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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Academic year: 2019

Membagikan "Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga"


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(Classroom Action Research At First Grade Students Of SMKN 1

Salatiga In The Academic Year of 2014/2015)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of

SarjanaPendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education


State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



113 11 090





"In The Name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful"

Hereby, the writer declares that this graduating paper is written by the writer

her/himself. This paper does not contain any materials which have been published by

other people; and it does not cite any other people‟s ideas except the information

from the references.

This declaration is written by the writer to be understood.

Salatiga, 03 August2015

The writer




STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (IAIN) SALATIGA JL.TentaraPelajar 2 Tlp(0298) 323433 Salatiga 50731

Website: www.iainsalatiga.ac.id E-mail: administrasi@iainsalatiga.ac.id

Salatiga, August032015

RifqiAuliaErlangga, S.Fil, M.Hum

The lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE Case: A‟yunMas‟udah‟s Graduating Paper


Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty


After reading and correcting name‟s graduating paper entitled “THE USE OF CONVERSATION STARTER TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ FLUENCY IN SPEAKING(Classroom

Action Research At First Grade Students Of SMK N 1 Salatiga In The Academic Year of

2014/2015)”, I have decided and would like to propose that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher

Training and Education Faculty. I hope this pakper will be examined as soon as possible.



RifqiAuliaErlangga, S.Fil, M.Hum








NIM: 11311090

Has been brought to the board of examiners of English and Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga on 29th August 2015, and hereby considered to complete the requirements for the degree of Sarjanapendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education.

Board of examiners

Head : MuhKhusen, M.A

Secretary : RifqiAuliaErlangga, S.Fil, M.Hum

First examiner : Ruwandi, S.Pd, M.A

Second examiner :SetiaRini, M. Pd

Salatiga, 29th August 2015

Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Suwardi, M.Pd.









This graduating paper is graduating to:

1. Allah SubhanahuWata‟ala

2. My beloved mother and father ( Chaniroh and Zaenuri ), thanks for your pray

and supports.

3. My dearest sisters and brother (Miftahullaila, Ana handayani, Ulfifaizah,

Dewikusuma, Fuad mas duki) thanks for your motivation and always give

spirit to do this paper.

4. My lovely best friends (Farrah zakiyahanwar, FizaniFadilah, DewiVerawati

and Sri rejeki) thanks for the togetherness and supports.



Assalamu’alaykumWr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all praise due to Allah, the Most Gracious and

the Most Merciful who always keeps me when I was in down and up. Bless and

mercy is upon great Prophet Muhammad Saw for his guidance that leads me to the


However, this paper will not be finished without supports, advices, help and

encouragement from people and institution and let she says thanks to:

1. Mr. Dr. RahmatHariyadi, M.Pd., as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies(IAIN)Salatiga, thanks for time I spend studying in IAIN Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd., as The Dean of Teacher Training and Educational

Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Mrs.Noor Malihah, Ph. D., as the Head of English Education Department of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN)Salatiga.

4. Mr.RifqiAuliaErlangga, S.Fil,M.Hum.,as counselor who has espoused, and

given the writer advices, suggestions and recommendations for this graduating

paper from beginning until the end. Thank you so much, I learn a lot from



6. All beloved family, thanks for your spirit and support.

7. All friends of C class and all friends in English Department. Thank for your

friendship and kindness.

8. Mrs Farida, as the English teacher of SMKN1 Salatiga, thank you for giving

me contribution while I was conducting the research there, and all the students

at first grade of class cooking2 in SMKN1 salatiga

9. Who cannot be mentioned one by one.

Eventually, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful

knowledge and information to the readers. The writer is pleased to accept more

suggestion and contribution for the improvement of this graduating paper.

Salatiga, September 03 2015

The Writer




Mas‟udah, A‟yun. 2015. “The Use Of Conversation Starter Technique To Improve

Students’ Fluency In Speaking(Classroom Action Research At First Grade Students Of SMK N 1 Salatiga In The Academic Year Of 2015/2016).Dean of Teacher Training and Education faculty.English Education Department.State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiag.The counselor is RifqiAuliaErlangga, S.Fil,M.Hum.

Keywords: influence, students’ fluency, speaking, conversation starter

The objectives of this research are : 1) To understand the implementation of conversation starter technique to improve students‟ fluency in speaking at the first grade students at SMK N 1 Salatiga in academic year of 2015/ 2016; 2) To find out

the improvement of students‟ fluency in speaking by conversation starter technique at the first grade students at SMK N 1 Salatiga in academic year of 2015/ 2016.

The population of this research is the first grade students of SMKN1 Salatiga in Academic Year 2015/2016. The writer takes XI cooking class 2 class as the sample, there are 37 students. The methods which are used in collecting data are Pre-test, treatment, and Post- test. The students were given test by giving opinion individually (pre-test) and giving arguments through Conversation Starter (post-test). The writer analyzes the speaking components containing vocabulary and expression, grammar structure, smoothness, communicate effectively, pronunciation and intonation. The mean score of the students‟ pre-test in speaking in cycle 1 is 55,94 and the mean score of the students in post-test is 61,21. The students‟ score are increased in the cycle 2, the mean score of their pre test is 58,37 and mean score of post test is 70,27. According to the mean of both tests, the mean of post-test is higher than the pre-test, so teaching speaking by using Conversation Starter is better than before using Conversation Starter. The writer uses T-test formula to know the differences of pre-test and post-test. The result of t- test are in cycle 1 the t-test is 4,17, which is higher than t-table (2,028) and in the cycle 2, the t-test is 8,50, higher than t-table (2,028), by the level significant of 5%. So there is improvement of







MOTTO ... v



ABSTRAC ... ix


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background f The Study ... 01

