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The second researcher who has done the research about collaborative writing is Herawati (2009). This research studied about The Use of Collaborative Writing in Improving Students‟ Recount Writing Competence. The participants of the study were XI A at one Madrasah Aliyah in Bandung. In order to gain the valid data the study employed triangulation of data collection method in terms of students‟ texts, classroom observation, and interview. The data were analyzed qualitatively with the help of quantitative methods in terms of counting the frequency and percentage.

First data from students‟ texts were analyzed qualitatively to identify in terms of frequency and percentage to identify the tendency of linguistic occurrences. Second, data from classroom observation and interview were analyzed qualitatively. Next, data from observation were summarized and classified, and data from interview were transcribed and classified according to the research question. Finally data from three sources were synthesized to answer the research question. It was found that with the collaborative writing there was improvement in the students‟ Recount writing in terms of mechanic, schematic structure, grammar, and vocabulary. Additionally, the students were able to create a Recount text with the appropriate schematic structure and linguistic features. Data from classroom observation showed that the students‟

improved their attitude in writing activities from the first meeting to the seven one.

This was supported by the students‟ statement from individual interview that collaborative writing can improve the quality of their writing. The students also gave good responses to the technique.

Then Lestari (2010) did the research about the Development of Skills through Collaborative Activities. This study aims to describe the processes of collaborative writing that applied in the classroom, analyze the developments of students‟ writing skills through collaborative writing and find out the students‟ opinions and expectations on collaborative writing. In this study the researcher used a qualitative research method. The paradigm of this research is naturalistic qualitative, in term of showing that the activity of this research was done naturally, the way it was, in normal situation that could not be manipulated, and emphasized to the natural description. The data were collected from a long term six months observation. It has 13 meetings and each meeting spent 90 minutes, interview with the three students and one lecturer as the purposive sampling, questionnaire administered to 30 students and students‟ text analysis using qualitative methods. The study finds that there are three stages of collaborative writing processes applied in the class room; 1). Pre-writing stage (read written text, small group discussion and class discussion), 2). Drafting, Revision and Editing stages, (first drafting, proofreading and editing), and 3). Sharing with a wider audience. Besides that this study also finds that the writing skills developments through collaborative activities are page numbering, recognizing the minor and major mistakes on the grammar, titling, paragraphing, and using the punctuation like comma, apostrophes, full stop, exclamation, and question mark and also good words choices. It is also found out that after the students read a controversial article about smack down programs influence the children attitudes, they take a stand for or against that article. The students are able to make an

argumentative writing by expressing their opinions by arousing the statement or comment to show their argument and able to organize their writing into a good argumentative writing. As analyzed in the interviews and questionnaires with the students, they assert the opinions about collaborative technique that applied in the classroom are in many ways and effective to do the correction on grammar and mechanic of writing using their strengthens rather than weaknesses. It helped to develop the students‟ writing skills and increasing the cooperation. The students‟

expectations from the lecturer related to the collaborative writing is beside to get an A; they would be more interested in writing and have good writing skills. One of the efforts is inviting the expert writers so they would share his/her knowledge. It is recommended that writing lecturers give the students a practical guidance for collaborating, reading, and correcting their peers‟ writing so the students will know what to do in correcting others‟ writing.

The other expert who has done a research about Collaborative Writing is Abdillah (2011). This research aims at describing the implementation of teaching writing using collaborative writing in improving students‟ writing skill at the second grade of SMA N 1 Andong Boyolali in 2010/2011 academic year, describing the improvement of students‟ writing skill and describing the students‟ responses on the implementation of students‟ writing skill using collaborative writing at the second grade of SMA N 1 Andong Boyolali in 2010/2011 academic year. The methods of collecting data are observation, test, interview, and documentation. To analyze the

data the researcher compared the results of pre-test and post-tests as descriptive comparative and critic analysis technique. The results of the research show that: 1) collaborative writing is effective in improving students‟ writing skill. 2) The students‟

scores of post-tests are significant higher than pre-test scores. It can be seen from the average score that improve 42.98. The mean score of pre test is 36.32 and the mean score of post-test is 79.30. 3) The students are interested in learning writing using collaborative writing. Finally, the researcher concludes that collaborative writing technique can improve the students‟ writing skill for the second grade of SMA N 1 Andong Boyolali.

Dealing with all of related finding above, this research has the similarity especially about the technique used namely collaborative writing. From those researches, collaborative writing can improve students‟ writing ability. It can be seen from the students‟ score. The participant of the previous researches are students of MAN Wlingi, Madrasah Aliyah Bandung, SMA N 2 Bandung and SMA N 1 Andong Boyolali. Meanwhile, the participant of this research is the third grade students of MTsN Kamang. Because of that, the researcher wants to see the effect of using Collaborative Writing in students‟ writing of recount text in MTsN Kamang.