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Academic year: 2024



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THESIS Presented to

Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq State Islamic University of Jember in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for Bachelor Degree (S.Pd)

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training English Education Program












Presented to

Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq State Islamic University of Jember in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for Bachelor Degree (S.Pd)

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training English Education Program



Approval by Advisor

Ninuk Indrayani, M.Pd NIP. 197802102009122002





َهْيِلِّكَوَتُمْلا ُّبِحُي َ هّاللّ َّنِا ۗ ِ هّاللّ ىَلَع ْلَّكَوَتَف َتْمَزَع اَذِاَف ِِۚرْمَ ْلْا ىِف ْمُهْرِواَشَو


― and consult them in the affairs. Then when you have a decision, put your trust in Allah. Certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)‖.1 (Qs. Ali- Imran : 159)

1 Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali. The Noble Qur’an ( King Fahd Complex For The

Printing Of The Holy Qur’an Madinah K.S.A). 97




This thesis is proudly dedicated to :

1. My beloved father Supriyadi and my mother Almh. Bahriyah who always love, pray, motivated and support me to finish my thesis. Thanks for everything.

2. My sister Sriwahyuni Amd. Keb who always love me all the time. Thank you so much

3. For all my beloved friends, especially Moh. Iqbal Azizi who always accompany me and give me motivation to finish this thesis. And unforgatable for TBI 2. Thanks for every moment, experiance, and memory that we had 4. And the last for all people who are present in my life and help me to finish this

thesis. You are amazing guys.




Firstly, thanks and all praises due to Allah SWT for giving me blessing, mercy, health, opportunity and inspiration to finish my thesis. Secondly, Sholawat and Salam are always delivered to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness and brought us from the stupidity era to the lightness era.

The researcher realized that this thesis would not finish without help and guidance from other people. Therefore, I would like to express the greatest gratitude to the following people

1. Prof. Dr. H. Babun Suharto, S.E., MM as a Rector of State Islamic University of KH.Ahmad Siddiq of Jember who has given opportunity for me to study in this university.

2. Prof. Dr. Hj. Mukni’ah M.Pd.I as the Dekan of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training who has facilitated me to study in this faculty.

3. Mr. As’ari, M.Pd.I as the Head of English Department who has motivated me to studyEnglish.

4. My advisor, Ninuk Indrayani, M.Pd who helped, guided and supported me during thewriting of the thesis.

5. The head of library of State Islamic University of KH. Ahmad Shiddiq of Jember who has given opportunity for me to borrow some books in this library.

6. The lecturers of English Department who have given me knowledge.



7. The Principal of SMK Al - Qodiri Jember, Drs. H. AKHMAD RIFA’I, M.Pd.I and the staffs for giving me a permission and helping me during my research in SMK Al - Qodiri Jember.

I really realize that this thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome all the criticism and suggestions. The researcher hopes this thesis will be useful for readers and other researchers who need it.

Jember, 16 June, 2022




ABDUL MUNIR, 2022. The Implementation of Focus Group Discussion Technique to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at Eleventh Grade of SMK Al – Qodiri Jember in academic year of 2020/2021

Speaking is one of the important language skills. It is because most of people used speaking ability in transferring their idea to other people. However, the problems faced by the students in this research were, first, the students were shy and nervous to speak because they were rarely in practicing english. The second, the students were affraid of making errors when they were speaking. The last, the students still face many difficulties to pronounce each word well. So that, the aim of this research is to solve the poblems of the students and improve their speaking.

The objective of the research is to describe how the implementation of Focus Group Discussion can improve the students’ speaking skill at eleventh grade of SMK Al-Qodiri Jember.

There are some strategies that can be done in teaching speaking, such as cooperative learning, role play, describing picture, and talking stick. In this case, the researcher used focus group discussion as technique in teaching learning process. Focus Group Discussion is a good way to improve students’ speaking skill, because they have much opportunity to speak and share their opinion abouta certain topic.

This research was conducted at eleventh grade of SMK Al – Qodiri Jember with 21 students those are 15 males and 6 females. This research used classroom action research (CAR) devided by two cycles. The result of first cycle showed the mean score were 68 it was mean that the students still had low score in their speaking and there were only eleven students who passed the target score that was 70.

Whereas, the result of the second cycle was 74, it was mean that the students had little improvement in their speaking score. Hence, it could be concluded that there were improvement of students speaking skill after implementing focus group discussion.

Keyword : Implementation of Focus Group Discussion Technique, Speaking skill.