B. Problem of The Study ... 03

C. Limitation of The Problem ... 03

D. Objectiveness of The Study ... 03

E. Significance of The Study ... 04

F. Definition of The Key Term ... 05

1. Conversation starter ... 05

2. Speaking ... 06

G. Review of related Lierature ... 07

H. The Outline of The Paper Presentation ... 08


1. Definition of speaking ... 10

2. Types of speaking ... 11

3. The elements of speaking ... 13

4. Characteristic of successful speaking... 16

5. . Students‟ Fluency in Speaking ... 17

B. Conversation Starter ... 21

1. The definition ... 21

2. Technique for conversation starter information ... 22

3. Teaching speaking through conversation starter technique ... 24

C. .. Research Hypothesis... 25

CHAPTER III RESEARCH REPORT A. Setting of Research ... 26

B. Research Methodology... 31

1. Classroom action research... 31

2... The characteristic of classroom action research ... 32

3. The principle of classroom action research ... 33

4. Object of classroom action research ... 34

C. Subject of The Research... 38

D. Research Procedure ... 37

E. Technique of Collecting Data ... 39

F. Technique of Data Analysis ... 40


1. Cycle I ... 43

2. Cycle II ... 56

B. Calculation of The Result Cycle I ... 51


C. Calculation of The Result of Cycle II ... 64 1. Score of the pre-test and post-test cycle II ... 64 D. Description of Analysis of the Questionnaire ... 68


A. Conclusion ... 72 B. Implementation ... 73 C. Suggestion ... 73




Table 3.1Condition of Students ... 29

Table 3.2Infrastructure ... 29

Table 3.4List Subject of the Research in First Grade Class BO2 ... 36

Table 4.5Students Score of Pre- test and Post- test in cycle 1 ... 51

Table 4.6Students Score of pre- test and Post- test in cycle 2 ... 64





Language is an important of communication tool for humans, because

of the language we can find out the information we need. Therefore, we have

to be able to master the language and the elements such as vocabulary,

structure, and etc. As an important thing of communication for human, so

learn the language well is necessity.

English is the international language of the world, and it is a foreign

language for Indonesian. Most of people who take on education are learned

and learn English. So, as a student, learning English language is very

important and necessity. One of the aims of teaching English is students could

speak in English. In language teaching exactly English, there are four skills;

listening, speaking, reading and writing. Many people feel that speaking in a

new language is harder than reading, writing or listening for two reason. First,

unlike reading or writing, speaking happens in real time usually the person we

are talking to is waiting for us to speak right then. Second, when we speak, we

cannot edit and revise what we wish to say, as we can if we are writing.

Teaching speaking is giving instruction to a person in order to

communicate. Learners can use conversation as our basic communication. A

conversation starter is an introduction used to begin a good conversation.


dialogue going. Equipped with a good understanding of the art of making

small talk and a few good small talk conversation starters, we can converse

with anybody.

There are many ways and approaches from which a teacher can choose

to reach an educational objective. By employing a variety of methods and

techniques, students and teachers are more interested and motivated, and the

classroom atmosphere is better for teaching and learning. Good teachers are

constantly seeking ways to improve their techniques and procedures. (Sharon

K. Zenger, M.S, 1977:01)

Many students lack to speaking English well, many factors that

become reasons why their speaking English are bad. This problem can be

caused of teaching process in the class. For that reason, the writer wants to

apply the technique that can make the students fluent and improve in speaking


Based on the learning method explained, the students hoped to become

active in learning process. The students‟ fluency in speaking will encourage

them to be able to realize the speech. So the writer takes courage to write a

research with the title “THE USE OF CONVERSATION STARTER


(Classroom Action Research At First Grade Students Of SMK N 1 Salatiga In



Based on the background above, the writer formulates the problem as

follow :

1. Does the use of conversation starter technique improve the students‟

fluency in speaking at the first grade students of SMKN1 Salatiga in the

academic year of 2014/2015?

2. How are the implementation of conversation starter technique on the

teaching speaking English at the first grade students of SMK N 1 salatiga

in the academic year of 2014/2015 ?

3. How is improvement the conversation starter technique significantly to the

students‟ fluency in speaking ?


The study emphasize on the influence of conversation starter technique

to improve students‟ fluency in speaking at the first grade students of SMKN

1 Salatiga in academic year 2014/2015. This study especially focuses on how

far the implementation of conversation starter technique to improve students‟

fluency in speaking. What are the positive implication of it.


Consideering the problems that have formulated above the objectives


1. Describe whether conversation starter technique improves the students‟

fluency in speaking at the first grade students of SMKN 1 salatiga in

academic year 2014/ 2015.

2. To understand the implementation of conversation starter technique to

improve students‟ fluency in speaking at the first grade students at SMK N

1 Salatiga in academic year 2014/ 2015.

3. To find out the improvement of students‟ fluency in speaking by

conversation starter technique at the first grade students at SMK N 1

Salatiga in academic year of2014/ 2015.


After the writer has completed this study it has two major benefits

those are:

1. Practically : The findings of this research will be useful to the

reader who is devoted on English teaching speaking.

2. Theoretically : The findings of this research will enrich the theory of

students‟ fluency in speaking.

This research also can be guidance for teachers and students.

1. For the English teachers as follows:

a. To help the teachers in enrich knowledge about the technique that

improve English fluency in speaking.

b. To find out the best technique in developing students‟ fluency in


2. For the students:

a.To know how far the aim has been achieved by students in English

speaking teaching.

b.To make the students easier to explore their fluency in speaking by

conversation starter technique.

c.To support the students to improve their fluency in English speaking



1. Conversation Starter

Conversation starter is a resource made up of a series of guiding

questions that can be used as a focus of professional dialogue for mentoring,

performance appraisal and other professional learning. (Ontario Ministry of

education, 2010)

Conversation starter is one of technique to improve speaking skill. It

may called to begin the conversation. An opener often takes the form of an

open-ended question, which can lead to further comments or conversation as

well as creating topics for future conversations. conversation opener is often

referred to as small talk and is used to make both people in a conversation feel


Conversation skill usually used in speaking skill to make an


part in the conversation. In the other words, the students are having problem

with their confident. There are also clumsy in speaking, they just speak when

the teacher ask them. From the explanation, we know that with uses the

conversation starter the students more enthusiastic to begin and open the small

talk without shy or clumsy. Besides that, conversation starter will make the

students attractive to stimulate them to speak English.

