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B. Review of Related Theories 14

4. Types of Code Switching 17

There are three types of code switching according to Hoffmann (1991:112), which are as follows:

a. Intra-sentential Switching

According to Hoffmann (1991:112) the type of code switching that occurs inside of the sentences is called intra-sentential code switching. The switches can be a single word, phrase, or clause.

Hoffmann (1991:104) also stated that switches occuring at the lexical level within a sentence (intra-sentential switches) are also referred to as ‘code mixes’ or code mixing. Here is the example quoted from Anggraeni & Dewi (2020:136):

‘Udaranya juga enak ya, Udaranya is good’ (the air is good too, the air is good).

b. Inter-sentential Switching

Inter-sentential switching was the type of code switching which occured between sentences. Hoffmann (1991:112) stated that the switch occurs between sentences is called inter-sentential switches.

First, the speaker makes a speech in one language and then switch to another language. The topic of conversation can be changed with a pause made by one of the speakers. Here is the example taken from Calsamiglia and Tuson in Hoffmann (1991:111):

An English-German-Spanish trilingual:

Mother: ‘Na, wie war’s beim Fußball? (‘How was the football’?) Pascual: ‘Wir haben gewonnen. Unsure Seite war ganz toll. Ich war der (‘We won. Our team was briliant. I was...’) goalie. I stopped eight goals. They were real hard ones. (and turning towards the pan one the cooker he continued) ‘Was gibt’s zu essen?’ (What are we eating today?’)

c. Emblematic Switching

Emblematic switching could also be called exclamations. It was a type of code switching where the language switch is located at the beginning or end of the sentence. Here is the example of emblematic switching quoted from Siva-Corvalan in Hoffmann (1991:112):

An adult Spanish-Catalan-English multilingual:

‘....Oh! Ay! It was embarassing! It was very nice though, but I was embarrassed!’

5. Reasons for Code Switching

According to Hoffman (1991:13), there are a few reasons code switching occured, which are as follows:

a. Talking about Particular Topic

Sometimes people felt more comfortable talking about particular topic in another language they mastered. According to Hoffman (1991:13) talking about particular topic could make people switch languages, either the speaker’s statement in another language represent personal opinion, information, action or what they feel.

The speaker could also switch because of the lack of vocabulary in their first language.

b. Quoting Somebody Else

People were used to quote somebody else’s statement. The statements could be from various famous figures in both orally or written form. The quotations can be formed in words, phrases, or sentences. For example:

Teacher: “Apa kutipan yang kamu suka?” (“What is your favorite quotes?”)

Student: “Kutipan kesukaanku adalah ‘Better late than never’ by Geoffrey Chaucer” (“My favorite quote is ‘Better late than never’ by Geoffrey Chaucer”).

c. Being Emphatic about Something

One of the reasons code switching occured because of the speaker was being emphatic about something. Sometimes, people wanted to be emphatic about something using another language.

Here is the example quoted from Ibid in Hoffmann (1991:112) A Spanish-Catalan bilingual:

‘Hay cuatro sillas rotas y’ (There are four broken chairs and’) prou!

(‘that’s enough!’) d. Interjection

People who have an ability use two or more different languages in communicating usually use interjection in another language in their speech. It may happen unintentionally or intentionally.

Here’s the example:

‘....Oh! Tidak! It was embarassing! It was very nice though, but I was embarrassed!’

e. Repetition Used for Clarification

When bilinguals wanted to clarify their speech so that it can be understood by the listeners, they usually repeat their utterance which is said in their first language and repeat it in different one.

f. Express Group Identity

In bilingual society, sometimes people have to switch their first language to another one in order to be accepted by a particular group of people.

g. Clarifying the Speech Content for Interlocutor

When bilingual having a conversation to another bilingual, there would be a lot of code switching occured, not only in a single word, phrase, or sentence, but also at a phonological level. Here is the example quoted from Hoffmann (1991:112):

Cristina: (introducing her younger brother to a new friend of hers)

‘This is Pascal [paskwal]

Friend: ‘What’s his name? (she didn’t catch it) Christina: ‘Pascual!’ [pəskwæl]

Friend: ‘Oh...’

Based on the example, the first speaker chanes Pascal into Spanish pronuncation. The vowel sounds from [a] to ‘schwa’ or [ə] and also [a] into [æ].

Based on the explanation above about code switching, the types and the reasons of using code switching, it could be concluded that code switching is the process of exchanging two or more languages in a single utterance during the conversations. According to Hoffmann (1991:112) there were three types of code switching; they are Intra-sentential switching, where the switches occured within sentences or inside of the sentence and this type has the same concept with code mixing, inter- sentential switching was the switch occured between sentences and emblematic switching or could also be called exlamations, the language switch was located at the beginning or end of the sentence.

