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I dedicate this Thesis for my honorable and my beloved parents, family, and all my siblings.


Academic year: 2023

Membagikan "I dedicate this Thesis for my honorable and my beloved parents, family, and all my siblings."


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There were students' mistakes in the use of sentence conjunctions in the sense of a transitive phrase and sentence conjunctions in the sense of a coordinating and subordinating conjunction. Based on the research, the researcher found that the most dominant error of the students in the use of sentence conjunctions regarding transitive conjunctions and sentence conjunctions regarding coordinating and subordinate conjunctions was omission. 16 Graph 4.1 Types and frequency/percentage of errors in the use of sentence connectors in the sense of a transitional phrase.

25 Graph 4.2 Types and frequency/percentage of errors in the use of sentence conjunctions in the sense of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.


  • Background
  • Objectives of the Research
  • Significance of the Research
  • Scope of the Research

Then they returned very late in the evening to Kuta. d) They put the corpse in a sandal coffin.. they took it out of the house. There were snakes, turtles, etc. the scenery was very beautiful because I was in the middle of the sea. It started by exploring the beach and the sea using a rented boat. i) The funeral ceremonies tired my family.

In the use of the use of clause connectors in the form of coordinating conjunction and subordinate conjunction., the addition errors are the last of the most dominant errors with 2 times occurrence or 6.25%.


The Concept of Writing

Like most physical acts, to be fully performed, to bring pleasure, to both performer and audience, it requires practice", on the other hand, Axelrod and Cooper (1985: 3) state that "Writing is a complex process and contains as such element. of mystery and surprise. But we know and believe that writing is a skill that anyone can learn to manage". In fact, writing is more complicated because writing needs many aspects, not only grammatical and vocabulary, but more than that.

From the definition above, the researcher defines that writing is the way to express our idea in the paper without speaking.

The concept of Transition Signal

They can also appear in the middle (usually after the subject) or at the end of sentences. They are always separated from the rest of the sentence by commas (Oshima and Hogue a) First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm didn't go off. According to Wishon and Burks, there are two types of clause conjunctions, namely: coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction.

A subordinating conjunction introduces the adverbial clause and connects it to a word in the main clause.

Error and Error analysis

Harmer stated, “Errors are part of the learner's interlingua, which is the version of language that the learner has at any given stage of development, and which is constantly being transformed as he strives for full mastery. In addition, an error is a deviation from the student's grammar that reflects on the student's competence. Based on some preliminary definitions of experts, the researcher claims that an error is a deviation of the student's grammar, which reflects on the student's competence.

Misinformation errors are characterized by using the wrong form of the morphemes or structure.

Theoretical Framework


  • Research Design
  • Indicator of The Research
  • Population and Sample
  • Research Instrument
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis

Whereas, there were ninety-eight (98) use of clause connectors in terms of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Types of errors in the use of clause connectors in terms of coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction. There are ninety-eight (98) uses of clause connectors in terms of coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction.

There were 2 additional errors in the use of clause connectors in terms of coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction. The above two sentence errors are additional types of errors in the use of clause connectors in terms of coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction. There were 3 malformation errors in the use of clause connectors in terms of coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction.

The errors of the above three sentences are a kind of misformation error in the use of sentence conjunctions in terms of coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction. Some students made the wrong formative error when using sentence conjunctions in the sense of coordinating and subordinating conjunction. When using sentence conjunctions, there were 2 errors in the wrong order regarding coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

Errors in the two sentences above are a kind of misorder errors when using clause connectors in terms of coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction. Some students made a misordering error when using connectors in terms of coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction.



The objectives of the study were aimed at knowing the types of mistakes in the use of clauses in terms of transitional clauses and clauses in terms of coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction, which were committed by the students. There were twenty-six (26) student-made connectors in terms of transitional sentences in the paragraph. The researcher found that thirty-two (32) errors, or 32.65%, of the total number of sentences in terms of coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction were made by the students.