2. Speaking

Speaking is one of the most important skills to master in a language.

Its success is measured in term of ability to carry out conversation in an

interactive process construction meaning that involves producing, receiving,

and processing information.

Speak means talk about, use your voice to say, be able to use a

language, make a speech to an audience, make use of language ordinary, not

singing, voice (Oxford Dictionary, 2003:414)

Speaking is key to communication. By considering what good

speakers do, what speaking tasks can be used in class, and what specific

needs learners report, teachers can help learners improve their speaking and

overall oral competency.

a. Students’ Fluency

Students‟ fluency can be appeared in many factors; one of

them is using conversation starter technique in speaking class. The


How the students can learn the technique correctly and can apply in

their speaking well.

Students‟ fluency is the success that reached the students in

speaking English. The student can speak well and fluent without any

problem in their speaking English. The technique that teacher apply in

the learning process in class, will be influence the students‟ fluency in

speaking English.


In this study, the researcher takes a review of related literature from

the other thesis, the title is “Improving Students’ Speaking Mastery Through

Inside-Outside Circle (IOC) Technique In The Second Year Students Of Sma

Negeri 1 Welahan, Jepara Academic Year Of 2013/2014 (A Classroom

Action Research onSecond Year Students of SMAN 1 Welahan, Jepara in

Academic Year of 2013/2014). Researcher by Mala Alfiana the student of

State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga.

The result of the study indicates that the technique of Inside- Outside

Circle can improve speaking students. When in the first meeting, the teacher

concluded that it was very important to give some feedbacks and motivations

to the students to be more active and creative in giving argument. In this

meeting, the teacher found that they actually wanted to share something, but

they were not confident in speaking English. After the researcher of this


treatment and the feedback that the researcher gave really helped them to

improve their speaking.

Although the researcher has similar topic “speaking”, but the writer

has different object and technique. Beside it the researcher focuses on

students‟ fluency. The researcher analyzes on improving the students‟ fluency

in speaking using the conversation starter technique at the first grade students

of SMKN 1 salatiga. The similarity is both of them make the students more

active to speak in the class and more confidence to speak in English.

H. The outline of the Paper Presentation

In order to make easy to understand this thesis, the writer write the

following system of presentation as follows:

I. Chapter I is introduction. It consists of the background of the study,

problem of the study, limitation of the study, objectives of the study,

significance of the study, definition of the key term, hypothesis,

research methodology and paper outline.

II. Chapter II deals with the literature review. It consists of the definition

of the conversation starter technique, definition of the students‟

fluency, and speaking.

III. Chapter III presents research method, which consists of place and time

of the research, research design, population and samples,


IV. Chapter IV is implementation of the research. It is the analysis to

answer the problems of the study.

V. Chapter V is Conclusion, it is the conclusion of the research

and suggestion that the writer made from the findings that the writer




A. Speaking

1.Definition of Speaking

Speaking derived from word “speak” means to utter words or

articulate sounds with ordinary speech modulation; to convey thoughts,

opinions, or emotions orally, to express oneself, to be on speaking terms,

etc. (Mafflin Company, 2000:1668). So, speaking is conveying the

language to be meaningful in speaking.

Harris (1969:81), as quoted by Brown‟s book (1980: 8), states that

teaching cannot be defined a part from learning because it is guiding and

facilities of learning, enabling the learner to learn and setting the condition

for learning. Speaking is a skill requiring the simultaneous use of member

of different abbilities. There are five components in speaking skill, they


a. Pronunciation

Way in which language is spoken.

b. Grammar

Rule for forming words and making sentence.

c. Vocabulary

Total number of words that make up a language.


It is quality or condition of person to speak a language easily and well.

e. Comprehension

For oral communication certainly requires a subject to responds to

speech as well as to initiate it.

To most people, mastering the art of speaking is the single most

important aspect of learning a second or foreign language, and success is

measured in term of ability to carry out a conversation in the language.

(Nunan, 1991:39) Speaking is one aspect of the language that very

important to be mastered. And also one of the reach of studying a foreign

language is people could speak fluently. So by learning to speak English

well, students gain a valuable skill which can be useful in their lives and

contribute to their community.

2.Types of Speaking

According to Brown, (2004: 141-142) there are five basic types of

speaking activity, they are:

a. Imitative

At one end of a continuum of types of speaking performance is

the ability to simply parrot back (imitative) a word or phrase or

possibly a sentence. While this is a purely phonetic level of oral

production, a number of prosodic, lexical, and grammatical properties

of language may be included in the criterion performance.


