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Lifelong Learning can be influenced by some factors and to be lifelong learners, they must have some characteristics shown in the discussions

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Academic year: 2023

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The purpose of this research was to identify the value of lifelong learning reflected in Andrea Hirata's novel The Rainbow Troops. The result of the research showed that the characteristics of lifelong learning values ​​reflected in this novel are: Having a good mindset, making a connection, being flexible and adaptable, always learning something, full of curiosity, a lot of study methods, becoming a source of knowledge, be diligent and persistent, complete the task, always want to sit in the front, have extra tasks and not easily tired and discouraged. Factors affecting lifelong learning values ​​depicted in this novel are divided into internal factors such as physical aspects and psychological aspects.


Statements of the Problem

Research Focus

Objectives of the Study

A related study was conducted by Cucu Mariam and Yanti under Techniques Used in Translating Moral Values ​​and Religious Values ​​into Rainbow Bodies. The method used by the researchers was a qualitative approach. The other relevant study was conducted by Syamsul Fajar under the title "Analysis of moral values ​​in the novel rainbow bodies written by Andrea Hirata." The method used by the researcher was a qualitative approach. The results showed that there are moral values ​​in the novel. Primary data are primary, therefore their existence is mandatory to help solve the problem formulation. In this research, the researcher uses "Rainbow Bodies".

Both of these must exist in each individual because it is the balance in the individual's soul to be seen as good in society and God. Students who are excited about learning usually like to sit in the front row with the seating position closest to the teacher's desk.14. It has been explained by the researcher in the previous chapter that lifelong learning is universal for everyone wherever and whenever they learn.

Students who are enthusiastic about learning usually like to sit in the front row with the seating position closest to the teacher's desk. Learning outcomes are changes that cause people to change their attitudes and behaviour.17 Changes in the learning process can take the form of a new result / refinement of the results achieved. In the process of learning activities at home, interaction in the family becomes the main support.

To achieve the best result in the learning process, it is necessary to build a good relationship in the children's family. In the process of learning activities at home, family interaction becomes the main support. To achieve the best result in the learning process, it is necessary to build a good relationship in the children's family.

Significant of the Study

Previous Research Findings

The techniques used in their translation are paraphrasing, substitution, substitution, omission and free translation. The result was found that the values ​​that appear in the novel are hard work and love; value is to love Allah by obeying all His commandments. The second is human relations with others such as: friendship, loyalty, superiority, kinship, harmony and mutual aid. The last is the human relationship with God such as: obedience, gratitude, having positive thoughts and repentance. The other study was conducted by LonasariAfandi under the title An Analysis of the Moral Values ​​of the Novel Rainbow Troops by Andrea Hirata.

Research Method

Their bond and strong personality inspire the researcher to consider it as primary data. In this research, the researcher also uses books and journals about related research as references to support the primary source of data. In this research, the researcher will identify speech from books, articles or articles, magazines, web (internet) or other information related to the title to search for things or variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books and so on related with the topics. .

Organization of the Thesis

Literature Review

  • Values

From the above opinion, we can conclude that this value is a criterion that has a basis for knowing a bad and a good person. Kenny argues that morality in works of literature is usually thought of as a proposition associated with certain practical moral teachings that the reader can take (and interpret) through the story in question. Morality inherent in an individual is a feeling, while a society can be a culture, so a person who is moral and immoral is acting according to the feelings and cultural values ​​prevailing in that society.

Moral education can be compared with the concepts of ethics education, character education, values ​​education (pedagogical morality) or sentimental education. Looking at some of the descriptions above, we can conclude that morality is a state of human thoughts, feelings, speech and behavior that is related to good and bad values ​​in everyday life. Morality can be viewed in three categories: human relations with God, human beings with other human beings, and human relations with oneself.

Morality can be seen from different aspects, the type of morality can be seen with whom we socialize. Broadly speaking, the problems of life and human existence can be distinguished between the problems of man's relationship with God, man's relationship with himself and man's relationship with other people. The human relationship with God can be reflected in inner reflections in life, which are based on religious values.

The problem of living among people with their environment can be a positive or a negative problem. From some of the above definitions, it can be concluded that learning is a process of changing behavior that changes as a result of repeated experiences of wanting to recover and trying to achieve the same goal. Lifelong learning can be defined as "..the habit of continuous learning throughout life, created by behavior". Thus, lifelong learning activities depend on internal factors (from the learners themselves) to make learning a behavior.

Findings and Discussions

  • Characteristics of Lifelong Learners Reflected in The Rainbow Troops

And at that moment, in the middle of the night, his contemplation exploded and he saw something magical happening in the old pages in front of his face. He said that the Muhammadiyah School would perform a choreographic dance from the Masai tribe of Africa. We really liked Mahar's energetic choreography and as our Maasai cow had just given birth we were sure we would be part of the fun of Maasai dancing.

Little did we know that in that moment Mahal received the most coveted trophy for Best Performance of the Year, the trophy we had always dreamed of. It was the first time this trophy was brought back to the village school. Since the first day of school, Lintang has shown his interest in learning new things. This is one of the many great questions often asked by a lifelong learner is 'why'; this question illustrates a great sense of curiosity.

Then, relaxing like a monkey picking lice, he compared the nematode urinary system to the excretory system of a protozoan through the highly complex anatomy of the contractile vacuole. If no one stops him, he wants to explain the functions of the cortex, Bowman's capsule, medulla oblongata and Malpighian bodies in the human excretory system. He wasn't even close to a number, which dampened our spirits as we were busy removing the tree branches, not yet completing the first phase of the operation.

Readers can see that Lintang was one of the hidden gems of the Muhammadiyah school.


Interest plays an important role in making thought decisions and determining directions in all activities, including the learning process. According to Conny Semiawan and Utami Munandar, special talent is an innate ability in the form of special potential and given the chance. The formation and change of one's attitude can be determined by two factors, namely factors that come from within the individual (internal) in the form of being selective to accept and process influences that come from outside, and factors that come from outside (external) in the form of circumstances or conditions that come from outside.

Education in the family is not also seen in learning outcomes that are direct and in their short-term form, but also designed in long-term goals for their children's educational goals. With the process and educational pattern in the family that always interacts in the form of a learning process and takes place continuously throughout human life. one. If in the family there is no interaction between parents and children, it can give children the opportunity to experience obstacles in the learning process.

Economy is the condition of a person who is in the social environment of the community, means the social environment, achievements, and their rights and obligations regarding resources power. In fact, this situation became a strong motivation for the children to study harder and eventually become a great success in the future. From the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that individual factors of children's lifelong learning and children's family social environment factors will give a great impact in the children's learning process and result.

The role of the teacher in the teaching and learning process includes many things such as teachers, class leaders, supervisor, motivator, counselor, explorer, etc. If there is no interaction between parents and children in the family, it can allow children to experience obstacles in the learning process. In fact, this situation has become a strong motivation for children to study more and eventually become a great success in the future.


Suggestions and Recommendation

Based on the results and conclusions obtained from this research, the researcher's proposal is this research using lifelong learning values ​​and lifelong learning can be used by other researchers in the future because by using them, it will make us find the value within a novel easily and improve in-depth research to maximize the previous research. The researcher hopes that the readers can take the moral values ​​from this novel to implement it in social activities. Amah, Nik, Pengaruh Facilitas Sekolah Terhadap Hasil Belajar Akuntasi, Jurnal Pendidikan Akuntansi IKIP PGRI Madiun.


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