COVER ... i

MOTTO ... iv



ABSTRACT ... viii






A. Research Background... 1

B. Research Question ... 5

C. Reserch Objective ... 6

D. The Significance of the Research ... 6

E. Definition of Key term ... 7




1. Speaking skill ... 12

2. Focus Group Discussion... 22


A. Design of the Research ... 29



1. Planning ... 30

2. Acting ... 31

3. Observation ... 32

4. Reflection ... 37

B. Research Setting ... 39

1. Research Location ... 39

2. Research Subject ... 39


B. Research Findings ... 40

C. Discussion ... 62


A. Conclusion ... 66

B. Suggestion ... 66





Appendix 1 Research Matrix --- 71

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan --- 73

Appendix 3 Initial Name --- 100

Appendix 4 Pre – Test --- 101

Appendix 5 Grid of Test --- 102

Appendix 6 Pre-test Score of XI Class --- 104

Appendix 7 Profile of SMK Al – Qodiri Jember --- 105

Appendix 8 Research License Letter --- 108

Appendix 9 Research Journal Activities --- 109

Appendix 10 Speking Test --- 110

Appendix 11 Research Finished Letter --- 112

Appendix 12 Instrument Validity --- 113

Appendix 13 Documentation --- 115

Appendix 14 Declaration of Authorship --- 116

Appendix 15 Biodata --- 117




2.1 Simmilarities and Differencies Previous Research and This Research .... 10

3.1 Scoring Rubric ... 33

3.2 Data Validity ... 37

4.1 Pre-test Result ... 41

4.2 Observation Checklist ... 48

4.3 Post-test 1 Result ... 51

4.4 Observation Cheklist ... 58

4.5 Post-test 2 Result ... 60




3.1 Kemmis and Mc. Taggart Action Research Model ... 30 4.1 Pre-test Score ... 42



Taking a look at the development of knowledge and technology of our nation, language seems to be the main focus. Language can be used to support their beliefs. Language is all about communication and the people you communicate with most are your friends and family. Language is a system for communicating with others using sounds, symbols, and words in conveying meanings, ideas, or proposition.2

English is the language of international communication. English is helpful in communicating with people from different countries backgrounds. English is a language that is used for communication around the world. It is an essential tool in many fields of study. It is also useful for speakers of other languages.3

The ultimate goal of teaching and learning is for students to become expert in four language ability. those are speaking, listening, reading and writing.

One of the language skill that must be acquired by the students is Speaking.

Speaking is one of the more challenging skills to learn in a second language classroom. Speaking is one of the challenges skill in learning a second language. Teaching speaking is an ability that can be difficult to learn, but

2 Michelle maxom, teacing english as foreign language (england: john wiley and sons, Ltd, 2009), 347.

3 Jyothi Masuram, Pushpa Nagini Sripada, ―Developing Speaking Skills Through Task- Based Materials‖, Procedia Computer Science (2019), 60.


with regular rehearse and determination it can be achieved with proficiency.4 With their speaking skill students are expected to communicate with teachers, friends, and other community members.

Speaking is essential for all aspects of language skills. Most people in the world use speech to communicate their intentions to other people. One of the reasons is because they beleive that they are facile to make other people to understand when they are using speaking than the other skills.

The principles of verses of the Qur’an about the important of speaking which is received by Prophet Muhammad SAW and stated in Qur’an Surah An-Nisa in verse 63 :


















― Those are they, the classified of whose hearts Allah known. So defy them and warn them, and address them in plain terms about their souls.‖5

The verse stated that, researcher believes that in speaking we have to use a good sentence, so the listener will not miss understanding. And the word

―Baligha‖ in the verse means that direct utterance, effective, and clear. So learning speaking is very important in our life.

One of the challenges faced by English learners is the difficulty in getting them to speak up. Some students do not speak because they are too shy or too afraid to speak. May be they are shy, afraid of making mistakes or their

4 Ibid, 61

5 Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali. The Noble Qur’an ( King Fahd Complex For The Printing Of The Holy Qur’an Madinah K.S.A). 119


friends will laugh at them. They're also in a hurry because they don't have much change to talk to.6

Farah stated that students mostly face some problems in speaking English.

Their problem in speaking English are; Difficulties in getting meaning or understanding the conversation, Vocabularies, Pronunciation, Shy and Affraid in making mistakes in meaning or content of their speaking.7

In preliminary study on 6th September 2021 at SMK Al-Qodiri Jember Jember, there were some problems that the researcher found in teaching speaking in the classroom. The first, the students were shy and nervous to speak because they were rarely in practicing english. The second, the students were affraid of making errors when they were speaking. The last, the students still face many difficulties to pronounce each word well.

Besides, based on interview with the teacher of eleventh grade students of SMK Al-Qodiri Jember, often found difficulties in learning English, especially in their speaking. First, the point of students’ attainment in speaking was still poor; the result shown that there were 70% of the students get score under the criteria minimum of success, it figures that there were only 6 of 21 students who obtained the criteria minimum of success, it is 70. Second, the students were less interested in English, because their perception believed that English is a difficult subject. Third, the students felt bored (not enjoyable) during educating and learning process. In addition, the teacher only used

6 Iswardati, ―The Implementation of Group Investigation to Improve the Students’

Speaking Skill‖, Dinamika Ilmu, 2 (2016), 246.



lecturing method which only provides a few opportunities for students to practice the pronunciation of english sentences.

There are some ways to support students increase their speaking ability, such as, cooperative learning, role play, and drilling, describing picture and focus group discussion. All of these strategies can help students to actively practice English in the classroom. However, the students often found some difficulties in speaking English.

In this particular study, the researcher used Focus Group Discussion to support the learning process. The focus group discussion technique can help students improve their speaking skills. Focus groups are a great way to get feedback from a group of people with similar backgrounds or experiences on a certain topic.8 Usually All the students have the opportunity to speak English, which makes them more confident in using the language. Students should not come to class to speak up, as this will contribute them to get over their scared of speaking in front of others.

Focus group discussion is a good technique in teaching speaking skills.

This method has advantages to be used to achieve communicative skills including the ability to speak. A classroom should be a place where students are able to explore and create their own knowledge. The educator should be the facilitator of instruction, helping students find the information they need and guiding them through the process of learning. This was a perfect match

8 Viji V and Benedict K Y, ― A Narrative Interpretation of a Focus Group Discussion Episode on Emerging Educational Taxonomies by a Novice 80 Investigator‖, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, (2014), 6.


for the use of focus groups. The educator is a facilitator of discussion, but is not a participant. It is the responsibility of the students to have these discussions.

