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an undergraduate thesis - IAIN Repository - IAIN Metro

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This shows that there is any positive and significant effect of idea list technique on students' writing ability of descriptive text. This undergraduate thesis is titled "The Effect of Idea List Technique on Students' Writing Ability of Descriptive Text at Grade 8 of MTs Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung".


  • Background of the Study
  • Problem Identification
  • Problem Limitation
  • Problem Formulation
  • The Objective of The Study
  • Benefits of the Study
  • Prior Research

Thus, the researcher must imply the Idea Listing Technique to influence the writing skills of the students. Based on the previous rule, the researcher expects that the Idea Listing Technique can make the students write descriptive text really easily.


The Concept of Writing

  • Definition of Writing
  • Characteristics of Written Text
  • The Types of Writing
  • Paragraph Writing
  • The Measurement of Writing

13-10 Fair to poor: limited range; frequent errors of form, choice, use of word/idiom; meaning confused or obscured. 5 Excellent to very good: demonstrate mastery of conventions, few spelling errors, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphs.

The Concept of Descriptive Text

  • The Concept of Descriptive Textt
  • Kinds of Descriptive Text
  • The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
  • Grammatical Features of Descriptive Text
  • The Example of Descriptive Text

The student must master the generic structure of descriptive text before they write the descriptive text. As mentioned before, the purpose of descriptive text is to describe a particular person, thing or place.

The Concept of Idea Listing Technique

  • The Definition of Idea Listing Technique
  • The Procedure of Idea Listing Technique
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Idea Listing

Based on the table above, the writer then measured the class range using the following formula: R = Highest Score – Lowest Score. Questionnaire result of students' idea listing technique in the eighth grade of MTs Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung.

Theoretical Framework and Paradigm

  • Theoretical Framework
  • Paradigm


  • Hypothesis Formulation
  • Statistical Hypothesis

There is a positive and significant effect of idea listing technique and students' writing ability of descriptive text in eighth grade at Islamic Junior High School in Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung. There is no positive and significant effect of idea list technique and students' writing ability of descriptive text on seventh grade at Islamic Junior High School in Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung.


Research Design

The result of the students' preliminary writing test in eighth graders of MTs Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung. Source: Results of a questionnaire on the idea list technique of students in the eighth grade of MTs Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung.

Operational Definitions of Variable

  • Independent Variable
  • Dependent Variable

Population, Sample and Sampling Technique

  • Population
  • Sample
  • Sampling Techniques

Yogesh stated that population or universe means the entire mass of observation, which is the parent group from which to sample35. Furthermore, population was any group of individuals who shared one or more common characteristics of interest to the researcher. In this study, only the students of the VIII of the Islamic Junior High School of Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung Central Lampung participated in academic year 2018.

Sampling consists of choosing a part of the population to be observed so that one can estimate something about the whole population.36 The writer took the class as the population. From this technique, the writer took as a sample the students of the eighth grade, consisting of 30 students.

Data Collection Method

  • Test
  • Questionnaire
  • Documentation
  • Observation

In addition, the writer measured the teaching writing for students through idea ranking with a test as a method of data collection. The post test was done in the last meeting after the treatment to find out if the treatment has affected the students' achievements in the classroom or not. The type of questions asked in a questionnaire naturally depends on the research questions addressed in the study.

Jane Richie argues that documentation will help the user of the study understand the limits of the evidence in terms of any weather conclusion that can be drawn. books, newspaper, epigraphy, meeting writer, Ledger, agenda and etc. Moreover, in this research, the researcher used the documentation method to know both the history of MTs Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung and all the information related to this research. According to Frankel, observation is looking at the relationship between the behavior of the students and certain behavior patterns of the teacher.40 Observation is done to get the data of children's activities, such as students paying attention during the learning process.

The reason why the writer used this observation is to observe the situation and development of MTs Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung and to observe the learning activity of the students.

Research Instrument

  • Instrument Blueprint
  • Instrument Calibration

Follow the lesson enthusiastically, give command, perform the physical action correctly, question the ability of the students and understand the answer given. in this study, the author used systematic observation and it is organized by category. Moreover, instrument calibration is the screening or examination of instruments made by the writer. Based on this quote above, it concluded that the instrument calibration is the scale of measurement that determined the action in this writer's research.

To measure students' descriptive text writing using the idea listing technique, the writer used the questionnaire. Score of questionnaire items Descriptive text validity of students' writing using idea listing technique in eighth grade of MTs Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung. To find the level of reliability, the formula of the Spearman Brown technique will be used, as follows: .. r : Correlation between the scores of the half of the test.

2 The subject is complete and clear, but the details do not pertain to the subject.

Table 7  Questionnaire  Grills
Table 7 Questionnaire Grills

Data Analysis Technique

Frequency distribution of students' idea summing technique results in eighth grade MTs Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung. To determine whether there is a positive and significant effect of idea list technique on students' writing ability for descriptive text in eighth graders of MTs Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung. Table preparation to prove whether there is a positive and significant effect of idea list technique on students' writing ability of descriptive text in eighth graders of MTs Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung.

