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Academic year: 2023



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As a problem the error of lexical polysemy translation which was found in the background of the study. the researcher wants to discuss about types of errors in lexical polysemy translation at the English Education Program of IAIN Metro in the Academic Year of 2018/ 2019. Such a masterful opportunity that He, the most tremendous, has given to the writer so that she is able to complete this undergraduate thesis entitled “An Error Analysis on Using Lexical Polisemy Translation by The English Department of IAIN Metro in The Academic Year of.


Background of Study

In this case, the writer conducted a pre-survey with the intermediate test score of the translation of the subject at the English department of IAIN Metro of students. The writer did the pre-survey data on students who had joined the translation course.

Research Questions

To find out the types of errors in lexical polysemy made by the student of the English Department of IAIN Metro in the Academic Year 2018/2019. To recognize the dominant types of errors in the translation of lexical polysemy made by the student of the English Department of IAIN Metro in the Academic Year 2018/2019.

Prior Research

The expansion of the semantic structure of words is the so-called polysemantic development.4 That study has the similarity that the writer focused on translating polysemy. During this research, the writer focused on analyzing the error of lexical polisemia translation at England's Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies or Metro.

The Concept of Translation 1. Definition of Translation

  • Method of Translation
  • The Procedures of Translation
  • Textual Meaning
  • Contextual or Situational Meaning
  • Definition Lexical Polysemy
  • The Kinds of Polisemy a. Reguler Polisemy

For example, the lexical meaning of the word "hand", which is described in Longman's dictionary. A complete achievement in the study of meaning in traditional linguistics is etymology - the study of the origin of the meaning of a word.

The Concept of Error Analysis 1. Definition of Error Analysis

  • The Differences Between Error and Mistake
  • Classification of Error
  • Communicative Effect Taxonomy

In order to provide appropriate treatment to students, the essential point to be clear is that we need to know the specific writing errors they have made. In fact, learner errors generated during language learning can be detected, evaluated, and classified to reveal something of the system operating through the error. They describe what the errors are about, classify what kind of errors they are, and correct and evaluate the errors that need to be corrected.

The progress and use of language learning can be easily identified by defining the success level of the error analysis result. Meanwhile, an error is a deviation of students when they perform an exercise or talk about something. Errors of omission are characterized by the fact that an object is missing that should be apparent from a well-formulated utterance.

They are characterized by the presence of an object that must not appear in a well-formed utterance. Regularization errors that fall under the addition category are those in which the marker typically added to the linguistic item is mistakenly added to exceptional elements of the given class that did not take a marker. Misformation errors are characterized by the use of the wrong form of the morpheme or structure.

The Types and Characteristics of The Research

This research explained the lexical polysemy in translation, the error of students who translated lexical polysemy into an equivalent meaning that has more than one meaning, and the frequent error of lexical polysemy. In this case, the researcher wanted to deeply study the use of lexical polysemy in the descriptive translation of the text. According to Creswell, case studies are a qualitative strategy in which researchers investigate a program, activity, process, or one or more individuals in depth.

Cases are limited by time and activity, and the researcher collects detailed information using different data collection procedures over a sustained period of time.28 He indicated that the case study was a strategy where several different data collection procedures are combined. to get detailed information on time and activity limits. Therefore, the researcher concludes that the case study helped us understand a complex issue or object that could expand the research. Based on all the above explanation, in which the students in the English Department of IAIN Metro developed as a research instrument, the researcher would focus on analyzing the lexical polysemy that translates into.

This research is concentrated to analyze the mistranslated lexical polysemy found in the students at the English Department of IAIN Metro.

Data Source

Data Collection Technique

From the question it can be known that the data should be learned and controlled about the line of questioning. The author would practice the in-depth interview, because the participants were not the same as the interview. In the form of 5WH/1H questions answered by the participants for free, suggestions and detailed answer.

As explained by Creswell, "These interviews involve unstructured and generally open-ended questions that are few in number and intended to elicit views and opinions from the participants".30 c. It can be understood that documentation was theoretically functional in gathering the data required of the research. The documentation was the technique of collecting information in the form of written source or documenter such as book, encyclopedia, daily note and so on.