A second type of speaking frequently employed in assessment

contexts is the production of short stretches of oral language designed

to demonstrate competence in narrow band of grammatical, phrasal,

lexical, or phonological relationships (such as prosodic

elements-intonation, stress, rhythm, juncture). The speaker must be aware of

semantic properties in order to be able to respond, but interaction with

an interlocutor or test administrator is minimal at best.

c. Responsive

Responsive assessment tasks include interaction and test

comprehension but at the somewhat limited level of very short

conversation, standard greeting and small talk, simple requests and

comment, and the like. The stimulus is almost always a spoken prompt

(in order to preserve authenticity), with perhaps only one or two

follow-up questions or retorts.

d. Interactive

The difference between responsive and interactive speaking is

in the length and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes

includes multiple exchanges and/or multiple participants. Interaction

can take the two forms of transactional language, which has the

purpose of exchanging specific information, or interpersonal

exchange, which have the purpose of maintaining social relationship.


complex with the need to speak in casual register and use colloquial

language ellipsis, slang, humor, and other sociolinguistic conventions.

e. Extensive (monologue)

Extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral

presentation, and story-telling, during which the opportunity for oral

interaction from listeners is either highly limited (perhaps to nonverbal

responses) or ruled out altogether

3.The Elements of Speaking

Harmer (2001:269) assumed that the ability to speak fluently

presupposes not only knowledge of language features, but also the ability

to process information and language „on the spot‟. There are two elements

of speaking, they are:

a. Language Features

Among the elements necessary for spoken production ( as

opposed to the production of practice examples in language drills, for

example), are the following:

1) Connected Speech : effective speakers of English need to

be able not only to produce the individual phonemes of English (as

in saying I would have gone) but also to use fluent „connected

speech‟ (as I‟d‟ve gone). It is for this reason that we should

involve students in activities designed specifically to improve their


2) Expressive Devices : native speakers of English change the

pitch and stress of particular parts of utterance, vary volume and

speed, and show by other physical and non verbal (paralinguistic)

means how they are feeling (especially in face-to-face interaction.

The use of these devices contributes to the ability to convey

meanings. They allow the extra expression of emotion and

intensity. Students should be able to deploy at least some of such

suprasegmental features and device in the same way if they are to

be fully effective communicators.

3) Lexis and grammar : spontaneous speech is marked by the

use of a number of common lexical phrases, especially in the

performance of certain language function. Where students are

involved in specific speaking context such as a job interview, we

can prime them, in the same way with certain useful phrase with

they can produce at various stages of an interaction.

4) Negotiation language : effective speaking benefits from the

negotiatory language we use to seek clarification and to show the

structure of what we are saying.

b. Mental/ social Processing

If part of speaker‟s productive ability involves the knowledge

of language skills such as those discussed above, success is also


1) Language processing : effective speakers need to able to

process language in their own heads and put it into coherent order

so that it comes out in forms that are not only comprehensible, but

also convey the meanings that are intended.

2) Interacting with others : most speaking involves interaction

with one or more participants. This means that effective speaking

also involves a good deal of listening, an understanding of how the

other participants are feeling, and a knowledge of how

linguistically to take turns or allow others to do so.

3) (On-the-spot) information processing : quite apart from our

response to others‟ feelings, we also need to be able to process the

information they tell us the moment we get it. The longer it takes

for „the penny to drop‟ the less effective we are instant


4.Characteristic of Successful Speaking

According to Ur P in Shojaee journal (1996:2) provides some

characteristics of successful speaking activity:

a. Learners talk a lot

As much as possible in the activities in the classroom have to be

dominated with learner to be more active. Classroom activities must

be design in such ways that provide opportunities for learner to talk a



A minority of talkative students should not dominate classroom

discussions, and contributions must be fairly distributed. Classroom

activities must be designed in ways that help all the students to take


c. Motivation is high

Learners are eager to speak because they are interested in the topic,

and want to contribute to achieving a task objective.

d. Language is comprehensible

Learners express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easily

comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable level of language

accuracy. The teacher must also base the activity on easy language so

that the students can use the language fluently without hesitation.

e. Student speak the target language

The teacher must keep students speaking the foreign language.

Habituating using English language can make the students easily in

practicing English. It is also force the students to how to understand

the language.

5. Students’ Fluency In speaking

Speaking activities in the language classroom have variety of

goals, such as; learning of content matter, learning of language items from

other participants, learning communication strategies, developing skills in


in the English language is a students‟ fluency in speaking. Fluncy is very

important to be noticed in improving English language. Mastering

grammar but fluency in English is less, then it will be difficult to respond

to the conversation.

Fluency appears to be related to neural patterning from the visual

sensory intake and print word processing areas in the occipital lobes.

Neural networks connect the auditory processing centers in students‟

temporal lobes to their executive functioning and word identifi cation

centers in their prefrontal lobes (Geake, 2006).

According to the American Heritage Dictionary (2000:677), fluent

is able to express oneself readily and effortlessly: a fluent speaker; fluent

in three languages. Fluency in English is very important to be increased by

students in school. Due to speak English fluently, students will be more

confident to learn English.

Fluency is ability to speak English easily, without any hiccups.

(Rahul Dwivedi: 2014). Fluency comes with practice in your everyday

life, student cannot study fluency speaking only in books. The thing with

speaking English fluency is the students do not need concentrate on the

grammar while speaking. According to Rahul Dwivedi (2014) there are

some ways how to speak English fluently, they are:

a. Practice

Speaking English fluently is something that is very important


students do not pay much attention to using correct grammar, by the

book, the English would sound extremely weird. However, it would be

better if the slang that has infiltrated into the language and also lack of

attention to the grammatical rules while speaking.

b. Small Talk

Learn how to begin a conversation. This will also grow

student‟s confidence. Try to ask simple conversation with someone in

front or behind you such as “what time is it?” then try to continuing

the conversation. Do not be shame to ask them if you have trouble


c. Confidence

Practicing English speech will require confidence. During a

social gathering, start small conversations. Don‟t hesitate to ask the

person to repeat him or herself. If you do not understand the meaning

of particular word or phrase, ask them to clarify. Chances are they

know you are in the learning process and would gladly help. So, don‟t

be afraid if your conversation wrong and stay to continuing the


d. Listen

Reading and speaking is not enough. Listen to how people

speak, the pronunciations, and the way words are use. Watch T.V.,


observe how they prenounce the words. This is the simple way and it

can make enjoy when doing this.

e. Read Books

Read novels concentrate on the formation of the sentences.

