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C. Concept Of Edmodo

1. Definition Of Edmodo

Edmodo was a frequent social media platform described as Facebook for school and can function much more accordingly to necessity. Edmodo is an application that appeals to working teachers and students to share ideas, files, activity agendas, and assignments that can create teacher- dan interactions with students (nurdani, 2016). Edmodo makes it easier for educators to communicate outside class. Edmodo has an advantage, one of which is accessible through a smartphone. So students can easily access the site edmodo through their phones.

Benefits the other is to use edmodo teachers can share both the teaching materials and the exercises that can support learning self-reliant students. On this edmodo platform, teachers and students can easily communicate with each other.

Of course, this will promote learning activities, such as assigning homework, taking exams, quizzes, and so on. Edmodo helps students communicate with other students, even if they are from different regions or even countries.

The study results (Putri et al., 2017) show that edmodo media effectively increases student activities and learning outcomes in the subject of Marketing Business Management. (Sukardi & Hartanto, 2018), showed that 61.9% of training participants stated that training activities on edmodo e-learning media were

beneficial. Likewise (Dharmawati, 2017) says that Learning English for Business using edmodo has several benefits:

Increasing interaction between lecturers and students.

Forming an online class.

Increasing learning variations.

Changing the traditional learning system to interactive learning.

Before it became as big as it is now, edmodo was developed by two great people, namely Nic Borg and Jeff O’Hara. They made the first version of edmodo in late 2008, and edmodo has experienced very fast growth in its development. In early 2011 edmodo reached 1 million users. A few months later, this number increased drastically to 7 million users, recorded in 2015 the number of edmodo was 50 million users.

2. Procedures For Using Edmodo a. Teacher

1).Edmodo can be accessed from website http://edmodo.com or download the application on google playstore

2. Make your account as teacher ( prepare email, password and your school name)

3. After teacher sign up to edmodo teacher can edit their profile (add profile picture,another information)

 Create class on edmodo -On group panel, click create

- Click create group (type your class activities) -Click create when you have finished.

-Your class name will show on group

 Class activities

-Teacher can upload and manage the material in library -Enter to class that teacher have made then click library -Click add to create new folder

-Named your folder and chose which are class that can access the material then click add folder

-Back to library , click folder to add material (pdf, picture, link etc.)

 Group activities

Teacher can make and do many things on edmodo -Note -Alert

-Assignment -Quiz -Poll

 Assignment -Assignment tittle -Describe the assignment -Due date

-Send to (group, students or teacher )

 Quiz -Quiz tittle

-Time limit (time limitation to do the quiz) -Add first question ( to create the question)

-Type ( quiz type ; multiple choice, true or false, short answer, and fill in the blank

b. Students

1. Edmodo can be accessed from websitehttp://edmodo.com or download the application on google play store

2.Create your account as students

3. If you don’t have edmodo account you class accsess the class by using code ( youcan take it from your teacher.

4. You can edit your profile ( add profile picture etc.

-after enter to edmodo students can click group to read the material that has been shared by teacher

-students can download the material to their phone or Pc

-if students want to open quiz or assignment. They can click filter post by.

And then choose the quiz or assignment

- When students have finished and saved their quiz or assignment on folder.

They must upload it. Student must click file then upload.

-The assignment can be upload in file or link.

-Students must remember that quiz has time limitation so that when they openthe quiz the time automatically counted.

3. The various edmodo fitur

The management of edmodo is also effortless, which will be very suitable for institutions that wish to use edmodo. These advantages exist because of the features created by edmodo. Below is an explanation of the great system of Edmodo.

a. Parent Code

Edmodo makes it easier for students in the learning process and for teachers in managing the learning system. However, parents can also take a role through this edmodo platform. Parents must register Their accounts on the edmodo application or website to take part in this platform. Edmodo has long been a powerful tool for teachers who want to keep parents engaged because parents can follow classwork, track grades, and receive messages about events and activities. They can follow through the edmodo website or the edmodo Android or iOS app designed for parents.

b. Award Badge

Students who can complete quizzes, exams, and assignments well and get good grades are entitled to receive an award badge from their teacher. This feature provides no kidding benefits for students. Students will be more motivated in further learning activities. This appreciative form will encourage students to be more diligent and try in every assignment and exam. In this feature, teachers can give badges to their students simultaneously.

c. Poll

it can be guessed that the poll feature is related to taking a vote. This feature helps teachers use edmodo to find out their students’ responses. For example, when students have completed an assignment or a quiz. This feature can be used to find out the student’s response quickly regarding the completion of the work and the quiz. However, the use of this feature is limited to only teachers.

d. Assignment

This feature has the greatest role in helping the assignment of a teacher to his students. With this Assignment feature, teachers are given services by edmodo to be more effective and efficient in assigning tasks to their students. In giving assignments, the teacher can include files, documents, links, and whatever resources they want to provide.

