comparing the students’ reading scores in experimental group that was taught by the implementing cooperative learning numbered head together to the students’ readings scores in control

group that was taught by using traditional method (conventional). The result of the calculation showed that, in average, the students’ reading score in experimental group (73.63) is higher than the students’ reading score in control group (64.50).

Second, regarding to the result of students’ responses analysis from

questionnaire, the students’ responses toward the implementing cooperative earning


interaction among students. Besides that, their interaction is closely better. In other words, students can helps each other by discussion; solve their own problem in comprehending the material.

Based on the findings of the research into teaching learning reading subject for the tenth grade senior high school, it can be stated that the students’ achievement in reading comprehension after teaching and learning process shows the increase of student’s outcome in reading ability both for class with conventional method and for

class in with Number Head Together method. However, the increased achievement of experiment group used Numbered Head Together has been much better than achievement of control group used conventional method.


Through this study, the implementation of numbered head together is recommended to be used as an alternative teaching. However, there are some suggestions that may be useful for both teacher and researcher.

To the English teachers who are interested in implementing cooperative learning numbered head together as teaching media in their teaching-learning process, it is important to choose the material that is appropriate to the English level of their students’

ability. The teacher should pay attention to the vocabularies which occurs in the text. The vocabularies should be familiar and not too difficult for the students. Besides, the text should be used as an alternative way to solve the problems in teaching-learning process in order to reach the goals of learning.



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Table 2.1 Cooperative Learning and Traditional Teaching Method


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