There were also a few reasons why people switch codes; talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, repetition used for clarification, interjection, express group identity, clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor. Therefore, The Hoffmann’s theory about the types of code switching and reasons for code switching would be used in this study in order to answer the problems of this study: the types and reasons of code switching used by selected professions’ utterances in talk shows.


This chapter presented the methodology used in this research. The writer used certain methodology to conduct this study, and this chapter provided the type of the research, the source of the data, the method of collecting data and the method of analyzing the data.

A. Type of the Research

The type of this research was descriptive qualitative research. The data analyzed descriptively. Descriptive qualitative research was the research used the method of collecting, classifying, describing, analysing the data and drawing a conclusion.

B. Sources of Data

There are two types of data namely primary and secondary data that were needed to do this research:

1. The Primary Data

Primary data was the main data collected by the writers directly. The primary data of this research were utterances contained code switching spoken by selected professions in selected talk show videos downloaded from YouTube.com. The writer selected 3 talk shows as the primary data.

The first talk show was Sharing Handry; “Curiosity Maudy Ayunda From Leader to Leaders”, the duration of the video was 16 minutes and 55 seconds and the video posted on March 24th, 2020. The second talk show

was Mata Najwa; “Soal Korupsi Lobster, Susi: Saya Tidak Kaget (Part 7)”, the duration of the part 7 video was 12 minutes and 29 seconds and the videos posted on December 23rd, 2020. The third talk show was Putri Tanjung; “Talks With Gaery Undarsa Co-Founder and CMO tiket.com – part 1”, the duration of the video was 11 minutes and 11 seconds and the video posted on November 26th, 2018.

2. The Secondary Data

According to Serra (2018:1-4) Secondary data is the data that was not gathered by the writer itself, but the analysis of data collected by the previous writers. Secondary data may include data that has been collected previously and was under consideration to be reused as a reference. The secondary data of this research were books, journals, various sources from internet that are related to the code switching and the research objectives.

C. Method of Collecting Data

This research used the data taken from selected talk show videos on YouTube. There were a few steps the writer did in collecting the data as follows:

1. Downloading the selected talk shows on YouTube

The first step was downloading the selected talk show videos on YouTube.

2. Transcribing the selected talk show videos

The second step was transcribing the selected talk show videos that have been downloaded.

3. Collecting the utterances that contain code switching

The third step was collecting the selected professions’ utterances that contained code switching by highlighting the utterances using text highlighting color.

4. Underlying the English words or sentences

The fourth step was underlying the English words or sentences in order to make the writer easier to analyze the sentences.

5. Processing the data

The fifth step was processing the data. After collecting the selected professions’ utterances that contain code switching, the writer divided the data into table, the table was for the types of code switching. Then, the writer analyzed the data based on Hoffmann’s theory.

6. Drawing a Conclusion

The last step was drawing a conlusion. After processing the collected data, the writer would draw a conclusion based on the results.

D. Method of Analyzing Data

This part presented the method of analyzing the data. Firstly, the collected data were classified into three types of code switching: intra- sentential switching, inter-sentential switching, emblematic switching and then the writer would analyze the types based on Charlotte Hoffmann’s theory. Secondly, the writer would explain the reasons of the selected professions using code switching in their utterances by looking at the context of the conversation in the talk shows and using Hoffmann’s theory to analyze

the reasons. Then, after analyzing the data, the writer would summarize the analysis of the types and the reasons of code switching spoken by selected professions in talk shows based on Charlotte Hoffmann’s theory.



This part presented the finding data and the discussion of types of code switching and reasons of using code switching in the selected professions’

utterances in talk shows.

A. Findings

This part presented the types of code switching used by the selected professions; Susi Pudjiastuti, Maudy Ayunda, Dr. Handry Satriago and Gaery Undarsa in selected talk show videos and the reasons of using code switching in their utterances. The writer found there were 3 types of code switching used by those selected professions, they were intrasentential, intersentential and emblematic switching. There were also a few reasons found why those selected professions using code switching in their utterances. They were talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else’s statements, being emphatic about something, interjection, and repetition used for clarification as followed:

1. Types of Code Switching

There were three types of code switching used by the selected professions in talk shows, they were intrasentential, intersentential and emblematic switching.

a. Intra-sentential Switching

According to Hoffmann (1991:112) the type of code switching that occured inside of the sentences was called intra-sentential code

switching. The elements from two or more different languages were mixed. The switches could be a single word, phrase, or clause. This type has the same concept with code mixing. The following table showed the data finding of intrasentential switching:

Table 1. Intrasentential Switching

No Speaker Utterances Minutes

1 Susi Pudjiastuti

Datum 1: “Saya no comment saja, Najwa. Itu proses hukum biar saja berlaku tapi saya ya kaget tidak. You remember? dulu saya ditawari 5 triliyun saya tidak mau.”


