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Using movies to improve students` pronunciation of class XI El in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Lia Ayu Prabandari Student Number: 081214097





A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on







Defended before the Board of Examiners on 05 February 2013

and Declared Acceptable

Board Examiners

Chairperson : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. __________________

Secretary : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. __________________

Member : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. __________________

Member : Drs. Y. B. Gunawan, M.A. __________________

Member : Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. __________________

Yogyakarta, 05 February 2013

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University





Frank Outlaw

Watch your thoughts; they become words

Watch your words; they become actions

Watch your actions; they become habits

Watch your habits; they become character




Prabandari, Lia Ayu. 2013. Using Movies to Improve Students’ Pronunciation of Class XI EL in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

This research focused on the pronunciation problems that the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta faced and the problem solving to overcome it. The researcher found that the students pronounced English words unintelligibly. They applied the mother language style in pronouncing English words. As a result, they often made sound substitutions and sound deletions when they pronounced English words. It affected on their speaking ability as well. They became hesitant to speak in English as they were afraid of producing incorrect sounds. However, they had good understanding of English and it was only seen in the written form.

This research was held to offer the solution in improving pronunciation ability of the students of class XI EL in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta. The researchers offered using movies in this research as movies have benefits to teach pronunciation. The researchers formulated two questions that should be answered through this research. The first question is what pronunciation problems the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta face. The second question is how movies improve students‟ pronunciation of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta.

This research based on Classroom Action Research (CAR). The participants of this research were 15 students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta. The researcher conducted two cycles for this research. To gather the data, the researcher used five instruments which are observation, field notes, questionnaire, interview and pronunciation tests

The results of this research showed that the movies could be used in the classroom in helping the students to improve their pronunciation. It could be seen from the results of pronunciation tests which were done in each cycle. The students showed good improvement in pronunciation after watching the movies. In addition, the movies used for this research worked very well. The movies could help the students in learning pronunciation by giving good and clear example of pronunciation from the native speakers in the movies.



Prabandari, Lia Ayu. 2013. Using Movies to Improve Students’ Pronunciation of Class XI EL in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini fokus pada masalah pengucapan yang dihadapi siswa kelas XI EL di SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta dan pemecahan masalahnya. Peneliti menemukan bahwa pengucapan siswa kurang dapat dipahami. Mereka menerapkan cara pengucapan bahasa ibu ketika mengucapkan kosakata bahasa Inggris. Para siswa sering mengganti bunyi dan menghilangkan bunyi dalam pengucapan kosakata bahasa Inggris. Hal tersebut berpengaruh pada kemampuan berbicara mereka. Mereka menjadi ragu untuk berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris karena takut salah dalam pengucapan yang benar. Padahal mereka memiliki pemahaman yang baik akan bahasa Inggris dan terlihat pada bentuk tertulis saja.

Penelitian dilakukan untuk membantu para siswa kelas XI EL di SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pengucapan dengan menggunakan film di kelas. Peneliti merumuskan dua pertanyaan untuk djawab melalui penelitian ini. Pertanyaan pertama adalah permasalahan apa yang dihadapi siswa kelas XI EL di SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta berkaitan dengan pengucapan. Pertanyaan kedua adalah bagaimana penggunaan film di kelas dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pengucapan siswa.

Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 15 murid dari kelas XI EL di SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta. Peneliti menerapkan dua siklus untuk penelitian ini. Dalam memngumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan lima jenis instrumen penelitian yaitu observasi, catatan lapangan, kuesioner, interview dan tes pengucapan.

Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan film di kelas dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam pengucapan. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat dari hasil tes pengucapan yang dilakukan di setiap siklus. Para murid menunjukkan kemajuan yang bagus dalam pengucapan setelah melihat film yang diputar. Selebihnya, kedua jenis film yang digunakan menunjukkan bahwa film tersebut terbukti mampu membantu siswa dalam meningatkan pengucapan dengan memberikan contoh pengucapan yang baik dari penutur asli.




In writing my thesis, I got so much supports from people around me. I was greatly motivated to finish my thesis. Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who had helped me in finishing my thesis.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Jesus Christ for His love and guidance in my life, especially during completing my thesis. He gave me strength to take the obstacles and the risks I faced during the research and completing my thesis. Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude for myself. I forced my body to finish my thesis. I am proud of myself so I could finish this thesis and learnt many things during my study in PBI for my better life.

I would like to give my sincere thank to my supervisor, Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. for the time, advice, motivation and guidance during the research and the thesis writing process. I thank him for being patient in correcting the mistakes I made. I also address my gratitude to Argo Budi Rahayu, S.Pd. for supporting and giving permission to conduct a research. I also thank M. Bambang Priyadi, S.Pd., the principal of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta, who had allowed me to conduct A research. I thank the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta for being cooperative during the research process.



the University until I got my sarjana degree. I also thank my family who always helped and convinced me to reach my dreams.

I would also like to thank Yohanes Widi and family for always supporting me in study. I thank them for the time, advice and love that they give to me. I thank my best friend in study, Farikha Ayu Octafianie for being patient in listening my sharing. I also thank Dita Marselyna who helped me in the research process as the outside observer. Thank for the thought and advice that helped me a lot in finishing this thesis.

I would thank all my friends in PBI, especially PBI 2008 students for being good friends during my years of study in PBI, Sanata Dharma. I thank Yeni

who gave me inspiration for this thesis. I would also thank PBI secretariat staff,

Mbak Dhanniek and Mbak Tari for giving information about administrative matters during my study in PBI.

I would also thank JRS Indonesia, JRS Project Sewon, JRS Country Officers and everybody whose name I could not mention one by one for always helping and supporting me in all aspects.





CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Description ... 10

1. Teaching English as a Foreign Language ... 10

2. Learning Media... 11



4. Pronunciation ... 15

5. Classroom Action Research ... 18

B. Theoretical Framework ... 22

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ... 24

B. Research Setting ... 26

C. Research Participants ... 26

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique ... 27

1. Observations ... 27

2. Field Notes... 27

3. Questionnaire ... 28

4. Interview ... 28

5. Pronunciation Tests ... 29

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 30

F. Research Procedure... 31

CHAPTER IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. The Use of Movies in Classroom ... 35

B. Research Process ... 51

1. Preliminary Study ... 51

2. Determining Action... 52

3. Action Implementation ... 53

a. Cycle One ... 53

b. Cycle Two ... 59







Table Page

Table 2.1. Types of Classroom Action Research ... 16

Table 4.1. The Number of Mistakes in Pronunciation (Cycle One) ... 36

Table 4.2. The Students‟ Pronunciation (Cycle One) ... 37

Table 4.3. The Number of Mistakes in Pronunciation (Cycle Two) ... 38

Table 4.4. The Students‟ Pronunciation (Cycle Two) ... 40

Table 4.5. The Students‟ Improvement in Pronouncing English Words Taken from Their Pronunciation Test (Cycle One)... 41




Figure Page

Figure 2.1. Bachman‟s Action Research Spiral... 21 Figure 4.1. The Students‟ Progress in Improving Pronunciation

(Cycle One) ... 45 Figure 4.2. The Students‟ Progress in Improving Pronunciation




Appendix Page

Appendix 1. Covering Letter for the Head od SMK Marsudi Luhur II

Yogyakarta ... 72

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan and Teaching Materials (Cycle One) ... 74

Appendix 3. Observation Checklists (Cycle One) ... 86

Appendix 4. Field Notes (Cycle One)... 91

Appendix 5. Lesson Plan and Teaching Materials (Cycle Two) ... 97

Appendix 6. Observation Checklist (Cycle Two) ... 106

Appendix 7. Field Note (Cycle Two) ... 109

Appendix 8. Questionnaire ... 112

Appendix 9. The Raw Data of Questionnaire ... 116

Appendix 10. Interview Guide ... 120





In this chapter, the researcher would like to present the research background, research problem, problem limitation, research objective, research benefits, and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

Teaching English as a foreign language needs more effort for teachers who teach English in a country where English is not used as communication language in daily life. The teachers have to prepare themselves in designing the materials for teaching and also in handling their students. Teaching a foreign language

requires appropriate methods and materials to gain students‟ interest. Students‟

interest in learning becomes the important thing for the teaching and learning activities, so that the learning activities can work well. The condition when the students do not have motivation in learning the materials can make the teacher work harder in transferring the knowledge to the students. Maxom (2009, p. 22)

states good EFL teachers are “often the ones who can put the students at ease and

who have a sense of humor.”


the students easier rather than just use the old method, like teacher centered in which the communication only comes from the teacher to the students. Giving the easiest way of teaching is important, so that the students are motivated to learn English.

In teaching English as a foreign language, it cannot be avoided if the students face some problems related to the language that they learn, such as the element of the language, the use of the language, or even in translating the source language into the target language or vice versa. In teaching vocational school students, in which their main concern is not in language, teaching foreign language seems more difficult. The students tend to show their lack of interest when they learn English. They think that English subject is not really important compared with their vocational theories.

The common reason why they learn English is to pass the final exam. Broughton et al. (2003) categorize that phenomenon in which the students learn English instrumentally which means that the learners learn English in order to be able to use English for supporting their works or studies, to be able to pass the examination, to be able to communicate with foreigners. This condition gives effect on their use of English. The students do not have big interest to learn more about English. Even some of them make a judgment that English is difficult to learn. This perception makes the students feel bored when they follow the lesson in the classroom.


when the teacher explains the materials. They tend to speak to their friends using their mother language or do another task. As a result, they get bad mark on English and they cannot use English properly, both oral language and written language.

This thesis focuses on the problems that the students in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta face in learning English. To be more specific, the researcher observed that the students had problem in speaking. They felt hesitant when they had to speak or to read in English. They became passive learners in the classroom. They tend to do something or to say nothing when the teacher gave activities that required them to participate it orally. On the other hand, their characteristic was in the opposite. They were very talkative. They liked to have discussions with their friends in the classroom. Moreover they also had good understanding of English. It was seen from their tests and practices in the written forms.


condition became worst when their friends recognize the incorrect pronunciation which produced odd sounds and they would laugh at the students.

The researcher found that the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta had a problem with intelligibility in pronunciation.

Kenworthy (1997, p. 13) defines that “intelligibility is being understood by a

listener at a given time in a given situation.” The students often pronounce the English words incorrectly, especially for the new vocabulary they never knew. The pronunciation problem they faced could be a serious problem when the listeners did not understand what they speak. The meaning of the words could be different, so that the message of their speaking could not be stated clearly and correctly. It could also bring ambiguity in communication. Kenworthy (1997,

p.13) states that “if the foreign speaker substitutes one sound or feature of

pronunciation for another, and the result is that the listener hears a different word

or phrase from the one the speaker was aiming to say, we say that the foreigner‟s

speech is unintelligible.”


and „heat‟ because although the difference is significant in English it isn‟t in many

other languages.” In Indonesia, there are only five vowels, while in English there are twelve vowels. The students used to apply their mother language style in pronouncing English words and as a result their pronunciation became unintelligibility.

