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an undergraduate thesis

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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The purpose of this research is to show that self-regulated strategy development can improve the writing ability of the tenth graders in MT's Al Asror Sekampung. The result of the study showed that precise writing strategy increases students' writing ability and also students' learning activities. Considering the result of the above data, it can be concluded that self-regulated strategy development can improve the writing ability of the eighth graders in MTs Al Asror Sekampung.

Praise is due only to Allah SWT, the Lord of the worlds, without whose mercy and blessings none of this would be possible.

Background Of The Study

One of the texts that must be learned by the students of the Junior High School is that the students must be able to understand and create a coherent text based on the social function and generic structure of the text. Based on the data of pre-survey at MTs Al AsrorSekampung, especially at grade eight, the student's writing ability is still low, the students struggle to improve their writing ability, the students have less self-regulation, some students did not respond by following the English . lesson. It is necessary to make the students motivated to write English in the classroom.

The student chose this technique to increase the writing skills of the students as it gives the students the opportunity to develop their own idea.

Problem Identification

This is why the student is interested in using self-regulated strategy development through action study in the classroom.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objective of the Study

Benefits of the Study 1. For Teacher

Based on the above definition, the researcher can conclude that writing is the activity of transferring the information to the other in writing. Alice and Ann explained that academic writing is the kind of writing used in high school and college classes. Personal writing is the kind of writing you do when you write letters or emails to your friends and family.

Academic Writing is a new type of writing course for all international students who need to write exams or courses in English.

Self- Regulated Strategy Development

  • The Concept of Self- Regulated Strategy Development
  • The Characteristics of Self Regulated Strategy Development Characteristics of SRSD InstructionThere are five critical
  • The Procedures of Self Regulated Strategy Development
  • The Function of Self Regulated Strategy Development

From the above statement, it can be concluded that self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) is an integrated learning process, which occurs when individuals (students) try to regulate their learning behavior, motivation and knowledge to achieve optimal results. . in lesson. 25Roohani Ali, Baghbadorani Elham, "Impact of Self-Regulated Strategy Development on Iranian EFL Learners' Persuasive Writing and Self-Efficacy" Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics (IJAL), Vol. Remember that a primary goal of SRSD is to help students develop into self-regulated learners.

Self-regulated strategy development has been used to support students in a variety of academic areas, including reading, spelling, math, and writing.

Action Hypothesis


Setting and Subject of the Study

Therefore, it will be easy for the student to know the students' development in the teaching learning process. The student chooses the eighth grade as subjects of the study based on the suggestion of the teacher because most of the students are very low, especially in writing skill.

Object of The Study

Action Plan

  • Cycle I a. Planning
  • Cycle II a. Planning
  • Observation
  • Documentation
  • Field Note

Planning is the first step in teaching and prepares the student before performing an action. The student explains about the self-regulated strategy development as a strategy used in teaching and learning. In observation, the student must be able to analyze the learning process, the student's activities, the teacher's performance, the material and the result in learning processes.

Based on the observation, the student decides if there is something that the student needs to increase soon so that action achieves the goal of the student's goals.

Data Analysis Technique

Documentation is the method of data collection which is used to know the history of the school, the number of teachers, official employees, student data such as student activities, student outcome and structure in MTs Al-AsrorSekampung. A field note is a note used in the study to record the activities during the learning process. Moreover, to know the achievement of the students after the test, the study will compare between the pre-test and the post-test.

The minimum cycle in self-regulated strategy development is two cycles, if all students are successful from cycle 2; the cycle can stop until cycle 2.

Indicator of Success

  • The Brief of MTs Al-AsrorSekampung
  • The Condition of Teachers and Officials in MTs Al- AsrorSekampung
  • Organization Structure of MTs Al-AsrorSekampung in the Academic Year 2027/2018
  • Total of the Students at MTs Al-AsrorSekampungin Academic Year 2017/2018
  • The List of Students Name Class VIII B Table 8

Description of the Research Result

  • The First Meeting
  • The Second Meeting
  • The Observation of Students’ Activities in Teaching and Learning Process
  • The observation of teacher’s activities in teaching and learning process
  • Cycle II
  • The first meeting
  • The second meeting
  • Observing
  • Reflecting

In addition, the teacher explains the procedures of a descriptive text, then students make a paragraph. During the learning process, the activities carried out by the teacher during the learning process influenced the students. In this step, the author found that Cycle 1 did not go well because most students did not reach the Minimum Mastery Criteria (MMC).

After that, the author gave an example of descriptive text that would be summarized by the students and the teacher together. The result of the students Activity in the teaching and learning process in cycle II. The result of the students' activity in the teaching and learning process in cycle II.