2 Susi Pudjiastuti

Datum 2 : “Oh enggak. General, illegal fishing, kapal asing dan lain sebagainya.”


3 Susi Pudjiastuti

Datum 3: “Iya it’s hmm no comment, Najwa. So hopefully semua diberesken jadi benar.”


4 Susi Pudjiastuti

Datum 4: “Tidak. Ya itu.. it’s it’s it’s there. The game is always there.”

4:00 5 Susi


Datum 5: “Sometimes ya, tapi saya berpikir lagi ya I’ve tried my best, I cried sometimes, that’s it. I cannot do anything. The people insisting. The people who has power, who in charge is insisted, I cannot do anything. I see it now how the public policy is, it can be just anything when you have power and that’s sad but inside of me I’m still a believer for nature.. for nature power and it’s resilient, jadi kalau kita bilang ah..ya one day the nature will give you back.”


6 Susi Pudjiastuti

Datum 6: “You mesti omong itu sama pak presiden. You wawancara pak presiden..”


7 Susi Datum 7: “Sosok yang tepat ya yang 6:25

Pudjiastuti menghargai bahwa nature resources itu adalah yang renewable harus dijaga, harus mengerti itu keseimbangan antara bisnis dan.. dan keberlanjutan. Kita kan commit kepada SDG dan segala macemnya. Green economy, Pak presiden sudah bicara green economy, saya berharap laut dianggap tidak biru tapi green supaya dijaga.”

8 Susi Pudjiastuti

Datum 8: “Najwa, 1 juta orang tidak bisa membuat seorang.. seorang, 1 juta netizen, 10 juta netizen is nothing to the prerogative president punya right.

So no comment. I appreciate, saya appreciate netizen, so thank you if they see my work, thank you very much but don’t expect that, It’s imposibble.”


9 Susi Pudjiastuti

Datum 9: “Iya, saya cinta laut, Najwa.

Saya.. laut is my life, my energy, my my freedom, my passion, everything is ocean.”


10 Susi Pudjiastuti

Datum 10: “Ya saya berharap pandemic ini bisa ditangani dengan lebih bijak dan lebih realistis saya berharap masyarakat juga lebih bisa mengantisipasi persoalan-persoalan yang akan timbul dari pandemic ini.

Saya berharap pemerintah membantu masyarakat memastiken bahwa itu tertangani dengan serius, bijaksana dan baik. Nah kemudian ya kita meningkatken konsolidasi kekuatan power domestik, produksi,perdagangan jadi manfaatken kelambangan logistik global untuk memperkuat produksi dalam negeri. Jadi kita semua berbisnis sendiri sajalah gitu, domestic power.

Jadi ya harus bisa dimanfaatken untuk


supaya kita kuat. Pandemic selesai, Indonesia tidak apa.. tidak collapse gitu..”

11 Maudy Ayunda

Datum 11: “We’ve met udah beberapa kali ya?”

0:36 12 Maudy


Datum 12: “No. I’m not. No. I’m just curious, bang.”

1:01 13 Maudy


Datum 13:..Aku ingat banget di essai aku apply apa ya S1. Aku ngomongin tentang curiousity aku gitu. Rasa ingin tahu aku. Hmm paling itu aja sih, jadi kalau aku ditanya “How..how did you get here?” I just ... I read a lot, I tried a lot of things gitu. Makanya mungkin aku bisa tiba-tiba kok nyasar ke dunia hiburan, dunia kreatif itu kan juga a little bit different from the academic route gitu. Itu justru kwerena aku waktu di sekolah gak bisa diem, jadi ikut teater, ikut musikal dan itupun kalau ditanya “were you a natural entertainer?” enggak juga kwerena aku tuh dulu pemalu, yang pede banget tuh adek aku, dia dia tuh kekeh banget harus naik ke atas stage nyanyi gitu.

Aku tuh bisa nangis kalau disuruh nyanyi, disuruh perform. Saking insecure-nya.”


14 Maudy Ayunda

Datum 14: “Lucu banget. Nah I’m ..

I’m not like that, so they’re natural entertainers anak-anaknya bang Handry kan..”


15 Maudy Ayunda

Datum 15: “Korbannya banyak, korbannya banyak. Em.. ya itu tadi sih, jadi kayak misalnya waktu awal-awal itu nyobain semua hal. Jadi ikut teater, choir, sampai sempat belajar kayak flute, sempat belajar gitar, sempat belajar piano pokoknya aku juga enggak ngerti sih kalau dipikir-pikir.


