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Oral presentation


B. Theoretical bases

2. Oral presentation

fringe thoughts, occasions and feelings, unused data and give data, generalization, and embodiment develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing keywords, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of words, appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is understanding you.

teacher provides the new information, the new piece of knowledge, and the students concentrate on understanding it and remembering it.25

In addition, Al-Issa and Al Qubtan, stated that presentation is one activity that can encourage students to take imitative, think beyond the mandated textbook, and use language creatively, purposefully and interactively important features of the EFL classroom in different parts of the world.26 According to Thorn bury whether or not learners will have to give a presentation or talk in real life, the experience of standing up in front of their collages and speaking for a sustained turn is excellent preparation for real speaking.27Unlike Oral Presentation carries the speaker‟s personality better and allows immediate interaction between all participants or audiences by Clark. According to King Oral Presentation is an effective

25Nurdin, Sri Rahmadani. "Improving Students’speaking Ability Through Case Presentation Method at The Eleventh Grade of Sma Negeri 2 Takalar”, (thesis, 2018), p.


26Chesamoche, Kasma. "The Effectiveness of Using Oral Presentation Technique Toward the Thai Students’speaking Ability at State Islamic Institute Tulungagung." (2019).16

27Ehsan, Namaziandost, Shatalebi Vida, and Nasri Mehdi. "The impact of cooperative learning on developing speaking ability and motivation toward learning English." Journal of Language and Education, volume. 5, N 3,2019, p. 19

communicative activity that has been widely adopted by EFL conversation teachers to promote oral proficiency.28

Thus, based on some definitions above, the researcher concluded that oral presentation is an activity of sharing ideas and or information in front of audiences that have purposed to improve student oral proficiency. With a presentation, the students can express their idea and their opinion about what they are presenting, and also the audience or the other students who listen to the The first presenter. They will openly and directly by asking questions to the presenter about their topic.

So automatically they will improve their idea by speaking.

b. Type of Presentations

From Al-Issa and Al-Qubtan oral presentation can be divided into three types: control, guide, and free.29This division depends on several variables such as choice of topic; time allocated to the presentation, grammar, vocabulary, method of presentation, and, most important learner proficiency levels.

28Saputri, Hildawati Eka. "The Effectiveness of Using Oral Presentation Technique On Students'speaking Skill at First Grade On Junior High School in Mts Al Ma'arif Tulungagung in Academic Years 2016/2017." (2017), p. 31

29Al‐Issa, Ali Said, and R. E. D. H. A. Al‐Qubtan. "Taking The Floor: Oral Presentations in EFL Classrooms."TESOL Journal, vol., no, 2, 2010, p. 227-246.

type is controlled. It can be done by determining the student‟s proficiency levels and presentation method. The student‟s language proficiency is usually for beginner to elementary. Hence, the teacher has to confine the topic to either what sin the textbook or something he or she feels the students can present with ease. The aim of implementing the controlled presentation should be to provide opportunities for young students to gain confidence in taking the floor, maximize their classroom participation in a meaningful way, and practice the target language.

The second type is guided. In this type, the teacher determines the students‟ proficiency level, aids and materials, and memorization. The student‟s proficiency level for guided type can be classified as at the lower-intermediate or intermediate level of English proficiency. Therefore, they can be guided in terms of the topics that would suit their language level. For the second consideration aids and material, students with this level of English proficiency can be guided to prepare their work using PowerPoint or OHP slides if the associate equipment is available. Such slides can include the important points about the topic research has shown that oral presentations

that use visuals are more persuasive, interesting, credible, professional, and more effective presentations without such aids. Hence, students can be allowed to memorize, because good memorization helps them gain more confidence, integrate the four skills, Use English correctly and effectively, speak more fluently and accurately, and remember what to say. In addition, students giving the free type of oral presentations can handle questions from their classmates after they have completed their presentation.

The last type is Free. In this type some considerations should be determined; those are students, proficiency level, and asking and answering questions in the free type of oral presentations, students, the proficiency level is expected to have upper- intermediate to advanced levels of proficiency. Students at this level are usually 16–22 years old and should be given the freedom to choose the topic they would like to tackle, plan the topic the way they consider most appropriate, and use any kind of language level.

c. The Technique of Oral Presentation

There are some techniques to do a presentation.