The students learnt how to pronounce English words correctly only at the school. They only imitated the teacher‟s pronunciation. It was seen when a student pronounced certain words incorrectly and the teacher did not make correction of it, the student did not recognize if he/she made incorrect pronunciation. Moreover, when the teacher taught the students in pronouncing words, the students tend to memorize but it cannot stay longer in their memory. The researcher noticed that the method that the teacher used in correcting wrong pronunciation did not give a high motivation to the students to learn it.

The students needed a different way in learning pronunciation. The researcher offered to use interesting media in the classroom with the aim that the students could be motivated and they could understand the lesson well. Giving

interesting media and materials should be appropriate with the students‟ needs and

students‟ ability. In helping the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II

Yogyakarta, the researcher tried to find the appropriate solution for improving their pronunciation ability through interesting media, which is, using movies in the classroom.


Kenworthy (1997, p.4) states, “the native language is an important factor in learning to pronounce English.” Besides, from the informal conversation with the students, the researcher got information that the students liked watching movies. The characteristic of the students and the benefits from movies became the consideration for the researcher to use movies from this research.

B. Research Problem

In this research, the researcher deals with two questions that should be answered through the research.

1. What pronunciation problems do the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta face?

2. How do movies improve students‟ pronunciation of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta?

C. Problem Limitation

This research focuses on the use of movies to improve students‟

pronunciation of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta. This research focuses on helping the students to have intelligibility in pronunciation, i.e. the students could produce correct sounds of English. The other elements of pronunciation, such as intonation and stress are not discussed in this thesis.


D. Research Objective

The objective of this research is to overcome the problem faced by the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta in pronunciation. To overcome the problem, the researcher decided to use movies in the classroom to improve their ability in pronunciation, so that they can pronounce English words correctly. The aim of this research is to know the use of movies in classroom to help the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta in improving their pronunciation ability.

E. Research Benefits

Through this research, there are several benefits that could be achieved. This research is expected to be able to give contribution for the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta, the English teachers in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta, the researcher, the readers and further researchers.

1. The Students of Class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta


2. The English Teachers in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta

From this research, the English teachers in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta are expected to be able to modify better teaching media to help the students improve their pronunciation. The use of movies to improve students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta could be the alternative media for teaching.

3. The Researcher

This research is expected to answer the research problem formulated by the researcher. Through this research, the researcher is expected to be able to design interactive learning and teaching activities using interesting media.

F. Definition of Terms

There are several terms related to this research. The descriptions of those terms are described below.

1. Vocational School Students

In this research, the participants are vocational school students grade XI class EL in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta. Vocational school students are the students who learn specific ability in preparing themselves to be ready to work after graduating from school.

2. Pronunciation Ability


delivered correctly (Kenworthy, 1997). The students need to improve their pronunciation ability to be able to use English properly in daily communication. The lack of pronunciation might cause ambiguity in communication.

3. Incorrect Pronunciation

The students usually pronounce English words use their accent or their mother tongue style. It makes them difficult to pronounce English words with the correct sounds. They tend to pronounce the words by its spelling as. Kenworthy (1997) agrees that English teachers often find the students get difficulty in learning pronunciation because they are confused with the English spelling system.

4. Learning Media

The media used in teaching and learning activities in the classroom. The use of media in teaching can help the teachers to gain students‟ interest. It can also be used to explain difficult materials that can be understood by the students easily. Using media in teaching can help the teachers to create exciting materials and to achieve the objectives of the lessons (Tileston, 2004).

5. Movies

In this research, the researcher used movies that employ native speakers as the actors or actresses, so that the students can learn how to pronounce English words correctly by imitating their pronunciation. Moreover, O‟Bannon and Goldenberg (2007) state the benefit of using movies in the classroom. “Movies give us an opportunity to learn in an enjoyable way outside of the traditional





This chapter presents the theories that the researcher used as a guideline in conducting the research. The purpose of this chapter is to provide information of theories used in answering the questions of this research. In this chapter, there are two parts that will be discussed further. The first part is theoretical description and the second part is theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

In theoretical description, the researcher discusses the theories that are used in conducting the research. The theories are teaching English as a foreign language, learning media, movies, pronunciation ability and classroom action research.

1. Teaching English as a Foreign Language


Broughton et al. (2003) mean, “the learners are trying to identify much more closely with a speech community which uses that language variety.” In this country, most of students learn English instrumentally. That is why the teachers have to be creative enough in designing both learning activities and learning

material in gaining students‟ interest.

Broughton et al. (2003) define English as a foreign language as “language that is taught in schools, often widely, but it does not play an essential role in nation or social life.” Broughton explains that English, when it is treated as a foreign language, is not used in daily life because of people use their own mother language. The condition is different when English is treated as a second language because English is also used in the daily life.

Maxom (2006, p. 24-27), in her book, discusses the things that teachers may consider in teaching EFL, such as

1. Teaching the easier words first 2. Focusing on the most useful words 3. Giving students room to talk

4. Keeping things relevant

She also states that before teaching the students, the teachers have to be

able to recognize students‟ needs. It is needed to design appropriate materials and

learning activities, so that the students will enjoy the lesson, (Maxom, 2006).

2. Learning Media

To gain students‟ interest, teachers have to be creative enough in choosing


the teachers to motivate their students to learn. Meanwhile, from students‟ point

of view, using interesting media help them to understand the lesson easily because they have motivation in following the lesson.

Jasmansyah (2008) states that the teachers should design appropriate learning media to help them in teaching. The goal of teaching is that the knowledge should be transferred to the students. To help the teachers to get a good result in transferring the knowledge, the teachers can use interesting media in classroom. Jasmansyah also defines learning media as

a tool used by teachers, facilitators, or tutors to help learners improve reading and other skills, illustrate or reinforce a skill, a fact, or idea, and relieve anxiety, fear, or boredom, since many teaching aids are like games.