Terus kayak hm suka ikut olahraga juga, terus hmm apa.. juga suka banget sekolah gitu, I don’t know how else to explain it but like I’m really enjoying the time that I have kalau misalnya malah aku struggling to learn something gitu. Kayak aku tuh dan aku sekarang kalau aku lagi ngerasa terlalu nyaman kayak I’m not really learning anything. Biasanya aku cari.. aku cari- cari kwerena kayak jadi kalau ditanya hm lo tuh pintar enggak sih? aku pasti jawabnya enggak, justru gue enggak pernah ngerasa pinter. Makanya gue selalu ingin mencari kesempatan untuk belajar terus gitu loh, because If I feel like I’m smart then you know, I don’t have to do anything anymore because ya udah gitu...”

16 Maudy Ayunda

Datum 16: “Bang Handry itu curious enggak sih?...”


17 Maudy Ayunda

Datum 17: “Has written about it, kan?”

18 Maudy Ayunda

Datum 18: “Iya sih aku suka ngeyeleneh gitu dan kadang-kadang you know the quote yang kayak “the more choices you have, the less happy you were gitu. Maksudnya kayak kita tuh sekarang tuh mudah banget overwhelmed by choices gitu kayaknya aku sekarang udah mulai agak kayak gitu sih. Kwerena kayak hmm mungkin udah terlalu melebar, dimana aku udah perlu supaya supaya gak galau dan lebih clear dan lebih fokus, I feel like ternyata ini aku udah ngerasa mulai pressure untuk lebih memilih juga sih.”


19 Maudy Ayunda

Datum 19: “Yes yes. because menurut aku curiosity itu yang curiousity drives us to keep doing what we do, right? Maksudnya itu organic desire to know and to find out and that will always beat anyone yang maybe super super intelligent cuman dari dirinya that’s not to drive to find out about a certain thing di bidang itu atau apapun itu gitu. Jadi kayak menurut aku number one thing tetap itu sih curiousity


20 Maudy Ayunda

Datum 20: “I think it’s just my childhood, something in my childhood membuat habit dimana sampai sekarang tuh jadi seperti itu. Mungkin, ini teori hm atau maybe it’s just something inside me. Jadi dari dulu itu aku cepet banget bisa baca gitu kebetulan, jadi 3 tahun tuh udah bisa baca buku habis itu gak berhenti, habis itu malah agak antisocial. Sering dimarahin mama gituloh di rumah.”


21 Maudy Ayunda

Datum 21: “Really? Terus gimana, cerita dong.”

10:59 22 Maudy


Datum 22: “So hm kayaknya semenjak itu. it’s almost like once you see the world through books ya maksudnya or whatever it is, you cannot unsee it and you cannot not want to know more hampir kayak gitu tuh.”


23 Maudy Ayunda

Datum 23: “Iya, itu udah semakin macem-macem lagi kayak hmm kita juga udah bisa nge-search video in like a second and like there’s so much information gitu.”


24 Maudy Ayunda

Datum 24: “Yes. Oh that’s hmm dan mungkin aku bisa cerita soal mamaku juga sih, kayak mama papa ya hm mungkin mama specifically gitu,


mamaku tuh orangnya suka banget ngobrol gitu, she’s a.. she’s a cari cari- cari woman. Jadi dari kecil, anak-anak tuh diajak ngobrol banget. Jadi kayak hm misalnya kak itu di luar ada pengemis misalnya, kasian ya gini gini gini, menurut kamu.. Jadi kayak semua hal tuh ditelaah tapi dari waktu aku kecil gitu dan even hal, dan ini mama paling enggak suka kalau aku cerita tentang hal ini tapi kalau ada kumpul- kumpul di rumah, kita selalu brainstorming kayak kita.. kita hari ini ada berapa orang nih dateng, kita mau berapa, kita mau masak apa aja, kenapa harus ini dan bukan ini. Jadi kayak hal sesimpel makanan aja tuh ceritanya panjang, jadi kayak hmm jadinya kita juga terbiasa untuk ingin tahu, dan peduli dan akhirnya kayak memiliki kepuasan dari apa ya proses brainstroming dan akhirnya membuat decision yang akhirnya sukses gitu loh.”

25 Maudy Ayunda

Datum 25: “Raise a child dan apa.. ” 13:55

26 Dr.

Handry Satriago

Datum 26: “Yeah I think we met a few times, but you know, thank you, thank you very much hm untuk Datumng dan.. dan I think it will be a very good discussion kalau kita ngobrolin sesuatu yang mudah- mudahan ada gunanya buat orang lain.”


27 Dr.

Handry Satriago

Datum 27: “I think that’s that’s the ...

itu itu.. that’s that’s the word yang mungkin kita bisa kembangkan karena gini orang kan taunya Maudy, you know, you were successful in everything, you were so talented, you play everything, you sing, you act,


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