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G. Definition of Key Terms

6. Reading Habits

Habit is identical to the inherent nature of each individual. Natawijaya and Moein (1993:16) say that the custom/habit is the way or acts of a person. The way relatively fixed, same, and automatic. An attitude or activity that is both physically and mentally ingrained or entrenched in a person called habits (Tampubolon, 1993:41). Habits are generally formed in a long time and are influenced by interest and motivation. Without the interest and motivation, habit will not grow and thrive.

Witherington (in Djaali, 2000:128) says that the habit as a way acquired through learning over and over again that eventually became settled and it is automatic.

Habits can be formed in two ways, namely (1) conducted by the repetition of an activity in the same way, and (2) is done in a planned and deliberate (Iskandarwassid and Suhendar, 2008, 116). Both methods show that the individual intentionally, acts through specific ways to form a kind of tang is automatic speech patterns. This is reinforced by Setiawan (2011) who says that all who have formed the habit, good or bad, it will directly stored perfectly in the subconscious mind.

Everything is stored as patterns in a particular folder. Further Iskandarwassid and Sunendar (2008) adds a habit not an innate factor, but more influenced by external factors, including the reading habits. Factors that may affect the reading habits, the cultural factor, the quality of learning, the predilection of speaking, the presence of the interesting electronic media, and the availability of books as needed.

Basically reading is an activity and be subject to the terms of a person's success, not only in school, but also in all areas of life. Without having a good reading ability, the opportunity to meet the needs of self will disappear and success in the work will be reduced. In connection with it, Kartosedono (1998:109) argues that reading is a decisive element in the effort of increasing knowledge and education.

Thus, it is important to cultivate the habit of reading in students in order to improve the quality of their knowledge.

Gray and Rogers (in Mudjito, 1994:62) states that by the habits of reading one can (1) spare time, (2) know the actual things that happen in their environment, (3) satisfy the individual concerned, and (4) meet the practical demands everyday life, (5) Increased interest in something more, (6) Improve the development of ourselves, (7) Satisfy the intellectual demands, and (8) Satisfy the spiritual demands. Another expert, Krisch and Guthrie (in Diem., 2000) suggests that reading is an important aspect in the work and career development, especially in the face of various challenges as a result of the advances and technology. Furthermore, they also say that reading is an element that had an impact in the life beyond school education.

Furthermore, students with high reading habits had much pay attention on the teacher and all the activities in the class. They tended to be active in class than low reading habits. As stated by Tarigan (2008) high reading habits made the students can share their ideas and background knowledge with their friends in group. By reading habits, it can broaden the mind , make your ideas overflow, make the brain and mind active, stimulate the formation of new information in the system of memory ready to be remember at any time, enrich vocabulary, sentence choices, and manner of presentation that can be used in writing , and make someone able to analyze the text.

In addition, Diem (2007) states that high reading habits can help someone to improve his/her understanding of the development, writing organization, the choice of words, spelling, and grammar. Tampubolon states that (1993) the reading habits and writing

are closely interrelated with each other, because reading is the foundation of writing skills.

Various studies conducted by experts, shows that the habit of reading had an impact on achievement and competence in using language. Kirsch and Guthrie (in Gallik, 1999) says that there is a meaningful relationship between the acquisition of a cumulative grade point (GPA) and the amount of time students to read during the holidays. Then, Krashen (1993:15) asserts that reading skills is important in one's life.

Reading in his spare time as a means of entertainment it can help improve understanding of the development, writing style, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar.

Other researchers also showed about the same thing. Diem (2007:47) has also examined the reading habits and ability to speak English high school teacher as South Sumatra Province. He stated that there is a positive relationship between the habit of reading and language skills (language proficiency).

Ary, et al. (1982:99) explains that the facilities are available within cultivate the habit of reading can be empowered through various ways such as to capitalize upon sources of information, whether originating from inside even though from abroad. Things like this have been done by people in the United States in using Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). Currently, the search for the sources of information can be done via computer, internet and others.

According to Suroso (2007) that the reading habits do not appear suddenly.