3. Movies

Oxford English Dictionary (7th edition) defines movie as “a series of

moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a story.” Ishihara & Chi (2004) state that using movies in classroom can facilitate the students to improve their skills, especially oral skills, through the themes, grammar features used in the movie. They also find the benefit of using movies in teaching language. The benefit is that

Cultural aspects of the film, such as customs and humor, or culturally specific use of language, such as idioms, could be discussed with learners, or learners could exercise their powers of observation to inductively learn functional use of language (Ishihara & Chi, 2004).


1. Allow learners to mimic the multi-layered complexity of real-life interaction

2. Develops learners‟ listening comprehension through intensive analysis of native speaker speech

3. Examines the underlying message conveyed not only by the discourse and the context of the situation but also by the stress and intonation patterns chosen by the speakers

4. Highlights the intersection of prosody with non-verbal communication 5. Incorporates drama techniques, which engage the learner both psychologically and physically and provide a rich context for developing interactional skills and improving intelligibility

Goodwin (2008) also gives the guideline to choose movies that are appropriate for the students.

1. 1-2 minutes in length 2. 2 speakers (at most 3)

3. self-contained (understandable without much explanation)

4. reflects an interaction the students could identify with in their everyday life

5. clear prominent elements

6. it can be more motivating if encounter has emotional overtones or humor

There are several things that the teachers should consider before using the movies in the classroom. Giacomo (2008) proposes some aspects that should be considered when movies are employed in the teaching and learning activities.

1. The movies should be appropriate for the students, i.e. their age, background and level in understanding the language used in the movies

2. Check the environment in the classroom whether the setting supports to play the movie or not. The teachers have to ensure lighting, the air circulation, the noises and the distractions from outside the classroom


4. The sound and the volume of the movies should be in the right level so that it will not disturb the other classes

5. Consider the length of the movies to play in the classroom. The teachers do not need to play the entire movie in the classroom. However, it is possible to play the entire movie when it can give answer to the objective of learning 6. The teachers need to watch the movies before bringing it to the classroom.

Find the right movies for the objective of the learning. Find movies which have connection with the materials taught


4. Pronunciation

In communication, the way how to pronounce words is important. Unclear pronunciation may cause ambiguity in drawing the exact meaning. Kenworthy (1997) mentions in her book that intelligibility in pronunciation is important to

avoid ambiguity in communication. Intelligibility means “being understood by a

listener at a given time in a given situation”, (Kenworthy, 1997, p. 13). She also mentions the factor affecting the intelligibility in pronunciation, i.e. the hesitancy in pronouncing words may cause the speakers to make pronunciation problems. Thus, the listeners may get difficulty in understanding it.

Kenworthy (1997, p. 17) explains the example of sources that cause

intelligibility problems related to the sounds. They are sound substitutions, sound deletions and sound insertions.

1) Sound substitutions occur when a speaker substitutes one sound for another. This may cause difficulties for the listener

2) Sound deletions occur when the speaker leaves out a sound

3) Sound insertions occur when the speaker add sounds in pronouncing the word

In classroom, the teachers have to be good model for their students in pronouncing English words clearly. The difficulty that students face related with pronunciation is that they are not accustomed to speak English words frequently. Students are afraid to make mistake when they speak in English. As result, they tend to decrease the volume or they even hesitate to speak.


good speech and bad speech. Good speech means “speech may be defined as a

way of speaking which is clearly intelligible to all ordinary people”, while bad

speech is “a way of talking which is difficult for most people to understand”

(Jones, 1958).

Fries (1954) present the importance of teaching pronunciation in teaching foreign language. He states that students of foreign language get difficulty in recognizing instruction given by the teacher because the vocabulary is too difficult for the students to understand. He agrees that teaching pronunciation will make students to be accustomed with the use of foreign language in classroom.

English speech sounds can be classified into consonants and vowels. Poole (1999) presents twenty-four consonants, twelve vowels and eight diphthongs of Standard British English.


/p/ as in pan /f/ as in fan /ʃ/ as in shatter /m/ as in man /b/ as in ban /v/ as in van /ʒ/ as in seizure /n/ as in thin /t/ as in tan /θ/ as in thank /tʃ/ as in chatter /ŋ/ as in thing /d/ as in done /ð/ as in then /dʒ/ as in junk /l/ as in lung /k/ as in can /s/ as in sank /w/ as in won /r/ as in rung /g/ as in gun /z/ as in zinc /j/ as in young /h/ as in hung




/ əi/ as in tear (in the eye) /ou/ as in throw /ei/ as in tray /ɔi/ as in toy /eə/ as in tear (=rip) /ai/ as in tie /uə/ as in tour /au/ as in town

In teaching pronunciation for vocational school students in which their concern is not in the language, the teachers have to design the learning and teaching activities that suitable with the occupation for the students in the future. The teachers have to design the materials which are easy to understand.

Kenworthy (1997, p. 3) gives an example that “ learners who want to work as air traffic controller or telephone operator, for example, will need to have a pronunciation which is easily understood in less-than-ideal condition.” Kenworthy (1997, p. 4) suggests that it would be better if the media in teaching pronunciation contain the native language as it gives clear example of native language and the students would imitate the sounds precisely.

In movies, the students can see the precise example from the native speakers in pronouncing the words intelligibly. Moreover, the students can also imitate the way native speakers produce the sounds by seeing the articulation from their lips. Poedjosoedarmo (2003) explains that:


5. Classroom Action Research

This part talks about action research which is done in the classroom. In this part there are five explanations related with classroom action research, namely definition, characteristics, aims, types and steps.

a. Definition of Classroom Action Research

Classroom action research is an action in the classroom to improve

students‟ ability which is done systematically by the teachers. Through action

research, teachers can also improve their teaching practice, Pelton (2010).