There are some previous researches done by some researchers dealing with focus group discussion. The first research was ever conducted by Mangisatun Khasanah untitled ― The Effectiveness Of Using Focus Group Discussion Method In Teaching Speaking at The Eighth Grade of SMPN 20 Purworejo In The academic Year Of 2016/2017 ‖,

In this research, the researcher obtained 32 students of eighth class of SMPN 20 Purworejo. The result of this research was more efficient to advance students’ speaking skill.

Second research is conducted by Isti Wulan Khosidah entitled ― Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill by way of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Technique ‖, this research was focused on 33 students in the eighth class of SMPN 2 Mertoyudan. The results of this research showed that using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) technique helps improve students’ speaking skills.

Based on reason above, researcher is attentive in managing a research a title ―The Implementation of Focus Group Discusssion Technique to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill at Eleventh Grade of SMK Al-Qodiri Jember―.

B. Research Question

According to the research background above, the question of the research is ―How can the implementation of Focus Group Discussion enhance the students’ speaking skill at eleventh grade of SMK Al-Qodiri Jember?‖


C. Reserch Objective

According to the research question above-stated the research objective is to describe how the implementation of Focus Group Discussion can improve the students’ speaking skill at eleventh grade of SMK Al-Qodiri Jember D. The Significance of the Research

Perhaps the research could be helpful to the teacher, student and researcher with some advantages of the research :

1. Theoretical Significance

The effect of this research could be made use of the guidance to someone who involved to organize a research in teaching to initiate students’ speaking ability and produce a live class by teacher. Offering teachers with recent event to organize Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to enhance the speaking ability of students.

2. Practical Significance

This research could enhance the speaking abality in appealing way and the learners have more desire to express the idea in every condition.

Another uses of the research could offer extra benefection for English teachers in evolving their learning strategics and also the research could enhance the teachers’ capability and improvement in their ability to conduct focus groups in teaching speaking.


E. Definition of Key term 1. Speaking

Speaking is an important part in learning languages, because it is important tool for communication. By speaking we can share information and share opinion to one another. There are some components of speaking it self, such as; grammar, pronounciation, vocabulary and fluency. In this research the researcher is focused in speaking to get the purpose of this research. Speaking is the use of words and expressions to produce and provide meaning in various contexts.

2. Focus Group Discussion

Focus group discussion is technique that we can use for bringing simultaneously people with the same background or proficiency in discussing a certain topic of interest. This technique is a discourse of categories around 6 – 12 people and lead by facilitator which participants speak liberally and spontaneously on exact theme. Focus Group Discussion can be useful way to improve students’ speaking ability.

Because it provides the students chance to speak and share opinion.



This chapter conceive research outcome that related to the research which is established by researcher. The prior research had been organized by some researchers but every research had its own characteristic. This is in consequence of differences in the research places, research object, method, technique of analyzing the data also literature used by the researcher.

The first research was established by Mangisatun Khasanah untitled ―The Effectiveness of Implementing Focus Group Discussion Method in Teaching Speaking at the Eighth Class of SMPN 20 Purworejo in Theacademic Year of 2016/2017‖. This research used quantitative technique, the researcher required 32 students of SMPN 20 Purworejo at the eighth grade. The consequent of these research indicate that Focus Group Discussion Method is beneficial when teaching speaking.9

Second research was conducted by Isti Wulan Khosidah with the name

―Improving Students’ Speaking ability over Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Technique‖. The research design of this research is Classroom Action Research. The researcher applied 33 members in eleventh class of SMPN 2

9 Mangisatun Khasanah, “The Effectiveness Of Using Focus Group Discussion Method In Teaching Speaking At The Eighth Grade Of Smp N 20 Purworejo In Theacademic Year Of 2016/2017”, (Thesis of Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education University Muhammadiyah Of Purworejo, 2017)


Mertoyudan. The outcome of the study indicate that there was enhancement in students’ speaking ability with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) technique.10

Third, the research was conducted by Rahmawati with the title ―The Implementation of Focus Group Discussion Technique to Enhance the Students’ Speaking Ability in SMK Ahlu Suffah Muhammadiyah Bantaeng‖.

The researcher applied Classroom Action Research (CAR) as the research design. The subejct of this research were students of SMK Ahlu Suffah Muhammadiyah Bantaeng. This research conducted in X A class of SMK Ahlu Suffah Muhammadiyah Bantaeng as a sample, which is suddenly stand up of 19 students. The researcher findings represented that practicing Focus Group Discussion as a strategy in learning speaking in term of fluency could rectify the students’ speaking capability.11

The last research was organized by Wiyudo serena with the title ―The Effectiveness of Group Discussion in Students’ Speaking Ability‖. This findings, the researcher applied quasi-experimental design. The researcher held on B claas as experimental also A class as control group, also adjusted a Pre – test and Post – test plan as the research plan. The occupant was the second class of MTs Al-Falah. Each category had 33 members. The research outcome stated that practicing group discussion is usefull to be held in

10 Isti Wulan Khosidah, “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Focus Group Discussion (Fgd) Technique”, (Thesis of English Education Department Teacher Training And Education Faculty State Institute For Islamic Studies (Iain) Salatiga, 2017)

11 Rahmawati, “The Use Of Focus Group Discussion Technique To Improve The Students’ Speaking Skill At Smk Ahlu Suffah Muhammadiyah Bantaeng” , (Thesis of English Department Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education University Of Muhammadiyah Makassar, 2019)


teaching and learning speaking. In other term, group discussion could be implemented as another preference to lecture speaking for the students in MTs Al – Falah.12