Novels have dialogue, a conversation between two people that you can

use to your advantage. Notion how people speak. They do not pay

attention to the grammar as much as they do to talking. Also when you

are reading, mark every unusual phrase or word and find out what it

means. Incorporate new words into your vocabulary.

f. Do Not Translate

Avoid translating what you hear, or what you say. Translating

a phrase from your mother tongue to English or vice versa will

completely rain the actual meaning of the phrase. It will also most

likely be incorrect. Instead, use a dictionary.

g. Study Words And Phrases

You may know a thousand words in the language, but putting

them together and making an intelligible sentence could be difficult.

This is because you are not concentrating on using the words you are

learning. To speak fluently, you need to learn how to put words

together into phrase and sentence.

h. Idioms

Idioms are an essential part of the English language. You will


hear somebody saying „break a leg‟ to you before your English exam,

and you would be baffled at why somebody would want you to break a

leg. „Break a leg‟ is actually an idiom meaning „best of luck‟ or „I

hope you do well‟. Fluency in English requires the knowledge of


i. Do Not Think of Yourself As a Student

To become fluent, think of yourself as a person who can speak

English. You will make mistakes, but these are the building blocks. As

a student, you would probably find yourself studying Grammar books,

but this is not important.

B. Conversation Starter

1.The Definition

Conversation starter is one of technique to improve speaking skill. It

may called to begin the conversation. An opener often takes the form of an

open-ended question, which can lead to further comments or conversation

as well as creating topics for future conversations. conversation opener is

often referred to as small talk and is used to make both people in a

conversation feel comfortable. According to John Depillis (2002:03), good

conversation is an exchange of ideas that can be surprising, refreshing,

challenging or affirming.

Conversation has many aspects and a bit like an opinion. It may


conversation starter is to help students on developing their conversation

skills and to help with building relationships through conversation.

According to the Kim Chamberlain (2014), the aims of conversation

starter are:

a. Develop your thinking skills is stimulate your brain and keep your

mind sharp and flexible; try new or different ways of thinking;

mentally grapple with new concepts; learn from others.

b. Develop creativity is take your brain to a space where the creative

juice can flow.

c. Enhance problem- solving skill is develop new and unusual ways of

looking at issues; try out different strategies; gain a new angle on logic

and reasoning.

d. Develop conversation skills is work on your speaking skills and


Being creative allows you to produce new ideas and new thoughts.

The conversation starter provide the opportunity for new ways of looking

at issues; a chance to be listened to; a chance to work out what your

thoughts are on a topic; an opportunity to discuss serious issues; a way to

connect with others; an avenue to learn new things; a way to find out more

about other people; as well as a chance for fun and laughter. They may


you have not talked- or even thought- about before. (Kim Chamberlain,


2.Technique for Conversation Starter Information

There are many problems for students to increase their speaking

skill. They feel awkward, painful, or afraid and no one seems interest

when speak with friends or speak in the class. Technique of conversation

starter is can practice the student‟s speaking fluent and easier. The

example below is how conversation starter can be a technique to practice

student‟s fluency in English learning process. To practice this technique,

the teacher makes the students to find a partner and ask them to discuss

about the card that the teacher gives to them before.

The usual conversation:

You : “Hi, how are you?”

The answer : “Fine, you?”

You : “Fine too, thank you”

This conversation makes the uncomfortable pause in the

conversation starts. It is cannot make long conversation and cannot make

the students practice to speak in English more.

Improved Conversation Starter

It‟s easy to completely turn this situation around. The students


their partner suddenly want to talk to you. Give something to pick up on

which they can use to advance the conversation

You : “How are you?”

The answer : “I‟m good. I just finished my homework and I‟m

so happy that it is now done”.

The other person might reply to your comment:

“That‟s great. What was the homework?”

“Did the homework easy or not?”

“Yes, I know how that feels. I just finished one myself”

“I‟m hoping to get to that stage myself soon.”

As soon as they provide more information to you, you now also

have the opportunity to ask them questions. People like it when others are

interested in them so you now have a great opportunity. They‟d probably

love to tell you about their project. (www.life-with-confidence.com)

The point of this technique isn't to reveal confidential information

about yourself. just add a few details and make them comfortable with the

details. Making the conversation as easy as possible for the other person.

3.Teaching Speaking Through Conversation Starter Technique

Speaking English is one of aspects of language teaching that very

difficult to be taught. It needs strategy that can make the students more


In Conversation Starter Technique, they have to speak with their partner

for a minute in each circle. Here are the steps of this activity:

a. The teacher asks to the students to find a partner from the class, the

partner can be friend in beside them. So, they will pair to pair with

their friends.

b. (Cycle 1) The teacher asks to the all students in class to make

conversations or dialogue with friend in beside them. The teacher

gives a topic and asks them to speak up for 5 minutes.

c. (Cycle 2) if the cycle 1 finished, The teacher asks to the students who

sit in the right side to stand up, and in the left side to stay sit on chair.

And ask them to be face to face. Then, the teacher gives each student a

card that consist some questions. The students who sit up should

answer the questions from her/his partner, and speak up for 3 minutes.

Then, the students who sit on chair will do the same way after it.

C. Research Hypothesis

The formation of hypothesis is approached by a review of the existing

knowledge which relates to the phenomena for which an expalanation is being

sought. The organization or reorganization of this knowlede serves as the

basis for constracting or selecting a theory which generates a hypothesis about

the relationship that exists between two or more concept. (FPS IKIP Jakarta:


Based on the statement above, the researcher tries to determine the


starter technique is effective to improve students‟ fluency in speaking

(Classroom Action Research at The First Grade Students at SMK N 1




A. Setting of Research

This research is done in the class of first grade students of SMKN 1

Salatiga in the academic years of 2014/ 2015. SMKN 1 Salatiga is one of the

best and favorite vocational high schools in Salatiga. It is located Jl. Nakula

Sadewa 1/3 Dukuh, Sidomukti Salatiga. This school divided into six

departments. They are Accounting, Office Administration, Sales / Marketing,

Chef, Beautician and designer/clothing design. The headmaster of SMKN 1

Salatiga is Bambang Dwi H, S.Pd., M.Pd

1. The History of SMKN 1 Salatiga

In 1967, there was no Vocational School (SMK) State in Salatiga.

