• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


C. Population And Sample

1. Sugiyono (2011:61) suggests that the population consists of objects/subjects with qualities and characteristics determined to be studied and then summed up again. The population of this research is the fourth semester of Unismuh Makassar, which consisted of one class English Department Education in Academic Year 2022-2021. The total population is 90 students.

2. According to Sugiyono (2013: 118), “the sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population.” The writer uses the purposive sampling technique because not all samples have criteria according to what has been the authors specified. Therefore, the selected sample is deliberately

determined based on specific criteria determined by the author to get a representative sample.

The determination of the sample criteria in the study are:

a. The student English Education of Department at Unismuh b. The student’s fourth-semester regular

c. Ever learn about reading comprehension d. The student is in class E

Therefore, one class was selected for the research. The class was E of 4th semester English Education of Department, which 23 students.

D. Research Instrument

In the research, The writer used descriptive statistics. The students are expected to answer the questions based on their knowledge or understanding of determining characteristics, themes, and moral messages. The pre-test is used to know the student’s ability in reading comprehension, especially legend, before using the edmodo application. Post-test is used to know the students’ reading comprehension ability, especially legend of the story in narrative text after treatment using the edmodo.

E. Procedures for Collecting Data a. Pre-Test

The pre-test is administered before the present researcher using Edmodo Application. It is aimed to know students’ knowledge in learning English through Edmodo Application.

b. Treatment

1) First, the teacher directs students to install the Edmodo application on each student’s smart phone.

2) Once installed, the teacher teaches how to use the application starting from logging into the application.

3) Then two options will appear, namely logging in as student and logging in as teacher.

4) Students are directed to choose “login as student” and teacher chooses “login as teacher”.

5) After logging in students and teacher will get a chart view like the face book display.

6) The teacher will upload the soft file along with the question sheet which will appear on the student’s main chart.

7) The teacher will explain the points presented in the soft file.

8) The teacher will give student time to study and work on the question sheet.

Student then work on the question sheet in the comments column.

9) After all student assignments are sent in the comments column, the teacher will check and provide feedback through the student comments column so that other student can pay attention.

10) The teacher then gives a score/reward to each student.

11) In this application, students and their parents can see the scores obtained from student assignments.

Based on the activities above, this activities was carried out for four times through the Edmodo application. The difference at each meeting was seen from the provision of different materials.

1) Where at the first meeting the teacher discussed narrative text 2) The second meeting was about characteristics of narrative text.

3) The third meeting was about theme of narrative text.

4) The fourth meeting was about moral messages.

c. Post-Test

After gave treatment, the researcher gave post-test, the content of the posttest was similar as pre-test. The aim of post-test was to find out the increase in teaching English in term of reading comprehension of students. (Ary et al., 2018: 250)

F. The technique of Data Analysis 1. Analysis descriptive

The steps were undertaken in quantitative employing the following formulates:

Table 3.2 Rubric for Identify Characteristics of Narrative Text

No Criteria Score

1 The answer includes a clear generalization that states or implies the theme 40 2 The answer states or implies the theme from the story 30 3 Indicator inaccurate or incomplete understanding of the theme 20 4 The answer includes minimal or no understanding of the theme 10 Pollard (2007)

Table 3.3 Rubric for identifying theme of Narrative Text

No Criteria Score


The answer includes a clear generalization that states or implies the

Characteristics 40

2 The answer states or implies the Characteristics from the story 30 3 Indicator inaccurate or incomplete understanding of Characteristics 20 4 The answer includes minimal or no understanding of Characteristics 10 Pollard (2007)

Table 3.4 Rubric for Identify Moral Messages of Narrative Text

No Criteria Score


The answer includes a clear generalization that states or implies the moral

messages 40

2 The answer states or implies the moral messages from the story 30 3 Indicator inaccurate or incomplete understanding of moral messages 20 4 The answer includes minimal or no understanding of moral messages 10 Pollard (2007)

a. The mean of the students answered by using formula:

𝑋 =∑𝑋 𝑁 Where: X = Mean score

∑ = The raw of all score N = The number of subjects

(Subana, et al, 2005)

b. The percentage of increasing achievement used the following formula:X2- X1

𝑝 = 211×100%


P = Percentage

X2= Average score of Post-test X1 = Average score of Pre-test

(Gay in Goestina, 2016) c. After collecting the data of the students, we was classified the score of the

students into the following criteria:

Table 3.5 Classify the Score of the Students

Score Classifications

96-100 Excellent

86-95 Very good

76-85 Good

66-75 Fairly good

56-65 Fair

36-55 Poor

00-35 Very poor

(Depdikbud 2010)