Based on the table and the graph above, it shows that 81% of the students are active in the teaching and learning process. From the table it can be deduced that the students' activity always increased from the first meeting to the second in cycle II using self-regulated strategy development. Based on the result of the first meeting, it can be seen that most of the students had no difficulty in expressing their idea in the sentence, and made a good paragraph.

In the second cycle, the students were also more active in doing the task and the test than before. The percentage of students who write the result in posttest 1 was 38.89%, while in posttest 2 it was.


  • Interpretation the Result of Students’ Writing Score In Cycle I And Cycle II

From the explanation above, it could be concluded that there was an increase in students writing scores from pretest to posttest 1. The result of students who wrote scores in Post Test I and Post Test II No Name Post-Test I. the above explanation could it is concluded that there was an increase in the students' scores from posttest 1 to posttest 2.

The recapitulation of the increase in writing score of the students from pre-test, post-test I, post-test II can be seen in the following table. The result of students writing score in Pre Test Post Test I and Post Test II. The explanation above showed that the students' writing score increased for pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2.

The increase was 2.1 from pretest to posttest 1, and then the increase was 9.72 from posttest 1 to posttest 2. In conclusion, the use of self-regulated strategy development could improve students' writing ability.


  • Interpretation the Result of Students’ and Teacher’s Activity in Cycle I and Cycle II

From the above table, it showed that there was increasing teacher activity from cycle 1 to cycle 2.


The author concluded that there was improvement in students' writing ability using self-regulated strategy development. This means that the result of cycle 2 reaches the indicator that 75% of the students get a score of 60 or more. Self-regulated strategy development made the students more confident to be active in the classroom activity.


Adele Rahmet, Creative Writing: How to Unlock Your Imagination, Develop Your Writing Skills - en gepubliceerd, (Verenigd Koninkrijk: Spring Hill Road), 2007. Ferguson, Careers Skills Library: Communication Skill, 2nd ed., (New York: An Imprint of Facts On File, Inc., 2004). Javed, Juan en Nazli, "A Study of Students' Assessment in Writing Skills of the English Language", International Journal of Instruction Vol.6, No.2, (2013).

Ken Hyland, Writing in a Second Language, (City University of Hong Kong, 2003). Lucy Pollard, Lucy Pollard's Guide to Teaching English, a book to help you through your first two years of teaching, 2008). Reid Robert and Lienemann Ortiz Torri, Strategy instruction for students with learning disabilities, The Guilford Press: New York London, 2006. Roohani Ali, Baghbadorani Elham, "Impact of self-regulated strategy development on the persuasive writing and self-efficacy of Iranian EFL learners" Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics (IJAL), Vol.

Saodler Asaro-Kristie dhe Saddler Bruce, “Planning Instruction and Self-regulation Training: Effects on Writers with Autism Spektrum Disorder”, vëll. Swanson lee.H, Harris Karen dhe Graham Stave, Handbook of Learning Disabilities, The Guilford Press:New York London, 2003.




Mengolah, menalar, dan merepresentasikan bidang ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari apa yang dipelajari secara mandiri di sekolah, serta kemampuan menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.



Using the detailed noun phrase to give information about the topic. a very beautiful appearance, a sweet young lady, very thick fur). Use of 'Material Processes' action verbs (Eats grass, runs fast) - Use of adverbs to give additional information about behavior (quickly, . in the tree house) - Use of figurative language (John is as white as chalk.) .




Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa bertanya tentang perbedaan berbagai teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana tentang orang, benda, dan binatang dalam konteks yang berbeda. Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya tentang kata-kata sulit dalam materi. Siswa membaca contoh teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana tentang orang, benda, dan binatang dari berbagai sumber lain.

Siswa secara singkat dan sederhana mendeskripsikan orang, benda, dan hewan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam simulasi, permainan peran, dan aktivitas terstruktur lainnya. Siswa menyimpulkan hasil analisisnya mengenai fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif tentang orang, benda, dan binatang. Siswa ditugaskan untuk membuat sebuah paragraf pada teks deskriptif sesuai dengan topik masing-masing.

Siswa membaca untuk memahami berbagai informasi dan makna teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana tentang orang, benda, dan hewan. Siswa membaca untuk memahami berbagai informasi dan makna teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana tentang orang, benda, dan binatang dengan lafal dan intonasi yang baik. Tulis teks deskriptif berdasarkan topik "Hewan (Kelinci, Sapi, Kucing, Gajah, dan Kambing)".

Write a descriptive text based on the subject "Fruit (Apple, Orange, Mango, Banana and Papaya)".





Table 4  Data of Teacher
Figure 2  Protector


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