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Academic year: 2023



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Judul Skripsi: English vocabulary complexity faced by the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 13 Makassar in learning English. Vocabulary complexities faced by the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 13 Makassar in learning English.

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework………………………………………………18
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework………………………………………………18


Background of Research

Students' complexity of English vocabulary in learning English is also a problem for eighth grade students in SMP Negeri 13 Makassar. The purpose of the interview was to discover the complexity of vocabulary that students face in learning English and the factors that cause the complexity of vocabulary that students face in learning English. It aimed to find out the complexity of English vocabulary that students face in learning English.

Students interviewed stated that there is similarity in the complexity of vocabulary that students encounter when learning English. The complexity of vocabulary that students face in learning eighth grade English from SMP Negeri 13 Makassar is an unknown word. One of the vocabulary problems that students face when learning English in the eighth grade of SMP 13 Negeri Makassar is meaning.

The complexity of vocabulary faced by students in understanding makes students not master English, so students do not understand the meaning of English vocabulary. The complexity of vocabulary that students face in spelling makes students not familiar with the English alphabet. The complexity of vocabulary that students face in grammar makes students confused in arranging a sentence grammar.

The complexity of vocabulary faced by students with unfamiliar words means that students only know everyday vocabulary. There are some vocabulary complexities faced by the students in eighth grade English teaching at SMP Negeri 13 Makassar.

Research Question

Objective of the Research

Significance of the Research

The result of this study provided information to readers about the vocabulary complexities that the students in the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 13 Makassar face in learning English and the factors that cause the English vocabulary complexities that the students in the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 13 faced Makassar to learn English. Researcher understood the vocabulary complexities faced by the students at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 13 Makassar in learning English and the factors that cause the vocabulary complexities faced by the students in learning English at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 13 Makassar in English learning.

Scope of the Research

It is not surprising that the influence of the mother tongue (L1) affects the mastery of a foreign language or a second language (L2). Comparative scale can also be the complexity for students in distinguishing the meaning of adjectives. This problem caused the students to not understand the alternative meaning of the words in the context.

The findings of the research are related to the answer to the research question regarding the complexity of the vocabulary faced by the students in learning English and the factor that causes the complexity of the vocabulary faced by the students in the learning of the English language of the eighth grade in SMP Negeri 13 Makassar. When the researcher interviewed junior high school students about the vocabulary complexity they faced in learning English vocabulary, some of the eighth graders mentioned that their vocabulary complexity they faced was vocabulary memorization. Like eighth graders when they were interviewed about the complexity of vocabulary they faced when learning English.

The factor of vocabulary complexity that students face is the students' lack of vocabulary in learning English, which hinders students' learning, especially the task of English subjects, which is meaning. Students have difficulty mastering the vocabulary because they have less vocabulary knowledge, which makes them unable to understand the meaning of the vocabulary in English. The complexity of vocabulary that students encounter in pronunciation leaves students unsure of how to pronounce the vocabulary in English.

They are less interested in learning English vocabulary because of the difference in the way it is spoken and written, so they don't know how to. The complexity of the vocabulary that students face in memorization causes students not to master English vocabulary because there is a lot of vocabulary that needs to be memorized by students.


Previous of Related Research Findings

Some Partinent Ideas

Conceptual Framework

Based on the above framework, the researchers focused on finding the forms of vocabulary complexity faced by students in eighth grade English learning at SMP Negeri 13 Makassar. Basically, the complexities of English vocabulary faced by students are classified into seven aspects, namely pronunciation, spelling and comprehension. After obtaining these forms of English vocabulary faced by students in SMP Negeri 13 Makassar, these researchers tried to find out the factors that cause the complexity of vocabulary faced by students in eighth grade English learning in SMP Negeri 13 Makassar.


  • Research Design
  • Research Subjects
  • Research Instruments
  • Procedures of Collecting Data
  • Procedures of Data Analysis

This research has conducted an analysis of the complexity of English vocabulary faced by students in eighth grade English teaching at SMP Negeri 13 Makassar. Much of the complexity here means that eighth graders do not have English vocabulary, so it hinders student learning, especially assignments in English subjects. Therefore, grammar is one of the complexities that make students still have vocabulary complexity in learning English, because many students think that grammar is complicated to understand.