According to Rasyid said that there was some technique to be a successful presentation of presentation:30

1. Review

The presenter has to identify the comprehension of the audience about the material. Because sometimes, there is the presenter who overs estimate with the audience

2. Overview

Just tell them the global material. It will be better if the youngest main point of your material, and the important thing that must be reported by the presenter is 5W+ 1H.

3. Evaluation

The presenter has to require feedback from the audience.

It seems like a small discussion that discusses the material of the presenter Tawa‟s presented.

4. Summary

Do not forget to conclude. After that, close the presentation with nice words, such as an aphorism, etc.,

30 King, J, “Preparing EFL Learner for Oral Presentation”, Dong Hina Journal of Humanistic Studies, 2002, p. 401-114

because the flat presentation will create bareness for the audience.

d. The Advantages of Oral Presentation Technique

Al-Issa and Al-Qubtan stated that some advantages can be gotten from Oral Presentation Technique, including. Integrating language skills, practicing speaking, make decisions, preparing for real life, acquiring, knowledge through language, promoting learner-centeredness, and expanding the teaching roles. The discussion soft the advantages are as follows:

1. Practicing speaking

Speaking is one of the least practiced and most neglected skills in almost any EFL classroom, despite its importance in people‟s daily social activities and interactions. This is particularly the case in teacher-centered and large classes, where more emphasis is often placed on receptive skills. Allissa adds that Oral Presentation is an efficient way to encourage the presenting students to practice meaningful oral English and the rest of the class to practice listening

2. Making decision

Oral Presentation helps facilitate the decision-making process for students. Such as, when students are given the freedom to choose a topic to present, for instance, in an intermediate-level EFL classroom, they are indirectly asked to make a decision and take initiative.

3. Preparing for real life

Taking the floor and standing in front of other people, such as one‟s classmates, to present one‟s work is challenging because it requires confidence and courage. Yet it is a marketable skill that is much needed in various jobs around the world. Hence, presenting in the EFL classroom prepares students for the job market that they will enter when they leave school.

4. Acquiring knowledge through language

Languages in general and English in particular, are powerful tools for acquiring infinite knowledge and information. When students are asked to research a topic and search for particular information or data in English, they are using the language meaningfully and purposefully and are varying their exposure to sources of knowledge via the

genuine use of the target language, which has its implications for their language improvement. One of the important sources of language acquisition is authentic materials, and Oral Presentations help activate references to this source.

5. Promoting learner-centeredness

Giving Oral Presentations helps students replace memory and transmission- b a s e d learning, which are still in vogue in many education systems in the developing world, with interactive, dynamic, reflective, and independent learning and critical thinking. Oral Presentations also promote and encourage learning through discovery and research. According to King the teacher's role in oral presentations not only involves preparing detailed guidelines, organizing groups, helping students to select topics, guiding their research, and helping them learn the use of various visual aids, but also the holding Q & A sessions, providing feedback on the sequencing of ideas, and evaluating their performance.31 In addition, in an oral Presentation class, teachers delegate autonomy and leadership to students and

31Chesamoche, Kasma. "The Effectiveness of Using Oral Presentation Technique Toward the Thai Students’speaking Ability at State Islamic Institute Tulungagung." (2019), p. 12

facilitate cooperative learning. In short, the teachers facilitate, support, organize, and guide students, learning.

3. Teaching speaking

Teaching speaking is a very important part of learning a second language and a foreign language because students' ability to learn a language will be proven by their ability to say something in that language. Teaching speaking is produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the second language. Select appropriate words and sentences according to the roper social setting, audience, situation and subject matter how to teach speaking?

For most people, the ability to speak a language is synonymous with knowing that language since speech is the most basic means of human communication. Nevertheless, Bailey and Savage as quoted by Celce Murcia said “speaking in a second or foreign language has often been viewed as the most demanding of the four skills as stated by Kayi that the world demands that the purpose of teaching speaking should be to improve students' communicative skills because only in that way, students can express themselves and learn how to follow appropriate social and cultural rules in each communicative and circumstances.