Table 2.1

Simalirities and Differences between This Reseach and Previous Research

1 2 3 4 5

No. Name Title Similarities Differences 1 Mangisatun


The Effectiveness of Using Focus Group Discussion Method in Teaching Speaking at the Eighth Grade of


Purworejo in the academic Year of 2016/2017

Both of the researcher use focus group

discussion as the technique

way in

teaching speaking skill

The previous Research used quantitaive as

the data

collection method of her research while this research uses Calssroom Action Research as the data collection method 2 Isti Wulan



Students’ Speaking Skill through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Technique

Both of the researcher use

Classroom Action

Research as the data collection method and use focus group

discussion as the technique

of the


The previous research subject was the second grade of SMPN 2 Mertoyudan while this research subject is the first grade of SMK Al- Qodiri Jember

3 Rahmawati The Use of Focus Both of the The previous

12 Wiyudo Serena, ―The Effectiveness Of Group Discussion On Students’ Speaking Skill‖, (Thesis of Faculty Of Tarbiyah And Teachers’ Training State Islamic University Of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2016)


Group Discussion Technique to

Improve the

Students’ Speaking Skill at SMK Ahlu Suffah

Muhammadiyah Bantaeng

researcher use

Classroom Action

Research as the data collection method and use focus group

discussion as the technique

of the


research subject was the X A class of SMK Ahlu Suffah Muhammadiyah Bantaeng while this research subject was the first grade of SMK Al-Qodiri Jember

4 Wiyudo Serena

The Effectiveness

of Group

Discussion on Students’ Speaking Skill

Both of the researcher use group discussion as the technique in teaching speaking skill

The previous reserch used quasi-

experimental design as the data collection method while these research aplied

classroom action research

as data

collection method

The uniqueness in this research opposed with the previous researches over is focused on using Classroom Action Research as the data collection method.

Wiyudo Serena used quasi-experimental design as the data collection method, and Mangisatun Khasanah used quantitative research as the data collection method.



a. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is just as important as literary skills when it comes to learning a new language. For many persons, subduing the speaking ability is the one of the very important part in studying second or foreign language. Fruitfulness is usually quantified in terms of the skill to implement talks in the language.13

Hornby believes that speaking is using word in common voice, proposed words, being aware of and capable to use a language to communicate with others, and making communication a part of one's identity. It could be assumed that speaking is a talent of a humans to communicate their ilustrations, feelings, or something in their minds to others.

Speaking is a procedure in exchanging ideas also information in taking advantage of words and nonverbal gestures, in a variant of situations. Oral communication is the activity of presenting knowledge, ideas, and feelings thru speaking. Speaking is usually a way to communicate feelings to others. Thru speaking, humans are capable to present their thoughts and feelings in each aspect in their lives in order to help the students become fluent in their communication. When someone speaks, they know what they are

13 David Nunan, Guralnik, Language Teaching Methodology a Textbook for Teachers, (NY: Phoenix Ltd., 1995), 39.


thinking and how they feel about it. This allows other people to make judgments about the character and assumptions about what the speaker is thinking and why.14

Speaking for communication is formulated to use in intermediate to advanced level classes. It will not focus on communication, which usually becomes a "trap" for students due to the common activities of each chapter, but will deal with joint activities of students when students can work in groups of two, three, four people or even more students with different activities.15

Derived from the definitions provided, the researcher could summarize that speaking is a skill to practice language, a skill that let people to distribute their ideas, information, suggestion also feelings to others orally.

b. Speaking Functions

Richards stated in Teaching Listening and Speaking, People use speaking as a way to manage three primary functions: interaction, transaction, and performance.16

1) Speaking as Interaction

Speech in interaction usually occurs in true social existence in the form of interactive argument and conversations. After spoken

14 Robert Barrass, Speaking for Yourself “A guide for students‖ ( New York : Roudledge 2006), 2.

15 Anita, Speaking for Communication (Serang: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Adab Press IAIN SMH Banten, 2010), 1.

16 Jack Richard, Teaching Listening And Speaking: From Theory To Practice, (United States of America: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 19.


communication has an interactive function, this type of speaking is also recognized as an interactive form of communication.

Interactional communication is known for some reasons- it primarily satisfies social needs, involves two-way participation, and is interactive. Interacting in a conversation can be illustrated by two or more people meeting and exchanging greetings. They will then discuss recent experiences, and continue doing so until one person feels they have said everything they want to say.

The participants are interacting because they want to get along and create a friendly environment. Dialogue is when two people are talking to each other or busily partake in the process. For instance, imagine of the earlier you had a meal. When you ordered, was the waiters kind, intelligent, and fast? Did he or she help your order and show true interest, assistance, and interaction in paying checks? Interaction is what happens between people.

2) Speaking as Transaction

Transaction is an interaction focused in receiving something completed, instead of retaining social interaction. When it comes in speaking styles, we need to recognize both interactive speaking as a way to communicate with others in a social setting, and transactional speaking as a way to communicate messages. It is important to ensure that the message is understood clearly and accurately, in order to provide a meaningful experience for the


listener. Furthermore, transactional activity could be seen as including a series of single movements or functions that together constitute "scenario". When someone orders meal in a cafe, she/he had to take a look at the menu, enquire necessary questions, and tell the waiters what they want. If the waiter asks more questions, they will then repeat the order to ensure that everyone is on the same page. When someone checks into a hotel, the transaction often begins with greetings; the clerk asks if the person had reservation, the client verified and provides their name.