So the founders of the committee formed State Preparation SMEA known

by Mr. Mayor Salatiga (Bp.Letkol S.Soegiman at the time) and supported

by the Party Muspida. With head offices permit the Department of

Education and Culture, Central Java Province No.IDPE / 435 / D / 67,

dated 1967 17Januari, then stood SMEA The status of preparation in

Salatiga. On this basis, a request to be upgraded to the level of the

Ministry of Education and Culture in Jakarta to be upgraded to the status

of preparations SMEA SMEA State. By letter of the Head of State SMEA

preparation No.M / 30/115 dated May 25, 1968, which accompanied the


Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of

Indonesia No. 191 / UUK-3/1969 dated May 25, 1968 , which gives an

increase in the status of the preparation become SMKN 1 Salatiga.

Over time, SMEA School 1 Salatiga with the assistance of the

State managed to occupy a new building located in the village of

Kembangarum which has a land area of approximately 15,000 m2. Until

now, the title had been changed into SMEA SMK 1 by decree. Education

Minister No. 036 in May 1997.

2. Vision and Mission of SMKN 1 Salatiga

a. Vision

Produce graduates who believe, Competence, and Competitive and

environmentally sound.

b. Mission

1) Increasing Faith and devotion learners.

2) Educate students to be responsible citizens and character.

3) Educate learners, able to implement healthy living, has the

insight, the environment, and the arts.

4) Educate and train the learners have appropriate skills

competence skill

5) To foster an entrepreneurial spirit.

6) To provide students with knowledge and skills as a preparation


3. Students of SMKN 1 Salatiga

There are 1299 students of SMKN 1 Salatiga in the academic year

2014/2015. There are 424 students in the tenth grade, 455 students of

eleventh grade and 420 students of the twelfth grade. Tenth and eleventh

grade consist of thirty classes and divided into six departments, they are

three classes for accounting, three classes for office administration, two

classes for marketing, two classes for chef, two classes for designers, and

one class for beautician departments. Twelfth grade Each consist of twelve

classes, divided into departments, they are three classes for accounting,

three classes for office administration, two classes for marketing, two

classes for designer, one class for chef and one class for beautician.

4. Location of SMKN 1 Salatiga

a. Street : Nakula Sadewa I/3

b. Telp/Fax : (0298) 323566

c. Village : Kembangarum

d. Subdistrict : Sidomukti

e. Post code : 50722

5. Condition of Students, Teacher And Functionary in SMKN 1 Salatiga

a. Condition of students

Totaly, SMKN 1 Salatiga have 1299 students in 2015. This is the


Table 3.1

Table the Condition of Students


Number of


Number of


X 13 424

XI 13 455

XI 12 420

TOTAL 38 1299

6. Infrastructure and Facilities of SMKN 1 Salatiga

In the process of teaching and learning activities SMKN 1

Salatiga supported by the facilities and infrastructure is sufficient.

Infrastructures are whatever is in the school in the physical form (movable

or immovable objects), and the function to help all the activities of

teaching and learning.

Table 3.2

Table of Infrastructure

1. Cadaster Large m2


Table 3.3

Table of the Facilities

2. Facilities Total Condition

a. Classroom 38 unit Fine

b. Library 1 unit Fine

c. Accounting laboratory 1 unit Fine

d. Secretary Laboratory 1 unit Fine

e. Marketing Laboratory 1 unit Fine

f. Design Laboratory 1 unit Fine

g. Beauty Laboratory 1 unit Fine

h. Chef Laboratory 1 unit Fine

i. Computer room 1 unit Fine

j. Teachers‟ room 1 unit Fine

k. Headmaster room 1 unit Fine

l. Health room 1 unit Fine

m. Volley-basket field 1 unit Fine

n. OSIS and Scout‟s office 1 unit Fine

o. Mosque 1 unit Fine

p. Mini Bank 1 unit Fine

q. Meeting Hall 1 unit Fine

r. Honest Canteen 1 unit Fine


t. Language Laboratory 1 unit Fine

B. Research Methodology

1.Classroom Action Research

Classroom action research is the action research which is doing in

the classroom to improve the quality of learning in the class using

strategic or technique that teacher applied.

According to Prof. Arikunto (2008: 2), there are three items that

can be explained in a classroom action research, namely:

a. Research : Points to a close watch on the activities of an object

by using the methods and rules of a particular methodology to obtain

data or information that is useful in improving the quality of the things

that interest and importance to researchers.

b. Actions : Pointing at something deliberate movement activities

with a specific purpose. In the form of a series of cycles research

activities for students.

c. Class : In this case is not tied to understanding the classroom,

but in a more specific sense. As it has long been recognized in the

field of education and teaching, which is intended by the term class is

a group of students who are in the same time, receiving the same


According to Isaac (1982:55), the purpose of doing classroom

action research is to develope new skills or new approaches and to solve

problems with direct application to the classroom or working world


2.The Characteristic of Classroom Action Research

There are several characteristics of doing classroom action

research, they are: (Isaac, 1982:59)

a. Practical and directly relevant to an actual situation in the working

world. The subjects are the classroom students, the staff, or others with

whom you are primarily involved.

b. Provides an orderly framework for problem- solving and new

developments that is superior to the impressionistic, fragmentary

approach that otherwise typifies developments in education. It also is

empirical in the sense that is relies on actual observations and

behavioral data , and does not fall back on subjective committee

“studies” or opinions of people based on their past experience.

c. Flexible and adaptive, allowing changes during the trial period and

sacrificing control in favor of responsiveness and on-the-spot

experimentation and innovation.

d. While attempting to be systematic, action research lacks scientific

rigor because its internal and external validity is weak. Its objective is


little control over independent variables. Hence, its finding, while

useful within the practical dimensions of the situation, do not directly

contribute to the general body of educational knowledge.