Thus, teaching speaking has an important role in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL).32 According to Harmer, there are three basic reasons to make students speak in class.33 First, speaking activities provide practice opportunities opportunities to practice real-life speaking in the safety of the classroom. Second, speaking tasks in which students try to use one or all of the languages they know to provide feedback for both teacher and students. Finally, the more students have the opportunity to activate the various elements of language that they store in their brains, the more automatic the use of these elements will be.

4. Speaking Activities

To determine what speaking activities will be applied, the

teacher must consider several aspects. Harmer as quoted in

Achmad says, good speaking activities can and should be done very motivating. He also added that good speaking activities can

32Jaya, A., & Marleni, A. V. M, “Improving the Students’speaking Achievement Through Detailing Technique, (Bandar Lampung, Indonesia16 November 2019), p. 225.

33Khunaivi, H., & Hartono, R, “Teacher’s and Student’s Perceptions of Corrective Feedback in Teaching Speaking”. English Education Journal, Vol.5, N 2, 2015, p. 125.

and should be very interesting for students.34 Furthermore, Harmer gives some suggestions about activities in the speaking class, namely: information gap activities, storytelling, favorite objects, meetings and greetings, surveys, famous people, student presentations, balloon debate, and Moral dilemmas. By doing these activities with high attention, it is hoped that students can improve their speaking skills.35

5. Teacher's Role in Teaching Speaking

In each class, the teacher has a different role in the teaching process, including in teaching speaking. According to Harmer, three things are relevant to making students speak fluently;

prompter, participant, and giver of feedback.36

As a prompter, the teacher helps students to solve their difficulties in speaking by giving advice or guidance. Because in speaking classes especially EFL/ESL classes, it's very common

34Wahyudi, A., & Arina Rohmatika, S. S, “English Teaching Speaking Strategies Applied By Teachers At Gama English Course In Academic Year 2018/2019, (Doctoral dissertation, IAIN Surakarta, 2019), p. 20

35Saputri, H, and Erlina, “The Effectiveness of Using Oral Presentation Technique on Students'speaking Skill at First Grade on Junior High School in Mts Al Ma'arif Tulungagung in Academic Years 2016/2017, (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Islam Negeri" Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin" Banten, 2017), p. 27

36JufriI, F. “The Implementation of Impromptu Speech in Teaching Students Speaking Skill, a case study at the Eleven Grade Students‟ of Islamic Senior High School 3 Pandeglang in 2016/2017 Academic Years, (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Islam Negeri" Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin" Banten, 2017), p. 25

that students can't say anything because they don't know what to say next or how to pronounce certain words well. Playing as a prompter, and without interrupting the discussion, l stops the frustration some students feel when they hit a dead-end in language or ideas. It should be noted, that the teacher should not be too insistent because the teacher will take the risk of taking the initiative from the students. On the other hand, if the teacher is too retired, he may not give the right amount of encouragement.

A ccording to purwaningrum & yusuf digital authentic materials can improve the learning process and student achievemen such as internet-based contextual teaching materials.37As a participant, it means that the teacher participates in student activities such as participating in discussions. When things go well, students enjoy having the teacher with them, and for teachers, participating is often more enjoyable than acting as a resource. However, it will be dangerous if students are easy to dominate and precede. The last role is the teacher as a feedback provider. In giving feedback, especially in speaking assignments, the teacher must know when

37Khusniyah, Nurul Lailatul. "The Effect of Literary Reading Program in Online Learning on Students’ Reading Ability." AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan 14.4 (2022):

6925-6932. p. 2926

and how to give it. When students are in the middle of a speaking assignment, excessive correction can hinder them and deprive them of communication from the activity. However, helpful and gentle correction can keep students out of difficult misunderstandings and doubts. And when students have completed an activity, we must allow them to assess what they have done and tell them what we think went well.