The collection made by students on assignments in this feature is also easy by simply uploading the completion document, pressing turn, and then the assignments have been collected. This given assignment can later be used again by the teachers and will be saved automatically in the Library feature, which will be explained in the next section.

e. Gradebook

This guidebook feature makes it easy for teachers to perform value management manually or automatically. With the gradebook feature, data from a value will be neatly collected, and the teacher can get the output file in csv

format from this data. The teacher and students fully control the gradebook feature and can only see the data.

f. Quiz

In edmodo, there is a Quiz feature that can help teachers give online exams, be it quizzes, exams, tests, or other things. This quiz will also be saved in the Library feature so that in the future if needed, this quiz can be used again.

g. Files and Links

If teachers used only blackboard media in class in the past, then in edmodo, you can use file and link functions to develop this media more effectively. This function can help teachers provide notes in document files, text, audio, video, etc. Teachers can use the file formats to assist the learning process: doc, ppt, XLS, and PDF. With this function, teachers will be able to explain materials to students in more detail because complete material resources support it.

h. Library

The library stores various important documents for learning, be it books, last year’s exam questions, journal references, etc. Edmodo also has this feature in the edmodo platform. The difference between the Library features in edmodo and the natural world is more in terms of effectiveness and efficiency in its management.

This feature can accommodate various files and links that teachers use as teaching materials for their students. So you could say this feature is a place for students to learn the material provided by the teacher, and this library is also a

storage for learning materials. edmodo provides complete storage services for teachers to easily organize, manage, sort, and even share their subject matter resources.

3. The advantages of the edmodo platform

Edmodo provides many benefits that its users can enjoy. Some of its advantages are helping learning management, communication services between students and students, and much more. The following is a complete explanation of edmodo’s advantages.

a. Edmodo Community

This is one of the main reasons many people like edmodo. A community to join as extraordinary educators. They work as an open discussion forum where teachers can share resources, ask/answer questions and learn from colleagues.

There is so much you can follow. Right now, I enjoy the discussions on the

“Digital Citizenship” page and the “Professional Development” page. This is where users or teachers can usually hear about where people are on their teaching journey and offer each other advice.

b. The freedom that Disciples have

One other advantage is building independence in students because they are responsible for doing work. This is a great skill for them to learn, especially in a safe environment. As with the above, students need to be independent because they will be on other social media sites in the coming years. Being part of the edmodo group teaches students to use social media appropriately.

c. School activities become efficient

Teachers love it when students can access their edmodo account from school and from home, which allows them to prepare for upcoming events, assignments, or assignments while doing their homework. It also allows them to communicate with their teacher (in person) or ask questions from their peers (on public walls) while working on assignments at home.

d. Can share learning resources

Teachers can source various materials with their students on edmodo, including websites, embedded YouTube clips, inverted assignment links (EduCreations, etc.), files, documents, and images. With this in mind, the learning process saves paper and shows students a solid range of resources without searching Google for them.

The clips themselves play, and no advertisements or recommended videos appear, as is the case on the YouTube website. This makes teachers feel comfortable that their students will only see items that are suitable for them and not be distracted by other clips.

e. Connectivity for Teachers

Having a teacher account on edmodo allows teachers or educators to connect with other educators worldwide. A teacher can send notes to other educators, ask questions, or share ideas with them; through one of these connections, the teacher can contact schools in the US that also have contemporary settings. Of

course, this can provide a positive collaboration between teachers in various schools.

4. Features that can support student IQ a. Discussion start menu

On this menu, lecturers can share their learning materials in various forms of files and conduct discussions between teachers and students or students. In addition, in this menu, there is a feature to conduct a poll to find out student responses, thus providing opportunities for students to be active during the learning process even though they are online.

b. Quiz & Assignment

The quiz and assignment feature is related to the tasks given by the lecturer in the form of questions that have been provided. In this feature, the deadline is usually set by the lecturer. In addition, each student can directly upload their assignments to the existing form file.

5. The implementation of Edmodo to the Skill

Edmodo is easy to access. Teacher can access it on edmodo website or download it on google playstore As well as mention in above the appearance of edmodo look similar with facebook. It makes edmodo familiar to the user, either teacher or students. This application is really easy to used .This application can be accessed by phone or PC. In teaching reading comprehension teacher can upload text (pdf, word etc.), pictures, and link related to material in group and students can give their comment. However, this

application can make teacher easier to share material and invite students in discussion. Furthermore this application provided quiz and assignment. The quiz consist of some form; multiple choice, short answer and true or false so that teacher can have some variation in doing evaluation.

D. Concept of Reading 1. Definition of Reading

Reading may also be defined as a process in which readers learn something from what they read and involve it in an academic context as a part of education (Grabe, 2009: 5). According to Juel in Setiawan (2017), reading is a process of getting to know words and integrating them into the meaning of words, sentences, and reading structure. Another definition Snow (2002) stated is that reading is an activity done by readers to get information and knowledge from the text. In the classroom, some teachers often use texts or books as a medium to deliver the material of a subject.