3.The Principles of Classroom Action Research

To obtain information about classroom action research, the

researcher must understand the principles that must be met when doing

classroom action research. To understand the principles and apply it, then

what can be done successfully with either.

The following principles in conducting classroom action research

by Arikunto (2008: 6):

a. The real activities in routine situation

The researcher doing classroom action research without

changing the routine situation and schedule of existing in the class. So,

the researcher continue to explain the subject that teacher have done.

b. The existence of self-awareness to improve performance

Classroom action research carried out not because of any

coercion or request from the other party, but must be on a voluntary

basis, with pleasure, because waiting for the results that are expected

to be better than the results have not been satisfactory and felt that

needs to be improved. Characteristic of classroom action research

concerning matters not static, but dynamic, it is the change.


Classroom action research has to begin with doing SWOT

analysis, consisting of elements: S-Strength, W-Weaknesses,

O-Opportunity, T-Threat.

d. Empirical and systemic effort

The fourth principle is the application of the principle to three.

the SWOT analysis has been done, of course, if teachers do research

an act, then it follows the empirical principle (related to the

experience) and systemic, relying on the elements related to the overall

system related to the object being worked on.

e. Follow the SMART principle in planning

SMART in the process of planning the activities of the

five-letter abbreviation meaningful. As for the meaning of each five-letter is as


1) S - Specific

2) M - Manageable

3) A - Acceptable and Achievable

4) R - Realistic

5) T - Time- ound

4.Object of Classroom Action Research

According to Kunadar (2011: 66-67) object of action research,


a. Students, can be observed when the students are conducting

creativities in class

b. Teacher, while teaching in class, guiding and assisting students who

are conducting various activities related to the teachers' teaching and

learning process.

c. Media Education, which can be observed when the teacher was using

the media or tools in the learning process.

d. Learning Outcomes, which can be accurate improving student learning

outcomes, both academic and non-academic as one indicator of quality

or the quality of teaching and learning process.

e. System evaluation and learning outcomes

f. Environment

So, classroom action research focuses on the class or the learning

process that occurs in the classroom and not on the input classes, such as

the syllabus and materials. Action research is not confined to the

classroom that are active in the learning process in a closed room, but can

also occure when students are conducting activities outside the classroom,

such as when students are study tours, in the laboratory, various other

places, etc.

C. Subject of the Research

The researcher took at the first grade students of SMKN 1 Salatiga, it


this research was the students of cooking class2 that consist of 37 students

with 5 males and 32 Females students, in the academic year of 2014/2015.

They have English lesson two meetings in a week which are divided into two

ours lesson, one our lesson is 45 minutes.

Table 3.4

List Subject of the Research in First Grade Class BO2

Of SMKN 1 Salatiga is showed in the Table Below k

No Nama

1 Adilia Fajar Anggraeni 2 Agapezia Immanuella J 3 Amal Amaniul Ulfa 4 Anna Widiasari 5 Aniffatur raohmah 6 Araafian hartawan Sri W 7 Catur Wulandari 14 Erika Widiyatmaya 15 Fristika Savira Andiani 16 Gian Fianita Nilasari 17 Henrika Puja Isti C 18 Indra Anggreani 19 Kalila Nur Azimah 20 Kelvin daud Palar 21 Lina Asfiyana Isdaryani 22 Mutiara Wardani U 23 Nesty Mauliddya 24 Nida Luthfiana


28 Retno Handayani 29 Risa Emawati 30 Sangpradiqta N S 31 Siti Nur Azizah 32 Tika Setyawati

33 Ulfa Deanita Phawestri 34 Venia Ayu Wulandari 35 Yati Kurnia

36 Yulianingsih Safitri 37 Yuni Arsih

D. Research Procedures

According to Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1998) from Kunandar‟s book

(2011: 70-75) classroom action research conducted through the dynamic and

complementary processes which consist of four essential “momentum”, they


1. Planning

Planning is developing action plans critically to improve what has

happened. It should be arranged base of the first observation result, for

examples researchers should conduct preliminary observations on the

general situation of the class; researcher conducted the observations of

classroom learning process; and make some notes about the situation that

should be repair. From the steps above, the researcher can find the

problems and how to solve the problem that occurs in the learning


From the explanation above, the researcher make a schedule. First,


method in the class. Then, make a purpose of learning based on the

observation and prepare the lesson plan.

2. Action

Action is the act of conscious and controlled, which is a variation

of a accurate and prudent practice. The researcher acts as teacher doing

her lesson plan in the class. In this section, researcher as a teacher needs

an observer. Task of researcher is to observe the teacher‟s teaching

technique and the class condition when the learning process occurs.

The teacher open the class and expalain to the learners what they

are going to discuss. The teacher also use the AVA to stimulate the

learners when explain the materials.

3. Observe

Observation serves to document the effects of related actions. the

object of observation is the whole process related action, the effect

(intentional or unintentional), the circumstances and constraints of the

planned measures and their effects, as well as other issues that arise in the

related context. Observation activities in the classroom action research is

data collection activities as a process performance changes of KBM

The tool used by researcher here is test. While, to get the data

about students‟ responses during learning process in a note.

4. Reflection

Reflection trying to understand the process, problems, issues, and


discuss with the observer about the learning process. Also, to find the

weakness and the advantage of the technique then find out the appropriate


E. Technique of Collecting Data

In order to get the data, the researcher presents the act of collecting

data as follow:

1. Test

The researcher gives the tests which consist with pre- test and

post- test after the treatment.

a. Pre- test

Pre- test is given before the research is conducted. It is given to

all students in the class when the learning process as usual. Pre- test is

administrated to know the ability of students in speaking totality.

b. Treatment

After giving pre- test, the students are given treatment by using

conversation starter technique in the improving of speaking fluency.

c. Post- test

In the end, the researcher gives the post- test to the students in

the class. Post- test is administrated to know whether significant

difference before and after the treatment.