3) Speaking as Performance

Speaking as a performance is a type of speaking that is used to transmit information by facing an audience, like classroom presentations, public announcements, lecture, and speeches. Most performances are provided in the form of monologues, instead of dialogues.17 Some instances of speaking as a performance is providing class statement on school traveling, having class discussion, providing welcome speech, and providing lecture.

The major aspect in speaking as performance are focused between the message and the listeners, a predictable organization and sequencing, importance of both form and accuracy, language is like written language, and frequently monologist. Various ability associated with conversation as a performance is organizing a

17 A. Kaharuddin Bahar, M. Hum, Interaksional Speaking a Guide to Enhance Natural Communication Skills in English, (Yogyakarta: Trust Media, 2014), 2-9.


suitable format, offering information in proper order, maintaining audience participation, applying exact pronunciation and grammar, providing an impact on the audiences, the use of an appropriate vocabularies and using proper opening and closing.

c. The Components of Speaking

There are four areas in which speaking skill can be improved- grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency.18

1) Grammar

Grammar is set of regalations that govern how words are combined, organized, and transformed in producing various meaning. The grammar schooling is based on formulas and examples. Sometimes grammar is also explained as the way words are set together to produce correct sentences.19 Grammar is as a fundamental part of language that helps to structure sentences in language. In popular use, grammar refers to what native speakers are typically supposed to do or not do. This is named as perspective grammar because it dictates accurate usage and provides exercises (oral and written) at the end of every part.

Information in this article is designed to help you create effective sentences for communication purposes. A specific sentence structure is usually named as sentence construction.

18 Syakur, Language Testing and Evaluation. (Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University Press, 1987), 3

19 Penny Ur, A Course In Language Teaching: Practice and Theory (London: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 75.


Including past tense, noun plurals, the adjectives comparasions, and et cetera. That is why grammar is such a crucial part of speaking because it could affect the meaning of an utterance.

2) Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way a word is pronounced, made up of sounds, stress, and intonation. It's called words when someone says a few words. Linguistics is a field that studies the complex activity of speech. Each part of the vocal tract contributes to the utterance, and all of these efforts work together to create a spoken word. The outward manifestation of speech is sound. Pronunciation is the way a language or word is pronounced.20 Pronunciation had been learned with the aim of being able to speak such native speaker, however it is not always practical. actually, this way for dissapointment will have a negative impact on both teacher and students.21 The "perfection trap" refers to the tendency for people to become overly obsessed with achieving perfect results, to the detriment of their productivity. Aiming for "listener – friendly pronunciation" seem right for students who wants to attain thing over dialogues with native speakers, in either the social or business reason. If the audiance discover so much exertion to understand, the speaker loses. If you want to be able to communicate

20 Oxford Learners Dictionaries, Definition of Pronunciation

http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/pronunciation?q=pronuncia tion (12 January 2017).

21 Judy B. Gilbert, Teaching Pronunciation, ( Cambridge, new York, 2008), 42


effectively in English, it's important in having good understanding of the basics. If the student wants to improve their speaking skills, they can take the time to learn more about the subtleties of spoken English later on.

Researcher believes that pronunciation is key for producing understandable language when you talk. Pronunciation is a key part in studying how to talk a new language. If student mispronounces a word, it is so hard to understand. Insteads, if students construct grammatical mistakes, for example, they might not be able to convey the full meaning of their sentences. In verb form, the audinces even had an imagination of what is being said.22 It could be seen that good pronunciation is essential whether a student want to be understood.

3) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is set of words that we learn in a foreign language.

Furthermore, vocabulary is the basic of all languages, it is so urgent to master it first. We cannot effectively communicate with written materials if we do not have a strong understanding of them.

Norbert Schmitt believes that without words to reveal the full range of meanings, communication in a foreign language is impossible to achieve in a meaningful way.23

22 Lucy Pollard, Teaching English, (London, Lucy Pollard Copyright, 2008), 65

23 Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching (USA: Cambridge University Press, 1997), 40


Some definition of vocabulary stated by webster as follows:

a) A stock of words and phrases alphabetically managed and explained.

b) A list or collection of terms or codes available to employ.

c) A sum or stock of word used by a language group, individual or in field of knowledge.24

Besides, a new word may consist of more than one word: for instance, post office and mother-in-law, which are made up of two or three words, but they represent a single idea. There are also multi - word terms like, named the day, where the meaning of the phrase can not be inferred from the analysis of the word component.25

Teaching vocabulary had not always been so responsive to the needs of students who struggle with vocabulary, and teachers have not fully identified the terrific communicative benefits in getting a broad vocabulary. If you don't have an enough vocabulary, you could not communicate effectively, orally or in writing. Without grammar, few things could be delivered, without vocabulary nothing could be delivered.

24 Merriam Webster, Collegiate Dictionary (America: Merriam Web Inc.2003), 1400

25 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory (London: Cambridge university Press, 1996), p.60


4) Fluency

Fluency could be determined as competence to talk fluently and accurately. As attested by Longman's dictionary, fluency is the ability to speak, write, or play musical instrument in a light or flowing manner.26 Many language learners strive to become fluent speakers. The indication of fluency includes a reasonably quick rate of speech, few pauses and ―ems‖ or ―ers‖. Those signals suggest that the speaker does not have to expend much time researching the language demand to declare the request.27

d. Teaching speaking

The English teaching and learning process in Senior High School was established from the school's curriculum. The newest methodology of language learning emphasized that it is obtained from communication. The basic presumptions are :

1) Language as a way of communication applied to present meaning grammatically.

2) Learning a foreign language is a way of communicating in writing or verbally, targeting the language itself. The speaker believes that the information is assisted by the component of the target language.