Burns (2010) states through action research, teachers can find useful approach to improve teaching skills and to develop understanding of their students, situation in classroom. She also mentions that action research “involves taking a self-reflective, critical, and systematic approach to exploring your own teaching contexts.”

In addition, Ferrance (2000) describe classroom action research as “a

process in which participant examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully, using the technique of research.” Schmuck (1997)

defines classroom action research as “an attempt to study a real school situation

with a view to improve the quality of actions and result within it.”


b. Types of Classroom Action Research

This is types of classroom action research proposed by Ferrance (2000)

Table 2.1. Types of classroom action research (Ferrace, 2000)


The researcher conducted collaborative action research in answering

research question in improving students‟ pronunciation of class XI EL since the

researcher focused on single classroom and the researcher worked as observer.

c. Characteristics of Classroom Action Research

This part discusses characteristics of classroom action research stated by Burns (1999). There are four characteristics of classroom action research:

1) Action research is contextual, small-scale and localized – it identifies and investigates problems within a specific situation.

2) It is evaluative and reflective as it aims to bring about change and improvement in practice.

3) It is participatory as it provides for collaborative investigation by teams of colleagues, practitioners and researchers.

4) Changes in practice are based on the collection of information or data which provides the impetus for change.

(Burns, 1999)

d. Aims of Classroom Action Research

Burns (2010) states classroom action research is “reflective process that aims to solve a particular teaching-learning problem that has been identified.” She also states that through classroom action research teachers can improve their teaching skills.


e. Steps in Classroom Action Research

In conducting this research, the researcher used Bachman‟s action research spiral. Mertler (2009, p.15) studies Bachman cycle in conducting classroom action

research. In Bachman‟ spiral suggests that the researcher gather information, plan

actions, observe and evaluate the action and then reflect the action.


B. Theoretical Framework

In learning a language, the students are required to know four skills in language that is speaking, listening, reading and writing. The teachers have responsibility to teach those four skills to the students. In fact, there are many teachers that do not pay attention in helping their students to learn the language and its skills. When the teachers teach English in the classroom, they just focus on certain skills. For example they teach his students on reading skills. Therefore,

students‟ ability in using language cannot be developed well.

In teaching English, the teachers have to help their students to be able to use English in communication not only to be able to pass the examination. In this

case, students‟ speaking ability should be improved in order to make clear

communication. One element of speaking that students should improve is pronunciation. Based on the preliminary study, the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta had problems in pronouncing English words intelligibly. Kenworthy (1997) mentions that intelligibility in pronunciation is important in speaking to give clear meanings of communication. They got difficulties in pronouncing English words correctly. Therefore, they tend to avoid answering questions given by the teacher. They did not have motivation in practicing speaking in the classroom because they were afraid if they made mistake in pronouncing certain words as well.


sounds. Common causes in their unintelligible pronunciation were sound substitutions and sound deletions.

The researcher offered the use of movies as learning media to help the students in improving their pronunciation. The researcher decided to use movies in teaching. The reason why the researcher chose movies was because the use of movies in classroom could give understandable example of pronunciation by native speakers, so that the students could imitate it precisely, (Kenworthy, 1997). Using the subtitle in the movie would give explanation to the students about the correct sounds. Besides, it gave proof that not all English words pronounced by its spelling, like what they did when they spoke using their mother language. Moreover, using interesting media in teaching, like movies, can be used to

increase students‟ interest in learning. If the students have motivation in learning,

it makes the teacher teaches the lesson easily and the students learn the lesson easily as well, (Parker, 2010).





This chapter presents the methodology used in the research. The methodology involves research method, research setting, research participants, instrument and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The researcher conducted this research to know how movies helped the students improving their pronunciation. In this research, class room action research (CAR) was employed to answer the research problem. The aim of using classroom action research was to improve students‟ pronunciation of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta. Pelton (2010) describes classroom action

research as an action in the classroom to improve students‟ ability which is done

systematically by the teachers. Through classroom action research, the teachers can also improve their teaching practice. In addition, Schmuck (1997) describes

classroom action research as “an attempt to study a real school situation with a

view to improve the quality of actions and result within it.”

In this research, the researcher conducted classroom action research to overcome the problem faced by the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta in pronunciation. In conducting the research, the researcher


of three stages: planning, action and observation, reflection. The reason of using

Bachman‟s spiral is that the researcher would be able to act and observe in the same time. It was important because while the action was implemented, the researcher could also observe the responses of the students toward the use of movies in the classroom.

Before conducting the research, the researcher had to identify the real problem faced by the students in the classroom, especially in learning English. The researcher did preliminary study (Initial Reconnaissance) by observing the situation and the activities in the classroom. From the preliminary study, the researcher found that the students got difficulty in pronouncing English words.

The researcher tried to give a solution to overcome the problem by using movies in the classroom. The researcher decided to use movies because it has benefits as a learning media which can be used to overcome the problem. Besides,

movies could help the teachers to gain students‟ interest in learning. In planning, the researcher planned the actions that should be implemented to overcome the problem and selected the movies which were suitable for the students‟ level and able to overcome the pronunciation problem.


The last step was reflection. After doing the action and the observation, the researcher reflected the result of the action implemented. In this step, the researcher reflected whether the action worked well or not. From the result, the researcher could plan the next action. The researcher could also see whether the use of movies in classroom to help the students improving their pronunciation was useful to overcome the problem.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta. It is one of vocational school in Yogyakarta, which is located on Jl. Bintaran Kidul No. 6. The researcher decided to do classroom action research in this school because the researcher found that the students of class XI EL in that school faced problems in pronouncing English words.

