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The researcher took the sample of research in the X IPS 2 class which consists of 30 students

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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The aim of this research is to find out whether the speaking skills of students can be increased by using a strategy for small group discussion and also to know how the implementation of the strategy can improve it from the 10th graders of SMA Teladan Way Jepara. Based on the outcome and discussion of this study, it can be said that the implementation of a small group discussion strategy to increase fluency is a success because the criteria for success are met. The research conclusion there was a significant increase in small group discussions of fluency among the tenth graders of the SMA Teladan Way Jepara.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah keterampilan berbicara siswa dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan strategi diskusi kelompok kecil dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana teknik tersebut diterapkan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa di kelas X di SMA Teladan Way Jepara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan strategi diskusi kelompok kecil dapat berhasil meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa karena kriteria keberhasilan terpenuhi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan dengan penggunaan diskusi kelompok kecil sebagai strategi terhadap keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas X IPS 2 SMA Teladan Way Jepara.

States that this bachelor's thesis is originally the result of the author's research, with the exception of certain parts which are excerpts from the bibliographies mentioned.


Ririn Suharyanti who always strongly guides me through any problem until I can finish this script. My beloved sister Azzahra Juliarti Efrizal and my beloved brother Muhammad Zikhri Alghazali who always gives me a happier life. My dear dear friends Hana Yunita anggraini, Duwi Umayah, Lely Handayani, Dwi Amalia, Agustina and Dian Mayang Sari who always instill in me a sense of friendship and togetherness.

Finally, the researcher can implement this proposal entitled “USING SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION STRATEGY TO INCREASE THE SPEAKING SKILLS OF SMA TELADAN WAY JEPARA TENTH GRADE STUDENTS”. As a human being, the researcher fully realized that this thesis still has many weaknesses. The researcher apologizes for any mistakes she made in writing and presenting the subjects.

All constructive comments and suggestions are very welcome to measure the quality of this bachelor's thesis can be a meaningful benefit to the researcher in particular and to our campus and all readers in general.


  • Background of The Study
  • Problem Identification
  • Problem Limitation
  • Problem Formulation
  • Objectives and Benefits of the Study 1. Objective of the Research
    • Benefits of the Research a. For the Students
  • Prior Research
  • The Concept of Speaking Skill 1. The Definition of Speaking
    • The Characteristics of Speaking
    • The Purpose of Speaking
    • Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Small Group Discussion Small group discussion is one of kind discussion strategy
    • The Teacher Role in Using Small Group Discussion
    • Procedure Using Small Group Discussion
  • Action Hypothesis

By improving the teacher's teaching skills, it is expected that students' speaking in group discussion will increase. The writer believes that using a small group discussion strategy in teaching speaking skills can help students increase their vocabulary and their speaking skills. Can group discussion strategy increase the speaking skills of tenth grade students of SMA Teladan Way Jepara.

To know whether group discussion strategy can increase the speaking skills of tenth grade students at SMA Teladan Way Jepara. As motivation for students in learning English using group discussion in teaching speaking skills. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the research uses small group discussion in speaking skills and I will use the same technique.

Based on the theory framework, the researcher formulates an action hypothesis as follows: The use of small group discussion strategy can increase the speaking skills of the tenth grade students of SMA Teladan Way Jepara.


Operational Definition of Variable

Independent variable of this study is the use of group discussion as a strategy which can be defined as a tool to help students' speaking skills and their learning activity. This dependent variable of this study is the variable observed to determine the effect of the independent variable. To measure students' speaking skills, the writer will conduct the speaking test in the form of an oral test.

Research Location

Subject and Object of Study

Action Plan

  • Cycle 1
  • Pre Teaching Activities
  • While Teaching Process
  • Post Teaching
  • Cycle II

In this research, the researcher will teach a Descriptive text in teaching and learning process by using Group Discussion Strategy. In this cycle, the researcher will perform four steps, such as planning, action, observation and reflection. In this phase, the researcher will decide to take action as a teacher who implements the determined group discussion strategy in the teaching and learning process.

Meanwhile, the staff member will observe the activity of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. a) The researcher and students prayed together. In this study, the researcher learns a descriptive text in the teaching and learning process using group discussion strategy. In this phase, the researcher will decide to take action as a teacher who implements the established Group Discussion Strategy in the teaching and learning process.