Furthermore, the teacher asks the students to read the text to grab information to understand the contents of the text. Reading is a complex process and requires skills. These skills include; the ability to understand the symbols of language and the skills to understand and int0erpret the message conveyed by the writer through his writing, according to (Jaenal 2010 in Tarigan (1990: 7), It is expected to read the process carried out and used by readers who want to get the message conveyed by the writer through the medium of words or written language.

Besides, Tarigan (Dalman, 2013:7) argues that reading is the process carried out and used by readers to obtain messages conveyed by the author through words and written language. The point is that reading is a way for readers to improve their knowledge of reading material. From the above quote, the conclusion can be drawn above where there is not only the above to get a message or information by receiving or reciting a collection of words that make up a sentence well, but further, than that in reading which is a reading that requires help high and the ability to interpret the meaning contained in the reading, is also a component of written communication.

a. The kinds of Reading According to Astuti (2002:7-8), the kinds of reading classify reading into three kinds: reading aloud, silent reading, and speed reading.

 Reading aloud

Reading aloud is an important device that cannot be overlooked in achieving the goal because it is an excellent aid in developing our habits to practice reading aloud. The students will get experiences as many times as possible.

 Silent reading

Silent reading tends to reinforce the reader’s finding out the meaning of the words. This kind of reading leads the reader to better comprehension.

Silent reading is a skill to criticize what is written to discuss something;

writing means drawing inferences and conclusions and expressing a new idea based on what is read.

 Speed reading

This kind of reading is used to improve the speed and comprehension of reading.

2. The Objective of Reading

Every action has purpose in doing it. Reading has several purpose or aim when it is done. According to Grabe in Haris (2011), he defines the objectives of reading into several points, they are as follows:

a. Reading to search information b. Reading to skim quickly c. Reading to learn (from text)

d. Reading to write (or search information needed for writing) e. Reading to analyze the text

Reading for general information Based on the objectives above, we can understand that reading need a special attention. It was not surprised if reading is one of the important skills in learning foreign language.

3. The Types of Reading

Wood in Goestina (2016) indicated the types of reading are important categories as follows:

a. Skimming

The eyes run quickly over the text to discover what is about the main idea and the gist. The skimming occurs when the reader looks quickly at the contents page of a book or at the chapter heading, subheadings etc. this is sometimes called previewing. When the reader glances quickly through a newspaper to see the main items of the day are this will often mean just glancing at headlines. What the reader goes through a particular passage such as newspaper article merely to get the gist.

b. Scanning

The reader looks out for a particular item he believes in the text. The scanning can be done to find name date and static or facts in written text.

The eyes start quickly at the lines of a written.

c. Pre-Reading

According to Ajideh (2003) says that pre-reading activities have tended to focus exclusively on preparing the reader for likely linguistic difficulties in a text; more recently attention has shifted to cultural or conceptual difficulties.

However, pre-reading, activities may not just offer compensation for eleventh language reader‟s supposed linguistic or socio-cultural inadequacies; they may also remind readers of what they do, in fact, already know and think, that is to activate existing schematic knowledge.

Furthermore, he explains the portions to look at in reading the text book chapters are: (1) Read the title, (2) Read the interaction or opening paragraph,

(3) Read each bold face heading, (4) Nice any typographical aids, (5) Notice any typographical aids, (6) Any graphs or pictures, and (7) Read the last paragraph or summary.

4. Reading Technique

Technique can be strategies or tactics. There are so many strategies in reading techniques. Brown in Haris (2011) states in his book about strategies for reading comprehension states below:

a. Identify the purpose in reading

b. Use of graphemic rules and patterns to aid in bottom-up decoding

c. Use efficient silent reading techniques for relatively rapid comprehension d. Skim the text for main ideas

e. Scan the text for specific information f. Use semantic mapping or clustering g. Guess when you are certain

h. Analyze vocabulary

i. Distinguish between literal and implied meaning j. Capitalize on discourse markers to process relationship 5. Kinds of Reading Text

a. Descriptive text

Artono (2008) states that descriptive text is a part or factual genres. Its social function is to describe a particular person, place or thing. Description in

writing is the process of creating visual images and sensory impression through words.

b. Narrative text

1). Definition of narrative text

According to Crystal (2008) “a narrative text is a story that is told conveyed to recipient and his telling requires a medium, it is converted into sign. Refers to Bal (2009) “a text that not consist solely of narration, in the specific sense. In every narrative text, one point can to passage that concern something other than event such as an opinion about something, for example a disclosure of face, or of a location”. In addition, Schmidt and Richard (2002) narrative text are oral account of a real or fictional story and the genre structure underlying stories.

2).Type of narrative text

a). Fable is Stories that tell the life of animals. Examples, The Country of the Mice, The Cat and The Rat.

b).Legend is a story that tells the origin of a place. For example, The Legend of Prambanan Temple, Story of Lake Toba.

c).Myth is stories that develop from the community and are generally considered to have really happened. For example, Aji Saka and Dewata Cengkar.

d). Fairytale is Children's stories or folk tales in which there is a miracle made by the author. For example, Timun Mas, Tumblelina.

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