C. Research Participants

The participants of this research were the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta in the 2011/2012 academic year. The students of class XI EL consisted of 15 students. There were 14 male students and there was only 1 female student in that class.


pronunciation. On the other hand, they had good understanding of English. They only showed their ability in English in the written communication, while the curriculum required the students to participate actively both orally and written.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

In conducting this research, the researcher used some research instruments to collect the data. The instruments used in this research were observation, field notes, questionnaire, interview, and pronunciation tests.

1. Observation

In conducting this research, observation was really needed. The observation was used to know the real condition in the classroom during the implementation of the action. Besides, through observation the responses from the students toward the action implemented could be seen. During the implementation of the action, the researcher positioned as observer as well. In observing the action, the researcher was helped by outside observers.

To collect the information related to the action and the responses of the students, the researcher used observation checklists. The researcher asked the outside observers to fill the observation checklist.

2. Field Notes


course of collecting and reflecting on the data in qualitative study.” The outside observers recorded the situation in the classroom and the response of the students during the implementation of the action. In the field notes, the observers also wrote the problem in the action that should be revised in the next cycle.

3. Questionnaire

Wallace (2010, p. 124) mentions that “in questionnaires, the questions are usually set out in a very systematic way, and very often the questionnaire is answered by reading questions, and then ticking responses, or writing in short answer.”

To know whether the use of movies in improving students‟ pronunciation

was successful or not, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the students. In the questionnaire, the researcher used Likert Scale in which the response of the students toward the action based on the scale of agreement and disagreement. Besides using Likert Scale, the researcher also used open-ended questions to give opportunity to the students in explaining their response or opinion about the action implemented.

The researcher gave the questionnaire to the students after the implementation of the action. The students were asked to fill the questionnaire based on their opinion and experience during the action.

4. Interview

Wallace (2010, p. 151) mentions that interview are usually used to

“investigate people‟s views, attitudes, experiences etc., in depth. The researcher


know the use of movies in classroom in depth. The considerations of selecting those students were based on the mistake they made before watching the movies, their responses while the watching movies, and the mistakes they made after watching the movies. From the five students, they had different response while they were watching the movies and it affected on the number of mistakes they made after watching the movies. The questions used in the interview were open questions. However, the researcher made different questions spontaneously in

order to follow the students‟ answer.

5. Pronunciation Tests

In gathering the data, the researcher conducted the pronunciation test in each cycle. The researcher did the pronunciation test before the students watched

the movie. It aimed to know students‟ ability in pronunciation. The researcher

gave the students text and asked them to read it in front of the researcher. After that, the researcher counted the mistakes made by the students in pronouncing the English words. The researcher told the students about their mistakes and asked them to learn the pronunciation of the words while they were watching movie.


E. Data Analysis Technique

In this research, the researcher analyzed the data gathered through triangulation. The researcher used data triangulation to ensure the reliability and validity of the research. The data were gathered using observation checklist, field notes, questionnaire, interview, and the result of pronunciation tests. The data in this research would be qualitative data.

Before analyzing the data, the researcher made the indicators for the

students‟ achievement in improving their pronunciation. Kenworthy (1997) mentions the causes of unintelligible pronunciation related with the sounds (i.e. sound substitutions, sound deletions and sounds insertions). Since their problems in pronunciation were commonly sound substitution and sound deletions, the researcher made indicator that when the students could fix those problems and there was an improvement in producing intelligible pronunciation, the researcher could stop the cycle. Their improvement could be seen from the pronunciation tests. The cycle would stop when the results showed at least 50% of the students made mistake less than five after the implementation of the action.

The first technique in analyzing the data was that analyzed the result of the pronunciation tests. The researcher examined the improvement made by the students after the action implemented. If the students made significant improvement after the action implemented, it meant that the use of movies in the classroom helped the students to improve their pronunciation.


analyzed the observation checklists in which it explained about the teacher‟s

activities and the students‟ activities in the classroom during the implementation

of the action. After that, the researcher sum up the result from the field notes and observation checklist. If the result showed that the action was implemented properly and the students gave positive response toward the action, it meant that the use of movies to help the students improving their pronunciation was done effectively.

The next technique was analyzing the data from the questionnaire. The researcher analyzed the data from the questionnaire using Likert Scale. Moreover, the researcher presented the data in the form of percentage and description. The

data would be about students‟ perception toward the use of movies in improving

their pronunciation.

The researcher also conducted interview for five students of class XI EL. The aim of conducting interview was to know detail information from the students about the use of movies in improving their pronunciation. It was also used to

check students‟ opinion in the questionnaire. The researcher combined and

contrasted the data gathered from the interview with other data.

F. Research Procedure


English words. After knowing the problem, the researcher designed the problem solution to overcome the problem faced by the students in pronunciation. The researcher decided to use movies in the classroom as learning media to help the students improving their pronunciation.

After deciding the media used in the action, the researcher planned the teaching and learning activities. The researcher made lesson plan and material in which movies would be used in the teaching and learning. After that, the researcher designed the pronunciation tests. The tests were in the dialogue texts. The vocabulary for the dialogue texts was chosen from the movies. The researcher implemented the action in the classroom. The researcher was helped by the outside observers in observing the implementation.

At the end of the implementation of the action, the researcher made reflection toward the action. The researcher summarized and analyzed the finding during the implementation. When the result showed that the implementation did not give significant effect for the students in improving their pronunciation, the researcher made plan to conduct cycle two. However, when the result of cycle one was good enough, the researcher could also conduct cycle two to prove that the use of movies to help the students improving their pronunciation was really useful.