To help the researcher analyzing the data, the researcher also

observes the students while they are studying in the class. The researcher

observes the first grade students of SMKN 1 Salatiga after the research

permission accepted on April, 27th 2015 until the research is conducted on

May, 06th and 13th 2015. It is intended to know how well they understand

the material and their speaking fluency in English. The researcher also ask

an observer to observe the researcher‟ performance in teaching speaking

whether conversation starter technique while this research is conducted.

3. Recording

The researcher also records the activities in the class while this

research is conducted. The researcher asks the observer to students‟ and

researcher‟ activity in the class. It is intended to review the students‟

speaking performance.

4. Documentation

According to Arikunto (2010:274) documentation is the method

used to find the data or variable that related with, note, transcript, book,

magazine, agenda, etc. The documentation is done by taking the picture

while the researcher teaches in the class.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher conducted the classroom action research of teaching

speaking using Conversation Starter Technique at first grade students of

SMKN 1 Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2014/2015. In the analyzing data


This method is used to know the students‟ score of speaking in each

cycle. The formula according Hadi (1981:246):

1. Mean



M : Mean of students‟ score

∑X : The sum of students‟ score

N : The total number of students

2. SD (Standart Deviation)

The first step, the writer calculate SD, the formula is:







SD : Deviation Standard for one sample t- test

D : Different between pre- test post- test

N : Number of observation in sample

3. T- test

After calculating the SD, the writer calculate t- test to know is there any





( ) ( )



0 : T- test for the differences of pre- test and post- test

SD : Deviation Standard for one sample t- test

D : Different between pre- test and post- test

N : Number of observation in sample

4. Percentage score

The researcher also uses percentages score to analyze the result of

questionnaire test.

P =


P : Percentage

F : Frequency




A. Field Note

In this implementation, the researcher arranged two cycles. In each

cycle, the steps are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

1. Cycle I

a. Planning

In this step the researcher prepared:

1) Materials, making lesson plan, power point and designing the step

doing action.

2) List of students‟ name

3) Teaching aid ( rubric assessment, digital camera, recorder, reward,

and etc)

4) Sheet for classroom observation

5) Test (pre- test and post- test)

b. Implementation of the action

On Wednesday, 06th of May 2015 the researcher with the

English teacher named Mrs. Farida and the observer entered the class.

The class was not crowded, because most of them are girl students. It

seemed that they were ready to get the next lesson, so it did not need a

long time to begin the class. Before the researcher began the class, the


class would be handled by the researcher. So, she asked the students to

pay attention when the researcher taught in the class.

Teacher : “Good morning class”

Students : “Good morning”

Teacher : “How‟s life?”

Students : (the students seemed confused and not


Teacher : “How are you?”

Students : “I‟m fine, thank you. And you?”

Teacher : “I‟m very well, thank you. Ok, before we start

our lesson today, let‟s pray together. Let‟s

begin. “

Students : (bow the head and pray together)

Teacher : “Finished. Ok, are you tired?”

Students : “Yes” (some of students)

Teacher : “Ok, because you are tired, I would like to

give icebreaking for you. All of you stand up,


Students : (All of students stand up together)

Teacher : “Ok, all of you please turn to left and take your

hand to your shoulders‟ friend. Dan sekarang

pijit bahu temannya.(and now give touches to


Students : (giving touch each others)

Teacher : “Stop. Now, turn to right. Give some touching

to your friend until they feel fresh.

Students : (giving touch each other)

Teacher : “Stop. Have you felt fresh now?”

Students : “Not yet”

(the teacher asked to the students to did the same moval again)

Teacher : “have you felt fresh now?”

Students : “Yes”

Teacher : “Are you ready to study” (repeat into three


Students : “YES”

Teacher : “Before we start our study, I would like

introduce myself. My name is A‟yun Mas‟udah

and you can call me Kak A‟yun. I will

introduction my friends also, she is Fizani

fadilah, she is Farrah Zakiyah Anwar and in the

back of you is Ayu Rohani. Ok, here I want you

to help me to complete my research. I‟m as a

researcher, my friends Fizani and Farrah as a

documenter and observer. Before we start our

lesson, I will give you a practice English with


your friends in beside you. And the question is

what did you do in the last weekend?. Ok,

please discuss it.

(When all students started to conversation, the teacher checked

the students one by one. How the student speaks in English, are

they can speak fluently or not. The teacher also took score for

pre- test to them. After it, the teacher started explaining the

material. She explained the definition of past tense)

Teacher : “Ok class, anyone knows what the definition

of past tense is?”

Students : (The student keeps silent)

Teacher : “Ok, now please read loudly the definition of

past tense” (direct to the screen of power


Students : (The students read together)

Then, the teacher gave the students an example of past tense

and explained the formula.

Teacher : “Ok class, I will give you task, and please

write in this answer sheet”


(The teacher checked one by one, are they find some

difficulties when did the task. And answer the question from

student who still confused with the task).

Teacher : “Have you finished?”

Students : “Not yet!” (Most of them)

(About 15 minutes later)

Teacher : “Time is up, guys. Please collect your task in

my table”

Students : “Ok, miss”

Teacher : “Ok, now I want to you help me to practicing

my technique, it is called conversation starter. I

want you to make a conversation with your

friend in beside you. Then, I will take score in

your speaking fluency. I hope, all of you can

help me to complete my graduating paper. Are

you understand?”

Students : “tidak mengerti, bu. We do not understand,


Teacher : “Ok, jadi saya mau minta bantuan kepada


Table the Condition of Students
Table 3.4
Table 4.7 Seldom


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