2. Analysis Requirements test a. Normality Test

According to Djarwanto (2003: 50), Normality tests are used to test normal distribution of data or not. For test purposes, normality in this study used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov formula with SPSS 25, namely:

D mαx = Fα(x) – Fe (x) Out of the question:

D mαx = Maximum difference value of 2 cumulative frequency distributions Fα(x) = Cumulative frequency of relationships

Fe(x) = Theoretical cumulative frequency

Normality tests are performed from the results of the initial test (pre-test) and the final ability test (post-test).

b. Hypothesis Test

According to Duwi Priyatno (2010:101), hypothesis test using the program SPSS 25 Paired Sample T-Test at pre-test value –post-test with a significance level of 5%. This test was used to determine the difference between the average value before treatment (pre-test) and the average value after treatment (post-test) using edmodo.

 Statement 1:

Ho: There is no an effect of edmodo application on the student’s reading comprehension

H1: There is an effect of edmodo application on the student’s reading comprehension

 Statement 2

Ho: There is no an increase on the student’s reading comprehension after of using edmodo application

H2: There is an increase on the student’s reading comprehension after of using edmodo application

Based on probability :

Ho accepted if significant>0,05 Ho rejected if significant<0,05


FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This chapter described the findings and discussion.

A. Findings

1. The students’ ability in reading comprehension after being taught using edmodo

This study intends to determine the effect of edmodo as online-based learning in improving students’ reading comprehension at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, majoring in English. The results were obtained from the pre-test and post-test data in the application of the edmodo application. The treatment was carried out 16 times, including pre-test and post-test, with 23 treatment samples without using a control sample. In the further interpretation of the data analysis, characteristics, theme, and moral message were given below:

a. The Students’ reading comprehension in term of identify characteristics of narrative text

Table 4.1 Classification of characteristics (Pre-test)

No Classifications Score Frequency Percentage

1 Excellent 96-100 0 0%

2 Very good 86-95 0 0%

3 Good 76-85 15 65%

4 Fairly good 66-75 8 35%


5 Fair 56-65 0 0%

6 Poor 36-55 0 0%

7 Very poor 00-35 0 0%

Total 23 100%

Table 4.1 showed that the Classification of the students Score reading comprehension of narrative text in term of identify characteristics in pre-test there were 15 (65%) students got good, and 8 (35%) students got fairly good.

Table 4.2 Classification of characteristics (Post-test)

No Classifications Score Frequency Percentage

1 Excellent 96-100 0 0%

2 Very good 86-95 12 52%

3 Good 76-85 11 48%

4 Fairly good 66-75 0 0%

5 Fair 56-65 0 0%

6 Poor 36-55 0 0%

7 Very poor 00-35 0 0%

Total 23 100%

Table 4.2 showed that the Classification of the use Edmodo application on the students Score reading comprehension of narrative text in term of identify characteristics in post-test there were 12 (52%) students got very good, and 11 (48%) students got good.

Students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text in term of identify characteristics by using edmodo had different in pre-test and post-test. In pre- test the students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text was less understandable about characteristics but after applied the use of edmodo the students more understandable about identify characteristics of narrative text, it can be seen clearly in table 4.3


Narrative Text

The Student’s Score I Improvement (%) Pre-test Post-test

Characteristics 76 87 14.4%

Table 4.3 showed that the improvement percentages of students in reading narrative text in term of identify characteristics was 14.4% after using edmodo of student reading comprehension in narrative text in term of identified characteristics. The mean score of the students in pre-test were 76 and post-test which to be 87.

b. The Students’ reading comprehension in term of identify theme of narrative text

Table 4.4 Classification of Theme (Pre-test)

No Classifications Score Frequency Percentage

1 Excellent 96-100 0 0%

2 Very good 86-95 0 0%

3 Good 76-85 10 43%

4 Fairly good 66-75 13 57%

5 Fair 56-65 0 0%

6 Poor 36-55 0 0%

7 Very poor 00-35 0 0%

Total 23 100%

Table 4.4 showed that the Classification of the students Score reading comprehension of narrative text in term of identify theme in pre-test there were 10 (43%) students got good, and 13 (57%) students got fairly good.

Table 4.5 Classification of Theme (Post-test)

No Classifications Score Frequency Percentage

1 Excellent 96-100 1 4.3%

2 Very good 86-95 10 43.4%

3 Good 76-85 12 52%

4 Fairly good 66-75 0 0%

5 Fair 56-65 0 0%

6 Poor 36-55 0 0%

7 Very poor 00-35 0 0%

Total 23 100%

Table 4.5 showed that the Classification of the use edmodo application on the students Score reading comprehension of narrative text in term of identify

theme in post-test there were 1 (4.3%) students got excellent, 10(43.4%) students got very good and 12 (52%) students got good.