The researcher noted the name of the student of IAIN Metro and the data on the description of the research area included the history of the school, the condition of the building, the vision and mission of IAIN Metro.

Data Analysis Technique

  • Data Collection
  • Data Reduction
  • Data Display
  • Conclusion Drawing/ Verifying

In this step, the researcher would collect each datum required to complete the research: for example, students' descriptive text. Data reduction referred to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting and transforming the data that appeared in translation field notes or transcription. As seen, data reduction occurs continuously throughout the lifetime of any qualitatively oriented project.

Even before the data is actually collected, data reduction prediction is occurring as the researcher decides which concept. In this step, the researcher would make a reduction by selecting some suitable data and reduce the unsuitable ones. In this research, the data to be displayed would be analyzed according to the relative number or percentage.

The creation and use of the display was not separate from the analysis, it is part of the data analysis. In this step, the researcher would use graphics, images, or charts to display the data, and the display should be able to describe the entire content of the data. This was the step where the researcher interpreted or verified the conclusion of the research from the whole process done.


Verification may be as a fleeting second thought that crosses the analyst's mind while writing, with a sort of excursion back to the field notes, or it may be through and elaborate, with lengthy argumentation and review among colleagues to develop inter subjective consensus, or with efforts to to replicate a finding n another data set.

Description of Research Setting

  • The Historical Background of IAIN Metro
  • The structural organization of IAIN Metro
  • The Location Sketch of IAIN Metro Figure 3 Figure 3
  • The facilities in IAIN Metro
  • The Condition of Lecturer and Official Employees
  • Students at IAIN Metro
  • The Profil of English Education Study Program (TBI)

Furthermore, IAIN Metro as the Islamic institute has an education system based on the Islamic values. Similarly, in 1967, the Faculty of Education and Islamic Law was established in the metro city based on the request of the metro society. And finally, in August 1, 2016 changed to the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) and was legalized.

To support the lectures and the students, there are several facilities in the Metro State Institute for Islamic Studies, namely; lecture hall, computer lab unit and baitul mal wa tanwil, library unit, language lab unit, micro learning lab, Islamic development unit, classroom, mosque, futsal court, basketball court, climbing wall court, field barrage, tennis court, auditorium, Student Activities Unit Hall (USU), student committee office. The number of lecturers and official employees in the Metro State Institute of Islamic Studies in the academic year 2018/2019 is 152. So, the entire staff of the Metro State Institute of Islamic Studies in the academic year 2018/2019 is 203.

The total number of students in Metro State Institute of Islamic Studies in the academic year is 8426 students. Historically, S1 TBI State Institute for Islamic Studies Of Metro originated from the Diploma 3 (D3) English Education which was opened in 2002. Under the Director General's Study Program License, TBI is located at the State Institute of Islamic Studies Metro in Jl.

Analaysis of Research Variable

  • Data Display a. Documentation

Based on the statement above, the English Teaching Studies Program (TBI) continuously strives to develop quality in learning and teaching process. The following tables describe some examples of the common mistake of using lexical polysemy in students' translation text.


Conclusion Drawing / Veryfying

The result of analysis is shown that there are some errors based on the use of lexical polysemy translation of students' English Department Study Program. It can be seen that irregular polysemy is the highest number of errors found in students' translated text. The statements above are equivalent to the data obtained from the interview result in which 8 out of 10 students said that it is still difficult to translate frequent polysemy and find the appropriate meaning when translating the text.

Several errors in the use of lexical polysemy are still founded in translation text of fifth semester students at IAIN Metro in the academic year 2018/2019. Regarding the result of the data analysis, the researcher conducted the interview result to get the deeper information. The other important thing when we talk about lexical polysemy is the involvement of affective and emotional in our mind.



Translate the text into good Indonesia!

Being one of the popular destinations among the thousand islands, this island has a diverse array of rare marine species. For freshness, as long as the holiday is on the island, you can book a villa and read books while drinking some book, while drinking a can of coffee or soda and see the view of the beach in the morning and certainly this villa has completed a garden where you can water a flower every morning. Exactly this island is suitable for a still green child, because this place is completely with some toys.


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State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung in partial of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education.