In the meantime, the collaborator will be there to observe the activity in the teaching and the learning process in the classroom. a) The researcher and the students prayed together b).

Figure 1. Kemmis and Mac Taggart Model          (Modified by the writer)
Figure 1. Kemmis and Mac Taggart Model (Modified by the writer)

Data Collecting Technique

  • Observation
  • Test
  • Documentation
  • Field Note
  • Sound Recorder

The improvement can be seen if the average score for the post-test is higher than the pre-test. Test is a set of questions and exercises used to measure the performance or capacity of the individual group.17. Field note is observation used in CAR to provide a record of what is going on an observation which includes descriptions of places, people, objects, actions, activities and time.

In this research, the researcher will conduct the field note to get the complete data from the tenth graders at SMA Teladan Way Jepara. The researcher will use the audio recorder as an instrument to collect data to know that their speech is increasing.

Data Analysis Technique

Find out the result or the improvement of the author will compare the score obtained between pre-test and post-test by coming up with the minimum standard criteria of this school of at least 70. If the students in cycle I do not pass the minimum standard criteria, then the author will lead cycle II. The formula to find out the percentage of students who pass the Minimum Mastery Criteria (MMC) in each cycle as follows:

Indicator of Success

  • Description of Research Location
  • Description of The Result

Learning activities for all students in SMA Teladan Way Jepara from classes X, XI and XII start from 7.30 am to 02.00 am. In planning, the researcher makes the lesson plan and the researcher will teach the students using the lesson plan. The researcher gave a pre-test to the students to see how far the students' ability to talk about the treatment was given.

The student reported is Alif Nur Khasanah and the student gave opinion is Ratna Ayu Soraya. The researcher recorded their speech and summarized the outcome of the discussion and provided motivation and informed the students about the activities of the next meeting. This means that in cycle 1 the students' speaking skills could be improved enough, but this had not yet been achieved.

During the learning process, there were five activities that used to know the activity of the students in the classroom. Percentage of the result score of students' speaking skills in pre-test and post-test 1. From the result of pre-test and post-test 1, we knew that there was an improvement compared to the students' result score.

Although there was an improvement in students' speaking skills, cycle 1 was not yet successful because only 8 students (27%) passed post-test 1. The students reported is Alif Nur Khasanah and the student gave meaning is Ratna Ayu Soraya. The researcher recorded their speech and summarized the outcome of the discussion, provided motivation and informed the students about the activities of the next meeting.

In the learning process, five indicators were also used to know the activities of the students as in the learning process before. Percentage of students' speaking skills scores on Post-test 1 and Post-test 2.

  • Interpretation
  • Discussion
  • Suggestion

The mean score on post-test 1 increased from 67 to 78.3 on post-test 2. Then, the researcher gave the post-test at the next meeting and the post-test was named post-test 1. Then, analyzing the result of the post-test 1, the researcher concludes that there were 8 students, (27%) who passed the post-test 1.

From the result of the student's score in pre-test and post-test 1, there was an increase in the student's result score. After analyzing the score of the students on the cycle 1 post-test, the researcher had to perform the next cycle, in the next cycle, the researcher gave post-test 2. Further, the researcher analyzed the result of post-test 2 and concluded that there were 24 students ( 80%) who passed the test.

From the results of the students' results from post-test 2, it can be concluded that there were increasing results. The mean on post-test 1 67.3 then increased to 78.3 on post-test 2. Because student achievement had increased and the success indicator had been met, the researcher was successful and could stop at cycle 2. 3) The process of comparing the results of the students in the pretest, after test 1 and after test 2 was successful in the first cycle, but the average grade of the students was low. Based on the result of the pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2, it was revealed that there has been a significant positive improvement of the students.

Percentage of result scores of students' speaking skills in pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test. Based on the figure above, it can be inferred that small group discussion strategy could increase students' speaking skills. It is supported by improving students' scores from pre-test to post-test 1 and from post-test 1 to post-test 2.

There was an improving score percentage from pre-test which was 20%, post-test 1 which was 27% and post-test 2 which was 80%. There was progress based on their average score from pre-test to post-test in Cycle 2.



Figure 1. Kemmis and Mac Taggart Model          (Modified by the writer)


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