Students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text in term of identify theme by using edmodo had different in pre-test and post-test. In pre-test the students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text was less understandable about theme but after applied the use of edmodo the students more understandable about identify theme of narrative text, it can be seen clearly in table 4.6


Narrative Text

The Student’s Score I Improvement (%) Pre-test Post-test

Theme 75 86 15%

Table 4.6 showed that the improvement percentages of students in reading narrative text in term of identify orientation was 15% after using edmodo of student reading comprehension in narrative text in term of identified theme. The mean score of the students in pre-test were 75 and post- test which to be 86.

c. The Students’ reading comprehension in term of identify moral message of narrative text

Table 4.7 Classification of moral message (Pre-test)

No Classifications Score Frequency Percentage

1 Excellent 96-100 0 0%

2 Very good 86-95 0 0%

3 Good 76-85 7 30%

4 Fairly good 66-75 16 70%

5 Fair 56-65 0 0%

6 Poor 36-55 0 0%

7 Very poor 00-35 0 0%

Total 23 100%

Table 4.7 showed that the Classification of the students Score reading comprehension of narrative text in term of identify moral messages in pre-test there were 7 (30%) students got good, and 16 (70%) students got fairly good.

Table 4.8 Classification of moral message (Post-test)

No Classifications Score Frequency Percentage

1 Excellent 96-100 0 0%

2 Very good 86-95 13 57%

3 Good 76-85 10 43%

4 Fairly good 66-75 0 0%

5 Fair 56-65 0 0%

6 Poor 36-55 0 0%

7 Very poor 00-35 0 0%

Total 23 100%

Table 4.8 showed that the Classification of the use edmodo application on the students Score reading comprehension of narrative text in term of

identify characteristics in post-test there were 13 (57%) students got very good, and 10 (43%) students got good.

Students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text in term of identify moral message by using edmodo had different in pre-test and post-test. In pre-test the students‟ reading comprehension of narrative text was less understandable about moral message but after applied the use of edmodo the students more understandable about identify moral message of narrative text, it can be seen clearly in table 4.9


Narrative Text

The Student’s Score I Improvement (%) Pre-test Post-test

Moral message 74 86 16.2%

Table 4.6 showed that the improvement percentages of students in reading narrative text in term of identify orientation was 16.2% after using edmodo of student reading comprehension in narrative text in term of identified moral message. The mean score of the students in pre-test were 74 and post-test which to be 86.

2. There is improvement in students’ reading comprehension skills before and after using edmodo

Data analysis is used to answer the hypothesis that was proposed in the previous chapter. The analytical tests used are normality, and hypothesis tests (t-test). These results can be seen below:

a. Normality test

Research data to be analyzed statistically must meet the analysis requirements.

Therefore, a normality test is needed before conducting a homogeneity test and hypothesis testing on the data. This test aims to see the normality of the data to avoid data bias.

Normality Test

Reading comprehension

By using Edmodo

Kolmogorov- Smirnov

Pretest-Posttest Statistic Df Sig.


Characteristic .151 23 .186

Pretest Theme .154 23 .165

Pretest Moral

Message .125 23 .200*


Characteristic .153 23 .177

Posttest Theme .137 23 .200*

Posttest Moral

Message .124 23 .200*

Table 4.10 Normality Test

The table above shows that the results of the data normality test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test show the following results:

1). Student’s reading comprehension skills of narrative texts before using Edmodo (pre-test) obtained statistical data in each category, namely 0.151 for characteristics, 0.154 for themes and 0.125 for moral messages. Each probability level is more than 0.05 (P˃0.05). It can be seen from the table

above that on the characteristics (0.186), themes (0.165), and moral messages (0.200) it can be said that the data is normally distributed.

2). Reading comprehension skills of students’ narrative texts in the use of Edmodo (Posttest) statistical data obtained for the characteristic category is (0.153), and the probability level is 0.177 (P˃0.05), for the theme (0.137) and 0.200 (P˃0.05), for moral messages. (0.124) and 0.200 (P˃0.05) it can be concluded that the data follow a normal distribution.

b. Hypothesis Testing Results

Hypothesis testing was conducted to determine the effect of edmodo as an online learning medium in reading comprehension for Unismuh students. The hypothesis test used Widiyanto’s t-test (2013) by comparing the pre-test and post-test results in the experimental group. The results can be seen in the following. The hypotheses carried out in this study need to be tested and proven through empirical data obtained directly through tests. Then the data is processed statistically. Hypothesis testing (t-test) in this study used the paired sample test. There is improvement in students’ critical reading skills before and after using edmodo

Paired Samples Statistics

Pair 1

Mean N Std. Deviation Std.