26 Paul Pocter, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (England: Longman Group Ltd, 1981), 242.

27 Dauglas Brown, Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (Addison Wesley Longman: New York, 2001), p.279.


Speaking is an interactive assigment that occurs under real time processing restraint. This signifies they would capable to utilize words and phrases fluently without much conscious thought.

There are several reasons why students might want to speak in class. The three most common reasons are to share information, to ask questions, and to provide input. Speaking activities offer an opportunity to rehearse speaking in real world in a safe environment.

Speaking assignment in which students utilized any or all of their language skills provides responses for the teacher and the students.

Everybody could perceive how good they are doing in terms of their success and their language difficulty. The more students have chance to use the different parts of language they have stocked in their mind, the easier they utilized of these parts becomes. As a result, students gradually become more autonomous in their use of language, they become better able to communicate effectively. This means they will be able to communicate fluently without much conscious thought.28

Teaching speaking is to teach our learners to:

1) Generate the English speech voice and voice design.

2) Utilize word stress, intonation patterns, and the rhythm of the second language or foreign language to communicate effectively.

3) Choose suitable words and sentences by decent social setting audience, situation and subject matter.

28 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (Harlow: Pearson Education, 2007), 123


4) Manage their speculation in a meaningful and logical order.

5) Apply language as a signifies of expressing values and consideration.

6) Apply the language immediately also certainly by a few unnatural pauses, which is named as fluency.

Derived from the explanation stated teaching speaking is an activity designed to help students who are learning a second language or foreign languageto produce their speech. Thus, as the result, they might speak fluently and confident without very much conscious thought in front of people or other students.

2. Focus Group Discussion

a. The Definition of Focus Group Discussion

Gibbs stated in (Morgan, 2013), Focus group is a type of group interviewing where a group of people from different backgrounds discuss a particular topic. It is important to note that the people who asked the question and those who answered in the discussion are different groups. Group interviewing is a technique used for interviewing a number of people at that time, with the emphasis in questions and exchanges both the researchers and participants.29 Nevertheless, focus groups rely in the interaction of group members according to the guidance of the researcher.

29 Morgan, Focus Grup, a Marketing and Advertising Professionals, (Probus Publishing Company: Chicago Illinois, 2013)


Campbell said that Focus groups are a great way to get feedback from a small group of people on a topic of stakeholder purposed to acquire understanding in certain area of interest in a permissive, non- threatening environment.30

From the explanation stated, we can understand that the Focus group is a great way to obtain a variety of perspectives on a subject.

The facilitator leads the group in a lively discussion, guiding them through topics that are relevant to them.

b. Advantages of Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

Masedah stated that there are some advantages to be obtained from the use of Focus Group Discussion (FGD).31

1) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) can cover a big number of people in the same group.

2) A quick way to gather lot of information also specific opinions from a small number of people in a quick time.

3) The students’ comparatively easy to carry out.

4) Efficiency-incorporating the views number of people at the that time.

5) Quick - results can frequently be achieved in a short time span.

6) The people frequently revealed their views that they should not convey in other settings, or if introgated as individuals.

30 Ruth Campball, Guide To Focus Group Discussions, (United States: Agency for International Development, 2008), 1

31 Masedah, Focus Group: Reviews and Practices, ( Jordan: International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2016), 64


7) Social interaction within a group could lead to more complex responses when participants feel secure and spontaneous.

8) This method more flexible-the researcher explore clarification or greater detail.

9) Sometimes unexpected conversation can be had.

10) The responses have a high level of face validity because they are clear and detailed in the context of the discussion.

11) Work effectively with a range of different populations, including people with limited education, modest language skills and low self-esteem, and no previous experience of expressing personal opinions. moderate time for analysis.

12) The method is low cost. Need a moderator to low preparation time and a moderator time for analysis.

c. Disadvantages of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) There are some disadvantage of this technique those are : 1) Groups could be hard to gather.

2) The group setting could have an impact on the individuals responses, which can be an issue when a prominent member influence the proceeds.

3) A little numbers of focus groups could restrict the standard to results can and should be treated alike.


4) The quality and quantity of focus group data depends on the ability of the moderator, so it is important to ensure that the moderator is well-trained and ingenious.

5) Quantitive can be more easily summarized and interpreted rather than qualitative data.

d. Prosedure of Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

There are some steps aplication in focus group discussion technique according to Mangisatun Khasanah The Effectiveness of Using Focus Group Discussion Method in Teaching Speaking at The Eighth Grade of SMP N 20 Purworejo in The academic Year of 2016/2017 as follows:32

1) Students are separated into heterogeneous groups (gender and competence) with a membership of six persons, appointed one chairman and one secretary in each group.

2) After the initial information (apersepsi, exploration) through the teacher's explanation or "slide PowerPoint", each group discusses the subject matter according to the group.

3) During this time each group led by its chairman makes a summary of their subject matter.

32 Mangisatun Khasanah, “The Effectiveness Of Using Focus Group Discussion Method

In Teaching Speaking At The Eighth Grade Of Smp N 20 Purworejo In Theacademic Year Of 2016/2017”, (Thesis of Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education University Muhammadiyah Of Purworejo, 2017), 22-25.


4) After making sure the students have dug initial information about the lessons and has been discussed in each group, Master conditioned learning and acting as a moderator and asked two students as "volunteer" to be a secretary and interpreter record (camera; if any). If not, there must be a minimum of secretary.

5) Moderator opened the discussion by presenting things that are common then provoke discussions with specific things (be with pictures or narration).

