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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh


Background of Study

According to the result of teacher document of Junior High School Muhammadiyah Sekampung that the students' speaking performance is still low. Here are the results of the eighth grade of speaking performance of the Junior High School of Muhammadiyah Sekampung.

Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Hobbes concludes that "the passion of laughter is nothing but sudden glory arising from a sudden idea of ​​some eminence in ourselves". Based on the background of the research, the author formulates the hypothesis: “the use of humor video to improve the speaking performance of the students of the Junior High School of Muhammadiyah Sekampung in the academic year of . The researcher prepared the lesson plan on material using humor video through guidance and consideration of the eighth grade (VIII) English teachers of SMP Muhammadiyah Sekampung.

If it is successful in the 1st cycle, the 2nd cycle is a continuation of the 1st cycle. The result in the 1st cycle is for evaluation material and for reflection in the second research. The minimum cycle in Classroom Action Research (CAR) is two cycles. The third session was held on Monday 30th October 2017, this session was used as post-test 1 for 2 x 40 minutes after the students were ready for action. The meeting started with a prayer, greetings, checking the attendance list and asking the students how they were doing. The result of students' activities in the process of teaching and learning in the 1st cycle .. 2.-3. meeting 1 Attention to.

It meant that the use of humor was successful in improving the speaking skills of the students. Comparison of student activity in Cycle I and Cycle II No student activity Cycle 1. The increase can be examined by the results of the student's score in the pre-test.

Robert Stroud, 2013, “The Laughing EFL Classroom: Potential Benefits and Barriers”, Japan: English Language Teaching; vol. Ron Deiter, 2000, “Using Humor as a Learning Tool in the Classroom”, Ames: NACTA Journal, June. The students orally express the topic that the teacher sets before the class.

The students give oral expression to the topic that the teacher gives in front of the class.

Objectives and Benefits of Study


Theoretical Review

The Concept of Speaking

The Concept of Speaking Performance

The Concept of Humor

Action Hypothesis


Object of Study

Setting Location

This research will be conducted in Muhammadiyah Sekampung High School in the Academic Year of 2017/2018. There are 16 teachers and the total of the students from grade seven to grade nine is 98. The researcher conducts this research at grade eight of the Junior High School of Muhammadiyah Sekampung Lampung in the Academic Year of 2017/2018.

In fact, there are two classes for grade eight at Junior High School Muhammadiyah Sekampung with the total students of 44 students.

Subject of Research

Action Plan

The researcher explains what, why, when, where, who and doing actions. Valsa Koshy explains that "It is useful to start a literature search as soon as we have chosen a topic and start making notes and summaries."29 This means that planning was the first step and the researcher had to do some preparation before to do an action research. In this action, the researcher gave the students pre-test, treatment and post-test. In this part, the writer will observe the learning process and will observe the activity of the students and the performance of the teachers.

In this step, the researcher analyzes and observes the test result during the teaching learning process. In this step, the researcher used the data for evaluation to make the improvement for the second cycle. The researcher identified the problem and finds the problem from the reflection result in cycle I. b).

The researcher modified the humor video as a teaching tool by giving the meaning of the keyword and having the students bring vocabulary. In this step, the researcher observed the learning activity of the students in the classroom, such as classroom situation, learning process, activity. By reflecting, the researcher knew the strength and weakness of the action that the researcher compared the distribution of pretest and posttest scores.

Data Collection Method

When observing, the writer makes an observation sheet that contains a list of the student's activities. Documentation is a method that uses written sources such as private documents (such as newspapers, diaries, e-books, and e-mail) and public documents (such as newspaper, magazine, and official report). In this research, the author takes data from the school such as the history of the school, the total number of teachers, the total number of students and the condition of the school.

Data Analysis Method

An audio recording is used to record the results before and after the test. Further, to know the result, the writer will compare between the pre-test and the post-test. If some students fail from the first cycle, we carry out the second cycle.

So, if in cycle II all the students are successful, it does not continue to other cycle.