This chapter discusses the use of movies in classroom to help the students improving their pronunciation and the process of how the result could be obtained. Therefore, the findings of this research are related to the result of the action implemented, while the process of the research focuses on the steps implemented in the research.

The use of movies in classroom showed the findings after the actions of the implementation of this research. The findings were about the students‟ improvement in pronunciation through watching movies in classroom. The

findings were concluded by combining the data taken from the students‟

pronunciation tests analysis based on their pronunciation ability, the questionnaire analysis, the interview analysis, the observation checklists and the field notes.


A. The Use of Movies in Classroom

Before implementing the action, the researcher observed the situation in the classroom and the problem faced by the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta in pronunciation. The researcher found that the students had problem with pronunciation in producing the correct sounds. Kenworthy (1997) mentions that the sources cause unintelligible pronunciation are sounds substitutions, sounds deletions and sound insertion. The students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta commonly had problem with sounds substitutions and sound deletions. In addition, they often pronounced the words based on its spelling. When they were not sure with the sound they produced, they tend to stop saying anything. The researcher observed when their English teacher tried to correct their incorrect pronunciation by giving the correction and asked them to repeat it; the students tend to do something, like talking with their friend or looking outside.

That situation became the consideration for the researcher to use interesting teaching media to improve their pronunciation. In this research, movies were employed to answer the research problem. The researcher selected the movies which employ native speakers on it, so that the students had understandable example of pronunciation.


number of mistakes that the students of class XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta made in the pronunciation tests.

Table 4.1. The Number of Mistakes in Pronunciation (Cycle One)


was sound substitutions. Table 4.2. would present the students‟ pronunciation before they watched the movie which showed the problems they faced.

Table 4.2. The Students’ Pronunciation (Cycle One)


they often pronounced the vowels based on its spelling. Another problem was

sound deletions like in the words „how‟ and „find‟. They omitted the final

consonant „w‟ and „d‟.

From Table 4.3. and Table 4.4. it could be seen the number of mistakes in

pronunciation and the students‟ incorrect pronunciation in cycle two.

Table 4.3. The Number of Mistakes in Pronunciation (Cycle Two)


From Table 4.3. it could be seen that there were twenty five words that the students pronounced it incorrectly. After they watched the movie, the number of mistakes they made decreased. There were fourteen words that they students corrected it after they watched the movie.

Table 4.4. would present the students‟ pronunciation before they watched

the movie which showed the problems they faced. From the data presented in Table 4.4., the researcher analyzed that the students made improvement in producing the correct sounds. In the pronunciation test in cycle two, the students did not make sound deletions. In cycle one, the students omitted the final consonant, while in cycle two they sounded the final consonant correctly.

The students learnt to pronounce English words correctly after they watched the movies played in the classroom. The researcher did the pronunciation tests before they watched the movies to check their understanding and to find the problems with the way the students pronouncing English words. The results from the pronunciation tests before watching the movies would be compared with the result of pronunciation tests after watching the movies to see the improvement and the effectiveness of using movies.


Table 4.6. The Students’ Improvement in Pronouncing English Words

Taken from Their Pronunciation Test (Cycle Two)


data, the researcher did the pronunciation tests by asking the students to read a dialogue provided by the researcher. The test was done twice in each cycle. The test was done before watching the movie and after watching the movie.

From Table 4.5., it could be seen that the students made improvement after the implementation of the action. The result shows that the mistakes made by the students decreased after watching the movie played by the researcher. The average number of mistakes that the students made before watching the movie was 3.46. Meanwhile, the average number of the mistakes that the students made after watching the movie was 1.27. It could be concluded that the different average score from mistakes before watching movie and mistakes after watching movie shows the use of movie helped the students to improve their pronunciation. The researcher would like to present the data about the mistakes made by the students in pronouncing English words and the improvement in cycle two after they watched the movie in Table 4.6.

From Table 4.6., it can be seen that the students made better improvement in pronunciation. The average number of mistakes that students made before watching the movie was 3.07. Meanwhile, the average number of the mistakes that students made after watching the movie was 0.93. It shows that the students made improvement after the action was implemented. From this result, the researcher concluded that the use of movie in classroom was effective enough to help the students to improve their pronunciation.


the movies provided by the teacher. From Table 4.5. there was only one (9.09%) student who did not make any mistake before the watching movie. Meanwhile, after watching the movie, the number of students who did not make any mistake improved. There were three (27.23%) students who did not make any mistake after watching movie. Another improvement can be seen from the number of the students who made mistake less than five and who made mistake more than five. Before watching movie, there were eight students (72.73%) who made mistake less than five, while the students who made mistakes more than five were two students (18.18%). After watching movie, there were eight students (72.73%) who made mistake less than five and there was no student who made mistakes more than five.

The students‟ improvement was also seen from the result in Table 4.6. Before watching the movie there was no students who did not make any mistake. There were eleven students (78.57%) who made mistake less than five and there were three students (21.43%) who made mistake more than five. Meanwhile, the number of students who did not make any mistake after watching the movie increased. The students who did not make any mistake after watching the movie were seven students (50.00%). The students who made mistakes less than five were seven students (50.00%) and there was no student who made mistake more than five.


cycle two showed good. The progress of improvement made by the students can be seen in Figure 4.1. and Figure 4.2. below.

Figure 4.1. The Students’ Progress in Improving Pronunciation

(Cycle One)

From the Figure 4.1. above, the researcher could summarize that the use of movie in the classroom really helped the students of XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta in improving their pronunciation. The good progress made by the students in improving their pronunciation through movie seen from the number of students who did not make any mistake after watching the movie. Before watching the movie, there is 9.09% of students who did not make any mistake. While after watching the movie, there is 27,23% of students who did not make any mistake. It showed good improvement in pronuncing English words after the students watching the movie.

