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Top Six Reasons to Visit Lake George


Academic year: 2017

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The second largest lake in Florida is Lake George. Lake George covers around 46,000 acres. It is a unique lake in the sense that once you leave the shallow waters near the shore the bottom pretty much remains a constant distance down with few changes. When it comes to boating there are a number of activity options to choose from so no matter what you are looking to do on your vacation you can find it on Lake George.


Boating, florida lakes

Article Body:

The second largest lake in Florida is Lake George. Lake George covers around 46,000 acres. It is a unique lake in the sense that once you leave the shallow waters near the shore the bottom pretty much remains a constant distance down with few changes. When it comes to boating there are a number of activity options to choose from so no matter what you are looking to do on your vacation you can find it on Lake George.

1. The biggest attraction to Lake George is fishing. The most common fish caught at Lake George include large mouth bass, bluegill and shell cracker. The vegetation and depth of the lake make for an excellent bass habitat. All types of fishing are productive on this lake including wade fishing. However, you can also choose to fish from the shore or from the comfort of your own boat. With so many places open to fishing you are sure to find a secluded area to fish by


2. While the shallow water around the lake edge doesn’t make for good water sports there is still plenty of room in the open water to enjoy any type of water sport that interests you. Just be sure you travel slowly and carefully along the edges where there are potential snags for you and your boat. Once you get into the open water you can open up your engines and enjoy your favorite water sporting activity.


4. The shallow water areas around the shoreline

provide some excellent opportunities for the adventure kayaker or the bird watcher. What better way to spend your vacation than paddling around the shores of Lake George in your kayak and watching all the numerous wildlife species that the lake has to offer.

5. With so many species of plant and fish in the lake scuba diving and snorkeling are excellent activities. Take the time to swim in the cool water of the lake on a hot summer day and watch the many species of fish swim by you.

6. The shallow shores of the lake make it excellent areas for swimming. For those who are traveling with kids the shallow waters provide an excellent play area for the children on a camping adventure. Since the shallow water doesn’t provide room for boating it is also a safe option for those who want a relaxing time for swimming.

There are a variety of options when it comes to water activities on Lake George. So when you plan your next boating adventure check out Lake George and you won’t be disappointed by what it has to offer you.

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