This study explains the complexity of English vocabulary that students face when learning English in the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 13 Makassar. Reflecting on the outcome of the interviews regarding this case, the researcher concluded that not all of these things appeared to be a problem with the complexity of English vocabulary in learning English. The complexity of vocabulary that students encounter with similarities causes students to become confused when there is vocabulary that has the same meaning or the way it is pronounced in the same way.

There are several factors that cause the complicated English vocabulary that students face when learning English from grade eight at SMP Negeri 13 Makassar.



I think the complexity of English vocabulary is pronunciation because it is usually difficult to pronounce” (NAA). I think my problem in the complexity of English vocabulary is spelling and my teacher didn't teach me how to spell correctly.” After conducting interviews and seeking information from students about the complexities of English vocabulary faced by students in learning English, the researcher found some complexities of English vocabulary of grade eight in SMP Negeri 13 Makassar.

The first student interviewed said that the reason for her vocabulary complexity factor is not understanding every meaning of English vocabulary. According to students, the factor that makes them pronounce is that they do not know how to pronounce English vocabulary. If students do not improve their learning, students will be confused to pronounce English vocabulary.

Students face the complexity of vocabulary in memorizing words and it becomes a common problem that arises because many students are lazy to memorize English vocabulary.


Apakah Anda merasa mempunyai masalah dengan kosakata bahasa Inggris ketika belajar bahasa Inggris di kelas? Masalah apa yang Anda alami dalam belajar bahasa Inggris pada pelajaran kosakata bahasa Inggris? S9 : karena saya tidak tahu abjad bahasa inggris kakak, jadi saya tidak mengeja kosa kata bahasa inggris dan saya tidak bisa membedakan antara ei, ai dan i.

S15 : karena kosakata bahasa inggris yang paling banyak digunakan hanyalah bahasa sehari-hari ya mbak, jadi kalau denger kosakata baru kadang-kadang kurang paham dan tidak dibaca mbak. S15 : Jarang sekali aku merasa bosan Kak, karena Bahasa Inggris adalah mata pelajaran favoritku. R : Apakah kamu selalu bertanya ketika ada yang belum kamu pahami dari kosakata yang dijelaskan gurumu? S17: eh, karena aku tidak bisa mengucapkannya dan aku juga tidak terbiasa berbicara bahasa Inggris.

S18: ya, saya sering bertanya karena kosakata bahasa Inggris sulit dipahami. R: Bagaimana tanggapan guru bahasa Inggris Anda ketika dia menjelaskan kosakata yang tidak Anda mengerti.



They have complexity in understanding the meaning of words, students have complexity in pronouncing English vocabulary and students have complexity in spelling alphabet, they have complexity in grammar, they have complexity in memorization, they have complexity in agreement and students have complexity in unfamiliar words. So that they do not understand when the teacher or other people speak English, students do not know how to pronounce English vocabulary because the pronunciation is different from the script, students do not master the English alphabet, students do not master tenses. , they can't memorize a lot of vocabulary, they can't distinguish when there are almost the same words, students get confused when they hear unfamiliar words.


Apakah Anda selalu bertanya jika Anda tidak memahami salah satu kosakata yang dijelaskan oleh guru? S1 : Mainkan game beberapa menit lalu perhatikan lagi gurunya. R : Apakah kamu selalu bertanya jika ada yang belum kamu pahami dari kosakata yang dijelaskan oleh guru? S11: Alasannya bahasa Indonesia relatif mudah dipelajari karena aturan tata bahasanya sederhana, terutama mengenai verba, seperti penggunaan verba yang sama pada situasi past, present, dan future, berbeda dengan bahasa Inggris yang mempunyai 16 tenses berbeda. sulit bagi saya untuk mempelajari kosakata bahasa Inggris.

S11: Biasanya kalau bosan, saya tidak memperhatikan penjelasan guru dan memilih mendengarkan musik. S12 : Saya mencoba menghibur diri dengan ngobrol bersama teman, atau sedikit menggerakkan badan jika terasa terlalu kaku. R : Apakah kamu selalu bertanya ketika kamu tidak memahami salah satu kosakata yang dijelaskan guru? S13 : Di kelas kakak, apakah kamu kebanyakan hanya berbicara dengan teman sekelasmu R : Apakah kamu selalu bertanya ketika kamu tidak memahami salah satu kosa kata yang dijelaskan guru?

S17 : Saya sedang mendengarkan musik, jadi kembali ke pelajaran R : Apakah kamu selalu bertanya ketika kamu tidak memahami salah satu kosa kata yang dijelaskan oleh guru?


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework………………………………………………18


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