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Konflik Elit Gerakan Aceh Merdeka


Academic year: 2017

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SAID FURQAN (090906008)


(Studi Kasus : Dalam Penentuan Calon Gubernur Dari Partai Aceh Tahun 2012). Rincian isi Skripsi : halaman, 2 tabel, 3 gambar, 22 buku, 1 jurnal, 1 situs internet, 2 arsip daerah, serta 5 wawancara. (Kisaran buku dari tahun 1981-2008).


Partai Aceh adalah partai politik local yang merupakan partai khusus mantan kombatan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka. Pasca penetapan nama Dr. Zaini Abdullah dan Muzakkir Manaf sebagai Calon Gubernur dan CalonWakil Gubernur dari Partai Aceh pada tahun 2011 perpecahan dalam tubuh Partai Aceh segera mengemuka ke publik. Para petinggi Partai Aceh, Kamaruddin dan Sofyan Dawood terlibat perang opini dimedia massa. Konflik elit GAM terjadi karena putusan secara sepihak yang dilakukan pimpinan Partai Aceh dalam Penetapan nama Dr. Zaini Abdullah dan Muzakkir Manaf dan tidak melalui mekanisme yang sesuai AD/ART. Oleh karena itu penulis memfokuskan untuk melihat bagaimana konflik yang terjadi di internal Partai Aceh.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya konflik tersebut serta menggambarkan dan menganalisa bentuk konflik yang terjadi di internal Partai Aceh dalam hal ini elite GAM tua dengan elite GAM muda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konflik elite di internal Partai Aceh bersumber dari perbedaan pandangan antara elite GAM tua dengan elite GAM muda tentang penetapan calon Gubernur dan Calon Wakil Gubernur Aceh.

Konflik yang terjadi di tingkat DPA Partai Aceh merembet sampai ketingkat DPW Partai Aceh hingga masyarakat umum dengan adanya pergantian pengurus tingkat DPA, beberapa Ketua DPW dan kader-kader Partai Aceh yang dianggap


memihak kubu elite GAM muda. Konflik ini juga disebabkan karena adanya perbedaan kepentingan antara elite GAM yang berada di Partai Aceh, serta adanya faksionalisme internal bipolar yaitu kubu elite GAM tua dan Kubu elite GAM muda yang terbentuk karena perbedaan pandangan terhadap penetapan Calon Gubernur dan Calon Wakil Gubernur dari Partai Aceh.




SAID FURQAN (090906008)

THE ELITE CONFLICT IN ACEH SUMATERA LIBERATION FRONT (GAM) Case studies : The determination of the Governor candidate in Aceh Party in 2012). Details of Thesis Content : pages, 2 tables, 3 images, 22 books, 1 journal, 1 website, 2 archive area, and 5 interview (Publication from 1981-2008).


Aceh Party is a political party which is a local specialty party of former GAM’s combatant . After the determination the name of Dr . Zaini Abdullah and Muzakkir Manaf as Prospective Candidates for Governor and Vice Governor of Aceh’s Party in 2011, split within the Party of Aceh, immediately surfaced to the officials public of Aceh’s party, Kamaruddin and Sofyan Dawood in war opinion involved the mass opinion . the conflict between elite’s party occurs because the unilateral decision made in the Aceh’s Party leader Determination that both Dr.Zaini Abdullah and Muzakkir Manaf as Prospective Candidates for Governor and Vice Governor are not through the appropriate mechanisms of AD / ART (Charter / Bylaw) . Therefore, the author is focused in the case of internal conflict in Aceh’s Party .

This study aims to determine the cause of the conflict as well as describe and analyze the shape of the internal conflict in Aceh’s Party between senior and junior elite party. The results of this study indicate that the internal conflict in Aceh’s elite Party comes from differences nominations between senior and junior elite party to become candidates in Governor and Vice Governor of Aceh .

The conflict in DPA’s (Central Area) level of Aceh’s Party creep up to the DPW’s (Board Area) perhaps creep up to the public level with a change of


central area, some of board area’s Chairman and Aceh Party cadres are considered partial to junior’s elite. This conflict is also due to the divergence of interests between the elites residing in Aceh’ Party , as well as the internal factionalism bipolar stronghold of the senior and junior elite’s faction that formed because of differing views on the establishment of Candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor from the Aceh’s Party. This conflict including into realistic and latent conflict because the roots are shallow rooted and do not arise simply because of a misunderstanding about something that can be overcome by using communication


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