6. Hypo thesis

Based on the theory above, the researcher concludes the hypothesis appears in this research could be formulated as follow:

a. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): using Oral Presentation can be improving students‟ speaking ability at the second-grade students MTs Sullamul Ma‟ad Al-Ma‟arif in the academic year 2021/2022.

b. Null Hypothesis (Ho): using Oral Presentation cannot imptove for teaching-learning speaking ability at the second- grade students MTs Sullamul Ma‟ad Al-Ma‟arif in the academic year 2021/2022.


RESEARCH METHOD A. Setting of Research

The present research will take place at the MTs Sullamul Ma‟ad Al-Ma‟arif Central Lombok in the academic year 2022/2023.

The reason the researcher take location for doing research was that researcher was an alumnus of this institution and this school is near to the researcher‟s village. This school is located in Karang Puntik, Penujak village, west Praya where this village is one of the pottery tours in West Tenggara Province and is very close to the International Airport.

B. Object of Research

The researcher only focuses on how to apply the Oral Presentation Technique and how the oral presentation technique can improve students‟ speaking ability through the oral presentation technique at second-grade students, especially in class A of MTs Sullamul Ma‟ad Al-Ma‟arif. Where the student population was 35 students consisting of 15 male and 20 female students.

C. Design of Research

In this study, the researcher used the form of classroom action research. According to Arikunto, action research is a form of self- reflection inquiry undertaken by participant in social situation in order to improverationally and justice their own social or educated practices as well as their understanding of this practices and the situation in which these practiced are accurate2.38 According to Wilkinson and Birmingam, Classroom research is part of a broad movement that has been going on in education generally for some time. It is related to the ideas of „reflective practice‟ and „the teacher as researcher‟. Action research involves taking a self- reflective, critical, and systematic approach to explore your own teaching contexts. In action research, a teacher becomes an

investigator or explorer of his or her

38Arikunto S. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2006), p. 94

personal teaching context, while at the same time being one of the participants in it. It means that one of the main aims of action research is to identify problematic situation or issue that the participants who may include teachers, students, managers, or even parents consider worth looking into more deeply and systematically.39

Another expert corroborates the definition of classroom action researchaccording to kemmis, (in Hopkins), Classroom research is a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social (including educational) situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own social or educational practices and their understanding of their practice, the situation in which the practices are carried out. It is most rationally impowering when undertaken by participants collaboratively, though it is often undertaken by individuals, and sometimes in cooperation with outsiders. Another expert corroborates the definition of classroom action research according to kemmis, (in Hopkins), Classroom research is a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social

39 Wilkinson, D & Birmingham “Using Research Instrument: A Guide for Researchers.Francis, Taylor & Francis” p. 2003.

(including educational) situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own social or educational practices and their understanding of their practice, the situation in which the practices are carried out.

It is most rationally impowering when undertaken by participants collaboratively, though it is often undertaken by individuals, and sometimes in cooperation with outsidersThe researcher conducts the research in two cycles. Classroom action research involves four steps those are; planning, action, observation, and reflection. Classroom action research is a study of learning activities in the form of an action, which deliberately rose, and occurs in a class together.40Therefore, it means that classroom action research is research conducted in the classroom. There are some models provided for action research design, including Kurt Lewin, Kemmis Mc Taggart, Jhon Ellit, Hopkins, MC Kernans, and Dave Ebbut Model. This study adopted Kemmis Mc Taggart Model due to the model is flexible and educate researcher to be more creative as to teaching strategy. Based on the type of researcher have choose action research and this research chose model Kemmis Mc Taggart

40Arikunto. (2012:3)

Model.Kemmis Mc Taggart Model is an advancement model of Kurt model. Kemmis Mc Targgart Model has same components as Kurt Model, namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. But, one causes it different is that Kemmis Mc Taggart Model integrates action and observation steps into one phase. This model does not have any cycle boundaries because it depends on the outcome. It indicates that researcher has chance to operate second, third or more cycles if the outcome does not show great achievement.

Meanwhile, the researcher uses classroom Action Research because the research wants to know the improvement and the significant influence of using oral presentation to improve students‟

speaking ability. This research uses Kemmis and Mc Taggart in the Arikunto model as the design of research. There is an action research model that the researcher uses as follows (Kammis and Mc Taggart).41

41 Miraya Likhulaila Nasution, “Implementation, p. 39

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