Before Watching Movie After Watching Movie

No Mistake 9.09 27.23

Mistakes < 5 72.73 72.73

Mistakes > 5 18.18 0 0


Figure 4.2. The Students’ Progress in Improving Pronunciation

(Cycle Two)

Figure 4.2. shows that the improvement made by the students of XI EL of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta in pronunciaton after watching the movie increased. Before watching movie, there was no student who could read the text given by the teacher without any mistake in prouncing the words. After watching the movie, the number of the student who did not make any mistake increased. It is 50% of students could pronounce the words correctly without any mistake. Besides, there was no students who made mistake more than five after watching movie. It proves that the use of movies in improving students of XI of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta really helped the students.

Some of the students stated that the use of movies in improving their pronunciation was really useful. It is stated in their questionnaire and interview.

For example, in the questionnaire with the question of students‟ opinion towards

the use of movies in classroom, some students state that movies helped them in pronouncing English words easier.


Scott wrote “Ya, lebih jelas dalam pengucapan kosakata Bahasa Inggris” (Yes, the way of pronouncing English words is clearer).

Jacob wrote “Ya, sangat bagus karena bisa mengerti tentang pengucapan kosakata” (Yes, it was good because I could understand the pronunciation of English words).

Victor wrote “Dapat memahami kosakata dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan mudah” (It helped in understanding the vocabulary easier).

Parker (2010) agrees that the use of interesting media help the students to understand the lesson easily because they have motivation to know the lesson. From the interview some of them also said that the use of movies really helped them in learning English pronunciation.

Andrew said “Ya, filmnya membantu dalam belajar pengucapan kata-kata Bahasa Inggris. Penggunaan subtitle Bahasa Inggris dalam filmnya juga sangat membantu” (Yes, the movies helped in learning pronunciation of English words. The use of English subtitle was really helpful as well).

Jason said “Ya, penggunaan film cukup membantu dalam pengucapan kata-kata Bahasa Inggris” (Yes, the use of movies was helpful enough in pronouncing English words).


students (92.85%) that often found difficulties in expressing what they want to say in English. Besides, there were 8 students (57.14%) that often found difficulties in pronouncing English words. Knowing that problem, the researcher decided to use movies to help them to overcome problems in speaking, especially pronunciation. From the questionnaire, there were 11 students (78.57%) stated that the use of movies in classroom helped them a lot to pronounce English words. Besides, there were 11 students (78.58%) agreed that the use of movies in classroom gave understandable example of pronunciation. In addition, the use of movies helped the students to develop speaking skill as well. There were 11 students (78.57%) agreed with that. Ishihara & Chi (2004) agree that using movies in classroom can facilitate the students to improve their skills, especially oral skills, through the themes, grammar features used in the movie.

Moreover, the use of movies in classroom also gave motivation to the students in following the lesson. It can be seen from the data that 12 students (85.71%) stated their opinion that movies increased their motivation in learning. Parker (2010) states that the use of appropriate method and interesting learning media in teaching pronunciation can help teachers to motivate their students to learn. From the field notes, one observer wrote that “the students were very enthusiastic in watching the movie. When the students watched the movie, they

were quite curious to find the correct pronunciation.” (see appendix 4, the field


In conducting this research, the researcher had to consider the movies used. Using interesting movies gave beneficial for both the researcher and the students. When the students were interested with the movies, they would get the lesson (i.e. how to pronounce words) well. Based on Goodwin (2008), the teacher

needs to choose appropriate movies that “reflect an interaction the students could

identify with in their everyday life” and “it can be motivating if encounter has emotional

overtones or humor.” From the actions, there were 10 students (71.43%) stated that they were interested with the movies provided by the teacher. Moreover, there were 12 students (85.72%) agreed that the use of English subtitle assisted them in learning pronunciation.

In this research, there were two movies that the researcher used entitled A Series of Unfortunate Event and Hoodwinked. Those movies really helped the students in learning the pronunciation. The results, both from cycle one and cycle two, showed that after watching the movies, the students made significant improvement in pronunciation. The results can be seen in Figure 4.1. and Figure

4.2. In choosing the movies, the researcher used Goodwin‟s study about using

movies in classroom (see chapter II) as the consideration. In the first movie, it is clearly presented the interaction and the interaction that the students could find it in the daily life.

In the second movie, the story is based on the fairy tale with little modification on its setting. The story is the same with red riding hood that the students had already been accustomed with the story. It also contains humor story


seriously because they were interested with the movie and its story. From the field

notes, an observer wrote “in this time, the movie played by the teacher was shorter

than the previous movie used in the first cycle. The movie played was humor and the story was easy to understand it” (see Appendix 7, the field note of the cycle two). Another consideration was that both movies have easy vocabulary that the students could understand it easily. The vocabulary in the movies is commonly used in daily conversation.

In this research, the researcher also considered the length of the movies. Goodwin (2008) suggests that the movie should be 1-2 minutes in length. However, the researcher played both of the movies for about 25 minutes. The result showed that the students could learn from the movies, even they did not show that they got bored with the movies. From that finding, the researcher concluded that playing movies with long duration can be used in teaching as long as the stories and the complexity of the language are suitable for the students‟ level and needs.


Figure 4.1. The Students‟ Progress in Improving Pronunciation
Table 2.1. Types of classroom action research (Ferrace, 2000)
Figure 2.1. Bachman’s action research spiral (Mertler, 2009, p. 15)
Table 4.1.  The Number of Mistakes in Pronunciation (Cycle One)


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