As previously stated in chapter I, the first objective of this study aimed to know what types of mistakes in the use of sentence connectors in terms of transition phrase in writing a paragraph were made by the third year students of SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Makassar. After collecting and analyzing the data, the researcher found that there were many grammatical errors in the use of sentence connectors in terms of transition phrase committed by the students. Furthermore, addition and disorder occupied the second place of the most dominant error with 1 time of appearances or 8.33 % of the total number of errors.

Malformation took the last place with no error or 0 % of the total number of errors. The second objective of this study aimed to know what types of errors in the use of clause connectors in terms of coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction in writing a paragraph were made by the third year students of Muhammadiyah 4 Makassar. After collecting and analyzing the data, the researcher found that there were many grammatical errors in the use of 'clause connectors' committed by the students.

The researcher found thirty-two (32) errors or 32.65% of the total number of clause connectors in terms of . Additions and misorder ranked last among the most dominant appearances with 2 occurrences or 6.25% of total errors.


The sentences above showed that some students made an omission error in using sentence conjunctions in terms of the transitive phrase. In the use of sentence connectors in terms of the transitive phrase, omission errors are the first most dominant errors with 10 occurrences or 83.34%. The sentences above showed that some students made a collocational error in using sentence conjunctions in terms of the transitive phrase.

In the use of sentence connectors in terms of transitive phrase, the addition errors are the second most dominant error with 1 time of occurrence or 8.33. Where there is no error, malformation error is found in the use of sentence connectors in terms of transitive phrase. In the use of sentence .. connectors in terms of transitional phrase, the disordered errors are also the second of the most dominant error with 1 time of occurrence or 8.33.

The errors of the twenty-five sentences above are types of omission errors in the use of sentence conjunctions in the sense of coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction. The sentences above showed that some students made an omission error when using the coordinating and subordinating conjunction. When using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, the omission error is the first of the most dominant errors with a 25-fold occurrence or 78.12%.

The sentences above showed that some students made an addition error when using coordinating conjunction and subordinating conjunction. When using sentence conjunctions in the sense of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, the wrongly formed error is the second most common error with 3 times the occurrence or 9.38%. When using sentence conjunctions in the sense of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, the error in the wrong order is also the last most dominant error with 2 occurrences or 6.25%.

Considering the data analysis, research findings and discussions in the previous chapter, the researcher gives an illustration of some conclusions regarding the errors in the use of sentence connectors in terms of transitional phrase and clause connectors in terms of coordinating conjunction and subordinate conjunction in writing of a paragraph made by the third year students of SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Makassar.



The errors of omission took the first place of the most dominant errors with 10 occurrences or 83.34%. The addition errors took the second place of the most dominant errors with 1 occurrence or 8.33%. The errors of wrong ordering are also the second dominant error with 1 occurrence or 8.33%.

Deformation errors took the second place of dominant errors with 3 occurrences or 9.38%.


On a recent day, grandfather's coffin was lowered from the funeral tower brought *and to the family cemetery on the side of the mountain. At the bus station in Tegal, a man on the bus asked me to get off the bus * that bust would come to Bandung, not Jakarta. Then we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant). My boyfriend and I created a very large sandcastle while my sister continued to swim.

First, in the morning I did my presentation assignment with my partner, she was Nurhidayah) S.13 * they returned to Kuta very late in the evening. Then they returned to Kuta very late in the evening). we slaughtered the pig and buffalo and then moved the body to the north. Then it was brought out of the house). we installed the wooden doll on a high balcony.

Finally, we installed the wooden dummy on a high balcony). we were driven to the hotel to rest and eat. We were quite tired but we felt very happy). we go straight to the beach. Grandpa's coffin was lowered on the last day. taken from the funeral tower *and to the family cemetery on the mountainside.

On the last day, grandfather's coffin was lowered from the funeral tower and brought to the family cemetery on the side of the mountain). Absence S.2 * taking the food we went to the night house where we saw birds and reptiles that come out only at night. After we got the food we went to the night house where we saw birds and reptiles that come out only at night).

There were some light snow showers during the days I visited there.). in the morning and it took 5 hours drive *to Pangandaran.


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