However, the habit should be conditioned. Parents who have the habit of reading is a

growing interest in reading patron of children, than parents are able to provide readings that stimulate the will to read them.

Suroso further stated (2007) that the habits of reading must be done to proceed. Elementary students look for books that are easy to read, but can stimulate them to ask. High school students who are accustomed to reading books that fosters creativity informative experiment. In other words, the habit of reading will grow if the information presented books spur more readers to know.

Tampubolon (1993) describes the best place to develop interests and reading habits are at home and start early. Parent has particularly large role in developing a child's reading habits. There are five businesses do parents in developing interests and reading habits, namely, 1. Encourage children's language development, 2. Be exemplary in reading, 3. Read or tell stories to children, 4. Playing with reading and writing, 5. Use environmental facilities, such as bookstores, libraries, post offices, television, plaza, supermarkets, and others.

The explanation can be concluded that the reading habit is one's attitude in reading obtained through repetitive learning that ultimately entrenched, settled, and is automatic in a person who is affected by various factors. Parents and the neighborhood have a very large role in developing the habit of reading a person. The right time in order to develop the habit of reading is to start from an early age and started from the immediate environment that is family.

Rosidi (1983) states that the habit of reading is an activity that must be planted, cultivated, and nurtured because it will not grow automatically. In addition to learning that can motivate them, should be available cutting-edge themes of literature, whether related to their field of study as well as other fields of study to improve reading habits among students.

Further Rosidi (1983) says that the habit of reading is stable if the reading activity more directly by using an effective and efficient manner. Furthermore, to measure a person's reading habits can be done by looking at (1) intensity: the amount of time that the reader spent to read. The intensity of a person's time that is spent in reading may indicate the person has a high interest in reading or not, someone who took time to read each day can be indicated that he was highly motivated to learn to add insight and knowledge, while the intensity of someone who has not read the stable tends to lack the motivation to read. Read more demands on a person's consciousness to learn, if someone has awareness in reading of course he/she has commitment to spend his time. While someone who has less intensity and weak commitment , it indicates that there is still a necessity and encouragement from outside to read.

(2) Time: related to the time when we have time to read. Before we find time to read, we have to think that reading is really important and needed. So, whenever and wherever we read, we can feel reading is a must for us. People who like to read will choose to read books in their spare time. (3) Reading materials: in choosing

reading material, the reader should know kinds of books that will give benefit for the reader. Good book, can add the reader‟s insight. Reading materials is not only from book. We can get many kinds of reading material in news paper, magazine, internet, article, etc. (4) Attitude : the love (happiness) to the reading material. (5) Motivation:

the reason why someone read (external and internal). Internal factor means the things that affect children from the students themselves, include: IQ, interest, etc. external factor means the things that affect the students outside themselves, like environment, teacher, parents, background of their economic, etc. The role of the parents is more dominant in shaping the reading habits of children. How could a child have the high reading habit while his parents never gave an example and steer their children to read.

Because a child will be more interested and motivated to do something if it is accompanied by the provision of examples, not just theory or tell it. When a child enters school, then the teacher has a role in developing the love of reading which then can improve students' reading habits. Thus, parents and teachers have a very important role in shaping and improving children's reading habits. (6) Reading techniques: the techniques/strategy that is used by someone before, whilst, and after reading. Usually, a person has a goal before reading something. Before reading the contents of the book, usually one sees first a table of the contents of the book. This is done because by reading the table of contents of the book, we will know the contents of the book, whether in accordance with the topics we are looking for or not. While reading the book, sometimes they do skimming or scanning. They just read the subtopic that related to the topic that they are looking for. Usually, after reading the

books, he/she draws the conclusion and transfers it into written form. Therefore, the habit of reading assessment indicator used in this study refers to the opinions expressed Rosidi. For more details, the indicators of reading habits can be seen in the following table:

Table 5:

The Indicator of Reading Habit No. Indicator

1 2 3 4 5 6

Intensity Time

Kinds of reading Attitude


Reading techniques