6) The Secretary noted all the responses and opinions discussants.

7) Moderator set nets discussion while occasionally straighten talks.

8) When the conversation took place, the time interval moderator invites participants to pay attention and understand the subject matter in a student notebook and book resources with the intention of associating with the opinion of the material (source of) learning.

9) Moderator may make lighter games intercessional discussions.

10) When the process of the discussion, the moderator can fill attitude assessment rubric.

11) In a dissent that led to the debate, moderator attempted to lead the debate in order not to lead to insults or blasphemy among students.

12) Each participant sought to express their opinions. But the teacher as moderator to avoid the impression of forcing or pressuring students to argue.


The Focus groups are a great way for students to have discussions instead of being lectures. It gives the student opportunities to represent feelings they might not discuss in a whole group setting. It is a great technique when used correctly to gain meaning and perception of the student when discussing specific events.

The classroom should be a receptacle where students are able to produce their own knowledge and the teacher should be the facilitator of instruction. This fit perfectly with the use of focus groups. The educator is the mentore of discussion, but not a partaker. It is up to the students to have these debate.

The steps of teaching speaking using focus group discussion:33 1) The teachers provide materials for the students

2) The teachers explain to students about methods to be practiced in learning.

3) The teacher distributes the students into four groups of eight students.

4) The students read the contents of the text.

5) The students examine the character, problem and solution of the text.

6) The teacher gives 20 minutes for discussion with the group.

7) The students work together, discussed and exchanged opinions, ideas or ideas in the chosen topic, by Focus Group Discussion.

33 Ibid, 24-25.


8) The teachers provide clue to each student for fishing liveliness argue, more critical and train express ideas and concepts.

9) The teacher asks students to tell a story that has been discussed, identifying and developing the ideas of joint.

10) The teacher gives time to understand and memorize the text that has been made.

11) The master called one of several groups of students came forward to present the results of their discussions.

12) Teachers give a rewards to students who are active.



design, setting, data collection method, data analysis, criteria of success and validity data.

A. Design of the Research

The design of this research is to study classroom behaviour through action research. Classroom action research can be defined as research undertaken by the teacher in order to solve specific problems or to find solutions that are relevant to specific contexts.34 With the statement stated before, it could be seen that classroom action research is a research that carry out a treatment that aims to solve the student’s problem in classroom and to enhance the student’s achievement. Wallen states that action research is a process by which one or more people work together to solve a problem or gain information so that it can be used to improve local practice.35 It propose that this research focuses on finding the problem, planning actions, implementing the actions, observing the class, evaluating the data analysis, also representing the action result.

Classroom action research is aiming to discovery the problem and the quality improvement or achievement in teaching and learning process.

34 Michael J. Wallace, Action Research for Language Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 5.

35 Wallen, et al., Design and Evaluete Research in Education Seventh Edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc, 2009), 589.


Kemmis and McTaggart stated and outlined several steps in classroom action research. That includes planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The design of classroom action research as diagram 3.1.36

Diagram 3.1

Kemmis and Mc. Taggart action research model.

1. Planning

Planning means make an arrangement of critically informed action to improve what is already happened. In this stage, the researcher will be plan the action before implementing the action. There will be several activities as follows:

a. Interviewing the English teacher about the problems in the class especially in speaking class.

b. Interviewing the students about the problems of speaking comprehension.

36 Valsa Koshy. Action Research for Improving Practice, (London: Paul Chapman Publishing, 2005), 4.


c. Observing teaching learning process in the class.

d. Identifying about the students’ problem in speaking comprehension.

e. Discussing with English teacher to find the suitable method in solving the problems.

f. Constructing a lesson plan about Analytical exposition based on the curriculum 2013.

g. Preparing material based on the curriculum 2013 in the second semester.

h. Constructing the speaking comprehension test.

2. Acting

Action is the process of doing something. Usually the action signified the process of the planning. In this research the action in every meeting has several steps. The steps are:

a. The teachers provide materials for the students

b. The teachers explain to students about methods to be used in learning.

c. The teacher divides the students into four groups of eight students.

d. The students read the contents of the text.

e. The students discuss the character, problem and solution of the text.

f. The teacher gives 20 minutes for discussion with the group.

g. The students work together, discussed and exchanged opinions, ideas or ideas in the chosen topic, by Focus Group Discussion.

h. The teachers provide clue to each student for fishing liveliness argue, more critical and train express ideas and concepts.


i. The teacher asks students to tell a story that has been discussed, identifying and developing the ideas of joint.

j. The teacher gives time to understand the text that has been made.

3. Observation

Observation is needed to take a data concerning the proceeds of the action. In this stage, the researcher will give speaking comprehension test in the third meeting to find out the whether or not the implementation of Focus Group Discussion to know students’ speaking ability. The test of speaking learning was about the Analytical Exposition text.

The data was collected using the following instrument and data collecction techniques:

a. Primary data

In the primary data the researcher collects the data through speaking learning test. In this research, the researcher uses pre-test and post-test.

The pre-test is done before implementing the focus group discussion.

Test is a series of questions or other instruments that are used to measure the individual or group skill, knowledge, intelligence, capability or talent. The test was divided into two parts: the pretest, which can be done before giving treatment, and the post-test, which can be done after giving treatment from the focus group discussion.