Indicator of Success



  • Description of the research location
  • Description of Research Data
  • Planning
  • Acting
  • Observing
  • Reflecting

The purpose of this research was to improve the student speaking skills and student achievement among the eighth graders of SMP Muhammadiyah Sekampung. The researcher told the students that the researcher would conduct the research in their class to know their speaking skills before conducting action research in the classroom. The teacher gives a reward to the students who come in front of the class and observe their problems.

The average of the students' activity was 67%, it can be concluded that the students' activity has always increased by using humor. Based on the table above, it was found that 83% of students are active in the teaching and learning process. From the table it can be concluded that the students' activity has always increased from the first meeting to the second meeting in cycle II using humor.

From the result of observational learning process cycle 2, it was concluded that most of the students paid attention to the teacher and they could accept the material more clearly. Based on the test result, it can be seen that the teaching learning process was successful because the students scoring below the Standard Minimum Requirement (SMR) were decreasing. It means that the teaching learning process by using humor had positive effect and humor can improve students' confidence to perform their speech.


The Result of Students Observation Sheet

Students who paid attention to the teacher's explanation from one meeting to the next increased. Students who paid could respond to the teacher's explanation from one meeting to the next improved. It showed that the student could understand what the teacher said and they could respond correctly.

The students who paid, followed the teacher's instruction from meeting to next meeting, were improved. Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the students felt comfortable and active with the learning process because most students showed good improvement in learning activities when humor was applied in the learning process from cycle 1 to cycle 2.

The Result of Students Learning

The table below showed the increase in students' speaking performance based on the result of post-test 1 and post-test 2. The comparison between the result of post-test 1 and post-test 2 No Name Post-Test 1. Apparently, the evidence that the students' speaking performance was increasing, can also be examined from the results of post-test 1 and post-test 2, where the average of the students' scores in post-test 1 was 58.91 and the mean in post-test 2 was 65.22.

From table 18 and diagram 2 above, it can be deduced that the use of humorous video can increase students' speaking performance. Based on the result of pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2, it can be seen that there is some significant increase in the students' speaking performance. Referring to the indicator of success, the students who score 65 as much as 70%, it means that the research is successful.

This means that the result of cycle II has already reached the indicator that 70% of the students get a score of 65 or more. The use of humor video made the students more ready to learn English with a light atmosphere in the class, so the student will be more confident to speak. This research can be used as a contributing tool to facilitate the learning process, especially in speaking subjects, and as an alternative tool for teaching speaking to make students feel comforted and enjoy the learning process.



Based on the research conducted in the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Sekampung, the researcher concluded that there was significant improvement in students' speaking performance by using humorous videos. Therefore, the use of humorous videos can be used as an alternative tool in teaching speaking. Then, give the students opportunities to practice speaking in class. Afterwards, the students became interested in studying English, especially speaking.


Cristian&Juan, 2011, “Mempelajari pengaruh humor positif sebagai variabel yang mengurangi stres. Thorson, Debra Allwardt, 2007, “Studi Analisis-Faktor tentang Skala Sense of Humor Multidimensi dengan Sampel Portugis”, (Omaha: Jurnal Psikologi Amerika Utara), Vol. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan untuk membangkitkan pengetahuan awal siswa tentang materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru melibatkan siswa dalam mengumpulkan informasi yang luas dan mendalam tentang materi yang akan diajarkan, sehingga mereka mengetahui bagian mana dari materi yang belum dipahami siswa. Guru mengajari siswa untuk mengucapkan frasa yang sering digunakan saat menyampaikan ajakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Guru mencoba untuk menginstruksikan siswa untuk menyampaikan undangan yang telah dibuat ke kelas. f) Komunikasi (networking).

Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang tidak hadir dan belum dapat mengikuti materi yang telah diajarkan. Sebagian besar, penggunaan kosa kata yang efektif untuk tugas beberapa contoh yang tidak tepat. Tujuan brosur adalah untuk memperkenalkan perusahaan, organisasi, produk atau layanan dan memberi tahu pelanggan potensial atau anggota masyarakat tentang manfaatnya.

Guru membiasakan siswa mengucapkan kalimat-kalimat yang sering digunakan untuk menyampaikan isi brosur dalam bahasa Inggris. Guru berusaha menyuruh siswa untuk menyampaikan isi brosur yang dibuat di depan kelas. f) Komunikasi (Jaringan).


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