Error Mean

Pre test 75.3478 69 3.30697 .39811

Post test 82.9420 69 18.18523 2.18924

Table 4.11 data paired sample statistics


Uji T – Test

Selisih Keterangan

Rata-Rata Df Sig

Pretest 75.3478 69

0.001 7,5942 Signifikan

Posttest 82.9420 69

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that testing data analysis using paired samples statistics has increased between pre-test and post-test on students’

reading comprehension skills in narrative texts. The average value before is 75.34 and the post-test is 82.94, and the difference between the two is 7.5942 and P = 0.001 because P 0.05 means the increase is significant. Thus it can be said that the application of the edmodo application significantly affects the students’

reading comprehension ability.

B. Discussion Of Research

Based on the research data analysis results above, it is stated that the result is Ho is rejected. This shows that the ability of students to read critically on narrative texts using edmodo has increased, especially in identifying characters, themes, and moral messages. In the process of analyzing the data, it can be seen that there is a significant difference between the results of the pre-test and post-test. The pre-test results show that students’ reading comprehension ability is still low, especially in those three aspects. As a result of this explanation, students cannot express their ideas and understanding before using edmodo in their reading activities.

At the beginning, their reading narrative text was very bad. Almost of them were confused and spent much time to think about the meaning of the word in the reading text. They only read, but they did not understand about how to find out the characteristics, theme, and moral message of the reading narrative text. The writer gave the treatment by using edmodo. As the result, students become active and enjoy in reading activity. They would be easy to do the reading activity. Most of their utterance were correct and no need to read for a long time to understand what they read.

In using edmodo in reading activity, the writer found that the mean score of post-test students‟ achievement is greater than pre-test. In table 4.3 showed that the score of find out the characteristics which the mean score of pre-test was 76 and after using edmodo, the mean score of post-test was 87. Then, in table 4.6 showed that the score of find out the theme which the mean score of pre-test was 75 and after using edmodo, the mean score of post-test was 86. Also, in table 4.9 showed that the score of find out the moral message which the mean score of pre- test was 74 and after using edmodo, the mean score of post-test was 86. Therefore, the writer indicated that there was a significant improvement after treatment by using edmodo.

According to Yustinaningrum,(2018) suggested Interest in learning can increase with the application of learning using edmodo with an increase in interest in learning by 76%. According Rosyidah et al.,( 2019) find that the use of edmodo media as an E-Learning-based media can encourage students to explore their

knowledge or improve their cognitive abilities through independent assignments or class group discussions given. So, based on the statement above, the writer believed that the use of edmodo application can help students reading comprehension of narrative text to learn independently, make students actively look for material sources before learning, conduct online discussions about given assignments, and complete assignments on time and it could make the students understand about the characteristics, theme and moral message of reading narrative text that they read. Then, the use of edmodo gave more good contributon for the students to explore their reading skill and their understandable because it easy for students to see information or teaching materials provided by the teacher, and students can collect anytime and anywhere.

In addition to increasing student interest in using edmodo, learning media can improve students’ critical thinking skills. Based on Permana & Chamisijatin (2019) research, it was found that project-based learning using edmodo learning media can improve students’ necessary thinking skills. Strengthened by Yenni &

Malalina (2018), The results of this study found that the retention value of students who were taught with the edmodo-based Blended Learning model was significantly higher than those conducted by the direct learning model.

Through the testing data analysis using paired samples statistics has increased between pre-test and post-test on students’ reading comprehension skills in narrative texts. The average value pre-text is 75.34 and the post-test is 82.94, and

the difference between the two is 7.5942 and P = 0.001 because P 0.05 means the increase is significant.

Therefore, it can be concluded that statistically hypothesis of H1 was accepted and the statistically hypothesis of H0 is rejected. The writer was concluded that the use of edmodo application improve the students‟ ability reading comprehension of narrative text in terms to identify characteristics, theme, and moral message. It could be showed from the students‟ reading test in pre-test and post-test. In pre- test, some students were difficult to answer the questions and find out characteristics, theme, and moral message. But, the students‟ reading narrative text in post-test, which the content of reading narrative text could be understand. And then, the students were easy to answer the questions and find out characteristics, theme, and moral message.

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