The researcher has prepared a scoring rubric for measuring the speaking ability of test participants. Each student will receive a score


based on their performance on the assessment. The score will be used to calculate a student's final grade :

Table 3.1

Scoring Rubric for Speaking Skill (Brown, 2001:406.407)37

1 2 3 4 5



Score 4 Score 3 Score 2 Score 1 Pronunciation Pronunciation

is nearly always very obvious

Pronunciation is usually obvious with little


Pronunciation errors and make it hard to


Pronunciation is really bad and it cannot be


Grammar Nothing or few faults in grammar.

Occasionally produce mistakes in grammar but it does not effect the meaning.

Frequenly produce mistakes in grammar and influence the meaning.

The grammar mistake is really bad and it is hard to comprehend.

Vocabulary Uses a variety vocabulary and


Use variant of vocabulary occasionally produce some fault words choice.

Use incorrect vocabulary and it is hard to understand.

Use restricted vocabulary

Fluency Speak fluently and little


Speak fluently and

occasionally indecision.

Speak frequently confused and unwell

Speak is so halting and really make confused

37 H. Douglas Brown, Language assessment: principles and classroom practice (New

York : Prentice Hall, 2001), 406-407.


b. Secondary data 1) Interview

In this classroom action research interview is uses to identify the issue in speaking learning and researcher used semi-structure interview. Semi-structure interviews allow you to probe further during the interview.38 So, the question session could be conducted deeper.

In this research, the researcher interviewed the English teacher and the students of eleventh grade. The purpose of the interview was to support the data about the students’ speaking such as students responses and the class situation when Focus Group Discussion implemented in speaking learning activity what will be happen and whether using Focus Group Discussion is appropriate in teaching speaking. When interviewed the English teacher, it knows that the eleventh grade had a lower score in speaking. The researcher will also interview the students of eleventh grade to know about how far they liked English subject especially in speaking class and ask about the benefits waht they got after doing teaching learning speaking process by implementing Focus Group Discussion Method.

38 Valsha Koshi, “Action Research for Improving Practice”, (London, Paul Chapman Publishin, 2005), 92.


2) Observation

In this case, the researcher will do commentary to discover the issues and to get the information about the real situation in educating studying process. The researcher uses the commentary guidelines about state of affairs in the class while teaching learning process, student’s participation, student’s enthusiastic all through the learning manner and their braveries in talking lesson.

3) Document review

This method makes use of to furnish facts associated with the problem. The document assessment that would be makes use of are lesson plan, English video, Student’speaking score, the presence listing of the students’ category XI Multimedia 1, school profiles and other school devices. The file overview will be accomplished earlier than pre-test and post-test done. The file overview used for making the research manner and the teaching learning method run well.

4) Validity Data

Validity is the most complicated criterion of a excellent test, the degree to which the test surely measures what it is intended to measure. A legitimate test of speaking capability is one that simply measures speaking ability and not, says 20/20 vision, preceding knowledge of a subject, or some other variable of questionable


relevance.39 In test of language, validity is supported most convincingly through subsequent non-public observation with the aid of instructors and peers. The validity of a high score on the remaining exam of a foreign language path will be substance with the aid of ―actual‖ skillability in the language. There are some types of validity. Such as face validity, construct validity, empirical validity, consequential validity and content material validity.40

In this research, the researcher used content validity to ensure the accuracy of the information. According to Brown's book, if a test actually selects the subject on which conclusions are to be drawn, and if it requires the test subject to demonstrate the behavior that is being measured, it may require confirmation.The credibility associated with content that is often popular. called content validity. Thus, the content validity spoke about the content of the test. The tests must be designed and administered by people who are familiar with and expert on the test topic. The test should be appropriate for the curriculum, the content of the test should be appropriate to the material, and the test should be used for the intended purpose.

The researcher wrote a specification of the test that described the content of the test, the type of text and the length of the text, the

39 H. Doughlas Brown, Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Languange Pedagogy Second Edition. (San Fransisco: Pearson Education, 2001, 387.

40 Brown, 388.


topic of the test, how it is to be conducted and how the results will be scored.

The researcher used specific factors to make the test valid. The speaking test based on basic competence was designed to measure students’ ability to identify text structure, social functions, and linguistic elements of the Analytical Exposition text. Secondly, the researcher prepared obvious instruction to the students. Then, in speaking about Analytical Exposition text, the students have to directly describe about a text that teacher choose. Thirdly, the teacher gives the students time to describe about the text in 5 minutes.

Table 3.2

1 2 3

No Speaking Test Curriculum

1 Determine the paragraph it is thesis, argument, or reiteration.

3.10 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis tentang topik yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4. Reflection

In this research, the researcher decided standards of success. The research would be successful if the research goal indicator used to be reached. The standards of success in this research is the variety of college


students who reached the minimum score (70) is equal to or higher than 70% of complete students in this research.

After carry out the teaching and learning action, the researcher and collaborator collect all notes. Reflection is conducted to know the strengths and weaknesses using focus group discussion technique and reflect it. The researcher reflects on what happens in the classroom as an effect and evaluates the process. Next, the researcher appealed the proceeds with the criteria of success. The minimal mastery level criterion (Kriteria Ketuntasan Mininal) of English lesson in SMK Al – Qodiri Jember is 70. The students’ who get 70 in their speaking examintion, they passed the test. If the class percentage reach 70, it means that the first cycle is successful. Then, the researcher does not need to do the cycle two by reviewing the method.

Data analysis is a process of analysing the result of the data, the researcher collects the data students’ speaking test score in every cycle.

The purpose of data analysis was to ensure the speaking using focus group discussion can improve or not. To find out the mean score of the students’

speaking test, the researcher uses a formula as follows:

Mx =


Mx = Mean score

X = Sum score of all students N = Number of the students


Table 4.4  Observation Checklist


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