To conclude, mentoring class program can an effect of idea list technique on students writing ability of descriptive text in eight grads of MTs Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung. THE EFFECT OF IDEA LIST TECHNIQUE ON EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS' WRITING ABILITY OF DESCRIPTIVE TEXT. Documentation on condition of the teachers, officials and students of MTs Raudhotul Jannah Central Lampung.


Description of Research Location

Description of the Research

Hypothesis Testing

  • Putting the data into the formula Chi-Square (x 2 )
  • Getting the data into the formula of t-test


  • Interpretation of “r observed ”
  • Statistical Significance

The critical value of observed was 44, which meant that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected.


Based on the table above, it can be deduced that out of 30 students who followed the measurement process, most of the students were included in a good category, especially in independent variable (idea list) and also in dependent variable (students' descriptive writing ability) . .


Siswa menyalin dengan tulisan tangan yang rapi beberapa teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang dan benda, sangat pendek dan sederhana dari berbagai sumber, dengan ejaan dan. Siswa mencari bersama dan mengumpulkan teks deskriptif yang sangat pendek dan sederhana tentang orang, hewan, dan benda dari berbagai sumber, antara lain dari internet, film, surat kabar, majalah, buku pelajaran, dll. Siswa membaca referensi dari berbagai sumber, termasuk buku teks, untuk mengetahui fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, dan lain-lain.

Secara kolaboratif, siswa meniru contoh-contoh yang ada untuk membuat teks deskriptif sangat pendek dan sederhana tentang orang, binatang, dan benda untuk mencapai fungsi sosial yang berbeda, dengan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan sesuai konteks. Siswa mendapatkan umpan balik dari guru dan teman tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam teks deskriptif yang mereka hasilkan. Guru memberikan reward ketika saya mendapat nilai bagus dalam menulis teks deskriptif dengan menggunakan teknik daftar ide.

Teknik daftar ide adalah teknik pembelajaran menulis teks deskriptif yang pertama kali diajarkan oleh seorang guru.



The idea list technique is a technique where you write a topic at the top of a piece of paper and then quickly make a list of words or phrases that come to mind. It can be used as learning to write and can improve their writing ability and make it easier for students to write text and make it easier for them to write. The average of students' ability to describe the text in the pretest was 55.43, and in the posttest 74.72.


Sebutkan tindakan-tindakan atau yang berkaitan dengan orang, binatang, benda, yang semuanya itu sesuai dengan fungsi sosial yang ingin dicapai. Tingkat kelengkapan dan koherensi dalam menamai dan menanyakan deskripsi orang, hewan, benda dalam teks deskriptif. tata bahasa, kosa kata, pelafalan, penekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, kerapihan tulisan tangan. Sikap tanggung jawab, kerjasama, cinta damai dan percaya diri yang menyertai tindakan menamai dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi orang, binatang, benda dalam teks deskriptif. transaksi dengan benar dan akurat.

Contoh teks dari sumber otentik. www.dailye english.com - http://amer. state.gov/files/ae/resou rce_files - http://belajar. english.britishcouncil.or g/en/. 3) Kata sifat tentang orang, binatang, benda dalam kehidupan siswa di rumah, sekolah dan sekitarnya, dengan atau tanpa kata keterangan cukup, banyak. Tugas menganalisis dan memproduksi teks deskriptif tentang orang, hewan, benda nyata di lingkungan sekitar. penilaian yang bertujuan untuk memberikan umpan balik lebih cepat). Mengamati tindakan siswa menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyebutkan dan menanyakan deskripsi orang, binatang, benda ketika ada kesempatan, di dalam dan di luar kelas.

Observasi keseriusan, tanggung jawab dan kerjasama siswa dalam proses pembelajaran pada setiap tahapan. .. sekitar dan relevan dengan kehidupan siswa dengan memberikan contoh perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, kooperatif dan bertanggung jawab. . rinci), dan unsur kebahasaan dari beberapa teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, benda yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber tersebut di atas. Para siswa membuat beberapa teks deskriptif yang sangat pendek dan sederhana tentang orang. binatang, benda-benda yang terdapat dalam kehidupan siswa di rumah, kelas, sekolah dan lingkungan dalam bahasa Inggris, dengan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai dengan fungsi sosial nyata yang ingin dicapai. membanggakan, memperkenalkan, mengidentifikasi, memuji, mengkritik, dll.). Saya menjadi aktif dalam mengemukakan pendapat ketika teknik brainstorming digunakan untuk belajar menulis teks deskriptif.


Table 7  Questionnaire  Grills
Table of the Expected frequency  at the Result of Student’s  Writing  in  Pre-Test and Post test


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